Dad's anger and my mental well-being
Hello, I am beginning to wonder if my visits with dad do more harm than good. He really wants to go home. The demands increase and intensify. I end up just having to figure out ways to excuse myself so he doesn't escalate more. Agitation and pacing have already been concerns for the nurse practitioner at his memory care…
New here. Overwhelmed
I’m caring for my dad, 84. He’s at home. Still able to walk, bathe, use the bathroom and dress by himself. He gets so depressed, though. Just hangs his head almost to his chest. He often thinks we are at a home that looks like his, but it isn’t. He is getting more and more assertive when talking to me. I just needed to…
Sandwich generation - having a baby while caregiving for dementia
Hi everyone, I have posted a few times here before and this forum has been so helpful. My dad (77, mid stage 5) moved to memory care in September. He has adjusted really well. He doesn't remember home or ask to leave, he is always engaged in activities when I visit, the staff love him, and I think he has made some friends…
I don’t know what I’m doing
Hello, I am 25 years old. My mom (58) was diagnosed with early onset alzheimer’s recently. She was originally diagnosed with FTD last year, but due to genetic testing that discovered she has 2 copies of the APOE4 gene, her neurologist changed her diagnosis to EOA. Both her parents passed in the last few years from…
Feels Like a Lose-Lose
We moved my 82-year-old stage 3-4 Alzheimer’s mom from an independent living place near me to an urban assisted living place while she was on a trip last week. She is very angry and refuses to let us stay when we visit. She says she is being surveilled and kept prisoner (she can walk out anytime she wants, she just has to…
Feeling Fragile
I feel so sad. My DH of 54 years has VD stage 5 or 6 our partnership over the years has been so strong, we've worked together in our own business, sailed together, flown together, had our children together, and always relied on and supported each other, and now it's just me calling all the shots. I love him dearly and I am…
Mom has auditory hallucinations need help
My 96 year old mom has alzheimers and recently has been having auditory hallucinations - she hears the same part of a song over and over ( i can't id the song). this started about 6 weeks ago for 1 day, then again a month later the 14 days later and then 4 days later. it really upsets her. she thinks its coming from a…
In-home care for parent--where to start?
I recently moved back to near my family after decades away b/c my father was diagnosed w/ ALZ a few years ago. He and my mom are adamant about remaining at home. My dad has fallen 3x in the past couple of weeks. Does anyone have recommendations for where to begin to search for an entity/agency to start getting in-home…
Guilt around visiting MCF
Hello, I’m a new member and I was referred by a Dr. to connect with some others going/gone through it. I am in my early 30s and I cared for my mom for ~4 years at our family home before it became too difficult for me to care for her. I didn’t have the skills to provide the care she needed nor the mental strength. I was in…
Needing to move mother to memory care
92 yo mother has been in assisted living for 18 months. Over the last year she has had more episodes of confusion and disordered sleep. She often refuses to dress for bed and will wander the hallway at night - we have an upcoming care meeting and I expect that they will say she needs to move to the memory care unit. We…
X2 now
My dad was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s the Monday after Thanksgiving in 2022. Luckily, it has been progressing very slowly. He lives with my mother and is watched by her full time. On Monday, my mom was also diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. It completely threw me for a loop and I am completely devastated. I’m their only son (I…
Moving parents from home to IL/AL
Both parents have ALZ diagnosis and currently live independently with support from a 2x/week care giver and daily support from sibling living nearby. Their needs are increasing and we want to move them to an IL w/cont home health aide support. The place has AL (currently no openings) but no MC. The mom is very resistant to…
Not sure what to do
My mother has dementia, pretty advanced in my opinion, though maybe not for others. Her primary care giver is my father who has recently been diagnosed with Diabetes. My mother will not leave the apartment, she is argumentative with my father specifically and she is becoming more incontinent, having accidents. My sister…
Need Advice - Elder Abuse
Hi all, I need some help. My parent was diagnosed with alz last year, it is moderate to severe based on my perception. I don't know that the doctor ever told us what stage they were. They have a partner who is significantly younger (almost 30 years difference) than them who they've been with for maybe 2 years or more (both…
New Here: Dad still driving, working, making treatment decisions, but also raging....
Hi Everyone, I am new here and just looking for support to help my brain from melting. My dad a 78, in good general health. An Engineer/Scientist who is still working in his field. Lives with wife, drives, manages finances, invests, travels, etc. He has been diagnosed with either early dementia or Alzeheimer's (depending…
New to the group, any advice helps!
My mom got diagnosed in September of this year with Alzheimer's. Right now, it is mild where she needs things explained to her a few times or gets confused about dates. She still has her memory and wits about her and luckily her and my father retired earlier this year so he's taking care of her. She can still function on…
Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race
Sailing was what we did, always together, we started sailing joined our 1st Yacht Club in 1971. This is what I wrote on Boxing Day with a very sad heart. The Sydney Hobart Yacht Race All morning he’s said to me. What time is it on, I don’t want to miss it, I must put it on The cricket was going, the time ticked around,…
looking for some hearts and souls that understand
Hello Dear Community, Dad and I went to a neurologist appointment today to get him established with someone here after his move closer to me. You all have supported me through so much already. I thank you. It was our first time out together since his move here in late June. It was good to be out with him. I was so nervous…
What's your pleasure?
This is my first post! This year has been very hard for me. I moved in with my parents in February, got them well enough to move to AL in April. My mom never fully recovered from the shock of moving and she died in June. My dad will go into MC next week. Along the way, I've tried to find a few moments, a few things to…
Having a baby in six weeks, dad is declining
I moved my dad into memory care a little over a year ago. It was the hardest thing I’ve ever done but he adjusted amazingly well. I moved him a few states away to be near me and I see him a few times a week. The MC he is in is really nice, the staff are amazing and I feel really lucky. But I don’t have any other local…
New Here - 33 looking for support for mother diagnosed with AD
I am not normally one to reach out for support in this format but I feel very isolated in my mother’s recent Alzheimer’s diagnosis. We have seen her condition worsen over the last few years and last year there was a huge red flag for us when she couldn’t remember opening gifts at Christmas. I was 2 weeks postpartum and…
How to support my stepdad as primary caregiver
Hello. I am new to this platform. My mom is in Stage 6 of Alzheimer's. My stepdad is her primary caregiver. I can see that he is in over his head and is stressing out. But he is shutting out ideas for support, saying that he can't handle any more information. He is trying to do everything himself, and I can see the…
reframe my thinking?
Hello community, I think I need a reframe for my thinking. Taking some time away from visiting my dad due to his anxiety and agitation. He has been in MC here closer to me for about a month. I've stayed away for a week and half previously and am currently in the midst of another week away. I keep thinking that he is…
What does Ptau 712 mean for Lecanemab?
Hello. My mother was diagnosed earlier this year with MCI and we just got to a neurologist last week. Her Ptau 712 came out at 1.7. I am having a hard time understanding this except that it is an "abnormal" score — but from what I can tell online it seems quite high. Can anyone offer any perspective here? Do people stop…
My young dad is gone but still here
My father is 65 and in the late stages of Alzheimer’s. I just got guardianship and conservatorship of him after discovering his wife could not care for him properly. I just got him into an assisted living facility with memory care, but after only two weeks they can’t handle his behaviors and we are seeking for a new…
Need some word tracks
My Mom has been in MC for about 5 weeks. She’s not happy to be there but is slowly settling in. I live 6 hours away so most of my interactions with her are over the phone. I struggle with coming up with good answers to the same questions she asks me over and over again. “How long do I have to be here”? “Who do I talk to…
I feel like I’m losing myself..
Hello everyone, I’m just seeking help. My father was diagnosed with unspecified dementia 5 years ago while I was in bootcamp. As of 2 ish years ago until current, he’s been severely violent towards my mother and my brother. He’s threatened to kill them, my mom was so scared she’d sleep in her car in the driveway. She…
Today I want to rant, I’m tired and exhausted, I really thought I had a handle on all this, I love communicating and writing on this site, it balances me and helps me to understand that I am not alone but today I feel so despondent for the last few days all I want to do is cry. I don’t want this any more 7 years is enough…