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Just need to talk to my friends (191)



  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    The shooting was in the news out here.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,766
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    15,000.....good to know that is the USPO number. We are going to laughingly accept our starting point and make increases.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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    Ron, I think I remember that you also bought an Emeril air fryer. Is that right and if so do you like and use it? Nice that the preacher came by to visit with you all. Won't you be glad when they get finished with your kitchen - seems like when you're trying to get something, it always takes twice as long as they say it will. What did you do about the carport - did you have more added to it? What about the weather - have you had rain and/or storms? Looks like more's coming tonight but looks like it will be north of here and into Missouri and Arkansas.

    I went to the mailbox a while ago and there were actually ruts in the mud on one of the roads - seems like forever we've seen those. I finally got the check from the insurance company to cover the cost of the items ruined when two electric company wires crossed. Really glad they had that insurance.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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    Don't know what happened but I think the above post from me will show up in two places. Sorry about that.

    Iris, surprised that it was mentioned in California. I did hear yesterday they think the wife shot her husband and grandson, then herself. Haven't talked with Carol this morning to see if she's heard anything else.

    It's already hot here - 91 with heat index of 105 already - there is wind blowing which may or may not help. I just peeled some carrots and potatoes to cook and took the peelings out to Rusty. Put the carrot peelings out first and fed him feed, then when I went back with the potato peelings he was out there. Didn't even get off the porch so guess he's used to me. I think he may eat the peelings - anyway they're there for him.

    My shoulder is still not right this morning. I can't lift it straight out in front of me but if I get it up with my other hand,, I can use it just fine or I can lift it out sideways. No idea what or how I did it but wish I hadn't.

    Just fed the GPs and gave the Prednisone to Max and Lilly - everyone's asleep now except me. I slept in this morning - woke up about 7:30, dozed off some more and finally got out of bed about 9. Knew I wasn't going to get out to do anything so thought "why not?"

    It's going to be several degrees above 100 for the next three days with heat indices up to 112 or higher. This isn't supposed to happen until about the 10th of July. I think we had 20+ days of 100+ temps last summer, only about 4 or 5 in August. At least we got a little rain which has added to the humidity.

    Nothing to write about so I'll stop. Hope everyone's okay today - stay in out of the heat and smoke in the NE. Back later.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Just back from Urologist and hopefully my last harmone shot. I was told no more shots unless radiology oncologist says I need more and also I had probably passed the stone and keep drinking plenty of water.

    Lorita, yes I enjoyed the preacher's visit! I haven't had the add on to the carport yet, just to much going on. Rains over with for now, just hot and under a heat advisory. The airfryer was a mistake and I ended up buying another microwave. I'm not saying I wouldn't use the airfryer, but with my situation with Lou right now, the airfryer is not of much use.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
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    Good evening

    we are Smokey today, thank you Canada. You can see it and smell it. Much worse than when we dealt with it a few weeks ago.

    Nothing new going on here today. Cleaned my basement which always feels good.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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    Sara, I was afraid you might be in that smokey area. Do they have any idea when it might get better. Looks awful - be careful. Sara, how do you make your flat bread? I've been thinking I might try that. Do you use it like a wrap for sandwiches?

    Ron, I love my NuWave oven - I think you'd like one, too. Very easy to use. I think it or the JetStream Oven were the forerunners of the air fryer. I use it almost every day. Glad you made your appointment and sounds like it went well. Glad you've passed that stone. Did the Urologist say what he thinks might be causing the stones? Drinking water probably helps with not having them. I know you're glad that thing is gone.

    We're under a heat advisory, too. The heat indices all over this part of Oklahoma and, of course, down in Texas is 110-115 - actual temperature in places is 100. At least there has been some wind - right now I can't see many leaves moving so it may have slowed down.

    I haven't seen the girls today - I imagine they stayed in the barn all day - dark in there and wind is blowing through. Probably standing in the water right now. I'll go out and check the barn in an hour or so. I haven't been out except to go to the mailbox about 1p.m. - FedEx left a Chewy package down there - must have been a different driver. The one we've been having brings things to the porch but isn't very talkative - I do thank him every time. I called FedEx and told them what happened so maybe they'll talk to the driver. Even on my address Chewy had "deliver to the front porch". Don't know what's wrong with them. It's a long driveway and you can't see the house so maybe new drivers are afraid of what might be up here.

    Stormy and Sheena have stayed inside today except for briefly going outside. Max and his son, Sammy, have laid on the bed all day where it's cool. Lilly is laying on the back of the recliner - guess that's her new place.

    If the smoke is this bad up north and NE from the fires in Canada, just imagine what it's like up there. Hope all of you are well this afternoon.

    Judith, did you and Winda start your exercise routine? I need to check out that video with Bob and Brad about exercises for Morton's Neuroma. That stuff is really odd - my feet look normal but if I wiggle my toes it feels like the soles of my feet are crinkling like there's a layer of paper on them. So far it's not bothering my walking but it is harder to walk without shoes which I don't do - but I do wear socks all the time.

    See you all later.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Sasue, here is another flower for you. This one is in my neighbor's yard. It is about 3 feet high.


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Iris, that is a canna. We can grow them in Iowa, too, but we have to dig the tuber (bulb) up in fall and replant in the spring.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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    I was thinking canna but it's not the traditional kind we grow here. Ours has much larger blooms and not on long stems. I think I may have seen these on the WM parking lot where they sometimes have plants. I betcha Sandy can tell us the variety.

    Well, it's already warm here - not too bad at the moment but we know what's coming today. The girls are still out grazing but will be in pretty soon. They haven't discovered that I've opened gates for them to go down the driveway to graze the grass there - but they will. Already gave Lilly and Max their Prednisone - they're little, long pills so I have to dissolve them, draw them up in a syringe and, hopefully, be able to squirt it into their mouths. I sort of missed with Lilly this morning but she got a little of it.

    Got up earlier this morning - just after 7. Oddest thing I woke up last night, looked at the clock and thought it said 3 something. Went back to sleep and when I woke up again it looked like it said 2 something - guess I misread the clock - I know time doesn't go backwards.

    I cooked some carrots yesterday and put a little butter on them - really good. I've found another way I like potatoes (I like them anyway you can fix them). I cut them in about one inch cubes and cook until just tender. Add a little butter, salt and pepper and they're delicious. Discovered this method last winter when I was making potato soup. After I pureed the soup, I added some of the cubed, cooked potatoes.

    So, Judith, this is day two of the exercise program with Winda. Is this the day you all open the boxes? Where are you all going to walk? Too hot outside unless you go before the sun comes up.

    Still haven't been able to make voice contact with Sarah. She'll send me a text saying she woke up to go to the bathroom but is going back to sleep. She's sleeping a lot. I remember when Scarlet was having so much pain with her MS, she slept a lot. She said when she was sleeping she wasn't in pain - guess it's that way with Sarah, too.

    Sara, how are the things growing that you planted in the growbags this year? Did you plant tomatoes? This time of year in Oklahoma the tomatoes may bloom but they won't set fruit so it's a struggle to get them through to cooler weather. I haven't had tomatoes in several years but we used to grow all kinds and we'd make salsa and tomato juice. Kind of miss that but it was a lot of work.

    I'll stop and get some hot tea and something for breakfast. Hope all is well with all of you or at least getting better. Still can't lift my right arm straight out in front of me but did manage to brush my hair and twist it up in that bun on top of my head. I don't think I'll be able, yet, to shampoo my hair though. Guess time heals all wounds - at least I hope so.

  • Sasue
    Sasue Member Posts: 69
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    Beth, you’re right, it is a canna lily. It’s called Indian shot. I didn’t know the variety but I have an app on my phone that gives me the information. We moved from Illinois to Virginia so I see many plants I don’t recognize here.

    After all the talk about walking for exercise I decided to look for one on YouTube. Well after doing the warmup, I had to sit down, that was enough. Never made it to the actual exercise. 2000 steps is a good day for me. If you make it to 15000 you must be in great shape.

    Lorita, I hope your shoulder is feeling better, we talked about you ordering smaller quantities of pet food and litter so you don’t have to lift the heavy boxes. I know it’s cheaper to order the larger sizes but you’ve hurt yourself so many times by lifting the heavy boxes. Hot, humid and poor air quality here. Summer has definitely arrived along with the smoke from Canada. We are expecting rain Friday and Saturday so hopefully the air will clear but it’s going to be more humid and hot. There is a hot air balloon festival for the 4th but I won’t go, the temps will be in the 90’s.

    Sending prayers and positive thoughts to all those who are having problems. Jo I’m sure you’re busy getting ready for your husband’s surgery. I’ll be thinking of both and sending prayers for a successful outcome.

    Have a good day.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Beth and Sandy, thank you both for the identification of the canna lily. It is such a beautiful plant with deep, blood red petals.

    The weather here in So Cal has been comfortable, in the mid 70s. But this weekend, temp is expected to rise to 90s and even100s.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,766
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    FYI....recent postal alert...mail carriers willnot longer deliver to areas where there are loose dogs. People will have to pick up their mail at a post office.

    Lorita, sounds like it is possible that cows have been spotted in your driveway and the drivers will not enter.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,364
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    @ronald71111 That sounds like a positive appointment. I can see where it's hard to remember to drink when you're in the thick of caregiving.

    I'm sorry you're not loving the air fryer. My bestie is obsessed with them and insisted on gifting me one for my birthday after my range's oven died in the midst of the COVID supply chain issues. I was doing just fine with a microwave/convection range hood for meal prep-- and resisted. My husband (who does not cook but loves him some sexy new kitchen equipment) really, really wanted one as well. My kitchen is very small, and countertop real estate is at a premium here.

    When the Cosori landed on my front step, I remained skeptical. I have found it useful for certain applications-- reheating commercially prepared fried foods like McDonald's french fries or Popeye's Chicken, cooking bacon or sausage without getting the stove dirty (the entire basket goes in the dishwasher for cleaning), roasted vegetables, baked potatoes and those boxed au gratin potatoes. I once cooked a small bone-in pork roast in under an hour and it was wonderful. I use it 2-3 times a week; the rest of the time it lives in the garage off my kitchen. My new oven has an Air Fry function, but it isn't as good.

    It's funny how different people swear by different appliances. I never jumped on the Insta-pot bandwagon. I have the OG Proctor-Silex Crock Pot my paternal MIL gifted my mom in 1976. It's harvest gold gingham. Mom never used it and left it behind when I bought her house. I've lent it out a couple times, used it to keep food hot at a buffet and made a Mississippi pot roast in it once but don't see the point of browning meant before transferring it to the crock pot and having 2 things to handwash. I will admit the roast was lovely.

    It's finally stopped raining here. The sky is blue for now, but the smoke haze will be moving in later. The air is kind of extra chunky. My niece is hosting a cookout Saturday; I'm supposed to bring my mom but if the air quality is poor, we may just skip it. Between her COPD and cardiac issues, this air is especially bad for her, but she lives very in the moment is annoyed to be housebound. We took her out for Trenton Pie and salad last night in anticipation of being shut in for a couple days.

    For the first time in several years, I have successfully kept the deer at bay with deterrent spray and have day lilies to show for it. I had one variety for almost 5 years before I actually saw it in bloom thanks to the local deer population. They're not starving-- they ate the heads off my coneflowers and helped themselves to a basket of petunias instead.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,766
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    Air fryer? No. It just cooks a bit faster, does not make toast and takes up counter space. Now my daughter thinks it makes great bacon.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,075
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    Red air quality alert here in Northern Virginia. Had to go out and it is so very smokey...sure hope for some rain or good winds to blow it out soon.

    I am not much on trying out new appliances...had a crock pot for a number of years and never used it...my daughter loves it. I do have a toaster oven. I like it since it does not heat up the house like the full size one does. Not good for all things but meets my needs.

    Keeping all of you in my prayers that you may find relief from what ails you and for those awaiting medical intervention.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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    HB, your daylillies are so pretty. I love them. I have some of the old-fashioned, orange ones you see at old houseplaces. In fact, I think Charles and I dug these up at an old school house where I used to go 60+ years ago. Carol did the same. They're blooming some now.

    I bought an instapot and tried it one time and didn't like the results. Sandy sent me a cookbook for it but sorry to say I've never tried it again. I'm just not into trying new things - too old and set in my ways, I guess. I do love the NuWave oven - use it often and still use my old slow cooker which I do like.

    Sandy, this time it wasn't lifting cat or dog food - it was just lifting the small cat taxi with Lilly inside up into the PU. I don't know what I did but it did a job on my shoulder. This morning when I woke up I was laying on my left side so my left side has hurt all day. I think this came from a couple of months ago when I was draped over the arm of the recliner and when I sat up it felt like one rib was over the other. Can't win for losing. I can use my arm all right but it hurts like the dickens to try to raise it up in front of me. Take it easy with those new exercises you mentioned - just be careful.

    Judith, no cows in the driveway and the gate was open so no excuse except laziness. It looked like he pulled into the driveway and pitched the package out next to the gate. I did call them and was told the supervisor would find out who delivered and have a talk with him. Girls are in the barn now so am wondering if they'll go down the driveway to graze this afternoon.

    When I was in town a couple of weeks ago I bought two cartons of small curd cottage cheese - Food Club, I think. I've bought this brand for a long time and was always happy with it. When I opened one of the cartons there was no liquid - just sort of a soft mass. I've eaten part of that carton but decided I'd call the company to see what was going on. I even opened the other one and it's the same. He didn't know anything - said he'd refer it to someone else and they'd call me. It tastes all right and expiration date is July 6th. The only thing he could contribute was they probably didn't put enough milk in it. Mother used to make cottage cheese and it wasn't like this - it was dry until milk was added. It hasn't made me sick so not sure if I'll eat any more of it.

    I just tried to call the store and didn't get an answer. It changed owners a couple of months ago so checked with google to see if the number had changed and it said it was permanently closed! So, I called the pharmacy next door and was told it closed last Friday - for good. She said she guessed they weren't getting enough business. I've mentioned there never was many people in the store when I was there. Really hate that because that was the only grocery store in town except for WM. I've never used their pick-up service but guess that's what I'll do from now on. The store is so stinkin' big it tires me out to do all the walking. Maybe I should get a pedometer and get my steps that way.

    A few years ago there were two grocery stores but one closed because WM drove them out of business. They still have a grocery store in a town about 15 miles away from this town - so now, the other one has closed - because of WM. I can still order what I need from WM except for produce, dairy and frozen foods but still hate to go in there with that swarm of people. This is the only WM within 30 miles so everyone goes there - now it'll probably be busier.

    It's really hot here today - goodness, just looked and the laptop says it's 99 - heat index was 114 yesterday. Earlier today there was a good breeze from the SW - not sure now - haven't been out since about 10 a.m. One more very hot day, then a little bit of relief is promised. The 1.5" of rain we got a couple of days ago is gone - ground just soaked it in. It's like it usually is in August so it promises to be a dreadful summer. I saw a report from Washington, DC from a woman standing in front of the White House and it looked hazy. The pictures we're getting from north of here and NE of here look awful. So far we haven't gotten any of that smoke - we did a couple of months ago, just a little bit.

    Really irritated about the store closure. A couple of months ago the garage I used closed but I think it has reopened. I did hear that the previous owners were thinking about buying it and reopening it. Looks like our little town is going down the drain - except for WM.

    Got a call today from Sam, the CPA who does my taxes. I got them in about three weeks before the deadline but he just now finished them. Have to pay Uncle Sam, of course but do get a small refund from the State. The payment I got from Hartford for the items ruined by electricity mishap will just about cover what I have to pay plus what I pay Sam. At least it comes out almost even. Didn't mean to write so much - just got started and couldn't stop. Think I'll lay down for a bit.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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    Judith, when I used to cook bacon, I cooked it on a rack inside a rimmed cookie sheet in the oven. I could cook a pound or two with no curling or twisting and it didn't cook in the grease. Marie, so sorry for what all of you are going through with all that smoke. Guess everyone has to stay inside as much as possible. Sandy, is it smoky where you are?

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    HB, your daylilies are gorgeous! I'm sorry about the deer eating other flowers. Very upsetting!

    We had unhealthy air quality the past couple of days but had a shower this a.m. (0.25") and the ai quality is improved now. There are a lot of fires burning in Canada. Bad situation.

    We are fine and thinking of and praying for those who are not well.


  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Good afternoon. I’m taking it easy this afternoon. I had a colonoscopy this morning. It was fast and all is well. The only side effect is I’m still feeling a little shaky from the meds they use to make you sleep. That’s pretty common and I’m feeling pretty normal this afternoon. Not something I want to do again anytime soon. Test is easy, the prep is awful.

    Just saw on tv that Denver is having more violent storms again today. My daughter just flew into Denver around 1:00 from a work conference. Thankfully she’s safe and not landing in severe weather. It’s cloudy here, but no rain yet. We could use a nice soaking rain.

    I’m sorry for all of you enduring the smoke. We had it for a short time a few weeks ago, but none since. Seems like fires are starting up all over the place. We have one burning near Grand Junction, about 75 miles west of here. It’s been burning for about a week and has burned thousands of acres. It’s not too close to homes yet.

    For you cake lovers. I saw this and it looked delicious, so am passing on.

    1 Box chocolate cake mix. 1 pkg instant chocolate pudding - 3.4 oz. Size. 2 cups milk. 1 T cocoa powder. 1 cup chocolate chips. 1 cup mini Reese’s cups.

    Mix cake mix, pudding mix, cocoa powder and milk. Fold in chocolate chips and Reese cups. Spread in greased 9 x 13 pan. Batter is thick. Bake in preheated oven at 350 for about 35 minutes.

    I hope everyone is feeling well today. Have a nice evening. Joan

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
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    Lorita I mix1/4C flour, 1/4t salt, 1/4t baking powder & 3/4t oil. Then I add approximately 2ounces of water a little at a time.and knead a few minutes. I use buttermilk instead of water. Cover with damp cloth and let set 11/2 hours or so. Roll out using a little extra flour. Heat up ungreased cast iron on medium til fairly hot. Fry bread around 2 minutes flipping every 20-30 seconds, ti browned a little on each side. Use it as a wrap or shell.

    Have several tomatoes, they are all volunteers from seeds in compost I made. They look healthy, are starting to bloom. Don’t see any little tomatoes yet. Just planted some yellow squash seeds in two bags. We will see what happens.

    Dayliles and Canna are beautiful. Noticed my daylilies are starting to get buds. I am not doing anything to stop the deer from eating them so guess they probably will eat them.

    Take care everyone

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    It is hot in my neighborhood today right now it is 95. My fans are going, and we are keeping cool. I went to BiMart this morning I was able to take Molly in with me she loves riding in the shopping cart. I did not know BiMart allowed dogs in the store until a few days ago. I saw 4 dogs in there today, they all need to have good manners and be under control.

    I have been busy pet sitting, one of the families I pet sit for, the papa had to go into the hospital, so I have been going over during the day while the mama spends time at the hospital. My weekend job at the AL/MC facility is going so well I had them add more hours to my schedule. This way I cover the breakfast, lunch and dinner dishes on the weekends. I prefer it that way so I'm not coming into someone else's mess. This is my first weekend trying these new hours so hopefully I can handle them. They are so happy when I get there, because I take over and shooo everyone out of the dishwashing area.

    Lorita. I had pulled something in my neck/shoulder about 6 months ago. I though it was my mattress, so I turned and flipped it different way and that was not the problem. I spelt with a hot pad and had one on my recliner. It finally stopped hurting a few weeks ago so whatever it was took almost 6 months to get better. I asked the doctor about it when I was in for one of my checkups, she could not find anything wrong with it and she told me it could take up tom 6 months and she was right. It was probably caused by me wanting to move my furniture around so much. I don't move furniture anymore.

    Jo. I am thinking about you and your husband, you're both in my prayers.

    Take Care all, Hugs Zetta

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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    edited June 2023

    Joan, thanks for posting that cake recipe - it sounds yummy. I like chocolate anything. I imagine the weather Denver's having now is what we'll get later but they're only predicting a little cooler weather and maybe a shower. Glad the fires aren't close to you. Years ago my doctor wanted me to have a colonoscopy so I talked with the doctor who was going to do it and asked her if the colon ever got nicked. She said it did and it either healed or you had to have surgery to fix it. I didn't have anyone to drive me home (good excuse) so I never had it. I have a Cologuard done every three years, I think. Much easier and no prep whatsoever. It's supposed to be pretty accurate.

    Zetta, be careful and don't take on too much. Sounds like that's a lot of work to me. I can't even get my dishes done so wouldn't work for me. Many years ago when I had my first poodle I was able to take him in stores - I never see any inside now so doubt we could. Now I remember that we used to be able to take Barclee to some stores, too. Wonde what the GPs would do if I could take them - probably not a good idea. Carol said it took about that long for her shoulder to improve, too. I'm thankful that it doesn't hurt except when I try to lift it in front of me.

    Sara, thank you for that recipe. I may try that. When you roll it out, do you have to cut it to fit the skillet or pan? How much does this make? Have you ever tried to make pita bread? I think that's the one that's also called pocket bread. I bought some tortillas a while back thinking I might try them as a wrap but haven't so far.

    Beth, sorry for the smoke you're having. Try to stay inside as much as you can and wear a mask if you're outside.

    I've laid on the divan most of the day - think I even took a short nap (maybe 10 minutes). It's time I get up and go check the barn before long. I was out on the porch an hour or so ago and the girls were already out of the barn, across the pond. The vegetable peelings I put out yesterday for Rusty and the birds are gone so guess they enjoyed them. I have a plastic cat litter container out on the porch that I have birdfeed in and a few weeks ago noticed a little hole in the top of it (it has a flip lid) so put a brick over the hole. Then put a really heavy one beside it. Today I noticed the smaller brick was moved over and the hole was bigger. I guess Rusty is moving it and getting inside to get sunflower seeds - so, changed and put the heavier brick over the hole. We'll see what happens. He's a determined little guy, isn't he?

    Jo, thinking of you and your husband. I know both of you are dreading the third but after that he'll improve and be much more comfortable.

    Sandy, hope you're feeling well this afternoon. Be careful with those exercises.

    Saw a cow down by the pond so drove down and by that time she was going back up to the others - she had her baby with her - not just born. There are grasshoppers everywhere - they jump on you (hate that) and they're all over everything - hanging in webs, just everywhere. It's hot, not much wind - wouldn't want to be out there more than 15-30 minutes, if that much.

    See you all tomorrow.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
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    Lorita the amount I gave makes one. Don’t make it any certain size. Think I use a 10 inch cast iron skillet, just needs to fit in it. I’m getting better at them coming out fairly round. They still look a little rustic. That’s ok. Have never made pita bread.

    Zetta you are staying busy.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,766
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    edited June 2023

    Cottage cheese...the liquid on top is the whey. It is full of nutrients. Just stir it back in.

    Went back to page 1 trying to send a message to day.....she had not posted.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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    Thanks,Sara, I'll try that and see how I do.

    Judith, no liquid in the cottage cheese - that's the problem. It's just like a big soft mass without many curds

    . Wonder what happened with Day - she was posting every day.

    It's already 91 degrees here and hardly any wind so it's going to be tough on anyone who's outside today. I don't remember seeing a post from Ron yesterday. Hope everything's okay - maybe he'll post today. Hope everyone is well. Stay inside and stay cool. Back later.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,766
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    I certainly incorrectly read about the cottage cheese, I even made up stuff...lol!

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Hope everyone in Lorita's front porch are well today! So many of us are going through issues that have to be dealt with and I send out daily prayers. Just because I dont mention individually, believe me, I know.

    Still have visible blood in my urine at times. Dr. didnt seen worried, just told me to keep drinking plenty of water. Hope he wasnt preoccupied with other items going on. When the nurse gave me my harmone shot she told me about another veteran that had bed bugs. She said she couldn't believe he was there knowing he had bugs and didnt seem to care. Said he had been everywhere and she even wiped the rails in the hall down with alcohol.

    Dont know why I've got into ordering so much stuff. I just received my Emiril forever pots and pans and his professional blender and beyond. It is very nice but since Lou's eating habits has changed so much, I dont cook a lot. She would rather have a hamburger, hot dog, sandwich or something simple alone with a salad then a good home cooked meal.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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    Thanks, Ron, I haven't been feeling too well today so your thoughts help. I've enjoyed eating cooked carrots and potatoes the last couple of days and today I'm paying for eating the carrots. Just read they can cause diarrhea - had no idea - and stomach cramps - no idea. If it's not one thing, it's two others. I am feeling some better this afternoon. I took a nap from 12-2 but Carol called about 1:30 so it was about 1 1/2 hr. Her husband is my age and can you believe in temperatures of near 100 (it's 98 now) and heat indices of waaay over 100 (it was 114 yesterday), he and nine friends played golf for four hours. All of the men are in their 80s with one being 90. Don't know how he stands it out there that long.

    Looked out the LR door about an hour ago and saw one cow by herself on the other side of the pond. Some others were in shade south of the house. Later, looked again and she was still there, standing in the water. I'm afraid she's had a calf and has it over there staked out in the sun. Just now checked and the others are over there now. I don't think it would be wise to get out in the heat not feeling too well. I hope she had found some grass and that was the reason she was there by herself.

    Ron, I've heard that ordering things give us a feeling of security? not sure that's what it was. We had a wonderful neighbor who ordered and ordered (didn't know this until after he passed away). When we went over to help him his LR was stacked with unopened boxes. He had ordered things and never even opened them. Don't beat yourself up about it - we all need new things from time to time. Nothing to write about so I'll stop and watch the world news. I'm sure there will be some good news - doubt it.

    Enjoy the rest of the day and stay inside and be cool.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,766
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    Potatoes and carrots are both good sources for fiber. Lorita, if you have not been eating much fiber then the potatoes and carrots will keep you close to home.

    Rain again last night. I still have not needed to water anything.

    AC went out on the flip house. It always happens on Friday, right. The company I use was bought out but got a good name from a friend who is a contractor. It was an easy fix. Whew.

    Today I tackle one of Dick's boxes of stuff...old flight logs etc. I do keep every journal. Reading them now makes me know him better than when he was alive. Yes, I always cry a bit. Time heals all wounds. What a stupid thought.

    It will be a quiet weekend. Grandsons are both out of town. Daughter is likely playing gold and will go to a friend's on the forth. I will watch Suits and finish House of Cards on Netflix. I will also find and watch 1776. I always watch it on the 4th. One of the all time great movies.

    Are we celebrating on the porch? If so I will bring hot dogs and brownies.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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