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Just need to talk to my friends (191)



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning,

    Cool, cloudy & breezy day here in North Central Ohio.

    Hope you are feeling a little better today Lorita.

    My nephew surprised me and came early. I fixed him breakfast and he seemed to like it. We have already finished the garage. If I feel like it, will sweep the rooms I didn’t get done yesterday. Have a lot of things to get rid of now. Only get two bags of trash a week so will take a bit but I will get rid of all of it in time.

    Butterfly Wings glad you are back. Hope things get straightened out for you, know that is hard. I’m fortunate that way so far.

    Lorita peanut butter is good with about anything. Told you guys before really like it with chili.

    Thinking of all of you

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    Lorita. I wish I had some of that bread you made, it sounds so good. Why is it so tall?

    I just got home from a pet sitting job, it lasted almost 2 weeks. I had my computer with me but for some reason I could not get on the internet. Next time I will take my computer to them before they leave and have them get it on for me. I have pet sit with these people for 14 years so not sure why I'm having a hard time with the internet. Looks like I will be home for a month before I go out again. Molly goes with me, but I really do miss my kitties, Sammy and Emmy. They have been on my lap for 2 days now.

    Lorita. I am so sorry to hear about the baby cow, but then happy to hear about the new baby. Hopefully the new baby helps you get over the loss of the other baby. So sad to hear about all the cows, horses and dog that were left to starve. I really hope something happens to the persons responsible for letting that happen.

    What are you doing having to take a pill at 1:30am? No one should have to take a pill at that time of the morning. Is this something new are have you been doing this all along?

    Sara. Is sounds like you are on the road to recovery, I bet your happy you're feeling better. I am so sorry your DM stresses you out hopefully with the help of your sisters' things will be easier for you. You have been so good to and for your DM, I hope she appreciates you. I love the way you cook your roast all night long. Do you do that because you like the smell or is it because you want to divide it up in the morning for different meals?

    Ron. I hope you feeling better and not having problems getting to all the doctor appointments you're having. Please be good to yourself and rest as much as you can. I know that is hard for you because you're such a wonderful caregiver to Lou, please take care of yourself. Iam sorry you had to go without electricity but even sorrier you had to go without your coffee. Next time you think that might happen get yourself a thermos (sp) full of hot coffee, just in case.

    Jo. I so wish I was closer to be able to help you in any way I could. You have so many things going wrong for you and your dear Bill. You are both in my prayers. Iam glad you will have some help from you children, but it sounds like it's going to be awhile before things get back to normal if they ever do. Your both, in my prayers. You are so smart getting things ready for his care. With your medical background you know exactly what he needs, and he is so lucky to have you there taking care of him.

    Judith. I also have bunnies in my back yard/field. I think there are 2 black and 3 brown ones, some days they are small and somedays they are big, so I am not really sure how many I have. I think they are multiplying. ;)

    Take care all I am glad to be able to read everything you have been posting.

    Hugs Zetta

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,764
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    Glad you are back Zeeta. Please do get online early next time out.

    It is hard to know how many whatevers you have until you see more than one at a time...lol

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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    Butterfly Wings, glad you're back but sorry you're having such a hard time with things. Seems like we all go through those times. But, glad you're back on the porch with us.

    It's been a lazy day, somewhat. This morning I kept hearing a really loud noise - for a while I thought it was a big truck on the road - but, it kept getting closer and closer. Looked out and there was a huge truck going from in from of the house into the NE pasture. It was a spraying machine - didn't know who was driving. I watched a while and when it looked like it was finished I went out and stopped it. It was Toad driving - he was spraying herbicide and fertilizer on the pastures. I wanted to know if he had some kind of wand to be able to spray around the barn - he didn't. He sprayed everything NE and west of the house and will be back in a few days to spray the rest. He said they wanted the girls to graze on the unsprayed area first. Mike called later and said they don't like for them to graze for a few days because the stuff they spray tastes and smells bad and will burn if they get on anything that's cut or raw. I closed the gate to the NE pasture even both of them said there was no need. Just saw them coming out of the barn and swimming across the pond to graze. When he sprayed it's already turning brown - it kills weeds but doesn't kill the grass. There's weeds galore so that will be good.

    Haven't heard from Sarah today. She called at MN and said a doctor from Hospice was coming out to see her today to see what they might be able to give her for pain since he isn't familiar with gastropares

    is. Zetta, glad to see you back. I agree with Judith and what you said to get the internet set up before you set for them again. We miss your posts. I think rabbits are so cute. Toad told me his 80 year old dad raises rabbits to sell to Atwoods. Guess they sell them. I've seen litle chickens there but not rabbits

    . Zetta, I was taking medicine for possible shingles. It's supposed to be given 3x/day so if I didn't get it taken early enough in the morning, the last dose comes late at night. I didn't take the last three tablets - thought it was making me feel not so good. Today and the last couple of days I've been dealing with a cat scratch. I get scratched often but they heal right away - this one happened Saturday night on my right inside forearm. It's been red and I've been putting Neosporin on it. Can't keep a bandaid on it so today I put on the ointment, then a bandaid and wrapped it in gauze. I think it's looking better.

    Just heard an update on the storm in Oklahoma. Still over 100,000 people out of power. So many trees down and uprooted and falling into houses. Power lines and poles down so no power. So many businesses are closing because of no power and they think it'll be at least Saturday before power is restored. There are workmen from at least 20 states helping. When ours was out from an ice storm years ago the men who restored ours was from NC. Seems like I told you all this. Sarah said they were out of power for almost a day and had some wind damage. Now comes the hurricanes.

    Ron, is everything all right in your town now - is the power back on? Be careful going to your appointment tomorrow. The VA Clinic in Tulsa is closed because of no power. Mother Nature is upset with us - and I don't blame her. We're killing our planet, our home. I heard the ocean waters are 4-5 degrees warmer than they should be which causes more violent weather. I'll get off my soapbox and watch the news. Bad about the submersible that is lost - going down to see the Titanic at $250,000 each.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
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    edited June 2023

    Zetta just a guess on my part but you probably need their WiFi password. That would be a good idea to go over ahead of time and get the internet going. You should be set then. Nice to Have you back on porch. Like to start roast when I go to bed so it is ready for lunch next day.

    Happy Birthday Lorita.🎂💐on my calendar it says it’s your birthday, hope it’s accurate. Maybe we can get together on the porch today and have cake and ice cream.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Happy Birthday Lorita! The porch should be rocking today young lady! Let's get up and line dance!!

    Zetta, glad to see you back in your designated rocking chair.

    Hope all is well today! Tommorow is the day I'm looking forward to getting over with. Even though it's highly unlikely I will hear about results right away, it's a step in the process. I still haven't heard from anyone about the biopsy and wonder if they are waiting on the PET scan.


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Happy birthday, Lorita!

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Happy Birthday, Lorita!

    Yes, let's have cake and ice cream on our front porches!

    Welcome back, Butterfly Wings!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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    Thank you all. I still have 30 minutes of being 80 - I was born at 9:30 a.m. Feels strange not being out in the garden digging potatoes. That's what daddy and I always did on my birthday but haven't done that in many a moon. Still in my memory though.

    Yes, let's have cake and ice cream - ice cream will be the homemade kind where you have to add ice and salt and turn the crank to get it to freeze. Going to be very hot today so we'll have to eat it in a hurry. Thanks, again. I'm still drinking my juice and watching the news. Remember, Ron, we'll all be with you tomorrow when you have the test done.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,075
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Lorita, hope that your birthday is peaceful and all it can be.


  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,361
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    Happy Birthday Dear @Lorita

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,764
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    Lorita....thank for throwing a party to celebrate. Is Ron making his famous peanut butter cake???

  • Sasue
    Sasue Member Posts: 69
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    Happy Birthday dear friend. Do something nice for yourself today! Happy birthday 🎶🎶


  • VetEly
    VetEly Member Posts: 78
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    Happy Birthday Lorita

  • ButterflyWings
    ButterflyWings Member Posts: 1,752
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    Thanks all, for the warm welcome back - I'm bringing blueberries to add to the homemade ice cream.

    Happy Birthday, Lorita!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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    Hi again, Thank you for the warm, birthday wishes. It's bringing tears to my eyes to have such good friends - I appreciate each of you so much. Not doing anything except laying on the divan and watching TV in between dozing off - perfect birthday. I think Ron is going to bring that peanut butter cake - sounds really good - and the blueberries for the ice cream - so great. There's rain west of us about 40 miles - surely hope it gets here. I might go outside and stand in it for a while. Thanks again, everyone.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Happy Birthday, Lorita. Iam looking forward to the peanut butter cake and ice cream with the blueberries on top. 🤗 Enjoy your day. Hugs Zetta

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    edited June 2023

    Hi all. Happy Birthday Lorita. I was out to lunch with a group of good friends for lunch today. Luckily I skipped dessert, so will be there for peanut butter cake and ice cream and blueberries. That really does sound good.

    Jo, I hope Bill is finding some relief until he has surgery. I’m struggling to walk today. I have been feeling better, still not walking well, but today is not good. I’m thankful I have no pain. We’ll see what the spinal specialist says in July. Back issues sure put a cramp in your lifestyle. I’m praying all goes well for Bill and that he has a better quality of life after surgery, and for strength for you Jo.

    Ron, I hope your day and test went well.

    Sara, such good news you are gaining strength and feeling more like your normal.

    Our temps are in the high 70’s this week. We have had a beautiful, cool spring. I’m hoping the hot days don’t hit anytime soon. Things are so green here and the flowers are flourishing.

    Zetta, is it still cool up your way? You’ve weather seems to be a bit like ours. One of my granddaughters showed a domestic rabbit for 4-H a couple of years. It was a sweet little guy, but they are messy and take a lot of cleanup in and around their cages. Maybe the wild ones are easier to watch, and no cleanup.

    Nothing else going on here,so I’m out of news. Take care and have a great evening. Joan

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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    You know, I'm not rich moneywise but I'm so rich in the wonderful friends I have on the forum. Thanks to all of you, again.

    Joan, sorry to hear you're not doing well - hopefully, tomorrow will be a bit better. Seems like so many of us are kind of down right now.

    I've had so many memories today of what happened 81 years ago. I'm really lucky to be here. I was born with the cord wrapped around my neck so was pretty blue. They thought I wasn't alive so laid me over on a table while the doctor worked on mother. I was also breach. Grandma was in the room and happened to see my foot move a little so they brought me back. My sister always told me I didn't open my eyes for nine days. I don't now if she had me mixed up with kittens or if it really happened. At any rate I've always had trouble with my eyes. But, you all have kept me going today - thanks, again. Sandy, thanks for the beautiful card.

    Our power went out about an hour ago. Darwin called to see if mine was out. I called the electric company and we're in an area of outage - not because of something that happened here but the supplier of our electric has stopped supplying. Our electric company is about 25 miles away and something around Tulsa may have had something to do with it. I told Darwin to come over with his wife - way too hot for them to stay home. He's 82 or 83 and she's a bit younger. Oh, the generator just went off so the power must be back on. We did have a little shower and storm come through mid afternoon but not much wind. As Mike told me a couple of days ago they had a 3" rain (drops three inches apart) - that's what we had.

    I called Darwin and his power is back on and he said he was in the kitchen cooking. I told him anytime the power went out or anything else to just come over - no need to call. His wife has alz. and she told him she was going to go home - somewhere over in Arkansas. I think she's still a bit suspicious of me. Strange how alz. can affect people - she and I have always been good friends until she got this awful disease. Anyway, glad it's back on. I hope all of you are well today or at least feeling better.

    Watching the news and they're talking about the little sub that's lost - their air will run out tomorrow morning. They did hear some sounds in the ocean but haven't found them. Those people paid $250,000 to go down in that sub - unbelievable.

    Sandy, so far I've only been able to see the first picture - of the snake looking in the door. Never saw anything like that - it looks like it's made out of metal, doesn't it? I'll keep trying. Maybe you could post those pictures for everyone to see - they'd love to see them.

    Again, thanks for getting me through the day - tough birthday - probably the worst one I've had. Thanks for being there for me.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Lorita, I've enjoyed your birthday party and the front porch homemade ice cream, cake and blueberries were exceptionally good. I enjoyed it even more than most since I've tried to limit my eating today. Even though its midnight that I'm supposed to stop eating and drinking, due to my achalasia food doesn't move through my system as good.

    Lorita, I was also a breach birth and my grandmother was midwife. I almost died because of being allergic to milk. They tried e everything and finally found I could drink goat milk.

    Need to rest from Lorita's party, I'm getting way to old for a porch full of ladies that keep on insisting I have some more ice cream.


  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Too funny Ron. You make me laugh.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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    Me, too, Joan. He's a funny guy. Ron, what time is your appointment tomorrow so we'll be thinking of you at that time?

    Just went out and checked the barn. Seems like I just have to because I'm afraid someone will be in there, in trouble. While I was out decided I'd go to the mailbox - waterhaul. Came back to the house and saw that "second" snake I told you all about - if you see you, there's another close by. He was laying on the porch - had to look twice to make sure what it was. Got the shovel and was going to try to get rid of it. When I brought the shovel down it didn't come straight down so missed it. Tried again but probably good I didn't get it's tail - it was long so might could have been long enough to reach me. It got down under the porch through a little place between the porch and the rock on the house. I sprayed in that area really well with disinfectant - won't help but won't hurt. Guess I'll just have to watch every time I go out or the GPs go out on the porch. The pasture where Toad sprayed is brown - all the weeds are dead - guess I'll let the girls down in there in a day or two - they're south of the house tonight. Thanks, again everyone for the birthday wishes. See you all tomorrow.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Puff, puff, pant, pant . . . . am I too late for peanut butter cake? So sorry I am late to the party.


    Well my dear; I had a very lovely birthday video for celebration of you, but the new platform would not permit me to post it . . .

    Glad to catch up with everyone today. Was involved with so much to get ordered and get together in anticipation of the July 03 surgery. He is now almost not walking. Several weeks ago he was strong and doing pretty well. Today, he is bent over and has to sit every few steps. It is awful for him. I wrote about him on the Spinal Fusion thread I started on this Forum, so you can catch up all that I have been doing there if you wish.

    Ron; I will be thinking of you tomorrow; and we will all be waiting to hear from you. Thank you for the peanut butter cake - it is delicious and oh boy the ice cream with blueberries. Thank you for saving me some.

    Zetta; if you were a neighbor, I would love to have tea with you and have you over. You are in the next state up, but it feels like another galaxy.

    Joan, let us know what transpires with the doctors. It is no joke to be putting up with such misery and I can well imagine how you are pushing yourself; I so remember all the jams you made at Christmas time. Yum! As said, all the info on Bill is on the Spinal Thread I put on this Forum, you can see what is going on. I am tired these days; stress I think.

    Glad the weeds got sprayed, Lorita; it is great not to have them piling up getting worse. Nice of you to invite Darwin and his wife over; you are a kind person.

    Our AC went out and it was hot upstairs - oh boy. Need to get a new unit, but not till winter if we can help it as they go down in price, and right now Bill cannot be involved with any such big job of replacing the AC and heating unit or even tolerate it. So we had it fixed - $1,000! So hope it lasts the whole summer at that price.

    My knees are going through a really, really bad spell and affecting mobility; this is not what I need now, but it is what it is. To hire a stranger would be hard on the both of us with the severity of surgery; so we shall have to play it by ear. Daughter will be out for a couple of weeks, hope she is patient. Neither Bill nor I can cook right now. Cleaning lady was here yesterday, so that was good. She cannot come again until late mid July. Oh dear. We shall manage.

    Happy "New Year" again, Lorita, may this be a year of bring many blessings for you, both large and small.


  • Sasue
    Sasue Member Posts: 69
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    Dixie, you can see from all the birthday wishes how much we all care about you. Sorry you felt sad on your birthday but I understand. We are at a time when most of our memories are of happier days.

    I’m sending prayers and positive thoughts to everyone needing them.

    As you requested, I’ll post a few of the pictures. The snake is a regular visitor. My son transports him a quarter mile away but he always returns. He’s about 5 ft long but supposedly harmless. The second picture is the rooster that was evicted from the coop. He’s only allowed back in at night. I know not everyone is interested but Dixie wanted to see them.

  • Sasue
    Sasue Member Posts: 69
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  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Lorita, I have to be at the VA at 8am; be prepared to stay a couple of hours and the actual test takes about 20 minutes. I'm just ready to get it over and of course the next stage will be the waiting game. I will be surprised if I hear anything before next week.

    I want coffeeeeee................coffee should never be prohibited before any test!


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Just a quick note: Thinking of you, Lorita, Jo & Bill, Ron, Joan and any others who are suffering. Glad Sara is so much better!!! Prayers for you all.

    Poppies and larkspur in my garden. The garden is looking amazing! There are many different kinds of poppies. These are Papaver somniferum, or Papaver paeoniflorum. I planted the seeds years ago and they re-seed themselves.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,764
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    We had a snake in Santa Fe. Her name was Sophie and she would stretch out and sun herself to gather body heat during the day. I did have a snake warning sign to alert others not to disturb her.

    We were told that a snake had to be taken 2 miles to remove them from their territory. We did not bother...she was harmless.

    Lorita I suggest caulk not disinfectant.

    Off to the hearing aid store for second appointmnet/lesson on the new features.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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    edited June 2023


    Judith, hadn't thought about caulk. I was just trying to keep it from coming back through that small space again and the can of disinfectant was closeby. I did think about moth balls. Remember when I had the snakes in the house we all decided moth balls might help. So, I put some down the hole and around it. He was right by where I keep my rubber boots - I always turn them upside down and shake them before I put them on. As dry as it is probably won't be using them for a while. Good suggestion about the caulk - I do have some of the kind that gets bigger when you spray it.

    We've never named snakes - the kind we have are poisonous. We have named those big yellow and black spiders - Matilda was one. That's when we lived in the MH. She'd make a big web on the deck so Charles decided he'd help her and put a couple of bugs in the web. Guess she didn't like the ones he put in so after that every morning she'd take down her web and put it up again that night. I see several of those big spiders every fall.

    It's already hot here - looked out the kitchen window and the wild violets I have in the big planter are wilted so will need to water them. I've watered the ones in the three others pots a few times.

    Jo, it will be good to have the weeds gone but the spraying also kills the milk weeds the butterflies use. I saw some of those up in the pasture a while back. But getting rid of the weeds will help the grass grow for the girls.

    Beth, we used to have a lot of wild larkspurs in the pastures and also tall plants that had the prettiest purple blooms on them. Haven't seen those in a couple of years. Your poppies are gorgeous! When I think of poppies I think of those little, red, paper ones the service departments at the VA have. Are these perennials?

    Sandy, thank you for posting those pictures. I think the rooster is so pretty. I feel sorry for him, though, having to stay out of the coop during the day but he may be able to catch bugs during the day. The flowers in the raised beds are so pretty. Your DIL must have a green thumb. I wonder what that snake thought when he looked inside and saw people and someone taking a picture of him.

    Ron, I bet you're finished with your test and are back at home now safe and sound and so glad it's over. Hope all went well with you. Is the woman who stays with Lou the neighbor you used to have who stayed with her?

    We woke up this morning at 6:30 so decided I didn't need to get up and the GPs were sound asleep so guess I went back to sleep and didn't wake up until 9. I'm going to have to stop watching Barney Miller at night and go to bed earlier so I can get up earlier. I stripped the bed and washed the linens and just now got them back on the bed. I hate changing a bed. I don't like to fold those king-sized sheets so I wash the ones that were on the bed, dry them and put them back on. I have one set out on the dryer that have little pills on them so don't want to use them - guess I'll put them i the storage building for the GPs to lay on this winter. Now, you all know they'll be in the house instead of out there - but, Sheena does go in there sometimes when they're outside.

    Surely wish there was a piece, or two, of that peanut butter cake left - I'm going to have to make one of those sometime. I'm thinking of making one of those chocolate wacky cakes but hate to heat up the kitchen. Guess I could make the batter and make cupcakes in the microwave. Surprisingly, they come out really good. I use a couple of pans I bought from QVC, made in Australia, that allows you to make the muffins in two or three minutes in the microwave.

    It's already hot - no reason to go outside, I hope, so will stay in today. The news just said there's still over 25,000 homes out of power in Tulsa County. Hopefully, by the weekend everyone will have power but some homes have been damaged so much they're unliveable. They said the winds were 100 mph - as bad as hurricane winds. It's not just in Tulsa county either - the counties just east of there have lots of power outages, too.

    Talked briefly with Sarah last evening. She's been approved for Hospice and she said they're supposed to bring out a hospital bed today and some supplies. She fell yesterday and then had a seizure. Sounds like the doctor is interested in trying to find some kind of medication to help with her pain so hope it works out all right.

    Thanks, Sandy, for the call. Made me feel better - always does when we talk. We've all been such good friends over the years that just a post or call makes a lot of difference in our feelings.

    I've changed my hairstyle - instead of wearing a pony tail I'm twisting my hair up in a bun on top of my head and fastening it with one of those alligator clips (not sure what they're really called). That's just for wearing here at home. I remember my grandma twisted her hair up on top and pinned it - now I'm turning into grandma - good thing, that. Better stop before I get thrown off. Again, thanks for the wishes - made my day.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,764
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    Those yellow and black spiders are beautiful. I have not seen one recently but they used to make their web where you would walk right into it...lol

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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