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Just need to talk to my friends (191)



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
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    Sandy the rooster is a nice looking fellow.

    Beth I really like poppies too. I had those you shared pictures of. Mine were a little moral coral colored. Have tried to get poppies started here but no luck. They self sowed everywhere at my other house too.

    My snakes are harmless too. Have seen two this summer.

    Thinking of each and everyone of you that are going through a rough patch. An aunt and an Uncle & aunt are dealing with them too. Sad for them, they both were so happy when I woke up and texted them even though they are going through hard things. Life throws a lot of curves.

    Take care each one of you

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Lorita, the neighbor that stayed in her son's home is the one that stays with Lou. She is the good neighbor sitter not the bad neighbor sitter. When I met Lou she wore her hair in a bun on top. I called it a hornet's nest!

    Naturally me going in for a test would be a Lou up and down all night and getting her settled back down. They gave me the radioactive injection and later came back with a barium swallow and said since they were looking at that place with the nodule they wanted me to drink it also. I did get my coffee fix before leaving, so everyone was safe from me.

    Just heard on the local weather it's a chance of 102 degrees next Thursday!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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    Hi again,

    Ron, so glad that's over for you - now the waiting for results begins. Charles always said that was the way the Army was - hurry up and wait. Kind of that way for all of us. I'm so glad the neighbor is still available to help you with Lou.

    How do you all know those snakes are harmless? Do you know what kind they are? I don't trust any kind. Did I ever tell you all about the time Charles got bitten by one? Mother and daddy were gone somewhere and we came down to take care of things at the farmhouse. Charles saw a snake go down a hole by a water hydrant and reached down and got it by the tail. Of course it snapped back and bit him. Luckily we were dressed to go somewhere and we flew low to the doctor's office. They kept his hand in ice water for a long time and decided it wasn't a poisonous one. Why he wanted to grab tht snake we'll never know - just wanted to catch it, I guess.

    The girls are in the pond trying to cool off. Scares me when the little bitty ones swim across - always afraid they'll get too close to mom or someone else and go under.

    Sad news about the little sub that went down to see the Titanic.The think it exploded on Sunday. Why anyone would want to do that I'll never know.

    Ron, our weatherman is predicting 100+ temps this weekend with heat indices of up to 112. Feel so sorry for all those people working to restore power and take care of the damage in all of the towns hit by the straight winds and the awful tornado in the Texas panhandle. There are storm warnings now out in Western Oklahoma. Sandy, what color was that snake? To me, it looks silver or metallic.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,764
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    So there are 40 kinds of snakes in Oklahoma...7 are venemous. " “But all venomous snakes in Oklahoma are pit vipers, with obvious heat-sensing pits between the eye and nostril, making their heads bulky and somewhat heart shaped from above.” 

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Sandy, I love the unique pictures of the snake and rooster. Your flowers are beautiful. The larkspur looks just like the wild version in our mountains.

    we had a tornado near Denver this afternoon. It touched down in the middle of a suburb. Trees and roofs blown off. So far, no injuries or no one missing. It’s not often Colorado has tornados, but it happens occasionally on the Eastern side of the state.

    Jo, I read your thread on spinal fusion. Very interesting, and lots of good information from posters. I certainly feel for Bill. He must be so miserable. Hopefully the surgery will bring instant relief, and he can focus on healing and getting his strength back. Funny that I don’t have much pain. I get very stiff and if I walk too much, my legs get weak. I go to the spine center in mid July. Prayers coming your way.

    I’m happy we don’t have a lot of snakes. They scare me. We have rattle snakes in the desert parts of the state, so most snakes here are grey water or garden snakes that are not dangerous. They still scare me. I’m a big baby, I know.

    I was at the dermatology office today. She said my skin looked good. I had a few spots frozen, and have to use a cream on my face to get rid of some skin damage. I think it was from sitting in the sun at my granddaughters softball games without a hat, and forgetting to reapply sunscreen.

    Have a good evening. Joan

  • SQBEAR50
    SQBEAR50 Member Posts: 104
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    Happy belated birthday Lorita 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 🎁 🎊


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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    Thank you, Nicole, - another year gone with more to come. Judith, I don't like snakes of any kind - been around them all my life and still don't. No idea what shape heads these water moccasins have and not going to take time to look. I'm sure different areas have different kinds of snakes - had no idea Oklahoma had that many kinds of snakes. I've never seen a rattlesnake but they're around here - not here on the farm, but nearby. Oklahoma has a rattlesnake hunt - can't remember the name of the town. Snakes are not easy to kill either - at least with a shovel and I never seem to have a gun with me when I see one.

    Joan, I saw that you all had a tornado today - glad no one was hurt. Strange weather we're having - this should be in April or May, not the end of June. Be very careful walking around so you don't fall - so easy to do.

    In another post I mentioned the tornado Texas had and I said it was in the Panhandle - not so, it was east of Lubbock, south of Amarillo. Seems like almost every day there's storms coming out of Kansas and drops rain and storms on Western Oklahoma.

    It's been hot here but is cooling off a little bit. I went out about 7:30 to check the barn and watered the wild violets - don't want to lose them. Also have noticed the Southern Magnolia is coming out from the roots - also watered it so will try to keep it going. There's also some kind of pretty vine growing on the little limbs I had them leave. Tomorrow evening I'll water roses. Can't believe it's almost 10 p.m. - going to go to bed earlier tonight and get up earlier. Think I'll make a cake and bake some cookie dough I bought before it gets too hot.

    When I walked out to the barn I saw hundreds of grasshoppers - the ones that a quarter inch long are now an inch long and everywhere. Reminds me of one time when we went to the Prison Rodeo in McAlester - that year there was an invasion of crickets and there were piles of them in every corner - creepy. Guess these grasshoppers will eat everything in sight like they did last year. So nice to talk with each of you and really enjoyed all the pictures that were posted. Enjoy the evening and sleep well. See you tomorrow.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,362
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    edited June 2023

    Good morning Porchlings.

    It's grey and gloomy here with no sun in the 10-day forecast. We could use some rain, to be sure, but my knees are not happy with this kind of weather.

    @Sasue That snake picture should come with a trigger warning (just kidding). He's kind of cute spying on you. We have snakes in the yard-- mostly little guys. Once I found a 2-footer by the garage and DH accused me of exaggerating until the snake shed his skin and I was able to show him. We even had a breeding ball in the front cherry laurel-- DH wanted to burn the house down.

    @ronald71111 I hope you get some good results ahead of the weekend. The waiting is always rough.

    @BethL your flowers are much prettier than the snake.

    My mom's PCP has ordered her some neurological PT for balance and gait issues. She's falling a lot lately. I do not look forward to the additional appointments; I was already a little spicy about her insistence to have a cut & blow-out appointment every 4 weeks. There's both a hair and nail salon she could walk to, but she claims they only do "old lady hairstyles" and that the salon isn't as nice as the one I use on the rare occasions I get a pedi. From there we drive 2 towns over to her preferred nail salon. They do pedis at the hair place I take her to, but they're about $10 more. GRRR. I was hoping for a mobile PT, but her doc wants her to go to a specific practice for some reason.

    I also made the call to find out if her new AMD medication is something her insurance will cover. She was supposed to call but didn't. I don't get it-- if I was going blind and there was a new drug to stop the progression, I would be on the phone asap. But she hates making phone calls more, I guess. So that was another 45 minutes out of my life on the phone. Long story short, it is covered and only $50 OOP. There was one amusing exchange when the C/S rep told me that mom could buy it at Rite Aid. I said, the doctor is supposed to do the injection in the office and she replied "if you obtain at the retail pharmacy the assumption is that the patient will self-administer at home". I burst out laughing and said "lady, it's an inter-ocular injection, there's no way anybody is going to shoot themselves in the eye". Fortunately, she laughed as well and got me over to the specialty pharmacy.

    I suggested mom call and reschedule her follow-up for a sooner date. Monday she checks in with cardiology. I'm guessing it's time for the annual echo and carotid u/s which, for some reason, can not be done on the same day unless I take her downtown to the teaching hospital. Next month she sees her other eye doctor, psychiatry, dermatology and another hair appointment. August looks better.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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    Morning, Right now there's a little breeze that feels good but it's almost 80 - supposed to be in mid 90s today and hotter each day. The girls are across the pond grazing a little by the water. If the breeze continues I think it would be better for them to stay in the MH yard where there's lots of shade.

    HB, seems like a lot of driving to get your mother to her appointments. She's so lucky to have a daughter who's willing to do that for her. I know when you get used to one beautician it's hard to change.

    I've already made a wacky cake and baked cookies. I made a vanilla version of the cake with chocolate chips and chocolate frosting. The cookies were cookie pucks I bought. I just can't seen to get the hang of baking those cookies - always let them bake a little bit too long and they're hard - but will be good dunked in hot tea. Guess I should go out and water the roses but I always feel like it's better to water late in the evening so I'll do that. I only have six roses to water but they're not close together so have to lug the water around. I can water two with the hose but have to carry water to the others. Mother used to have a rose garden where they were all together - made it easier to take care of. I can't remember them watering but I'm sure they did.

    Nothing else on tap today - just staying inside if I can and out of the heat. Really do dread the next three months - summer in Oklahoma isn't a lot of fun. Feel so sorry for the people who have to work outside. I was always so thankful that Charles and Ii worked inside for the most part - except here on the farm.

    Take care the rest of the day and stay cool.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,764
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    If the snake in question has a head like an arrowhead it is venomous. The others are really quite helpful and eat things like mice and rats. I am fine with them when they do not appear out of nowhere. I do not like to be surprised by toads either.

    Snakes have no internal temp control so they warm themselves in the sun. I guess if it is hot out they will find a cool place like under a house.

    So now there are baby cottontails and squirrels. Fun to watch.

    They came to the house this morning to draw blood for neuropathy genetic testing. I did this for my son. There are at least 20 things in the panel.

    Question...are those really Poppies???

    Front bed cleanup tomorrow , I think I will then "plant" mulch.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
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    Oh my HB your mom does keep you hopping. We are in for a stretch of dark, damp & cooler weather here too.

    Planted a bit of mulch this year too. It’s not near as demanding of me. Lorita think I’ll stop by for a piece of cake.

    Thinking of each and everyone that is walking through a rough patch.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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    Wish you were close enough to stop by, Sara. It's pretty good - I've done taste-testing. I need to make another loaf of bread. When I eat a sandwich the GPs get the crusts. I like the crusts, too, but there you go.

    It's cooler here this afteroon - storms and lots of rain a county south and east of us. The only time we've ever mulched was when we had a big garden at the MH. Then, I think we used papers between the rowe/ Seems like we did mulch some flower beds, don't really remember. Judith, I don't like snakes either. I was looking at something in a flower bed one time and a frog was coming out of the dirt where he'd been hibernating, I guess - if they do that. Did you plant caladiums this year - think you said you weren't going to. What did you plant and how is it doing? Looks like you all had some rain and storms early this afternoon - that's what came our way but dropped south.

    Think I may drive down in the pasture and see if that spray did or didn't kill the grass. I always worry about that. I know it's leased but I still care. It was cool enough that the girls came out of the barn about 4 today - a little bit earlier than usual.

    Zetta, I bet you're enjoying being home with all of your fur babies. Do your cats want to lay on you all the time? If I lay or sit down seems like there's always one of them on me, sometimes two. Do you trim their nails? I can get one or two nails trimmed before they rebel.

    My cooling pad for the laptop stopped working so guess I'll have to order another. I think I've gone through three during the time I've had a computer - since 2007, I think. Can't remember whether I ordered the last one from WM or Amazon - will have to check.

    Enjoy the evening.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,764
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    I have never heard of a cooling pad for a computer. What is it for???

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    What a polite snake, staring in through the window! He seems to be saying, "May I come in?"

    Ron, how was your test?

    Does anyone know what type of flower this is in Los Angeles CA? It's about 2 1/2 to 3 feet tall.


  • Sasue
    Sasue Member Posts: 69
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    Iris, the pretty plant is called Bear’s breeches. The Latin name is Acanthus mollis. It’s a prennial native to the Mediterranean region of Europe.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Here are the results of pet scan!

    1. 2.1cm nodular structure ge junction with mild fdg uptake, associated with distal esophageal dilation. Polops versus malignancy etiology, egd with biopsy recommended.

    2. 0.7cm semisolid lung nodule in the left middle lobe with faint fgd uptake, most likely benign nature. Follow up with ct scan recommended.

    Now it's a waiting game for for calls from care in the community for appointment to have biopsy. I already knew a consult had been put in for care in the community, so I called yesterday aftetnoon to make sure they were aware if results. I'm pretty sure whatever is going on with the esophugus was caused due to the two achalasia of esophagus surgeries I've had.

    I've really enjoyed all the pictures being posted!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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    Iris, that is a pretty plant - never heard of it. Does it bloom and can you buy it in nurseries? Polite snake, indeed. He just wanted inside to see what was happening. I've had snakes in the house and no one wants that. In fact, I've mentioned that the cats still snake-hunt when they go into the bathroom where they found the snakes.

    Ron, the results of the test don't sound too bad. So you'll have the biopsy not in the VA Hospital. When I worked at our VA Hospital they called it fee-basis - where you could get treatment in the community that the VA didn't have. Charles was on fee-basis to an orthopedic doctor in Tulsa.

    Judith, a cooling pad is what I've used for years. My first laptop lasted about 15 years so it really helped it. It's a sort of wire mesh thing that attaches to the back of your laptop. It has anywhere from 2-6 little fans that come on when you turn on your computer. It keeps the laptop cool. Not sure if you use a laptop but if you do, you know how hot it can be when it's in use sitting on your lap. It plugs into one of the ports on the laptop and attaches with elastic cords. Not sure if it's one or two but I have two on mine. Check it out on Amazon or WM. Wish I could remember where I ordered my last one - it has three pretty good-sized fans.

    Talked with my BIL in Amarillo yesterday. Called two or three times and it went to voice mail - finally got a text from him saying he couldn't talk on his phone and needed cashapps. I had no idea what that was but he said it's where you can send money. He wanted to get in touch with his daughter but his phone was acting weird and he has lost at least half of his contacts so couldn't contact her. Not sure if he was a little confused so called the living center where he is and security checked on him. He was okay.

    Again this morning called and found that he also has a phone in his apartment and I think they gave him his daughter's phone number. He was 93 yesterday and she said he had company - sure it was his daughters and probably granddaughters - they live about 35 miles from him. It's a beautiful place where he is - they have assisted living, nursing home care and apartments where he is. Sounds really expensive, too. I saw something on TV yesterday about long term care. It said most people won't be able to afford it when the time comes and they recommend getting LTC when you're in your 50s. Guess I did something right because that's what I did. The amount they pay goes up every year but your premium doesn't. I think it's increased a little bit during the time I've had it. What they pay is pretty good compared to the present costs. Hope I never have to use it though.

    It's already warm this morning - a little earlier there was a good breeze but not so much now. I drove down across the NE pasture late yesterday where Toad sprayed. Concerned because I didn't see anything that was green. The weeds are dead and there's some grass that's still green. I was in the PU with the windows closed and had my mask on. Maybe shouldn't have done it but he sprayed four days ago and I haven't smelled anything. Occasionally when someone south of us is spraying I can smell it. Surely don't like the way the pasture looks after being sprayed but at least it got rid of the weeds.

    For some reason, probably the drought last year, there is very little grass in our yard - just big bare places where there used to be grass - and it looks the same in pastures. It's beginning to look like we may have another one this year. There are storms out west but by the time they get here, they're not as strong and seem to split and go south or north of us. We've only had 16" of rain this year - not enough.

    Just put ingredients for a loaf of bread into the bread machine - should be ready by noon. Zetta, the cannister in my machine is upright so the loaf doesn't look like a regular loaf of bread and it rarely gets to the top of the cannister. I think the last one was taller because I used fresh yeast. We'll see how this one does.

    Hope all of you are well this morning and enjoy the first weekend of summer. I dread the next three months but the time is going fast so it'll be over before we know it. Enjoy your day.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Beautiful plant, Iris! Glad Sandy was able to identify it. I don't believe I've ever seen one like it.

    HB, it must be somewhat stressful, all the driving of you mother to numerous appointments. I'm sure she is appreciative but sometimes it gets to be a bit much. At least you can be glad she isn't trying to drive herself given her vision issues.

    We were expecting rain/thunderstorms off and on today. We took the dog for a walk and got soaked! It was ok, though. We needed the rain. More may come through later tonight. Although we did get the rain earlier, it didn't last long and probably not measurable amount.

    Ron, best wishes with your medical issues. Sorry you are having to go through this.

    Enjoy your weekend, Friends.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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    Hi again,

    We've had thunder for the last two hours - now, there's a very light sprinkle - can barely hear it on the AC. I went out on the front steps to stand in it but didn't feel anything. Do wish we could get a few inches of rain. Sheena's afraid of thunder so she won't eat, won't sleep but stays close to me. At least it's making it a bit cooler although more humid.

    Zetta, I went in the kitchen a few minutes ago and it was only four minutes until the bread would be baked. Took it out and I always rub butter over it to keep the crusts softer. Again, it was a tall loaf - now that's only about 5-5 1/2". I know I bake a lot of bread but a loaf that small doesn't last very long. Still amazes me that you can put the ingredients in and out comes a loaf of bread!

    Beth, glad you're getting some rain - it must be dry up there, too. Seems like the rains aren't widespread - just lots of it in places. Maybe you'll get some more.

    Made an appointment with the vet to take Lilly and maybe Max in Monday morning to get their allergy shots. Lilly is miserable but right now she's asleep. She has those bumps all around her little neck. Sammy doesn't have allergies for which I'm glad - he weighs 13.6 lb., Max weighs 11 or 12 and she's smaller than the boys. Sometimes there's two of them laying on me when lay on the divan and they get heavy.

    I have some things coming from Chewy next week so ordered some more Frontline for the cats, Moist and Meaty for the GPs and some more canned food. I have to pay a lot for their food and other things but I don't begrudge any of it - they're my family and I want to take good care of them. Did get Stormy's nails trimmed but haven't attempted Sheena's yet - she's nervous enough right now.

    Need to find something to watch on TV this afternoon - thought LSU and Florida were going to play baseball but can't find it - maybe it's later today.

    Joan, how are you feeling today? Hope things are better for you. Is your weather hot and dry and was there much damage from the tornado this past week?

  • storycrafter
    storycrafter Member Posts: 273
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    Lorita, when you make your bread, do you put in your own ingredients, all from scratch? Or do you use premade mix? Krust-ez (sp?) used to make a good breadmix I could put in my breadmaker. But I no longer find it in the grocery store.


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All.

    I have been home for a few days and Iam finally all caught up with things I think I need to do when I get home.

    Lorita. My older cat Sammy he is almost 2 he loves to lay on my lap but the younger one Emmy she is only 1 she is so skittish she will get on my lap at times but as soon as I move, or she hears anything she's gone. I used to be able to cut Sammys nails when he was on my lap, I had to wait till he was really sleepy to do it, he finally figured out what I was getting ready to do and now he takes off. They both need to have them clipped, so I will pull the clippers out and be ready. There is always one of my fur babies on my lap I wish I had a bigger chair so they can all be there at the same time.

    Iris. Those flowers are beautiful. Do they grow wild, or did you take the picture of someone's garden?

    Ron. Thanks for the updater I really hope your feeling better now that the test have been done. Now the waiting game is on. Foe me the waiting part is the worst.

    The weather here changes daily sometimes 3 times a day. Last week we had a few snowflakes and then we had 80deg the next day. This week so far, we have had rain and some wind and right now its 73.

    There is a lot of pollen.in the air right now, If I knew how to post pictures I would love too. I will have to have my son show me how. I love all the pictures you all have been posting. Of course, I would have to send pictures of my fur babies. Molly, Sammy and Emmy.

    Good Day to All, Hugs Zetta

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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    Helen, I use my own ingredients. Had a recipe but twicked it a bit and finally found a texture or crumb I like. I've made it so many times I don't even look at the recipe now - water, salt, sugar, oil, bread flour and yeast. My bread maker is very old - probably 35 years but we never used it much but it's really gotten a workout these past three years. Now, I don't care for the bread you buy - except brioche and challah. I'd like to have a bigger one but even with the small loaf it sometimes molds before I finish eating it.

    Just had a nice visit with my BIL. He sounds great - was telling me all about the new place he's in. Hasn't sold his home yet but it's on the market. He's only been three two weeks but really seems to like it. It has apartments (which he's in), assisted living and nursing care. His apartment is about 800 sq. ft so plenty big for him. Charles and I lived in an 8x30 MH for a while after we got married - it was only 240 sq. ft. Housework didn't take any time - everything had to be kept in place. All of the things are on 40 acres - looks really pretty with two ponds. He seems satisfied and much relieved of most of the stress. He lost his wife of close to 70 years a few months ago so we know how that feels.

    Zetta, my cats' claws are long and sharp. I managed to cut a little of Lilly's but that's all. I have a scratch on my arm from one of them I'm trying to get healed. They're all sweet, like yours, and I wouldn't want to be without them - just like you.

    Well, it's cleared off - only a sprinkle but we had good thunder. Our time will come, I hope. Sara, still have most of that cake left - come on over.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
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    My sister use to have one of the Bear Breeches.

    Kind of a cloudy, muggy day heretil a bit ago. Sun shining pretty now. We got an inch of rain yesterday. Got several inches a week ago. See the farmers corn is responding to the rain. Don’t think it will be knee high by 4th July though, maybe. Glad you are getting rain Beth.

    Just made myself a banana milkshake, turned out pretty good.

    Lorita thought you ate a lot of bread, now I understand why you have to bake so often.

    Sitting out on the porch and hearing a lot of birds. Enjoy their music.

    Thinking of all of you and hoping things start improving for you that are dealing with illness.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Sasue, thank you for the quick identification of the bear breeches plant. There were several of these beautiful tall flowers planted in the garden at the Getty Villa where I visited on Friday. There were little signs posted about the various sculptures in the garden, but no signs naming the plants. The Getty is a museum famous for showcasing ancient Roman and Greek art and daily life. Admission is free. It is also just a lovely venue for getting away and enjoying the day and looking at art and greenery and the ocean. You can learn about it at www.getty.edu.

    Ron, I hope the found lesion is just a polyp. So many tests and procedures! They can become tiresome! How are you doing with eating now?

    Lorita, the business with your BIL and "cashapp" sounds like a scam to me. I hope he has people around him who won't let him send money via a cashapp to strangers.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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    Iris, I have no idea how in the world Cashapps works but I think he was wanting his daughter to send him money. Why he would I don't know because she was with him earlier that day. He is totally independent, has his own pickup there and I guess can come and go as he wishes - but k wouldn't. He seemed to know what it was - smarter than I for sure.

    That place you went sounds wonderful - a great getaway when you live in the city and need a place to get out in nature. Nice that it's available for you to visit when you like. How are your cats doing? Started to say in this hot weather but it may not be hot where you are.

    We sort of slept in again this morning - seems to be getting to be a habit. Stormy and Sheena were ready to go out and see if anything got into the yard overnight - guess not because they were ready to come back in pretty quickly. Girls are across the pond getting the last bite of grass they can before coming into the barn. Stormy was scratching a little bit when he came in so added Adams Flea and Tick Spray to my Chewy order that's shipping tomorrow. Maybe a flea gets on him when he goes outside. I'm looking out the door before I go out onto the porch these days - don't want to surprise a snake.

    Sasue is on the ball about identifying plants - you know she and her husband had a florist shop so she's well informed about plants. She's living in a beautiful part of our Country - lots of plants to identify.

    Nothing on tap today but I have a 10 a.m. appointment in the morning to get an allergy shot for Lilly. I've been watching her and she doesn't seem to be scratching too much so I may cancel it - she lays on the back of the recliner and sleeps - guess it's cool up there. It'll be hot by 10 and I hate to get her out in the heat - me, too.

    Sara, I had never measured the loaf of bread - knew they weren't very big - and these last two or three are taller than the previous ones. Two slices of toast and two or three sandwiches and the loaf is gone. Usually get down to the bottom crust and I freeze those - like them with soups. Not sure what I'll fix to eat today - finished my pasta and peas yesterday. I keep thinking I'll put some brown beans in to soak at night and cook them but can't seem to get it done. When I was growing up we didn't seem to have a meal, except breakfast, without beans - one of our staples for sure. We raised them and all of our vegetables - really miss having fresh vegetables.They just had a sweet corn festival in ai little town south of Tulsa this weekend - and I think there's another one north of us in a week or so.

    Sandy, just saw on the news last evening that there's supposed to be a lot of rain in your area this coming week - hope it cools down the temperature some. I'm afraid we're stuck under this heat dome that's building. Hate when that happens - so hard to break it down and get cooler weather and rain. We had good thunder yesterday - again - and one of those 3" rains (you know, the drops were three inches apart). Seems like that's the norm these days.

    I'll stop and drink my hot tea and make a couple of pieces of toast from that fresh bread to eat with apricot preserves and peanut butter. Hope all of you are well this morning.

    Ron, are you and Lou going to be able to go to Church this morning? Hope things go well so you can if you wish. I know it must be hot down there - also remember seeing that you all may have some bad weather later today. Enjoy the day and stay cool.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Insightfuls Reactions 100 Likes

    Showed my son the snake photo which is amazing - he sent this back:

    Well; had it smaller, but instead the platform imps printed it only large.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Well once again Lou was excited about church this morning. Got her up, bathed and Sunday go to church clothes on and once ready to get in the car, she refused. I dont feel well enough to go through all the extras and get no benefit from it. On top of it all ever since the pet scan my back has been hurting bad; I believe from laying in one position for so long on the hard scanner table.

    Hopefully I'll at the least receive a call next week for appointment for the biopsy. I was thinking yesterday and remembered that the two achalasia surgeries I had could cause a risk for cancer. Hopefully it's not, but I do need to be prepared for Lou's care if it is. As mad as I am at her right now, it hurts to think I cant care for her.


  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,362
    Seventh Anniversary 2500 Comments 500 Insightfuls Reactions 500 Likes

    @Jo C.

    Your son wins the internet today.


  • Sasue
    Sasue Member Posts: 69
    Legacy Membership 25 Likes 10 Comments

    Jo that’s a great caption. It made me laugh. Prayers are being said for your husband’s successful surgery. I have a lift chair and find it great for my back issues. It might be cheaper to buy a new chair rather than rent one.

    We finally had a rainy week, we had 5 inches of rain. We really needed it. The horses seem to enjoy rolling in mud. Nothing much happening here, just hot and humid.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Hi, Jo,agree with your son, I think the snake was saying hello. Doesn't he look like he's made out of metal - maybe that's just me though. I hope none of the ones around here decide to look in the door - but, wait, some of them have already been inside!

    Sandy,glad you all got some rain - our time will come eventually. Hope it isn't too late. I can just visualize those horses rolling around in the mud - I've seen Buck do that and so do the cows- feels good and helps keep the flies off. Hope you're well today.

    Ron, so sorry about going to all the trouble to get Lou ready, then have her refuse to get into the car. Maybe it would just be less trouble for you to not go through all of that and then not be able to follow through - to just watch a sermon on TV. I know that's not the same - no communication with all the other people but more calm for you. You're worried about the upcoming biopsy and you need to relax as much as you can - I know that isn't easy. You need to take care of yourself so you can continue to care for Lou.

    Decided to have pizza for lunch. I buy those little Party Pizzas - I add more cheese, a little bit of salt and some oregano, then cook them in the NuWave Oven (Sandy). When I went to the store they had big avocados for $1.19 so I bought four - they were as hard as rocks. A couple of days ago I left one out on the cabinet and it's just right to eat now so had that with the pizza - really hit the spot.

    It's hot, humid and still here today - my laptop says it's 94 - no idea what the heat index might be. Yesterday it wasn't this hot and the heat index in this area was 104-105. I do not like summer. Wouldn't it be nice to have a summer home way up north - just a thought. Stormy and Sheena are asleep in the bedroom - still have the AC in there set on energy saver so it comes on and goes off and keeps it cool. The other one is in the utility room so it cools from the back and this one cools from the bedroom. I have a big 220 one in the LR but hardly ever use it. It's really old but still works but is noisy.

    Got the dishes done yesterday and finished putting them away this morning so don't have to think about that. Tomorrow morning is trash day so I'll take it down this evening - already have it ready.

    Max seems okay and Lilly isn't scratching. I have a Chewy order shipping tomorrow so added Adams Flea and Tick Spray to it - if I don't take her I'll see if that might work. I thought tomorrow was going to be just a few degrees cooler but would still be out until 11 and by that time it's getting to be the hottest time of the day. We'll see how it is tomorrow.

    Sara, I do eat a lot of bread - always have. I can remember when I was little I'd make mayonnaise sandwiches - just three slices of bread and mayonnaise - and I remember daddy buttering a slice of bread and putting sugar on it for me to eat. Wouldn't like either of those now but they were good then. Enjoy the rest of the day - a nap sounds pretty good to me.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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