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Just need to talk to my friends (191)



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Lorita one of my sisters friends ate lettuce and mayonnaise sandwiches regularly.

    JoC enjoyed your son’s picture too. They are giving storms here starting about 7pm. Getting all my devices fully charged just in case.

    Have beautiful dill this year. All volunteer, it was in the compost in my bags. Will make sure I put seeds in the compost each year. They are doing so much better than the volunteers in the soil. Some were getting pretty tall so cut several of them in case the storm would blow them over. Left the rest so hopefully they will be able to make seed. I froze enough dill to last me all winter already I think.

    Take care

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,764
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    Bread butter and sugar...still do that!

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Jo, your son did a great job with the snake pic! Thanks for sharing!

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Everyone talking about snakes, so I'll tell a Lou and snake story. Lou use to tell me about when she was little she would cut through the woods on her way home from school. One day a snake started following her and everytime she stopped the snake would stop. Years later after we were married I had her and the boys out in a boat. On the way back the motor gave out and I couldn't start it. As I was paddling back she started screaming. Seems like a snake was following. I would stop paddling and it would disappear, when I started back it reappeared and she swears it the same snake as when she was little.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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    Sara, do you dry your dill and keep it during the wintertime? Hope your storms aren't bad. We're under a severe thunderstorm warning with winds up to 85 mph but don't see anything on the radar except some storms over in Arkansas.

    Judith, do you eat your sugar and butter on light bread? That's no worse than preserves and peanut butter - might try it again.

    Ron, it could have been the same one - not sure how long snakes live. Cute story. Is Lou doing better this afternoon? Surely hope so.

    My calves are aching this afternoon - need to get up and walk on them, I guess. I'm afraid it's the Morton's Neuroma moving up. Brad and Bob have a video on exercises for MN but I haven't looked at it yet - but will. Just feels like it's about to go into a charley horse. I need to take down the trash but dread getting outside. Heat index not far from here this afternoon was 114 - that's way too hot for this early. Looked out just now and didn't see the girls so they may still be in the barn. Doesn't look like there's any wind blowing.

    Are you all watching 1883? I did last week and I just noticed they're repeating last week's show. I think the new one begins at 7 - not sure - so better stop and get the trash down. Be careful in the storms tonight, Sara, maybe you'll just get rain. See you ladies and gentleman tomorrow. Rest well tonight. If you have extra rain, maybe you could send it out way. Already getting scary here and it's just June.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Trying to put something on the porch instead of my crying! Enjoy!!

    Advice from An Old Farmer

    Your fences need to be horse-high, pig-tight and bull-strong.

    Keep skunks and bankers at a distance.

    Life is simpler when you plow around the stump.

    A bumble bee is considerably faster than a John Deere tractor.

    Words that soak into your ears are whispered… not yelled.

    Meanness don’t jes’ happen overnight.

    Forgive your enemies; it messes up their heads.

    Do not corner something that you know is meaner than you.

    It don’t take a very big person to carry a grudge.

    You cannot unsay a cruel word.

    Every path has a few puddles.

    When you wallow with pigs, expect to get dirty.

    The best sermons are lived, not preached.

    Most of the stuff people worry about ain’t never gonna happen anyway.

    Don’t judge folks by their relatives.

    Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.

    Live a good, honorable life… Then when you get older and think back, you’ll enjoy it a second time.

    Don ‘t interfere with somethin’ that ain’t bothering you none.

    Timing has a lot to do with the outcome of a Rain dance.

    If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop diggin’.

    Sometimes you get, and sometimes you get got.

    The biggest troublemaker you’ll probably ever have to deal with, watches you from the mirror every mornin’.

    Always drink upstream from the herd.

    Good judgment comes from experience, and a lotta that comes from bad judgment.

    Lettin’ the cat outta the bag is a whole lot easier than puttin’ it back in.

    If you get to thinkin’ you’re a person of some influence, try orderin’ somebody else’s dog around..

    Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God.

    Don’t pick a fight with an old man. If he is too old to fight, he’ll just kill you.

    Most times, it just gets down to common sense.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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    Ron, thanks for posting the above. Love everyone of them and they'll all true. You add so much to the porch - you keep all of us in line.

    I took down the trash, drove down the road a bit to see if all the girls were there. It doesn't look like all of them so the herd must have split. I haven't seen the heifers for two or three days but, I can't see down in that west pasture for the trees. They, except for Samson were flat against the fence in the shade. There's nothing down there (grass) for them. Just hate the way it looks - at least when there were weeds, it was green - now it looks like August in a drought. Checked the barn when I got back - no one in there. Then, watered the roses and violets. My daylillies are blooming so watered them. (Carol calls them cornflowers - but they're orange). There's so many grasshoppers, it's scary. Makes all kinds of noises when you walk and they fly up. They're going to eat everything that's green. There's spider webs hanging and in every one there's a skeleton of a grasshopper - spiders are living good. I was just looking at the weather radio - still flashing a watch. I saw something grass move sort of jumped - it's the cat's tail. Guess all of the snake talk has gotten to me - and, I had a grasshopper on my shoulder when I came inside. Hate grasshoppers. My grandma's brother used to come to visit us and he and I would go down in the pasture and collect grasshoppers in a Prince Albert tobacco can for us to fish with. That was probably 70 years or more ago. Where in the world has all that time gone? See you tomorrow - watching 1883.

  • storycrafter
    storycrafter Member Posts: 273
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    Lorita, your son's caption for the snake is hilarious. Thanks for sharing it.

    Also, thank you for telling about your bread machine. You're inspiring me to get my machine out again. I need to get some fresh yeast and bread flower. It'll be an experiment at the high altitude where I live, 7300'.

    I appreciate reading everyone's posts when I can get here. 💟 Good wishes to all.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    edited June 2023

    Jo C, the snake caption made me LOL! Lorita, my cats are still dealing with the horrendous booms of the fireworks, which will increase this week until the Fourth. The weather here is not hot, actually very pleasant.

    Ed posted a story about he and his son being scammed by cashapp--did you see it? I get wary when I hear of a senior sending money by cashapp.

    My downstairs' neighbor had a beautiful plumeria plant, and someone stole it right out of the ground!

    Fresh vegetables taste so good. Many years ago, when I lived in Alaska, I had a small vegetable garden. Crops grow quickly in summer due to the midnight sun. I tried to grow tomatoes on my balcony here, but I don't have enough sun.

    My cat Simon used to love corn on the cob. I would cut off a few kernels for him to eat. Today, for the first time, he wasn't interested in the corn. His appetite is changing, he's 18 1/2 years old.

    I picked up some day-old butter croissants from the market, and I could tell they were already getting stale. So I decided to make a bread pudding. After 45 minutes at 350 degrees, it was not cooked through. So I put it back in for another 20 minutes. It didn't come out too good. I suppose next time I will try to follow a recipe and not try to "wing it".

    Ron, is it possible that the exertion of dressing for church wore Lou out? I have no stamina, I have to rest for 10-15 minutes after each small exertion.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Remember me saying last week that I had bright red blood in my urine and no blood. This morning I woke up around 1 with severe pain without blood, guess the stone is moving. Been drinking a lot without relieve, finally ran a hot tub of water and layed in it. I've found from past experence that helps! Feeling a little better, so maybe if I keep on drinking I can pass the stone.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Bad thunderstorms coming through here with 80 mile per hour wind. I've been drinking water, walking the floor back and forth, took pain meds and laying in a tub of hot water. Good Lord was watching over me, pain isn't as bad and was able to get Lou up and in a safe place before storm hit. Storm has about moved out and I believe I might try to lay back down. Thank you Jesus!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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    Morning, Ron, hope you can go ahead and pass that stone. Odd that for a while there's not much pain and then there it goes again. Thankfully, I've never had a stone (knock on wood) and hope I never do. Seems like as we get older or more mature as Jo says, bad things come out of the woodwork to bother us. Do you drink cranberry juice? Don't know if it works for eluding stones but I really think it works for not having UTIs. I've drunk half orange and half cranberry juice for breakfast since I was 20 and it really helps me - and, to boot, it's really good.

    This is the morning I take Lilly to the vet - dread going. I'm not going to take Max - he's not scratching and only has a couple of little bumps. Lilly, on the other hand, is miserable although she goes to sleep and seems to sleep well. Simon is really getting up there, isn't he? What kind of cat is Simon? My Max is about nine, Lilly is probably four and Sammy, their son, is almost three. Time really goes fast.

    When I got up this morning I looked out and there was a truck in front of the carport - thought Toad had come to get the Gator. A few minutes ago I heard the driveway alarm and then a phone call. I was Mike who had come to get the Gator to check cows somewhere. I got to talk with him about whether I should take Max to him this morning - guess I will - if I don't I'll need to in another week or so. He said they could have allergy shots every month if needed. He's not scratching but there's a few bumps on his neck. Need to stop and let the GPs outside, eat a bite and get going. Back later. Hope everyone is well this morning.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Phones been busy this morning! Received a call for a consultation on July 5th for the nodule in my lower esophagus. Just now received another call for a consultation on the sleep study. Both of these are care in the community! I'm real happy about the consultation for biopsy, this Dr. has done several surgeries on me in the past before I started using the VA. He is very good and has traveled all over the world teaching a particular skill to others.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,764
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    edited June 2023

    That is good news, Ron.

    Well Winda and I got our pedometers today. The Dr said we should be doing 15,000 steps each day. Ha!. They were very inexpensive from Amazon. He said use it or lose it and that stretching every day was essential. I know I sit way to much. He also said that sitting was as derimental as smoking.

    Anyone want to join us on our journey???

    Lorita...Wonder Bread, sandwich, is best for bread butter and sugar.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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    Goodness, Judith, 15,000 steps a day - that's a lot of walking. Where are you going to walk? Too hot to do it outside. I had a friend who walked in the mall - she walked so fast I couldn't keep up with her and she was 27 years older than I. Good luck with those steps. How does Winda feel about this? I know I should get out and walk more. Yesterday my legs were really hurting and I had to go and check the barn and take down the trash and I felt better afterwards.

    Ron, so glad you're getting some good news about getting your tests done. I just heard on the weather this morning that you all were getting some rain - hope it was only rain. How is Lou doing today? Hope you're feeling better, too. We've gotten a couple of 3" rains (you know the kind, drops were 3" apart) but they don't do much to give anything a drink.

    This morning Mike said his farmland (section east of us that he recently bought) has pretty good grass he planted on 200 acres but the half next to us didn't do well because it didn't get rain. I told him it looked pretty and green but he said that was weeds. So he lost half of the money he paid for seed and work. Farming and ranching depends so much on rain. I did talk to him about not spraying the pasture east and north of us and he said they were going to wait until the other pastures recovered spray. I drove past the east side of that section and his grass does look good. Saw Toad in his great big spraying truck.

    Left here about 9:20 and got to the vets about 9:55. By the time you get the cats out to the PU and drive that distance it takes time. The parking lot was full and they were three or four behind in checking out people. Didn't have to wait very long and we were ready to go - got home just before 11. I took the carriers in one at a time and same coming out. Sidney helped me get them into the exam room. But, somehow when I was lifting the smaller one up into the pickup I did something to my right shoulder - must have been lifting the carrier the wrong way and it really hurts. I can sort of raise it up from the side but not forward so that's something else to deal with and will probably take a while to get better. A couple of years ago Carol reached up to get a bottle of detergent and tweaked her shoulder and it took a long time to heal - may be the same thing.

    He gave Max his shot in his hip but couldn't get Lilly out of her carrier so she got the shot in her neck (same thing happened last time). He found sand fleas on Max so the Frontline Plus doesn't work. He said I needed to use something else so got Vectra for them. On the way home I called Chewy to ask them to cancel my order for Frontline - but, the order is out for delivery. They're the nicest company to work with - he said to donate the Frontline or dispose of it however I wanted to and they wouldn't charge me for it. I think they've done that before. Just heard the driveway alarm so guess the order is here. Two great big boxes to unload - that'll happen tomorrow, maybe. I'm not out of anything so no big hurry. I'm glad they ship things with FedEx instead of UPS so I don't have to bring it home from the county line.

    The AC in the PU doesn't work so we were really glad it was a little bit cooler this morning. Seems like they can't find out what's wrong with it. Guess it's worn out after 22 years.

    Judith, how far is 15000 steps? Sounds like a lot to me. Got up earlier this morning so I'm going to take a nap sometime this afternoon. I remember Wonder Bread with the red, blue and yellow ballons. You know, I don't remember seeing that kind in a long time - even when I was buying bread. Tell Winda hello for me, please. She's really a good friend to you and has been for a long time.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
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    Judith I do silver sneakers, also do Jordyn videos that are on Bob and Brad. Little less boring way to get steps in to me. When I walk, I walk in the house in a circle. Like walking outside if not nasty but too many dogs are left out with no one around and I don’t trust any dog I don’t know. For stretching do the Sara Meeks realignment routine which is also off of Bob and Brad. It has really helped my lower back. I don’t count steps though, just try to do 30 minutes of cardio five days a week. Try to do balance exercises 3-4 days a week. A lot of the cardio stuff tells you how many steps are in the workout though.

    Lorita all those animals are like having a house full of kids, lots of work and lots of running.

    Planted a lemon squash today. Have never had good luck with squash but keep trying. Read if you plant later squash bugs less likely to bother them. Have really done ok with squash bugs but just don’t get female flowers. You can’t have fruit if you don’t have female flowers. Know how to pollinate them if I had both types of blooms. Just hardly any bees where I live.

    Ron glad you got your appointments. Nice when you have someone you know and trust.

    Take care

  • Sasue
    Sasue Member Posts: 69
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    Wow Judith, 15,000 steps is a lot! Since I sat to much during Covid, my legs have gotten weak. It’s true, move it or lose it, I lost it but I still trying to get it back.

    We are expecting bad weather today, strong storms coming but we’re in a valley and many times the rains miss us.

    My son planted cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers but we had a nighttime visit by the deer so no mor flowers on any plants. That’s all that’s going on here today. Hope everyone in bad weather stays safe.


  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Judith, I wish I could walk 15,000 steps. Maybe after I get some help with my back, I’ll be able to aim for that. I know when I was walking a lot, I was averaging 8,000 steps on the days I walked for exercise. My phone exercise program said I was walking from 7-8 miles. It’s calculated on step length, stride, and speed. Not sure as an adult I walked that many steps unless I was on a long hike. Right now I’m lucky to get 1,000-2500 a day. I also like the silver sneakers programs on UTube. They’re good for all over body strength and exercise. You and Wynda will be running all over Lorita’s porch and farm getting in your steps.

    It’s getting warmer here this week. We are in the 80’s. It feels very warm outside. I need to water my pots this evening. The flowers are all in bloom now and so pretty. My day lilies are just about ready to bloom, and the geraniums are beautiful this year. So far, the lawn is green and lush. We’re supposed to have warm days with showers Thursday through the weekend. That will be nice.

    Ron, your writing was very interesting. Good advice for anyone.

    Nothing much going on here, so I’ll get busy and do a few things. I ran errands earlier, and have been resting since I got home. Not enough steps here!!! I better get moving.

    Have a relaxing evening. Joan.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    edited June 2023

    I know someone named Winda in Virginia--it must be a southern name.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All.

    Lorita. I hope all is well with you today Iam missing your morning post.

    Good Day to All, Hugs Zetta

  • Sasue
    Sasue Member Posts: 69
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    Where is everyone today?

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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    edited June 2023


    Where is everyone? Guess I can't say that because I haven't been posting today either. We got 1.5" of rain, almost 1.6" this morning. Quite a surprise - I didn't know anything was coming. We had a little bit of wind and a good rain and it's been in the low 80s today - just noticed my computer says 93 so guess it's warming up. I saw the radar a while ago and looks like something else may be coming down this way for later. It was really sweet - looked out just as the rain was beginning and the girls were coming to the barn - in a line - the newest little baby was running by his mom's side. She's a big girl and he's little - he can walk under her. It's supposed to warm up to over 100 the rest of the week so if the rain doesn't hurry and soak in, it'll be gone.

    Iris, don't know if Winda is a southern name or not - had never hard it before. I know in the south everyone has double names like Linda Sue, etc. I know I do and mother always wanted that middle name in when I signed my name. You know - William Robert - Billy Bob, etc.

    When it started raining, of course, the TV reception went off so tried the computer and couldn't get anything either so that sort of worried me but it came on just now. They keep calling and I don't answer - guess I'll have to eventually.

    My friend, Carol, called about 8:30 this morning to tell me of a happening in their neighborhood. Happening is a misnomer, I guess - it was a tragedy. She said last night they were watching the baseball game and heard what they thought was a firecracker (only one). A little while later she was passing a window and there were lights outside - her whole street was filled with police cars. They went outside and the police told them to go back inside and shelter in place. They were looking in the bushes for someone or something. They later found out, this morning on the news, that three people were found shot to death inside the house only three down from them. I hadn't heard anything about it but later heard they think the wife shot her husband and then her eleven year old grandson and then herself. Cannot imagine someone shooting someone else, especially a grandson. Carol didn't know them - just in passing and speaking but he was a doctor in town. Guess there'll be more on the news later today. You know when they interview people they always say - this is a quiet neighborhood - nothing like this has ever happened, etc. And their neighborhood is quiet.

    I've been rubbing my shoulder with the stuff that took the place of Theragesic and icing it (with frozen english peas) and it seems a little better. It doesn't hurt until I try to lift it up in front of me. This happened to Carol a couple of years ago and she said it took quite a long time for it to get better.

    Joan, I'll be glad when your back is better so you can get back to doing things you love to do - walking, working in your yard, etc. When you're used to doing those things, it's hard to not be able to do so.

    Ron, hope things are well with you and Lou today - did you get some rain this morning - may have been north of you. I heard last night there were some storms in your area.

    Sandy, the news a while ago was talking about all the bad weather around you. Hope it's just rain and nothing worse. You know in the summer we get rain and then it gets so hot and humid from the rain, it just disappears. This will help the grass to grow where Toad sprayed and just make things seem better. It's like it usually is in August and it's only the end of June.

    They just had a lemon cake on QVC for $79.00. Can you imagine paying that much for a cake - not me. My hair is a mess - can't raise my arm to brush it or put the clip on - guess I'll have to lift that arm with the other or do it all with one arm. My right side, at the waist, is also sore so must have picked up the carrier and twisted - don't know. Always something.

    With that thought I'll stop and see if someone else has posted. I got popups saying someone had so I'll check. Hope all of you are well today.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
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    Hi Zetta and front porch friends. Has been a cool dark day. have not been very motivated. Hope that is how everyone else is feeling and no one feeling extra rough day today.

    About the only thing I did today was make a batch of chocolate chip cookies. Took a plate to the police department and to the X-ray department. The only one I have left to do is the squad. After I came back home I was lazy. Hope I don’t feel lazy in morning. Did all kinds of Work yesterday evening.

    Thinking of each one of you

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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    edited June 2023

    Looks like several of us decided to post at one time. You all were talking about Silver Sneakers a day or two ago - I need to go back and see who posted about that initially. I had never heard of it before.

    Thanks, Zetta, for missing me this morning. Just couldn't get going. Iris, just remembered you said that Simon likes corn on the cob. Unusual for a cat - but, we used to have a poodle, Pierre, who would eat corn off the cob. I always buttered about half an ear for him and would hold it and he'd eat it. Haven't tried that with Sheena or Stormy - but they do like to eat the crusts from my sandwiches - I never get to eat a whole sandwich.

    Sara, how sweet of you to make cookies for those organizations. I know they appreciate it so much. Were you not feeling well this morning or did you overdo a bit yesterday.

    Hi Sandy, hope you're doing all right today, too. Has the snake come back again? I know I've begun to look really well before I go out on the porch. Remember, if you see one snake, there's another around.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,075
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    I too was a bit curious about no posts earlier today. While I don't write often, I do read every day. I am a terrible correspondent!

    Here it is summer and I am crocheting winter stuff...lol...christmas trees and ear warmers.

    Lorita, love hearing the stories about your "girls" and their babies. Also have enjoyed all the pics of the pretty flowers. Seems like the only things I grow well are weeds!

    I do hope that God shines his light on all of you with physical ills and brings you comfort and improvement.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,764
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    Fitness report...we have begun. Step one, we are looking at the boxes. Step two will be opening them...lol

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,075
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    🤣 Thanks for the laugh...and letting me know I am not alone when it comes to "baby steps" on things I need to do!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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    Love how you and Winda are beginning your fitness training - keep us posted. Thank you for the laugh - needed one this afternoon.

    Thanks, Marie all I have to write about are the girls, Pyrenees and cats. I get a lot of enjoyment from watching the girls and their babies.

    I'm going to have to adjust the driveway alarm. It keeps going off and that keeps Stormy barking and running to the window all the time to see who or what is out there. I think there's one of those wild roses directly across from it and when the wind blow it activates it. I'll just raise the direction it points - can't cut that roses, they have way too many thorns.

    I'm going to have to order new collars and leashes for the GPs, I guess. Somewhere I've taken Sheena's leash off and now can't find it. Drives me nuts looking for things.

    The news showed a huge tree that has been uprooted in Tulsa. The man standing beside it was less than half as tall as the root ball. Amazing.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,362
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    Good morning Porch-People.

    15,000 steps is an average USPS on-foot mail carrier route. It's a lot.

    We've been having rainy weather with some terrible storms yesterday.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Been a busy day, grocery shopping, guys have been over finishing up the backsplashes in our kitchen. They were still 13 pieces short for completing the work and have to order another box. I also received the Emeril's forever pans that I ordered alone with his mixer; I love it. Also, the preacher came by to visit and had a nice visit with him. Still have blood in my urine, but no pain, really dont know if I passed the kidney stone are if it just moved. I have a urology appointment tommorow so hopefully will know more.


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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