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Just need to talk to my friends (191)



  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 523
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    She is not a dainty drinker as you can see. She puts her entire face in the water bowl! I'm hoping that's a puppy thing we soon outgrow.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Eaglemom, after seeing your picture of Madison, I had to share a picture of littlebit. We had him for 18 years and gave me so much joy and love. I always kept him in a short cut because he was more comfortable, but when we got him he looked a lot like Madison.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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    Eaglemon, I think Madison is as cute as a bug's ear. I love Shih Tzus. This makes me want another one. Years ago we adopted Barclee when he was two and he passed away three or four months ago. He was probably at least 16. He was beige and white. I really miss him. If I wasn't as old as I am I'd think about another little dog. I have the two big ones so that's enough, I guess.

    Ronald, earlier I saw you had posted a picture of Little Bit - what happened to it? He did look like Madison.

    Well, we had a lot of thunder this afternoon and wind so I went out and took down the flag so it wouldn't blow away or break the pole. Thought I'd get wet before I got back in but we had another one of those 3" rains. The only good thing is that it made it quite a lot cooler - about 20 degrees.

    I went to the mailbox late this evening and the girls were in the NE pasture. It still looks awful where Toad sprayed - just ugly brown but there is some grass coming back. I saw all the girls and then saw someone laying down quite a ways from the others. You never know what's going on so drove down and when I stopped by him, it was Samson. Guess he's getting used to me because I stopped right next to him and talked to him a while and he never got up. I also saw the cow who had the injured hip a few weeks ago. Remember I kept her up for a couple or more weeks until she got to the point she could get around and wanted out. She's walking pretty well but still has a limp. So glad she's improved as much as she has.

    It's been a quiet evening - just watching TV so I'll stop for now and be back tomorrow. Glad Bill's surgery is over and hope everything went well. Guess we won't hear from Jo for a while - I think she was going to stay with him a night or two? No scratching from the GPs tonight - it's just like a knob has been pulled or a button pushed - scratching before shot and none afterward. They've been sleeping all afternoon - just now waking up to go to bed.

    Rest well tonight.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Happy 4th of July my front porch friends! Whatever your plans are for today; stay safe and know that you are loved.

    Still praying for Jo C. And Bill!


  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 523
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    Ron your littlebit is very similar to Madison. Thanks for sharing a picture. Yes, we're both smitten with her! We also have a 14 yr old shih tzu, Abigail. She doesn't act 14, and having Madison they are best buddies.

    Lorita we love their personalities. We've had several shih tzu's, a Lhasa Pom and a Lhasa Apso. You can see the theme!! I do want to eventually get Madison enough training so that she can receive a Canine Good Citizen certificate. With that then she'll be able to go into facilities with me and greet residence. Also, she'll recognize when Don is more anxious and know to sit on his lap to comfort him. Some shih tzu's are on the smaller size, I'd thought that's how Madison would be. I was wrong. But truthfully her being a bit bigger is better, she's less of a trip hazard and that's a good thing.

    Nothing much planned here. Our friends would love for us to come visit them while they're camping at the lake. Honestly, the company sounds great, sitting outside in the heat, even though its shady sounds miserable, so we'll politely pass. I might work on downloading pictures from my phone to the cloud - somehow that's not automatically happening and I need to figure out why. There is always something to do, its just a matter of if I want to do it or not!

    Be safe everyone. Happy 4th of July.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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    edited July 2023

    Happy Fourth to everyone! What time are we going to meet for our party? It's going to be hot so maybe a little later this afternoon. Sometimes we can see fireworks from our front porch - just a little bit. I think I mentioned I heard loud booms a couple of nights ago north of here.

    Hopefully, we can hear something from Jo today about how Bill's doing. I don't remember exactly what her plans were for either staying with him or coming home.

    Eagle - I truly loved Barclee, both of us did. We even had two wing-back chairs made into one to accommodate him setting beside me. When he was fairly young he was playing with one of the cats and turned around and hit one of his eyes on the door frame. A few days later one of the cats scratched his eye and that began him having problems with his eyes. They kept enlarging and we were afraid he'd hit one of them on something. His ophthalmologist suggested surgery (forgot what it was called) to drain the fluid. We had that done and he did fairly well but his vision wasn't good. He knew where furniture was located in the house so he could get around okay. He had a good life and we so enjoyed having him. They're wonderful, very smart. Probably a good idea Madison is a little bigger so tripping over him won't be so much of a problem. I worry about that with my three cats; Sammy likes to run in front of me, lay down and stretch out so I have to be careful with that.

    Already hot here - 87 - don't know what the humidity is. We didn't get any rain - all north and south of us - again. I'll watch fireworks on TV tonight - I think there's always a couple of good ones. I like the ones in NY (not sure about that) where they're reflected in the river.

    Hope you all are well this morning. Haven't heard anything else from Sarah and she doesn't answer her phone. Keeps me on edge - I know when you don't feel well, you don't feel like calling or talking so guess I'll be patient. Back later.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,766
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    please note changes on lemon bars recipe!!!!!!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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    Where, Judith?

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,766
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    edited July 2023

    July 2 recipe

    added; neighbor just told me that mouse/rat /bird droppings attract snakes!!!!!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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    Hi, Just tried calling Sarah again. She answered and is in the ER now. Said she passed out in the bathroom and when she woke up, called the ambulance. She sounds awful.

    Haven't been outside for a few hours but laptop says it's 93 - missed the heat index but I know it's over 100. Thursday and Friday are both supposed to be in the mid to upper 80s - that will be nice but still hot. The trees aren't looking good - leaves are drooping and color isn't good.

    Hope all of you are having a good Fourth. It's the Macy's foreworks I like to watch but switch back and forth between it and the other one. Don't care much about the singing, etc., just the fireworks. See you all tomorrow.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
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    long busy day and tomorrow May be too

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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    Goodnight, Sara. I'm sure you had a good Fourth - you need to rest some tomorrow. Watching the weather - there's rain coming for tomorrow but may go east of us - I just hope we have some rain. It's getting desperate.

    I just talked with Sarah. They sent her home from the hospital and told her to call in the morning for an appt. with the surgeon. They drew blood for lab tests and wrote prescriptions. I can't understand why they sent her home with all that's wrong. She hasn't been able to get in touch with hospice. I thought they were supposed to answer at any time. I know I'm hearing one side of it but by the way she sounds, she's in awful pain. She's depressed and who wouldn't be if they were in her condition. It stresses me out and I can only imagine how she must feel. I worry every time the phone rings. You know she's held on for six months since we thought she might go at any time. She's strong but a person can only be strong so long. Sorry to lay this on you all on a holiday but just have to - no one else to talk with about it.

    I laid down on the divan this afternoon and went to sleep for an hour or so. Did watch some of the fireworks on TV tonight - they were pretty but guess I just wasn't that interested - they seemed better last year. Hope all of you had a good Fourth.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
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    Lorita I’m sorry know how tough this is. It is a very tough situation.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Prayers for Sarah, Joe C. and her Bill and everyone else hurting and in pain. The front porch is a good, calm and relaxing place to come and talk among friends.

    I have a late morning appointment for consultation before nodule biopsy. Very anxious to get this over with! I have had multiple lung nodules in the past and always was no big deal. This is the first for a esophageal nodule and my concern is the fdg uptake. The only other time I've had fdg uptake was with the prostate cancer. I'm also concerned about the small nodule in my left lung with faint uptake. All lung nodules have always been in the right lung and never with uptake. Since it is small it's no big concern, but will be monitored.

    Fireworks around here hadn't been to bad, except for a few loud bangs that made me jump and reach for my brownie automatic rifle that I dont have. Guess everyone will go back to their normal daily lifes now!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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    Morning, Thanks Sara and Ron. It's sort of hard when you're having severe family illnesses and don't have anyone to talk to about it. You all are great for listening.

    It's nice outside this morning - they had rain north of here - again - but there's more coming down from Kansas so hope we get some of that. I've given up watering anything - between the dry weather, hot weather and grasshoppers it's a losing battle.

    Welcome spano - glad you posted. Have you been reading for those three years you mentioned? At any rate, glad you posted this time.

    Weather just said that line of storms coming down is beginning to weaken - what's new? At least they're getting some rain up there where they need it to fill the lakes. Bartlesville has been on water rationing this year.

    Ron, good luck with your appointment this morning - hope all goes well and you can get the biopsy before long and get the results so you can relax. I know how I dread doctor's appointments - even though I like my doctor. Had good advice from Mike about my shoulder which is getting better. He's had that happen with both of his.

    Stormy and Sheena are outside and I need to stop and take some letters down to mail before the mail runs this morning. I'll be glad to get that IRS stuff behind me.

    One thing about my shoulder though is that I can't shampoo my hair - can't lift that arm out in front yet - maybe it would work from the side. Back later.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,075
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    edited July 2023

    Prayers for all the friends on the front porch who are having health issues...hope you are all on the mend and receive good news with positive progress.

    This has been a week of driving for me...Monday had to take Mother for eye doc appointment...round trip of 154 miles. Tuesday had to take her to 2 cemeteries and a family reunion...round trip of 285 miles. Did I mention I hate driving long distances...lol.

    While I complain, I am glad I am still able to do things like this for her...she will be 99 in November. Good news at the eye doc...no shot needed for her macular degeneration. She was able to visit Dad's grave, and then we went to the church cemetery where he grandfather and many family are buried...they just recently installed a memorial for those who served in the Revolutionary War...he was first on the list...appropriate day to visit...July 4th. The family reunion was a rather small get together compared to years gone past, but she had a good visit with all there.

    The traffic was not bad at all...mostly interstate travel and guess most folks were already where they wanted to be to watch fireworks...lol.

    Hope the rest of the week shows improvement for all. Hugs

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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    Oh, Marie, how wonderful that your mother is 99 and still sounds active - wanting to go places with you. I lost my mother when she was 81 - she had alz and didn't want to go anywhere. Makes me sad to think about it. She lived alone the last 13 months of her life (lost daddy 13 months before we lost her). We only lived a quarter mile from her and I saw her every day and talked to her several times. It's so great that you still have her and can be with her.

    I know what you mean about driving long distances - I don't like to do that either - 30 miles round trip about my limit and I hate doing that. Guess I'm getting to be like mother. Great that she didn't need the shot - my mother had macular degenertion, too, but guess it wasn't as advanced as your mothers. Nice that you could take her to the cemeteries - that means a lot to older people. You're a really good daughter to her.

    Getting cloudy here again and the radar shows some rain NW of here - hope it doesn't fizzle out before it gets here.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    I need a shoulder to cry on! The surgeon I was sent to for consultation prior to biopsy has referred me to another. He said I need a scope with ultrasound and he can't do it. Now to wait again for another call to set up another consultation prior to biopsy. I'll be dead before all this is done!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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    Lots of broad shoulders here to help y ou, Ron. I know it's discouraging to wait for an appt. and only be told you have to have one with someone else. Life is full of disappointments. The time will pass fast - just hang in there. You'll be okay. We're all pulling for you.

    I tried cooking some brown beans today - didn't work out. I got them sometime back and they were sort of dark then. I soaked them overnight and they'll be in the slow cooker for five hours and still not soft and the water is really dark. Don't think they'll be any good. Have to get some fresher ones and get rid of these old ones. Also cooked or stewed some yellow squash and onion. I tasted them and it tasted bitter so that won't be eaten either. Just had half a peanut butte and jelly sandwich for supper. We didn't get a drop of rain but southern Kansas got up to 2" - good for them - they needed it, too.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good evening,

    It does seem you have had a lot of discouragement to deal with.

    Did you get any rain Lorita?

    Two of my sisters and I went to the lake today. We took our chairs and set and listened to the waves and watched the boats, nice day.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,766
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    edited July 2023

    Ron...we are always here with a Kleenex.

    Lorita...there is just no answer to help Sarah. The hospital cannot admit her unless there is something they can treat . Re Hospice, all I had to do was call and they were on their way to us...24/7 so I can't imagine what the problem was. I wish Sarah was under the care of a gastro....opiates and gastropareses can be a problem.

    Jo...please update as soon as you are able.

    Dogs....we had a little dog too. I think little dogs are actually pets not dogs...lol

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    Ron. I am so sorry you're having to go through all these wait times. For me waiting is the worst. Hopefully Lou is being good for you. I totally understand about how you feel when you don't feel appreciated. This is probably something all caregivers feel at times. You are so good to Lou and she is beyond lucky to have you there for her.

    Lorita. It sounds like your shoulder is getting better. I still have a sore neck at times I think it is all how I sleep on it at night. I know how much you worry about Sarah, please don't let the worry get the best of you. You have so many fur babies to care for and those you have right there with you. Be safe when you go out in that hot weather.

    Marie. That is so sweet that your 99-year-old mother is still so active. Enjoy all the time you have with her now. When does she turn 100? You are a good daughter and she is lucky that you enjoy being with her.

    Sara. Please be careful on those long busy days. You do not want to overdo it till all your strength is back. As active as you are I know how hard it is to stay down.

    Jo. You and Bill are in my prayers. I hope your able to be getting a lot of rest, because I know you will be over doing it when Bill comes home. Please take care of yourself.

    I am really enjoying my job at the MC/AL facility. I turned my 12 hour a week job into a 24 hour a week job. Iam a Dietary Tec (aka) a dishwasher :) :). I am the one who loads and unloads the dishwasher all weekend long. I work Friday Saturday and Sundays from 12-8pm. Iam not around all the residents just the kitchen staff and it's nice being out among people. And the money is also nice. I was becoming such a lazy person I needed to do something.

    Take Care all, Hugs Zetta

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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    edited July 2023

    Hi, Zetta, my shoulder feels all right until I try to reach out in front of me and lift something or raise it up. This evening I went out to check the barn and since it was pretty nice decided I'd water three big pots of mostly wild violets - also one of them has three or four short caladiums I bought last year and didn't plant. I noticed that I was carrying the water can with my right arm - didn't seem to bother me because I wasn't doing anything but carrying but quickly changed hands. I just forget and do something I shouldn't. Also watered three rose bushes and a flowering almond. The rosebush I have over the yard gate is now without any leaves - grasshoppers have eaten all of them. They've also eaten the leaves from another Knock-out rose and most of the leaves from an autumn clematis in the runway at the barn. They're everywhere - hopping on you when you walk. I can't remember what got rid of them last summer but I wish it would do it again.

    So glad you like your job and being out among people. Sometimes I think as we get older we had rather just stay home - I know I feel that way. Do you have to put the dishes away after you take them out of the washer? How many residents are there where you work? Probably have a lot of dishes to do, don't you? I think you said your nephew also works there. Are you all able to ride to work together?

    Of course I worry about Sarah - she's the only blood relative I have except her brother and a couple of cousins. Just wish I could do more. Judith, this evening Sarah called and she told me the name of the Hospice. Said she called them and they said they'd have to have a doctor's referral and her records. I thought she was on hospice already. I called them and talked with the on-call nurse. Really a nice woman who grew up probably 25 miles from me. She said a month ago they were in the process of getting Sarah in their hospice but she got aggravated because she couldn't get the medicine she needed right away so stopped the process. You're right - she didn't tell me this - maybe she didn't even remember, who knows? At any rate they're going to contact her in the morning to get the names of her doctors for a referral and consent to get her records. They have my number in case they can't reach her - I can tell them names but can't give the consent. The nurse did urge her to go to the ER tonight and so did I. She's to the point she has a hard time following through with what needs to be done.

    Sara, I'm glad you had a good day - sounds really relaxing which is what you need - rest and relaxation. How are your zucchini and other things doing this year? Glad you decided to not plant so much - there's always next year

    . Ron, hope you can get some good rest tonight. You know I think there are times when all caregivers feel underappreciated. We know in our hearts it's not the person's fault we're caring for but nevertheless it does hurt sometimes. Hopefully, you'll get your appointment soon and won't have to wait too long. Zetta's right - waiting is a hard thing to handle. Sleep well tonight - remember, anytime you need to talk about anything we're here to listen and empathize.

    I've written too much so I'll stop for the night. Just had a big cup of green tea - doesn't seem to have much taste to me but I'll get used to it because it's good for me. Usually drink black or orange pekoe and pekoe black. Hope all of you rest well tonight. Hard to believe we're already almost a week into July.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Hello, everyone. I'm trying to keep up. So much is going on with everyone. Feel better, soon, all who are in pain! I'll try to read more thoroughly tomorrow or the next day.


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Good morning! 57 degrees this a.m. It will be nice to have a cooler day.

    Zetta, I'm glad you are enjoying your job. It feels good to be productive.

    Lorita, sorry about Sarah and her issues. No easy answers for her. Hope your shoulder is soon not hurting so you can do the things you need to do.

    Jo, thinking of you and Bill. Prayers for healing.

    Ron, so sorry for all you are going through. I am keeping you in my prayers.

    I'll close with 2 garden photos I took this a.m. This shows about 1/2 of my back garden. I have some other beds, a hosta border across the back of the property, and a courtyard with pergola, patio and deck. Lots of places to relax! We even have 2 porch swings (his 'n hers) on the patio. The patio is under the deck, so fully shaded.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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    Iris, are you all right? Surely hope so. Haven't seen a post from you for a couple of days until this morning. How is Simon today?

    Beth, your gardens are beautiful - so many pretty flowers and sounds like lots of places to relax. Everything looks so pretty and green. Do you have sprinkles to keep the grass green or have you had rain? The building in your garden is cute as can be - even has a pretty window box. I know all of this gives you a lot of pleasure - just to look at but I know it's a lot of work.

    When I woke up this morning I heard some rain on the AC so stayed in bed a while to enjoy it. After I was up a while I went out to check and we had half an inch of rain. Saw a cow up in the pasture by herself so I had to go up to check on her. She had had a new baby and it was laying in the grass and she was watching it. It seemed okay so I didn't bother them. Really glad it's going to be cooler today so it won't be out in the hot sun. Just now looked and I don't see her so guess she got the baby up and went to join the other girls.

    Quiet here this morning - gave Max and Lilly the last of their prednisone and gave Stormy and Sheena theirs along with glucosamine and vitamin. There was rain west of here an hour or so ago but hasn't gotten here - guess it went north or south of us.

    Joan, heard on the weather there's some pretty heavy weather around Denver that may get to us tomorrow morning. We have chances of rain for the next three days and cooler weather. Really need to enjoy the little break in the summer weather.

    Beth, my shoulder doesn't hurt except when I move it the wrong way. It'll just take some time. Thanks for your concern.

    I've tried a few times to call Sarah this morning with no answer. She can't get any help if she can't stay awake to answer calls from people who are trying to help - I don't know the answer to that. She's taking medication for pain and I guess it makes her sleepy so she takes it, sleeps, gets up to the bathroom and then back to sleep. If I don't get her by noon I'll call hospice and see if they had gotten hold of her. Last night she promised she'd go to the ER as soon as Todd got home (he's tearing down a building next door) - but I doubt she did. I know she's afraid and I would be, too, but that's where she needs to be. Sorry to go on about this but it's on my mind and I have to vent.

    Sandy, so enjoyed our visit last night. I was going to throw the cooked squash away but decided I'd taste it again before I did - and it didn't taste bitter at all. Must have been that one bite I tried. I'm cooking some butterbeans now - love them. Watch out for those snakes. Hope you and everyone else has a good day. Back later.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Good Afternoon All,

    Beth. Your garden is beautiful, a person could spend all day out there relaxing and taking in all the views. I love that little house, do you keep lawn equipment in it? I bet your garden has a lot of pretty smells.

    Lorita. The facility I work in is pretty small. The MC section only has 10 rooms, some are private, but most are double rooms. Iam not sure how many are back there. They do their own dishes they just bring them up for me to run through the sanitizer. The AL section is much larger, maybe 50 rooms. Most are private there are a few with married couples in them. You may think there are a lot of dishes, but when they are brought back to me, they have all been scraped so all I do is rinse them and put them in the dishwasher and when there are done, they are all dry. Then I stack them and place them all back on the carts so the tables can be reset. I have always been a very organized person so my operation runs smoothly. That is one of the reasons I wanted the full shift I did not want to come into where someone else left off.

    My nephew and I work different shifts. He works 10pm to 6am he is a care giver he works right with the residents. I can pretty much come and go on my days. I can choose to be there noon till eight or I can come in anytime after noon and just get caught up with the morning dishes and stay till 8. I prefer the longer shift, then I don't feel so rushed. Beth is right it does feel good to be productive. Lorita, we don't ride in together. He bikes in so sometimes on my way home at 8:30pm I see him biking into work.

    Iam having a lazy day, its 88 outside me and my fur babies are inside where it's cool, we are napping. Hugs to all, Zetta

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,766
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    Lorita...I do not think any sense can be made of the Sarah situation and I do not think there is anything you can do which, I know, will not stop you from trying or worrying. If I can help just let me know.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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