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Just need to talk to my friends (191)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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    I just got up about 45 minutes ago. Woke up several times but bed felt good so just stayed in. Judith, how lucky you all are, we haven't had but 1.5" of rain the last month or more. This morning I did hear a little bit of rain one of those times when I woke up. All see of it is a damp rock in front of the porch.Laptop says it's 82 right now and it's partly cloudy. Saw some of the girls standing in the pond and the GPs are outside.

    Glad you got your AC taken care of. Are they working on the house so you need the AC on or how did you know it went out? Carol said their AC went out this week, too, but the repairman came out and fixed it within three hours.

    I eat quite a few potatoes but not many carrots although I love them cooked. I read that more fiber than you're used to can keep you home. Still need to stay close today. It also said you shouldn't have dairy products or citrus juices. I'm drinking OJ and CBJ right now - probably shouldn't but have to have it in the mornings. I did eat yogurt yesterday for the probiotics. I bought pro and pre biotics so should start taking them.

    I think it would be fun to celebrate the 4th on the porch. Hot dogs and brownies sound good. Maybe I'll make some potato salad. Mother always made the creamy kind where you mashed the potatoes. I rather like the chunky kind. I haven't made that for years but maybe it'll be all right.

    Thinking of you this morning, Jo, and your husband. Seemed like it was going to be quite a while before his surgery but times goes fast. Soon it will be over and the healing will begin. Did you find the recliner you were looking for?

    Judith, your next job of going through Dick's logs will be hard and there will be tears for sure. I think sometimes it just hits us harder than others - like when we're looking at their things. I have an area in the sunroom where I have some of Charles' things - I bought a shadow box and put his metals in it and also have some other things from the war and I put the flag from his funeral in the triangular box and it's there - makes me sad to think about it. I'm so glad I didn't know him when he was over there - but I was only six or seven when he went in. I still have a picture of him I took when he was sitting across from me in his recliner. I've had it in a frame leaning against a lamp between our chairs. How many times I've looked at and talked to that picture I'll never know. It's just like he looked so many times when I'd look over at him when he was here. Okay, now there are tears here - didn't mean to get into all of that.

    I'll need to go to the mailbox in an hour or so to see if my tax papers are there. Need to find something for breakfast - maybe a piece of toast will sufficeth. Hope everyone is well today. I need to put the flag back up - took it down before the storms last week.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
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    Probiotics can also keep you close to home especially at first. Usually adjust in a few days.

    Know losing a spouse you loved has to leave a pretty big whole that never completely closes.

    I will bring chunky potato salad and baked beans to the front porch. Ron I’m volunteering you for the peanut butter cake and Joan what about your new cake recipe? If anyone can find a really tasty watermelon please bring it.

    My family hopes to have a cookout if the weather is nice. If not nice will try again on Saturday. Cloudy again today but air quality much better.

    Take care all. JoC and Bill hope you are hanging in there

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,364
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    My best friend's husband is in the hospital with heart and lung issues. He's been fighting her for weeks on getting it checked out, so she's pleased he's getting help but really annoyed. I spent a lot of the day explaining some of the tests he had in terms of what they're looking for as my mom has similar kinds of issues and we've done the ER thing from time to time.

    My crazy aunt called to ask me if it was OK-- as in "safe"-- for her to see a neighbor socially who says he was diagnosed with autism late in life. As if I'm some kind of expert on the mental health of some man I never met. They're both 87. She's been really down for the last couple of years and sounded positively giddy. I shared this news with my mom who is a little jealous-- especially because he drives. She and her sister are like a couple of 16 year old girls about boys with cars.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Ron, Lou sounds like she is more comfortable with finger foods versus foods that need a knife and fork.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Sayra, I have the ingredients for banana pudding with the cool whip and was going to bring it, but no trouble to get what is needed for peanut butter cake, so will bring both. Also, if anyone brings fireworks, please dont bring the load ones. I dont feel like messing up Lorita's yard digging me a foxhole!


  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    I’ll bring the cake. I haven’t eaten a hot dog in a very long time. It actually sounds really good. Ron, let’s just light sparklers. We wouldn’t want to scare the cattle into a stampede. It would be so nice if we could really meet and celebrate together.

    Lorita, I saw on the news that there is an influx of a type of grasshoppers migrating through parts of the USA. They were having problems in the northwestern part of Colorado. It showed one of the highways covered with them. Looked more like millions. They were trying to poison them because they’re eating the crops and invading the farms and ranches. One guy was trying to get them away from his patio by blowing them off with his yard blower. Very creepy looking, and a big yuck for sure. I guess a couple of cars were sliding on the highway after driving over them.

    I hope you feel better by tomorrow.

    Jo, I hope you and Bill can relax this weekend so you will be ready for Bill’s surgery. I’m keeping you in my prayers and will be waiting to hear it’s over and he can start recovering.

    I don’t have plans for the fourth except for relaxing around here. I might make a hamburger deluxe and a salad. I haven’t had a hamburger for awhile so it sounds good. Maybe potato salad. I like it but haven’t made any for quite awhile.

    I talked with my neighbor this morning. She just lost her husband to multiple myeloma last week. He was recently diagnosed, and was diagnosed with pneumonia on Sunday.

    I need to fold my laundry and press a blouse so I can wear it tonight. I’m going to dinner at my friend’s house. I hope you all enjoy the weekend. Joan

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
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    HB lol I know exactly what you mean. Don’t know if you were on the porch 5 years ago or not. My mom asked a man to marry her that she thought she knew but didn’t. She was exactly like a 16 year old giddy girl. Would have been funny if it wasn’t so sad and concerning at same time.

    I like banana pudding too Ron. Hope to make some before too long. Will all leave our fireworks at home because we care about each one on the front porch.

    So very sorry about your neighbor Joan.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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    edited July 2023


    HB, I've heard of very elderly people in nursing homes who married each other. I think it's kind of cute but if it was one of my relatives might feel differently. Sara, I remember when your mother was going through that phase. Glad it's over for you. I know you were concerned.

    Ron, I love, love banana pudding. I used to make it a lot, hardly ever now except for those little cups of pudding I might slice part of a banana in it and add a vanilla wafer. A whole one would be good. I forgot, do you add the whipped cream or cool whip to the pudding before you put it together?

    Helen, have you gotten your bread machine out yet to make some fresh bread? It's really easy and amazing to me. I remember when one of our social workers was telling me about them (back in the 70s, maybe? I could not imagine how that would work - but it does. Probably might have to make some changes in the recipe because of your elevation - in which State do you live?

    Joan, I think we have the grasshopper invasion - had it last year, too, and they ate the leaves off most of the holly and those are tough leaves. I hate to walk outside because they're jumping everywhere - can't stand to get one on me. I think quiet fireworks is a good idea - I think loud ones would scare the girls and the GPs, too. I used to like sparklers but I heard they heat up to 1700 degrees - can you believe that?

    I'll provide the iced tea and lemonade and the fixings for homemade ice cream - if someone will volunteer to turn the crank. We've never done many fireworks but I remember when I was a little kid my sister's husband brought a lot of fireworks and set them off on the other side of the pond. It was eally dry that year and I know daddy held his breath until it was over - afraid it might start a fire. I heard they're prohibited in Tulsa because of all the tree debris that's dried and is a fire hazard.

    I've been watching Planet Earth all afternoon - nature shows and they're so good. Lots of it was about Yellowstone Park. It said it has the biggest volcano in the world and they're still thinking it will erupt. Guess if it does, we'll be goners.

    Thanks, Joan, I feel better today - about 50% back to normal. I did do the dishes I had let set. I don't mind doing them - it's just getting to doing it. I even picked up a kleenex that had gotten under the divan. I'd been looking at it for two days - now it's gone. Still need to sweep up the GP hair - it's everywhere. I can sweep one day and it's back the next. I should collect it and make a pillow and put their names on it. Joan, hope you're feeling better, too. I know a backache makes you feel bad all over.

    Sandy, how is that exercise video going - just be careful doing the exercises - start slowly. Is the smoke still bad there? Sleep well tonight, everyone. See you all tomorrow.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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    It's, well, I don't know what it is - laptop says 85 and Alexa says 72. Anyway, it's humid. I've been awake since 4 a.m. I woke up and smelled something strange - sort of sweet. Last evening I went to the mailbox and there was one cow down the driveway. I didn't bring her home but later thought she shouldn't be down there - she has a fairly new baby and they were in separate pastures. Went back down just before 9 - getting dark and found her as far away as possible across the fence from the heifers. Pushed her back up to the house - she was hesitant because guess she wasn't sure where she was going except she was getting farther away from all the girls. When she got far enough toward the house she knew where she was and almost ran to get through to the other pasture. As I got to the house I saw a bright light up by the MH - only saw it one time. Got the idea that Ray, our neighbor to the south was spraying. So, the first thought this morning was it was the spray that had drifted down to the house. Turned off the AC and got Sheena, Stormy and myself into the LR. I've been outside a couple of times and don't smell anything so guess I was wrong. Where he would have been spraying was a meadow so not sure. Anyway, while I was out I fed Rusty and the birds - saw the girls, or at least a couple in the NE pasture. Toad sprayed there two weeks ago and it has looked awful but maybe the grass is recovering now. Sorry this is such a long paragraph - couldn't decide where to break it.

    Day, if you happen to be reading, we're missing you. Wish you'd post again. I watched Denim & Co. this morning at 6 with Julia and Gary. She drives me nuts - talks so fast I can't understand what she's saying - just not used to fast-talking I guess. We have always had relatives in Arkansas - on mother's side of the family. They'd come to visit - two sisters and their families and my goodness, it took them so long to get something said - talk about slow-talking - but they were lovely people.

    I saw something on one of the nature shows yesterday about Road Runners. It said they only live in desert country. But, one time where our Arkansan relatives were visiting we saw a Road Runner on the hood of their car - parked outside our yard - only one I've ever seen.

    Ron, what have you decided about Church this morning? If you decide to try to go I hope Lou is cooperative. Let us know.

    Talking about fireworks (we did yesterday) while I was out I heard loud booms from fireworks. I think it was north of us but with my hearing deficit I can't be sure of the direction. Didn't see anything pretty - just the noise. Occasionally we used to see fireworks probably 5-8 miles east of us but haven't in a long time.

    I'll stop for now and finish my hot tea - about time for the news shows and something for breakfast. I might mention, after I was out pushing the cow up to the house and being outside for a while I felt better than I'd felt in two or three days - that tells me I better get outside more. Stomach is a bit sore this morning.I'll be back later.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    edited July 2023

    Yes Lorita, I will try to get Lou to church every Sunday! If after I gave her bathed, dressed and ready, hopefully she will go. If not........just another let down for my effort.

    Still showing blood in my urine. I'm wondering if it's because I'm on blood thinner. I know you can have blood for weeks after kidney stones, but I've never went more than a couple of days.

    Jo. C., if I dont get to post, I will have you and Bill in my prayers.

    I wish Wednesday was here and gone and at least I would know more about when the biopsy would be scheduled. Might be in my head, but I am having more trouble with swallowing problems.

    Hope all is well on the porch@


    Update: No church today! I'm tired of this!! I believe it's time to ask her sitter if she's willing to trade one of her weekdays for Sunday if I paid her a little more.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,766
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    edited July 2023

    Recipe that even I can follow.

    Lemon Pie filling (canned @21-23 oz

    Angel Food cake mix dry ingredients

    mix...pour into greased Pyrex 9x13

    bake in preheated 350 oven for 24-28 minutes

    Dust with powdered sugar if you want to.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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    Well, I lost a post - first time, I think, I've completely lost one. I need to trim my fingernails. I've never had them this long because I was always feeding so not adept at typing with them.

    Ron, I think you have a really good idea about talking to the sitter about staying with Lou on Sundays so you can attend Church. That would also give you some time to socialize and relax. I was wondering if Lou reacts the same way when you get her ready to go somewhere else? Maybe it's the closed in feeling she gets in Church - I've had that feeling with a lot of people and not a huge space.

    Did you completely pass the stone or is it in the bladder? Maybe it slightly scraped the lining of the ureter when it was leaving the kidney. You know a speck of blood can color a lot of liquid. I'll be glad for you when you get the biopsy scheduled so you won't worry about it. Do you think the difficulty you have in swallowing could be related to stress? My doctor told me 60 years ago that stress can cause anything.

    Judith, the recipe sounds good and really easy. I have a couple of angel food cake mixes and pie filling but not sure it's lemon. Wonder if another kind would work - even with cherries or blueberries. Seems like someone posted a recipe a long time ago using angel food cake mix and crushed pineapple. Have you made the cake and, if so, what kind of texture does it have?

    Talked with my neighbor this morning - he wasn't working in the meadow last night and hasn't been spraying - so it must have been my imagination. I mentioned the lack of grass in my yard and he said he's noticing that in pastures and meadows, too. Hay is making pretty well but is short.

    Mike called and I told him about my shoulder. He said he had injured both of his and it took some time to get better. He said the only thing a person can do is to be sure not to use the arm too much. I can do anything with it except reach out and pick up something and lift it - I can do it but it really hurts in the biceps. I mentioned to him that the big Hackberry in the garden looks like part of it is dying or is turning brown. He said a lot of trees are looking like that - probably because of the dry conditions. Just now I was looking out the kitchen window and the Hackberry by the carport looks the same and all the trees are looking different - a different color of green.

    Grasshoppers are awful. I was looking at a couple a while ago and they're mostly yellow and orange. I thought grasshoppers were green - and they're eating everything in sight - even the new leaves on the Magnolia. If they stay here won't be any leaves left by fall. Same as last year.Guess I'll have to have all the holly bushes taken out if that happens.

    I think I'll lay down and take a nap - didn't get much sleep last night. Hope all of you are taking it easy today. I did get the flag put up last night but no wind today to make it fly. Stomach still isn't quite right - gets crampy occasionally. Wonder how long it takes to get over getting too much fiber at one time when you're not used to it. Trying to eat as lightly as I can.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
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    Has been sort of a dark day. Had some rain last night. Made a little macaroni salad today will have some with supper if nothing happens.

    Lemon cake sounds good. I made it with the pineapple before. Think JoC has mentioned it several times.

    JoC & Bill thinking of you and praying for you.

    im trying to think of a hot dish to take to sisters Tuesday. I’m making stewed potatoes for my sister and I but think a lot of people, especially younger ones will find them boring, Thinking about taking cheesy potatoes but those things are so unhealthy. Can’t think of anything else so may be stuck with that. Don’t have enough frozen corn left to fix that and fresh not available yet here.

    Take care everyone

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,766
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    Lemon or pineapple would be good. No, have not made.

    No grasshoppers here.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Lorita, I forgot to answer your question about the banana pudding. You make it just like the instructions on the large box of vanilla pudding with one exception; you take away one cup of milk and add the soft tub of cool whip.

    What worries me about the swallowing problem is my history with achalasia of the esophugus. Food staying in the gastroesophageal junction is a possibility of causing cancer. Ever since the achalasia I have had at times upchucked undigested food that had been eaten several hours earlier and at times even the previous day. I recall a couple of times bringing up some of my medicine that was capsules.

    Been quiet around here this weekend, hope it stays that way. I know I'm wrong in doing this, but cant help it. I haven't had much to say to Lou today, I'm just tired of doing all the time without respect. I fed her, bathed her, fed her and helped her to the bathroom. That's it, very little conversation and I know that me acting like this doesn't help her are me.


  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,075
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    Dear Ron, don't be so hard on yourself. You are a mere mortal, who has been carrying the world on his shoulders.

    It is very hard to be compassionate when you yourself are feeling unwell and concerned for your own health. You deserve a bit of TLC yourself, and unfortunately your LO is unable to give that, through no fault of her own.

    Please consider getting some respite care for Lou. You need more than a minute here and there. I know you want to be her caregiver always, but if you don't soon do something you won't be able to continue at all.

    Wishing you comfort and improved health soonest.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, how does one push a cow?

    Judith, can canned cherries substitute for the lemon pie filling?

    Jo C, I will pray for your DH's procedure tomorrow.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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    Drats - lost another post. Gotta get these nails trimmed.

    Iris, pushing a cow is what most people call "driving". There were cattledrives but I've even heard them talk about pushing cattle. I've heard many ranchers call it pushing. I got behind her with the Gator and kept her going until she'd get over by the fence, then I'd get out and move her with the sorting stick - this went on until we got pretty close to the house and she realized where she came through.

    Jo, what time is the surgery in the morning and where will it be? You won't be alone - all of us will be there with you. Prayers from me for Bill and for you - I'm sure things will go right.

    Sara, I think the potatoes will be fine - just sprinkle a little bit of parsley over them to decorate them - maybe a sprinkle of grated cheese, too.

    Judith, glad you don't have grasshoppers - they're creepy to me. Sometimes when I get back in the house I find one that has come in with me.

    Just got up from a 2.5 hr. nap - felt good to get some sleep. Cats and GPs are still asleep. I'm watching the news so I will be ready to watch 1883 at 6.

    Tomorrow is trash day - I have it ready to go but not sure I feel like taking it down - not much of it so it can wait. Still haven't opened the tax papers so won't mail them back until Wednesday since Tuesday's a holiday. Guess there will be mail tomorrow.

    Question for you medical people - I'm able to get away from the house now (if you know what I mean) but it seems to have gone the other way. What can I take/drink to get things going? I don't have any laxative - haven't taken that since I was a little kid. I'm drinking liquids but maybe there's something to eat that might help - applesauce? I had toaster struedel for breakfast and fruit loops with almond milk for lunch - maybe Malt-o-meal for supper. Stomach is sort of painful but not hard. I also read that eating too much fiber when you're not used to it can possibly cause diverticulitis. Surely don't want that stuff again. Hope you all know of something I can do. Thanks in advance. Back later.

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Lorita. I just read an article in our local paper about the grasshoppers. They are of the grasshopper family but are different. They’re called Morman crickets. They are a reddish brown color, and very destructive to all crops and plants. Since yours aren’t green, I wonder if they are the species migrating across the country. Doesn’t sound like a nice thing to have around.

    I haven’t been too busy today. Cleaned my kitchen and did a bit of laundry. Just finished my therapy exercises, and am fixing a taco salad for dinner. It’s feeling warm here today, so a salad sounds good.

    Ron, I’m sorry Lou wasn’t cooperative this morning. I think you’re right to go by yourself and keep her home where she is comfortable. Don’t be hard on yourself. It’s ok to be selfish once in awhile and put yourself first. Hopefully you can get her to bed early and have a little time to relax and rest.

    Jo, you and Bill are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Judith, the cake sounds easy and very good.

    Enjoy the rest of the day. Joan

  • SQBEAR50
    SQBEAR50 Member Posts: 104
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    Will be saying a 🙏🏾for for Jo's husband tomorrow.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,766
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    Ron....it just might be that as Lou's illness progresses quiet becomes better for her.

    You putting Cool whip in the banana pudding??? Hmmmmm....................

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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    Ron, I think Judith's right about Lou requiring more quiet time now. I know it was hard for Charles to be around people. He wore two hearing aids so that probably made the noise worse.

    I think one of the best banana puddings I ever had (except mother's) was one that Darwin's wife brought to us. She used half and half - no calories there. Mother used to put meringue others and browned it a little bit. I tried that but sort of burned it so gave that up. Cool Whip probably lightens it up.

    Went out to check the barn, then saw something in the edge of one of the ponds so got in the Gator and checked that out - it was just a bush that moved in the little breeze we have. Saw some of the girls coming down to the pond from the south pasture to get a drink. Since I was already out decided to take down the trash. Let Stormy go with me - he hadn't been for a ride in a while. We were warm when we got back home but he enjoyed it.

    Just had a piece of toast with peach preserves and I'm drinking some CBJ. Watched 1883 before I went out. Pretty good but they're mumbling just like they did on Yellowstone.

    Joan, when I undid the chain at the gate there was a brown grasshopper on the chain - they're everywhere. I imagine these are the ones you heard about. We haven't had one word about them here - strange. One good thing - we had a lot of poke weeds around the lot fence and the grasshoppers are eating them. We have one heck of a good crop of sticker weeds in the lot and south of the house. Those are cockleburrs. Mike told me he had heard it takes seven years to get rid of those weeds. He knows for sure it's true because he did that on another place he leases .

    Jo, you and Bill are in my prayers tonight and tomorrow.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,075
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    Jo, prayers for your Bill that all goes smoothly and he has good results.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,364
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    @Jo C. my thoughts are with you and Bill today. May this surgery go well and deliver the relief he so badly needs.

    @ronald71111 I think perhaps it is time to make plans for Lou to be home so you can reliably meet your needs in your faith community. It can only serve to allow you to continue to be the empathetic caregiver you are.

    I need to make a Costco and farm store run today ahead of the holiday. My fridge is pretty full, but I don't have anything I can make for dinner. I'd do breakfast for dinner, but DS is doing this annoying quasi-keto diet which means he won't always eat what we do. And DH is a ridiculously picky eater so sometimes I feel like I'm running a diner here. He's lost and kept off a much needed 30-40 lbs, so I am all about supporting that.

    My bestie's husband is still in the hospital. He's a very-bad-patient and she's neurotic. It's not a great combo. He's been texting her to bring him some Tylenol PM and when she said no, he said he'd get his sister to do it. He's ripped off his hospital ID bracelet, heart monitor and C-pap so far this morning and it was only 7am. He's got some sort of mass in his chest that is being treated with antibiotics but they keep mentioning cancer which freaks my friend out and brings out her worst behavior.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,766
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    Google says cherry pie filling works

    Lorita...you just have to eat a balanced diet to prevent diverticulitus

    Diverticulitis: Can certain foods trigger an attack? - Mayo Clinic

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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    HB, I imagine the stores may be crowded today with people buying things for picnics and cookouts. Sounds like your cooking duties are sort of hard sometimes but kudos to your husband for losing that weight. I need to get that done, too. I don't cook too much so crackers are always handy but not too good to eat.

    Judith, I've taken things off my diet like tomatoes (seeds not good for diverticulosis) no popcorn or nuts unless they're chewed really well. I do eat creamy peanut butter. Just things you wouldn't think about bothering. Certainly don't want diverticulitis again - that Flagyl is awful to take (tastes like a metal doorknob).

    I woke up at 5:30 this morning and couldn't think of anything I needed to get up for so went back to sleep. The phone rang and it was Mike (it was about 7:20). He said he was not far from my house and was coming to give the GPs their allergy shots. So, hurried and got up and got dressed. By that time he was here so found the leashes, got them on and got them out of the yard. Sheena is easy to give shots to but Stormy, for some reason, is nervous around Mike so we have to fool him - letting him think they can go back in the yard, then stopping him so he can give the shot in his behind. So, that's done and they're both sound asleep now. I have Prednisone to give to them for about 12 days. Just gave Prednisone to Max and Lilly. I have to keep a chart so I can make sure I give it.

    He brought some vegetables - yellow squash, sweet corn and tomatoes. When I was growing up we raised yellow squash and cooked it. I don't remember how but I think we chopped it and added onions and sort of simmered or stewed it. Is that what you all remember?

    Just had a call from Sarah. I haven't been able to talk with her for a few days - just a text now and then. She called about 2:30 this morning but I didn't hear the phone. She said another hole developed in her other side (from the ileostomy) during the night and it's leaking all over. I told her to call Hospice and tell them - I'm sure she needs to go to the hospital. Todd just told her she had an appt. today with some kind of vein doctor - it was at 9 a.m. so told her to call and tell them what happened so they wouldn't think she just didn't show up. She thought it was on the 5th. I just don't know what else can happen with her. She's taking Morphine for the pain and I worry that she might overdose on that. When she takes it, it helps her sleep and when she's sleeping she's not aware of the pain.

    Carol called about 10:30 and her nephew in Chicago is terminal, too. He's also in his 50s. He had radiation and they're talking about chemo now. Her sister is there and she says she doesn't think he'll make it much longer. So much sickness and sadness in the world.

    It's already pretty warm here - 86 and humid - no wind at all to circulate the air. While Mike and I were talking this morning we were noticing some of our trees - they have brown areas in them and I think I mentioned they're not the bright green they should be. He says they're like that everywhere - droughts are really hard on plants and animals (us included).

    Thanks, Judith, I'll read about those foods and see if I'm eating something I shouldn't. How was your weekend? Did you catch up on the shows you were planning to watch? Are you watching 1883?

    I'll be back later today.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    JoC think it is still fairly early where you are. Hope things are going ok.

    Sounds like you might be able to use any pie filling with the Angel food cake mix. Made a peach crisp over the weekend.

    Sweet corn not ready here yet. See the squash is up in both grow bags, now we will see what happens. Got a real good rain again yesterday .

    Decided to make stewed potatoes for us old folks and cheesy potatoes for the younger folks lol.

    Japenese beetles are back. Try to keep them picked off and flushed down toilet first ones I see. That seems to help them not get so out of control.

    Take care everyone

  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 523
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    Good afternoon everyone. Like all of you, Jo and Bill are on my mind. I don't know if she'll be able to report in anything for several days. This is going to be hard on the both of them.

    Its too hot to do anything outside - or even want to do anything. With the temp in the 100's and the heat index 105+ it seems to suck the life right out of me. It didn't use to affect me this way, but it certainly does now. One of my friends says our thermostats get out of wack as we age, I tend to agree with her.

    I've been far too busy with too many meetings. The wonderful news is that the non-profit dementia group we've been trying to save, we've succeeded. It will look slightly different but that's just fine. We have 2 week where no programs are happening while everything is being worked out - then its back up and running. I just couldn't let it go, I knew if you ask enough people we'd be able to save it.

    I'd shared earlier we had a new shih tzu puppy. My goal by bedtime is to get a picture posted of her. She's not a tiny girl, which I'd thought she'd be. She just turned 6 months and weighs 12.9 lbs., which is certainly not overweight. I tried taking her to a puppy training class and she was so overwhelmed both the instructor and I knew immediately that wasn't a good fit. So she's having private lessons, but other dogs/people are there. I'm suppose to take her places to get used to peoples, etc, but its too hot. She'll get there, it just might be fall.

    Be safe everyone. Storms and heat are brutal. And look for a picture of Madison later on.

  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 523
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    Here is Madison. Here she's 5 months old.

  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 523
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    Miss Madison thinking it's dinner time.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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