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Just need to talk to my friends (191)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Just be careful, Sara, I worry about you getting outside and doing too much. Do you think you're ready to go back to work this week?

    It's muddy outside - sort of anxious to see what the county line looks like when I take down the trash. Mike came and took the Gator to look at his land east of here. He came back before long and the whole thing looked like a mud ball. He said he drove into some tall grass and felt the Gator sinking - got it in reverse in 4WD in a hurry and gunned himself out of it but slung mud everywhere. He took it out by the hydrant and gave it a bath. He had gotten a call while he was gone and was afraid he was going to get stuck and have to talk out with a client waiting. He said Toad got a Gator stuck - not in mud but in a beaver slide and had to be pulled out. I have the trash together so will take it down after the world news - guess I'll let Stormy go with me for a ride. Want to get back to watch 1883.

    Weather said OKC hadh lots of rain - almsot 6" of rain in a few hours - had water rescues. Not sure what part of the city it was in.

    Rest well tonight.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
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    Jo, just in case you didn't see my other post here was my suggestion for wound tape...

    Jo, have you tried 3M Micropore surgical tape for DH incision? It is skin friendly and easy to get off and on. Held very well for an abdominal surgery I had.

  • SQBEAR50
    SQBEAR50 Member Posts: 104
    Seventh Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Likes

    Hi everyone,

    Jo, glad to hear your husband is home.

    I will post more in a few days. Hubby and I were on vacation. Went to the Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico and then went to visit my in-laws who live in Hawaii during the summer time.

    Had a nice time but glad to be home.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Thanks for the hint re the tape; greatly appreciated, will buy some to keep at the house or the, "just in case" sort of things that happen. DH went to surgeon's office this a.m.; wound is okay and they showed the dressing they used, it is different from any I have experienced. No tape required. It is a McKesson bandage with self sticking border that adheres well and does not bother the skin. Ordered a box of them. https://mms.mckesson.com/product/1058159/Molnlycke-498600

    He is exhausted after the outing and P.T. arrives in about two hours. Busy day for him.


  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Hi all. I thought we might get a little rain, but we have partly cloudy skies and it’s warm out. all of the severe storms have been in Eastern Colorado. We’re heading into a stretch of hot days the rest of the week.

    Jo, I’m so happy the surgery is over. I sure hope and am praying that the pain lessens a bit every day. Thanks for your concern. I don’t have much pain with my back. I get terribly stiff and just struggle with walking very far. I have an appointment at the spine center on the 20th. I’m hoping I just need the process where they clean out around the nerves and create more space around vertebrae. I read where they do that with awake surgery. Similar to cataract and colonoscopy sedation. I’ve heard from friends that it brings instant relief. I hope you and your kids are finding time to rest and keep your strength up during Bill’s recovery. Do take care of yourself. Bill has the best nurse a guy could want.

    Beth, your yard is so pretty. I’m sure it is serene to sit on the deck and enjoy the beauty.

    I loved the crochet animals, sweaters and scarf. I can see why they sell out at every event. You do beautiful work.

    Sara, be careful at work tomorrow. I’m sure you have to be excited to be going back.

    Nicole, your trip sounds so fun. Vacations are enjoyable and fun, but it’s always nice to get home after the fun.

    Lorita, did Sara get her appointments figured out? I bet the Gator looked like a mess with all the mud. Those little machines are so convenient to hop on and get around the farm. Farmers and ranchers use them here to change irrigation patterns and check their livestock.

    Judith, I’ve been wondering if your flip house is finished and sold. I don’t remember you posting that it did.

    I hope everyone is doing well and feeling good today. Have a good rest of the day. Joan

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,364
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    @Jo C.

    I'm glad you found a solution to the dressing tape issue. I'm intrigued but the link doesn't work for me. Mom's got likely MOHS coming up and I'm looking for better than what's in the swag bag they send home. At 85, her skin is so fragile even facial paper tape does damage after a time. This'll be her 4th shin; historically they take months to heal.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Quiet day here. Thought I'd take a nap but that went by the wayside so got up and had supper. Lately I've gotten hungry about 3:30. I have breakfast when I get up and then supper but snack some inbetween.

    Joan, it's warming up here, too. We've had several days of below normal temps. Today it's nice outside but warm with a nice breeze. Later this week heat indices will be 110-112 they say. Hope they're wrong. After the rain we had it will be humid. I hope you can get that done to help relieve your back pain and stiffness. My back hurts after I lay on the divan a while - something about the way I lay, I guess.

    Sarah went to her 8:45 appointment this morning and the doctor told her to go to the ER. When I last talked with her - about three hours ago - she was still waiting. If you go to the ER by EMS you're seen quicker but this time Todd took her from the appointment. She's running a high temp - says she's hot and cold at the same time. Waiting to see what they say when they see her - surely she'll be admittted.

    Wasn't going to talk about the girls today but a while ago I went out on the front porch and there were four little, bitty guys coming out of the lot together. Ahead of them was the new mom and her baby sticking close enough to her to touch her as they went down to the pond or up to the MH. The little ones were going to catch up with them but they were playing with each other. I think they may be staying up at the MH where there's lot of shade. When we lived up there we always had a breeze - it's higher elevation than the farm house - the elevation sort of goes up from the county line to the MH, then back down some.

    Jo, glad things are going as well as they are. Is your husband a good patient? Most men aren't but, hopefully, he is. How are you feeling and are your children still with you?

    I put Vectra on the cats this morning - Sammy is not easy to medicate so hope he never has to take medicine. Part of it was my fault - just didn't get the two pieces of the vial together enough to let the liquid out - finally got it right. Hope it works - Frontline Plus didn't.

    I need to order paper products - I saw that Amazon has special prices on things the next two days for prime members so maybe I'll wait until tomorrow and see what they have.

    I'm going to stop for now - nothing to write about that is of interest. Nicole, your vacation sounds like fun - bet you all had a good time.

    Marie, I read about the tape and I'll tell Sarah - she has a hard time keeping tape on. Also will tell her about the bandage you talked about, Jo.

    Sara, take it easy tomorrow - don't overdo.

    Ron, looking for a post from you but bet you're busy with your company. Hope Lou is enjoying them being there.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good evening,

    Lorita I’m enjoying my gardening this year. It’s just about right. Also has been much easier because we have been getting good rains. All I have to water is the bags now and then. My zinnias are getting buds, that makes me smile.

    JoC glad to hear DH is making a little progress every day. How about you?

    Joan hope a minimally invasive surgery will work for you. That would be a relief.

    Nicole that is what I say about vacation, good to be home.

    Ron thinking of you and Lou.

    I feel like I’m back to normal. Guess tomorrow will tell especially if I push one of those wide wheelchairs😊.

    Take care everyone

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    HB, the link worked for me; you can go to mckesson.com and search for "silver foam dressing Mepilex border post op AG 4 x 12" rectangle sterile".

    Jo C, it's good your daughter is there to help so that you don't overextended yourself. Keep healing for you both!

    I awoke this morning to my cat Simon's ear flaps oozing pus. I cleaned it and am applying triple antibiotic ointment several times a day. I also trimmed his back claws. The inside of his ear is not infected. I hope this works, otherwise I will have to take him in to the vet.


  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,364
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    @Iris L.

    Thank you.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Iris, I hope Simon's ears are better today. I know it always worries me when something goes wrong with one of my furry friends.

    Ron, hope things are well with you and Lou today. I imagine you had some rain last night. We had another .2" of rain last night - sun has just begun to shine again and it'll be hot by mid afternoon. The next three or four days the heat indices will be up to 110 and over. Guess summer's here. Our total rainfall for the year is now 21.5" which is still below normal. Weather said central Okla. including OKC had a lot of rain last night and some wind damage. Judith, hope you're okay.

    Where is everyone lately? Guess it's the hot, summer weather. Enjoy the rest of the day. Jo, hope recovery is progressing for your husband and that you're well, too.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Hello Friends, what an interesting day . . . found out that the Home Health Agency has a mandatory arbitration policy which MUST be agreed to in order to obtain services. I stated we preferred not to agree to arbitration and they would NOT continue if we did not sign. No time to search for another agency; not that many out there . . . so we are stuck. I do not foresee any issues; mostly will be P.T. service, but that was a surprise.

    Bill doing better in his own way. Much stronger in ambulation, standing and sitting still significantly uncomfortable but doing it fine. He accidentally left his walker outside the bathroom door and walked without it across the room to his recliner . . . EEEEKKK!!! If he had fallen or tried to break a fall by twisting, he could have disrupted the bone fusion and back to the O.R. What in the world???

    Well; he is getting cloudy in thought processes and dotty with the pain pill every four hours. Will have to try and adjust that if we can.

    Oh shucks, the phone - sorry . . .

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Jo C, it may not be cloudy thought processes, but the opposite. He may be feeling so well that he had no thought of needing any help. I was like that. For a couple of years, I had to walk with a cane. When I first began to walk pain-free, I had moments when I completely forgot about using the cane! It was so odd, because I still needed the cane. Those moments were like a wake-up call that I was finally improving, and I appreciated them. But your DH is post-op, so he needs to be more mindful of his recuperation.

    Lorita, Simon's ear is getting better. I'm glad he won't need oral antibiotics because he is a hard cat to medicate.

    I had a funny dream last night. I dreamed there was a pond outside my condo, full of Canada geese. I rushed inside to get my phone to take a picture, but they all vanished. Then I woke up. In a couple of days I am going to a local venue for a birdwatching hike. Maybe that's why I dreamed about the geese.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Jo C., I can fully relate to your concerns about Bill leaving his Walker. It reminded me of the time Lou forgot to lock her Walker down when she used the commode and when she got up her balance was lost when the Walker wasnt stable and ended up fracturing her leg. Ever since that incident I made sure the Walker was locked and kept a eye on her toll she was back on the couch.

    Brother and sister in law has left and really enjoyed their visit. A couple from church also came to visit and our preacher was here earlier. All the company has really helped my mental state I've been in. Hope my depression doesnt return now that it's just Lou and I.


  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 524
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    An Oppressive Heat Warning along with Extreme Humidity Warning. I've lived in KS or TX my entire live and I've never heard or either one of these warning. But, here we are having them both. And the bad thing is they are to continue throughout the entire week, ugh. The temp is 105 and heat index is 117. I'm rethinking why we live here!!! It's just crazy. I open the door for the dogs to go out and they look at me like I'm crazy. I have rugs on the cement from the backdoor to the grass because the stone patio is so hot. And I'll admit to moving two patio umbrella's to help keep the 'runway' not in the direct sunlight.

    Jo I'm glad its going well. That dressing is the same thing I've had on my last three knee replacements. Apparently they are very expensive. All I know is I like them and they seemed to work.

    Ron I'm glad your feeling somewhat better. Company is good, as long as they don't overwhelm either one of you.

    Iris I'm glad you don't have to take the cat to the vet's. I know my friends dread trying to capture their cats to get into the carriers to go to the vets.

    I'll be back later. Seriously folks this heat / humidity is terrible. If your around it, stay inside, no errands are worth getting out. And the rains and flooding up north - we all need to be safe.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
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    Ron hope your depression doesn’t return either, those dark days are hard.

    Had a good day at work. Hope cooler temperatures prevail soon for you guys.

    My work day went well.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    What a day! Sadly Iris, DH is indeed pretty cloudy. Can always tell when he has had a pain pill - really, really cloudy in thought processes; gets kind of confused and not processing well at all. Leaving the walker in the bath and walking unaided across the large room, I do not know how he did it. Daughter found him standing next to his chair with his plastic grabber in his hand. If he had caught his toes in the carpeting, or began to fall for any reason, he would have twisted trying to keep his balance and then the fall. Risk is very much he would have broken the fusion bone graft and would have ended up in surgery again, or worse case scenario, ended up paraplegic. Hope that does not happen again.

    Heavens, he had ten days of no GI function at all, if you catch my drift. FINALLY . . . was significantly worried he would be in the ER tomorrow for some heavy work, but after ten days of many, many, many multiples of helping meds and multiple doctor calls, "finally."

    He has been crabby, demeaning, insulting and of no patience with me for the tiniest things that matter not. Tisn't pain, nor GI issues, but a mixture of multiple things. I had been noticing changes prior to his surgery and feeling some concern. He has a family history and he also has diabetes. We shall see where this goes after surgery recovery. I so hope this worsening behavior clears after he has another week of healing. And me . . . . knees in the worst shape they have been in; wrenched the back injury trying to get some things off the floor, hurts like the dickens when I move. It also appears I may have fractured the end of my middle finger on my right hand. Jeezebeezeloueeze. Nothing to be done about that except immobilize it. I am not doing anything physical which feels terrible, but muddling on. Thank goodness daughter is here, she is cooking and doing laundry which is so helpful. She also has been doing more and tomorrow she will take the day off which I have been encouraging her to do. Do not want to take advantage of her. Sure do wish they could replace my knees, but it is not considered safe nor appropriate to do so.

    Ron; I am so glad that you had your much desired visit. It has been a long, hard time. I too hope you do not feel yourself sinking into the darker place again. If it feels it is starting to go that direction, that is your body and psyche telling you that you must change direction and find a way to get out alone and about and be with people. You are an awesome person and wonderful husband, yet the body is speaking to you with a NEED. Capital letters you note. Sounds like your new church is a good place with caring people. That is wonderful to have a church family. Please begin to treat yourself better; you so deserve that in your life.

    Have you heard anything from Sarah, Lorita? If she had Hospice, she would not go to the hospital, Hospice would care for her at home until her passing. Sarah may not feel she is ready to embrace that yet. Hope she is okay. Wonder if she got admitted.

    Joan, will wait to hear what your doctor has to say about your back. It sounds as though they are thinking of a foraminotomy rather than a laminectomy. Did you have an MRI of your spine yet? It will be good to get that nagging back fixed and be able to move forward without all the symptoms. Here's hoping for the very best.

    Iris; hope that Simon's ear is getting better; (must have been those darned geese that bit his ear!) So hard to be able to know what is what with the ears.

    Texas heat is supposed to come our way next week; hope it is not as BIG as Texas heat - always have to do things bigger over there! Right now it is low 80's and very nice. Just hope all power stays on and AC works. Take care Myra, heat can affect a person very fast.

    Guess it is time for me to mosey on down the road; it is nearly six pm here. DH not hungry, does not want to eat. Will still have some tidbits brought to him. He will usually pick and eat some. Be glad when he is able to get off the Norco. Bad stuff for the body.

    Sayra, by the way, I am coming over for one of your lunches on the porch; sounds heavenly right about now. Take good care of you and try not to do too much too soon.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Jo C I forgot your Dh is still on strong meds. Of course, he still needs his walker! I spent two hours chatting with a cousin on the east coast over the phone, and most of the conversation was about our aches and pains. This is life in the 70s. Ugh!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    JoC thanks for your concern but I truly am doing ok. Believe I feel better than I have in a long time. My sister told me I look better than I have in a long time.

    So sorry for the stress you are having to endure. I know it is very stressful for you and your daughter. Hope he can get off the strong medications soon and that things will improve.

    our weather has been very pleasant lately. In mid 80s a little breeze. Worked out in yard yesterday evening and was very enjoyable. This is a way I am feeling so much better. For quite a while I was always too tired to do any thing in evenings. Now I do quite a bit in the evenings including some of my exercises. I’m wondering if that kidney stone doing it’s thing had not been working on me for a long time.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Barbara, your crocheted animals and clothing are adorable! I'm sorry you are having pain in your hands but you continue to be very productive.

    HB, I am so sorry your son got stood up. Very disappointing for him.

    Zetta, hope you are doing well and glad you are enjoying your job. It is a very good thing to enjoy the work you do and to be productive.

    Ron, I am glad your brother and SIL came to visit and you had a nice time. Happy that you have a caring group of church members that visit and go out and do fun things (eat out) together. Your banana pudding recipe sounds so good! I would like to try it soon.

    Eagle, is your air temp still like a furnace? It has been very hot in Iowa. Today we are getting some much-needed rain - 1.5" so far! Grateful for the rain and the cooler temps today. It was 92 yesterday. On days like that, I need to do my dog walking and gardening in the morning. No gardening today, it's rainy!

    Jo, glad to hear from you and thanks for the update. I am sorry you and Bill are having such a hard time. Have you thought about something like Synvisc for your knees? I will keep you two in my prayers.

    Sara, I am SO glad that you are feeling well! Glad you are enjoying your garden this year. I hope your sisters have stepped in to help some with your mom. That's a heavy burden to carry by yourself. Sounds like your sisters have been very helpful to you during your recovery.

    Judith, are you still volunteering at the art museum? How is the flip house coming along?

    Nicole, sounds like you had a very nice vacation! You said your in-laws live in Hawaii in the summertime. How nice! I think I would like to live there year-round! Which island do they live on?

    Joan, hope you are able to get relief from the spine surgeons. I know you like to live an active life!

    Iris, I hope Simon is doing well. I don't know if you have ever heard this, but Triple antibiotic ointment is not good. My friend kept putting it on a scrape on her leg and it never healed (until she stopped using it on a dr's recommendation). After she told me that, I happened upon a youtube video saying it is not good and don't use it. "Why is Neosporin no longer recommended? It frequently causes allergic contact dermatitis with red, itchy, and scaly skin. The skin reaction gets worse the more Neosporin you use. Therefore, in recent times, Neosporin or Triple Antibiotic Ointment use has declined because of a risk of allergy." For further information, google "Dr. Dray Neosporin ointment."

    Lorita, I always enjoy hearing about your ranch and the adventures with your animal friends! Hope Sarah is feeling better/getting the help she needs. She is so young and so ill; I feel sorry for what she has to go through.

    This is getting long. Will post before I lose it and continue on another post!


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions
    edited July 2023

    This is my page 2 - just letting you all know what I've been up to ---

    Last Monday we had friends over, with their 2 little granddaughters, to pick blueberries. I have put 30 cups in the freezer (5 cups per ziplock - enough for a pie!) plus had these friends pick (LOTS!), also my neighbor kids and my grandkids. I feel blessed to have 3 bushes that produce very abundantly. Later that day we went to the Farmer's Market in our town. Then, Tuesday was the 4th of July. My son and 4 of his kids (he has 5, one is an adult and lives in MN) came over. We grilled brats and had a charcuterie board with strawberries and veggies, fresh green beans from my garden, and blueberry cobbler. After lunch we took the kids over to the splash pad in the park by our house. Wednesday was errand day. We went to several places looking at flooring. We plan to change out carpet in the bedrooms to hardwood. Then our house, except for 2 bathrooms, will be all hardwood floors. Also went to Trader Joe's and Costco. Thursday I went swimming with a bunch of "girls" at a friend's private pool - she is very gracious to host her church lady friends every Thursday all summer long. Friday we went on rail cars that you pedal (they also have a motor) on rail road tracks. It's 12.5 miles round trip. We went with the same couple who picked blueberries with us earlier in the week. It was fun!

    This week is not as busy. Monday we went to the farmer's market again. Also I went to the Apple Store for technical assistance with my Mac. Then to Chico's where I bought 3 pairs of slacks. Then, next, Starbucks for my favorite drink: Iced Cinnamon dolcé latte and lastly to Bath and Body Works where I bought a purse sized hand cream in my favorite scent, Japanese Cherry Blossom. At the farmer's market I bought some crocheted dish cloths - love them. I had some before I bought on an etsy site. Tuesday I spent a lot of time in the garden. It has gotten overly thick. I removed bee balm and phlox, mainly. I still have both but it was so much one could not walk through the garden. I also moved some coneflowers to a new location. I have LOTS of coneflowers. Today I am going out to lunch with 2 friends. Tomorrow (Thursday) is swimming day again. Saturday the kids/grands will come over for dinner. We will have burnt ends per grandson's request, also funeral potatoes, sweet corn and homemade chocolate ice cream. Iowa sweet corn has come in; there's a stand on many street corners and it is delicious!

    Next week my hubby has a birthday (68), and I have a girls' class of 73 get-together.

    I hope all of you are just as busy as you want to be! I know I am. Summer is my favorite time of year and it's going by way too fast!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Goodness, took me a while to catch up on - just from yesterday afternoon and today. Beth, all that food sounds so good. I saw a pint of blueberries in the store a while back and they were $5. - didn't buy them. Carol said she found some at Aldis for $3.99. Wish we had gone ahead and planted blueberry bushes. Sounds like you've been really busy.

    Eagle, I believe I remember you live in Texas, somewhere around Dallas or Fort Worth. We're under the same heat warnings you all are. I didn't watch the noon news today because I didn't want to hear about the awful heat and humidity again. Those weather people just won't let you enjoy the cooler weather when you have it. Doesn't sound like we're going to have it for quite some time. We had rain which, of course adds to the humidity. My laptop just now says it 96 - no telling what the heat index is.

    I got out early this morning and Stormy and I went down to check the girls. The cow who had the baby on the 7th hasn't cleaned yet so wanted to check on her. She and baby were laying down by the edge of the smaller pond while all the others were grazing. When they decided to leave to go to the MH they got up and I managed to get her into the lot. Mike's coming tonight to take care of her. I had to walk quite a lot - fast - to get around her before she got away so was tired when I got inside - but at that time it wasn't too awfully hot.

    I let the GPs out about an hour ago and it felt awful - they didn't stay out long at all. The only saving grace is the south wind that's blowing but that makes it feel like a hot fan is blowing on you. There's a lot of trees at the MH and the girls will fare better there than in the barn. The mom and baby can come out into the parking area if they want to.

    Ron, so glad your spirits are lifted - the visit from your brother and SIL and all the others indeed helped your feelings. When you're feeling down, come here and talk it out - maybe that'll help.

    Jo - so sorry for the problems you're having with your husband's recovery. How scary that was to find him standing and walking - sometimes you just never know what they can and will do. Also sorry about your back - bending and twisting is hard on the body when you're mature. Take advantage of your daughter being there to help while you all recover.

    My shoulder has bothered me today - because I was using the sorting stick with that arm. We're used to doing certain things and feel like we can without thinking about the consequences.

    Iris, glad Simon's ear is improving. Stormy was shaking his head the other night and I was afraid he'd cause a hematoma so I had some liquid that I had used for Barclee's ear and used that and it seemed to stop it. When you had pets it seems like someone's always having problems,

    Sarah isn't doing well at all - thanks for asking about her. She went to the doctor Monday and he told h er to go to the ER. She did and had to wait a long time and wasn't admitted. I talked with the SW yesterday and she said to have Sarah come back and she and the ER SW would try to help as much as they could for admission or being seen by behavioral sciences. I told Sarah and she didn't go in. She just now called to get the number for the SW. I also talked with the hospice on-call nurse and found Sarah isn't on their hospice. For some reason when they saw her a month ago someone didn't follow through. Told Sarah to call them the next morning with the information they needed. She didn't. She's so sick and in so much pain and depression she just can't follow through with anything. I don't know what else I can do to help - Todd tries but he doesn't seem to be able to get her to do what she should. I don't think she can go on like this much longer.

    I lost part of what I had written so don't remember what it was. I'll stop for now. Sandy, thanks for the call - enjoyed our visit. You all stay in and stay cool. I need to order that cooling pad for my laptop - I can feel the heat.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    BethL, it's great that you have young people to teach about home grown food, so they can know that food doesn't just spring up out of nowhere in grocery stores.

    Thanks for the information about Dr Dray and neosporin. Neomycin is a component of veterinary triple antibiotic, so I was comfortable using it on Simon. Fortunately, his ear flap is healing. It is the external ear, not inside the canal. He is not scratching or exhibiting signs of contact dermatitis. But I will keep an eye on him. I have been so fortunate with Simon because he had been well all of his life until three years ago when he was attacked by a feral cat and became septic and almost died. He needed massive antibiotics. I almost lost him. He was well again until last year. Now he has chronic illnesses, and I have to medicate him and keep him comfortable.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Hi again,

    Good news - the cow cleaned so Mike doesn't have to come. I called and let him know and he said he was about to call to tell me it's too hot to handle animals until early in the morning. She was in the paddock west of the house with her baby grazing. Glad nothing has to be done - but, I did call him back to ask if they pass all that is visible does that mean everything inside is gone - he said "yes". I think the older I get, the more I worry about them. I know they're not mine but as I've said so many times, in my heart they still are and I worry about them.

    Beth, we used to always use Neosporin but in the past years we've used Triple Antibiotic cream with no ill effects. I had a cat scratch on my arm recently and I used it on that and it's healed. Maybe the scaley, red places were because the person was allergic to some of the ingredients.

    When I went outside about 5, it was still 96. The grasshoppers are eating everything in sight - hopping everywhere and Joan, they're big and ugly and yellow - just like you said. Hate it when one jumps on me and sticks.

    Had a visit with Todd a while ago. He said Sarah had been on the phone almost all day. She has an appt. in the morning with her PCP, I think. Seems like she's getting the runaround. Judith, I know when all of this began with her you tried to get her to join a group of people with gastro- so she'd have support - but she didn't. He mentioned he found a group on facebook and is going to get her in that. It's like this forum for people who are caregiving for someone with alz. or dementia - we have support from others who are doing the same. I know that would help her - it's helped us.

    Iris, you know I've never had a cat with allergies until Max and Lilly. Max is nine at least and until last year he had never had problems. It's hard to take two cats to the vet at one time - takes two carriers and both of them are heavy. Hope the Vectra I put on them yesterday and the allergy shots will be all they need this summer. Every time I took Kitt to the vet he'd rub his nose against the wire door on the carrier until it bled and he talked all the time to and from. These two are quiet but so hard to get out of the carrier at his office. So glad Simon is better.

    See you all tomorrow.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    I've had a couple of calls the past few days asking about Lou's health. One was from a group called AIMS which her Dr. had them contacting all of his patients and the other was home health. The lady associated with AIMS mentioned palliative care, which at the time I thought was just used by hospice. Found out it is not just hospice! I mentioned this to home health and they said that they would contact her dr for me and do all the leg work. This will be a different kind of assessment than she's had on the past and will be interesting to find out how it helps.

    I'm still waiting for calls on my biopsy! I've made calls everyday trying to move it along.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Hi Ron, looks like you were up early this morning. Hope you got some good sleep before that. Charles was on palliative care for a while. We didn't have anything provided but that's great if they'll do it for you. I think palliative care is just a step above hospice. Sorry you're having such a hard time getting your biopsy scheduled. It seems like it just takes such a long time to get anything done and I don't know why. I've found that to be the case with Sarah - sort of like a runaround or at least it makes you feel that way.

    It's already very warm outside - 85 but there's a good south wind. Went to the mailbox a while ago and took Stormy with me - hadn't been for a couple of days. For what I got it would have been all right to not have gone - I contribute to several organizations and it seems like I get more requests every day - places I've never heard of.

    Saw the girls down in the NE pasture coming up to the smaller pond. Yesterday and I'm sure today, they're standing in the water - it's about 4-5 feet deep closer to the edges so they're enjoying that. Let the new mom and her baby out with the others - at least she got to graze some pretty good grass - left the gate open for anyone to come in who wants to. Looks like we got a little shower sometime earlier - the dust is settled - every drop helps.

    Did the dishes about 10 p.m. last night and I'm so glad I did - hate to wake up to dirty dishes. It doesn't take any time to do them - it's just getting started. Nothing on tap for today - I'd like to make some peanut butter cookies but hate to turn on the oven to heat up the house so guess I won't.

    Weather just said it's going to be a few degrees cooler over the weekend but back to 100 and over next week. I'll be glad when July and August is over. I used to say that when I was working and one of the social workers would always say I was wishing my life away.

    Hope all of you are well this morning - already fed the cats and the GPs have been outside and are back inside. Don't plan on being outside today unless it's necessary - guess I should feed Rusty. I'm really wondering about these grasshoppers we have. Mike says they don't have any down at the clinic - guess they're all here. They have defoliated so many of theh plants, weeds and trees. The Royal Empress tree out by the lot only has a few leaves left on it - wisih they'd eat all the weeds.

    I'll stop and finish my juice and get something for breakfast. Enjoy the day and stay cool. Jo and Iris, the eather just said it's going to be 113 in LA County today. Showed some grapes that should be big and juicy and they're dried up. Hope all is well with both of you and with Bill.

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Hi everyone. It’s warm here too, but nothing like a lot of you are experiencing. Looks like the clouds are building right now, so hope we get some rain.

    I ran a couple of errands this morning and stopped by REI and bought a light weight walking cane. I think it might help me feel more sure walking when I’m out of the house.

    Jo, I hope you’re feeling better and that Bill is progressing with his recovery. I’m hoping and praying they just need to clean around my spine and relieve the stenosis. I’ve had an MRI and X-rays, so am ready for my appointment.

    Beth, I do like to be active, and right now, I’m spending most of my time at home. You have been one busy lady lately. It sounds like so much fun.

    Zetta, you must be dog sitting. I haven’t seen a post lately. Do you do your dishwashing job when you’re pet sitting?

    Ron, glad you had company. Now if you could hear about your biopsy. Palliative care might be able to help you and Lou. I sure hope so.

    Sara, it’s fun to hear you are feeling stronger and better than ever. That’s really good news.

    Nothing much is going on here, so I’ll just say hi to everyone on here. I’m hoping you’re feeling well and staying cool. Have a good rest of the afternoon. Joan

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    I was just looking over my post and noticed that a paragraph I typed was deleted. That’s crazy. Lorita, I was just talking about your cows and also saying that I hope Sarah will keep her appointments so she can get what she needs. It sounds like Todd is doing his best trying to help her. Take care Joan

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I'm on my balcony and the weather is just perfect! I live a few miles up from the ocean, so it doesn't get as hot as the inland areas. The big news here is about the houses that are sinking into the canyon from a massive landslide. What a horror! 12 houses totally gone, so far. This is in Rolling Hills Estates.

    Also, the seals and sea lions and other sea creatures are being poisoned by toxic algae that appears when the ocean waters are warmer. Some can be rescued and are taken to the Marine Mammal Care Center, where I visited a few weeks ago. They are overloaded, trying to keep these animals from dying.

    I just had a huge fright. I went birdwatching this morning at a local venue. When I came home I was tired so I lay down for a nap. When I awoke, I couldn't find my eyeglasses, anywhere. I looked all over the bed, under the bed, took the sheets off the bed. No glasses! It was like a poltergeist stole my glasses! I even had to get my old pair of glasses so I could have enough vision to search, because I am virtually blind without my glasses. I got out a flashlight to search way under the bed and on the closet floor. I finally found my eyeglasses in the kitchen, next to the telephone. I then remembered taking them off, but I don't know how I got to the bedroom without them, because I really can't see that well. I never walk around without my eyeglasses! That was a completely new move for me. And it was scary, because I did something very unusual without being aware that I was doing it. It was like I was in a trance. This is not good. Perhaps it happened because I strained my brain searching for tiny birds in the trees. No, definitely not good.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Thinking of each of you

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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