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Just need to talk to my friends (191)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Iris, that is weird. Sounds like what I may have done with my tablet. I have no memory of doing anything with it after I thought to myself whether I'd take it into the bedroom. Are you close to the place where those houses are sliding away? Enjoy the cooler weather while you have it. Did you see a lot of different kinds of birds? Seems to me we don't have as many birds as we used to.

    Today the heat index in Muskogee was 119. Weatherman said the highest we've had was 126 in Pauls Valley in southern Oklahoma and also in a town quite a way east of here. Sad about what's happening to our planet and the animals who are trying to survive. I see that all the time on the nature shows I watch - terrible how many species are going extinct with more to come.

    Joan, thanks for asking about Sarah. I just talked with Todd - he's doing all he can. They went to her PCP today and I had told him a few things to ask - which he did. The doctor is going to talk with hospice but he thinks there has to be something in the medical records that says the person isn't expected to live past six months. I didn't know that but he's going to call them in the morning and see what's going on. She has an appt. with a GI doctor and will get one with pain management for medications. The doctor gave her a prescription for pain meds for only four days - all he can prescribe - also they've upper her medicine for depression and is adding Gabapentin. She made it all right to the appointment but was getting sick by the time they got back home but she's still hanging in there.

    Joan, sorry for what you're going through with your back. I hope they only have to do what you're thinking and that it will be soon so you can get back to doing what you enjoy (being busy). I know how hard it is to not be able to do what you'd like. I'm still having problems with my shoulder. If I'd be more careful and think before I do something it would be better.

    It's partly cloudy here now - no idea why but they said it was partly cloudy in Tulsa today. Supposed to have some more rain tonight which might make it a bit cooler in the morning. I hope so because I have an appt. with my doctor at 10:30. Sandy, I took one of those AZO home tests and it looks like I may be getting a UTI but I'm drinking so much water so don't know. I hate to go at 10:30 but that was all I could get - probably work in but he closes at noon on Friday. I could go to Urgent Care at 8:30. There's a nurse practitioner on duty there tomorrow so not sure what I'll do. It wouldn't be so bad if the AC in the PU was working right. I'll be on country roads until I get within about half a mile of town so won't be on the highway. It said today the asphalt can reach a temp of 160 in the hot summertime. Whichever place I go that will be the only place I go except the Pharmacy. Don't guess there's any use of waiting until Monday to go because it'll still be hot.

    I still need to go out and check the barn. One cow was north of the house a while ago grazing and I see lots of them around the smaller pond. They're staying out of the pastures Toad sprayed. I did notice a while ago that he sprayed the cockleburrs in the garden south of the house - at least part of them. Hard for him to get that big truck with the long booms in that space. Anything will help. I've always had it mowed but guess spraying is more effective in the long run however bad it looks for a while. Went to the mailbox this morning so won't have to do that.

    Ron, keeping my fingers crossed that you get your biopsy appointment soon. Hope your day was a good one.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Do any of you all go to a Nurse Practitioner? Charles had one for his care and we really liked her. I'm thinking about going to Urgent Care for my possible UTI - NP is on duty tomorrow. They open at 8:30 and I could be home before my 10:30 appt. with my doctor.

    Went out to check barn and there was a cow in the cowshed with a baby. At first thought it was the last one but decided it was new - today. He was trying to nurse on her neck so got him latched on. Went back later and he was laying down panting so I got some water - not from the hydrant but from the water tank so it wasn't really cold - and poured it gently over him a couple of times. Went back a third time and he was again trying to nurse on her neck - got him latched on again. Called Mike to see if I should keep them in barn. Said to let them out in the pasture if she wanted to bring him out. Will be anxious to see him in the morning to make sure he's okay. Never know what I'll find when I go out there.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    edited July 2023

    Hello All.

    Joan. Yes, I plan on pet sitting along with the dishwashing. I only have two places I pet sit at now and those dogs are very old and can't be left alone for long periods. So, my hours when Iam not pet sitting are noon to 9pm and if Iam pet sitting then they will be 5pm to 9pm. They are willing to work with me because my position is very hard to fill. They need me and they are good to me, and I enjoy the job but i love caring for all my fur babies. My little dog Molly goes pet sitting with me, she has grown up around these dogs.

    Its good you got a walking cane, you need to be study on your feet so you don't fall and do more damage to your back. I have a broomstick outside both of my doors so when I go out, I carry one along with me to help me keep my balance.

    Ron. It is nice that people are reaching out to help you with Lou, you need the help so you can take better care of yourself.

    Iris. It's good that Simons ear is getting better, it seems like there is always something to worry about, when it comes to our fur babies. I think you were so tired after getting home from bird watching you must have just laid your glasses down and sleepwalked back to your bedroom.

    Jo. You and Bill are in my prayers. He is so lucky to have you there for him, as you know you have so many of us out here for you and you're in so many prayers. ((( Jo )))))

    Its getting late for me so I had better say Good Night. Hugs Zetta

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, if you have a doctor's appointment at 10:30 am, why would you need to see the nurse practitioner at 8:30 am? In any case, I hope you get diagnosed and treated!

    Regarding Sarah, a referral to hospice can be made on the basis of "failure to thrive" including poor feeding and weight loss.

    Zetta, it's nice that you can still pet-sit those senior dogs. They are more comfortable in their own homes.

    I don't live close to the sunken houses. The newspaper article said that is a geologically active area and that the ground is always moving, usually a few inches or feet. These expensive houses were supposed to have a geological report as part of their purchase documents, but we all know that most people never read the fine print. And this damage is not covered by regular home insurance nor earthquake insurance. They have no recourse. $2-3 million down the drain in a flash! No one injured or killed, thankfully!


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    It's about 5:00 am, I noticed Ron's Post regarding Palliative Care. There is an excellent write up from the renowned Cleveland Clinic defining Palliative Care and the services they provide; here is the link:


    Ron, I think it would be an excellent idea to contact the doctor or the Palliative Care group and get them on service as soon as possible. Could be a life saver or at least, a quality of life saver. Let us know what you decide. Would hope it would be a really good help for your situation which has become far more difficult and impinging upon your own health. We really care and wish for the best that can be for you; Palliative Care may be just the ticket.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
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    Lorita hope you made it to somewhere for your healthcare this morning, UTI nothing to mess around with. Now and then as you know can lead to sepsis. You don’t want to go there. Signs of sepsis are slurred speech, extreme chilling or muscle aches, passing no urine for 24 hours, severe shortness of breath, I’m going to die feeling and skin mottled or discolored. You may only have one or two of these. If you ever have any of these signs need to seek health care immediately and make them aware you are having these symptoms. I had two of these symptoms but did not know the warning signs. I use MDs and NPs. At hospital had MDs, NPs and PAs all caring for me.

    Made a loaf of bread this morning and went to farm market. They had corn today and got a few cucumbers and a few other things. Hope to make just a jar or two of pickles.

    Iris I do something crazy like that every now and then.

    Zetta you are a busy lady my friend.

    Lorita take care of yourself😊

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    Jo ,,, you and Bill continue to be in our thoughts. Update?

    Re Medicaid, I think the rules are a bit different than if you have private insurance or on Medicare.

    Update...no permits on flip house yet

    Hot still but a fabulous lightening storm last night so a bit cooler...wish I could sit in Beth's garden a while.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    My peaceful place...this is the patio, which is under the deck (walk out basement), so it's shaded. We have porch swings there and enjoy sitting on them.

    Another view from a different angle.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    Did you have to show the Boston Ferns? Now I am coming over and we just might have to switch from the from porch until the heat abates...lol

  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 524
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    I know we are suppose to be jealous of what other people have, but that view from the swing. And the gardens you all have, oh my gosh I'd love to have that. Our relentless heat keeps on. I believe this is day 8 above 100, its 109 right now with index of 118. We have at least 9 more days coming. That all means there is absolutely nothing green here - brown yes. Ugh, its just depressing.

    We ran two errands this morning and we were home by 11:00 and I thought I'd be ill. Just getting out of the car and going into a store the temperature change is so great it just makes you feel awful. They have let all people whom work outdoors (Postal carriers, gardeners, mowers, etc) start working at 7:00am. Frankly I don't know how any of them are surviving.

    Enough of my complaining for now. I'm going to go look at the other boards and will check back in here tonight. Be well my friends.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Hi, Back from my doctor - no UTI, all clear there - guess it was all the water I've been drinking. No fluid he could see in my ear - must be behind the tympanic membrane which looks good. Shoulder was a different story - he did four tests and three I could do but not the fourth which showed which muscle ligament, I guess, was the culprit. He gave me a cortisone shot in the shoulder and said to baby the arm for a few days. I've been laying on the divan this afternoon with ice on it. It's the frozen english peas I've used for the last eight years. Judith, you remember I had a concussion a few months after I lost Charles and I started using them then - still works good.

    Beth, those pictures are beautiful. It looks so relaxing. I think I'd spend a lot of time out there. I love Boston Ferns but they don't do well here. I can keep them for about a month even misting then daily but the south wind turns them brown. The porch faces east and the wind from the south blow through. It's good you're as far north as you are - doubt beautiful flowers and plants could survive here, at least this summer.

    Weather just now said our heat index is 104 right now which is much less than yesterday. Tomorrow is supposed to be a little better. Storms are coming down now from Kansas - sort of looks like it might go NE of here. Supposed to have wind of 60-70 mph.

    I didn't do anything in town - went by the credit union when I got there, then to the doctor. Just got sit down good and was called in so no waiting. He closes at noon on Fridays so I was lucky to get in. I called late yesterday after they were closed but one of the nurses answered and told me when to come in.

    After I finished I started home and happened to see a truck with watermelons, cucumbers, squash and tomatoes so stopped and got a watermelon. I've been wanting one so I told him to pick out a good one for me (hope he did). I asked how much it was as he put it in the PU and he said $12. without blinking. I've mentioned before that daddy raised melons one year and sold them to a semi for 50 cents each and they were huge. The last melon I bought from a farm truck was about $5. It's all right - the farmers work hard to keep those melons going and I'm sure it's been worse this year. He had yellow and red meated ones so I got the red. My favorite is orange but you're just lucky if you happen to see a truck with those.

    It wasn't too hot when I got home - FedEx just now delivered a package and it feels hot now - laptop says 94.

    Judith, that may be one of the problems Sarah is encountering with Hospice, not sure. I talked with her a couple of hours ago and she had been asleep. Guess the medicine the doctor gave her helped her sleep. Todd had just come in from outside and was sick from the heat. He got too hot a couple of years ago and can't handle the heat anymore. Charles got too hot once when mowing and from that time on his thermostat didn't work right.

    Sara, thank you for the information. I'm glad I did go - always nice to see the doctor. He's been my doctor as long as I can remember. The same place I've gone since I was a teenager (long time). I think this is the third doctor I've had at that same place. I think most of his practice is elderly people. He's the only doctor in town so if he ever retires our town will be up the creek without a paddle. He has no plans to retire he says - he's a couple of years younger than me. Glad everything was okay and I got the cortisone shot so maybe my shoulder will be better in a few days - if I'm careful.

    Did you all see that snake they found in Florida - a python 18 ft. long. They said it was probably 20 years old. I'm still on snake watch. I check out the porch before I go out and as I go to the barn. Saw the new baby this morning. Mom was grazing just over the corral with baby laying inside. When I got home I checked again and they were both just inside the cowshed part of the barn so the wind could get them. All the other girls were under shade trees.

    I'll stop for now and watch Jeopardy. Hope all of you are well today. Ron, good advice from Jo. Stay inside - I know it's as hot down there as it is here. I'm ready for fall and winter.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Good morning from Lorita's front porch.....since my physical self is not on the porch I am at peace with one of Lorita's rockers and Beth's garden view. So many beautiful pictures have been shared and I see them all from the porch Lorita created.

    Jo, a group called AIM that Lou's Dr. set up mentioned palliative care and when home health called to check on her, I mentioned it. They said that they would do all the leg work to get it started and also help me if I ever needed it.

    Lou is sleeping a lot more lately and starts wanting to go to bed shortly after supper. I hold off getting her ready until between 8 and 8:30, then a little down time for me before my 3 to 4 hours sleep.

    Still trying to get my biopsy done! Dont know since a different procedure is needed if a new referral has to be sent in, but even with that it shouldn't take this long. I know on the original referral my radiation oncologist put in her note fir a biopsy ASAP. Maybe I should contact her!

    Hot......hot and hot in Louisiana!!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
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    Ron don’t know how it is in Louisiana but here in Ohio there is a big shortage of healthcare workers . I was at OSU three extra days til someone was available to do discharge echo.

    Beth all you can accomplish is amazing.

    Made a casserole for lunch today that I think is tasty. You can make a really small dish or a huge dish. Layer bottom of dish with sliced zucchini. Then put a layer of onion, layer of sliced tomato. Sprinkle with salt, pepper and basil. Drizzle with oil or pats of butter. Repeat vegetable layers. Add salt, garlic powder and pepper. Drizzle with oil or use a little butter. Put a little cheese on top and crushed Ritz crackers. Cover, bake at 375, 30 minutes or til tender.

    Lorita I’m glad no UTI. Hope that shoulder gets straightened out. Things like that can take awhile. How was your watermelon?

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    It's a bit cooler this morning - still humid. We got a whopping .2" of rain last night but other places got enough to flood. Guess we don't need more for a little while so the ranchers can get their hay baled. I remember one year we had our hay cut and it rained on it. We thought it was completely lost but the man who was going to bale it brought a tedder and fluffed it up and it was fine. Fun to watch that tedder - grass was going everywhere.

    Ron, the porch is peaceful this morning and with Beth's view of her garden, it's just right. Darwin tells me that his wife who has alz. sleeps or stays in bed about 20 hours a day. She seems healthy otherwise but just feels more comfortable in bed I guess. He's doing all the housework and cooking - still runs into town about once a week when she's asleep. I did that for a couple of times but decided it wasn't worth it because you never know what will happen to keep you from getting home on time. I hope you can get your biopsy scheduled soon. If I were you I think I would contact that doctor and ask her to check it out. But, like Sara said, there does seem to be a shortage of health care workers. I know Sarah finds it so hard to get things scheduled and carried through.

    Sara, that casserole sounds fantastic - I'd make it if I had zucchini and tomatoes. Yesterday when I stopped to get the watermelon the man had some really pretty tomatoes. I didn't buy any but am regretting it now. He had yellow squash - I think if he'd had zucchini I would have gotten some of them. I haven't cut the watermelon yet. It's laying in the utility room where it's really cool. I usually cut them in half or thirds and put what I don't eat in the refrigerator. I think this time I'll cut it up and put it in the refrigerator in a container so I don't have to deal with the rind. I usually don't like really cold melon but with our heat I think it would taste good.

    I went out to the barn this morning and the baby was laying in the weeds in the lot. Mom was not far away grazing. Got Stormy in the Gator and we drove down to her. She looked at us and started for the barn - knew exactly what I wanted her to do. She said something to her baby when she got close and she (think it's a girl) got up and answered and went into the cowshed. I followed and she wasn't latched on - was trying to nurse the side of the cow. Got her latched on and she started nursing. I wondered if the cow had milk so tested two teats and there's milk so that's good. Stormy and I drove down to see all the others and when we got back baby was still nursing. I wish she'd take her out in the pasture so she could run around but guess mom knows best - I won't push.

    Everyone looked all right and the grass is good where Toad sprayed to get rid of weeds. Can't say the same for the other two pastures - they look awful - but in three weeks with the fertilizer the grass will come back and be good.

    Called the electrician to make sure he hadn't forgotten about restoring power to the barn so I'll have lights out there and another security light. He's been working on a new housing development in this awful heat. I told him I didn't want him to have to work on the barn in this heat - it'll be cooler in a couple of months. Then called the guy who worked on the barn and closet door - had to leave a message. One sliding door works fine - the other one is hard to budge. I think he got the glide a little too far to one side - from what I heard him mumble to himself.

    My shoulder felt better late yesterday after I had ice on it a while but it's not feeling so well this morning. I just need to stop and think before I do something that might hurt it. Like you said, Sara, it'll just take time and being careful not to reinjure it.

    Sarah called about 11:30 last night - I was up watching Barney Miller so we had a good conversation. She said the new medicine the doctor gave her (four days worth) really knocked her out so she had slept most of the day and she had slept too hard. I told her to take half of one to lessen that and to make it last until she gets an appt. with pain management. They measure pain threshold 1-10 and she says hers is about 20. If she uses her food supplement it makes her stomach hurt so she's mostly living on broth and liquid soup and sprite. I mentioned bone broth to her thinking it might give more nourishment. I could tell she was in pain. She has another appt. with her PCP next Friday.

    I'm sorry I've written way too much so I'll get off and let someone have a chance to visit. Hope everyone is well today and not too hot. Ron, is it really humid down there? They're comparing our weather with Houston - because of the heat and humidity. Heard 12 people in Phoenix had died from the heat. Just be careful.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Hello dear friends, oh my gosh; Beth! What I wouldn't give to be able to sit on your patio appreciating the glory of your garden . . . I am sure the angels sing when looking at it! I could never get my Boston Ferns to be that healthy and spritely. Congratulations and a well earned seating on the porch and quietly enjoying the results of all your hard work. A labor of love.

    Thank you again for your prayers and for your asking after me, it is appreciated more than I can say. Mr. Bill is doing much better in many ways. He is able to walk much better, still using walker but actually could probably do without it, but it is too soon to do that. He can rise up and down out of a chair much more easily. He no longer has frank pain; only "discomfort" some of the time. Had his first post-op appt. yesterday; no more dressings and steri-strips removed and he can bathe - whoopee!

    He discontinued the Flexarel and the Norco. He had cut the Norco in half and was taking it longer between doses, but he wanted off due to constipation and even interfering with the ability to void; he stopped both pills last night. He had some very cloudy thinking today when trying to work on some papers, I think it is the sudden stopping of the meds. Will watch over next couple of days and get him to doctor if not improving. Flexarel half life is a looong one and effects can last for a couple of weeks.

    Joan; no matter what procedure they do on your back, will still need some accommodation. I asked Bill what he felt was most helpful following his surgery. He said, the bidet on the toilet as one cannot bend, lift or twist sideways; it is non-electric, just takes a handle to operate very easily; his Sketcher hands-free slip-in shoes (no bending over); his multiple grabbers all over the place to help him pick things up and to pull up his pants after using the bathroom. The big thing was the recliner lift chair for those first few days that were more difficult. If one has low chairs, one can get very sturdy foam cut to size for under the cushions to raise them up so it is easier to get out of the chair, sofa, etc.

    Gave away our trundle bed today. Like new and hardly used at all; also gave nice bedding and blankets and blue toile comforter, bed skirt and sham. A nice young couple were able to use the beds which was lovely. Good for them. Also gave them our like new InstaPot which was only used three times along with cookbooks for same. Never liked it.

    Ron; so glad you are looking into Palliative Care, I think it should be able to be a bit of help to you and your Lou. Call early and get 'em going; so hoping they can make a difference for you.

    As for me; I am tired to the marrow. Seems like an arthritis flare, not easy at all. Great that daughter is here. Getting laundry done and breakfast is tremendously appreciated. She also made some good salads which we surely do appreciate. Our anniversary is on the 18th, sure hope we each want to come out of our rooms. Two tired, beleagured oldies . . . but we're cuddly!

    Son made some turkey chili and brought it over, so add a bit of onion and cheese and maybe some avocado and it will be dinner tonight. Delighted and grateful to have it.

    Got some really, really pretty Eileen West summer nightgowns, jersey sort of fabric with lovely trim. Ordered from Dillards, but have to return and re-buy. The size which I usually wear was far too large. Hurray! Something finally was too large and not the usual too small. Expensive gowns, but they will wear for years and are very pretty as well as comfortable.

    Sarah may not fit Hospice criteria, but she would fit Palliative Care critiera, wonder if she would want that if the other does not pan out. Hope for the best for her and Todd. Glad to hear you have no UTI, Lorita. One less thing to have to do something for.

    Funny; I am falling asleep typing this - best get myself motating and staying awake so I hopefully sleep beyond three hours tonight. Bill too; we ought to get up and play gin rummy or mumbledy-peg; we are both awake in separate bedrooms . . . . silly us!

    Big hugs being sent to all the front porch friends


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I slept for eleven hours last night and woke up pain free! I do believe getting good sleep is necessary to relax muscles and relieve pain.

    Local temps:

    Los Angeles 90 degrees F

    Las Vegas 117

    Palm Springs 120

    Death Valley 130 (record high 134 degrees)


  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,364
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    I'm enjoying the view from the porch this morning because what's outside my window is gray and wet. Yuck.

    @Lorita I jacked up my shoulder when my son was a squirmy toddler and it took over a year to settle down. Of course, having a little with no self-preservation instincts didn't allow me to rest it. These days, I proactively do exercises to strengthen the joint as every single one of my surviving maternal cousins have had shoulder surgery- I don't want to be next.

    I was bummed out last night when a storm blew through, and it was just too dangerous to drive to our friend's house about a 30-minute drive southeast of us. We pulled into a subdivision about 10 minutes into the drive when it became hard to see. Lightning struck within 100 feet of us 3 times in the half hour before DH insisted on heading home. He's the nerdy guy with an app for that on his phone. I may have sulked a bit. OK a lot. I got the sense my friend thought we were being ridiculous as there were no storms near her; she did text me this morning that her daughter, who lives near where we pulled over, waited the storm out at the hospital where she works for 2 hours before heading home. This morning I read that 3 people died in flash flooding and 4 more are missing and feared dead so now I feel like a jerk. I do know better about flood safety. We used to live on a good sized creek that flooded a few times- we moved when we had water 3' up on the second floor. Ugly stuff.

    Mom's got 3 appointments this week. I expect the first 2 will be routine, but she's got a skin check on Friday and there's something really nasty brewing on her shin. She's had 3 MOHS procedures on her lower legs in the last 6 years, and I suspect this will result in #4. These things can take forever to heal; the last one was quite large and became infected twice before the wound closed in addition to the trips for bandage changes the first several weeks. I promised my DH a trip to Dirty Myrtle to visit his younger brother the end of August. My BIL has significant CAD (like his docs say there is nothing more they can do in terms of bypass or stents) and A-fib. I'd like to leave her home with DS if she's had the procedure done, but she'll be upset and he wants to see his uncle.

    The last big get-together 5 years ago meant rescheduling mom's knee replacement a second time. The first date was scrubbed because she showed up for the surgery with scabs from having precancerous lesions frozen the week before. She was already prepped for the surgery and the doc was pretty salty about it. I don't blame him at all. She's was already medicated and I was stuck taking her home on the train wacked out of her mind. She scheduled it for the week of DH's family reunion and was angry I made her reschedule. I'm glad we went as DH's older brother died in his sleep not 2 weeks later. This was when dad was stage 5; I needed to be around just in case. I had a cousin stay with dad, but things did go sideways. Dad ended up having a gall bladder attack and mom developed a bout of hospital-induced craziness and had a fight with PT. When I finally got in to see her the pastoral counselor was talking her off the wall. So that was fun.

    Week after next she only has 2 appointments but one of those is a PT assessment, so I expect she's going to be starting a new routine around that.

    My bestie's husband is still in the hospital. He's improving but the pace has been glacial- today is day 17. He has a follow-up CT scan of his chest to determine whether he needs surgery or not. I fear the answer will be yes. He was pretty deconditioned going into this hospitalization and they've not had him walking at all. I anticipate them turfing him to a SNF for rehab but my friend objecting. She immunodeficient and worries about COVID and wants rehab at home. His LTC policy would pay for an aide, but I don't think she realizes how difficult actually getting a quality person in is these days. Plus, he is not a compliant man. If he's told to do a daily PT program, he probably won't unless forced by someone other than her.

    I'm off to do my NYT crossword. I hope it's a doable challenge-- Sundays are my favorite.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Iris, sleep is the best thing we can do - it's when our body rests and heals. Good for you for sleeping those eleven hours. Does Simon sleep with you? Max sleeps with me on my right side. He weighs 11 pounds (weighed him this morning) so he's heavy on the cover. I slept almost eight hours. Was anxious to get up to check on the baby.

    HB, sounds like you have your hands full. How scary that must have been in the storm - wise for you all to pull over and not try to drive in it. A couple of times this summer when there were severe storms trees have fallen on cars when they were driving.

    That MOHS procedure you mentioned - I think that's what Carol says her husband has had a couple of times. He has lesions on his face/nose where he's had it done. He plays golf every day possible and he's 80 so is out in the sun. She said there's about 11 of men who play and the youngest is 79 - oldest 90. Not good. Is that procedure where they remove the lesion, then find they have to go deeper to get the rest of it?

    The porch is quiet this morning - it's 79 degrees but no wind and there's lots of sun. I ordered from Chewy last night and the girl who helped me said it was 118 at her house yesterday - she lives in Arizona. We're supposed to be over 100 a couple of days this week - hate that. It's so hard on people who have to work outside and it's hard on the animals who are outside.

    The new mom (baby is four days old today) has been leaving her baby in the lot among the sticker weeds. She lays down in them and waits for her to come back for her to nurse. She fed her last evening and for the first time went down to be with the other cows - she had been grazing close to the barn. I went out and closed the lot gates and waited for her to come back. It was 11:30 before I heard her talking to the baby. Got her in the lot and closed all the gates and opened the one to the area north and west of the house. Baby needs to strengthen her legs. While I was out a pack of coyotes came through - not far from the house and you never have heard such screaming and yelping. This morning I was anxious to see baby so went out and found her laying by a hayring. Got her up so she can walk around and strengthen her legs. I'll keep them in there a couple of days.

    Nothing else going on today, I hope, so I'll stop and finish watching the morning news shows. Hope everyone is well.

    Ron, are you planning on going to Church this morning. I seem to remember that the sitter has agreed to come and be with Lou while you go. Hope things go smoothly. Do you all have those grasshoppers down there? I think we have enough for everyone, everywhere. They're awful. See you all later.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
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    edited July 2023

    Good morning

    Lorita hope you annd all the animals doing ok this morning. Know those temperatures are hard on all.

    JoC know this may be hard but if you can, listen to your body. I learned that when I got home. When my body said I’m tired I had to go lay day or pay. No longer need those naps but it took several weeks.

    Iris glad you were blessed with a good nights rest. Know you often have trouble getting one.

    HB glad you stayed safe. Your life sounds like mine feels sometimes.

    Baked a loaf of bread a couple of days ago, see I need to make buns. Later this week maybe. Made Rice Krispie squares yesterday. Also made cookies for squad so that is all done. My nephew is working midnights. He stopped by after work and I fixed him breakfast. I’m only about five minutes from where he works. Told him when he started I would gladly fix him breakfast. He stopped twice this week.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,364
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    @Lorita said:

    That MOHS procedure you mentioned - I think that's what Carol says her husband has had a couple of times. He has lesions on his face/nose where he's had it done. He plays golf every day possible and he's 80 so is out in the sun. She said there's about 11 of men who play and the youngest is 79 - oldest 90. Not good. Is that procedure where they remove the lesion, then find they have to go deeper to get the rest of it?

    It bet that's what Carol's husband had. It reminds me almost of paring a piece of fruit that has a spot where you cut away thin layers until you have clean margins. It's painstaking as patients are sent to a waiting area while they look at the tissue under a microscope which means sitting around for an hour or so until it's your turn again. If you're lucky, the first pass is enough. Otherwise, you could be looking at 5-6 hours. The place where DH and mom go has a whole pantry and fridge full of snacks and cozy blankets while you wait.

    That's great that those gentlemen are still playing. Even if they were being careful and using an effective sunscreen now, the cumulative effects of sun exposure when they were younger could be driving these skin cancers. My husband is a science and math nerd who relishes the great indoors-- it's where the books are. He rarely spends any time out in the sun and never without sunscreen. And yet he had 2 areas that needs MOHS last fall. The derm said they were probably from sunburns he got as a kid. My mom, on the other hand, has abused her skin for years. When I first moved her back north from Florida and the beach in MD, she complained mightily about how her tan was fading and how pale she was.

    DH's one procedure was on his face-- between the bridge of his nose and his eye. They had to move a flap of skin from his forehead to cover the hole. It was pretty gnarly looking for a time. LOL, he's got quite a scar now and his eyebrows are no longer symmetrical. The surgeon offered him a procedure to minimize the scarring, but he doesn't care. Faces can be complicated, but they do heal fast. Lower legs? Not so much.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    Watched Wimbledon...start to finish. I am not much of a sports fan but I was glued. What an ending!!!

    Rain last night...clear blue sky right now. I have no need to leave the house until and appt tomorrow morning at Morgan Stanley. Would you believe it too is within my 1 mile radius, just trying to get all financial matters in hand after my son retired.

    Mtg re flip house went well so we continue onward.

    Later if something interesting pops up...lol

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Having a storm blow in! Always a job keeping Lou calm! Some trees and power lines down around us, but nothing like a few weeks ago and we still have power. I have a few limbs in the yard to pick up and garbage picked up Thursday, so the can is blown out to the backyard.

    Lou was bathed and dressed ready for church again and once again wouldn't go when it was time. Sitter was here so I made the service.

    Hopefully I'll get some answers tomorrow about when and where for the biopsy. So tired of waiting and worrying!


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    HB, storms are no joke! A woman here was struck by lightening after the rain had stopped, she died. I won't go outside if there is lightening or thunder.

    Lorita my cats can't sleep with me because I'm allergic to cats. Ironic, isn't it?

    Sayra, I had to caution a friend of mine. She is still symptomatic from a UTI from a week ago. I urged her to check back with her doctor because she doesn't want to become septic.

    It seems hotter today. I didn't do anything today.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    HB , I'm sure that's what Carol's husband has had. He u«ses sunscreen, wears a hat and they use golf carts but he's fair so the sun bothers his skin. He has another one coming up soon. It is great that those guys still like to play golf but we worry about them in this hot weather. They begin at 9 a.m. and play four hours. I surely wouldn't be out there if I didn't have to be.

    Judith, you do live in the perfect location. I can't imagine being within a mile of anything I would need to do. Were all those things there when you moved to your house? I didn't watch any of Wimbledon this year. We used to watch every tennis match that was on TV and after I lost Charles I still watched some, especially when Roger Federer was playing but he's retired and I really don't know any of the players now except Nadal and Djokovic. Who won this year?

    My shoulder has been doing all right - until this afternoon I was going to feed the cow a little bit of feed so picked up an empty mineral tube and carried it about 20 yards - it's hurt since then but I've had ice on it and it's better.

    Just took down the trash. Mom a and baby are staying close together so I'll let them out in a day or so. She is a little girl and so cute. The girls did come up to the big pond in front of the house for a little while this evening. Now they're back down in the NE pasture - little ones all over the place and so peaceful.

    Ron, glad you were able to go to Church today. It may be time to just let Lou rest and not even attempt to get her to go. She's probably to the point she isn't enjoying crowds or closed in places she's not used to. Hope the storms aren't too bad and happy you all still have power. Today I saw on the weather we may get some weather tonight - it's a little cloudy in the north now. The ranchers need a few days of dry weather to get hay baled and then it can rain, rain, rain.

    It was a nice day - 79 degrees right now and not too humid but the wind's from the south so the humidity will be back soon.

    Judith, are you getting ready to sell the flip house? Hope you do well with it. I'll stop and watch some more Shark Tank. Tried to take a nap this afternoon but it didn't work so I'll sleep tonight.

    Iris, hope you sleep well, too.

    Sara, how nice that your nephew works so close to you and stop in for a visit and breakfast now and then. Is he to the one who does things to help you? See you all tomorrow.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,364
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    It's still really damp here. Our flood warnings have been replaced by sunshine and Air Quality Alerts. It'll be great conditions for weeding. Trying to be positive here.

    But first, I need to check on a potential scam that involves my mom. Does the following sound familiar to anyone?

    On Friday evening I found a message on her phone from someone claiming to be from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau asking her to call a specific person Monday- Friday between 8am and 4pm. Assuming the caller ID wasn't spoofed, it looked legit. And the name given did not sound like a generic scammer name. They didn't bombard her with calls- it's just the one. And the callback hours were normal business hours rather than "operators are waiting for your call" nonsense.

    But she's kind of a babe-in-the-woods around these things, so I feel like we need to do this together. I'm trying to sort out what this might be about. She had some dealings with Bank of America when she had her place in FL. She insured the property herself rather than go through the mortgage company escrowing it as she was able to get better coverage/lower rate. BOA, unbeknownst to her (and thousands of other victims) bought insurance and paid for it using funds meant to pay P&I which meant there was a shortfall and foreclosure proceedings were initiated. She did straighten it out and BOA was reprimanded for this practice at the time, but I wonder if this is related to that. Or maybe it has to do with those shady games subscriptions she likes. Or maybe it's a really clever scam artist. Here's hoping one call-- with a short wait-time-- clears this up.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    HB, isn't it a shame that we have to worry about phone calls and what they're about. Times have changed for sure. Elderly people are more vulnerable because we were taught to be polite so it's hard for us to hang up sometimes. I hope you get your mother's call straightened out and that it wasn't a scam. I'vegotten to the point if the caller ID on my phone doesn't show a number I have in my contacts I just don't answer. I figure if it's an important call, they'll leave a message - hardly ever do.

    I just saw on the news about the awful floods in Pennsylvania. I think it said five people were drowned - still looking for a 9 month old and a 2 yr. old I guess who were swept away. Some place in Arizona - Furnace Flats or something like that had temp of 127. We had a 127 heat index in southern Oklahoma a few days ago. We're supposed to have hot weather the next three days, then a little bit of relief. If we can continue that, it'll be much better. Even a little rain later this morning - maybe.

    It's pleasant outside right now. Just saw the cow and her baby. I need to get them west of the house and open the driveway gate so FedEx can deliver a couple of things from Chewy and WM. I order all of my cat and dog food from Chewy - much more convenient than buying it in town and having to get it to the house. This way it's delivered to the porch so all I have to do is get it inside - that stuff is heavy, cases of food and sacks fo food. I ordered a new cooling pad but not sure it'll come today - it was in Tulsa last night.

    Iris, I hope you slept well last night. Ihad a restless night - went to bed at 11 but couldn't go to sleep right away like I always do. Finally, just got to sleep and Sarah sent a message so that woke me up. Then when trying to go back to sleep my right hand started itching - itched like crazy for I don't know how long. It started in my right forefinger - weird. Finally stopped and I went to sleep. About 4 Stormy woke me up wanting to go outside - then back to sleep until the alarm went off. Hate nights like that.

    Fed the cats and let Stormy out again and now the GPs are sound asleep and I'm not. Probably will need a nap this afternoon. Weatherman just showed a map of where the rain is predicted - we're right in the edge of it so guess that probably means none for us. Heat index today 110, Tuesday, 111, Wednesday 110, then a little reliefi with daytime highs in the 80s and heat indices of lower 90s.

    Hope everyone is well this morning and things are going right. Ron, hope you hear something about your biopsy appointment today. I'll be back later today.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
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    Good evening,

    Iris hope your friend pays attention to your advice.

    Lorita it is the nephew who has helped me this summer.

    HB I would look for a phone number on my own for that supposed agency. If I found their number on my own then I would call it and see if they had called your mother. That’s how I try and do a lot of things.

    Lorita when I get eczema it almost always starts with the area itching. Hope that isn’t what it is.

    Judith how are you and your friend doing with all those steps?

    We’ve had a crazy week. Two weekends ago one of my sisters went to ER because she hurt her eye. I had to take her to eye doctor Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. She was able to drive herself after that when she needed to go. This past Saturday my BIL who has taken me to all my OSU appointments had an MI and had to have a stent put in his heart. Drove himself to ER and didn’t tell my sister lol.anyway he got home today. I have an appointment a week from Thursday. Hope he is able to take me, think he will be if nothing unexpected happens. He is the same age as I am. Rest of his heart was clear but that one was a 99% blockage.

    Hope everyone has a good night

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Still no word on new referral for biopsy! Went to the VA this morning and spoke with the radiology oncologist nurse and asked her to inform the Dr. what has transpired. His is the Dr that ordered the PET scan and sent the note to community care to set up a biopsy ASAP. After that note I did have my consultation within a week. I am finding out that first community care has to receive the records from the Dr. I saw, then they have to see who ordered the original consultation, also review what the new recommendation would be and so on and so on.

    Oh well.....just keep worrying! I did call the other dr and told them to go ahead and set up the sleep study.


  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,364
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    PSA: The phone call was a scam as I suspected. It was a fairly sophisticated scam; they even took the trouble to spoof a government phone number, @Sayra . I checked the number myself over the weekend. It's a variation of the fake PCH 2nd Prize Scam where they want you to wire them cash to cover the courier costs and "federal tax withholding" for a major cash prize. I asked them to send mom the customary registered letter informing her of her win and the associated next steps. They said sure, but I'm sure they won't. I blocked the call but I'm sure they have others they can use.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Morning, Good for you, HB for checking into that for your mother. Just think of all the elderly people who get those calls without someone to look into it for them. With AI they can mimic voices and change numbers so you don't know who is really calling.

    It's already very warm here - 80 but it's very humid. Jerry is supposed to come his morning to fix the closet door. He may have to take it off and cut off a little of the bottom. They're heavy plywood and he's not a big man. Don't know if it would be any better for him to wait until Thursday or Friday when it's supposed to be a bit cooler. Guess he's used to being outside though since he's a rancher and does handyman work on the side. Maybe he'll be a good one to call when there's something to do that I can't - that's getting to be more and more things all the time.

    GPs have been outside this morning already and cats have been fed and they've been running amuck. Darwin came by late yesterday and brought a lot of vegetables - squash, zucchini, cucumbers and okra. I haven't eaten okra in a long time. Guess I'll slice it and fry it. I did see a recipe where you cut off the end and slice it longways and bake it. Didn't look too appetizing to me but they said it was good. What do you do with a lot of cucumbers? When I was working and out service would have a party or dinner there was one woman who always brought cucumber sandwiches. I don't recall that I ever ate one of them. I think you add cream cheese to the grated or slice cucumber. Guess I'll cook squash and onions again today - really enjoyed it last week with butterbeans.

    I made a chocolate cake yesterday and put a very thin coat of frosting on it - really hit the spot. There's plenty of it left for the front porch today - if it wasn't going to be so hot. I am so ready for fall and winter but it'll probably be hot until November this year.

    Got the new cooling pad yesterday so need to put it on after while. It has six fans on it - the one I have had has three bigger ones - keeps your thighs cool, too

    . Ron, hope you hear something today. I know you're under a heat advisory just like us and Texas and Arkansas. You all stay in and stay as cool as you can. I'll be back later today.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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