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Just need to talk to my friends (191)



  • ButterflyWings
    ButterflyWings Member Posts: 1,752
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    Hello Front Porch Friends! I spent much of the day catching up on all the news from 256 New posts on this continuing thread. What a busy group is all I can say! That is one thing I have always loved about this special front porch group -- it gives me encouragement, energy, and inspiration when I feel like a slacker or like the caregiving life is just too much. You all remind me we are not in this alone, and we can do far more than we think, just by putting one foot in front of the other and resting when we need to.

    My delay in reading the last few days was not that I had more to do than anyone else, but I was afraid to catch a glimpse of the pictures referred to a few pages back. Like Telinde, Im a baby too. A BIG chicken when it comes to the creepy crawly reptilian types. Cluck, cluck. That's me. So, yes please, whoever suggested a trigger warning or slither alert for future such pictures, I too would be ever so grateful. Long story. Big phobia. Thank you.

    So as not to write a book as long as, but far less intriguing than Barbara's, here are just a few notes on all the news I am now fully caught up on, and I managed not to view the pix that give me heart palpitations (!).

    Beth and Iris - Pretty flowers! I have only old school orange day lilies and hostas, transplanted from my prior home. The day lilies remind me of my dear mama in heaven for many years now. Sunshine and smiles.

    Lorita - The little ones must be so cute. Maybe you can get your phone camera to work for a couple of photos. I thought about how crazy Prednisone makes my DH. He cannot take it any more at all. The worst kind of hallucinations and delusions ensued the last 2 times it was prescribed, trying to exit through a window and locking me in the garage. Oh me oh my. No. I guess Lilly and Max don't have those problems, or it is a different med, or affects fur babies differently than our human LOs. You mentioned time going backward on your clock one day. I have been feeling that way with some of the things DH is doing again, that he didn't tolerate for a long time. Like car rides (we can leave the house!) and suddenly agreeing to 3 showers in the last few weeks, after two YEARS of absolutely not. Weirdness of dementia.

    Judith, Sayra & All - Walking and exercise plans. GREAT! I have pandemic pounds and do not like them at all.

    Eaglemom - The non-profit. I hope the funding works out. Dementia education and support is so important.

    All: Cooking and baking - The recipes and ideas always make me hungry and are good to get out of a rut. The refrigerator pickles and veggie casserole are on my to-do list now! I made some really good granola that maybe we can sprinkle on our yogurt parfaits for the next porch brunch. I was going for oatmeal cookies but didn't realize there was no more flour until it was too late, so I baked them anyway. Chewy granola! Love it. I don't have any of the gadgets some of you are using, except my crock pot which I have loved since I got married (the first time) in my teens. Come to think of it, it may have been a wedding gift. I'm on my 3rd or 4th one at least and it is good for beans, soups, corned beef brisket St. Pat's day boiled dinners, and even the chili for chili dogs. I've also seen it used for nachos at school functions for the PTO potlucks when kids were littles.

    Enough for now. I hope everyone stays as cool as possible, and that the medical woes get better. This group is such a blessing. Glad to be back and able to read when I can, and also post periodically when time allows and I'm not a fraidy cat avoiding scary photos 😥👀

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    edited July 2023

    Joan, so sorry it has turned out that you'll need more surgery than you first thought - but, you'll do fine and be back to pulling all your weeds and doing your walking before you know it. One good thing - at least it's cooler where you live so you can sit out on your porch - and on our porch and eat hot fudge sundaes. You've been given so much good information for your recovery and I'm sure you're tucking it away to remember. Sounds like the surgeon is a good one so that will rest your mind some, too. We'll keep our fingers crossed that your visit with him next week goes well. I'm sure there's lots of hugs coming your way and they will continue until you're back on your feet. Satin pjs sound great and they also feel cool on your skin. Will there be someone there with you while you're recovering?

    Thanks Jo and Judith for your posts. Sarah has never had me listed as someone to talk to the doctors - I have done so and most of the time I'm able to get a bit of information. I don't doubt in the least that she's most likely addicted to pain meds - she takes strong ones. The other day she told me the names of her medications and to me it seemed like she had medication for everything. She has been taking morphine at home - not sure about now, probably out of it by now. She had told me she was supposed to have blood work before her appointment that was to be today - never got it. Also told me her appointment had been rescheduled. I'm to the point I don't know that she tells me everything - doubt it.

    I did suggest today that she go to the ER. She said she didn't want to do that because they just send her back home. I also don't think she really wants to be on hospice. I've talked with the main person a couple of times and the evening RN a couple of times but Sarah has told them she only wants them to talk with her, not me. So, guess I'm bowing out and letting she and Todd handle it - as Judith said I should. Of course, I'll continue to support her in whatever she decides to do but just won't suggest what she needs to do. I think what I tell her goes in one ear and out the other so guess for the most part I'm wasting my breath - and in this hot weather there's not a lot of breath left.

    Judith, thanks for offering to take her to pain management but I doubt she'd accept. You've always been so kind to Sarah, Lorita and I and I really appreciate it. I remember when you trying to get something done for her years ago and were told the same thing as I was told today. I'm not sure she's made an appt. with pain management - she hasn't mentioned it so probably not. Guess I'll just listen when she calls and not try to tell her what she needs to do - probably not in my nature but I'll try.

    Butterfly Wings, so good to hear from you - it has been quite a long time since your last post. This is a great group of ladies and gentleman - always so supportive and ready to offer help and suggestions. I feel so lucky that we have this thread and all the good friends we've made over the years. Your granola sounds good - I've been threatening to make cookies but have never gotten around to it. I use my crock pot to cook pinto beans but that's all I've cooked in it. I use my NuWave oven most of all. I love butterbeans and I cook those in a pot on the stove - that way they don't come apart and are delicious. Darwin brought some okra a couple of days ago and I'm going to fry it tomorrow - haven't had that in years.

    About the Prednisone - I have to give it to Sheena and Stormy (Pyrenees) after their allergy shots and to the two cats after their shots. Usually these two overlap so I have to keep a chart to make sure I don't miss one. I've never taken it but I have used Prednisone eyedrops and can't use them.

    I drove down this afternoon to see all the girls and babies. They had been laying in the shade and were just then coming out to graze. Yesterday there were probably a dozen little ones laying in a group - just like kids getting together. Wish you all could see them. I drive up next to them in the Gator and they never move. Stormy likes to go with me but didn't this afternoon - he'll go tomorrow. I have the cutest picture of one of the babies several years ago that I'll try to find and post. It looks like she was posing and is so cute. Come back often and let us know how things are going. I'll stop for now and see what might be on TV tonight. I'm sort of looking at cars online again and you know I watch those old shows from the 50s and 60s and all those beautiful, great big cars. Wish they made that kind of cars again. They were so pretty and comfortable.

    See you all tomorrow - rest well tonight - tomorrow is another day.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    edited July 2023

    Good morning! Hopping on quickly on this busy weekend just to say hello. Kids coming today; making 7 layer dip to serve with Fritos scoops (refried beans, sour cream, salsa, guacamole, cheese, tomatoes & olives); also sloppy joes and homemade strawberry frozen yogurt. Need to walk the dog before it gets too hot and then clean the house. I have green beans to pick. I dug my carrots yesterday; I had lots, I didn't count then but probably 50 or 60. Tomatoes are coming on and we've had several (Jet Star and Cherokee Purple). I have had LOTS of cucumbers too. Yum!

    Please enjoy a few of my many coneflowers.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Beth, the conflowers are beautiful. WE used to have them growing in the pasture and meadows among other pretty wildflowers. Now, everything's sprayed to get rid of weeds and that also gets rid of the wildflowers. I've transplanted monarda and other flowers and they did last a while.
    Sounds like you're going to have a good, but busy day. Hope the weather's good for you. It's a beautiful morning here - in the 70s with a little breeze from the north.
    I took Stormy with me and we drove down and saw all the girls and babies. A lot of them were already in the shade but some were still grazing. The grass is really good in the lower 2/3rds of the NE pasture where they sprayed and fertilized. It'll take a couple more weeks for it to get going in the other pastures - right now everything looks brown - hate that.
    Nothing going on here today - wish I'd called Bryon to see if he had time to move the pile of limbs north of the carport but they're not hurting anything so guess it's okay. Also had a big limb the wind broke off a tree at the back and a few other things I'll have him cut back when it's cooler. He has a teenage son who keeps him busy and it's good that he had the weekends to spend with him during the summer. Hope everyone's okay today. I'll check back in later.
  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,364
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    @BethL I will enjoy your coneflowers; the deer have already enjoyed most of mine. I am used to them coming for my sedum and daylilies but coneflower is new to me. And them, presumably. I am so close to pulling everything out right now and just having evergreens and mulch.

    @Sayra I am a very competent cook, but it isn't something I really enjoy especially for my picky eaters who can't ever settle on a single entree.

    Still, my contribution to the front porch sundaes would be a bacon toffee sauce-- the best hot salted caramel with just a whiff of bacon for depth and homemade whipped cream because I just can't embrace Cool Whip. Sorry to those who are fans.

    If we're having happy hour, an over-chilled buttery California Chardonnay sounds good, but I wouldn't say no to a NE style IPA if you have one.

    @ronald71111 I hope you have a plan on Monday. This is just ridiculous. I hope those who are scheduled for short procedures soon aren't impacted by the destruction of the Pfizer plant in NC where they make a lot of injectables used in surgery and short procedures.

    @Lorita your concern for your dear niece is so palpable. I agree with those who have suggested getting a pain management specialist on board. They may have options available that other docs don't. IME, they are very proactive about compliance and dependence. My mom saw one for epidural injections for her spine. They start every appointment with a urine tox screen so the doctor knows if you're taking the meds prescribed and/or taking something you aren't reporting.

    The derm did a biopsy on the skin lesion. She's sure it's a specific kind of squamous cell lesion. I'd sent a picture via the electronic chart and she reserved a first-available procedure slot for her which is great. It'll be an excision, which is much easier in terms of recovery, on the 11th between her trip with my niece to Cape Ann to see her family and our trip in late August to see DH's brother. She'll likely be back in the pool before Labor Day. I was able to schedule the hand specialist on the same day as the retina specialist with 2 hours between to allow for travel. I do love those situations where I can double up appointments.


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    @harshedbuzz , your mom still swims? Hopefully she wears her sunscreen and prevents further skin cancers. Do you have a pool at your home, or is it at her home?

    We used to have a pool but the maintenance got to be too much. Now we have a large garden.

    I'm sorry the deer eat your plants!!! We don't have trouble with that in the summer - I guess they are in the cornfields eating. In the winter, though, and early spring, I have to keep certain plants sprayed to deter them.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,364
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    @BethL She mostly just hangs out or walks in the water. She has a lot of spinal damage-- fractures, compressions and scoliosis-- so just being in water helps. We usually go to the 55+ community outdoor pool but sometimes I'll drop her off at the indoor one if I'm running errands in the area.

    She's great about sun protection now. She wears a long sleeved SPF 50 rash guard and matching leggings plus a hat.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Hello front porch friends, not nearly as hot today with the clouds, but afraid it will be short lived. The front porch is always a calming atmosphere with beautiful pictures and just friends talking.

    Talking about the deer's eating plants reminded me of what my Missouri son told me a few weeks ago. He said the deers had eaten all of his pepper plants but one even after he put out deer corn as a deterrent. After inspecting the plants he realized they ate all of his hot pepper plants and left the bell pepper.

    Hope I hear something next week, it was the 20th of June when the nodule was discovered and the 25th on the mild fdg uptake. I know that I will still have to go in for another consultation and have a biopsy set up.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Hi, Ron, I think you're right about this cooler weather being short lived. Just saw the weather and the warm-up begins tomorrow and this time they're not mentioning the high moving back to the west very soon. It's wonderful out there now - a light north breeze and nice. Just looked and the girls have come up to the smaller pond for a drink. I don't think I need to check the barn this evening - doubt anyone came up today. Hope you find out something definite at your appt. Monday.

    I took a two hour nap this afternoon - should do that every day, and may. Funny - when I go into the bedroom for a nap the GPs go with me, otherwise, they're in the LR with me - guess they don't want to miss anything - as if there's anything to miss. Had a piece of that watermelon after I got up and it's pretty good but still not very sweet. Do wish I could find a good orange meated one. I can remember when I was in school - it always started the middle of August - I'd come home from home, get off the bus and there would always be a cut watermelon on the counter - and they were good and sweet.

    HB, I know Sarah needs to see pain management but it's going to be up to her to get it done. She has appts. with her surgeon and PCP this week so we'll see what they do.

    I don't have anything at all blooming right now. The grasshoppers are eating everything in sight. They've completely defoliated one Royal Empress that's about 20 ft. tall and now they're working on the other, taller one. They've eaten all the leaves off the holly that's across the front of the porch and even eating polk weeds. Evidently they're just in this three or four mile area. Darwin says they're at his place and Jerry says he has them to - he's about four or five miles north of here - but, they're not at the Vet's clinic - about ten miles away.

    When you all post pictures which of the icons at the bottom of the comment section do you click on? I found where I'd written down how to post and it says the icon next to the smiley face (I don't see a smiley face). Do you find the picture you want to post first?

    Hope all of you are doing all right today. Joan, I saw on the weather that it's going to be 100 in Denver in a day or so - hope it doesn't get that hot where you are.

    See you all tomorrow. Rest well tonight.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Beth my coneflowers look nice this year too but my garden nowhere near as nice as yours and never will be. Several seedlings coming up and hope to move some of them to back yard late summer if I find the energy. Hope you had a nice meal with your family.

    my nephew eats breakfast with me every morning when he gets off of work except Tuesday because I go to work at 8 and he will be getting off at 8. It’s nice to have someone to eat breakfast with.

    Deer have eaten off some things. I’m done though with putting up little fences at night to keep them out. Too much work for this old lady.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


    Sara, I always say that the animals needs to eat, too. Can't say that for the dratted grasshoppers though. I've never had problems with animals eating things except the cows do love rosebuds. Decided this morning I'd water the two red knockout roses to keep them going. They don't have any leaves because of the hoppers but maybe they'll survive. I can't remember when the grasshoppers left last year.

    It's already in the mid to upper 80s - no wind blowing at all. Stormy and I went out just after 7 to see everyone and found they had moved to the east pasture. Toad sprayed 12 days ago so guess they thought it was all right. We droe down below the pond dump - he didn't spray there - couldn't get the truck in - and across to the other side for a little way. I saw one cow laying down so drove around her to check and then back to the house. All the others were farther away so drove the PU around the road to see them. I guess it was all right to go out in there but I've had a headache since - probably just the thought of it. Mike says it's all right for the cattle to even be in the same pasture where they're spraying so if it doesn't hurt them, probably won't hurt Stormy and I.

    I'm having a problem with Sammy. For some reason he has it in for Stormy. When Stormy comes in the house or goes in the bedroom Sammy hisses at him and even jumps at him. I'm worried that they'll get into a fight and one of them will get hurt. Don't know what to do but I keep a spray bottle of water and spray the dickens out of Sammy. Have any of you all with cats and dogs ever had this problem? It only started a couple of weeks ago.

    Sara, you're still a young lady - just wait until you get up into your 80s - things deteriorate pretty fast including energy and strength. How nice that your nephew comes by to have breakfast with you. Did you usually eat breakfast before he started coming by?

    Ron, how did it go with Church this morning? I hope you got to go to be with your friends for a while. I know you like to have Lou go with you but nice that you can go even if she doesn't want to.

    Jo, hope you and your husband are doing well this morning. I bet you're so glad he's recovering as well and fast as he is and is out of all that pain he was having. Joan, I think it's this week that you have an appointment with the surgeon. Hope all goes well.

    Sandy, on the weather this morning it looked like you might be having some rain and storms. How are the mules doing - are they making friends with the horses? Leanne needs to be on our thread again so you all can talk about mules and how they act. Talk with you soon.

    I'll stop for now and see what's on QVC - haven't ordered anything yet and don't plan to unless it's something I just cannot live without.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    OVC...I don't get it. This morning they had containers for eggs...two egg drawers that you could stack. Then they have the latest and best stuff for your face...one right after the other. If you check Amazon the price of things is lower and the customer comments are usually not great. Same for HSN. Oh, did I mention you better hurry up and order because they are goin to run out any moment. Remindsme that we still have not heard from Day. Surely there is a way to contact her.

    Garden report; I have a Naked Lily that is at least 50 years old and blooming like crazy. Also have some volunteer trees that are growing like crazy where they need not be. Several Pecans, a Hackbarry and an Oak. Thanks you squirrels!

    My daughter went to a birthday party to see the Barbie movie. They all wore pink and white. Cute.

    Still watching Suits on Netflix. It really is good. I am also watching some "history" movies about the Roman Empire and Troy...also good. Wish I could get back to reading. It always out me to sleep.

    Speaking of which, my meds got tweaked and I slept 11 hours last night, Yes, straight through. Can you imagine.

    Lorita...please just get a car that runs and has airconditioning. I know it will be expensive but you and your comfort are worth it.

    Ron...how was this morning.

    Jo...glad most is better. I wish you could find help for your knees. Ain't growing older a joy...ha.

    Thanks to all for the hot fudge sunday and sip of gin. It was great to be together on the porch.

    Sayra, breakfast. Can we come too?

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Judith, I have the Lock 'n Lock containers for eggs. Really do like them. I hadn't seen those this morning before. It does keep the eggs fresh longer. You were probably watching some kind of morning show where they show everything. A lot of the shows are about certain things - like In The Kitchen with David - all kinds of kitchen stuff. I don't watch as much as I used to - I don't like the new hosts - seems like all they want to do is talk - like they get paid for every word - even talking over the guests.

    I have a lot of Naked Ladies but right now they're dormant - mine start blooming in late August or September - first the foliage in the spring, then it dies, then the flowers a few months later - also called Surprise Lillies.

    I will get a new car - have never bought a used one by myself. Charles and I have bought several used ones with good results so I'll probably buy a new one when I decide which one. I keep looking at them on TV and online. Sidney who works with the vet bought a new Jeep. It's really cute but so tiny - of course, that's all she needs. I need something low enough and big enough for the GPs so I can take them to the vet if I need to. The dealership in the town close to us (14 miles) sells Dodges, Chryslers and Jeeps. Thinking about the new Dodge Hornet. I've bought two new cars when they first came out, without driving them, and have had really good luck - so we'll see. Not until it gets cooler - too hot to look for cars right now.

    Good for you sleeping that long - shows you needed it. I laid down a while ago to take a nap and just dozed off so got back up. I only had six hours sleep last night - got up at 6 a.m. so thought I could take a nap.

    I also wonder what happened to Day. She was posting on a regular basis. I don't remember that she had health problems.

    I've never watched Suits - not on any of the stations I get. Are you watching 1883?

    Had thought I'd cook the okra and zucchini today but I will tomorrow. When I drove around the section to look at the girls I left some broken down boxes for the trash pickup tomorrow so will only have to take down one big sack and the sack of cans - late this evening. Watching reruns of Shark Tank now. I've seen some of them, but not all. Do you ever watch that?

    Need to go out and turn the float-valve back on. I turned it off this morning because the girls weren't around. Now I see they're in the garden south of the house - saw a couple of them come to the barn to get water. It's 92 out there but I bet the heat index is at least 100. Ice cream would really good right now -or hot fudge sundaes - anything cold.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    I am watching 1883.

    I am a devoted used care buyer. I hate to lose a lot of value the moment I drive off the lot. Right now I am driving a 2013 Volvo x60. I get great service on it which is one of the reasons for selecting it. Be certain to take both dogs with you when you test drive.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    edited July 2023

    I try to raise things deers don’t eat. I’m fairly good at that except I love sunflowers and so do the deer. They usually survive the deer eating in them. The other things they like to eat were here when I moved in.

    Judith I would quickly live in a forest if it wasn’t for the lawn mower. Locust trees come up everywhere and grow quickly. Get quite a few oaks sprouting too.

    Lorita I have always eaten breakfast. That was something we always did at home. There’s room for all at the table. It’s nice to have others to eat with.

    We had a nice breeze here today.

    Fixed 2 pints each of sliced dill and sliced bread and butter refrigerator pickles yesterday. That will last me a whole year. Canned 6 pints of whole dill pickles. Next week if works out will get a small container of cucumbers and make a couple of pints of refrigerator pickle relish.

    Good night everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Judith, can't take them with me because I can't get them in the PU. I'll just have something low enough to the ground for them to get in. Stormy jumped into the PU once when I took him to the vet - he was ready to go home but never could get Sheena in - they're both too heavy and the PU is too high - I use a stool most of the time to get in. Something not higher than mid calf - I won't be driving it in the mud. Both of them could get into the back or front of the Mercury and if I remember it was about mid calf high.

    The trees that come up here voluntarily are mulberry. My parents used to have that kind of tree and I've finally gotten them almost to the point they don't come up from the roots that are everywhere. For a while there were lots of elm, maple and Mimosa - not so much anymore. The trees here look so bad I'm just hoping they make it through the summer.

    . Sara, how do you make the pickle relish? I used to make zucchini relish but have lost the recipe. I'll need to get some peppers I'm sure.

    I remember when we used to raise watermelons and cantalopes the wolves and coyotes would eat them.

    Still need to take down the rest of the trash and guess I'll set up the water tank in the garden if the cows are going to be in that pasture. I saw one little calf walking toward the tank a while ago - it was empty - haven't had water in it for several months. Sara, I have to have a little breakfast - always have OJ and CBJ and hot tea. Lately I've had cereal for breakfast.

    Just saw the weather - this week's temps are going to be 100 and above and that's not the heat index. Enjoy 1883 and the rest of the day. See you all tomorrow.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Didnt make it to church this morning! Wasnt Lou's fault, I had a bad night and just felt extremely weak and just the blahs. Dont know what's wrong, guess just to much going on with me and its wearing me down.

    Can you believe I got a call from community care on a Sunday! They asked if I had a preference on which GI I wanted to see. I told them whoever's can see me the quickest. They are sending the request for a appointment to a GI Endoscopy specialist whom I'm seen before. Now to wait on a call this week from them for a appointment. Dont remember if I mentioned but I passed the kidney stone Thursday so that's one problem off my plate.

    Now for some ice cream!


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    edited July 2023

    Goodness; it seems that getting to page 21 is causing some hiccups when sometimes logging on. Seem to remember that happened when we got to page 19 on the prior Thread. Or; maybe it is just me that gets flicked around earlier pages, etc.

    Joan; just had a thought. I do not know what insurance you have, but if it is straight Medicare, there is a reason for staying in the hospital for at least three 24 hour days as an INPATIENT for all three days minimum, discharging no sooner than the morning of the fourth day. If one needs rehab after a surgery or illness with straight Medicare, one needs to have three 24 hour days as an INPATIENT as qualifying days for rehab. Any Outpatient days do not count to that number and anything less than three days will also not be a qualifying event.

    Let your surgeon know if he/she is an early discharger. NOTE: With Medicare, if a person fits criteria for rehab and has the three 24 hour qualifying days, even if they go home, there is a special benefit - a person if they fit criteria and if they had those three qualifying inpatient days and discharge home, BUT once home the person finds they need the rehab, a person can still qualify for rehab up to 30 days. This is very important as we never know what will be in the cards for us. So; do let your doctor be aware of this even if you feel you will not need rehab; one never knows and better to be on the safe side of things. My husband's length of stay was three inpatient days being discharged on the fourth day so that was good. If you have Medicare Advantage, they are not held to the three 24 hour inpatient days - they can do what they wish. That being said, if you have Advantage, or any other insurance, check with them to find out about qualifying for rehab should that become an issue. Most probably will not, but always good to err on the side of preparedness.

    DH is still feeling weak after doing minor things; but he is 81. And much to my and our daughter's disappointment, he is not always sticking best practices. So important he not get off track so he is being reinforced nicely as well as nagging when needed. He wants to recover swiftly and that is good, but only with following the regime strictly as per his awesome Physical Therapist. Sigh.

    We do not buy "new' cars either. The closest we come to that, is we wait until just after the first of the year when the new current models ore out and we buy an unused car from the prior years models - a HUGE savings. I do not mind buying a car a couple of years old that has been inspected and comes with a good warranty, but usually we buy the "last year model" sort of thing and keep it. i would keep driving a care for decades, no problem with that at all for me. So; if you can wait for end of year Lorita, and the model you want is available, you can check and see if you can save a lot of money buying the "last year model." Even if they do not have that model on the lot, if any dealer is around that has that make/model/color, out there, they can have it transferred in; at least they have done that out here. Perhaps worth thinking about. Must be a bit more difficult living so far out as you do, but perhaps it is a possibility.

    Having pork tenderloin with a balsamic reduction sauce for dinner; it is a great and easy recipe along with tiny oven roasted potatoes with rosemary and green beans with a bit of garlic, lemon and toasted almonds tonight. Will be good.

    The photo of the Coneflowers is lovely; the colors are delightfully rich - to me, they look like they are dancing or about to dance with their little petal tu-tu's.

    Daughter is going to stay another week due to DHs slower recovery as well as my being down and out for so much. A deeply appreciated blessing. Got a nice lady who cleans coming in tomorrow, will get bathrooms and vacuum, etc. deeply appreciate that too as I cannot do all of that. Daughter is not a domestic cleaner type and she does so, so much else, do not want to overload her. She made some of the best chicken salads which makes nice lunches, but yikes; not exactly calorie counting territory.

    Sayra's pickles - YUM! We will bring sandwiches to the front porch; she can bring her pickles! Judith, more hot fudge sundaes? I haven't had one in years and now find myself wishing for one. I am SUCH a cheap date!

    Judith has a 50 year old naked lady in her front yard! Oh my! Has the Environmental Protection Agency knocked on your door yet? And not to be out done, Lorita has multiple Naked Ladies on her property; but at least she and the naked ladies are far out in the country . . . I can just see them romping with the cows. We do not have any naked ladies or naked men where we are, at least not that I have noticed and I think I would notice; except a retired RN has seen so much for so long, may not have actually noticed.

    On that note; exit stage left . . .


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Jo, also if you wait until the new year's models come out, sometimes you can get a good deal on last year's cars. I'm in no big hurry since the PU is running okay and I don't go anywhere much - but I'll check and see when they do come out. I'd like to get one before too long. Still can't decide on which kind I want to get. I'd like to have one of those big, beautiful cars from the 50s and 60s but that won't work.

    Seems like anymore anytime you're in the hospital you have to have therapy. Patsy had to and it was inconvenient for her to have to drive 65 miles roundtrip three times a week but guess they know what is needed.

    Ron, so sorry you're feeling so bad. I didn't know you had another kidney stone - glad it passed - maybe you'll feel better in a day or so. Now to get your appt. soon.

    Jo, good that your daughter will be with you all another week. Take advantage of her being there so you can rest and recuperate - you've been through a lot lately. Your supper sounds so good. Love green beans. When I was younger I didn't like them at all and we always had several rows of them through the garden - mother loved them. Now, I love them - cut or french cut.

    Sara, I looked and looked for your recipe for the vegetable casserole - finally found it on page 19. I had a couple of squash but Mike just brought some more and some tomatoes so I have everything to make it now - and I will. It sounds good. I have a couple of things I need to finish eating first but it's on my list to do. I felt awful - he called and asked if I needed more vegetables (his daughter and sister have big gardens). I told him if he had extra - didn't know he was down the road. I had already put on my gown so didn't go out - he was in a hurry and left them in a sack on the gate. Was going to stop by Darwin's with some for him.

    I did get the water tank set up and filled and took down the trash. I tried to watch 1883 but missed all of it after the tornado so will have to watch it at 9. Denim & Co. has a today's special value on at 11 so guess I'll have a late night.

    I saw a couple of cows down by the pond and debated about going down to check on them. One was standing still looking at the water so worried that her baby might be in the pond (I've gone in twice to get babies out - and I can't swim.) Really didn't want to get out in that pasture because of the spray so kept watching and finally saw the baby stand up - another cow or two had their babies down there, too, so guess all is okay.

    Hope all of you have a restful night. See you tomorrow. Ice cream really sounds good. We'll have to make some homemade ice cream before long for all of us porch people.

  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 524
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    Wow, I missed a couple of days and had a lot to catch up on. Our unrelenting heat is just that, unrelenting. The weatherman last night said there is no end in site, 100+ for the foreseeable future. Ugh. I just don't know how outdoor workers can stand it. I've found the older I get the less I can tolerate the heat.

    Jo I'm glad your daughter can stay another week. That helps you out probably more than you want to admit. And it allows you to rest some, hopefully. I'm so glad that Bill isn't in the pain he was prior to surgery. Rehab, as you knew going into this, would be difficult for him.

    Seems like several of our front porch folks are having continued health issues. I hate that for everyone. Trying to see a PCP is one thing, getting into any type of specialist is another. Then the first thing the specialist asks is why didn't you come sooner? I wish my magic ward could wave and fix all that ails everyone.

    I dug out an old recipe that was DH's grandmother's and made it the other day. Of course it was not healthy with the sugar that was added, but I figured it wouldn't hurt just this once. The second DH took a bite his face absolutely lit up with a smile and he said - this is my grandma's, oh thank you I love it. It's made in a bread pan, but its a sweet bread dessert. She always made it with either fresh blackberries or blueberries. I had blueberries so that's what I used. That smile, and the memories it triggered have been so good for him to share. His reaction is priceless to me - that's why I made it. Some days caregiving is and over the wall bases loaded grand slam. That was yesterday.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,364
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    I'm making @loveskitties Fridge Pickles as we speak.

    They look very like the ones my late MIL used to make. She was generally a ghastly cook, but her refrigerator pickles were stellar. I think these might be as well.

    The deer not only helped themselves to my petunia basket night before last, but they also ravaged the large pot near my front door helping themselves to the sweet potato vine. It had been so pretty until they had at it.

    My niece is supposed to take my mom up to Cape Ann to see her 87-year-old sister for a few days. I need exact dates, so I don't schedule her PT while they're gone, but niece is not answering my texts. I need an answer by Wednesday. Bestie's husband is still in the hospital; he was ready for discharge but his BP is too low and he's retaining fluid in his legs. It's day 25 for him.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Ron; it is a big plus that the kidney stone passed; as you said, one less thing to worry about and contend with. Glad you are getting some action on the GI docs and biopsy issue.

    Great that all the babies are doing okay, Lorita. It is a lot of work to keep them all in place in one's mind I would imagine, but you have been doing it for so many years that you probably have a great internal capability to keep track of all of it without too much fuss. Have you heard anything from Sarah lately? So hopeful for her.

    Well; I went bonkers today and spent some money - I broke the piggy bank. I ordered myself two pairs of SAS shoes; sure hope they fit. Pricey but their shoes are excellent quality. i also really wanted a pair of white Hush Puppies Walking Shoes; love them and mine fell apart last week. However, I wear an 8EW and all they had in EW was a size 12. Actually, they had very few of that shoe in any size and no one else had them. Tried DSW and other places, but no luck.. Drats; they were the best. Ah well. Also got myself an Alfred Dunner top which is very nice. By the time I paid tax and shipping, it was pretty pricey. I will behave myself for a bit.

    Since it is so hot this summer and since I am too over the hill to wear shorts, I wanted something lite to air cool myself . I bought a couple of very nice summer "dresses" but not really a "dress." They button down the front fit under the bust and then fall airily free to just below the knee; short sleeves and rounded neck so they will be nice and cool. Nice fabric and should do for the dog days of summer should we lose AC. Sh-h-h-h; do not want to say that out loud lest the AC imps hear me, so I am whispering.

    Dinner turned out great last night. That Pork Tenderloin recipe with the balsamic reduction is really delicious. Looks like one of our farther away sons will be in our area this coming Sunday, so we will have him for the day which we are looking forward to. Other son, DIL, and daughter will also be here , we will have a nice visit all together. Not often can we do that. Too bad our Oregon son will not be here, he will be missed but we will call him.

    Thinking of you Joan; lots of things to do to get ready. Let us know when the surgery is scheduled; we will all be with you in spirit, that is for sure. You are a very organized person and have already been getting things into place, that will serve you well.

    HB; hope that things have settled a bit with your mother; it sounds as though you have been up to your eyeballs in alligators lately. You are due for simpler things and a bit of a breather. You are a loving and very kind daughter.

    I shall have to look at page 19 to get a gander at that recipe. Sounds good. DH and daughter both got bit by mosquitoes when in the garage a couple of days ago. Not good. Have to get some repellent as we are completely out. I have become allergic to mosquito bites; I have heard on the news that the mosquitoes have evolved and quite a large number of people are now experiencing very harsh reactions. The big worry are the ones that have been multiplying around the U.S. that came from other countries in shipped goods and carry very bad diseases. Geeze, it is always something! Winter no mosquitoes, but always another list of problems. We seem to always be wishing for the next season no matter what season we are in. Human nature.

    Off I go to get some things done. Take good care and may this be a week with good things for everyone.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Hot here today, too - 97 - no idea what the heat index is. The girls have been south of the house in the shade but have come out and most have gone to the pond to cool off. Fun to watch them swim across - but, of course, I worry if the little ones get in. They can swim pretty fast when they want to. Right now there 's one standing neck deep in the water.

    Got my order from WM an hour or so ago. They were going to leave it outside the yard but I yelled at them and asked them to bring it in and they did. Opened it and the cereal I had ordered was packed with heavy things and it was crushed and open. Pepsi was packed with the cereal and the tops were pushed out so don't know if they'll open. I called WM and they can't replace items so gave me a refund. I just now reordered. You'd think I would have learned to only order heavy items at one time and lighter ones at another time. Just now placed another order.

    Jo, glad your kids are going to be able to visit you all this weekend - it will be good for both you and Bill. I'm sure you all will enjoy their visit.

    I can for the most part tell the girls apart if they have some distinguishing feature - like curly hair on their head, white on their udder, etc. and sometimes just the way they look at me. I'm attached to them since we've raised all of them from birth - will be really hard when Mike decides to sell any.

    Eagle, How nice that your husband remembered the dessert. I can just see the smile on his face when he tasted it. Some things are never forgotten. My grandma used to make good things but I could never get the recipe because she didn't use one - a pinch of this and a little of that and when she made a cake, she'd bake a couple of spoonsful to make sure it was okay and that she didn't need to add something to make it rise, etc.

    HB, sorry about our petunias and other flowers. We don't have trouble with deer but the grasshoppers are eating everything in sight - even weeds. Guess they like hot weather but wish they would move on.

    I've had a hard time getting in touch with Okla. Gas and Electric today. We have power from East Central but OG & E has power lines that run along the north edge of the farm. I've had pretty trees all along that half mile, mostly Bradford Pears that bloom in the spring and are so pretty. Last year they sneaked in and sprayed them and killed quite a few or parts of most of them. Now they're falling down on the fences. Day before yesterday I was down there and they had used some kind of old machine that absolutely tears up the trees - it's like a brush hog but can go up high. Just looks awful. They've left debris all in the ditches so the road will flood when we get rain, even more than it has been. They hire people who don't know anything about trees and really don't care how they treat them. Finally got customer service (somewhere) and told them I wanted to lodge a complaint. They will forward my request and someone will be in touch with me. Asked when and they said today or 10-20 days. I want to make sure they don't bother the big hackberry by the gate.

    I know they have a ten foot easement on either side of their line but that tree is beyond the 10 ft. They sneak in and spray and do things and you never know it. We had the same problem years ago when a neighbor moved in down our south fenceline. They came in and clearcut the trees. Had a hard time but they did pay for the trees. Several years ago I saw them cutting back those same trees and went down and stopped them. I think it's awful that you have to keep your eyes on everything and run people away. Makes me want to bite nails.

    Jo, I did call Sarah this morning and asked how she was. Got a text back that she had been sick and was practically living in the bathroom - said a nurse was supposed to visit today. I'm going to let them decide what they want to do but will be there for support, if needed or wanted.

    I guess the heat is getting to people - a few days ago a woman killed three of her children (one was ten months old) and then shot herself. This morning another woman killed two of her kids and shot one baby who may live and then shot herself. What in the world is wrong with people?

    Time for Jeopardy so I'll stop - will be back later or tomorrow. Hope everyone is well today or at least feeling better.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Lorita, it would be interesting to watch cattle swimming in the pond. I do understand your concern about the little guys and gals though. I am sorry to hear about your trees. That just isn't right. Sad also that Sarah is struggling so. I wish she would get the help she needs to feel better and enhance her quality of life. Hope you can find a car that works for you. I'm sure you can; it just takes the time and energy to go out and look, and then "deal."

    Eagle, I am sorry to hear about your heat. It's hot here too but not as hot as some places. Today it's in the low 90's and will be in the 90's all week, without precipitation. We need rain very badly. Your blueberry dessert sounds good - glad it made your hubby smile!

    Jo, I am glad your husband is improving even though not as quickly as he would like. I wish your knees were much better. It's good your daughter is staying to help and that you have a cleaning lady again. Your dinner sounded very tasty. I make my fresh green beans with bacon and onion. Right now I am harvesting carrots, green beans, tomatoes and cucumbers.

    Ron, I hope you get the biopsy and care you need very soon. I understand your concern. Feel better, Ron!

    Sara, you have been very busy with canning! I admire you for all you do, and am SO glad you are feeling better.

    Dinner is ready. See you all again soon.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Beth, nothing tastes better than vegetables straight from the garden. Is your garden doing well this year?

    I need to make a correction to my last post regarding the last murder/suicide. A man came into an apartment and killed three women and shot a baby one woman was holding. The baby has had surgery today and is expected to live. The guy turned himself in to the police a few hours after it happened.

    Beth, it makes me so mad every time I see or think about the trees. They weren't bothering anything because they didn't reach the electric lines - never had any trouble with them and the lines. You should see some of the trees SE of here. If one is under an electric line they cut a deep "V" - leaving two tall sides and nothing in the middle. I doubt I'll ever get a return call - but I tried. A lot of trees died last year from the bad winter and drought - probably will happen again this year. I know some of ours aren't looking very good. I'm ready for fall and cooler weather.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,364
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    That is frustrating about the trees. The power company here is very proactive about trimming. Our utilities here are underground, but the lines bringing them in are on poles behind my house. When my house was built, landscaping was well away from the lines, so we've been left alone but some of the chop jobs north of here are comically awful. That said, Bradford Pears can't be sold in my state anymore as they're a disruptive nuisance tree.

    @loveskitties the refrigerator pickles are amazing. My husband was very happy with them.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good evening,

    Think we are suppose to start getting that hotter weather Wednesday.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Sara - the weather said the high - heat dome is moving north. We're supposed to be over `100 all week. I just came in from the barn - I have the need to check it every evening to make sure no one is in there and needs help - they're moving back down to the NE pasture. Saw one mom going down with her baby following behind her. Others are also with their moms.

    It's a nice evening - good south breeze. Reminded me of when I was growing up. We didn't have air conditioners, just a couple of fans so on evenings like this we'd sit on the porch - sometimes even sleeping on the porch. I wouldn't do that now because I'd be afraid of snakes and spiders but we didn't think anything about it. Carol says they did the same thing except they didn't have electricity when she was little. It was a quiet timei - we'd sit on the porch and talk - no TV, no AC so we talked.

    Also remember the year Eisenhower was elected President, my parents even moved a bed out into the yard under a tree so sleeping would be cooler. Patsy and I have talked about this. She, her parents and brothers would visit and we'd all sleep on pallets on the porch. We're a spoiled generation - AC in the house, in the car and in the stores. The stores in town that had AC would have signs in the window that it was air conditioned - remember that vividly about the bus station in town. Sorry about this - just got to thinking about what a nice evening it is and how it was when I was growing up. Memories of all the people who used to live and visit here abound and sometimes the memories come to the forefront.

    Sara, be careful in the heat. Do you have far to drive to your job? See you all tomorrow.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
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    I do not understand doctors who have elderly patients. My mother has been seeing a heart doctor twice a year for a number of years after a scare that had her in hospital a couple of days.

    Her usual doctor stopped doing anything except blood work several years ago. The practice has gotten a new young doctor in to help since the usual one is out on maternity leave.

    At today's appointment the new doctor didn't do blood work but did do an EKG...which showed only minor changes since the last one done several years ago. Told mother she would need to do an imaging test before next appointment in January...just because she hasn't had one in a while.

    I am livid! By the time that appointment rolls around my mother will be 99 years old. Even if there were something to find (no indications at this point), there would be no actions taken due to her age. What is up with...just because you can...you should? I am going to review her records on patient portal and send off a letter to doctor about this unnecessary testing. I even question why she is seeing this practice at all since she sees her PCP for anything that comes up. $$$$$$$$$ is all I can see them looking for. While it doesn't cost my mother out of pocket due to insurance and Medicare coverage, it is just outrageous in my opinion.

    Enough of a rant ...wishing all who are feeling poorly or have stress and strain with the weather...better days soonest.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Marie, I don't blame you for being upset. Like they say "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". If she isn't having any problems I don't see a need for the imaging either. Just more stress for her and for you. My doctor doesn't do any kind of testing unless it's really necessary and I do believe the majority of his patients are elderly. At least the ones who are there when I am.

    I just had supper - a southern supper for sure - butterbeans, fried okra and battered zucchini. It was so good. It's been years since I've had fried okra. I should have sliced a tomato but didn't think of it until I was finished - I will tomorrow. There used to be a restaurant in town "Okies" that had the best battered zucchini. I kept trying until I found how to make it - I'm not sure but I think I remembered. You flour the zucchini slices, then dip in beaten egg and then into seasoned breadcrumbs with parmesan cheese. I didn't have Panko (I do have somewhere in the freezer) so used some I had made. Tried it in the NuWave but didn't get cooked enough so transferred it to the electric skillet to finish.

    I haven't done anything other than that today. Did go out early and saw the girls - so nice to see them early in the mornings when it's sort of cool. Came back and Stormy and Sheena were at the yard gate so put on their leashes and took them back out - Stormy rode and Sheena walked. They were ready to come back inside when we got back. Talked with Carol and that's been my day.

    The weather just said it's 100 - didn't catch the heat index but there is a pretty good SW wind that helps so much. Hope everyone's feeling well today. Only 60 more days until Fall.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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