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Just need to talk to my friends (191)



  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 524
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    Good morning all. Yes, that's us, an excessive heat warning through Friday. Last night at 11:00pm when I took the dogs out last it was still 100 degrees. By this morning it had dropped to a balmy 95! That's the trouble, it just doesn't cool off at night. I am just going to be thrilled that I have a working air conditioner and count that one of my many blessing of the day.

    Jo on Bills Flexeral - I take that nightly and occasionally during the day. Anyway, the medication has always been a pinkish / orange color. My last refill, the pills are blue. I called the pharmacy and its just a different manufacturer. Anyway, same dosage but the blue pills are so much faster acting on me. I can't take one and function. I wonder if Bill still needs the benefit of the medication if a different brand would be something to consider? I think you said constipation was an issue, that's why my PCP has always encouraged me to take a stool softener when taking Flexeral.

    I'm off to do a pickup at Sam's, Sprout's & Kroger! I never have to get out of the car, yea me. Then it's home and we're having game day. Be safe everyone.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    If you like pickles and don't want the bother of canning them here is a refrigerator pickle you might try:

    3 C Thinly Sliced Cucumbers

    1 C Thinly Sliced Onions

     Mix with 1 T Salt and refrigerate for 2 1/2 hours. Drain.

    Now make a cooked syrup.

    1 C Vinegar

    1 C Sugar

    1/2 t Celery Seed

    Pour over cucumbers/onions. Place in lidded glass jar and refrigerate. Keeps very well in fridge for a long time.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    Lorita...you can stop worrying about those seeds

    Diverticulitis Diet: What to Eat and Avoid – Cleveland Clinic

    Ron...I am screaming into the wind with you

    Scams....oh, how polished they are

    Steps....to hot for now...lol

    For Sarah....carbonated sodas are a no-no...they produce gas

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Ron, the waiting! That reminds me of that old Army saying, "hurry up and wait!"

    HB, those scammed are just too much!


  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 524
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    I just have to share with you what happened when I was getting my pickup at Sam's. Now I've seen it all. I'm parked waiting on pickup at Sam's. There are 4 covered spots & probably 10 open spots. This "lady" has circled for a covered spot. Guess what? Another car drove in & took it, it was open. This "lady" has been going ballistic for 12 minutes. She's screaming at the car, using language no one should hear, much less say. Over a parking spot. I'm not close, windows up with the air going & can hear her. Goodness people......

    Of course this means Sam's employee's at inside watching the lady scream at the man and they aren't bringing out anyone's order's. Her temper tantrum has brought the entire area to a stop. Over a stupid covered parking spot....when there are probably 15 empty spots. Wow, just wow.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    Amazon and medical supply storea have chairlike thinks that sit aroung a toilet. Much safer than a bar.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    HB glad you got the scam figured out.

    Lorita I’ll bring a gallon of vanilla ice cream and we will enjoy that cake.

    Eagle hope that AC keeps running.

    Marie I’ve made several different refrigerator pickles and I’ve liked about all of them.

    Oh boy HB, I dealt with one of that type at my volunteer job today.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Morning, Thanks for the refrigerator pickle recipe, Marie. I might try it.

    Judith, I read the link. My doctor says no popcorn for sure and only nuts if chewed really well. I have been eating a few tomatoes with seeds. When Sarah drinks pop, she says she lets it go flat so no carbonation. I think she mostly drinks tea and broth or thin soup. I don't know what's going to become of her - just gets worse and worse and can't seem to get hospice involved. I don't know where the ball gets dropped - but it does.

    Sara, the ice cream and cake would be really good - we'll have to eat fast before the ice cream melts - it's going to be another hot day. I've been outside and it's warm but right now there's a good wind blowing - hope it continues.

    Eagle, how awful. The heat is getting to everyone - short fuses for sure. If she didn't have to wait very long an uncovered spot would be fine, I'd think. You never know what you'll see when you get out among people. Hope you were finally able to get your groceries. I've never done the pick-up thing but will have to start doing it. I think I've mentioned the grocery store where I've been going for years has closed - it was the only grocery store in town except WM - the other one went out of business a few years ago. Reason - Walmart, they said. Same with this store. When I was in town last week it looked so sad to see the store all closed up and the signs all gone. It's in a building with a pharmacy and urgent care. I hope someone else will buy it but doubtful. It was just sold from Top Value to Sonny's three or four months ago.

    Ron, hope there's good news today. People don't seem to mind how long it takes to get something done because it doesn't involve them except for getting it done. I know it's hot where you are so stay inside and stay cool.

    I have notes about three different hospices for Sarah - one was way back in December and nothing came of that. I think she's just so sick she can't follow through with anything. She was almost hysterical yesterday and last night when I talked with her I gave her a good talking-to and this morning she sounds a little better. I'd be worse than she is though so can't get after her too much. She gets seizures from stress so being stressed out isn't good for her.

    Enjoy your day and stay cool - supposed to be over 100 today - at least we're not in Arizona. The news said the last 15 days the whole world has been hotter than ever before - everywhere. Guess we'll all have to dig holes and live underground to be cooler.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Called community care this morning and they still are waiting on my records from the Dr. I was assured by the dr's staff last tuesday they would be sent over that day. Community care told me they would fax the form with both their fax numbers to them right away. I called the Dr's office and was told they did send my records and gave me the fax number they sent it to. I asked them to please resend to whatever number is on what was being faxed today. I called community care back and was told the number that was told to me was the electronic number and it had all different faxes in it and was usually about a week behind. Hopefully this time everything will be taken care of, once they receive it they still have to go through primary care for a new referral. I'm about to go crazy!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Ron, I can completely understand your frustration but, hopefully, it'll all work out in a couple of days. When we want to get something done it always seems to take way too long. How hot was in down in Shreveport today? I talked with a woman from Chewy today - she was in Florida and said it was hot, hot, but not as hot as in Arizona. We had some wind earlier today but this afternoon the wind is gone.

    I haven't been out except out on the porch since early this morning. I will go out about 8 to check the barn. I feel so sorry for the animals who have to stay outside - thank goodness for the ponds for them to stand in and trees for shade. Toad sprayed the pasture in front of the house where the MH and lots of trees are so the girls are staying out of that pasture. There are three big hackberry trees in the pasture where they are and two huge ones along the driveway that provide shade from noon on so I imagine they've been there. Too hot to be in the barn.

    Didn't do much of anything today - I've seemed sleepy and dozed off a couple of times - hate when I do that - makes me feel sort of bad. Talked with the person at the hospice who takes applications and approves admittance. She had gotten in touch with Sarah's PCP's nurse who told them she didn't think Sarah needed hospice - just pain managment. Wish I could get my hands on her. Sarah did call her surgeon and he's supposed to call her back in the morning so maybe he'll make the referral. Hospice will get the medical records. She has an appt. with her PCP Friday.

    Our Governor has put his foot in his mouth again - seems like ever since he's been in the office he has worked against the Indian Tribes in our State. Chief Hoskins (Cherokee) is really standing up to him and I'm sure the other Chiefs will, too. Judith, I remember you said he was a dumb as dirt - agreed.

    Hope all of you have made it safely through another day of hot weather. Seems like there's bad things happening all over the world as far as weather goes - I'm afraid it's just the start of something awful. I'll be so glad when fall comes but I imagine it'll be hot until October or November. I'll see all of you tomorrow. Not many posts today - where are you?

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Lorita, it was so hot yesterday I had to put food in the oven to cool it off.

    It was so hot I saw a police officer chasing a crook and they both were walking.

    It was so hot cows were giving evaporated milk.

    It was so hot chickens were laying omelets.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Ditto here, Ron. Those are cute - and true. Supposed to be uber hot again today - heat indices of over 110 but cooler tomorrow and Saturday - in the 80s. I'm so tired of hot weather and we have so much longer to go. Right now it's cloudy but still warm - not much breeze which really does help. Hope you hear something today and that you and Lou are well. Stay in and stay cool.

  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 524
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    Yup, hotter than hot here today. The dogs were standing at the door to go out and I couldn't believe they'd want out in this heat. Ugh. The patio is covered and the extended stone patio I have outdoor rugs on that area & 3 big outdoor umbrella's!!! That way when I'm standing there with them at least I'm in some shade.

    I've noticed with this extended unending heat that I'm a little cranky! That's very out of character for me. I think the heat has just worn everyone down.

    The non-profit that I'd thought was going to be funded -i t will be funded but not at a level which we'd anticipated. I'm bitterly disappointed, but they are still offering help in funding. I don't see how we can proceed ahead with the programs part of the non-profit. Of course the programs are what we've done daily for the last 3 1/2 yrs, so its disappointing. I'll just have to work harder to find more things to keep DH engaged in activities and with others with ALZ.

    Lorita once you order your groceries on line you'll be hooked. Its very easy & painless to do. I've never had an issue ordering on line from any of the stores.

    Be safe everyone. I don't think we can sit on the porch and have ice cream, it would be a drippy mess in seconds. Maybe we should just have iced tea?

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,364
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    Good afternoon to those on the porch. It's warm here but not horribly so. DS mowed the lawn early and then we both did a little weeding. The Preen Mulch experiment has been something of a failure. I will not pay a premium for it next spring as my weeds are worse than using their shake-on product followed by a layer of generic mulch.

    I'm taking it easy today; I did a quick bike workout and will do a little strength work in a bit. Yesterday got sucked up by mom. It was supposed to be an easy one-and-done appointment. No luck. As I drove her to a routine check-in with her psychiatrist she was complaining about her wrist. Normally, she has a pretty high threshold for pain but she's been fussing about it since Monday. She's fought my suggestion to take a couple Tylenol. She's afraid it'll damage her liver. Everyone of her docs says she can have it daily if needed, but she has "the feels" around it. She denies injury, but it's a bit swollen and warm to the touch.

    While she was in with her doc, I made calls to try to have her seen. At her PCP- too late in the day, no appointments open, go to urgent care. I called her hand specialist who had no appointments either. I called the orthopedic urgent care 5 miles from her psych's office but they suggested an ER since "warm and swollen" suggest infection or maybe a clot. Her psych also suggested the ER "just in case".

    They did get us in and out in less than 3 hours after diagnosing osteoarthritis. I kind of feel like a fool for bringing her in. The doctor who saw mom was very kind to her. The doc asked about medical history, so I pulled up mom's MyChart and let her scroll through the litany with eyes as big as saucers and said "wow, that's a lot-- take Tylenol and see your hand guy-- he's very good". When the nurse discharged her, she raised her eyebrow and said "Go home, take the damned Tylenol and buy your daughter a couple of drinks". I feel like she gets me. Mom did spring for dinner at the gourmet pizza place that has self-serve beer taps on the wall. We both had a fabulous IPA and DS gave mom a ride home.

    Tomorrow is dermatology. I expect this one to result in a biopsy followed by a MOHS procedure. I hope I'm wrong. PT starts next week.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Why of course we can have ice cream on the Front Porch because on Lorita's magical front porch, the weather is always lovely no matter what it is like off the porch. No snow, no ugly heat, no storms whatsoever; everything is always perfect on the porch! So; cake and ice cream it is! For those who are new here, it may be that the Front Porch dynamics are not well known. Just like with perfect weather, there is always, always room for more rocking chairs and those rocking chairs fit every size back side, no problem! Such a relaxing place of friendship and sharing.

    Ron; I am saddened to hear of yet more delays re your medical issues and what perhaps appears to be a minimization of your medical needs and lack of adequate follow through which the med folks are responsible for. That is of course not acceptable and could impact on your treatment if treatment is necessary. There has to be a way to document what has been happening and for how long the unresolved issue has been a problem and get it to the top dog at the med center AND a copy to others such as the Director of Medicine who would have admin. power, as well as to the Quality Improvement Department and the usual lines of complaint. All should have a copy of the details and time lines.

    A few folks I have known of have actually had an attorney's letter sent which certainly got action without any further delay. From what you have shared the length and breadth of the delays being experienced are unconscionable in the way the ball has been dropped repeatedly. Records are now electronic - click of a button and they are sent. Can you identify one person to manage all of this and communicate only with them so that there are not multiple points of missed handling? I so hope this is all resolved for you soon.

    Lorita, it is true. Once you begin to do grocery pickup, it is a wonderful service; especially for those who are older or who have mobility or other issues. We have never had a problem with our groceries and even the fruit and veggies have been lovely. We mostly use pickup at the local large grocery store and WalMart. We are grateful for the service and it is good to let the corporate office and store manager know the appreciation so as to hopefully have this much needed service continue.

    As for Sarah; I am sorry that the issues continue and can imagine how concerned you must be feeling. There was never a need for her to have to continue to have follow through with three different Hospices. One call to any one of them either from her, Todd or the doctor's office and the Hospice will come out to the home within a day or two at the most, and do a complete intake and then Hospice will forge ahead and continue on and make a determination as to whether she fits criteria for Hospice services or not. They will most often do that even if the doctor's staff was not supportive. Hospice will not disappear; they do continue on and are even the ones to make a phone call to a doctor to officially start the hands-on services once Sarah has been screened for criteria for admission. Medical records from a doctor's office or hospital are not a problem issue as they are now electronic and do not have to be photo copied; click of a button and they are sent. It may possibly be that Sarah has not fit the criteria for Hospice admission. So hope for the best that can be.

    A hint re what has been assessed for her actual medical needs and that was for, "medication management," and appears not to be Hospice services in that. As an issue, that has been an ongoing issue from prior input. That Sarah is not well and has an extremely complicated and difficult condition is not questionable; it sounds to be a dreadful situation for her and that is an understatement. One of the larger items that has been an issue over the time we have been with you, is one of incorrect use of medication. She was referred to a Psychiatrist and she did not follow through. I think she was also referred again not that long ago, but have not heard whether that was able to be done. Rest assured; if Sarah fit Hospice criteria in the slightest way, she absolutely would be on service. You can truly be assured about that. NOTE: Since she may not fit Hospice criteria, she may well fit Palliative Care criteria. Her Oklahoma Medicaid may have to prior approve that, but I imagine they would do so as Palliative can be a bridge with her medical needs and the professionals. Palliative can call and get an order for them to come in. The other option would be for her to go into facility care, but if I recall correctly, she was not feeling accepting of that option and is understandable. How she is managing at home is a question, especially when Todd is gone away on a job. May the best approach for support for her be found soon and be put into place. You are a very dear person in your support and to give that supportive input in different ways as circumstances need them.

    DH has improved quite a bit, no more pain, just a bit of discomfort; the wonderful P.T. has given him strict orders since he was not following protocol. She is awesome. He now uses that walker all the time and is actually using his back brace. Hurray! She has years working acute rehab in a large med center working with paraplegics, quadraplegics and many back patients, so she knows her stuff. Also has a great personality, so that is helpful. He is now learning to use the stairway between floors and must wear his brace. Not being able to bend or twist can be a challenge, but he is doing well with that. Main problem is some leg weakness and a bit of overall weakness with tiring easily; he forgets he has an elderly body and he has just had a major surgery . . . . wants to be able to be all healed and back to normal again, but it will take some more time. He has to also get it understood that his bone fusion will take about a year to heal, so he must protect that spine at all times and not get silly about it. So deeply grateful all has worked out so well. No more back pain like he had, and full restoration of his lower limb function which had been gravely compromised. Blessings and gratitude for sure.

    Weather is of course hot, but Palm Springs took the prize for 119 degrees this week! Hoo boy; I would not tolerate that at all. No more estrogen and heat becomes the enemy. Son brought some peach tarts on our anniversary; and oh my they were delicious. Now have to get back to not so much fat and calories as our meals have been larger than usual and made differently.

    May everyone stay cool and may none of us have power issues. Cooler weather is only about three to four months away . . .


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    JoC glad DH doing better. How about you?

    HB you are a patient lady.

    very warm humid day here. Did get my weeding done after I got home from work. Giving rain tonight so I didn’t water. Will have to try and water early if it doesn’t rain tonight.

    Take care everyone

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    edited July 2023

    Thanks for the reminder that the porch is magical so i would really like a hot fudge sundae.

    I think Jo is spot on regarding Hospice unless somehow Sooner Care has their own set of requirements.

    Hospice was at out house before 24 hours were up and all equipment in place within the next 24 hours. They really swoop in. They want and need new patients all the time. Sarah simply may not qualify for Hospice. They do not accept anyone who does not meet the requirements and being very ill likely does not fit.

    My first appt with Sarah and her then PCP he told her that he was very concerned about her pain medications...that he would not perscribe any pain drugs and that she needed to start again with pain management Dr.

    Now both the ER and current PCPhave told her that she needs pain management. She was only given 4 pills at her last ER. Even taking 1/2 the dose she is likely out by now and probably somewhat frantic and somewhat desperate to get more pain relief.

    Bottom line? You can do nothing except be a good listener....and encourage. They have to do the leg work.

    Spent the day with computor problems....ugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Glad bill is better Jo. How are your knees?

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello, all my front porch friends.

    It took me awhile to get caught up with all these posts. We have had sickness in our house. Not sure if it is colds, or flus. Is there a difference? We took the covid test and it's not that.

    My nephew came down with it first then my son then me, It seems to last 3 days. I did not have a fever, just runny nose with a lot of coughing. I have cough so hard my sides hurt. I never go to bed to nap I do it in my chair. But the past two days I have gone to bed and was able to take a 3 hour nap. Iam starting to feel better.

    Lorita. I am glad you're staying inside this heat could be a killer. Its 93 at my house right now and I have been inside for 3 days.

    Lorita. There is not much you can do for Sarah, you have tried to help in so many ways. And until she starts listing to you and her doctors nothing will probably change.

    Jo. Bill is so lucky to have you there for him and Iam glad he is improving. Please make sure your taking care of yourself.

    I need to go. I think it is time for another nap.

    Hugs to all, Zetta

  • Sandyshe
    Sandyshe Member Posts: 4
    First Anniversary First Comment

    Hello everyone. Been a while I know. Have just been trying to catch up with you all but finding it difficult, anyway hope you may be interested in my last couple of months. We had our great time in Alaska and Canada What wonderful places they are, the scenery was just magnificent, especially for this Aussie who doesn’t see snowy mountains ……..we went up to Whittier then across to Denali National Park, Anchorage, Dawson City, Whitehorse Then the Rocky Mountaineer and a coach tour around the Canadian Rockies. All in all a wonderful month. Home for 1 day then we left for Victoria to begin 6 weeks house sitting. For those who don’t know, Victoria is south, and it is now winter, and darned cold ……. and I don’t do cold very well!!! , but having a good time, seeing more of Australia this time.

    cheers to everyone on the front porch, I’ll try again to catch up Sandy

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    edited July 2023

    Good morning

    just got back from the farm stand and I so enjoy going there. We actually went to two and they are fairly close together. So much nicer than going to grocery store.

    I will bring hot fudge of course Judith. Mmmmits gonna be good. You might have to make another cake Lorita. Or maybe Beth likes to cook she’ll think of something too. Who knows maybe HB and Marie like to cook too. Sandy might stop by and share some pictures of all her travels. Zetta is too busy we will have to cook for her. Joan, JoC, Bill,Ron and Lou you all deserve a break just come and sit down, we will bring you a plate.

    Zetta hope all of you are feeling better now.

    take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


    HB, sounds like you really have your hands full with your mother. Just take a few deep breaths - you're doing a good job.

    Sara, glad you got to go to the farmer's markets or stands. They used to have one in Muskogee that we'd occasionally go to. Now, in our little town sometimes there are trucks with vegetables. The watermelon - pretty good but I think he picked it a few day early because of the hot weather. Not nearly as good as the ones we've raised (may have posted this before).

    Judith, you and Jo are right about Sarah. I get things set up for her and she doesn't follow through. She has a PCP appt. today - I tried to call her to make sure she's up and haven't gotten an answer all morning so probably missed it. I understand she's very sick and just doesn't have the strength to follow through and her memory is not very good but I do understand I can't just keep on trying but you all know how hard it is to just give up.

    It's much cooler this morning - we had a little shower but lots of rain north of here. Guess it's good we didn't get much because everyone's baling hay and don't need rain right now. Supposed to be cool the next two days.

    Jo, glad your husband is progressing so well. Gotta go but will be back when laptop charges.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    I think you are going to continue to do what ever you can for Sarah...we just want to reassure you that it is not going to do much and we do not want you to feel bad. Sending Sarah cards and maybe some flowers or a plant could cheer her up and just knowing she can talk to you helps her too.

    Sandy...waht a wonderful trip and yes, we would love to see some photos.

    Nothing much better than a good piece of melon and not easy to find. Well maybe hot fudge sauce. Thanks for bringing some to the porch Zeeta. Knowing you it will be homemade. Reminds me that onece I made fudge sauce using dutch cocoa!

    Ron....ha,ha, thanks

    Weather...not nearly as hot

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions
    edited July 2023

    Hot fudge sundaes, yes indeed my favorite! Growing up hot fudge sundaes was my treat of choice. The day I returned from Vietnam we had a family reunion where my mother grew up. One of my Aunt's took one look at me and noticed how skinny I was and left. She came back in a little while with two malts containers full of hit fudge sundaes. Needless to say I could only eat one and gave the other away.

    On a side note, I do have a summer diet! I find the largest salad bowl I can find..........then fill it with ice cream.

    Finally something positive on my biopsy. I called care in the community and was told they received the paperwork yesterday and was in nurse review. Once they are finished someone will call to see who and where my preference was. I told them my preference was whomever and wherever, just get it done. Care in the community was started where veterans could get the specialty service faster but I believe the VA would have been faster on this one.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Hi, got it charged.

    Sandy, sounds like you had a wonderful trip. I'd like to have some cold weather right now although it is going to be a bit cooler for a couple of days.

    Ron, glad to hear you're getting a little more information about your biopsy. The VA has changed so much since I retired. I spent an hour and half trying to find a way to get in touch with the Okla. Dept. of Veterans Affairs at the VA Regional Office. There's no way. Finally called a number and it was a call center somewhere up north - should have heard the way she pronounced Muskogee. I just needed a letter to get a reduced fee on my car tag when I get one. I've always just called the office and they'd send it but haven't had to do that for years.

    Judith, of course, I'll still do all I can for Sarah. Any help will at least be a little something.

    Jo, so glad your husband is doing better. I know that's a relief for you. Just hope he's very careful and doesn't fall.

    Zetta, do hope you're feeling better today - take care of yourself and get better soon. One time when I was on hold (15 min.) they mentioned something about a new covid variant. Anyone heard about that?

    I don't know anything so will stop and let the GPs back inside. Still have a couple of cases of dog food to get into the house. Haven't been down to see the girls today but bet they're enjoying being cooler - still mostly cloudy here.

    Ron, I hope this front gets as far down as your place so you can cool off some, too. Enjoy the rest of your day.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Hi again, I don't want to belabor this - but, Sarah just called. Sackett postponed her appt. to next Tuesday. Michell from Hospice called Sarah and said he told her Sarah didn't need to be on hospice. She has an appt. with Dr. Cole next Thursday - he's one of the doctors who operated on her a year or so ago. She says when she goes to the hospital they send her home after giving her an IV. She says she's going insane - can't stay out of the bathroom because fluid, etc. is coming out of her feeding tube site plus the ileostomy. What does someone in her predicament do? She has to have some kind of help - says she's practically living in the bathroom cleaning herself up. Maybe if she can make it until next week Dr. Cole can do something. I did tell her to call his office now and see if she can talk with him. I've talked with him and he seems concerned. Any suggestions?

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Sandy! Our Australian busy bee. Moss does not grow on the north side that is for sure. You and your dear husband are the most traveled people nearly without stop. You really embrace life and the world around you; what marvelous adventures you have. Home for one day! That long? Well; you will make up for it. Crazy that it is winter for you, freezing temps and all, and here we are in N. America sweating to beat the band. Of course most of us female types here on the Front Porch are estrogen deficient which makes a difference for temperature tolerance; especially if hot. Can't take off any more clothes without the Environmental Protection Agency getting up in arms. Sigh.

    Judith; a hot fudge sundae! You always have the best ideas. Count me in! Yet; though I have not had one in years, I have been yearning for a nice freezing cold margarita . . . oh how good that would taste and feel going down . . . all that finely teensy shaved ice and all that makes it a happy imbibe. Would that not be a good little treat while rocking on the Front Porch?

    Thanks for asking; my knees are a disaster. Injecting them had no results, surgery not an option. From the neck up all is working as well as it ever has; it is just the corporeal body that is not happy. And to think I belonged to a women's volleyball team and played a lot of tennis which was so much fun and chased up and down hospital hallways for years. and did big time sweating water aerobics hell bent on leather; DH teases that I wore all the joints out doing all of that.

    It has been wonderful that daughter has been able to be with us for a few weeks. She does errands, laundry, meals; very organized but she is not a cleaner, so that is hopefully covered with the cleaning lady service; hard to get her though. Daughter returns home to Texas in a week and a half and we may have to hire someone to come in for a few days a week till we have things further settled. Arthritis and joint erosion is no joke and not for sissies that is for sure. I have learned how to pace myself and keep after the smaller things I can do. Acceptance of such changes is not easy, but thank goodness for emotional maturity which helps even if I get ticked off about it sometimes . . . let's face it; getting older opens our eyes to reality more than it did in our youthful wonder years when denial was sometimes an asset. Still - forge ahead and never give up! I do think that as long as I am intact from the neck up, I am ahead of the game so to speak.

    Lorita; our friend Judith speaks clearly and with caring when she discusses Sarah's issue with pain meds that has been going on for so long. I may be wrong on the following input and if I am, I am sorry; my understanding and input is based on what I have read here over a long period of time. Narcotic meds to ease one's physical, (as well as emotional), pain are SO easily addictive in a short amount of time, and then as time passes, one needs more and more medication to maintain the results necessary, which leads to medical doctors realizing this and backing up on prescribing increasing amounts of such drugs and appropriately highly recommending pain management with the MD pain specialists. It may in all probability, be a big help if she would reach out for that specialized care.

    Pain management specialists can often prescribe a different "recipe" of pain relief with better meds for specific problem issues depending on the root cause and treatment that can relieve the pain more effectively. Here is a link re pain management specialists:


    Judith's Hospice experience has been my experience both professionally and personally. Hospice as said, does go in with no need for patient having to get back or organize, etc. In all instances for the many, many patients I have helped over the years as well as when put into place for my LOs, Hospice has been out usually on the same day and most often, after intake, equipment even placed on the same day. Longest it has taken in all my years of experience has been 24 hours. From what you have shared, is it possible that even if Sarah does not fit Hospice criteria with three Hospices and continues not to fit criteria, that she may continue to push trying to have one of them to come in if she may possibly feel Hospice is a way to be able to medically obtain more protected class medication to meet her growing needs? That could possibly be a question as to why the pushing has been so hard to get Hospice on board thinking of the way they dispense meds at an increased amount for those who are in end stage physical pain need. Not at all saying that is the reason for the Hospice push, but it is a dynamic to think a bit about.

    It would be Hospice already in the house immediately IF Sarah was Hospice qualified. Hospices are very generous even if a patient might be "iffy " in criteria and they will step in for at least the first certification period even if the criteria being met is sketchy. For all the Hospices not to accept Sarah into service is unusual IF the need for such services are present even at a low level. Sarah also may or may not be Palliative Care qualified and Palliative would not dispense drugs as Hospice does for end stage patients needing such care; at such a point, Palliative would then refer the patient onto Hospice.

    If you can, it would be good to lovingly reinforce your niece seeing a Pain Management Specialist; she does not have to accept, but just having an appointment and hearing what they can do for her may be helpful. If she accepts their care, they would not remove her from all necessary meds and she would also continue with her regular physicians; the MD pain specialist would see to it that her physical pain needs are realistically met with the best meds and treatment and also that her psychological needs would be supported.

    It seems it may be worth being seen and hopefully eliminate the desperation that may be existing on top of all the physical challenges of her condition; she really is suffering. She may possibly have exhausted and possibly burned out the options she had for drug prescribing accessibility she was able to use earlier and it may be that all her providers are no longer willing to continue as they had been as it may now be in a more physically dangerous dynamic as the needs have continued to grow. If she cannot access the pain meds she may be getting frantic. Seeing the Pain Med MDs would actually be able to help her. I may be wrong and am basing any input as related here by those familiar with her and so hope for the best that she can find the physical and psychological support she so needs; this has to be devastatingly difficult for her on top of everything she must endure. So hope that the dynamics can be adjusted for a better outcome and lead to a better quality of life for her. Please keep us posted, we truly do care. Know that you are doing your very best with your support loving support and she knows you care deeply. Big hug to you, Lorita.

    Zetta, I am sorry you and your family have been ill. There has been a sort of a virus going around that is not connected to COVID at all; seems it may have found you. How tiring that must be, I hope you recoup very soon. Take good care and pamper yourself a bit, it certainly would be well earned.

    Speaking of COVID; news reported yesterday that we have had a 30% increase in active COVID cases in just the past week; not happy news in mid summer. Portent of winter to come? More vaccinations pending.

    P.T. arriving, so time for me to see what is what today. Wishing everyone cool places to rest and a very good day and weekend.


  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Hi all. I need a bunch of hugs, a strong margarita, and a huge chocolate sundae. I saw the spine specialist yesterday. Looks like I need two and possibly three fusions. Two discs are slipping and need stabilized. They are pressing on nerves controlling my legs. I found a neuro spine surgeon from the famous Stedman Hawkins spine center in Vail. He also sees patients in nearby towns, so got an appointment for next Tuesday for a second opinion. I think I will definitely have him do surgery if he will. He was instrumental in creation of non invasive and robotic back surgeries. He has done many back surgeries because it is all he does. I’ll see if maybe I’m a candidate for a less invasive surgery.

    Jo, I’m already collecting some of the suggested items you got for Bill. Bidet, pickup tools, slip on shoes, satin pjs to move in bed easier (I doubt Bill had those, lol), bandages, chair cushions, etc. Thank you for the information. It will be so helpful for me.

    Ron, glad you got some information on the procedure.

    Zetta, I sure hope you’re feeling better.

    Sarah, I can’t wait to be able to go to the farmers market again. I miss all the fresh produce. It’s one of my favorite things to do.

    Sandy, yes, send pictures. You have been living life to the fullest. I hope Victoria is warmer in the winter than your home.

    HB, you amaze me at all the running you do for your Mom. I did the same for my Mom as she aged, and would do it all again if she was still here.

    Beth, I’ll look at your beautiful pictures of your yard and porch and get a serene feeling. It looks so peaceful at your house.

    Lorita, I’m sorry for your struggle with Sara. You do help her in so many ways and I know she cares about what you say and do for her. I so wish she would find a doctor to set her on the right path and get her back on track.

    Our weather has been cooler the past few days. It’s 83 here today with a light breeze, so doesn’t feel bad. I dead headed a few plants this week and weeded what I can with my back. I’m lucky I haven’t had many weeds. My preen application really worked this year.

    I’ve been in the computer for too long filling out forms for my appointment. If I don’t get up and move, I’m going to be too stiff to walk, so I’ll sign off and get going. Have a good evening. Joan

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    edited July 2023

    Just saw your Post Lorita, I am so sorry; it is a terrible predicament for Sarah. From what Judith wrote, it appears Sarah may be completely out of her pain meds and coming off of them all at once may be contributing to her steeply severe distress and that is extremely difficult both physically as well as psychologically.

    Thinking about this, the best and most logical option seems to be for her to go to the ER setting since her condition is as severe as it is. Since they know her there at the usual med center and have medical opinions re her medication use, they may well give her an IV, check her out and discharge her without meds or only a small amount of pain meds. HOWEVER: if she is in actual physical withdrawal, it may be best to approach this medically; that would be a physician's call. How they would choose to do that is unknown by any of us as we do not have the knowledge of her actual physical needs nor do we have the skill.

    She may need an advocate to advocate for her. If the doctor will speak with you or whoever, IF the MD mentions she is drug seeking, then one could raise the spector of her actual complex medical condition AND the danger of abrupt withdrawal of pain medication without having medical oversight. (Hopefully they would have drawn blood to check her values and see if anything else may be amiss.) If she is in true withdrawal complicated by her physical condition, it may be best to have her admitted. Yet, this does not mean they are going to continue to give her full pain med prescriptions upon discharge or how they would handle this as an inpatient.

    Frankly; IF she gets admitted, I would ask for the Pain Management Physician to be called in to consult on her before leaving the hospital. He/she can assess her pain levels and assess needs and begin to also assess other aspects of her needs. NOTE: Sometimes, when a person has been on a lot of pain meds and it is for a chronic condition unlikely to relent, it is the pain management physician who can actually continue to prescribe appropriately in an appropriate manner beyond the point at which a non pain management physician is no longer comfortable; there is a wide range of variables in approach.

    I so hope she is able to get care and the contact with the pain management specialist who may be her best approach considering that her primary MD, surgeon, consultants and ER setting seem to be not on board with continuing to prescribe pain meds at the increased level. No way for us to factually know.

    Keep us posted, I continue to hope for the best.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    Lorita...Jo brings up an important point. Sarah may well be drug dependent and going through withdrawal. She is not able to follow through or take care of her illiostomy.

    Maybe the best route would be to find an inpatient program that can help her with detox and can handle her medical problems.

    I can take her to an appointment with pain management if Todd is through working next door. Do you think she made the appointment as ER and Dr said to?

    So if we are including drinks with the hot fudge sundaes mine will be an oz of Blue Sapphire with one iced cube.

    So glad you got in to the clinic in Vail. He sounds like a wonderful Dr.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    edited July 2023

    NOTE: Most if not all drug rehabs do not take patients with acute medical needs and if Sarah cannot manage her own ileostomy without difficulty, they are unlikely to take her. One has to be cleared medically to be admitted to most if not all rehabs.

    However; she can be detoxed in the acute med center with appropriate specialist and medical oversight. Yet; total detox - is that appropriate for her medical condition? If she has pain secondary to her other significant conditions, that will have to be dealt with, but perhaps not at the level she has been at for quite some time.

    It would be interesting to know whether or not she has been treated for depression; that is also something that is screened for at Pain Management Clinics.

    Right now, safety is the concern. Sometimes, some patients, (not all), are not safe if detoxing without medical oversight. Being that Sarah has complex medical issues this may put her in greater need to be in the hospital setting for a short time while detoxing and/or stabilizing her in whatever form that will take based on medical necessity per the physicians.

    Lorita, if you are cleared to speak with Sarah's MDs and RNs, it would be best to get all of your information from them re her condition and plan of care and discharge planning. it would be best to not rely upon Sarah's input as accurate considering her multiple medical problem issues and dependency.

    Let us know if she gets to care, so hope she does.

    Ms. Telinde: Satin PJs, wow! No; Bill did not have them, but he did have the cutest plaid boxer shorts! I especially liked the red plaid ones. (Blush!) Pulling up pants is usually done with one of the grabbers; you will need a grabber in the bathroom, in the bedroom, sitting places, kitchen; everywhere. Bill still finds he sleeps far better in his recliner chair. We put a small table next to his chair and I put small bath basin on top of it to hold his meds, TV control, tissues, and other small items so they did not roll off onto the floor. Also good to have bottles of water at hand.

    Here is a GREAT help for information of all sorts; just keep screening topics; it is done by a skilled O.T.:

    https://equipmeot.com/ That is for general topics; but if you enter the words, EquipMeOT Back Surgery, she has a whole host of clever things to know and to use post-op.

    She has so much re many different conditions and useful items covering so many different things.

    Do not forget to get yourself a shower chair; perhaps one with a basket on the side as you will NOT be permitted to bend forward or twist/turn torso whatsoever and that is absolute. that way you can reach the soap and shampoo. Also best to have a shower head on one of the long flexible hoses to wash more easily. Be sure any foam chair cushion risers are firm so that they will help you in rising the first week or so. Soft and squishy will not do. If you have a recliner/lift chair, that too can be helpful; one can even rent a recliner/lift chair. I found the rentals from $95 a month to $200 a month for the same recliner/lift chair at different businesses. Bill ended up buying one and had it put in the bedroom. You will need a shoe horn, sock pulls to get socks on, they work great. Bill also loved having one of those rails that goes between the mattress and box spring; it really helped getting positioned and up and down even though he is and you will be log rolling to get up, down and turn in bed. Lots of extra bed pillows to go behind you and between knees when sleeping.

    Bill also had the minimally invasive procedure done robotically. Amazing technology. No driving for a bout four to six weeks and that back brace really helps to keep the back comfortable and the walker is essential that they give at the hospital when coming home. Also, initially being on a narcotic pain med (needed for a short period of about a week and a half to two weeks), as well as on a muscle relaxant to avoid back spasms; that can easily lead to constipation. Be sure that they give you stool softeners in the hospital and release you with stool softeners to take at home. Also buy extra OTC softeners to keep on hand for awhile. I also was glad to have stool softeners and laxatives here because DH had that problem issue and it was a tribulation. Best to be prepared for such events should they happen. No NSAIDS for a long time post surgery, so a supply of ES Tylenol for after off the narcotic meds is also good. Bill said also lots of loose clothing - and that is true. Need to have them be loose both top and bottom. He lives in new sweat type pants at the moment. Pulls them up half way with the grabber and then can get it the rest of the way without bending. His shoes are not just slide in; they are special that one does not need to wiggle their way in, I will get the name.

    Joan: DHs legs were in awful condition and reached a state where he could not stand more than a tiny minute before having to sit as his nerves were so compressed. Also had a lot of back pain. Immediately post-op, his legs were back to normal function and the severity of the back pain was changed to simply post-op discomfort. The nurses kept him on a medication regimen those first three days so he had no badly severe pain breakthrough which was helpful. He has done SO much better than I expected. He now goes up and down the entire flight of stairs with back brace on. Going down must be crab like per P.T.; going up he can do regularly per the wonderful home P.T. he has. Still fatigues a bit such as after a shower, but each day is a bit better and more function and less discomfort. Have a chair to sit on to do hair, etc. No bending to brush teeth and spit, so the EquipMeOt addresses that too. May not be able to do a blow dryer for awhile. But little by little and it will all get much better. Keep us posted on what is happening and dates of procedure, etc.

    Off I go, ta-ta for now, or as the Brits say; TTFN!


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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