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Just need to talk to my friends (191)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Just checked and the thermometer on the front porch says it's 100 - and that's in the shade with the wind blowing through. I really can't remember it ever reading that high before. Needless to say, it's hot!

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Just relaxing on the front porch today listening to all the beautiful front porch ladles.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good evening

    lorita I fried yellow squash with my supper, ear of corn, tomato and cucumber along with sloppy Joe and fried potatoes. Enjoyed it. Chocolate chip cookie for desert.

    It takes me about 5-10 minutes to get to work. Think you asked for the relish recipe.

    Refrigerator Relish: 2C pickling cucumber finely chopped, 1C onion finely chopped, 1C red or green pepper finely chopped 1T kosher salt, 1C sugar, 2/3C apple cider vinegar, 1t mustard seed, 1/4 t ground turmeric, 1/2 t celery seed, in large nonmetal bowl mix cucumbers , onion and peppers. Toss with salt. Cover with water. Let sit covered for 2 hours. Drain, rinse with cold water, drain again. In large pot combine vinegar , sugar and spices . Bring to boil and stir til sugar dissolves . Add cucumber mix, return to boiling, decrease heat, simmer uncovered til most of liquid evaporates. Usually 10 minutes once boiling about right for me. If you boil too long will become too th ick as it cools. store in refrigerator. For just me I make half of recipe.

    Marie I understand your frustration . Also know from working in the field some patients and families would feel like you do and others would not. Some would still want everything done. Hopefully if you tell them how you feel they will be respectful of that. I would feel about it like you do.

    ordered a pair of zero drop shoes with a wide toe box. The brand is Altra. Hope I like them. Have any of you guys tried that brand? Also ordered a pair of my old standby New Balances lol. Tried Skechers arch fit pair and for awhile they seemed comfortable but they are really starting to squish my toes when I wear them for 6 hours at work.

    wish each of you a good nights rest

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,364
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    I am so tired.

    DH, DS and I were headed to an old-fashioned burger and ice cream stand for dinner last night. DS's request. We drove the 30+ minutes there and found they'd closed at 4pm for some reason. We headed into NJ and south along the river for a similar diner-dive which turned out to be closed because the power was out as we neared this second place my phone rang. It was mom. She went out for a walk and had yet another fall. Ugh. We ditched dinner and rerouted to her place arriving around 6:30. She doesn't understand why she fell, normally tripping (poor vision) and/or distraction play into falls. She's got a skinned knee, painful wrist, a bruised face and a nosebleed. I got her to Urgent Care just before they closed, possible hairline wrist fracture of the same wrist that had us in the ER on the 19th. They do a soft cast and refer to the big orthopedic practice that did both her knees and her foot fracture, but they turfed her to the ER for a CT scan.

    I had DH drop us off, get DS something from Chipotle and drop him home. I suggested DH get something to eat and that's I'd call when we could be picked up. He declined either and returned to hang out in the ER parking lot. The ER wasn't horribly busy nor did any ambulances come in while we were there, but it was a ghastly experience none the less. We got there at 8:15pm; Urgent Care had already contacted the ER to expect us, but it was still 10:30pm before they took her to radiology. There was a man who was probably dealing with a kidney stone twisting a sobbing in the waiting room, a number of older men reporting chest pain who got blood draws, EKGs and were sent back to wait in the general waiting room. Turns out there was some issue with the computer system related to reading images in radiology, so it was really backed up. CT scan was clear-- no fracture or internal bleed-- but we didn't get a report until 1:30am. Meantime, her BP was 208/89 which is setting off all manner of noisy alarms. I had to warn off the doc about the BP; she normally takes it with her dinner which didn't happen. We got her home by 2am and were in bed by 2:45. I am too old for this.

    Today we have the discussion-- again-- about calling me when this happens asap so we can avoid the 3rd shift in the hospital. She fell around 1pm-- had she called then we might have gotten to bed at a humane hour. Meantime, I have to schedule the orthopedic group follow-up and get her to PT by 11. She's supposed to go on vacation with my niece Sunday-- she's seeing her 87-year-old sister. DH is trying to throw cold water on it-- but I will decide later. She needs to go and I could use a break.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    HB....what a test of your endurance. Would that we could shoulder some of your fatigue. At 82 I find that I do not jump back to normal as quickly as I did when I was 75. Had I had your day I would still not be dressed today.

    Sayra....tried looking for those shoes. got the Altra sight but the search stopped there. More info please.

    The only wide box shoes I have found are from Orthofeet and not a lot of options there. I have three laceups and a pair of sandles. There are now three of us here looking for wide shoes so the share is really appreciated.

    I have my first Rodin tour today. They are from Italy which seems to impress staff but it really willmake no difference. I would be a vegetable by now if I did not have my docent work to force me to learn and stay actively engaged with people.

    Monday was my Making Memories ( PWD) at the museum. Two of the participants announced that they are entering their work in the upcomong state fair. How wonderful is that!!!!

    Finally turned on the sprinkler system. First time this year. It will give everything a deep soak.

    Still getting ready to go to St Louis in my head. I really do not want to go since I know I will not be able to keep up but it isonly for 2 nights. I will take my iPad with something dowloaded for the plane and will go to theladies room right before boarding. Honestly, you would think I was going to Europe for a month. Stupid anxiety.

    Ron...sitting on the porch, rocking and chatting. One of lifes best things.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    HB, I'm with Judith - if I had had to go through all of that I'd still be in bed. You do have the patience of Job.Hopefully, you can rest up today. Hope your mother is all right. Falls are so dangerous - can change your life forever. I try to be as careful as I can but they can happen anyway. I still haven't fully recovered (rib-wise) from the fall I had a year ago this past October - that was my downfall.

    Judith, is Winda going to go with you to St. Louis this time? Good that you're in OKC pretty near the airport instead of having to drive a long way to get to one. When I get ready to go to town 15 miles away you'd think I was going on a long trip - have to take water, a hat, etc. When I was younger and still home mother would always take a thermos of water anywhere we were going. I'd tell her we could stop somewhere for water or a coke but she insisted. Now, I've turned into my mother - don't go anywhere without a bottle or thermos of water.

    It's 87 here right now - a bit cooler than yesterday and the SW wind is blowing but it's a warm wind. Girls have just now come down to get in the shade for the afternoon - they'd been at the MH yard - some are stopping off at the pond for a dip or a drink. FedEx just delivered a couple of things I had to reorder because they were crushed - chips and cereal.

    I don't think I told you all about my ear - I think it was Sunday morning when I was sitting in my chair and something hit my ear really hard and it started to bleed. It was Lilly. I wear diamonique drop earrings and I think they must have been sparkling in the lamplight and she must have though it was something she needed to get rid of. It bled and is just a bit sore now. I've been putting neosporin on it but you would't believe how hard it is to keep that on your ear - the scratch is just above the earlobe.I had a scratch on my arm and it's just now getting to the point it isn't red. You never know what a cat will do.

    I haven't talked with Sarah since Friday but she has texted me - says both of them are really sick - said Todd has pneumonia.

    Thank you, Sara, for the recipe - sound like a lot of work. I'll have to wait until I get some peppers - bell, I assume. Mike brought some vegetables a couple of nights ago and there were two peppers - a long, yellow kind but don't think that would work. I won't have to cook today - still have some okra, fried squash, butterbeans and onions and yellow squash. Also still have some of that chocolate cake.

    I tried to get my e-mail yesterday and the company I have internet with has changed it - I had an e-mail a couple of weeks ago saying they were going to discontinue it the end of the year but they've done something ahead of time. Guess I'll have to call and find out what to do. I get so tired of changes - just not my thing and it gets worse the older I get.

    Today is my mother's 108th birthday. She was 27 when I was born - she's been gone 27 years. Goodness,how time has flown.

    I'm watching the local news and weather and it says it's going to be 100 and above for the next week. I heard yesterday that the waters off Florida were 101 yesterday and the coral is already turning white or dying.

    Well, thought I'd lay back down on the divan but I see Stormy has beaten me to it so guess I'll sit in the recliner.

    Ron, I hope things are going all right with you and Lou and that you both are staying cool. Have you heard anything about your biopsy yet? I hate to have to wait for things - just gets your anxiety level higher and higher.

    I've been wearing my hair up since the weather has gotten hotter - I pull it up, do one twist and put on an alligator clasp. I looked in the mirror yesterday and all I saw was white except for the little bit on top (end of my hair) which is still pretty brown. I've discovered there are now colors I can't or shouldn't wear anymore - yellow for instance which has always been my favorite color. Have you all discovered that, too?

    I'll stop and may be back later. Hope everyone is well and staying cool.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    I decided that when I my hair was truly my age I would stop coloring it. It took almost two years to switch gracefully and nothing in my closet looked good with "blond" streaked hair.

    I bought a few things and toughed it out. I find that with white hair and dark eyes I can wear most anything that is either very light or dark or vivid.. The medium range is to vomit over!

    I wear a lot of black and white and fuschia and have some great scarves to perk it up. I wear black pants almost exclusively. I have only one pair of earrings (silver squares and not pierced) and one necklace, a rectangle of black stone on a silver band. I have the pearls that Dick gave to me for our wedding that I wear for dressy,

    If my hair were longer I too would put it on top of my head. For now I use two combs. I do put on lipstick, blusher, eyeliner, masquera and fill in my eyebrows when I leave the house otherwise my very pale face just blends in with my white top...lol

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
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    Good evening

    Has gotten very windy so feels cooler now. Been a hot muggy day but nothing like you guys have.

    Judith maybe this will help. I ordered mine off of Amazon and ordered an unpopular color apparently and were quite a bit cheaper than what must have been the more popular colors. I’m ok with that since my first pair and don’t know if I will like them or not, just sort of trying them out. https://anyasreviews.com/best-barefoot-minimalist-shoe-brands-beginners/ I ordered the provision style. My right foot wants to roll in so I buy shoes that help with that. Supposedly that style does, we’ll see.

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    edited July 2023

    Hi. I’ll catch up tomorrow but just wanted to comment on Altra shoes. I have a pair and they aren’t too bad, but unless you wear shoe inserts, I find they have no cushioning and aren’t as comfortable as Hokas or Topos. They also squeak when I walk, and I’ve only worn them for a month or two. Topos have a really wide toe box and the cushioning was good. Great cushioning in Hokas. Good luck finding your perfect fit. Joan

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    I wonder how long before they put a straight jacket on me! Thought I would call community care this afternoon to make sure the GI bunch was sent my paperwork since no one has called with appointment. Community care gave me the number for GI group where I could call them. I called only to find out that they have not received anything from the VA. I called community care back and a different person told me the Sunday phone call was someone jumping the gun, that the process had not been completed yet. The request was still in review and about 80% completed and hopefully I'll know something by the end of the week. Ugghhh

    Did go to the attorney office today and have both boys set up with power of attorney. This is something I should have done already. I also need to go and have the bank add their names. Lou not being able to handle anything if I cant the boys would be able. If I die that is not a worry because in the state of Louisiana everything would go to them.

    Hot and hot and will be getting hotter.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Ron, the old adage that the squeaky wheel gets the grease isn't holding true in your case. I can't imagine what's taking so long. Have you contacted the Patient Advocate at the VA Hospital? Maybe he/she could help or at least tell you what the holdup is. Hang in there - it'll get done - eventually.

    I just heard on the news that Mick Jagger is 80 years old - and that means that Paul McCartney is 81. I can remember when they were in their 20s - just I was. Where in the world did those 60 years go?

    Tried to take a nap but the phone rang - tried again and it rang again so gave up. Looks like the heat is over most of our Country - just a harbinger of things to come, I'm afraid. I don't know anything about any of those brands of shoes you all are talking about. I've never worn tight-fitting shoes on my toes but that does seem to be one of the things that causes Morton's Neuroma. I need to get back on YouTube and look at the exercises Bob and Brad recommend for MN. So strange - my feet look completely normal but when I wiggle my toes it feels like there's a layer of paper or something on the bottom of my feet. Sometimes there's a sharp pain in one of my toes that only lasts a few seconds, thank goodness because I couldn't stand it much longer. I remember when this first began it felt like there was a rock in my shoe - how many times I've stopped and checked I'll never know. It was first in one foot, then it was in both of them. Patsy had it in one foot and it went away - that was what I was looking forward to but didn't happen.

    Girls spent the afternoon in the shades south of the house but they've gone out to graze now. I don't think they were near the barn today so might not have to go out and check - I will though. If you're in the shade and wind it doesn't feel so bad but get in the sun, out of the wind, and it's HOT! See you all tomorrow.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I'm glad you all are talking about shoes because I may have to get some different ones. My toes have begun tingling, like neuropathy. I thought it might be related to gaining weight.

    I visited the dermatologist today. I thought I might have psoriasis, but thankfully, no psoriasis. Basically, I have old age skin. The doctor didn't put it that bluntly, but that is what she meant. Everything was, "this is common in older adults.

    HB, I an very cautious when I am outside. Falls are no joke! My 91 yo neighbor fell at the entry of our condo complex almost two years ago, and she has not walked by herself since that time. She uses a walker. Does your mom use a walker? She should also carry a whistle or Medic Alert alarm. Why was she out walking in this heat? Heat exhaustion can cause poor balance.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
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    Thank you Joan. I looked at Topos. Had not heard of them. They have one that provides pronation support. Had heard of Hoka and see a lot of people wearing them. See they have two that provide pronation support. Think I will try both brands over the next few months.

    Ron glad you are getting those types of things taken care of. Makes things so much easier for family.

    iris I get pain in my toes sometimes too. I’ve wondered if that is how neuropathy starts.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All.

    I finally got caught up with all the postings. I thought I was done and realized I still had 3 pages to go. What a talkative group we are.

    I finally got over the cold we had going around our house. Not feeling well along with pet sitting and working all in the same week was a challenge. Iam recovering now, it starts back up again tomorrow.

    It's been a long day for me, take care all. Hugs Zetta

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Good afternoon ladies from the front porch! Kinda quiet here today, how am I suppose to relax without you gals sharing your pictures, cooking and gossip.

    VA social worker called awhile ago and said she would reach out to care in the community and see if i can be better informed ad to what is going on with my referral. The longer i wait, the more my mind messes with me on it being cancer. If i hadn't already had problems with my achalasia of the esophugus i probably wouldn't worry as much.

    Dont know what I would do if I didnt have the front porch to relax.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
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    Hi Ron. Know it is tough so this waiting and the decisions you are having to make.

    Zetta you as a busy lady. Hope you are finding some time to rest.

    Had to go to Columbus today for follow up cardiology appointment. That went well and I’m free from them. Have one more urology appointment in august and hope that I won’t have to go to Columbus any more.

    Very hot muggy day. It’s summer. One of my sunflowers bloomed out today that makes me smile.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    Hot here too but I do not notice any humidity.

    Everything is ready to put into a large purse for my trip to St Louis. Got my toes done so all ready.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    edited July 2023

    When are you going, Judith, and how long will you stay? It's going to be hot in St. Louis, too, so be prepared - be sure to take a hat. My laptop says it's 97 right now.

    I'm frustrated again today - seems like that's par for the course about deliveries. I was expecting a few things from Amazon and my crumb cakes from QVC. About noon I checked and it said they had been delivered. So drove down in the Gator and didn't see anything so got the mail and thought maybe I should check the trash barrel. Sure enough, the lid was on and the boxes were inside. What in the world was he thinking? This happened once before a few weeks ago. There were three boxes, two smaller ones on top and a heavy one on the bottom. I couldn't' get it out so had to turn the barrel over and upside down to get it out. Didn't help my shoulder and ribs any. Everything in there was food except for the cooling pad. Got them inside to cool off. No idea how long they'd been in there. I've tried and tried to call our UPS place they deliver from but no answer. I tried a while back and no answer. IN the past Kim has been there so don't know what's going on. Makes me really upset. Guess I'll put a note on top of the barrel that it's for trash only. Wasn't dirty inside because the trash I put in it is in bags but all the same...

    Well, I lost the rest of my post so guess it doesn't matter. Did take a short nap and woke up on my left side which has made my costo and ribs hurt - they're better now. Zetta, glad you're feeling better - take it easy and don't try to do too much. I'd better stop before I lose this - computer is acting up. Ron, glad you talked with the social worker - bet you'll get some action soon.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    I will only be gone two nights. Not worried about the heat...everything is air conditioned.

    Where I live we are not allowed to leave our trash cans at the curb. Yes, do mark the container "trash only". They may be putting thing in there to keep animals from getting into the delivery. Also be certain that there is a place to leave perishables since you pretty well know they are not coming to your porch. They have undoubtedly seen cows in the "driveway" at times and will not come thru. I would never live in the country...way to hard and nothing seems to work...lol

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Judith, when you mentioned going to St. Louis I started thinking of my Missouri family. That is one regret I have that when my youngest son and his family bought their farm, that I was not able to visit them. He talks about the orchid, wild turkeys and how sitting on his porch in the morning seeing the deers close by. It is what it is though and if I dont ever make it I want him to spread some of my ashes on the farm.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I took a trip with the seniors today to a large bookstore of new and used books. Visiting used bookstores used to be my hobby. Now most bookstores have been brought out by Amazon. I was looking for some mysteries but found none. But I did find some history books to put onto my "to read" pile.

    I had planned to wear my new support hose since there was a lot of walking, but I forgot. My legs feel okay now, I'll see about later.

    The weather was hot but not burning hot, like the past eew days. Actually, it's quite pleasant now.

    Judith, when is your trip to St. Louis?


  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Hi all. Decision is made for back surgery. After two consults and much research and talks with former patients, I am having surgery on August 28. I will have three fusions, stay three days so I can go to a swing bed at the hospital for rehab where my daughter works. Since this was an option, I feel like it will alleviate a lot of care planning. The therapy will be done there and I’ll be released when they are assured I can be home alone. It’s not like being at home, but will be easier on my girls trying to juggle work and care giving. I feel relieved to take some of the pressure off of them. One lucky moment was when he said surgery will be done through the back and not front and back. Other dr. Wanted to to front surgery one day and back surgery the next day. That was bothering me. He said it is just how he does all surgeries like mine.

    Jo, thanks for all the wonderful suggestions. I’ve ordered a lot of the things Bill said were most helpful. I’ll have several new clothes in a size bigger. Thank goodness I found a flash sale on Temu. Most bottoms and tops were all under $15. Good thing. I’ll pitch them all when I’m done with them. Even ordered a bidet for when I get home. Thank you so much.

    Zetta, glad you’re feeling better. Summer colds are not fun. Hope you got rested.

    Judith, have fun in St. Louis. A two day outing sounds fun if I could walk. Lol

    HB, I bet you were exhausted. What a horrible day. Your Mom certainly keeps you running. I hope she can take that trip and give you a break.

    Sarah, good news you are released from heart specialist. I bet it feels good to get those last checkups done. Yea for your sunflowers. I love them.

    Ron, I would be getting hot under the collar with all the delays. That seems so unfair. To me, it’s unacceptable, and you just have to wait.

    Beth, I love the corn flowers. Mine were beautiful last year, and only one stem came up this year it’s blooming now.

    Iris, I’m being ultra careful walking anywhere these days. I got out my hiking poles, put rubber stops on the ends and use them when I go out so I have more stability. It does help. I sure don’t want to fall.

    I apologize for this post being all about me, but wanted you to know what’s going on. Have a nice evening. Joan

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
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    edited July 2023

    We are so glad to find out what is going on with you Joan. Hope you get some relief. You have been fighting this battle for awhile.

    Judith hope you have a nice trip.

    Lorita what do you think about putting a chest cooler down by the road for packages? Don’t know if that would work for you or not. Just a thought I had.

    Ron hope you get to go visit with your son on his farm someday.

    iris nice you got out to do something you enjoy. I’m going to the farm stands tomorrow if it’s the good Lord’s will. That is something I really enjoy doing.


  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,364
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    @ronald71111 I do hope the VA gets their act together and gets you in with the GI group asap. What you are dealing with is inhumane.

    @jfkoc have a great trip!

    @Iris L. said: HB, I an very cautious when I am outside. Falls are no joke! My 91 yo neighbor fell at the entry of our condo complex almost two years ago, and she has not walked by herself since that time. She uses a walker. Does your mom use a walker? She should also carry a whistle or Medic Alert alarm. Why was she out walking in this heat? Heat exhaustion can cause poor balance.

    It wasn't all that hot here. Maybe 80-82F with a light breeze and plenty of shade and benches along the walk. Her docs all encourage her to walk. She lives in a very walkable 55+ community. She walked to the clubhouse because she wanted to return a book to their little library and pick up a new one.

    She refuses to wear a pendant alarm; she had one for 3 years and all I heard was how it didn't look right with her jewelry or that it messed up the look of her outfit. She likes her Apple Watch and wears it pretty consistently. It will call EMTs if she falls and doesn't tell them she's OK.

    I'm less anxious about a fall outdoors. There are always folks walking dogs, walking to the clubhouse or the shopping district so if she were to fall, she'd likely be assisted quickly. A couple saw her fall and drove her home. Another couple of ladies took care of her book for her.

    She starts PT this morning and I do think a walker is in her future. She promised to be compliant but that remains to be seen.

    I am channeling my inner Grumpy Cat this morning.

    After the ER debacle, I dragged myself out to Mom's PT evaluation after a mere 4 hours sleep only to fill out reams of paperwork and then be told they won't touch her without clearance from her orthopedic doctor and her PCP who is on a month's vacation. Ugh.

    I wasn't in the best mood given my lack of sleep and I was still pretty salty about having to wait an entire month for this appointment. They gave her an appointment tomorrow morning and booked her bi-weekly sessions for me and even tracked down a doctor to sign off for the PCP. This morning we made the trek to the one of the big orthopedic practice's satellite offices 40 minutes away (because of course there was no hand specialist at the office 2 miles from my house) because it was the only opening. It was clearly "Take your mom to the Rothman Institute" day. We were one of half a dozen mother-daughter pairs in the waiting room.

    Sidebar: I find myself reaching for my biggest handbag these days, as I need room to carry all of the stuff mom can't fit in her cute child-sized crossbodies that coordinate with her many looks. Yesterday I had X-rays on CD, reports from the ER and Urgent Care, her Aerobika, 3 splints, a rescue inhaler, an extra Poise pad and some Tylenol. Add in a Zip-Lok of Cheerios & a juice box and it's a diaper bag.

    The doc was great. He looked at the X-rays and said the injury is a chipped bone fragment, not a hairline fracture like the Urgent Care people said. He removed the soft cast and said he would give her a splint. I brought all her splints from home-- the OTCs and the custom one she wears for sleep. He said the custom would be perfect if she is compliant with it. He cleared her for PT and her trip to New England. Follow up in 6 weeks. I bought her a cast cover for swimming and the beach.

    She has her PT evaluation today at 10am. The site manager at the PT place obviously understood that I was willing to find another provider-- I wanted in-home PT because 1) I wouldn't need to drive her and 2) the PT would see her in the place where she spends most of her time. That said, I really think distraction plays into her falls. It's like she can't talk and chew gum at the same time.

    After that, we go to Sephora to see if her bruising can be covered up a bit. She's seeing family and I fully expect my aunt and cousin to judge. My aunt is older and in much better shape and my cousin is the one I snapped at for cutting mom's food. Mom wasn't injured at the time, btw. My cousin is a born-caregiver retired from nursing; her cats eat dinner at the table with her in their own little youth chairs and have seasonal bibs they wear while doing so.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Son was trying to get a sudden picture of the adopted dog outside with a ball in her mouth; but she moved and no photo of dog . . . . this was taken at the eating area in kitchen, and if you look out the window, you can see how small our back yard is compared to Lorita and Beth who have an abundance of property as in acres . . . but it is SoCal, and that is that. Not even room for one cow, Lorita! Will get photo of Olive the adopted dog later. (Wish there was a way to make pics smaller.) Would be nice to have larger yard; it is longer though; just can't see that.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,364
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    And I spoke too soon.

    The PT site manager called me just now because the PT scheduled for mom's evaluation called out sick and they wanted to know if I could bring her in at 4:30pm to have an appointment with "Ben". This is really not convenient for me at all, but I can make it work.

    I did ask if "Ben" was qualified to do vestibular work; not all PTs are. Mom's doc specifically ordered this facility because they do offer this kind of PT and when I called to schedule over a month ago, they told me she couldn't be seen until now because "we only have 2 people on staff who can handle this". Wednesday, they created a schedule for her that includes 3 PTs and now they're offering her a fourth? I'm not sure I can trust them at this point.

    At least this frees me up to get mom's bag packed for her trip and create a list of last-minute items to pack. My niece is quite the traveler but has wicked ADHD; I have shipped her medications overseas more than once because she flaked.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Have appointment tuesday morning with GI Dr for consultation. What the VA has sent them is for a EUS with aspiration of the esophugus. Finally.......now get the consultation over with where I can get the procedure done.

    Dementia has had its ugly head raised today and I have a tension headache. I never get headaches, so I guess dealing with the VA all week has gotten to me.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Ron, so glad you have an appt. The pressure from dealing with that and also with dementia has gotten to you. Maybe you can get off by yourself in another room for a while and just relax - does Lou ever take an afternoon nap? Might be a good thing if you can get her into that habit. Hope all goes well with the appt.

    HB, sounds like you have your hands full. Best laid plans - things never seem to go as we wish they would. You're doing a wonderful job taking care of your mother and I know it isn't that easy.

    Judith, it's not that they might have seen a cow in the driveway - there hasn't been any - they're in pastures along each side of the drive. Anyway, someone who delivers in the country isn't afraid of driving around cattle if they have any sense at all. It's just laziness on their part. I'll just have to be sure I know when they're coming - and pick up what they leave or meet them down there and have them bring it to the house. We used to have such good deliverymen but they transfer them to other areas and seems like we get the new ones who don't know what to do. Kim told me once they had a new driver and he was always getting in the ditch and having to be pulled out. I also imagine UPS is in sort of a turmoil - they don't even have someone to answer their phones.

    Sara - afraid a cooling thing would't work - someone would stop by and take it with them - if they saw it. In the summer I try to not order anything perishable - of course the crumb cakes wouldn't be good if they were out in this heat for a long time. I may see if I can get an address for the corporate office and write or e-mail them with my complaint. I've really curtailed my ordering from Amazon just because of the problems I have with delivery.

    Carol called this afternoon - her husband who is 80 and about ten others who are from late 70s to 93 are playing golf for four hours every day except Monday in this hot weather. She's worried about them but they play anyway.

    I woke up this morning at 6:30 and thought I'd just lay there a couple of minutes and the next thing I knew I woke up again and it was 8:30. Hurried and got out with Stormy to see the girls - most of them were already in the shade.

    Judith, be careful in this heat in St. Louis. Charles and I were there years ago in late Jly for a union meeting and it was too hot to be outside. Heat can really sneak up on you. We went to Washington in 1995 for the Korean War Veterans Memorial Dedication - again in late July. It was so hot you almost couldn't be outside. We stayed in the hotel room and watched the dedication. It was held outside and people were being put into ambulances right and left because of the heat.

    Jo, what a beautiful place to have your breakfast - your floors are beautiful. This reminds me of a nook in Sarah's kitchen with the bay windows and table in front of it where Lorita used to have her meals - guess Sarah and Todd do also. She called me yesterday to tell me they were on their way to her appt. with a surgeon who had operated on her a couple of years ago. Said she'd call when she was finished - haven't heard diddlysquat so have no idea what happened.

    I think my ear is coming along all right - doesn't feel sore when I touch it but I think it slightly bruised it. Keeping Neosporin on it. Have you all noticed the wrinkle in your earlobes? - or maybe it's just mine because I'm as old as dirt.

    I was thinking this afternoon that it's been 15 years since I started this thread - just think of all the people who have come and gone and of those who are still here - Judith for instance. Shirley, this also makes me think of you. I hope you and Bill are well. Maybe you can post and let us know how things are going. Also makes me think of Sandy who has been here with us, too. I talk with her fairly often. All these ladies and gentlemen have become good friends along with all of you who are now on the thread. Sort of gets to be a habit to check each day to see how everyone is. I'll stop for now and watch the local news - there was something on it Carol said to be sure to watch.

    You all take care out there in the heat - sounds like it's going to be 100 and over for the next week or so. I don't like summer anymore - used to when I was younger but then it wasn't as humid and we weren't used to air conditioning. This was hay-hauling weather. I used to help daddy - we had a three-story barn and he'd get the hay up into the loft and it was my job to drag it back to be stacked. The floor would get as slick as glass and it was cool up there with wind blowing through the north and south doors. We didn't think much about the heat - we picked cotton and corn in this weather and did all right. I did get too hot one time when I was helping shock feedstalks after daddy had cut off the seed heads. I couldn't be still for a long time. I don't know how daddy and all the other farmers and ranchers did it - working out in the heat all day.

    By the way - they're baling hay east of us. Mike said he had 160 acres down getting ready to bale. Also have heard lots of noise SE of us so think that big tree-eater is here. Had thought I'd like to see it work but have changed my mind - don't like to see trees taken down. Okay, this time I'll stop. See you all later.

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
    Legacy Membership 100 Comments 5 Care Reactions 5 Likes

    Lorita. Put a note on the barrel that says. Trash only. All deliveries must be delivered to the porch. Maybe the new guy thinks that barrel is your delivery spot.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Jo, your dining area and yard are beautiful! Glad to hear Bill is doing better now.

    Ron, glad you got an appt, finally. My goodness! That was not good, to keep you waiting so long.

    Sara, glad your checkup was good. You are a miracle. It is so great you are feeling well and living life again. :)

    Joan, best wishes for your surgery. So sorry you are going through this.

    Judith, enjoy your trip.

    HB and Marie, you are so good and patient with your mothers. I know it is rough at times, as I dealt with my mother for a few years too before she passed.

    97 degrees here today. Just too hot! Be careful. People reportedly have fallen on sidewalk and sustained 2nd and even 3rd degree burns.


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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