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Just need to talk to my friends (191)



  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Good evening. It is really warm here today.

    Jo, your eating area is beautiful, and looking right out into the yard. You yard looks like the perfect size to me. Just enough to run around in and dig in the dirt a little. It looks very neat and manicured.

    HB, I don’t know how you keep up. Seems like taking care of your Mom is a full time job. I’m happy she gets to go on vacation.

    just wanted to say hi. Have a good night. Joan.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    I'll do that, Joan. Could be that he thinks that. You know I've left signs on both sides of the gate to tell them to not leave packages there and they've even left them underneath the signs. Glad you have a date for your surgery - sounds like a long time off but it'll be here before we know it. Take it easy in the meantime.

    Sara, so glad your cardiology appt. went well and hope the Urology ones does, too. Always nice to get good news at checkups.

    My laptop says it's still 94. Heard a cow bawling a while ago and when I looked out, they were changing pastures. Saw one cow standing at the fence between the east and NE pasture looking north so knew her baby must still be in that pasture. So, went out and her baby was laying down across the fence from her. Mom wouldn't leave the baby to go around and get her and baby was laying down. Got her up and she tried to go through the fence but it's a fairly new five-wire barbed wire fence with tight wires so guided her back up to the gate and mom met us there. She took off with the baby to go to the others. There were probably four little ones and a couple of cows still around the pond but they're all in the south pasture now. I was hot when I got back in and was only out about 15-20 minutes. I feel like a hot-house plant.

    The grasshoppers got the rest of the holly leaves yesterday and today - maybe when they eat everything, they'll move on - big, old, mean-looking hoppers. I can see big, round bales of hay east of us - hope it makes good so he'll have plenty of hay this winter - always a scary thing to be low on hay with girls to feed.

    Beth, how awful - are the people just falling and then getting burned? I did hear the concrete or asphalt highways get up to 160 degrees so that's really hard on tires, too. Seems like it was 1980 when it was so awfully hot here for so long - the highways buckled so you had to be careful driving. That was a bad year.

    Everyone stay inside and stay safe - I'll see you tomorrow.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    So much happening. Joan, August 28 will be on my mind. Will be good to get it done and get recovered. I think Bill would have benefited from some rehab, but that is not the way it worked out. Stubborn man. You have everything planned so well and you are highly motivated; all in your favor.

    And Mr. Ron, finally the log jam breaks? So hope all goes smooth as silk from this point on, you deserve the best of the best. Sorry about the headache; I can only imagine and it is so hard because you are the only onliest for such times. So wish there were a way to be able to relieve you - all your sisters here would pamper you if give half a chance on our Front Porch.

    HB; okay, you win the gold trophy for the most patience and durability - holy horse feathers; I need to take whatever vitamins you have been taking! No way could I keep up with what you have been doing.

    Heard on the news that Phoenix has had its 27th day of over 100 degree temps. This month, 27 people have died directly due to the heat and another 245 deaths are under investigation for heat issues. Not all, but many are older and do not have AC, or they have it and did not have it on - could not afford to. Really horrible and deeply tragic. Scary too.

    As for the photo; Lorita, no room for a cow in that tiny back yard of ours, not even a calf! I could not imagine our Lorita in a place that tiny. No big open spaces; I imagine it would be intolerable. As for the kitchen; that is the small eating area, the big area is in the dining room. The kitchen table has two pull out leafs but we do not use them often. Used to have a big table with six chairs there when the kids were all at home. I do find myself wishing we had a larger back yard; at least double what we now have. Our Lilies of the Nile are not showing in that photo, but earlier they were all up and perky with their deep, deep blue blooms all along that entire back wall. I love looking out at them. So stately and lovely but not long lived.

    Sayra; I am delighted to hear you got a good clear health report - HURRAY! That is golden for sure. Now if we can just get you to pace yourself, but I know you are built for "doing."

    Going to go off and think about an early night. For some reason, I woke at 11:00 pm last night and never got back to sleep no matter how I tried to work it out. Never have done that all night long before, so I feel a bit loopy. Have a lot of z-z-z-z-z's to make up for tonight.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    In the Dog Days of Summer, what does the dog do? Well; if it is Olive, our son's rescue dog, she comes to our house to visit, climbs into DHs recliner and enjoys the AC and a nice nap . . . introducing you to Olive who was a rescue; she was a physical mess when found and needed a lot of Vet intervention and care, but she is now the happiest, most loving dog ever. Happy and joyful every day all day - even when she is napping.

    Now if my husband could only get his chair back . . .! Guess if we yelled, "COOKIE," she would wake and vacate in a twinkle of an eye. Speaking of eyes; she is 20 plus breeds per her DNA. She has one pretty very dark brown eye and one that is bright blue. Cute.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Jo C, your dining area and your back yard look lovely! They are great places to eat and just sit and enjoy the day!

    HB, where your mom lives sounds like a nice place. Is it an independent living senior residence?

    My cats have become sloppy eaters. I feed them on paper plates so I don't have to wash their dishes. I know it's wasteful, but I don't have the energy to wash. I think I might put down paper towels beneath the paper plates, to keep the floor clean, because they are so messy.


  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,364
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    @ronald71111 I am so glad you finally got some traction around your care in the community appointments. Here's hoping it's easier going forward.

    @Jo C. that dog is adorable-- he looks like the product of Disney Animation Studios.

    @Lorita those grasshoppers sound nasty. Way worse than the deer here or rabbits who decimated about $150 worth of perennials I planted at mom's this year.

    @Iris L. Back when I had my himmies-- who were notoriously messy eaters-- I also fed off of small paper plates on disposable paper placemats. Not exactly a green option but washing cat dishes is so icky.

    Mom's place is in a 55+ community. It's a tactic developers use here. Municipalities allow them higher density with age-restriction as they don't bring students into the school which is typically the largest expense in operating the township. Plus, most over 55 don't overly burden local law enforcement. Homeowners get a small tax break as well, but the HOA fees associated with lawn care and amenities is considerable. They have a lovely clubhouse with a ballroom, gym, library, meeting spaces (and clubs which meet daily), 2 pools, tennis, pickleball and a stocked fishing hole. They don't offer any care or transportation services. If mom needs a higher level of care, she'll likely have to move to AL or personal care. My house is completely unsuitable for mobility issues-- she built it and sold it to me when I needed a house in a hurry and her knees needed single story living asap. There aren't many single-story houses near me, so buying something where we could all live together would be challenging.

    Yesterday went better. I got to mom's around noon. I took her to Ulta and tracked down their IT consultant who was a delight. Mom forgot the $100 gift card she had, so we had to go back to the house for it, but at least she lives close. The consultant showed mom how to color-correct her bruises and then use concealer and a light powder foundation to improve things. The difference was amazing and really made her feel better. She'll need help with this, but once the dust settles I think she'll like the powder foundation. She likes all the girlie things but her vision makes applying makeup really hard. Most days she just does eyebrows which can be almost comical at times-- sometimes they don't match and sometimes the cat will lick one off entirely while mom's doing her Wordle at the table.

    I picked up her prescriptions and we filled a pill box for the week. I also packed for her. My niece begged me to keep the luggage to a minimum. Mom is one of those "what if..." packers. She's visiting family but wants to be ready for any eventuality-- fine dining, a funeral, hot yoga, the Met Gala. She also has a predilection for accessorizing and had shoes and bags for all her outfits. I was able to create a capsule wardrobe-- mostly from Talbot's summer 2022 collection-- the lemon-themed one with white, yellow and medium blue plus a couple of knit dresses. I knew my mom has a lot of clothes, but even I was surprised by the amount of stuff she "sneaks" behind my back. I cut her down to a single swim leggings, 2 tops and 2 SPF rash guards and sandals which also work with the casual dresses. I got it into one smallish roller bag with room for her Bi-Pap and toiletry bag.

    PT went well. The young man turned out to be great. He saw everything I was seeing and was able to come up with some strategies to get her more stable of her feet. He gave her some exercises to start-- she can do most of them in bed which is nice and safe. The standing one she'll need someone with her for. My niece come later to stay over tonight and they leave tomorrow.


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    edited July 2023

    @harshedbuzz your mom's wardrobe and accessorizing sounds very nice. I like nice dresses and slacks but am mainly in shorts in the summer and sweats in the winter, at home. When I go out, I won't wear sweats (or pajama pants like some people do!) I usually wear dresses to church. It's my only chance to wear dresses! In my earlier career days, I wore suits every day. I don't even have any suits now. Not even a blazer! But I do have a jean jacket - lol! I like Talbot's. I recently bought some skorts there; they are back in style. I also went to Chico's and got 3 nice pairs of slacks recently.

    @Jo C. Olive is ADORABLE! Your son and wife are so kind to rescue and love dogs that are in need.

    Well, must get outside before it gets too hot to dislodge excess peaches from my tree. There are so many, they can break branches. They need to be about 1 per every 6-8". I have been doing this job, little by little, for weeks. There must have been a thousand or more peaches on the tree. It's a tree I grew from a peach pit and this is the first year it 1) bloomed, and 2) has peaches. None ripe yet, they are small and hard but have color.

    p.s. What I thought might be a pumpkin growing in my compost was a zucchini and I removed the vine because I don't like zucchini plus it was in the way of me dealing with my compost.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Goodness, lots to catch up on this morning. Jo, Olive is precious. She looks so at home in Bill's chair - just fits her. Reminds me of Stormy on our divan.

    Beth, what kind of peach tree do you have? We planted two Asian pears at the MH and had lots of really delicious pears. But, we also had to thin them - hated doing that, felt it was wasteful but had to be done. We haven't had pears in several years - no idea what happens to them because there's a lot to begin with.

    It's already very warm outside, laptop says 82 but it feels hotter. Also not much wind. The girls are in the east pasture so don't know where they'll end up today. I didn't go out to check them because I could see all or most of them.

    I put Vectra on Stormy this morning and Bravecto chews to Sheena. Sheena has had a reaction to Vectra so she has to have Bravecto. Stormy has had two seizures (stress induced) so he can't take Bravecto. Always makes me so nervous to put on flea and tick medicine - afraid of reactions. I left them outside for almost half an hour, then I put the cats in the bedroom when they came in. Maybe if I keep this stuff on them, they won't have to have allergy shots - hope so anyway.

    HB, sounds like you have things ready for your mother's trip. Her clothes sound pretty and sounds like she likes to dress up. Talking about dresses - I can't remember the last time I had on a dress or skirt - I think it was the funeral of one of the social workers many years ago. It's so much easier to just put on pants and a top - no hose except knee highs. I remember those panty hose - doubt I could even get them on now. I used to didn't feel like I was dressed without them being on - even in pants. Times do change.

    Jo - hope you get some sleep today - doesn't a nap sound good? I'll stop for now and finish my hot tea - nothing on tap for today, I hope. Thought about changing the bed but maybe I'll do that tomorrow - just not up to remaking it - that is hard to do for one person and a king-sized bed.

    Hope all of you have a good day and can stay cool. Not an easy feat for this area of the Country. I feel so sorry for those people who have to work outside - and for all the animals. I just don't think anyone or anything gets acclimated to this kind of heat. Back later. By the way, those pesky grasshoppers are out in full force this morning - do wish they'd move on - so far can't tell they're eating what little grass that's left in the yard - guess that'll be next.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
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    Ron hope your GI consultation goes smoothly.

    Agree JoC with all the rest your eating area is beautiful. So nice and neat. Mine is cluttered with peaches, tomatoes, things I want to look at.

    Lorita haven’t noticed my ear wrinkle but it may be there.

    In mid 70s right now and breezy. It stormed all night my mom said. I heard it once. There was damage at least in one area where my sister lives. No damage where any of the rest of us our. The farmers crops are beautiful. We had a dry spell late May, early June but getting adequate rain since then.

    Fixed a little bit of the relish this morning and a few more dill pickles. Pickled 3 jars of banana peppers yesterday, they all sealed. Hope to go pick some blueberries at my moms this afternoon.

    Hope everyone is doing ok. Think Judith may be on her trip.

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Olive is so cute. I’m sure he brings joy to everyone.

    HB. Rest and relax while your Mom is on vacation.

    Sarah, canning is a lot of fun. I haven’t done any for a couple of years, and I miss it. Maybe next year I can do a little.

    Lorita, the Morman crickets didn’t migrate to our area yet. I know the county was treating them with a spray that would kill them. I haven’t seen any updates in Colorado lately. I wish they would move off your ranch. I can’t even imagine how unnerving that must be.

    Ron, good luck with your appointment. I’ll be praying for a good outcome.

    Beth, sounds like a bumper crop from your peach tree. Thinning them out sounds like a major undertaking.

    Iris, I don’t remember my kitty being a messy eater. I don’t recall having to clean much around her mat. I would use disposable dishes and mats too. So much easier.

    I decided I would get a new bed. My current bed is so high that I have to have a stool to climb in. That won’t work for me after surgery. I’m giving my bedroom set to my cleaning lady. She and her dh bought their first home. She told me she got beds for her kids but not for herself and dh. She recently got her US citizenship and is so proud to be an American. I purchased a shorter frame, chest of drawers, and night stand. I am so happy she wanted the furniture and I don’t have to try and sell it.

    Thank you all for the encouraging comments, prayers, and good thoughts. I’ve never had surgery except cataract surgery, so I’m a bit nervous of the unknown. I appreciate each and everyone of you. We have a wonderful bunch of friends here. And a special thanks to Jo. Keep letting us know how Bill is doing. It gives me hope that I’ll be on the mend soon.

    Have a Happy and relaxing day. The heat is supposed to be lower next week, so that will be welcomed here. Take care. Joan

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Joan, Morman crickets? I remember you telling us about them. I'll be glad when they move on, if they do. May be here until it freezes. It's hot here - Looked at the termometer on the porch as I was passing and I think it was 100. It's so hot.

    There's a little breeze but it's like a blast furnace. Most of the girls are in the shade but I saw two little calves on the other side of the pond - one was standing and the other one was laying down. I was getting ready to go over and try to get them back with the girls but I just now looked and there's a cow over there with them - probably the mother of one of them. One was standing in the edge of the water and the other was closeby. I hate to get out in that heat but it's surely not good for the little ones to be out in it either. I imagine the cows were in the pond and when they moved to the shade the babies were either asleep or didn't see them going. Saw Billy the Bull outside the yard in the shade - I have the barn closed so they can't go in there - way too hot.

    The GPs seem to be okay after their flea/tick medicine - but it always worries me.

    Joan, glad you got a new bed - you'll need that after your surgery. My bed is high, too so I have to have a stool. I'd like to have one that's a bit lower and full-sized instead of king. Really nice that your cleaning lady needed it so you wouldn't have to fool with trying to get rid of by selling or donating.

    It's going to be uber hot here next week - 104-105 - that's the real temperature - not what we'll feel. I know men are baling hay right now and hoping it won't rain for a while - until they get it cut, dried, baled and off the meadow so they can fertilize and hope for rain for a second cutting. But, now they have air conditioned tractors so it's not nearly as bad as it was when daddy was working in the fields. You know he'd work in the fields, come in and drink a cup of hot coffee - said it made him feel cooler. Always wore long-sleeved shirts when he was out and about. People are spoiled now, me included for sure but as the earth grows hotter we'll need to be cooled off. I watch a lot of nature shows and it's so scary and awful how the world is changing and species of animals being lost. They're trying to adapt but if it keeps getting hotter and more ice melting, they'll be lost. Saw one yesterday about the artic and the polar bears - it said in time there wouldn't be any ice up there - forget how long it said but not that long. Glad I won't be around when all of that happens.

    Joan, the only surgery I've had is a cholecystectomy. Had it in the morning and came home that afternoon. I know that's nothing compared to what you'll have but you'll be okay - you're a strong lady and before you know it you'll be back working outside and going for walks - by then it'll be cooler. I'm going to stop and go out on the porch and see about the little ones.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Joan; I understand the feelings you are experiencing. Lots of that prior to the big day as we found out. DH did so well post-op and him at 81. First day walking in hall with P.T.; by third day climbing stairs with P.T. and discharged on the fourth day. Went about 300 feet walking. Have home P.T., and in two weeks he will be graduating to OP P.T. Hopefully, (he thinks), he will be able to drive in about two weeks or so. Still . . . . I think he should wait as his strength is not all the way up yet, we shall see. He will have his own way. Still has a way to go to regain his full strength.

    He most often sleeps in his recliner chair; it is more comfortable than the bed for him. He does sometimes sleep for a short period in bed, but usually ends up in the recliner. He loves the small hand rail he bought for the bed, it fits between mattress and box spring and he can use it to get in and out and to move in bed. He has done well with it. Very smart move for you to get a lower bed, that will serve you well. I am so short that I use a small step-up to get into a regular height bed. Some of the high end beds are so high I'd be fearful of getting a nosebleed from the altitude! it was great that your cleaning lady could use your nice bed suite; bet she loves it. We just gave a trundle bed and all bedding to someone who could use it and replaced it with a standard bed for the guest room as our daughter was coming to stay for a few weeks after her Dad's surgery. Joan; I truly feel you will do very well, you will be in my prayers and in my thoughts. I know you will recover well; just remember to have a bit of patience and soon you will be home and back to familiar things. So hope you can have access to a computer in rehab or have your daughters let us know how you are doing; we have you in our hearts.

    Bill was able to be off pain med and muscle relaxer by a week and a half post surgery. Some discomfort, but a big difference between frank pain and discomfort. ES Tylenol helped. He must continue to wear his back brace and use the walker - he is not happy about that and sometimes he gets caught not using the walker but corrects it soon; overall he is pretty good about it. Those sweat type pants sure came in handy, but being a bit shall we say, "vain" about sizes, he stuck to the size that are not the best fit - he certainly could have used one size larger. That long incision is healing well and that is good.

    At the age he is, it is slower recouping full strength; if younger, he would be doing sommersaults - he WAY overdid it yesterday big time; he feels it today and admits that he overdid and is doing some resting to catch himself up. Even at our older ages, we are still learning.

    Joan; the first few days the nurses at the hospital are usually pretty good about keeping pain meds up so there is no lag. BUT: Be sure to ask for a pain pill routinely before the pain sets in. Pain meds work best when we use them before we are in significant pain. Also, do ask them to be sure to give you stool softeners - they should have Colace automatically ordered, but be sure; pretty much always needed when using pain pills. Better to be prepared . . . .

    Sayra; we too have our fruits and some veggies that are lovely to look at and even better to eat, but they are in baskets atop the counter at the end of kitchen. Love the way they look and taste. Got some great cherries last week and are enjoying them.

    Iris, your are right; it is nice to have a place to be outside when weather permits. Sure wish we had Beth's beautiful haven. After getting home from work at the hospital, I used to sit outside and read a bit and just listen to the breeze in the trees. So enjoyed the deep relaxation. We would have more lawn, but we put in a brick patio, herringbone pattern, which makes it easier to sit and have outside furniture and we were always the place that big numbers of family gathered for bbqs and especially on July 4th, decorations and all and oh my, the food! Lost our favorite ice cream recipe for our ice cream maker. But family now all gone or moved away, all we have left are the echoes! Great memories. No longer have to make ten pounds of potato salad and umpty ump pounds of baked beans. All no calories of course . . .

    Lorita, what would those calves and their mothers do without you; talk about reuniting them; you have done that so often; how lucky they are to be on your land with you being their guardian. St. Francis must smile when looking at you!

    Goodness; this day has flown and I have accomplished nothing. That is okay; it will all be there waiting for me another time. Lottery is at, $1.05 billion dollars! And here we are; no ticket, so I will not be able to take you all on a European trip!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Morning, already warm - it's 81 with no wind. Today's going to be a scorcher - do hope the wind gets up some. I took the trash down a day early - this morning - so I wouldn't have to do it this evening when it'll be so hot. Didn't have too much this time. Then, decided I'd go out into the pastures and check the girls. There was a cow and a probably four month old calf in the what-used-to-be hog pasture. Then drove up to the south pasture to make sure everyone was out of there. There were two cows near the fence and one cow followed me which said she had a baby staked out. She went one way, looked around and just at that time I saw the baby's ears to my right. Baby got up and said something and mom went to her and they took off toward the others in the east pasture. So drove over there and checked out the Asian pear trees - not a pear in sight. If there were any, they fell off and the girls got them - they love those pears but usually when they fall off they're just the wrong size, or right size, to choke them if they don't chew them before swallowing. When there are pears I try to get up there and smash them so they can eat them.

    I saw everyone - enjoying the pretty morning and eating the green grass that's coming back after being sprayed to get rid of the weeds. I did wear a mask and sunglasses. It's been two weeks or more since he sprayed but still wanted to be sure. Washed my arms and legs when I got home and changed clothes. The grass is beginning to come back - Mike says they're in there because the new grass is tender and they want to get it while it is.

    I can see some big bales of hay east of here - it's making about three, 1800 lb. bales, per acre which is good for new grass. He said they've cut the grass just across from us so they'll bale it tomorrow. Everyone looked all right so I came home. I didn't let Stormy go with me and he was upset but I didn't want him out in that pasture yet.

    I've been hearing lots of loud noise SE of here so thought the tree eater is here. Mike said it is and they're about a third finished with getting rid of those trees. I think he said there's 30 acres to clear out - leaving the biggest trees for shade. I may drive over there early in the morning and see how it works. He says the tires are about 6 ft. tall and 3-4 ft. wide. It raises the front end that grinds up and cuts off the top of the tree, then grinds down the rest of it and then the top. Hate to see those trees go but it's making the land useless. He'll build a pond on the acreage and then run cows later.

    Sarah called while I was out in the pasture so called her back when I got home. She has her days and nights mixed up so she called and then was going to try to get some sleep. I got up earlier than usual, too, so maybe a nap later today. GPs are already getting theirs.

    Hope all of you are doing all right this morning. Jo, all the things you're telling Joan will alert her to things she can do to get along better after her surgery. I know that will be a lot of help to her.

    I talked to my BIL last night. He's now in an apartment in Amarillo - he's been there about a month and seems to be having trouble adjusting. He's always had a house and was so independent so it's making it hard for him to get used to it. He likes the place - it's' a big complex - about 40 acres with one and two bedroom apartments, assisted living and nursing care when needed. He said making all the decisions had just gotten to be too much for him so is selling his home and has moved. His daughters are about 50 miles away. He's still independent as far as getting around so he realizes it'll just take some time to get used to it - he's 93.

    Also talked with Scarlet's significant other. Logan has had two or three strokes the last few months and has been hospitalized but is now back home - good to be in touch with both of these people who I should talk with more more often. I mean to make phone calls and when I think of it, it's either too early, mealtime or afternoon when I think they might be taking a nap, or too late in the day. I need to do better.

    I better stop and watch some more of the news shows - same old stuff so probably no need to. I've just about stopped watching our local weather - just makes me too hot thinking about the weather. Stay in and stay cool - I think it's hot everywhere. I think it's about 55 days until fall begins.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,364
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    We have a beautiful day here. Perfect actually. Sunny with a northern breeze and forecasted high of 82F.

    Mother and niece are off on their big adventure and I, for one, feel 131lbs lighter. One typical Mother story to share. I stopped by yesterday to give her a refresher tutorial on camouflaging her considerable facial bruising. I also ran her to her clubhouse library for some beach reads to take along as my niece will be working remotely until Friday. On the way home, I called to remind her about something, and it rang in my car where she left it. So, I had to turn around and go back to her house to hand it off.

    FTR, she insisted on the same model iPhone I have even though she'd see a bigger screen better. And then she insisted on putting said phone in the exact same brand, style and color case as I have so when I saw the phone in the cup holder of my car, I assumed it was mine. Annoying as this was, it's better than the time last summer when she left an uncooked filet mignon in DS's car and he didn't find it until 4 days later. He called me form work to tell me "Nana left something in my car. I think maybe it was meat but I'm not really sure".


  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Hi all. I’m waiting for the cleaning lady to come pick up my bedroom furniture.

    Thank you Jo, for all the information. It really helps put my mind at ease. The bed rail I ordered sounds like the one you got for Bill. I’m sure I’ll appreciate having that. All of the equipment I ordered is arriving tomorrow. It’s amazing how many helpful aids are out there. I ordered everything you suggested. I rented a recliner and the rental place was so sweet. She ordered a new small one for me and said that she would deliver it the day I get home from rehab. Rental is $27 a month. Pretty crazy when everything else is going up in price. It’s nice you are sharing because I would probably not have been this prepared. I’m taking my iPad to rehab, so when I’m having down time, I’ll let you all know how it’s going. Thanks for the thoughts and prayers.

    HB, whew! Sit down and relax. Hopefully this time off will recharge you in every way. Enjoy your free time.

    Lorita, I hope Sara is feeling better and got some relief. Do you know if she is in the hospital? You’re smart to be outside early when it’s cooler. We’re supposed to be in high 80’s for a few days and then drop to high 70’s for four or five days. It will be a nice break. Thanks for your encouragement.

    Have a peaceful Sunday. Joan

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
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    HB you might try putting a dab of marker near the charge point on your phone...won't be easily seen by others but then you have a way of visually seeing it is yours.

    Weather here has been hot and humid...some thunder storms at night but the moisture just adds to the humidity.

    Ron, I sure hope that you can get the help you need from VA...it is unreasonable that you have had to fight for already determined services needed.

    Not sure what is the issue with our medical system as a whole...when covid hit I could understand but it hasn't rebounded. Leaves those with serious medical problems with few options.

    Wishing cooler weather, and better health to all.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Hey Joan; what a deal! $27/month; that i amazing. Does it have a "lift" mechanism to help stand? If you have time to "try" the chair on for size before having it delivered, that would be a good thing. One size of recliner chair does not fit all and do need a bit of room but not too deep nor too big. You will thank yourself over an over for having done all the prep work for getting home ready. DH was just this morning telling me how much he liked his sock applying mechanism since no bending over whatsoever. It initially looked hard to do; the EquipMeOT videos online shows how to do it. Works so very easily and very well. We have those "grabbers" all over the place; even in the bathrooms.

    Ron; thinking of you and Lou and hoping she is doing better after the last nighttime debacle. Take good care of you too and hope you were able to get to church this morning while having someone home with her. She is no longer comfortable nor peaceful in such a setting nor going through all the machinations to get ready to go. Best to now let her have that which leaves her in reasonable peace so you can have bit more "reasonable" too. Take good care.


  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 524
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    Happy Sunday everyone. I've been reading but just haven't' posted anything.

    I don't want to sound like a broken record saying how hot it is here, every day. Last night after the weather forecast DH ask if he could throw a pillow at the TV!! I felt the same way. When he said we have "the hottest weather of the summer coming in the next two weeks" I wanted to cry. I don't know why its bothering me so much?

    We started a game of Risk. Its on the dining room table!! That way we just keep the game going for however long we choose. We only play maybe an hour, but its a good distraction from everything else.

    Time for lunch - I'll check back on everyone later.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Are you all enjoying summer food, such as watermelon, sweet corn, potato salad, grilled meat etc? I stopped to get some sweet corn at a stand after church this a.m. The vendor told me that if we don't get rain within 10 days, the corn will be DONE!!! Not good news. I plan to pick up 3 dozen tomorrow to process and freeze; maybe more than that after I see how much that yields and how long it takes me to process it.

    A little cooler here in Iowa, 80s instead of 90s. I'll take it. Garden is doing great! Lots of cucumbers, green beans and some tomatoes - plenty of tomatoes for us, not huge numbers yet. Lots of cucumbers and green beans to share. Flowers looking good still. I water once a week if we don't get a good rain.


  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    edited July 2023

    Jo, I tried one in the store and since it was going out, she ordered me a new one. Of the three styles in the store, it seemed to fit best. Yes. It is a lift chair. I think I ordered 5 or 6 grabbers. I’m sure I’ll need them everywhere. I’ll practice the sock aid. I wonder if I can get it to work on low cut socks. I ordered a few drawstring pants in a size larger than I wear. I’m having trouble finding slip on shoes that my feet don’t slide all over the place. I had a question about tops. Can Bill wear tshirts, or ones you pull over your head, or is it button up only? I’m sure my laced up shoes won’t work. Thank you always. You have been such a blessing to me.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Eagle, I'm with your husband - I'd like to throw more than a pillow at the weatherman on TV. I don't think I'll be watching weather until the end of the week. My laptop says it's 100 right now.

    Joan, sounds like you really have things in order and ready for you when you come home. Planning ahead always makes a person feel better and prepared.

    I'm happy for those of you who are having cooler weather - we're due to over 100 the rest of this week. Glad I got the trash down this morning so I don't have to get out in it this evening.

    I just got up from an hour nap and had lunch. I'm sort of worried about Stormy - he isn't eating anything today. He seems okay otherwise but he always wants to eat - may be a little GI discomfort from the Vectra I put on him yesterday. Maybe I won't have to put any more on him this year.

    I thought the girls might stay in the shade at the MH but looked before my nap and they've come down to the shades here. If the grasshoppers keep eating leaves, there won't be any shade. Some of the trees' leaves look lacy. I understand there are lots of trees in this area that look the same.

    Changed the bed and did a load of laundry and dried it. Still have to make the bed - I took the nap laying on the mattress cover and covering with the little quilt.

    Ron, I meant to check to see when the next ful moon is but forgot. It looked pretty light outside last night but it may have just been the security lights. Hope you got to go to Church this morning. I used to watch Robert Schuller on TV on Sunday mornings but thinking of it, that was 40 or 50 years ago, I think. There's another one I watch sometime - Charles Stanley?, not sure.

    Watching Mike and Molly now. Had forgotten until I saw the ad that 1883 is on tonight. I'm about to get off watching much QVC. They have so many new hosts that I don't care for and today for Denim & Co. Gary wasn't there. I guess things have to change but I don't like changes.

    Enjoy the rest of your day, especially for those of you who are having beautiful weather - I'm envious.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
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    79 our high today. Wish the rest of you could get a cool spell. We got a little over 2 inches of rain yesterday.

    You have a nice garden Beth.

    Joan sounds like you are prepared. Now you just have to wait around.

    Lorita hope you got to rest a bit today. I did very little today, felt good. Back to the grindstone tomorrow if Goo Lords will.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    One local library has a free community garden that had about 100 stalks of corn growing. The stalks were high and there were many ears. Yesterday I went by and someone had dug up every one of the stalks, pulling them out by the roots! I don't know why anyone would do that. I didn't see any ears of corn left. If I had know, I would have harvested some ears for myself. There are still some other vegetables left, including cherry tomatoes. I went to the library for a free program about Italy. There was history about the Roman Empire and Julius Caesar and truths about the gladiators. Then dancers in costume performed The Tarantella dance and The Finger dance. They got us audience members to get up and dance around in a big circle, it was great fun. Then we had refreshments with Italian sandwiches and pasta salad, Italian cookies and a delicious Italian cake, and a sweet iced coffee to drink. Afterwards an Italian man told us about life in Italy and how he came to live in America five years ago. He answered questions for about half an hour. Finally, we played Italy-Bingo, with trivia about Italy in the squares. I won one of the games, winning a gift card to Panda Express. It was a nice afternoon.

    Today, I got to speak with my late mother's friend, who is now about 95 years of age. She and my mother met when they were both registering their children (me and her son) for kindergarten, many years ago. Her husband and my father were both bus drivers for the city, so our families had a lot in common. We have kept in touch. She is still active and plays bridge. It's a little less hot today because it's overcast. I like it like this!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    It's still 91 here with a much higher heat index. Even the house seemed warmer today - in the LR anyway. I can tell the days are getting shorter - it was almost dark at 8:15 - completely dark now. Again, today, after the girls left the shade to graze there was a little calf (may have been two) very near the pond. A cow was a little way from it grazing. Looked just before dark and they were gone. If they stand very near the water, sometimes it's really shallow in the grass. I think that's what was going on with the two little ones yesterday.

    Really glad I took down the trash this morning so I didn't have to get out. I let Stormy out a while ago and he saw Rusty and chased him up a tree. Somehow he has chewed into the tidy cat bucket I'm keeping birdfeed in and all the sunflower seeds have been cracked open and eaten. I've ordered more for him. Tomorrow I'll give him a few of the peanuts I ordered a while back.

    Sara, I did rest today except for doing laundry and dishes - took an afternoon nap so all was good today. Hope you rested, too. Just be careful and don't do too much.

    Iris, sounds like you had a really good day - sounds like fun. When a person lives in a big city there's always things to do, I guess. Out here, it's not the same but I think I'd be scared to death to live in a big town. When I did live in town for about six months after Charles and I got married I wasn't afraid - he worked evenings so didn't get home until 11 p.m. Before that I lived in town with Cheryl, Sarah's mother, for a while. We'd go downtown at night and it was fine. The doctor I worked with then told me he never left his house at night - too dangerous - he said you could stop at a traffic light and someone might hit you from behind on purpose to get you out of your car to rob you. We never had any problems.

    Iris, sweet corn is gone here - it doesn't last a long time. There's usually only 2-3 ears on a stalk and they normally ripen about the same time so the time for the corn is fairly short. That's probably what happened to the corn you mentioned - it ripened, was picked and the stalks were no longer good so they pulled them to make room for something else. Now, if it was in the country the stalks would be cut down and fed to the cattle. Things are so different in town than in the country.

    I was thinking yesterday that when I was growing up everyone was pretty self-sufficient as far as food was concerned. We had our hogs so had pork, had chickens so had eggs and chicken to eat when we wanted. We had lard made from the hogs when they were butchered so that gave us shortening. Grew our own vegetables - had cows so had milk and butter. The only things my parents and other people had to buy was sugar, flour, meal, baking powder, soda and salt and spices.

    When daddy butchered a hog (don't read this Sandy) he'd salt down hams to have for later in the winter and the fat from the hog was rendered in a big, black pot to make lard and cracklings. This wasn't just our family - it was all families. Everyone was in the same boat so we didn't think anything about it. Those were the good old days and we didn't know it. I mentioned the lard because on a show I watched yesterday they were comparing brands of lard you can now buy online and in stores. I can remember the first Crisco we bought - also remembered watching grandma mix the coloring into oleo to make it yellow (that was when we moved to McAlester for a year). Sorry, didn't mean to get into all of that but it might be of interest to you ladies who have always lived in town. Many of the same things happen now as far as gardens and now mostly beef.

    I didn't watch the weather - nothing new except more hot weather. Fall will eventually come and we may have cooler weather. I did see that the next full moon is August 1 - Tuesday. On this note I'll stop for the night. Hope I haven't bored all of you - I just get to thinking sometimes how it was when I was growing up. We were happy - had a good life and many fewer things to worry about except when we'd get rain for the gardens and crops. See you all tomorrow. Rest well tonight.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, my mother told me about adding yellow coloring to oleomargarine when she was young. By the time I came along the oleo was already yellow. Mom and Grandma used lard for pie crusts or to fry chicken. I once asked my aunt who had grown up on a farm in North Carolina what the Depression was like. She said they didn't know anything was different, because like your family, they grew their own food and had a cow and hogs and chickens. They had a mule and wagon to get into the small town if the needed sugar or anything they didn't grow.

    My city now is resuming lots of activities after the Covid restrictions. Taylor Swift will be here next weekend. I read that her concerts will add $4.6 billion to the economy. Wow! I didn't realize she was that popular. Tickets are sold out, resales go for $1000! Our whole public transportation system will be making major changes to accommodate her fans, who are called "Swifties". In fact, there will be entire busses set aside for her fans.

    On the other hand, my entertainment consists of library programs and senior activities. That's enough for me.

    I had received a formal invitation to my young cousin's wedding, and I was searching for a way to RSVP. But, after rereading the invitation, I saw that the RSVP was via a QR code. Their registry was also on the same code. So I was able to RSVP and purchase a nice gift at the same time, over the internet. I chose to get them a blender. I think they can get a lot of use out of a blender.

    Thanks for telling me about the corn. I was really upset that the stalks had been pulled up. We don't have any cows to eat the stalks. ;)

    I saw the moon tonight, it was big and bright. August will have two full moons, I think the second full moon is called a blue moon. It was overcast today, so not so hot. We'll see what tomorrow brings. Goodnight.


  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
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    Lorita, your recollections of time past are ones I can share in. We didn't live in the country, but it was by todays standards semi-rural. My grandfather raised hogs and chickens for family and for making extra money over his carpenter job. Thanksgiving was "butcher day" for the hogs. Extended family would come and help with the making of lard, scrapple, sausage, and preparing bacon and hams for curing over the winter. The hams and bacon would be hung by big hooks from the basement rafters. Of course there were non "finished basements" they most often had dirt floors. There were big caldrons over open fires.

    While all this activity was going on outside, inside some of the ladies were preparing the Thanksgiving feast.

    Another thing I remember is that it was always very cold, sometimes snowy on that day. Could not do that now as most of our Thanksgiving days are too warm to do this outside.

    Grandparents also had a very large vegetable garden. While it was work, it provided many a meal for all of us. It was also the source for canning for the winter food supply.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Made it to church yesterday! I had mentioned before about a lady in church being the one that trained my mother for a bookkeeper job. She had a spell in church yesterday and they had to take her out. She's in her 90s and normally gets around pretty good, but didnt look good at all yesterday.

    Gi for signing of the power of attorney this afternoon and consultation for the EUS with aspiration in the morning. I already have advance directives in place and have changed life insurance policies over to the boys instead of Lou. Still need to have them with access to my banking. Just trying to get my ducks in and row and prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

    Two full moons? Oh No!!!!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    it's partly cloudy this morning so a bit cooler - in the upper 80s already. I had thought I might go over and have a look at the tree eater but it's very noisy and I don't hear it this morning so took Stormy out and looked at the girls. When we got back Sheena was standing at the gate so took her for a little walk, then put some gas in the Gator. Mike had brought a can of gas and it took me a while to figure out how to use it - didn't put it all in but I had to lift it and it was heavy.

    Lots of memories from "olden" times and it's nice to remember them. I can't remember when we didn't have electricity but we didn't have a phone until I was about 12. The woman who owned the phone company climbed the poles and hung the wire herself. We were on a six-party line - I remember our ring was a short and a long so we listened for that to know we had a call. You could go somewhere and when you got home you could call the operator and see if you had a call while you were gone. My grandma lived with us and she'd occasionally listen on other calls - I guess just to have something to do.

    Iris, I think it's ridiculous that anyone would pay such an amount to see someone sing. I don't care for Taylor Swift so if she was in the town near us, I wouldn't go even if I had a free ticket. I know people like her and that's fine but to pay that amount?

    Talking about lard - like I said we made out own and kept it in a five gallon can in the pantry so when we were making something that needed it, we opened the lid, got what we needed, put the lid back on and we were ready to go. I remember after daddy butchered a hog we always had tenderloin the next morning for breakfast. They (mother and daddy) also ate the brains. I even hate to type that. They'd keep them in a bowl, covered with water and a saucer for a few hours, then cook them with eggs. I never tasted them and couldn't stand to even look at the bowl.

    You're right, Iris, blue moon. Sorry about that, Ron. I think it only happens a few times during the year. Glad you got to go to Church yesterday. Nice that you have the appointment tomorrow so you can get that over with - hope all goes well.

    Supposed to be 102 today - record is 112 in 2012 so it'll be hot. I gave Rusty some peanuts this morning and some of the birdfeed that was left. I think the grasshoppers are eating it - I know I found two or three inside the birdfeeder the other day. When I went out the yard gate this morning there were lots of them on the arch over the gate. I'll be so glad when they leave. I'll stop for now and finish my hot tea. Hope all of you are well today - stay inside and stay cool.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Hi Joan; DH stated that for him, it was much easier to use slip on over the head T-shirts. It was more difficult to try and use button front shirts and wangle arms through the sleeves on each side.

    As for shoes; he got special ones that are not just slide on ones which still often require a person to reach down and fix the back of them. He got the technical "slip-ons" which are relatively new to the game. There are two; the original Kiziks and now Sketchers has them. Slip in and back comes up automatically; no tying needed even when there are laces and NO bending down or assistance needed:


    Sketchers: https://www.skechers.com/technologies/comfort-technologies/slip-ins/?prefn1=gender&prefv1=W

    I do not know which are better; I myself would probably try Kizik's first because they are the originators and quality seems high on their list. I personally like the women's white leather lace-up athletic shoe. Slip-in's types of shoes are great shoes because no bending and no tying; simply slip in your foot like Kizik's video shows and off one goes. Bill got some Sketchers slip-in's and has liked them; they worked well. Me being with an extra wide foot would need to order carefully.ies

    Ron; we are with you and hoping for a very good outcome from all the diagnostics and procedures. You have had to put up with a lot; big hopes that this all turns out to be not as huge an issue as you have been concerned about. Two moons; let's not "tell" Lou about that. Need some lavender scent for her room and hope she remains calm and cool. It is good that you have your POAs in line. I got put on my mother and step-dad's bank accounts so I could access their money and conduct their business without any problems. Was going to do that with our son and remembered that if he was sued for anything, then our accounts would also be at risk in a settlement as he would be considered an owner, so decided to give him and daughter POA over finances which did away with that risk.

    Hello to Texas; Eagle, I am sorry for the heat. Is your AC working? Such hot weather is really a tribulation on people's feelings. Sometimes I think about the pioneer women and all they had to do so much with so little in such dreadful heat. I know that without AC, I do not do well at all in such circumstances. Did okay as a child, but as an adult, my body does not adapt well at all in such situations and am deeply grateful for AC and so hoping we have no power outages. Also a concern because many people keep their pets outside instead of inside with their AC or fans. This puts the poor pets not only in misery, but in danger for their very lives.. Our libraries are considered "cooling centers" where we are, so people can use them in the day time. However, they can get over loaded and sometimes they are to capacity and cannot accept any more people. Let's hope this next month goes by fast and we soon get to some cooling. However; out here, I remember going to school in September and sweltering in the heat. Just not healthy at all. Daughter is glad to be out here instead of in Houston right now. She has a three story house, so cooling is not easy and very costly.

    I remember my mother and grandmother using lard when making pastry dough or the dough for their Pasties. Sure made a nice short crust. (While silently hardening arteries). I remember lard being available in the markets at the meat counter in brick sized red cardboard boxes. Then Crisco became the big deal. Gosh; what did we ever do without Crisco. And butter.

    Time for oatmeal and to get the day started.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Jo C., hadn't thought about the boys being sued could hurt my finances. Both seem reliable now, but have had past financial issues. Something to think about!

    Yes, I'll be anxious to get everything done and thankful its finally starting. I wouldn't be as worried if I hadn't had the two surgeries fir achalasia of the esophugus. When the sphincter muscles stopped working, regurgitation has been a problem.

    Had a church member come up to me and tell me she was now officially retired and would be glad to help. Now I have someone to take me for the biopsy!


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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