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Just need to talk to my friends (191)



  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Since we are talking about guns and answering doors - here is a video reason to NEVER, EVER, open your door to anyone no matter what they say and even if they are wearing a "uniform," if you have not made an appointment; no door opening:


    Pretty dramatic and imagine the outcome if the person had opened the door even a few inches . . .


  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 798
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    Lorita and Friends,

    We live in North Alabama on land inherited from my dairy and crop farming Grandfather…

    I lost my DH to cancer a few years ago and then I became the last relative to my FIL with dementia. He resides in Independent Living at his request and I visit 3-4 days each week. He really needs MC (it’s available on site) but the Residents and Staff on Independent love and dote on him so we muddle on. He’s safe, happy and probably Stage 5-6. He’s 97.5 years old, WW II Veteran.

    I have remarried and my husband had goats so we moved them to my place.. we raise and sell .. except for the ones I simply can’t part with.. lol

    This is Lilly (raccoon face) and Jake.. I’ll post a picture of the cotton for you when it comes in…

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,764
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    edited August 2023

    So true. I never open the door to someone unexpected and if it is an expected repair person I always say "Dick, it is so and so. Please keep the dog with you while they are here".

    My doors are always locked! I bring my mail in daily and have timers that go on briefly during the night. I have an alarm company and keep the "fob" with the emergency button by my side.

    Any other suggestions are welcome.

    added....sorry, can not open door,,,I have Covid!

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Welcome JeriLynn, great bunch of friends relax in their rockers on Lorita's front porch. Glad your joining us!

    Yes I went to church this morning and stayed awake the whole time. I miss the old gospel songs, now they sing more of the newer songs with a old song here and there. Part of the sermon today talked about being nice to people you don't even like. I text him this afternoon and told him the sitter that was stealing from us drove by when I was walking the current sitters dog. She stopped and asked if I had another dog, I told her it belonged to Lou's sitter that I trusted. I thought that was being nice! At least I spoke to her!!

    I don't have a gun and haven't in a long time! Had enough of them in Vietnam. If I don't know the person they don't get in the house.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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    edited August 2023

    Judith, you tickle me. I keep the rifle by the front door and my longer-barreled pistol in a little seat-thing close to the bed. I have the driveway alarm and Stormy always barks when he hears it plus I keep all the doors locked at night. When I was growing up we never locked the doors - even when we'd go to town. I leave the keys to the PU in the drink holder in the PU - same with the car when I had it. No one is going to come up a long drive with no other way out (there is one across the pasture where the MH was but no one would know. I've never been afraid out in the pastures, even at night. Once I went down to check the cows and there was a coyote that walked right through the herd - they just watched him and that was all.

    Sometimes I'd like to be closer to things but this is home - I was born here and have lived here almost my whole life. Never been scared (knock on wood). I went down (took Stormy) to check the cows about 6:30. Billy the Bull was laying down and didn't want to get up - looked like he'd been there a while. I watched him a while and kept telling him to get up. He finally did and had mucus coming out of his nose and was breathing really hard. I figured he had gotten too hot although it was cooler than lately. Samson was nearby with two or three cows and a couple of calves. One cow was in estrus so I figured Billy, who still thinks he's a bull, had gotten involved and was tired. I did call Mike and he agreed he probably got too hot. Told me to leave him alone then and check again about dark and try to walk him up to the house. Said he might have to treat him in the morning.

    I just got back from checking and he's still up, not much mucus, not breathing too hard and even nibbling at grass. Maybe he'll go up to the pond and get a drink. I didn't try to get him to the barn. On my way back I found another new calf (in our herd). Baby looked fine and mom was giving him a good bath.

    I did go over and check the other pastures where the heifers are earlier. Saw 30 head plus the two babies. Moms had them in the shade at the south end of the pasture. Mike didn't know how many should be in there - said he'd check with Toad. Seems like I've counted 30 before. Now to rest a bit. It's pretty nice outside. Wanted to check one more time and Billy isn't breathing hard and looks like he's headed for the pond. Called and told Mike and he agreed about Samson - said he was probably keeping him away from the cow and Billy got too hot. I'll check him early in the morning.

    Hope all of you can sleep tonight. Joan, hope you can rest before your big day tomorrow. I'll be saying prayers for you tonight and tomorrow. Good night, everyone.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    edited August 2023

    Lorita, this is for you. I saw it on FB. These are White Park cattle. Originally came over here from Britain during war. Aren't they beautiful?

    "The White Park cattle breed originated in Great Britain. During World War II, Churchill issued an order to burn all crops and slaughter all cattle if the Germans invaded England. The British White Park breeders shipped five females and one bull to the US to ensure survival of the breed. After the war ended, the cattle were not returned... leading to a new breed in the US, albeit still pretty rare."

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Jo C, thanks for posting, that was a great reminder! The people had a baby inside, too!

    Lorita, I look back fondly to the years when I used to walk on country roads, even in the woods, with no fear. I went all over city, too, with no fear. Now, I'm always watching my back.

    I will be thinking of Joan and praying for her.


  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,361
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    Good morning Porch Peeps.

    It's a quiet day here.

    This was supposed to be my week at the beach while DH visited his brother in SC. My BIL had a heart attack; he's holding his own and waiting to see a specialist for a newer procedure in the middle of next month so we might not be traveling to see him a while yet. This worked out for the best, they're supposed to have lousy weather and my best friend's husband died yesterday.

    I'd mentioned this poor man's saga before. He'd gone into the hospital was some sort of chest infection about 8 weeks ago. He was treated in the hospital for 4 weeks and discharged home. Things went pretty well the first week home with PT and the visiting nurse support but started going south towards the end of the week. He was readmitted a couple weeks ago because of a skin infection. While there, he started to do really poorly around breathing and managing CO2 levels. It was like a rollercoaster. He'd be chatty and eating at lunch and then unresponsive by dinner. Overnights he started with full-on delirium. She tried staying overnights, but her presence seemed to make things worse. Rinse and repeat. It's been awful. He took a turn for the worse Saturday after we talked, and she made the difficult decision to start palliative care. When I texted her to check in yesterday, her daughter texted me back the update. The daughter had to leave, so I drove into the city to offer support. Her husband has a large family that sometimes makes things all about them and I wanted someone there to have her back if needed.

    I got there not long after he lost consciousness. Thirty minutes prior he'd made a joke about not wanting to eat sugar-free ice cream on his deathbed. He passed about an hour later. While very sad, it was a very gentle passing for which I am grateful. His family mostly behaved for which I am also grateful. The 2 sisters who were in the room did make it a bit about them. I did extend them grace as they are both recent widows (one a year out and then other not yet 3 weeks), but I also reminded them that my dear friend has lost all 3 of her siblings in the last 3 years not that it's a race to the bottom. We went back to her place and started setting up the funeral. He wanted direct cremation and a memorial service which means the sister traveling from the west coast won't be able to lay eyes on him. She was here for her BIL's funeral 2 weeks ago and saw him then. I know the funeral he chose is not what his Irish-Catholic family is used to but I hope it brings them solace. I think she'll be OK for a bit but expect a hard fall when the reality sinks in. I am so sad for her.

    I need to check in with my mom. She's only got PT and an RSV vaccination scheduled this week which will give me a chance to catch up my housekeeping. I have to swing by the pharmacy and collect my own BP meds; my NP didn't renew it for me because I haven't been to see her in over a year. I had no idea. I guess I'm not doing that self-care thing as well as I thought I was.


  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 798
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    What a blessing you were there HB

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    edited August 2023

    Front Porch Update: Tomorrow, the 29th is the date of "Days" surgery. One more Front Porch friend to carry in our hearts and prayers.


    Day; if you are reading this, know that we are with you in spirit and sending you our very best wishes and also for those who do so, prayers are being offered up on your behalf.

    When you are up to it and when you can, let us know how you are; we will be thinking of you.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    You are a great friend, HB!

    I said extra prayers for Joan and for Day.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    In all probability, Joan's surgery today is complete and she is in recovery. It will be good when we can hear from her and from Day that both are on the road to recovery.

    So glad Billy the Bull seems to be recovering; He is special with his unique dynamics. He has needed a guardian angel, and you have been that for him, Lorita. I am glad you kept him and did not include him in the sale. Wonder if he likes apples like horses do . . .

    The White Park Cattle are indeed beautiful; they look like something out of a fantasy story. It amazes me how skinny their legs are for the size of their bulk. I had not heard of them before, so it was really interesting. Thank you.

    We are having a few days in which the heat will go way up, but expected to go back to lower temps by mid-week. Hope so. Also hope the power stays on.

    Our daughter lives in Houston where it is hotter than the hinges on the gates of purgatory; (well, 109 degrees); the power went out early evening day before yesterday when four transformers blew out covering three blocks - it was supposed to be fixed within a few hours - NOPE - it did not come back on until crack of dawn today. All the food in the frig and freezer is of course spoiled and must be tossed. No AC, no fans, nothing. Cannot imagine how bad for those who are ill or at high risk for negatives re their health.

    Ron; good you were able to make it to church as you have wished to do; glad the nice woman comes to stay with Lou. I know what you mean about the "modern" music, we experienced that too. The usual hymns simply not appearing but rarely and most often, not at all. However, the modern ones are in full flow. Thank goodness they stopped with the musical "instruments, a set of drums on the altar sure does not add to the inner contemplation. See? I am getting old. I did not go to church to be entertained, I wanted to be able to connect quietly in a spiritual manner without bam, bam, toot, toot, plunkadaplunkada, yaddda yadda yadda whooping . . . the organ and grand piano are great, but for me, all the other detracts. The Board decided to have Wednesday night services with all the band instruments and modern music; they tried for multiple weeks, but nobody showed up. As it is, there are a couple of big box churches not far from the church that uses the modern music and a lot of instrumentation as a regular part of their services, so it is readily available for those who enjoy that and frankly; they do it better.

    Judith, you are doing a good job of security. It would be good to add one of those RING doorbell systems. Not expensive and no monthly fees. If someone is walking up the walk, a sound goes off inside the house - ours is set like pleasant fairy chimes. One can use their cell phone to actually see who is on the property as well as being able to speak to them thru the cell phone and hear them back. I like that, BUT DH does not always have it set for talking and he sometimes turns off the chimes as cats crossing the front courtyard can set it off. I am fine with the chimes for that, but he has no patience for it. We too have a regular burglar alarm system on all doors and all windows on both stories; it has a dreadfully loud alarm and is connected to a service that also gets the signal from our house. It also detects fire and CO2. We too have lights around the entire house perimeter that are triggered by motion and our doors are always locked no matter what. DH being retired law enforcement, there are guns in the house. I have learned how to use them and am glad to have that knowledge but certainly do hope I never have the occasion to need to use them. Our daughter who has a three story house has a RING doorbell system and really likes it. No matter where she is in the house, her cell phone is with her and she can see who is at the door and communicate with them even if on the third floor.,

    JeriLynne, Lily and Jake are adorable. i wonder what it is Jake is telling us - evidently he enjoys hanging around. Are your goats full sized animals or are they the miniature? Do you have a large herd of them?

    Iris; yes, that was quite a video; really stunned me to see that happening in full display as it was occurring. One problem is that the bullets could have gone through the neighbors wall and could have caused injury or even death to whoever could be hit - but those evil doers sure got fleet of foot very quickly. Hope they were identified and arrested. Breaking in to an inhabited dwelling, they would have in all probability been more than ready to do severe harm or worse in order to get what they wanted.

    Best to get going; need to shower, shampoo and collect laundry. Sure do wish it would do itself, but then again; it almost does with the machines - so I should stop harping. Now if it could fold itself and put itself away . . . !!


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Joan, you have been in my prayers and Day, tommorow extra prayers being sent up. 🙏

    A couple from church came over for lunch today and brought a sack full of roast beef sandwiches and French fries. The preacher also showed up and we had a enjoyable fellowship together ❤️.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I read about a new thing on the internet: IJBOL instead of LOL or ROTFL. This means "I just burst out laughing." I have not seen this, but it's coming!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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    \Morning, It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood

    HB, what a wonderful friend you are - I know your presence was a Godsend to your friend.

    Beth, thank you for the picture - the cow and calf are beautiful. I had never heard of them. I wonder how widespread they are in the US - when I talk with our vet again I'll ask him about them. He has three or four heifers here that are mostly white but I think they're probably a Charolais mix.

    Iris, it's a shame the world has come to what it is. I used to pick berries along our roads and was never afraid - but you never know who's going to come down the road. We don't have woods to walk in, in our part of Oklahoma but we have walked in the woods in NW Arkansas - so nice and relaxing.

    Jo, I'm sure you're right - Joan's surgery is finished and she's either in recovery or back in her room. Like all of you, I've thought of her often today and offered up prayers that she'll be all right. We'll all do the same for Day tomorrow.

    Sorry - I think the print in this post is too large but too late to change now.

    Stormy and I went out at sunrise this morning to check all the girls. They were split so we checked the MH and the first one we saw was Billy the Bull - he is fine. He is so sweet - I'm happy I kept him, too. He would never have made it without his mother and being familiar to his home. He's happy. All the little ones were together, running and playing and being so interested in the Gator.

    Then, went down half a mile to check the others - same with all the babies. Next we checked the heifers. Saw the two black angus babies playing together - they're so cute. Next, checked the others - there were three or four white ones and some black ones together. Then, I saw a little white baby (born last night I guess). He was hungry and was looking for breakfast. He's go to one of the Angus heifers and they'd push him away. Finally, mom got up and we watched until he latched on. Just love to watch new babies play together and how their moms take care of them.

    While I watched I saw something come out of the line of trees on the west side of the meadow - looked like a deer so looked through the binoculars and it was a wolf or the biggest coyote I've ever seen. Several people have told me they saw a big wolf on their way up to the house. Then I saw a coyote, much smaller.

    Stomach hasn't felt good today and now I know why it felt "off" Saturday. This morning I drank a little OJ 50/50 with cranberry juice - tasted really tart like it did Saturday and there were white bubbles around the top of the liquid in the bottle. I opened the other bottle I had and it tasted the same and had the bubbles. It was the WM brand (Great Value) that I picked up at WM on the 16th. I called and the first guy I talked with said it looked like the OJ had expired (bottle said Sept. 5). Anyway I was on hold for about 20 minutes, got someone and lost the call, so called back and was on hold again. Long story short - they refunded my $7+. I've never gotten bad OJ before. I have some Texan OJ that doesn't require refrigeration so I'll use that until I shop again. Normally I buy Simply Orange or Food Club. I wonder how many people got that bad juice and had the same problem. Darn juice anyway. I've drunk OJ and CBJ for 60+ years and never had that problem before. No more Great Value OJ for me.

    Supposed to be pretty weather all week - warming a bit each day. I need to get up to our station and get Gator gas - trying to figure out how I'll get the filled cans (l-2.5 gal) up in the back of the PU - maybe there will be a big, strong rancher nearby to help. Ron, I think what you did and said was just right - glad you got to go to Church and enjoyed it.

    Jerilynn, your fur babies are beautiful - how old are they? Stormy is a badger face - had lots of dark hair on his head when I got him - now it's a light tan.

    Take care the rest of the day - see you all tomorrow.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 798
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    Jo, we have a small herd of Savanna Kinko goats.. they are full sized but a smaller breed than some… the picture below is Flopsie and a baby.. not hers but she always watches him while his Mama grazes.

    Lorita, Lilly is almost 2 and her cousin Jake just turned a year old. He’s an “old soul”; you can just tell it in his eyes.. Lilly is rambunctious… but both are good with the goats. Sometimes they all pile up in the tree line together.

    Well tomorrow is a work day so I made chicken salad, German chocolate cake and meatloaf/stewed potatoes/cornbread to feed the mechanics.. so this girl is off to bed soon. God bless and keep all thru the night, rest well Front Porch Friends.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
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    Sounds like those mechanics are getting fed well.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, I have never heard of so many food recalls as now. Things, including food preparation, have changed since the pandemic lockdowns. We have to be exceedingly cautious about the food we bring into our homes.

    Today was the date for one of my favorite scripture verses, Romans 8:28: And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.

    JeriLynn, are these dairy goats?


  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 798
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    Iris, they are meat goats… except I can’t even think about them like that.. silly I know coming from a farmer’s granddaughter.. 🥺

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Hey all, I made it here this morning because my surgery is not scheduled until 4:15 p.m. I am not thrilled about that, but.....yesterday was bowel prep day and I was working...that didn't work too well.

    For help...my brother is going to be here to do any lifting or bending to take care of Chucky, laundry, etc. So I'm covered there. I will not be going back to work until September 16 and if I don't feel 100% I will extend the time off.

    I am also thinking of everyone who has health challenges and life challenges right now. I am loving the pictures!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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    Good to see your post, Day. I wondered when your surgery was going to be today. Hope all goes well and sending prayers your way that it will. How long will you need to be in the hospital? So glad your brother will be there for a while to help - you'll need to rest and recuperate. Let us know how things go.

    Iris, you're so right. Gets to the point you're almost afraid to eat anything because it's in the stores and being sold for a while before anything is discovered. Guess we just need to cook things really well - maybe that will help.

    Jerilynn, I'm in the same boat as you. We have always raised cattle and I'm a vegetarian. Can't stand to think of what might happen. We've always sold calves but very few cows. We were too attached to them because we've raised all of them from calves. I don't eat anything with gelatin in it either - same reason.

    That little goat is precious. How in the world do you all ever sell those sweet, little things. When we used to go to Tulsa a lot we went by a place that had goats - it was fun to watch them jumping around and climbing on things. I was at the feed store a few years ago and a trailer came in with little goats in it - he had been to the sale and bought them and was on his way home. I'd love to have one but they wouldn't make it here. Our neighbor tried to raise sheep a few years ago and coyotes got all the lambs. Hate to think of that.

    Just got back in from semi-checking the girls. Both Stormy and Sheena wanted to go. Stormy rides in the Gator but Sheena walks. We got a little way from the barn and everyone was very interested in that big, white dog out in the pasture. They gathered around the Gator and scared Sheena. She managed to get halfway underneath the Gator. I didn't know whether to go forward or backward. I backed up a little bit and she got out - wasn't hurt but we got out of there. I'll have to do that more often so they'll get used to her - we used to do that.

    While we were out there was a coyote yelping like crazy - this went on for a good ten minutes. With my hearing deficit in my right ear it's hard for me to tell directions so not sure where it was from. I decided I'd get in the PU and try to find it but as soon as I started to get in, it stopped.

    Saw one of the heifer's babies with his mom - the others had gone into the other pasture - I'll check later today.

    It's pretty out this morning - just a bit warmer without wind than yesterday but still wonderful. We're beginning to get dry and no rain in the forecast for some time.

    I'm having my OJ/CBJ - it's good this morning. Saw something cute on TV yesterday - a little bear cub had gotten his head stuck in a plastic container. The game warden saw him and was able to get it off - they just now showed another bear cub who had just gone for a dip in the water and was shaking off the water. We had a lot of Queensland Heeler puppies years ago and one of them got his head stuck in a glass jar. Charles had to break the jar to get him out. Needless to say, we got all the empty jars put away (this was outside).

    Day, not sure if you're up to it this morning but Denim & Co. will be on for two hours in about 15 minutes. I'm sure you have other things on your mind though. We'll be thinking of you today at 4:15. So good to hear from you again.

    I'll be back later today.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Day, good to see you; good to know the time of your surgery; we will be thinking of you and as said, we are with you in spirit. You actually worked after a bowel prep - Egads! Bet you were "busy." It is good to know that your brother will be there to help post-op; wonderful for sure.

    Our daughter came out for six weeks after DHs recent surgery and it was wonderful. She was such a gift and did so much for the both of us - me with significant arthritis issues and DH fresh post-op from back surgery. We would have not made it without her and are so grateful. It is good to know that you have got that post-op period covered.

    If I were truly a good person, I would be a vegetarian; but alas that I am not. I really admire you Lorita; you are a good person through and through. So nice to know you continue to look after Billy the Bull so carefully. A full sized bull with brain damage from birth making him unable to tolerate changes and comport himself like the other bovines. Still your "baby," even if he is giant sized and he is comfortable and safe at the only home he has ever known. Your compassion has given him a very good quality of life and that counts for a lot.

    Okay JeriLynne; sounds like you will have very happy mechanics. Those meals sound delicious and I bet they really appreciate enjoying all the wonderful food you have so kindly prepared. If I may ask; you mention "mechanics," what are they for and what do they do? Are they once in awhile for a special need or are they daily employees?

    Yes Iris; I so remember not ever having to be concerned about being out and about. We used to go out and walk alone at night and never have a qualm. The woods and the roads were safe places and no one seemed to have a care. When teens, we used to walk about a mile to a large park in the summer to go night swimming in the warm weather, and then walk home again in the night afterward. Neither we nor our parents had any reason for worry.

    As an adult, I used to go for a mile and a half exercise walk each day prior to going to work. I would do this about 5:00 a.m. The walk was always in our housing tract which is in a very nice area. I enjoyed doing that when all was quiet before the day started and the street lights still on.

    One day as I was walking, I saw an old pickup truck moving slowly and passed in front of me. I thought it was someone delivering newspapers to houses. However; it kept going very, very slowly and no papers hitting driveways. Suddenly, it seemed to be waiting for me to catch up to it. I turned a corner and went down a different street which would make my walk shorter - BUT - suddenly, there was the truck coming on the wrong side of the road right toward me! It had no license plates. It stopped and I was soon to get level with it but instead, I walked up onto the front porch of a house as though I lived there - when the driver of the truck saw me do that, he gunned it and drove off very quickly. I went carefully home looking all around me all the way home; and never, ever took my early morning walk ever again.

    I learned when shopping after work, if it got dark, NOT to leave the mall or the market alone. I waited for others leaving at the same time and walked near them as if in a group.

    I also learned never, ever, to get inside my car on the driver's side if a van was parked next to the driver's door; especially if a van had sliding doors. For awhile, women were getting taken by males jumping out of the vans and forcing the woman inside. If I saw a van was parked next to my driver's door, I got in my car on the passenger side. How silly that sounds, but that had been a problem issue across the U.S. My husband being a police detective had all the reports and I listened and decided to err on the side of safety.

    I have always hated parking structures. I was accosted in one as I was coming out of a hospital - I had an armful of notebooks; I was the only one in the parking structure. Suddenly, a young strong looking male stopped me at my car and began a very strange and frightening interaction. He told me I was to go with him and no arguing - he was really "off" and a frightening spector but I could not see if he had a weapon. With my heart pounding, I told him I would go with him as soon as I put my notebooks inside my car. For some reason, he let this happen . . . when I opened my car door, it put him behind the door - I jumped inside the vehicle while slamming the door and locking it and started honking the car horn. He took off. While i reported it, he was long gone and never found. I far prefer parking out in open areas rather than the enclosed parking garages. Just me.

    Well; now that I have cheered everyone up, guess it is time for me to get a move on. Cleaning lady coming today and I must "clean" before she gets here - Ha! I make sure the counter tops are clear and that the waste baskets are emptied so she can clean without being hampered for non-essential things. It is a larger two storied house, so I try to make it easier for her to do her job; that also helps her to not have to be here so long; she is fairly new. It is really hard to find a cleaning person. I do not want to use the commercial cleaners that send out three or four at a time and not get the same persons every other week. I am grateful for the help as I can no longer do the deep cleaning and vacuuming of the large house. Not cheap, but I am also not hurting myself in the process and the house is clean. I really miss the person we had before; she was a sweetheart and awesome; she was with us for many years but she retired in her 70's.. She had quite a list of happy clients. Wish we could have cloned her. She has moved away so contact has been lost and I always wonder how she is faring.

    Okay; off to do what needs doing, may all have a good day today,


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I prayed for good reports after Joan's and Day's surgeries.

    Years ago, my mom and her friends talked about not going out after dark. I thought that was so sad. Now, I am that elder who does not go out after dark, or even dusk. I am very glad that I experienced so much in my earlier years, I am comfortable being home now. My home is my sanctuary, my oasis.

    My ex-husband ate goat meat. Not me. I am not opposed to it, I just never tried it, as far as I know. But I did have an ostrich burger, in South Africa.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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    Our news had a story about buffalo and how they're introducing them back to different states. Also showed how they're protecting domestic cattle from brucellosis by keeping them away from cattle for at least six months. I think it's so sad what happened to them - almost exterminated by buffalo hunters killing them for their hides and heaving the bodies to rot in the sun. They're reintroduced them to several northern states and as far down as Oklahoma. I think there's several herds in our State.

    Thank you, Jo, for the kind words. I remember when Billy was born, or shortly after, Mike was here - not sure if it for Billy or someone else but I had him standing between my knees and we were checking to see about his vision. He has vision in the right eye - none in the left. I asked Mike to band him and he did - so he became Billy the Bull to me, Billy the Steer to Mike. When he was growing up his mother, Sweet Pea, took such good care of him. He stayed very close to her until he was older - then, when the girls would change pastures Sweet Pea would wait by the gate to make sure Billy changed with them - this went on until we lost Sweet Pea in 2021. Billy, by that time was used to the pastures so he does all right - still a bit of a loner.

    Sweet Pea and Rose Bud were born very close together and we lost them one week apart to the day - in the very same way - in the same place. Each of them laid down in the shade and left us. Both of them were missed by all of us. Sweet Pea would walk up behind us and push on us - never to hurt, just playing.

    When I decided to sell the girls, I didn't want Billy to ever leave his home so I didn't sell him - Mike said that was fine, he'd feed and take care of him. He's big like his dad - Jasper - but not as heavy. Jasper weighed 2200 lbs. and was so sweet. I could drive up to him in the Jeep and he'd put his head in the window and give me sugar - same with his dad - Casper. They were/are Brangus. The herd is changing now, going over to Black Angus. When we lost Jasper, Mike said instead of buying another bull he'd bring one or two over. He did and has for all the years until he bought them. Now, Samson is the big bull. I talk to him and he'll stop and look at me - never has made a move to be aggressive. Enough of that.

    Jo, how scary that must have been in the parking area. I don't like them either. How smart you were to tell him you needed to put your books in the car - quick thinking. Before Charles and I got married Cheryl, Sarah's mother and I lived in town for a short time. We'd go downtown at night and didn't think anything about it - never had any problems. The doctor I worked for at that time warned me against it - he said he never got out of his apartment at night - said if you were stopped at a traffic light, someone could hit your car from behind and when you got out to check, they could rob you, or more. The world has gotten to be an unsafe place. Since school has started there have been bomb warnings in the same school district in Tulsa for the last six days - nothing was ever found. There was a shooting at a high school football game near OKC - one killed,three injured - same thing in a Tulsa school but no injuries. What are people thinking?

    I was going to post a picture of Billy but for some reason I can't access my pictures. Any idea how to do that? I've been able to until today.

    This morning Darwin brought over some vegetable his daughter had brought to them - squash, peppers, tomatoes, okra and a small watermelon he raised. Very nice people and I so enjoy the fresh vegetables. Fried okra is the best. Had that very often when I was growing up.

    Still thinking about Joan and hoping things are going well. Also about Day with her surgery this late afternoon.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,764
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    So.....how many cows did you sell to Mike...how many did he bring in and how wany calves have been born?

    We use cows for so many things besides food. From fabric to pharmaceuticals. They provide us with a lot that makes our lives better.

    Thinking of Joan and Day!!!

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    edited August 2023

    Our Front Porch friends, Joan and Day are in our thoughts for their special needs and also, M1 and Lady Peewee from the Partner/Spousal Forum who are experiencing abrupt and significant impacts upon their lives.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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    Hi, It's been a warm afternoon but still much better than last week. Judith, I sold Mike about 50 head - he's moved some of the yearling bulls and now I think the count is around 70 - lots of new babies. He's running 30-33 head of heifers including two bulls in the west part of the farm - four new babies as of last night but many more to come. I need to get down there to check tonight. I'm so grateful that our girls are still here - makes it a lot easier but I still miss feeding them but after that fall two years ago I just couldn't do it anymore. I asked Darwin if he missed interacting with his cattle and he said he did. Everyone who quits feels the same way.

    This is my third day of putting my medical guardian on when I get up and wearing it until I go to bed. I think I remember reading you're not supposed to wear it against your skin - but I always have. I think it would be in the way outside of my clothes.

    How is your concussion doing by now - any headaches? It takes some time to get over them. Did they do an x-ray at urgent care? Better go and get my checking done before dark - looks like it's getting clousy.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 798
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    @Jo C.

    well, my husband has a radiator and automotive repair shop so we have mechanics as employees… and…my husband also makes breakfast every morning: homemade biscuits, gravy and bacon/sausage we take first of the week and fix eggs to order on the griddle.

    We also have a shop neighbor who started coming the day after he buried his wife: he comes every day and stays with us until we close. his adult daughter fills in for me in the office so she comes for breakfast and sometimes lunch.

    We have “regular” customers who drop in periodically. We did have a elderly homeless couple who came fairly often but they have passed away.

    For us, I guess feeding folks is one way to share our blessings. We enjoy it.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,075
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    Iris, I saw a thread where you were discussing sleep apnea.

    I know that many who have gotten the CPAP have the same issues you mentioned.

    I had seen ads on TV about this new device so looked it up. Here is the link:

    I don't know anything more about it other than the ads and this link, but you might want to check it out.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Thanks Marie. I have seen ads about Inspire. It is a nerve stimulator that is surgically implanted into the neck/jaw area. I'm not interested in getting a permanent surgical device. I think that when I lose weight again, I won't need the CPAP. The dentists offer a mouthpiece that can keep the airway open. I might look into that. Thanks for thinking of me!


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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