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Just need to talk to my friends (191)



  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Just wondering..........have any of you tried these meal kits they are always advertising? The pictures look appetizing, but you know how misleading that can be. Other than breakfast, it's getting harder to get her to eat a balanced supper. I've tried everything she has always loved, but a sandwich or corn dog is about all I can get her to finish off.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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    My goodness, Judith, you are one lucky lady. You could have had a concussion and I know that by experience that is not good. I walk around im the house in the dark, too, and I'm always afraid I'll trip over Sammy, the cat. Sheena or Stormy lays in the doorway between the bedroom and bathroom so I have to step over them at night. I should practice what I preach. Glad you're okay.

    So many posts this afternoon - I've read all of them and don't remember much - sorry. Sara, it's been super hot here today - heat index waaay over 100 - I think it was 118 in Tahlequah. Girls are in the pond to cool off. I've been in that pond a couple of times rescuing and don't care to go back. It's even warm in the house.

    Jo, I have the code and all the nurses are very good about talking to me and telling me what's going on. I told the nurse yesterday to contact the case manager to see Sarah - along with the Chaplain, again. When I asked Sarah about it, she said the case manager was outside her door yesterday when they were taking her down for a contract CT Scan so didn't get to talk with her. Don't know about today.

    I wasn't comparing where Jack was compared to a nursing home - he was in assisted living I guess you'd call it. But, from what I hear it's not much better in NHs as far as personnel goes. I don't know anything about discharge plans for Sarah. She did tell me she told one of the doctors she wasn't going anywhere until they did something. Seems like they don't know what to do. They even ordered a pregnancy test for her today - she told them she had gone through menopause so they didn't do it. I guess they're sort of clutching at straws - trying to figure out what's wrong and what to do.

    You are sooo right about social workers. I worked with them for 24 years closely and ten years before that when I was working as a medical secretary. They are wonderful, caring people - if, you get a good one. The ones I worked with would do any and everything possible to help the patients. I think I mentioned I got one of the few bad ones when Charles was in the hospital and I did let her know. I told the doctor what she was trying to do and he just shook his head.

    They have another dysphagia test scheduled for next week so discharge planning is not imminent.

    Talked briefly with Darwin today - he did get the coffee cakes and said they looked all right so I'm glad of that. He mentioned he has am extermination company coming tomorrow to spray their house and they'll have to be gone four hours. Guess his flea bombs didn't do the job. I asked him where they were going to go for four hours and he mentioned the beautiful park in Muskogee. I told him it would be too hot for them to be there and invited them to come to my house for that time. He said they might do that. I've straightened up some this afternoon and have some chocolate cake and ice cream and have made iced tea in case they do come. It's way too hot for him (84) and her (in 70s) to be out and around in this heat. They've been here before so no problem. They're used to having their dog in the house, too, so having the GPs inside won't bother them. I think I mentioned he had to let their dog go to sleep a couple of weeks ago. He was a big dog that someone left close to their house. He went everywhere with Darwin in his truck when he was feeding. We'll see what tomorrow brings.

    The cooler weather will be here Sunday so we have one more hot day to go. I can't imagine those high school kids playing football in this heat - but they are doing it

    I'll stop and watch Wheel of Fortune. Judith, you take care of yourself - be careful. By the way Todd came to see Sarah early this morning. He had just left when the doctors began coming in. Maybe he'll come back early Monday to see them - he needs to know what's going on. Maybe I spoke too soon.

    Enjoy the rest of the day. Ron, looks like your weather is just like ours. You and Lou be careful.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
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    Thanks for the bathtub chuckles. It feels so good to chuckle or laugh and I feel like I don’t get to do it often enough. Thank you.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,764
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    The lights were on in the bedroom. The whole thing was simply not thinking of being cautious. My house is never dark.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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    Ron, I've never tried them but Sandy and her family have. Maybe she'll post and give you her opinion.

    This hot weather is getting to me and to the GPs - so glad we're just going to have one more uber hot day, then cooler for a while. I don't know how people who live where it's hot all the time ever exist - at least we have the heat dome, then a little reprieve, then it's back so we get relief for a little while.

    Darwin called. He said the exterminator will be there at 8 a.m. - he and Donna are going into town to get groceries and maybe breakfast, not sure, then get here about 10. They can get back in their house by noon. I asked about their cats - they have three. He said he fixed a place for them in his barn. It's a big open barn that he used to store machinery. He said it will be cool enough in there for them until they get home. I offered for them to bring them over here but he said that would not be good - said his cats were goofy.

    Sarah was going to have a colonoscopy today but when they got her down to surgery, her BP dropped and they couldn't do it. Her BP is like a brittle diabetic - up and down.

    Judith, the light in the bedroom or house can give you a sense of security - in that case we tend to not be too cautious - just be very careful. A fall can change our life in a minute. I'm still not over the one I had almost two years ago - it did something to the cartilage in my left rib cage - so guess it's like Barbara said - costochondritis in two places now.

    Sara, we all need a good chuckle or laugh sometimes. About the only time I laugh is when I'm watching Rusty climbing around on things or eating sunflower seeds or watching the little calves playing. Used to laugh a lot when I talked with Patsy or Jessie Ray - now I do when I talk with Carol or Sandy. Laughter does us all good.

    Good night, sleep tight. See you all tomorrow.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Judith, I know we have discussed shoes a lot on this thread. I wanted to let you know that I wear very supportive walking shoes, recommended by a podiatrist. After about three to four months of walking, the soles seem to soften up and become lax and thus less supportive. So when my feet begin to tingle at the end of the day, it's my signal to get some new supportive shoes. I also wear prescribed arch supports.

    Sayra, it's a great idea to bring a grabber to the store. If I have to, I'll find a nice, tall man and ask him to reach for me. They don't seem to mind.

    When I was in Rome, my hotel room had an old-fashioned tub. After I took my bath, I could not get out of the tub! I could not even turn around! There was a cord to pull by the tub so apparently this was not unexpected. But I knew if someone came, he would see me in my birthday suit. So I just wriggled and inched my way so that I could grab the edge of the sink and then manage to get on my knees and stand up. Boy, what a relief!


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,764
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    I only wear supportive shoes. They are from Orthofeet. It was the turn and spilling liquid that was my downfall. I hydroplanes...lol

    I have always had success finding someone at the market to reach something for me. They only have to be about 5" 5".

    Off to training....later.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Had several fires going on yesterday, one south of us even had smoke coming our way. People are careless, even throwing a cigarette butt out the window can cause a 🔥 in this dry weather. 24 percent chance of rain Saturday and Sunday, hope we get some.

    Was listening to some music yesterday and Lou got the dance fever. I took her hand and we moved our hands around to the music. Tried to post the video for my front porch rockers, but the file was to big and it wouldn't take.

    Washing the bedding today and asked Lou if she wanted to make the beds up after they dried. She said a big NO real fast, she sure has used the no word a lot since I've taken over household duties.

    Back to the dancing! I've mentioned before Lou and I met at a club when I was stationed at Fort Campbell and I asked her for a dance. We danced one dance and talked the rest of the night. We've been dancing ever since!


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    edited August 2023

    Been thinking of all of us and realizing that most of us are, ahem; "mature" and many of us have physical issues we are dealing with. What happened with Judith especially set me to thinking. FALLS . . . one of the most difficult things to deal with and sometimes cannot find a way to get back up and unable to call anyone for help. SO . . .

    Here is a very creative link showing many different ways to get up off the floor if one has fallen; clever, creative; wonder i I could do this - well worth watching:


    Second shorter video is from the PT with Neuroplastic, but with some advice input:


    Let's hope none of us ever needs this. However; we are mostly not tuned in that we would probably benefit from a "Lifeline" sort of wearable communication device. We are fully intact mentally; we live our lives as usual; we do not feel we are "one of those people," even though we really are. All it takes is one bad fall and inability to reach a phone and we could be in dreadful jeopardy. Best to get a Lifeline contact. Judith; I cannot recall whether you have one or not. Lorita has one - hopefully it goes outside to the pastures with her and that it stays on inside the house. So important especially living where no one would hear her or be dropping in.

    I feel this strongly as a dear friend did fall in her home; could not reach a phone, and lay on the floor for multiple days without water or food or a toilet before a door to door person putting ads in screen doors accidentally heard a faint voice sounding troubled and instead of ignoring it, he actually called 911. She nearly died, was in ICU for days and then in rehab for weeks before being able to go home; much weaker than she had been.

    Anyway; the first video is chock full of clever ideas but it does dawn on me that my backside is much larger and my knees are beyond dreadful. Yet . . ..

    And as for me - have I got a Lifeline yet? Well; no. However my husband is here most all of the time so that does help. If I were alone, I would definitely get a Lifeline even though I feel I am not ready for one. We are always "ready," of an age or condition and we do not always realize it.

    Love to all; be safe and be well,


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    edited August 2023

    Lorita, if you do speak with Sarah's Case Manager/Discharge Planner, do bring up the idea of Sarah being admitted to an ACUTE Long Term Hospital . . . they have them in Oklahoma City. Due to Sarah's highly complex care, she may benefit from this. You can do a little research and check this out and see what you think re appropriateness for care. Lengths of stay can be even several months depending on the condition. She would be seen by a doctor each day and have RNs as well as other treatment modalities just as she would in an acute care hospital. Long Term ACUTE Care Hospitals are licensed differently and many insurances are willing to cover as rate are lower. It is still "acute" care; not nursing home care and in all probability, better than being discharged back to home where nothing is in place for her complex care needs on a 24 hour basis. Never too early to contact the Case Manager; they would already have Sarah on their radar.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    I've heard of this before, but thought I would share in case any of you haven't heard.


    What a great tip! 🌽🌽

    "Saw some folks asking about freezing corn on the cob. Here is the way I've been doing it for many years, after a long time old farmer told me how to get the best tasting frozen corn.

    Peel away a few of the outer layers of shuck skins. Trim each end of the cob.

    DO NOT blanch the corn. Put the corn straight into freezer bags or vacuum seal them, and freeze. When you're ready to eat it, put it under running water & remove the shucks & silks.

    Then boil it for approx 15 minutes. You can also steam it, put on the grill in the shuck wrapped in aluminum foil or even microwave it. Perfect corn on the cob!!! It will taste like fresh picked. I've been doing it this way for many years & its never been soggy or gummy. Please....just try it. 😋😊

  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 523
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    I've been reading and catching up on everyone. Goodness, a lot going on with my front porch friends. I have no excuse for not checking in other than I truly think this prolonged 100+ degree heat has just gotten to me. It's not like I work outside, but it has just bothered me for some reason. Yesterday we broke a record at 112. Ironically, it didn't "feel" that hot to me!!!

    There is an artist that DH loves his works. They are VERY colorful and bright. For DG's birthday I ordered him two originals. When they arrived not only was DH blown away by the color and feeling of the painting, I was too. We hung those two and of course they looked lonesome! Anyway, I (we) decided life is short and if these painting bring him (and me) joy, why not get another one or two. It turns out we replaced a majority of the art in our house with new paintings. He loves looking at them and I can always get him into a dialogue about painting that triggers a memory we can chat about. So to me its an investment in keeping him as good as possible. Others might not see it that way and that's fine.

    Time to get busy. Glad that I'm caught up.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,764
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    Now to find some fresh corn!

    Jo....those were wonderful. What they did cover needed upper body strength and traction on the floor. Luckily I am strong but I was on a wet slippery surface. If one is outside they are doomed.

    Yes, Getting a life alert/smart watch.

    I once saw a woman down in her loooong driveway. She fell getting the paper and no one saw her for hours.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    edited August 2023

    In the meantime, carry a whistle and/or an airhorn. I have a whistle in my purse and on my keychain. Bring your cellphone into the bathroom with you and lay it on the floor.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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    Hi, Just realized I hadn't posted today - gave you all a break.

    Iris, I could blow a whistle or air horn for hours and no one would hear except the girls and as Sandy says, not one of them would dial the phone for me to get help but it's a good idea if you have close neighbors.

    Jo, I watched one of the links and will watch the other one - got distracted. I can sometimes get down on the floor but it's hard to get back up - haven't done that in a while though. I have two big dog beds - one in the LR and another in the bedroom. They're both dark and so are the floors. I'm always sort of getting tangled up in them (seems like I'm not lifting my feet as much as I used to) - and the GPs lay in the doorways and there's always the cats to contend with. I should wear the medical guardian all the time, inside and out, but it stays in it's little charger, safe in the bathroom, 90% of the time. I do wear it when I go somewhere and sometimes when I go to check the girls - always have my cellphone.

    Eagle, I'm with you. There's something about this prolonged heat that's getting to me, too. I'm not outside except sometimes early in the morning for a little while and just before dark for a little while but that's more than enough. I took a nap this afternoon and went outside when I got up because I saw a few limbs blowing. It's better - 96 than it has been but still not good. We'll have weather around 90 or a little above for the next five or six days. Doubt this front will get down to you though - so sorry for everyone dealing with it.

    D. and his wife came about 10:30 and stayed until noon. We had a nice visit - hadn't done that in some time. I have a .22 rifle that stays by the front door and even though I've seen Charles clean his guns many times I couldn't figure out how to do it. I bought a kit but nothing seemed to fit. He figured it out for me so I'll be able to do it now. I keep my pistols in drawers and in holders so they're all right but this one had been standing in the corner by the front door. I had a little bottle of oil which stayed on the table next to my chair for months - now, of course, it's gone so will have to get more. His wife seemed pretty good - she was talkative and friendly. His daughter is an audiologist and is getting him new hearing aids so he couldn't hear very well so she translated since they were sitting close together. Sometimes she'd forget what she was going to say midway through but I do that, too, sometimes. When I went out on the porch I see they've been hauling hay off the west part of the section across from us. I hope they get a second cutting - it's crab grass so the grasshoppers aren't bothering it.

    I need to look into some type of orthopedic or better supportive shoes. I have bilateral Morton's Neuroma so my balance is off some, too, and it feels like I have something thick on the bottom of my feet. Don't know how normal it is to have it bilaterally but surely wish I didn't.

    Thanks, Jo, I'll try to talk with the case manager to see where they are regarding future discharge and I'll ask about the acute care hospitals. Sarah said they've discontinued her Dilaudid at least for a while because her BP is so low - finally got the systolic up to 99 today. It's about the only pain med they've found that helps her. She's getting Oxycodone every four hours but she says it doesn't help too much.

    I have some sort of stomach bug today - no idea how I got it but not up to par - I'll be okay tomorrow. You all - try this; hold your arm up high in front of you with your hand facing away from you and slowly turn your hand toward you and see what your arm looks like. I don't need to guy crepe paper anymore. I was astonished when I discovered this - looks awful but there, again, I'm no spring chicken - just an old hen now.

    Does anyone have a good idea of how to keep bananas from turning brown so fast? I bought some when I did my first pick-up but they're brown now. Put them in the refrigerator and they're still okay. D. brought some more to me today so I want to keep them. I use Fresh Paper and that does help. It really helps with potatoes and onions. Carol says it helps to completely wind plastic wrap around the stems but doesn't seem to work for me.

    Better stop and think about going out to see the girls. They've changed pastures again and down NE - maybe just check the barn and look at them with the binoculars and make sure no one is down.

    Enjoy the rest of the day - see you all tomorrow.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Gads, Judith, you would be left doing mermaid flops to get somewhere on the wet floors . . . . really a scary scenario. I am SO glad you did not sustain an injury when you hit your head! The methods on the video do require some upper body strength with arms working and some traction capability - the demonstrator was petite, thin and young. I miss all three. Would be much harder to do if one does not fit such categories and if injured, that too changes the dynamics. Still, it was interesting to get ideas. If I were alone, I definitely would get a Lifeline service just to be on the safe side.

    Bob and Brad have a video on falls but it is terrible; they spend all the time yakking and only one demo with a chair and that was not a good demo; BUT they kept repeating the absolute need and wisdom for getting a Lifeline type service and actually wearing it and they really meant it. Dearest friend Lorita; please, please get that thing off the charger and onto your person - we truly are concerned on your behalf way out there being continuously isolated and no one to hear your calls for help. PLEASE wear your Lifeline.

    Geeze the things that can happen that we never, ever thought of when younger . . . wasn't ever going to happen to us! Till it did. Whistles are only good if they are actually heard by someone and they are not always that easy to hear through walls and closed doors; still good to have a good loud one - such as an earthquake whistle. All things would count when faced with such a dilemma.

    Lorita, when speaking to the Discharge Planners, do say it is, LONG TERM ACUTE . . . needs all three words to be accurate and have them understand.

    Son and DIL both improving but still coughing from their bout with COVID but not as bad. Both with intense fatigue; son worse. They are off Paxlovid as of last night; they do not miss the dreadful metallic taste it caused.. Still testing positive, and Dr. mentioned they would be for about ten days and to not test again until then but to call if condition should change. Son's Pulse Ox was 94. Per online checking, best range is 95 to 100. If it drops to 92, one is told to contact their physician . . . if it drops to 88, get to the ER immediately. We do have a Pulse Ox item at home, but do not know how excellent it is. Some of them cost in the three figures; ours was only about $40. It is probably only a bit of a guide but am glad to have it.

    Myra; that sounds wonderful, I am happy for you and your dear husband for the joy of your new paintings, BUT please do take a photo or two of the new paintings and put them in a Post; we would love to see one or two of them. Glad it delighted your husband. A particular favorite artist; what is his name? Oils or other medium? It would be lovely to see some of the works. Really must perk up your house.

    Husband now in regular P.T. Will have to be sure he masks. All PT is in one room with everyone huffing and puffing; so since it is now recommended one mask with indoor places, that would be a good place to do so. Tired of having to think about that all over again; but it is now part of our lives and masking will be part of that for those willing to do so. I think of Asian countries that even pre-COVID, even not in flu season where many citizens masked when out and about. Part of their culture, whereas ours is a political football sort of dynamic.

    Okay; Lorita, take good care and get that button of the charger! Judith will catch you! Uh-oh!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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    Jo, I will do that - should make it part of my early routine to put it on.

    I went to the mailbox a while ago and checked the girls as I went - forgot to wear it but I was in the PU. Everyone looked okay - just couldn't put my finger on the newest baby but he's a week old so not staying as close to mom. I'll take down the trash in the morning and make sure I see him and see if it's a boy or girl.

    I can just imagine seeing Judith hydroplaning. When I was leaving work one day one of the dentists was in his car ahead of me and he spun all the way around and ended up the way he was going so he just drove on. Same thing happened to my mother one day when she was going to work - I think there was ice on the ground. He spun 360 degrees, sat there a minute, then on to work. Charles and I used to do that in the PU in the pasture when the snow was on - should say he did - I was along for the ride.

    Just had some Chobani Greek strawberry yogurt (only brand I could find without gelatin). Sheena saw me eating it and had to have some - imagine her eating Greek yogurt. Then, of course, Stormy had to have some. When I first got Sheena (over eight years ago) she wouldn't have anything to do with anything except dog food - no junk food at all. That has changed. D. commented several times today about how protective both of the GPs were of me - any move they made. I know most people won't come into the yard when they're outside if I'm not outside.

    Judith, I take a bottle of water to bed with me - might think about that - less apt to spill it (but I have done it). So glad you're okay after your fall.

    Are you sore? Good night, sleep tight.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    FRONT PORCH UPDATE: Tomorrow, Monday, August 28, is the day of Joan's (Telinde) spine surgery. We will want to gather together in spirit for her.


    Dear Joan; tomorrow is your big day and we want you to know that we are indeed with you in spirit and hold you in our hearts. Warmest thoughts and prayers are being sent on your behalf.

    We will be waiting to hear from you when you feel up to it. You have an excellent spine specialist surgeon; you are motivated and of personal strength; a recipe for success and good recovery.

    With a bushel basket filled with hugs for you from us, dear Joan.


    Does anyone know the date of Day's surgery? I cannot recall f we have it and do not know whether it is pending or has been done.

    I keep seeing Judith doing Mermaid flops trying to get up off the floor with all that water - and not exactly dressed for company - (understatement!) Pretty awful and again, so glad you were not injured. We need to have gyroscopes installed or something to keep from going kaput when we begin to find out that gravity is really not always a positive dynamic. Sigh.

    Lorita, how nice to have Darwin and his wife to visit while their house was being fumigated; what a kind neighbor you are.

    Eleven p.m.; time to go tuck me in for the night; sweet dreams and good sleep wishes sent to one and all.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
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    Ron I have never tried those meals.

    I have asked people at the store to help me. Often though there is no one around.

    Eagle mom nice you found something for you and DH can enjoy together.

    Lorita glad you, Darwin and DW got to visit for awhile. Hope you are feeling better this morning. If you find something to help with the bananas let me know. Have that problem too.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 798
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    I have 2 GP/Anatolian Shepherds: Jake and Lilly.

    in addition to protecting our goats they LOVE to eat their “people food “ from a fork, they learned when they were puppies still in the house LOL

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
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    Jerilynn nice to have you sitting on the porch with us. I live in north central Ohio. Do you have a farm?

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 798
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    I have about 40 acres, 20 or so farmed by my neighbor (cotton this year) the rest is goats.. adding a couple quarter horses soon

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,764
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    OK...turns out not so alright...concussion. I sort of pushed thru what needed to be done. It wasn't very much but after training yesterday I knew I was indeed not 100%. Checked in with urgent care who confirmed. No w rest is the treatment. Rest is one of my best things so today and tomorrow I will be rock still.

    I cannot imagine having rifles and pistols at the ready. Ready for what? That is what is frightening.

    Jean....what time to we leave for the hospital? I want to turn on my viral at the correct time.

    Jo....some of the solutions to getting up are usable, ie the gradual stacking of things. I never would have thought of that. I am going to look into the Golden Swans program at Ballet Oklahoma tomorrow. It should help balance in general and increased mobility. I will only do the barre work. I danced as a child. It will feel good. Swans is one of 2 free programs offered. The other is for Parkinson's. I might work up to both!

    Now on my second new pair of trial hearing aids. The rechargeable feature is good but I am happy to have my old battery operated ones at the ready while learning when to charge and how long the charge is. I think I will like the Blue Tooth when it gets set up.

    Maybe some cooler today.

    I did not watch the debate. Well I watched for a moment but when it descended into just noise I turned the Carol Burnett Birthday celebration...a rerun. So......funny.....what talent... Did anyone else catch it.

    Jo...I have started reading To The Light house. Sidney Sheldon it is not. Have you read The Palace by Russell? It is all about Hampton Hall through the ages and is supposedly wicked funny.

    No corn yet.

    Winda made me a big roast Friday so that is brunch and dinner. One chuckroast, onions, potaotes, carrots and cover with Lipton's onion soup. Cook slow forever. It is the best.

    Weather break for a couple of days. Yea!

    Yes, Day. When are you scheduled?

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Hi everyone. I’m washing my bedding and checking my rehab suitcase to make sure I have everything packed. I feel mentally ready today, and just want the surgery over so I can start healing.

    Thank all of you for the thoughts and prayers. I appreciate each and every one. I am so blessed that I have such caring friends here to talk to and lean on. Thank you.

    Day’s surgery is scheduled for the 29th. I’m sending prayers and good wishes to her for a successful surgery.

    Judith, that hydroplane feeling is not fun. It takes you down so fast. I fell a few months ago in a bathtub. We were out of town and I was at the vacation rental alone when I fell. Although I had no trouble getting up, the tub was so slick, I kept sliding front to back, and side to side. I finally got my towel in the tub for traction so I could stand up and get out. The rest of the trip, I showered with a towel under me so I didn’t slip.

    Eagle, so nice you found the perfect purchase for you and your dh to enjoy together.

    Welcome Jeri. I bet your dogs are pretty.

    Prayers for Sarah, and any others not feeling well. Lorita, I hope rest helps your stomach feel better.

    Jo, a big thanks to you one more time for sharing so much information regarding surgery. I feel like I’m as prepared as I can be. I’ll check in as soon as I can and let you know how I’m doing.

    Thanks again to all of you for your kindness. Joan

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Heavens, a concussion! I am so very sorry Judith; please do take good care of yourself and stay resting. What a thing to have happen - sending best thoughts and wishes that you heal very soon.

    "The Palace" sounds like a good read; I will look into that next book. It is great that you can do trials with the hearing aides; I would imagine that would be very helpful. Please make your walker your best friend; we never know what the next step will bring even if we have never had anything negative happen before. Gravity is fickle and especially seems to like surprising "mature" people. Neuropathy of course increases risks. We sure do need a magic wand. If anyone finds mine; please return it post haste so I can begin waving it about with abandon.

    The Golden Swans! What a good idea, Judith. I see their beginning class is called, "Cygnets," but unfortunately, one look at me and they would be calling the Environmental Protection Agency and have me out the door in the Dying Swan mode. Sigh! If you stick with it and advance to the highest class and need a tutu, be sure to let us know - we will take up a collection for the fluffiest tutu ever; BUT only if you send us a photo!

    Hello JeriLynne, and welcome. It is lovely here on the Front Porch and we each have a rocking chair on which to sit and talk. It is always great weather on the Front Porch no matter what it is like off of the porch; so we can share all seasons comfortably. You have 40 acres - that is a LOT of land, and 20 acres for goats! How many goats do you have? Do you do all the care they require? Lorita has her acres of cows; it is a lot on the hoof for both of you. I am in Southern California and our lots are very small;so nothing on the hoof for us. We are in a place that used to be dairy farms; but land became highly valuable; the dairies sold and housing developments were put in. It all grew into a very nice small city with many parks, but it is not the same as one's own large property and all the perks that brings.

    Judith, so the pot roast - was that crockpot or did it braise in the oven - and do you put the Lipton Onion Soup on top of everything without any liquid or do you add liquid? It does sound delicious.

    Had some homemade turkey chili and it certainly was good; not too much spice so one was able to taste the chili seasonings without the taste buds being fried. If one wanted more heat, had tabasco to do that.

    I imagine Joan is very busy today. Having had a large surgery myself, it is not the most carefree of evenings knowing that you will have to place yourself into someone elses hands for such a serious matter. Don't want to, but necessary. As DH said this week; even though he did not want to have the spine surgery; he is so glad he did; the results have been excellent. Takes time for recovery, but each week saw more and more improvement. He said no comparison to what it was like before the surgery; legs fully restored and WAY, WAY less back discomfort than before. As he continues to heal, that too gets better and better. He certainly is happy he is now permitted drive again. Sure will be thinking of Joan; she will go to short term rehab after the acute hospital because one or two of her daughters work there and it will make everything much simpler before she returns home.

    I did not watch the debate either; just did not want to have to give that much space in my head to the dynamics at this point in time. I too like Carol Burnett and often find myself laughing out loud. My two favorite skits were with Tim Conway with the dental office appointment with Harvey Korman and the Tim Conway discussion with Carol and "Momma," regarding the elephants with trunks stuck together; that was all spontaneous ad lib and even the actors ended up rolling with laughter as they went through it trying not to break character.

    Ron; I have not tried those pre-meals to go and be cooked at home either. They look tasty on the TV ads, but they are quite expensive. Some larger markets have such meals ready to go at better pricing, but I would imagine it is pretty labor intensive for them to have that product or they all would have that. A Crockpot certainly can be helpful. Frozen meals from the frozen section of markets have more and more to offer, but also more sodium. Can augment a few nights a week with those if helpful. I love leftovers, so am happy with that when we have enough to have later.

    When needing a powered cart to shop, some larger markets are willing to have a staff member go with the customer to lift items off the shelf for them while they do their shopping and do this at no extra cost. One could ask.

    Hope your stomach issue is getting better, Lorita; very unpleasant I can imagine. Did you find the newest baby? Had to chuckle; I too am a member of the crepe paper club - how the dickens did that happen? Harrumph!

    Time to get myself moving; today is the World Championship game for the Little League World Title; the American team from El Segundo, Calif. is playing the team from Curacao for the world title. Hard to believe they are only twelve years old. Me, being a Mom, wants everyone to win. Love children more than anything.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,764
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    Jo...those were two of the skits shown.

    I will add regular kitchen tong to the must have handy list!

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    They are saying thunderstorms after 9pm. I'll believe it when I see it!

    I've been extremely depressed today......don't know why, but I have.

    Love you guys!!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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    Hi everyone,

    Welcome to the front porch, Jerilynn, glad you decided to come and sit with us. We're just a bunch of friends from over the years - good to have another friend to join us.

    Years ago, before our GPs, we were looking for another big dog after we lost another GP. Our local shelter had an Anatolan Shepherd who was being neutered. She said we could pick him up the next day. We did and kept him in the utility room that night - evidently he was not happy there so the room was in shambles the next morning. I took him out on a leash and walked him around the yard. I noticed he kept looking at the top of the fence - it's 5 1/2-6 ft. tall cyclone fence. I took him off the leash and in just a few minutes he had jumped the fence - cleared it completely. I called the shelter and the manager called the owners and they came and finally found him and took him home. He was a big, beautiful dog but not for us.

    Our vet had a client who had passed away and his daughter couldn't care for Sheena so he told me about her and I took her, of course. She was a year old. In a couple of weeks he told me about a neighbor a couple of miles away who had GP puppies. I called him and he let me select the one I wanted. So, that's how we got our GPs. Stormy was about seven weeks old. I remember I brought him into the yard, put him down, Sheena came over and looked at him and decided she'd raise him. She did a good job. Sheena is about 9 1/2 and Stormy is 8 1/2. I love GPs.

    What do you do with your goats? There are people around here who have goats and lease them out to people to clear their land. I think little goats are so cute. I'd love to have one but it wouldn't last with the coyotes and wolves we have. I'd love to see another field of cotton - haven't seen one in a long time. My parents used to raise cotton so I have lots of experience chopping, picking cotton and pulling boles. You must live somewhere in the south so you've probably had pretty hot weather, too. It's nicer here today - good north wind and much cooler - 90 but it seems cool compared to last week.

    Joan, I've been thinking about you all day. I'll be glad when this time tomorrow comes so your surgery will be over and you'll be able to get on the road to recovery. As Jo said, we'll all be with you in spirit - you won't be alone in the operating and recovery room. You'll feel our presence. The same goes for you, Day, two days from now and you'll be ready to recover, too. We'll also be with you.

    I took down the trash this morning so I wouldn't have to so early in the morning. First I forgot the tape and felt-tip pen to write on the cover - Trash Only. So, came back and thought I got both of them but when I got down there I had forgotten the tape - so made a third trip. Had to write that on the bigger barrel cover so UPS wouldn't put things in the trash barrel. Jo, on the first trip down to the road I think I saw the newest baby - girls were going to the shade but I think it was him. On the way back to the house I thought I saw a new baby in the other pasture where the heifers are. On the way back down I saw him laying down in the shade close to mom. Also saw another one across the fence in the meadow with his mom. So, at least two new babies in the west pasture. Mike called this morning and I told him he had two new babies. He said he didn't think it was time for them to start calving but guess they had different ideas. I'll start to keep check on them, too. Will have to drive down in there because I can't see the west pasture for the trees.

    I enjoyed the visit with Darwin and his wife. She seemed to be doing pretty well but as you all know that's not always the case. She was worried about their three cats they had to leave in the barn those four hours. Need to call and see if they were okay.

    Judith, get out your bag of frozen english peas and wrap it in a towel and keep it on your head. I made fast friends with our peas, especially that first concussion I had shortly after losing Charles. I still have them and have used them several times. I think I've had 2 or 3 concussions - mostly just headaches. Seems like for a while I hit my head every time I turned around. You don't need to be dancing or doing exercises until you're well rested and your head is okay. Have you seen your doctor? Just reread your post and see you went to UC. Don't be reading or watching TV very much either. Living out here you need some sort of weapon. Darwin commented about what a nice .22 it is - it's old. I think I've had it for well over 60 years. One pistol was his when he was a policeman and the other is one I bought later. I've thought about taking one of them with me when I go out in the pastures in case I run into a wild hog - but never have. You never know what you'll encounter when you're out and around.

    This morning when I got up I put on my medical guardian - going to try my best to remember to put it on.

    Judith, what a good friend Winda is - how nice of her to cook the roast for you.

    Sarah isn't doing very well. Her BP drops so they can't give her the pain meds. A while ago she told me it was 99/60 so they were going to try to give the Dilaudid via the feeding tube.

    I'm okay today - must have been a stomach bug or the butterbeans I had the day before. Tried some today and they didn't taste right so that was probably the problem. Just cooked some farfalle.- really like that with a little dry ranch dressing and parmesan - sometimes a little bit of mayonnaise.

    I know I've forgotten something so will probably be back later. Had thoughts of a nap but it's too late now - should get out and enjoy the cooler weather. Stormy was unhappy that he didn't get to go with me this morning. I'll go in the Gator this afternoon. I think the weather's supposed to be pretty good for about four or five days - but no rain.

    Joan, if you don't read tonight, please know that I and all the others are sending prayers and good thoughts for you tomorrow. Let us know how you are when you feel like it.

    Wonder how Ron did about going to Church this morning. I didn't watch the debates either and probably won't watch any of them. Didn't watch but about 15 minutes of the morning news shows either. Enjoy the rest of your day

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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    Ron, I hope you do get a thunderstorm. I think this hot weather has gotten all of us down. Our neighbor said he feels the sae way - I know I do. Glad you posted. Hope you feel better soon. Did you make it to Church this morning? I think we'll all feel better when the weather is cooler. Yesterday I was looking out the kitchen window and saw Rusty (squirrel) running along the top of the fence - he crossed over the gate and kept going, I think. I saw shadows of a big bird flying over so went out and looked. It was a big hawk - hope Rusty found shelter before the hawk saw him. Ron, have you ever thought about getting another little dog? Might help some. Take care.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,764
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    Well, if I needed a gun I would keep it loaded and have it in my hand when answering the door and by my bed at night. They say that the odds of getting one in hand for defense is very low. The odds of falling and not getting help are much higher.

    Lorita, with all the wolves etc you talk about I would most certainly have a weapon with me out in the pasture. No one is going to hear you cry for help and your cell may be out of range or thrown from you when you fall. Gun and med alert are your best friends.

    Give me a highrise anyday with 2-3 grocedry stores nearby along with a Walgreens...lol...

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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