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Just need to talk to my friends (191)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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    edited August 2023

    Afternoon, Hope everyone is well on this "warm" day.

    Day, so glad you're in good spirits about your upcoming surgery - that means a lot. I'm sure things will go just fine. Cleaning house also will keep your mind occupied, too. I need mine occupied - really housecleaning.

    Last night I put a note in tape on the top to the trash barrel and another one telling UPS to bring pkgs. to the house. Took it down this morning and got my mail. Thought things would be better. I checked about 10:20 and saw that my "frozen" cookie pucks from QVC were delivered at 10:11. So, he didn't bring them to the house (no surprise there). They weren't in the trash barrel but they were sitting by the gate. They had a couple of dry ice packets in the box but they were thawed. This is the third time I've tried getting these frozen cookies. This one wasn't expected - guess I had it on auto ship and forgot about it. I tried calling the UPS office where or pkgs come from but no answer so guess I'll either call the Okla. corporate office or forget about it

    . I think I mentioned the Sears repairman has the same problem. He says all parts are shipping to his addres and he has to hunt for them - might be behind a tree or bush, just anywhere. There are some deliverymen from UPS that do deliver to the house - had a couple of really good ones but there's that bad apple.

    Called Sarah and she was sitting up in a chair but someone came in so she'll call back when they finish. That's all I have - just had to complain to someone - sorry abour that, seems like that's all I do.

    Last night when I checked the barn I saw a cow standing by the hog pasture pond by herself - everyone else was a quarter mile away so knew something was awry. Drove over and didn't see a baby but she was very alert. Phone call - back later. I'm back - it was Carol. I asked the cow where her baby was and she looked toward the south fence. I drove over and sure enough baby was across the barbed wire fence laying in the grass. Couldn't get the cow to move to go to the baby - around fences - so drove over and when I got close the baby got up. Mom said something to the baby and she went through the five-wire fence and they took off to join the other cattle. Babies are so sweet and mind their moms so well. The baby is three or four days old so mom is taking care of him (I keep saying him and her - I haven't checked so don't know the gender).

    Carol's husband plays golf almost every day but he had surgery on his nose a few days ago so isn't playing this week. She said there were seven of those men playing today and that many yesterday. They play from about 9 am. to 1:30. Did say one man had to quit yesterday because he felt like he was having heat problems. Why in the world would they want to get out in this heat and play golf. Like playing Russian roulette.

    That's all I know so I'll stop for now. Hope all of you are staying inside and are cool. Just read your post, Ron, and saw the pretty picture of Lou. She looks so happy. I wouldn't know anything about a new phone - I have a Consumer Cellular flip phone and I don't even know all it will do. All I need is to be able to make calls and receive and have contacts in it. Your problem with getting it set up reminds me of Jack. He got a new one and spent a lot of time with someone trying to get it set up for him. I hope you enjoy it - stay inside, it's too hot for anyone or anything. Our news anchor last night said he bought frozen pizzas at the grocery store and they were hot and ready to eat by the time he got home - now, that's hot. My laptop says 101 - no telling what the heat index is. This will be out of order - sorry about that.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Hectic day! Decided to get a new phone and spent two hours at Verizon. 1st tech that was trying to activate my new phone didn't know what they were doing. They transferred to a tier 2 tech and finally got it activated. Verizon employee transfered everything from my old phone and I'm still working on remembering all my passwords and setting new phone like I want it. Updates and all! Had to take a picture of Lou and its so much clearer than the old phone. I'll share it, in the old days I wouldn't dare without her prettied up.

    Of course she's pretty all fixed up or not!


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    edited August 2023

    Helo All.

    I have been so busy lately. I do visit the front porch almost every day to keep caught up on the news. You all have been in my payers.

    Joan and Day, you both are in my thoughts as you prepare for your upcoming surgery's. You both sound so prepared and ready.

    Jo and Iris, I was so relieved to see that you made it through the big storm and you're both safe.

    Lorita, Sarah is also in my prayers, she must be a real strong person to be able to put up with all her problems. Hopefully they find her something to lessen the pain she has been having.

    I have had a sad few days. One of the dogs I have been pet sitting for has passed away. She was 13 years old she had a tumor she was dealing with, and it finally got the best of here. I have been her sitter for 13 years. I am now down to two dogs I pet sit for, and I am not sure I want to add any more to my list. My job at the AL/MC facility keeps me pretty busy. I work 3 days and spend the next 4 day recovering. I enjoy my job and the residents and the coworkers.

    We are having really good weather, nothing to complain about. But we are having air quality alerts due to smoke from fires far away. I love my days off all I do is stay inside with my fur babies and watch Gunsmoke, Wagon Train , Tales of Wells Fargo, ect. 😀

    Take care all Hugs Zetta

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Hello Day; you are getting things in order which is great. What is your date of procedure again? We will want to be with you in spirit and will be thinking of you, as well as sending up prayer for you. Do you have anyone else to lend a hand for a few days should you need it when getting home? If you have someone on tap, that would be great. When I had my hysterectomy for cancer - decades ago now, I had no internal post-op gas problem; thankfully motility was working well. Since I was stage 1b, I had to have a radical hyst rather than a regular hyst if I had been a stage 1a. Still; cure rate, 100% with radical hyst and no chemo necessary; all for which I am very grateful. I did have to hold a pillow against my tummy when coughing for awhile. I too used my incentive spirometer faithfully. Though I walked in the hall in the hospital, when I got home it was a bit different.

    I found that if I were up and about doing things, I ran out of energy with wobbly knees and felt like a limp noodle very, very quickly. Learned to sit down, but to get up and walk, but no more trying to dust or use the washer; have to let the cells in the body heal as well as getting over the general anesthetic which effects can somewhat linger for a bit as well as recovering from a bit of blood loss during procedure. But then, a radical hyst is far different from a regular hyst. Great that one can get groceries and sundries delivered or get them pickup. You will do well, I think; you are prepared and you are motivated.

    Same with our Joan; I have no doubt that you will do well and your preparations are awesome. Five days till your procedure, and you know we will all be thinking of you and sending up prayer on your behalf. How long do they feel your length of inpatient stay will be after surgery? Bill's was three days from admission going home on the morning of the fourth day. No one could be better prepared than you are, and I am delighted to know that the nurse appointment went well and was helpful. They see SO many patients come in and go home from same procedure; they have the care down pat. One more time, just be sure they give those stool softeners and if you have not had an "event" since before admission they can give you something to help with that before discharge if necessary.

    Sayra; goodness, the garden surprise does look like it may wish to be a cantaloupe. We shall see. It has it's own sling, holding it up from ground rot, that is great. (It's a melon bra!) By the way, does anyone know if one can take seeds from a tomato, dry them out and plant them next spring? DIL would like to have seeds from her Frank Roma tomato plant, but I am not sure of what to do and wondered if any of you have successfully done that.

    Sayra; I looked into the rebound issue and the cytokine issue at valid sites and found they were not one and the same. Many of the rebounds were tested and were indeed positive for the virus. Most did not re-treat with Paxlovid and most of the rebounds were lesser in illness and lasted only a few days. Dr. Fauci had this happen; it was rebound virus, and interestingly, he did a second round of Paxlovid even though that was not the norm in the community at large.

    Surprised me this morning; TV news had a report that the county was suggesting that masking is advisable due to the rapidly increasing rate of COVID and COVID hospitalizations not only in the county and state, but across the country. Handwriting is on the wall so to speak. So; masking once again will be our plan. Also need to be cognizant that one can indeed pick up the virus off of surfaces. Hate elevator buttons at the doctor's office and never touch them with my hands. Same with door knobs and handles as well as grocery carts and freezer doors in the markets. Touch a surface with one's hands; then touch one's eyes, nose or mouth and in the dratted virus goes and finds a new home.

    Son with COVID said he feels much better, but is still suffering mega fatigue. He was doing some kitchen cleanup rinsing dishes when he "hit the wall" so to speak. Legs got wobbly and all energy gone; literally had to go and lie down. He got hit harder than his wife; she is doing better than he has been doing symptomatically speaking. She returned to work being masked, and will be able to mostly sit in her office doing paperwork this week.

    Since there are no mandates re masks either in the population at large or at the hospitals, etc.; it is all over the board for what people are doing and not doing; healthcare folks included. I do know the home health nurses, the PT folks, all staff and doctors at the eye doctor's office were masking with surgical masks, yet not asking patients to mask. Masking became a political football on both sides of the aisle during the pandemic; so what will happen with mandates, we shall have to see as numbers continue to climb as expected. It was recommended if one wore a surgical mask and not a K94 or N95, to double the surgical masks. They do not fit tightly which is another issue.

    I did find that if I wore reading glasses while masked, they quickly fogged up; BUT if I put the reading glasses on upside down, they did not fog at all as they were lifted a bit. Worked well and no slippage of glasses.

    When we have the family gathering in October; I will ask each person to test the day before arriving and expect they will do that to ensure the well-being of others.

    DH not feeling very well this a.m. He tested negative yesterday and when he wakes up from a nap, I will ask him to test again today. He has been doing far too much; my Mr. Stubborn, so he has a back ache today which he knows he will have to be restful and have it ease. Not the first time he has done this. He is back with pretty much regular living and is driving hither and thither. Still not permitted to bend over or lift over ten pounds and he really does do far too much feeling he will get away with it, but then finds out that is not so.

    Cable went out for a short time yesterday, so no phone or TV; but the company was able to quickly fix it online which was good.

    Whoops, time to get going; stayed too long again,


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    edited August 2023

    Ron, That was a cute picture of Lou. She is a sweetie. Give her a Hug from me.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
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    edited August 2023

    Day hope you are blessed with a smooth rapid recovery.

    JoC, glad son and DIL seem to be improving slowly.

    Dr Griffin doesn’t always agree with the big names not on the ground, neither does Vincent the virologist or the other immunologist etc. on the show. They haven’t from the very beginning. Daniel will always say let’s wait for the evidence. When research papers come out they all discuss them and share them. Have learned a lot. Guess each one of us have to do our best at figuring out who we feel has our best interest at heart and has good research based evidence to back them up and go with that. It is all about each one of us individually being comfortable with what treatment we want to receive.

    Made the Cantaloupe a bra so hopefully it won’t fall off.

    Zetta so glad to see you on the porch for a bit. Sorry you lost one of your friends.

    Ron thanks for sharing the picture of your pretty wife.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,361
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  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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    Sara - I have KF94 masks I bought a couple of years ago. Just saw on TV that N95 are the best. What kind did you wear and will wear again? Like I said I wore the surgical masks during the pandemic but doubled up when I was in the doctor's office or grocery store or around several people. How about another tutorial? Zetta, glad to hear from you. I was begining to get worried. Glad you're all right. Sorry about het loss fo one of the litle dogs you set for. I'll be back later

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    HB: LOL!

    Ron: Lou looks pretty comfy!

    Jo C, Do you know where to get free Covid test kits?


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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    I was wondering that, too, Iris. I know we used to be able to get them at pharmacies but I think they stopped giving free ones. I did hear that they now cost just under $100. - just what I heard.

    Sarah had her dysphagia test today but hasn't gotten the results yet. Surely hope she'll be able to have some kind of liquid to drink. So hot today

    I'm not sure I'll go out to the barn this evening - everyone has been north of it today as far as I know. The GPs just went out for 3-4 minutes and wanted back in. My weather radio even had heat advisory on it today - hadn't noticed that before.

    Are you all going to watch the debate tonight? I may start watching and see how it goes - not my favorite thing to watch.

    I'll see you all tomorrow.

  • scott
    scott Member Posts: 10

    God bless you all. Its been a tough couple of weeks watching over my wife. I will stay in touch. ❤️

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
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    We have had 3 inches of rain since midnight. Imagine there is flooding.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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    Scott, sorry to hear you're having problems. When you have such problems maybe you could come here and share what's happening with us. Sometimes it helps to just get what's bothering you down in writing. I know this has always worked for me. Maybe someone would have a suggestion to help. We're here when you need us.

    Sara - 3" of rain! How great - but with lots of rain, sometimes coming flooding. It's already almost 90 here with a heat index of near 100. It's already awful. I took a standing fan out on the porch to take apart and clean and I was really glad to get back in the house. I won't go out to see the girls this morning - they're up around the MH. I hope they can find some shade. Did I mention the big tree by where I park the PU is completely bare of leaves. Just noticed that yesterday or the day before. It happened quickly. When I started back in the house I saw two grasshoppers on the inside door waiting to come in - they didn't make it.

    This hot weather is getting to me. I'm not an inside person but have been for most of this summer - I need to be outside but it's too hot. I woke up this morning about 7 and just laid there - nothing to get up for. Didn't get up until almost 8 - first thing is to give the GPs water, then feed the cats and let the GPs outside for a while. When I was getting water for the GPs I saw Rusty climbing up the electric pole. He got to the top, went out on the security light - then jumped into the elm tree. He really had a ride - the limb went up and down for a while. I fed him so maybe he'll come around and eat the sunflower seeds and peanuts before the hoppers get them.

    I'm tired of being in the house, watching TV but guess I'm relegated to that until fall. It is supposed to be a bit cooler this weekend. I hope all of you are in a better mood - guess I have SAD but it's too hot to do anything about it. I'll be fine - guess I'll have to build up my strength again by walking some each day - maybe I'll get up to the point I can walk to the mailbox by wintertime. I haven't done that since I was a teenager. Our road or driveway used to get so muddy we couldn't drive on it so we'd have to park at the main road and walk to the house. Charles and I found a guy who hauled about 30 loads of material on it and made us a good road. Need to get some gravel before winter

    I'll stop - I've begun to ramble (nothing new there, right). Enjoy the day. Scott, remember we're here to help or just listen.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    edited August 2023

    Sayra; I see your cantaloupe bra in action - I have the same concerns regarding my cantaloupes as you expressed for the one in your garden.

    The Shakespeare quote applied to reality had me laughing out loud - that is a good one! Will send that off to our daughter in Texas. Thank you for the first laugh of the day.

    Iris; re free OTC COVID test kits: As of last May, Medicare no longer covers OTC COVID test kits. Advantage Programs would have to be called to see if they cover the OTC kits; some may, some do not. If one has a private insurance plan in the state of California, the private plan must provide eight free OTC COVID test kits per month until November 11, 2023. However; I think that we have to purchase them first, ($24.00 each at CVS and Walgreens), and then send the receipt to the insurance company for reimbursement. If you have a private insurance or an Advantage plan, best to give your plan a call to see how they have structured that.

    I get a UCLA Health Newsletter communication at intervals, the following link addresses should we begin to mask again and more re the uptick in COVID cases - this is written by Dr. Yang, Infectious Disease Specialist and Professor in the Departments of Medicine, Microbiology and Molecular Genetics at Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA:


    Ron, what a great picture of your Lou; and love her very happy smile. Your new phone sure does take clear photos. You certainly were patient getting it all set to go. I have a new cell coming and will wait for son to be past his COVID so he can set me up with it. I am dreadfully tech deficient; I always need a "class for dummies," with anything tech new and son is good at it and very patient. As long as I write things down, after a few encounters with each facet of the new item, I am pretty much good to go. Left alone, I am a total disaster.

    Zetta; it is good to hear from you. l am sorry for the loss of the little fur friend; it is so sad to lose a little one. Our son and DIL lost three this last year, each one very elderly at about 16 years old and each with a terminal condition that terribly worsened. They have a new love, her name is Olive. She too was a rescue in very bad condition, but she is now perfect and the happiest and most loving dog I have ever encountered. She will love you to bits given half the chance. She even seems to be joyful when sleeping. She has one brown eye and one blue eye. Her favorite thing is to go to the Dog Park and play with the other dogs; she is quite social and loves to run and play tirelessly.

    It sounds as though you are really enjoying your new job; that is great! I think your days off sound perfect; a nice balance in life.

    Lorita; I certainly do hope that Sarah gets some good news and continues to improve. By now, the Case Managers must be doing initial thinking re planning for her discharge within the scope of their work but in all probability, have not yet met to concretely discuss that with Sarah. She is not ready to go anywhere in her present state I would think; especially if they are planning to do a surgical procedure before discharge. Would be good to know the name of her Case Manager/Discharge Planner should anything untoward arise later. Has Todd surfaced to answer his phone or been up to see Sarah?

    Today is day seven of our fourteen day post COVID exposure incubation period. Large number of those who contract it will get it within two or three days of exposure; but the number still goes to 14 days. The day of exposure is counted as day "zero," and the next day is day one. I will be glad to get past day 14 even though there are no guarantees. Just one less thing to keep perking on the front burner.

    By the way; the time placed next to our names at the top of our Posts is so far off - it would be the other side of the world. It had me initially nearly three in the afternoon, but now has somehow morphed into 7:54 am; but in reality would be Chicago time, at 10:21 a.m. IF that is where it is coming from. If coming from Calif, it would be 8:21 a.m.; so who know where this is all processing through. It does change and is rather strange.

    Off to breakfast, oatmeal time!


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,764
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    Looks like Cantalope leaves and flower

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    ALERT: Recalled Frozen Corn Also Frozen Mixed Vegetables Due To Lisertia Contamination, Brand Listing and Photos:


    Exploding Or Foaming Watermelons: (What Next?)


    Just saw these two and thought to share just in case . . .


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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    Jo, that's interesting. It's gotten to the point you don't know what to buy or eat. Better times when people raised everything they ate or cooked - knew what was in it then. The only reason a watermelon would foam or explode if it was too ripe or not a good one to begin with. Sometimes when you cut a watermelon it will split but not explode. I've seen them foamy when they were too ripe. Even if it was bought that day or the previous one you never know when it was picked or how it was transported. Better, too, to cut them as soon as you get them and get them refrigerated. The frozen vegetables looked so good - love mixed vegetables. Guess we just have to be as careful as we can.

    As for Todd, he has shown up a couple of times; once Sarah woke up around 4 a.m. and he was sitting by her bed in a chair - asleep. Another time he showed up about 6 a.m., stayed an hour and left. He's impossibe to get in touch with - voice mail is always full and he seldom answers the phone. All you can do is text him and you never know if he even reads it. He needs to be with her now, for support if nothing else.

    She's near the end of her rope emotionally and physically. She didn't pass the dysphagia test so no liquids at all by mouth. I just talked with the nurse and she couldn't explain what was wrong (why she didn't pass) but said the speech therapist was coming up to see Sarah. She also said Sarah's getting all the hydration she needs via IVs - but we all know that's not the same as having the ability to drink liquids. It's been at least a week now since she's had anything by mouth except the small amount of liquid on a swab.

    She's defecating, involuntarily, via the normal way, around the feeding tube and colostomy (can't keep the bag on) so she wakes up with it all over her and the bed - can't use her right arm to any extent. The doctors don't seem to know what to do or at least won't discuss it with her. Todd needs to be there when the doctors come in so he can talk with them.

    She did mention this morning they were talking about sending her to a "home". I doubt they'd be able to find one that could accommodate all these problems. She doesn't want that (of course) so what's the solution? Is there one? She's depressed about all that's wrong and not having her husband by her side, as he should be. He's depressed and as caregivers we know how that is - but you have to work through that and take care of and support the person you're caring for. Sarah told the doctor she needed some different kind of antidepressant or nerve medicine. The nurse said this has been ordered. I have no idea what will happen but it seems to get worse each day - one thing on top of another. How much can one person endure? Didn't mean to go into such detail but now you all know what she's up against. One thing for sure - she can't take care of herself at home - she can hardly use the right hand or arm and has severe neuropathy in her feet so walking is very hard. Yesterday she was pretty upbeat - today it's just the opposite. I could go on and on but I've said enough. Prayers and good wishes will help. Thanks for listening.

    Sara - how big is the melon - as big as a softball or bigger? Looks like it is some type of cantalope. Do you remember what kind you had last year? Good idea to fix a sling for it. What about the smaller one?

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    edited August 2023

    Home health social worker came to see Lou today! She wanted to let us know she was here to help us in any way she could. If there was something we needed she would look into getting it for us and also stressed the same my front porch ladies preach; get some help for me time. Just heard on the local news 109 today!

    Scott, if you are listening don't wait as long as I have to check into help. Talk to your wife's Dr about home health, I have used it several times with Lou and even myself, it's a good resource. My problem is it's been hard for me to let go, but little by little I have look for other options. For a long time I did it all myself, I then started hiring help and had some bad experience and stopped. I don't know your situation; how much your wife is able to do for herself, do you still work, do you have family, church or friends to help. Whatever your situation home health can help you with a plan


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
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    Looks like 4.7 inches of rain since midnight. Giving possibility of more rain tonight.

    JoC thanks for the list of bad foods.

    Lorita You would get your best answers about Sarah from her speech therapist but again she would have to give them permission to talk with you about it. They are the experts on this.

    The melon is the size of a good sized cantaloupe. The small one quit growing and rotted. I threw it away.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,764
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    edited August 2023

    Mystery melon...leaf and flower look like cantaloupe.

    1883....last week was the end. We jump next to 1923.

    Lorita....please try to talk to a nurse. I do not think Sarah is in any condition to understand what is happening or to communicate clearly. For example while it does not seem likely that Sarah is going to be released to a "home" it is probable that she will not be going back to her home. I do not think the hospital can keep her when they have done all they can medically.

    If there is a HIPAA release you can call the nurses station any time and they will talk to you.

    Meeting Todd on two occasions I think he may be there more than Sarah is aware of.

    Re the neuropathy. I have severe neuropathy in my feet and lower legs. I is uncomfortable and does disrupt my balance. There is medicine that can help.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Jo C, thanks for the information about obtaining Covid test kits.

    Zetta, I'm sorry about your little dog that you sat for.

    I took an AquaLink ride today with the seniors. AquaLink is like a small ferry boat on the ocean, from the downtown marina to another marina farther down the coast. It was like taking a small ocean voyage, on a beautiful day, with nice people!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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    edited August 2023


    It's 9 a.m. and the heat index is already 95 - so that tells you what's coming later this morning and afternoon. Just came in from checking the girls - I went in the PU and Stormy barked and barked because he wanted to go. He won't get into the PU so he can't go when I use it. He looked so pitiful when I came in the house - he pouts when he can't go.

    The grass is good now that they've sprayed weeds and fertilized. There's abundant shade up at the MH and some of them were already in it. There were some in the pond already - the south end is like a swimming pool - water's about 3 ft. deep - too deep for babies but halfway up the side of the cows when they're in it. There were a few in the deeper part. There was one group of about three cows and eight or nine little babies. They are so cute - saw the newest baby - he's just one of the gang now but is still staying close to mom. He gave the PU a good look, then hurried back to the safety of mom. I love to go out early and be with them - when the weather is cooler I sit with them a while and the little ones gather around the Gator.

    Iris, sounds like you had a good day. So nice there are things like that you can do when you want to. How's the weather now that the hurricane has passed by? Does it get really hot out there like it does here?

    The heat dome is supposed to move back west by Sunday so next week will be much better here. Labor Day weekend is always hot here. I remember one time Charles and I were going to the Cherokee National Holiday celebration and it was over 100 - plus the AC in the car wasn't working. We were much younger then so we went anyway. Always a nice thing to go to. When I was younger, before I got married, my parents, Sarah's mother and I always went to Rockaway Beach - it's on Lake Tanycoma just over the Missouri/Arkansas state line. We had to go through Tahlequah so always got to see some of the celebration.

    Judith, I do talk with the nurse almost every day. The information I get from her is the same as I get from Sarah so she's cognizant enough to remember what's said and done. There's so much for her to contend with - I don't know how she remembers as much as she does. I haven't talked with the speech therapist yet but Sarah said they're going to do another dysphagia test next week. I just cannot imagine how hard it would be to not be able to take a drink of water when I was thirsty. If they can't find a resolution for this problem it may be this way forever.

    The thing about her going to a home of some type bothers me. They don't seem to have enough personnel to take care of everyone. I saw that with Jack. Seemed like they took anyone who applied even if very young or having no experience. Taking care of Sarah is going to be a handful. Imagine not being able to control when you had to go to the bathroom - and didn't even know it. Well, as caregivers we know something about this problem. I know it's embarrassing for her - would be for me.

    Judith, I don't know about Todd - he's changed. I don't know what the problem is except he thinks the world is against him and he's overwhelmed, I guess you'd say, with all that's going on with Sarah. But - he needs to get with it and be some support for her.You're right - he may be there more than I think. He may come when she's asleep and she doesn't remember He and a friend have been working on the house next door - I think they finished yesterday or will today so maybe after that he'll be more available for Sarah. I know he loves her but he needs to get with the program - for her sake. She's overwhelmed, too, and needs him to be with her - and needs to talk with the doctors.

    QVC had a special kind of coffee cakes a week or so ago so ordered (they came in a set of two) a set for Darwin and Donna and one for myself, too. Theirs was shipped Monday - they've been in NC, Tenn. Mesquite and Dallas, OKC and should be delivered today. I'm not sure they'll still be good. I called Darwin and told him to expect something in the mail today and to be sure to check to make sure they're good. Mine won't be shipped until next week. It'll be some cooler so if theirs are bad and mine are okay, I'll share with them and reorder later when it's cooler. I did get the David's cookies (autoship I had forgotten) and they were thawed. They put two packets of dry ice in them but by the time they get here it's gone and they're thawed - not good to eat.

    I'll stop and finish my hot tea - just had fruit loops for breakfast - already fed GPs and cats and everyone is asleep now. I hope everyone is well this morning and your weather isn't too hot.

    Sara, I didn't realize that Ohio was having a bad weather event until last night. How much rain did you get altogether? That will be good for the cantaloupe. I guess the plant got rid of the smaller one to put all its energy into growing the bigger one. See you all later today.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Iris, what a lovely time on the Aqualink. You found a little gem - I never had heard of them before; thank you for sharing. Looks like it is a 30 minute ride to their off points which even has landings at the Aquarium Of The Pacific and Queen Mary. What fun! We spent a lot of time in the Pacific Northwest each year over multiple years and I loved riding the large Ferries; they were so pleasant; did it a lot. Always got out of the car from the lower level and went up to the deck at the front so I could fully enjoy the ocean; such a pleasure. Took a very large boat on a trip from Seattle to Canada and was happy as could be standing on the deck right at the front of the ship all by myself. Unfortunately, the return trip was on a flat bottom ferry and omigosh! I got SO gosh-awful sick; flat bottoms rock and roll. Ugh. Never again on that one.

    Lorita, it is as Judith mentioned, best to get your information from the healthcare professional staff at the hospital. Even if you do not have a HIPPA Waiver, the staff may possibly at their discretion discuss her condition with you as there does not appear to be anyone else taking a consistent deep interest on such a compromised patient. So wish Sarah could be restored to reasonable health. Wonder what the actual plan is for her. As for her discharge, they would not place her in the type of facility Jack was in. He was in an independent assisted living setting; medical care was not included in that. NOTE: There are Long Term Acute Facilities; she would warrant that level of care since she is medically complex care that cannot have her care met in a lesser facility - in such a setting, care can go on for months at the long term acute level. They are licensed differently than the acute hospitals and are NOT nursing homes. Oklahoma City does have such Long Term Acute Care facilities. It would be good to contact Sarah's Case Manager/Discharge Planner asap AND bring up the topic of Long Term Acute Care Facilities. That is not always on a Case Manager's mind or playbook; it can often be missed.

    Judith; I am sorry that you have significant neuropathy; that is really difficult not to mention very uncomfortable to painful. Do you have a walker and/or other aides to help matters? It is no small thing; most folks who do not have neuropathy do not realize the scope and effect of that condition.

    When I mentioned cantaloupes in my last Post, I have to say that I have never planted a cantaloupe in my life. I was joking in response to Sayra's input.

    More input on news last night and this a.m. regarding probably best to begin masking in indoor settings again. Cases continuing to rise. The newest variant to just be identified is, "Pirola," evidently very easy to contract and pretty nasty. Our vaccinations do not protect against that new variant. News out on flu shots; they are ready but it is recommended not to get it too early; September and October was the recommendation for that one. I know they are combining the Flu and COVID vaccine into one, but I shall pass on that. I get the old folks larger flu shot each year and get myself about three days of feeling ick; same with the past COVID vaccine - about three days fatigue and sore muscles and a bit out of sorts - do not want anything harsher in combination, so will split them and have two icky short terms. Will have to wait and see how people do with the combination; perhaps it will not be problem issue.

    Son said his symptoms with his COVID has greatly decreased and the cough is about gone, but he has tremendously terrible fatigue which is not at all like him . . . he said it hits hard and wipes him out . . . was in the kitchen doing well when it hit - he had to take baby steps to get to sit down but it severely persisted - he ended up having to go to bed and he slept for three hours. If it is still that bad today, I am suggesting he call the doctor since this is a newly evolved symptom. Best to be safe about medical contact. His last Paxlovid dose was last night; so after 24 hours he once again does a COVID test. Paxlovid side effects do not include fatigue. Sure hope he and his wife do not develop long haul issues.

    Ron; it is great the Social Worker came to see you - that is a wonderful contact to have. I would suggest making her your new best friend and contact her once in awhile to keep yourself on her current radar; that would go a long way should a significant need suddenly arise. In my professional and personal experience, a good and caring Social Worker will move mountains to assist. It is really good to have and maintain such support. Perhaps she has contact information regarding funding assistance for a care aide for Lou which is at the point of being needed. That would be a very good thing for the both of you.

    See you all again soon and send hugs to one and all,


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,764
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    Some time ago Jo mentioned her hardwood floors being slippery. I posted that I only had hardwood floors in my home and had never slipped.

    To date I have never slipped on one of my floors when they were dry. Let me tell you how slippery they are with fluid on them.

    I was carrying a glass of water back to my bathroom when I had a moment of imbalance. I then started to slide spilling all of the water in the glass. I ended up splat on the floor with my head smacking the sharp corner of my window seat.

    With great difficulty I crawled to where if could reach something dry to get my knees on and made it to my bed where I could pull myself up. I truly feared a "help I have fallen and I can't get up" scene and I was not clothed at the moment. Very not good.

    First thought, is my head bleeding? No, that was a blessing, Then, are my pupils dilated. I checked in my makeup magnifying mirror. Not knowing what they normally look like and since it was 11p and thought it pretty much impossible to continue to stay up all night to keep checking them, I decided to head back to bed and see what the morning would bring.

    That was Monday night. Tuesday I had a morning appointment that I needed to take. Wednesday was not wonderful. Thursday better and today just fine.

    It took a toll. A lesson was learned. I will not walk without my walker..

    Please everyone, be certain you can take care of yourself if you fall and are injured even if only slightly.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,075
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    I read every day but don't often write...so my apologies.

    First and foremost, for those having health issues...including their LO's, know that my prayers are for each of you to have best help possible and soon be in recovery.

    Seems like the hot weather has finally made its way east...had to go into town today (which I very rarely do) and the car temp reading for outside temp was 102 at one point. Record breaking day here for this time of year. Checked forecast for next 10 days and it is supposed to cool down into the 80's soon. Thank goodness.

    It has also been very dry here. Everything but the weeds are suffering...they always manage to stay healthy and green! My neighbor's adult son came over and weed wacked the worst of them down to the ground, will see how long before they try to take over again. If I had it to do over again would have put about 3 ft of concrete around the house and gone for potted plants instead of flower beds. Took much work for this old lady with a bad back and little energy in the heat.

    I love the pictures you all share of your furry friends. My lone kitty is still hanging in...sleeps most of the day but still eating and drinking...but not nearly as robust as he once was. Thru the years I have been blessed with many loving pets...both cats and dogs.

    Hope each of you have a better day tomorrow and more each day after that. Hugs.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Jo C, I just read about the Listeria in the frozen vegetables and the exploding watermelons. How awful! Listeria contamination used to be rare, but it seems to become more prevalent. I have a great deal of trouble with cantaloupe. I can never leave it on the counter, they always become spoiled after a few short days. I always keep in the refrigerator and try to eat within a few days. I only buy cut watermelon now, it's more expensive but easier for me.

    I hope your son continues to recover with no residual from Covid.

    Judith, do you know what your neuropathy is due to? Diabetes? I have had some neuropathy-like tingling in my feet, and it us very disturbing! It seems as though the neuropathy doesn't keep you from being a docent.

    Ron, now that you have a social worker, perhaps you will get more attention.

    Lorita, the weather here is just about perfect! It's warm, not hot, no humidity, although still with some smog--great, southern California weather! I'm glad your girls have their own pond to cool off in. Do the GPs every swim in the pond?

    A funny thing happened to me this morning. From about 8:30 am when I awoke until 11:45 am, I thought today was Saturday, even though I was reading Friday's paper. I couldn't understand why I didn't hear my regular Saturday radio program. Finally it dawned on me--it's not Saturday, it's Friday! But it took me over three hours to figure this out.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,764
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    Iris....Thankfully I am still able to do my work at the museum. I can walk with a walker/rollator. They have them at the museum so I can leave mine at home.

    The diagnosis is "ideopathic". I have done further testing at the request of my son and I have a gene with a mutation. All very medical so that is the best that I can do...lol

    I understand about the "what day is today". Not long ago I gained a whole day!

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
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    Glad you had a nice day Iris.

    Judith glad you survived ok. I have a cousin in his early 80s. You never see him without a cane. He told me I always have my cane. He says the one thing an older person does not want to do is fall.

    I own a cane and 3 grabbers. Take a grabber to the store with me so I no longer have to do the dangerous things I use to to get something. I’m getting better at remembering to take one each time.

    Today was a dark day and misted a lot. We had close to 6 inches rain 2 previous days.

    Good Lords will we will go to Kentucky in morning.

    Take care everyone

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Judith, your statement about "not clothed at the moment ", reminded me of a incident my grandmother had. She was a larger woman and in her elderly years my aunt checked on her every day. One day she found her in the bathtub unable to get out and my aunt couldn't help her out either. Of course 911 had to be called and all my aunt could do was throw a towel over grandma. It took 3 husky guys to get her out and grandma laughing the whole time. Grandma never let anything bother her and always was smiling and laughing.

    Miss you grandma!


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,764
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    Ron...my elderly neighbor, who called when in need, called to tell me that her husband was stuck between the bathtub abd the toilet. She asked if I would please come and "unstick" him. It only took me a moment to realize that he likely was naked as a jay bird so I told my husband to go over. He was not joyous either but went.

    Then one day she was stuck in the tub. I was not home so she had to wait until she could she could reach her DIL. DIL later related that since the water was already cold her MIL thought it was a good time for a chat.

    BTW...aland line was installed by the tub!!!

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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