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Just need to talk to my friends (191)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Morning, Beth, your garden is so pretty - so many coneflowers. I really like those. There used to be a meadow across the road from our place and there were coneflowers there but I never went over and got seeds. I don't recall ever seeing any here on our farm. There's some medicinal quality to them, I think, but don't know what it used for.

    It's another very calm, very warm day with an ozone alert again. They're promising wind tomorrow and I really hope so. I feel like I've already done a day's work. I got up early before the girls began to come in and did some work on the big, back doors of the barn. I mentioned I have a cattle panel across the doorway and one open door but they push against the panel and I worry (of course) about it pushing the door off the roller. I put in new nails and fixed the chains and wires holding it back from the door, then put boards between the door frame and panel. Hope that works. Decided I'd open the stall door to let air circulate more so got that fixed.

    All this time (probably 45 minutes) that I was in the barn I thought I was alone. Last night I closed the gates - thought everyone was out. While I was working on the stall door I heard something in the barn and looked into the cowshed and came face to face with Billy. Guess he was late coming out of the barn and got locked in the corral. I opened the gate and out he came to graze a bit. Girls were up in the pasture so decided I'd drive up and see them. They were still grazing and there were half a dozen little bitty ones together. Didn't see the newest one so drove around a bit and saw him laying down. Started back and came across his mom so stopped and asked her where her baby was. She looked toward him so she knew where he was and I'm sure was keeping an eye on him. They're all in the barn now. When I got back I heard a bull bellowing, looked and saw Samson coming from the north. Darwin's cattle are in the pasture across the road so guess he had been down there close to them last night.

    Last evening I went down to the mailbox and picked up this week's mail. Just now went through it. Glad that's done.

    I've decided I'll give Sheena the Bravecto because she has never had a seizure that I know of - then I'll get another Vectra to give to Stormy because he didn't seem to have a problem with it. He doesn't seem to be scratching hardly any and she does it by spells. They're both sound asleep now - wish I was. I got up at 6 (a little early for me now) - went to bed after MN so didn't get too much sleep. I don't know anything - going to keep it quiet today if I can.

    I have some frozen cauliflower, broccoli and carrots so think I may steam them. That's something that I often made for Charles and I along with some instant potatoes which he really liked.

    Saw part of the Roy Orbison concert again last night. So sad that we lost him at such an early age - 52. To me, there aren't singers now that are as good as they used to be. I can't even understand the lyrics now - but maybe that's just me.

    OU girls won last night - third straight championship - seven in the last ten years. I think this is their 53rd or 54th straight win. They're really amazing and so much fun to watch. Carol says her husband and one SiL won't miss a game - they arrange their days to be able to watch.

    Hope all of you are well this morning. Beth, good luck with your grocery shopping. That's something I don't enjoy. I remember when Charles and I would shop for groceries he always read labels - something I don't often do but should.

    See you all later. Enjoy your Friday.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,361
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    @BethL That bed is stunning.

    Coneflowers are kind of addictive. My neighbor has a few of the Sombrero Salsa Reds in her garden. I started out with 3 purple and 3 white bought at a preschool fundraiser when my now-almost-30- year-old son was a student. Over the years, the purples self-seeded like crazy and the whites died off. Then about 4 years ago, the whites returned a few more each year. I attempted to separate them last fall so the whites are in the bed near the garage and the purple in front of the house. I'm curious to see if I managed to successfully sort them out- last year was messy.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
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    Good evening

    Don’t have any Lock n Lock containers Lorita. Don’t have much storage space. Would like that they can go in freezer.

    Ron your carport looks nice and neat.

    Have several purple coneflowers too. Have several volunteers. Hopefully this fall can transfer them to an area where I need some things. Too dry to do that now.

    this week has been a little tough in ways. After the procedure on Monday, they put me on an NSAID, which has been kinda rough on my stomach, nauseated. I took the last one this evening and I’m glad. But in other ways, it’s been a very good week. I’ve driven several times this week and my brain fog is gone. I’ve went to the grocery store twice just for a very few items and that has went really well. I could not go and do a whole grocery list yet though. I’m able to do just a little bit more and I’m not getting near as tired in the evenings. I’m sleeping really good now through the whole night which is great.

    Got a few Zinnia and sunflower seeds planted. Planted some green onions and some carrot seeds yesterday. No time today, I have to pace myself and getting better at that as it isn’t good if I get too tired, learning to avoid that and do better in long run. Think I will be home all day tomorrow and hope to just take my time and get as many seeds as possible planted as they are giving possibility of rain starting on Sunday I think. Just planting seeds for things that are easy to care for. If they do well, great. If they don’t no big loss with seeds.

    good night, hope each one gets a good nights rest

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Glad you are doing better, Sara! I'll keep you in my prayers.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Sara, glad you are taking it easy - whatever you want to do will still be there when you're better. Going to the store for a whole bill of groceries is tiring. We have to go around the store and get things and put them in the cart, then put them on the counter to be checked out, then into the car, then into the house and finally put them away. It wears me out. Sometimes I leave things in the PU that don't require refrigeration or freezing.

    little flower seeds I planted haven't come up - probably too dry. Hope yours will come up. The violets and purple basil I put in the plants are doing all right - I try to water them at least once a day. We really need rain and it is forecasted for tomorrow and a little Sunday. Bryon's supposed to come Sunday morning to mow - will be glad of that. The grass is looking good, still, in the pastures but the yard is a mess. Where there is grass, it's sparse and there's so many places the grass is gone but was there last year. The drought really did a job on things. However, as you all know, the weeds are flourishing. I'm getting a good crop of cockleburrs in the garden south of the house.

    I got the Bruder eye compresses today. I thought you had to soak them in water. The little beads in them must be the same as the ones in a thing I put in the microwave to use when I have a sore neck or whatever. I've been reading about it - I have narrow angles and blepharitis so was wondering if it was safe to use with those conditions. It does mention blepharitis and probably is okay with narrow angles. I have had congestion today - guess it's what's in the air and some allergies. I can't take antihistamines for that either so have to tough it out.

    Sara and Marie, is the smoke bad where you all are? This morning when I went out it looked a bit hazy so it's getting over here but maybe the front that's coming through here tomorrow and on to you all will get rid of it. The first in Canada are awful, aren't they?

    Believe it or not, UPS brought the package to the house today - got the mask, crackers and the little CD player. Tomorrow I'll read about how to use it. Seems like anything you buy, you have to learn how to use.

    I did call about leasing a car today. Found out the dealer nearest me doesn't lease cars. Someone there a while back told me they did. The manager told me it wasn't profitable for them or the customer because we're in a rural area and have to travel distances to wherever we go. So, guess I'll have to buy one. My cousin's wife (I'll call her my cousin - they were married for about 60 years) called today and she told me she bought a Buick . Says it's little but gets good mileage and she likes it. The dealer I mentioned is a Dodge and Jeep dealer - but may have other kinds, too, not sure.

    Carol called this morning and we had a nice, long visit. She told me what was on the front page of her local newspaper - awful, awful thing. Makes me so sad to even think about it. It was about over 100 head of cattle, some horses and a dog that were on leased land and found dead - starved. For the life of me I can't imagine what those two men were thinking about. I hope they hang them up by their ----. You know what I mean.This happened north of us, not far away. The leased land must have been away from the road or someone would have reported it. There are cruel people in this world of ours - but, thankfully, the good weigh the bad.

    Sheena and Stormy have stayed inside today except for a few minutes when they were out around noon. It's really hot and humid. My computer doesn't state the temperature - just says "hot". I'm so afraid we're going to have another awful summer. Saw the girls leaving the barn a couple of hours ago - straight to the pond. I looked again and they were on the other side - I'm wondering if the babies swam over. Really makes me nervous to see the little ones do that. Maybe someone walked around with them - I've seen that, too.

    I didn't bold this - for some reason the little icon at the bottom which is usually next to where you start typing isn't there anymore so I have to go to the bottom, then back to the top. This way I don't have to go back and paragraph. I will use bold from now on though.

    Trying to decide if I want to walk out to check the barn tonight. There was a little bit of wind today so maybe it was a bit cooler in there. They've been out a while so everyone is probably out. But, I will go check. If not, I'll worry about it. Laptop just said it's 87 right now. It was 92 on the porch today.

    Hope all of you sleep well tonight. Ron, how did it go today - I know you're proud of all you've had done. I was thinking about what you said about crying over your checkbook - I used to ride with a man who always said "you can't take it with you". He's right, but we need to hang on to some for our "mature" age, as Jo says.

    See you all tomorrow. Rest well.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,074
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    Weather here in northern Virginia has been odd...some sun during the days but near record lows at night (mid-50's).

    Fortunately I have not had to run heat or air conditioning so not drawing in the smokey air. It has not been too bad at ground level, but you can see the haze in the sky...almost like it is getting ready to rain...but of course it isn't rain clouds.

    I don't know how the folks in NY are managing...the pictures are just awful.

    My goodness Lorita, so very sad for those animals who were left to die...I agree the men responsible should be strung up by their XXXX's.

    I sure wish we all could get some rain...the ground here is terrible dry...the pastures which were a pretty green just a few weeks ago are turning brown again. Rain would also help to clear out the smokey air.

    I love the pictures you all have been sharing...Iris and the butterfly, Ron and his home projects and all of gardeners with you pretty flowers. These days it is all I can manage to try to keep weeds out of beds which have just shrubs...lol.

    Wishing all better health and better weather.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Just a quick note. Lorita, horrible news; what an awful way to die!

    The young Decorah eagle is now 65 days old. I think he/she would fledge in the next month or so. Here is a cute video from yesterday. He is hopping and flapping his wings - getting ready! He is just beautiful. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkmgwB43iZc

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    Regarding the grocery store. I try to think of it as exercise. I walk every aisle, picking up what is on my list and often something that is not.

    I asked the butcher if he had any lox. Indeed he had. At the very end of the meat counter tucked in. I laughed and asked who ever would find it. He laughed and said they can hardly keep it refreshed. I have Bagels in the freezer , soft cream cheese and a new bottle of capers. Life is good.

    My grandaughter in Manhatten said everyone is inside. Hope the rain helps.

    Parts for the freezer/frig came and will be installed Monday. Very expensive but not when you figure the unit is 35 years old and this is the first repair.

    Sometimes expensive can be cheaper. I have an Italian faucet for the kitchen sink but if something need fixing I just call, they look me up and send the part needed....no charge at all. It too is 35 years old. Now the range is a different story that I simply must address this next week.

    Last repair....new plumber,,,shower does not need a new valve and it is the shower upstairs that is leaking not the toilet and all they have to do is reseal the drain. I do not need to replace all of the pipes. Whew.

    Rain again last night...the jungle continues to grow.

    My son is coming this week to help me with my finances. I so not think they need help but will try to make him feel useful. I will try very hard to sit still and let him babble...lol

    Day Lilies are blooming!

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
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    Thank you Beth. Much appreciated.

    The past day or two has been a little hazy they say due to the smoke. When I’m working out, it doesn’t bother me.

    Judith when I first got home I went to the grocery store and picked up like three items and absolutely it wore me out for the whole day. Laugh out loud now I can go do that and I’m fine when I come home so hopefully soon I can be traveling through the whole store. I’m working on it.

    My day lilies do not have buds yet. Will be interesting to see what happens when they bloom, as I am not able to protect anything this year. Guessing they may not get to bloom that the dears will eat them, we’ll see.

    Got a little bit done outside today. I do pretty good inside the house but outside wears me out. It is definitely better than when I first came home, but I have a long ways to go when it comes to working outside.Did get one small area finished and actually I planted green onions, zinnias, buckwheat, basil and some carrots. Will be interesting to see what makes it. I’m just gonna keep planting. If we have a late fall I may get some things probably good for me just to do it. That’s therapy.

    If nothing happens, I’m going to put a roast on when I go to bed tonight. I’m looking forward to that I really like roast. You can use it so many different ways.

    Hope each one gets a good nights rest

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    edited June 2023


    Sara,please don't overdo. You may feel like you can do something but if it begins to tire you, quit. Whatever it is will be there tomorrow. I'm glad you're feeling better.

    We got .7" of rain early this morning. When I woke up, pretty early, it was raining softly - could hear it on the air conditioner so I just laid there and enjoyed it. Went back to sleep and I think we slept until somewhere between 9 and 10 - can't remember when I last did that - if ever. It's much cooler today - 75 right now and cloudy. Hope tomorrow is the same.

    Judith, sound like you've had your hands full getting things repaired. Seems like when one thing goes wrong, another is bound to follow, and follow, and follow. At least that's the way it is around here. Glad you're getting things done.

    I don't consider going to the grocery store exercise , at least for me. I don't look around - I make a list, get whatever's on it and get out. Never did really like going there. But - someday I'm going to take my time and look around. There's no telling what they have that I don't know about. The little store I go to really doesn't have a lot of shoppers at one time like WM does - or other stores so I can get in and out pretty quickly. I haven't been to WM to shop for months. Last time I went I had to go in to get my flu shot and picked up a couple of things and it wore me out. It's so big and things are so far apart - done on purpose, of course.

    We had a tragedy here this morning - probably last night. When I got up I heard a cow bawling out toward the barn - went out and she was looking south, calling her baby. Called and called, then went back inside. I saw some cattle down in the north pasture so drove down and there were some cows and several babies so thought one of them was probably hers. A little later she came out again and called and called, then started toward the area where they were late yesterday. A little, black calf came out and bawled a few times, then went back in. I watched the cow - she had a purpose and knew where she was going so I followed. We found her baby - no idea what happened, whether she just died or was hurt and died or a wolf got her. To me it looked like she was brown - hers is black if I remember correctly. We stayed a while, then she left but went back, then came back to the barn. It was the last baby we had.

    Mike called a couple of hours later to see how much rain we got and I told him about it. He and Sidney were doing surgeries. Asked him if maybe she was mistaken and the calf wasn't hers - he didn't think so. So, it's a sad day - always is when we lose one. Hate days like this.

    I haven't done diddlysquat and don't plan to - probably a sandwich for supper. Sara, your roast will be good tonight and like you said you'll have it for other things, sandwiches, etc. There used to be a restaurant in town where mother and I would sometimes go when we went shopping on Saturdays (this was when I was in my late teens). They had really good hot roast beef sandwiches, with the gravy and mashed potatoes. It was called The Blue Grill - no longer there, hasn't been for years.

    Max is laying beside me in the chair and moving his little feet - must be dreaming. Called Sarah a while ago (I never tell her things that happen that are sad so it won't bring her down. I could tell from her first word that she was in a lot of pain. Nothing to take that helps so she was trying to find a position that would give her some relief. We talked less than a minute.

    Sandy, I hope you're feeling much better today. It'll take a couple of days to get rid of the medication so you can feel better. If you could see the horses from your room, that might help.

    I'm getting hungry so I'll stop and make that sandwich. I'm so glad we got the rain - things were getting really dry. I hope the smoke isn't too bad for you ladies in the east - maybe the front will clear it out. Enjoy the rest of your day.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    I didn’t overdo it Lorita, that’s why I didn’t get a lot done .

    The roast smells good this morning.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    edited June 2023

    Good morning from the front porch, not much to say.......not feeling well.....just wanted to check in.......nothing serious, just Lou up and down 6 times since 1 this morning. Hope all is well and you have a good Sunday!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Hi Ron & Lou, hope you are able to get a catnap in today Ron.

    I fixed mom some stewed potatoes, carrots & peas and some roast beef. Enough for 2 or 3 meals. I did pretty good, got all the dishes done and let them drain til I got back home. Watered the seeds I planted earlier. Several of my zinnias I planted a few days ago are up. Hope nothing eats them. Taking a rest now then think I will fix myself some mashed potatoes and asparagus to go with my roast. Thinking about making roast nachos for supper. Have no recipe just something I’m thinking about trying.

    Have to set my trash out and wash my hair. Other than that I hope to rest.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Sara, so good you have the roast cooked and now don't have to worry about cooking today, unless you want to. I'm not getting anything done this morning - just waiting for Bryon to come and mow. It says it's 77 but feels humid.

    Ron, sorry you're not feeling well this morning. Why not just take it easy today and nap when you can. Does Lou sleep during the day? Seems I remember you said you couldn't get her to take a nap. Wonder why she's awakening so much during the night? I remember that Charles didn't have trouble sleeping - that is if I remember corrrectly - sometimes memories fade and you only remember the good times.

    Dreading going into town in the morning. Need to stop by the Credit Union to have something notarized. Was going to bring the beneficiary designation on my life insurance up to date but upon reading it this morning I need to call OPM to ask a couple of questions first.

    Haven't seen the girls this morning - I'm sure they're in the barn . I hope the little cow is doing better and not so upset today - it takes a while. Enjoy the day and try to stay cool. Sandy, hope you're feeling better today.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    Quick jump in...Ron, what is Lou taking for sleep???

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Lou takes seroquel at night and normally sleeps good, but here lately she has been waking up thinking she needs to go home. She naps more during the day now so I wonder if that's 5he problem. As for me, I dont nap at all and even the preacher didn't put me to sleep. I did have to leave church early today and it wasn't because of Lou. I started feeling real weak and had a slight wheezing with my cough. After getting Lou settled in I checked my blood pressure and it was low. Other than feeling tired right now everything else is normal.

    SIL had a 80th surprise birthday party in Texas yesterday and feel bad about missing it. After the trip last year I realized long trips are out of the question with Lou.


  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,074
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    Ron, I don't know how long Lou has been taking seroquel, but you may want to talk to her doc about upping the evening dosage a little. Some times the patient will begin to develop a tolerance for it and an adjustment is called for.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    edited June 2023

    Ok tried to copy and paste article but couldn’t get it to work. There is a company called Nervo, they have a device HFX which is a high frequency stimulator. This lady says she got a lot of neuropathy relief with this device. You can find the article on RichlandSource.com. He is a local physician. If you contact Nervo sure they can tell you if any physicians work with these in your area. Think I have heard people on here mention having neuropathy and know it is painful. Just thought I would post about it in case someone is interested.

    we are getting a very steady nice rain this evening. So thankful for it, another blessing. They are giving 1-2 inches tonight. It will help the farmers out, which helps us out. Hope others who need it are getting it too.

    Have a question for those on Original Medicare with a supplement. Will I recieve an EOB from Medicare and my supplement?im getting some bills now but no EOBs so far. Want to pay my bills in a timely manner but also would like a EOB first as guessing I will never get my money back if I overpaid them.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Sayra, as you know I use the VA, but Lou has Medicare and supplement. When she receives a statement with amount owed from a provider usually somewhere on the bill it states "this is not a bill". I dont know about everyone but with Lou I dont worry about it because if you pay the statement amount it's usually more than the amount allowed! Now with that said....a few times I have had to call her provider because they failed to file supplement after medicare paid.



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Thank you Ron. Right after I asked the question thought I’m going to get on my supplement account. Had only been looking at Medicare account because they pay first. Went to my supplement account and there were 29 EOBs there. Now I know where to look. They show what Medicare paid, then what they paid.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    Ditto to Ron's experience.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Sara, Ron beat me to it. I don't go to the doctor often and it seems like it's a couple of months before I get the EOB - not a bill. I never think about paying any amount that says "you might have to pay this amount" and have never had to.

    Took down the trash and saw the girls down in the NE pasture - saw a couple closer to the barn - made me a bit suspicious. When I came back there was only one, then I saw her hotfootin' it to the barn. Went in to check just after she went in. She had a new baby sometime today - afterbirth in the hallway and baby in the stall. Nice baby. She had left it there while she went to graze. I gave her some hay and closed the gates. I'll open them in the morning.

    Just shampooed my hair - plan to go into town in the morning early. Want to be at the CU when they open, then buy groceries and then home. That is, if my back still isn't itchy. Has anyone ever heard of someone having shingles three times? I had it in August 2017 and again last August on my left shoulder. It's itchy sort of in the middle but maybe it's the seams on the dress I've been wearing or what I'm leaning against in the chair. Changed dresses and see how it is in the morning. If it's itchy I'll stop by my doctor's office and see if they can work me in quickly. If not, I'll go to Urgent Care - I like the doctor who's there at least once a week - he was the one who diagnosed it in 2017. I was going to get the shingles shot a couple of years ago but had had a cortisone injection in my knee and couldn't. I think they have a better medicine out now so we'll see what happens.

    Ron, maybe it's time for Lou to have a change of medication. Charles never took Seroquel - I think he began taking it and it didn't work for him. He had taken Trazadone at night for years because of PTSD and took Prozac in the mornings. I can't remember that he took anything else at night for sleep - may have - it was a long time ago. Hope she sleeps through tonight - you - and she - need the rest.

    See you all tomorrow. The front came through and we have a very nice, north breeze - feels really good but by mid to late week it's going to be in the mid to upper 90s. Not ready for that.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Good morning everyone on Lorita's front porch! Put Lou to sleep last night at 8pm and she is still asleep this morning at 6:30am. Now with me, I still wake up all during the night and was finally up at 3:30 this morning. Dont believe I mentioned this but VA sleep study couldn't see me till January. Care in the community consult was put in and I received a call Friday from the VA coordinator for care in the community. She said it could take up to a week for the initial appointment to be set up, but I should be receiving a call shortly to set up a appointment.

    Suppose to be hot this week with chances of storms.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Happy Monday wishes for a good week for everyone. Thanks Sayra. The HFX treatment has different companies; it is a high frequency implanted device for pain in back, legs or feet. There are two wires that are implanted along the lower portion of the spinal cord and a small "box" also implanted. It more or less sends signals that block the pain impulse being received by the brain. My understanding is that it must first be tested by having smaller length wire implants inserted and an external device for some days to see if this helps the patient or not. If so, then surgical implantation ensues; usually an outpatient day procedure. No idea of the long term implications or outcomes or if it can be easily used in a patient that has diabetes.

    DH still having dreadful back pain. The Celebrex made not much difference. MRI shows a lot of arthritis of the spine as well as several areas of stenosis ranging from severe to mild in the different stenosis areas. He has an appointment with a spine specialist tomorrow.

    As for the Medicare insurance; do not pay a penny until the hospital has billed AND received payment from both Medicare and the Supplement. If anything comes up owing, call the Billing Department and ask if they discount for immediate or quick payment. Some hospitals will very nicely discount for quick payment as they do not have to wait and it is a huge positive for the hospital as they experience heavy losses in bad debt as well as old accounts they have to wait long lengths of time to collect and that is harmful to the facility. Can use check or credit card to make such a payment. Always get the name of the Billing person you speak with along with time and date and keep that information. If more calls are needed, try to speak to the same person again. Hopefully they have entered the info/agreement into your computerized account. Another thing one can do, is if the first person is not helpful or lazy or impolite; call back; you will get a different person and results can be different. Sometimes I have even asked to speak to the Supervisor if things did not seem to be panning out. Polite persistence is good in such a situation.

    Always be calm and polite, if one gets huffy, abrasive or insulting, it makes the person on the other end decide they are not going to be positive for you. One wants to have the Billing person actually want to help. Kindness goes a long way in such a situation.

    NOTE: If you find you are being denied a service, do not accept that out of hand. Billing is done by "Coding." Billing Coders apply complex numbers for diagnoses AND each item the patient has with their health/body. Each Code has a myriad of complex sub-codes. Very often, when there is a denial, it is due to a Coding error, so you will want that to be checked out. When the denial of reimbursement is from a doctor's office, most often it is due to a Coding error on the billing, it is always good to check.

    So many times, entire cases were denied at med centers I worked at. When it was a large issue, I used to be given the med record and a copy of the denial . . . pretty much 100% of the time, I was able to get the denial reversed using the record's progress notes, labs, etc. I loved doing that knowing the patient would not get stung for the money. Doctor's insufficient charting can also be a key in why there are denials of payment if there is not sufficient information to indicate medical necessity for all or some of the services. I was also good at corralling those MDs and getting the documentation necessary. (All in addition to my regular work), but as said, it was a very good feeling to be able to help the patient. Some of the denied bills were well into the big six figures. Big figure or questionable cases are reviewed by nurses at the insurance company, sometimes they are even referred to an insurance company contracted M.D. In my many years profession, I have found that many, many times, these insurance staff reviewers were way off base. So; do not accept denials out of hand.

    One case I recall was a very sad case where a single mother was in a car accident and became a ventilator dependent quad and her stay in ICU and lower care was lengthy. The bill was waaaaaay into the six figures. Denial after denial after denial from her private insurance company. The hospital corporation was extremely unhappy. I appealed and appealed with tons of documentation as well as a written response to them . . . the bill finally got paid based on the appeal. Corporate office SO happy with the result that it gave the CFO 20% of the amount recovered as a bonus. Had to silently smile, he did not do one thing re the case/billing, did not even keep up with it; but he was the CFO. I did not even get a thank you; however had very good feelings that came from knowing the patient did not have that to deal with that bill on top of everything else.

    I am sorry to hear about the loss, Lorita; that is sad. So much happens with a herd, it is not all green pastures and happy bovines as we see in TV commercials, that is for sure. Lots and lots of work.

    Ron; that is some carport! That will do the job nicely. I see there are steep steps leading out to the carport; I may have missed some Posting; are you going to have a ramp put in there? Hopefully it will not be as steep as the stairs. I am sure you always do an excellent job; you are so good at all such details. I also really love the beautiful green lawn and plantings, really lovely property, Ron.

    That roast sure sounded good, Sayra. I love the way a roast makes the house smell; I can almost smell it now and I have no roast going. Never thought of doing it overnight; that is a clever idea and you will have a lot of meals from that. Smart thinking.

    OMIGOSH: Father's Day is Sunday. I had a very nice card and went to get it and cannot find it anywhere. I cannot get all the way out to Hallmark by the weekend, and it is absolutely gone. Wonder if I accidentally threw it away with some papers. Oh me, oh my; how am I going to fix that . . . .will have to come up with something. He wants a favorite restaurant takeout special, so no cooking. After all these years, should not make a difference; it seems disrespectful even though not intended.

    Lorita, did you ever hear if Sarah has been accepted into Hospice? Will she be able to agree to not going to the Hospital any longer for treatment? That is not always a good feeling; but if she goes on Hospice and something happens and she feels she absolutely needs to go to the hospital, she can dis-enroll from Hospice and re-enroll after returning home. The nurse will probably visit once a week and she can have a bath aide a couple times a week. They may also be able to work with Sarah's insurance to try and get an aide for some hours a day, if Sarah would accept that. Hope it all works out well for her.

    It will be 70 degrees today; that will be nice. Really great it is still cool this far into June. Will enjoy while we can before big bad July hits. Got to make a haircut appointment, I am a little overdue. It is surprising that I have reached a point where I no longer enjoy that process. Geeze, what a difference getting "mature" can make on the silliest things. Until I can find a magic wand, will continue to get my head into the care of scissors in good hands. Nice when done. Years ago, I loved going into a salon and getting my hair tended to. Now it seems like just one more chore. Shame on me!

    Hope you all will have a week that brings some really nice unexpected positives.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    Rabbit report...two cotton tail sleeping just outside my kitchen window...maybe 6 feet from me. They live in the hedge row (quince) on the east side.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
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    JoC the article about HFX pretty much said same thing. This lady was very happy with the increased quality of life she got.

    im very pleased with Medicare and my supplement. They so far are paying in a very timely manner and so far nothing has been denied and all I have paid is my deductible which was long ago met. My problem was figuring out where to find the EOBs so I was comfortable sending in what facilities said I owed. I know now, very easy to use and my deductible is paid. Thank you for your help.

    Glad you are enjoying your rabbits Judith.

    We got around 1.5 inches of rain so far. Giving chance of more tomorrow, so thankful.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Hi, Thought I'd check in. Judith, don't you love to watch the rabbits? Are they grown or still babies? I've mentioned daddy would often bring me a baby rabbit that he'd found when he was plowing. I had a doll house I'd turn on it's side and keep it in there, in one of the rooms. Never got bitten and never lost one in the house (I don't think). After Charles and I got married,daddy had brought one to Sarah or Eric and I was playing with it and I bit me on the finger. I could not get it to let go so had to shake it off. This morning I saw several cotton rails on the way to town - guess they were enjoying the showers and cooler weather. There's one in the yard that I see occasionally.

    Let Stormy out this afternoon and he went to the yard fence toward the pond and was very alert and barking. I looked and he was watching a white crane in the edge of the water on the other side. He's very territorial - doesn't want anything around that he doesn't know about.

    Jo, I only talked for a minute with Sarah yesterday - I could tell she was in a lot of pain. Today I called and didn't get an answer. When that happens I think she's probably asleep so don't want to bother her. Left a message to call if she feels like it or, if not, to text me to say hi. I didn't know that about not being able to go to the hospital - if I did I'd forgotten. She hadn't heard anything Saturday when I talked with her. She does have a woman who comes in for two hours twice a week to help with light housework.

    It has been a wonderful day for June. It was 74 in Tulsa and the record low-high for June is 73. It's raining about a county south of us now. We did have some showers when I was in town this morning. It's so cool but they're predicting a heat wave for the latter part of the week.

    Thanks, Jo, it's hard to lose a baby - I had never seen one like this. I don't know what happened - if the baby was sick and died (hadn't noticed anything like that happening). The girls were in that area a good part of the day so maybe someone stepped on it. We'll never know. Something had gotten to it - nothing inside - just the rib cage and extremities let. Mom went over there a couple of times and other times I'd hear her call the baby. Years ago we had four or five heifers in a pasture together and one calved - sac didn't come off and mom didn't take it off and it suffocated. Another one calved and we'd see the baby for a couple of days - then mom started calling and calling - going everywhere calling. We looked and looked and never found it - until one day Charles was feeding and he found it - wedged between two bales of hay - couldn't get out and mom didn't find it. Sad, sad things happen - every rancher has awful stories to tell - and they do.

    I just went out to check the barn and the new mom has again left her baby in the barn when she went to graze. I locked them in last night. Guess she's letting baby get stronger. There was another cow in there and Billy was there, too. I'll check again later.

    Gotta stop for now - as usual about out of power. I'll charge it and tell you all about my day later. It had its ups and downs.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Did go check and baby was in the pen - no one else in the barn. I closed the gate to the pen (he's in the stall inside the pen) and closed the lot gates. Baby says something to me when I come in the barn. He's okay - got him up and he's had his colostrom - guess mom is just being uber careful with him. She'll come up later tonight and bawl and I'll let them together.

    So - my day: I'll say "best laid plains" - you know how that goes. I had planned to get to town by 8 a.m., go by credit union and take care of that business, then to the grocery store and home within two hours. Got there at 8:02 - drivethru was open, lobby didn't open until 8:30. My upper back is still itchy so decided I'd check with my doctor. He was completely booked up with lab, etc. until 10:30. Called urgent care to see if the doctor I know was there - he was, but they didn't open for business until 8:30. Went back to CU and got that business done - then decided I'd buy things that didn't need refrigeration or freezing, then see the doctor. Got that done. Saw the doctor - he was the one who first diagnosed shingles six years ago and again last August. Rash had not begun but he ordered a steroid shot and meds to stave it off. Steroid shots, if you all haven't had then, are sneaky things. They give the shot - you don't feel anything except the needle - then, 30 seconds later the pain begins. I had to go back to grocery store and get the other things. By that time the pain was bad and was in the hip that gives me arthritis problems plus my neuromas were not good today and my knees. I sound like a 100 year old person, don't I? I had to get in and out of the PU nine times today instead of the intended three time. Got the groceries and my meds and got home by 10:30.

    Finally got things inside and put away except for a case of Pepsi and 10 lb. of potatoes (no smaller sacks). After that I've rested for the most part. There must be pollen galore outside because I'm sneezing my head off- going to wear a mask when I go out again.

    Now I have concerns about the freezer compartment of the refrigerator - it was making odd noises this afternoon so I moved things around so air could circulate but started to get a fudgecicle a while ago and it was soft. The noise is gone now and I'm afraid to open it to let out the cold air. Guess I'll call Sears and have them come out and repair it if they can. If they can't they'll replace it. I've decided I'm going to buy a small freezer from Lowes - guess they'll deliver.

    One good thing that happened today - the PU ran great - no sputters at all - and I drove on the highway so there was acceleration. Guess Adrian knew what he was talking about. Also talked to Bryon about it. He works for the City and he told me which of the things Adrian talked about is the one they use mostly.

    That's my day, so far, in a nutshell (big shell, huh?). I'll shut up - wrote too much but my fingers wouldn't stop.

    Ron, do you take anything to help you sleep - like Melatonin? or are you afraid Lou will get up and you won't know? Maybe one of those pads they put on the floor that makes a loud noise would awaken you if she got up. Hope both of you can sleep tonight.

    Thanks, Sandy, for thinking of me. So glad you're feeling better. See you all tomorrow. Sleep tight.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Morning, Cool morning - 65 but will be in lower 80s today. Got up at 6 and when I went out on porch mom was coming up to feed baby. Went into the barn and he was laying in the pen - got him up and out in lot and opened gate for mom. Then, gave her some feed out in the parking area so they're out now. Just saw baby running around - good for him to be in the air and sun. Will have to watch because FedEx is bringing things today - I'll get the in the west paddock.

    Back is still a bit itchy this morning so guess I'll take the medication - Acylovir - I've taken before. It's 3x/day.

    Yesterday I bought some of the prettiest-looking sweet rolls at the store. This morning I had one and it was only about half cooked - really doughy so I called the store manager and told him. He was glad to hear that something wasn't good. They used to have a really good kind and I told him about them - couldn't quite remember the name - Texas or West - he said they had been trying to get that brand back. Also noticed while in town the garage where we've always taken our vehicles was reopened. I had heard the men who had it before the last ones were thinking buying it back - hope they did.

    When I was in the pharmacy had a nice visit while I was waiting with a friend who used to work at the feed store. When they changed owners she quit and started at the pharmacy. I asked about another lady and she's also not there - health problems. She said the store was barely open. For some reason the new owner threatened one of the driv). Turns out the driver was the grandson of the owner of the feed company so our feed store lost their contract and are barely making it. The nearest feed store now is directly east of us about 20 miles. Glad I don't have to worry about making that trip every couple of weeks. Mike makes his own feed - buys grain and grinds it himself.

    GPs have been outside and are back inside -they're still sleepy so Stormy just got on the divan to go to sleep.

    Do you all think I can bake those rolls some more - the icing will dissolve but they'll be done.

    Enjoy your day - back later. Ron, hope you and Lou got some sleep last night. Jo, Sarah called after MH last night - she knows I watch TV until MN so called. I told her about the hospital thing with Hospice and she knew about it. Still hasn't heard from Hospice but will call them today. She's been really sick the last two days.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Well.....double dang it! This morning peeing bright red blood, two more times was the same, no pain on either occasions. Have a follow up appointment with radiology oncologist Thursday so decided to call and was told to go to ER. Blood work, iv and ct scan.........kidney stone. Already on flomax but was giving antibiotic and told to come back if the blood doesnt clear up. I've had stones in the past but never this much blood and always pain.


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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