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Just need to talk to my friends (191)



  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Still no power; one person I talked to said tommorow and another said 2 or 3 days. Cant even get gas anywhere close and I had to drive 20 miles for hamburgers. Lou's noise she makes in her throat constantly is even more nerve wracking without the tv on.


  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,074
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    My thoughts and prayers are with each of you who are feeling unwell. Seems like the more candles on the birthday cake, the less likely we can bounce back from whatever ails us.

    May each of you have the best medical treatment and be on the road to recovery or at least to feeling better.

    Hugs and love

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Ron, so sorry about the power outage - really makes you appreciate electric when you get it back. How many times have you tried to turn on the lights? We're creatures of habit for sure. Do you have power to cook or air conditioning? It's supposed to be hot here this weekend so I know it will be down there.

    I've laid on the divan most of the afternoon watching TV. Watched most of the ORU/TCU baseball game but gave up in the last of the 8th inning. TCU was ahead by three points. Just now heard ORU came back in the top of the 9th and won. They'll play again on Sunday.

    Sara, I know you watch a lot of videos by Bob and Brad. I looked up one this afternoon about treatment and exercises for Morton's Neuroma. Haven't watched it yet but will. Something I read mentioned stretching exercises for feet and legs.

    Still eating the roasted cauliflower, potatoes and carrots with ranch dressing - so very good. I had no idea I had so much of the cauliflower and broccoli frozen - broccoli doesn't seem too good roasted after it's frozen but the cauliflower does. I'll roast some more of that in a couple of days.

    The weather tonight showed a DVD sized hailstone that fell somewhere in western Oklahoma - never saw one that big but there were reports of softball sized hailstones - and, that's too big, too.

    You're so right, Marie, the older we get the harder and longer it is to recover - from anything. It took Carol over a year to recover and she still can't get out to her mailbox - not from being unable to walk but from being able to move without touching something. Haven't talked with Sarah - she texted me yesterday saying she wasn't feeling well and sleeping a lot off and on. She's really having a hard time. I'm wondering how long it takes to be accepted into Hospice.

    Don't think I'll go out to check on the girls this afternoon - it's hot and humid - I saw them coming out of the barn with babies.

    Hope all of you have a good evening and can rest and sleep well tonight. I'll see you tomorrow.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Hello Lorita, just a note regarding Hospice. It does not take a doctor to be assessed for Hospice, one can self-call and ask for an evaluation.

    NOTE: Hospice often goes out the same day the referral is made; they are almost always out by the next day. The legal mandate is that an RN must evaluate the patient within 48 hours.

    Hospice is very, very good about this. I have never seen one not come out quickly to evaluate a patient whether they were self referred or were referred by an M.D.

    So . . . something is wrong in what is happening in asking for an evaluation or what Sarah is sharing with you.

    If she thought someone from the hospital was going to make a referral and it was not done, that is one thing. However, Sarah can call any Hospice and request an evaluation for service and they will come out very quickly.

    In order to actually have service begin, there must be a physician's order. The Hospice RN can make that call to the doctor to obtain the order. Once that is done, they move swiftly. Equipment will arrive the same day or the next day depending on the time. She will get her own RN for visits as well as a bath aide, a Social Worker and if she wishes, a Chaplain as well as volunteers to do errands, etc.

    It does not make sense that she has not been seen, so she will have to make that call or ask her doctor's office to do so if she does not wish to make the initial contact.

    Hope this gets put into place soon.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Power back on at 7:45 and air condition and fans all running. Lou and I have been putting cold rags on our neck and forehead and drinking plenty of water. They said winds up to 80 miles per hour were around here and I believe it. We went for a drive 3 times and trees were down west, south and north, the only ones safe was east of us. I had a lot of limbs to pick up, but no uprooted trees.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Ron, glad your power is back on. You all got what they thought we might have but it went south instead. Looks like you may get some more of it tomorrow night - and so will we. Just hope we get some rain. I remember when I was growing up we didn't have an air conditioner or even a water cooler. My grandma would sit with a cold rag on her head most of the time and sometimes put a pan of ice in front of a fan to help cool. We thought we were in heaven when we got the water cooler - then, when I began working I bought a couple of big window air conditioners. However, daddy was working in the fields, I was working and not home and mother wasn't home - grandma seldom used the ACs. When mother was home she wouldn't use them because she didn't feel right about being cool and daddy being out in the sun working. Now, I enjoy having them and so do the GPs.

    Jo, Sarah has been evaluated and the doctor has written the order. I think they came out the end of last week but they told her they had to look at her medical records. I know I only get part of the story a lot of the time so not sure what's really happening. When Charles was referred to hospice - like you said - they came out right away, evaluated him and he was on it. If anyone ever needed hospice I believe it's Sarah but nothing I can do. I ask her about it and she says she hasn't heard anything or that she'll call the next morning. I think part of it may be that she feels she's giving up if she goes on hospice along with signing the DNR. She did see her new PCP and he's the one who referred her, I think. I just have to go with what she tells me. It is frustrating because I know she really needs the help. I just tried to call her and didn't get an answer. Thanks for telling me - much appreciated.

    I feel like I'm ready for bed but my medicine isn't due until 1 a.m. - don't think I can make it that long. I did go out to the barn and no one was in there - kids are growing up and are so cute. I'll see you all tomorrow. Hope everyone can have a good night's rest. Jo, so sorry your husband is having so much pain - I know that bothers you to see him in pain.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,361
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    Good morning porch people.

    @ronald71111 I am glad you have the TV back to help with Lou's throat clearing. It sounds like she's developed a tic. My son has had tics from time to time (common in folks on spectrum) and they make my head want to explode. My friend's DM developed a denture click when she had dementia that drove her to distraction.

    Mom and I survived out outing into the big city. Just barely. I am glad we planned to take the train because the detour for the southbound lanes of I-95 had its own detour because a truck took down power lines and it was hours before crews could access the area and repair them.

    Rain was forecasted but mom refused to bring a raincoat or umbrella claiming we wouldn't be outside for very long. We no sooner got off the train and the skies opened up. She got soaked to the skin getting into and out of the shuttle bus to the hospital. Even with a jacket I was under-prepared and ended up pretty soggy myself which was unpleasant.

    Her appointment went well, I guess. Her AMD is right on the border for treatment and her Aetna MAP hasn't approved the med yet as it's a brand-new protocol, so we revisit in 3 months. One thing she does that is maddening is that she will complain to me about symptoms she's experiencing and then when her doctors asks how she'd doing she downplays it all. Grrr. This means I have to contradict her. Yesterday I had to tell him "She's needing more light at home to see, she's not reading as much because she's having more days when her vision is bad, and she's had 2 falls in the last several weeks because she didn't see where she was going".

    The rain was over by the time we left, we were beginning to dry out and we were able to catch a train home right away, so it was all good. There is no elevated platform at our station and the steps down are not senior-friendly-- the last one is over 18". The trainman helped her down which was great. But she missed the step up from the track area to the platform and went down. She didn't break any bones but yikes. She is always more embarrassed than hurt in these situations, but it's still awful. Fortunately, she protected her head with her forearm and didn't hit it on the steel-capped concrete. This time she "only" bent her new glasses and ripped open the skin on her shin in an area of scar tissue from previous MOHS surgery. It's an "L" shaped tear, about an 1" long on each side; the skin there is thin and very papery/delicate. We skipped urgent care; she has a current DTaP, was wearing pants at the time and we have all the first aid and wound care stuff, so I took her home and washed and dressed it myself. I will have to watch it for infection as she's had infections develop after MOHS on that leg before. On my way home, I stopped by the optician to get her glasses fixed and was able to pick up the pair I ordered myself last week-- I love slaying multiple birds with a single stone. DH and DS took me out for a burger and a beer which was nice.

    I'm taking it easy today-- just a Costco run and trip to deliver the repaired eyewear and do a wound check.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Not sure what to do with eggs. I forgot to check refrigerator temperature when power came back on and Google confused me on eggs. I'm not taking chances on meat, fish and mayo based items, but not sure about eggs. Google tells me to throw away but I found one that says the way to tell if a egg is bad is to put in water and if it floats to the top it's bad. Now my delimia is if it's just talking about eggs under normal conditions are refrigerator eggs.

    Any thoughts from the porch!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Morning, HB, it sounds like you and your mother had quite a day yesterday. Glad things turned out all right - hope your mother's injury from the fall is okay this morning. I can't imagine being in a big town or city with all of that going on - I'm a country girl through and through. Our little town is enough for me and an occasional trip to Tulsa. Relax and enjoy the day.

    Ron, how long was your power out? The eggs will be fine - put each one in a deep bowl of water and if it floats, it needs to go into the trash. If it lays on the bottom, it's nice and fresh - if it stands on end, it's still good but needs to be used before long. If your power wasn't out too long and you kept the refrigerator and freezer closed, everything else should also be fine. We've had power outages and still things were okay if we didn't open the refrigerator very much. It stays nice and cold in there for a while. But, I'm like you, if I worry about something not being good, I don't use it.

    I saw a bit of the weather this morning and it looks like we're in for it tonight - just hope we get rain and not high winds or hail. I have to trim Stormy's toenails today - this morning he was restless before we got up and his nails clicked and clicked when he walked on the floor. I can get him into the Gator and trim them all right - but, Sheena's need to be trimmed and she won't let me do it. Have to take her to the vet and I can't get her in the PU to do that.

    They're also scratching - not sure if it's fleas or their allergies. I'll put Vectra on Stormy and Bravecto on Sheena. She had what I thought was a reaction when I put Vectra on her last month - high temp and lethargy. Mike thinks she got too hot - she was outside all day and night but it wasn't too hot but not sure which is right. Stormy has had two seizures so can't use Bravecto on him. Always has made me very apprehensive when I put flea meds on any of our dogs because of the possible reaction. Also have to keep them away from cats - mostly for Vectra but guess I'll close the cats in the bedroom for a few hours - too hot to keep them outside. I did that last month but it wasn't too hot then.

    Ron, I don't think you were out of power but a few hours - I think the food will be okay but err on the side of caution. Eggs will be fine. You know in Europe they keep their eggs out on the counter - no refrigeration - but they don't wash their eggs so they have that protective layer on the shell. In our Country the eggs are washed so they need to be refrigerated because the protective layer is gone. When we sold eggs we only washed the ones that needed it - at that time I didn't know about the covering. I know I've kept eggs in the refrigerator for longer than I should and then threw them away. Usually before they get too old I boil them for the GPs. Glad you have the TV now for background noise. Better get the show on the road - nothing on tap for the day except the flea meds and toenails. They're both still and very quiet now so I'll finish my juice first. Back later.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Thanks Lorita, I knew about the floating in water tip, but wasnt sure if that was for normal conditions are even refrigerated eggs with power outage. We kept the door closed and power was out 20 hours; I wish I would have thought to check the refrigerator temperature when the power came back on.

    We have a chance of thunderstorms again tonight, but hopefully it want be bad. I'm still shocked at how much damage I saw driving around for it not to be a tornado.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Ron, did things in the refrigerator still feel cold when you opened the door after the power came back on? Did you hear how strong the straight winds were in your area? I heard there were six tornados in Oklahoma night before last - quite a lot of damage. Also the town of 8,000 in the Texas Panhandle was almost completely wiped out. They didn't even have any kind of warning - the tornado just dropped out of the clouds onto them. Hoping we don't have weather like that tonight - anywhere - just rain is what we need.

    Haven't been out this morning except to let Stormy back inside - feels pretty humid. He and Sheena have been asleep for quite a long time and I'm not going to bother them while they're sleeping so well. Makes me nervous putting this stuff on them. We never did that when I was growing up - always sprinkled our dogs with Sevin - also cabbage, tomatoes, potatoes, etc. Not even sure you can buy Sevin now. If the items in the refrigerator were still cold, they should be okay. Hope you're feeling well this morning.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Regarding check washing, there is a type of ink that is very difficult to check wash. Found this info online and did buy some of these pens: "uniball Gel Pens, 207 Signo Gel with 1.0mm Bold Point, 12 Count, Black Pens are Fraud Proof to Prevent Check Washing." They are available on Amazon. I do place my outgoing mail in the mailbox. My mailbox is just across the street in front of our house and easy for us to observe. I only place the mail there the day that it will go out, never overnight.

    This last week was recycle week. We have a bin that is much like the garbage bin (different color). After the truck passed by, our bin was gone! POOF! We suspect that the arms on the truck that lift it to empty it were loose enough that the bin just slid out and went into the truck with the recyclables. Crazy!

    Sara, your baked goods and strawberries sound good. I am sorry your mom is giving you more issues. Sorry she is resistant to seeing a dr or being treated.

    We have a few ripe blueberries. I will get out and pick them this afternoon. Giving 30% chance of rain; hope we get it as it is needed. I did go ahead and water, however. That is, I did about half the watering. I'll try to finish early tomorrow before church. We don't water the lawn, just the flower and vegetable gardens.

    We had a good trip to KS Thursday; came home Friday after the funeral service. Enjoyed seeing the cousins but sad for the reason we gathered.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Beth, you talking a out blueberries reminded me of some of the drives I take Lou for. One route I take often has a farm called blueberry hill. Everytime I pass it I cant help myself and start singing; I found my thrill on blueberry hill. I then ask Lou where she found her thrill.

    I hope the storms aren't as severe tonight! Tossed my milk, mayo, fish and meat to be safe so dont have as much to worry about in the frig.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Latest Update On Bob from Bob and Brad:

    Heartfelt feelings,


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
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    Good evening

    Ron I would have pitched stuff too. Just not worth it to me. It’s not real uncommon for us to lose electric here in storms Summer and Winter. We had storms here one night this week. Was a tornado little NE of here.

    Beth usually July here before blueberries ripen. Haven’t paid attention to whether there are any at moms or not. Don’t want to forget about them because it is nice when I get to freeze some for winter.

    HB don’t you hate getting drenched? Could see my mom doing the same. Nice that you have option of taking the train.

    Got half of my garage cleaned today. Graduated from PT yesterday. Had already been doing the Sara Meeks realignment routine. Today did a Silver Sneakers 15 minute routine and a 8 minute balance routine and it went well.

    Thinking of everyone going through a rough patch.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Jo, what happened to Bob?

    Love blueberries but $5.00 a pint is a bit high because there are usually some in the bottom that aren't good - even if you look. I think I have some that are dehydrated.

    I just looked at the national radar and so far there's nothing showing up in Oklahoma. It's partly cloudy with no wind right now.

    Stormy and Sheena seem okay - it's been six hours since I medicated them. Stormy's ear was really bothering him a while ago and I found a little tick on one of them and scrathed the other one really good. He's asleep now. I was laying on the divan and dozed off and something made me jump and wake up (dream, I guess) and made my left hip hurt. It's okay now. Cats are still in the bedroom. I've kept them separated from the GPS today. One thing I read about the Vectra is you need to keep them separated for 24 hours - another place said until the Vectra was dry.

    Been a very quiet day here. Did call Sarah - she texted me back that her phone was on the charger - that she didn't feel well today and that Todd was upchucking. Hope all of you are well this afternoon. See you tomorrow.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Just looked at the video by Bob and Brad. I'm glad they're going to continue with Mike but will miss Bob. Sara, you've been watching them for a long, long time and I've watched several. Still plan to watch the one about Morton's Neuroma. Life gets hard but he seems to have a good outlook.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Jo C, what is the plan for pain relief until July 3rd?

    Fireworks season is here again--I heard a loud BOOM, like a bomb going off, this evening. The sound set off car alarms. Every year this happens, it's so tiresome!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Morning, Happy Father's Day to all you dads out there. I was born on Father's Day 81 years ago. Quite a Father's Day present from my mother - I think daddy thought so.

    We had storms in Oklahoma last night - lots of storms; tornado warnings with tornados, very high winds up to one reported of 100 mph. Many, many around 60-70 mph. Most of this was in the northern part of the State, around Tulsa and east. We had some high winds and not much rain around 1:30 this morning. I haven't been out to see if there was damage but don't think so. There is much damage north of here with many people being out of power.

    I was still up at 1:30 - had to take my medicine so just stayed up and watched the weather for several hours. Watching news programs this morning - all about the same thing - seems like one person is taking up all the news lately. Nothing going on here today - baseball game about 6 p.m. and 1883 after that - probably Denim & Co. in between somewhere.

    Hope all of you are well today. Sarah did call late last night - she sounded so bad. I can tell when she's in pain and she really was. I told her she should go to the hospital to try to get some pain relief but doubt she did. She said a doctor is supposed to come and see her tomorrow about Hospice. Jo - I can't understand what the delay is. When Charles went on Hospice, two or three people came out one day and he was on it - just for a few days until he went back to the hospital. Guess we'll see. She is afraid she might have to go to another nursing facility like she did a couple of years ago. We'll see what happens, I guess.

    Iris, isn't it hard to believe that the Fourth of July is only a couple of weeks away. This year is going so fast. Hope you're well. Does the sound of fireworks scare your cats? We don't hear any out here but occasionally I can see a few probably ten miles east of here.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Iris, I know what you mean about the fireworks . . . we hear them too. We can also hear far away muffled sounds of the Knotts Berry Farm fireworks each night about 9:30. Always reminds me of people who live i war torn areas that hear such sounds and have to fear them.

    As for DHs pain, thanks for asking, he has been given Celebrex which helps only a very little bit. He is worried as the surgeons usually want the patient off all such meds 7 - 10 days prior to the operation. It will be excruciating.

    I would not be as internally frightened as I am if it were only three laminectomies; but it is also three fusions with bone grafts at three areas of the spine which are highly problematic and can be fraught with post-op and long term significant negatives. It also takes about 6 to 12 months for fusions to heal with the bone grafts. I also feel concern re the helatious post-op back spasms; they do not respond to much and must be hellishly endured and can last quite a long time. Very painful post-op period as compared to many other surgeries.

    We have begun to lay in recovery supplies as recommended by a wonderful, genius OT. She has great videos online which I will get the link later and send it on. We also wish to rent a powered recliner/lift chair for a few months as that has been helpful for many lam/fusion patients in the early weeks - it is an extremely painful process to stand up from a seat. Dratted fusions. Made so many calls to so many places re power chair rentals and amazingly despite advertising such rentals, not really there. Just got to find a place to rent one; I have called SO many places and it ain't easy. I may possibly have found a place about an hour away, so will call and confirm tomorrow.

    We will put the power recliner/lift chair in the Master Bedroom; it is a very large room and will fit well. There are two upholstered easy chairs in there now, but he is not to sit on a soft chair or sofa. We will make the room his personal "place" - he has a large TV in there as it is. Also has an en suite with shower and a dressing room sort of area with a chair, so that will be somewhat helpful. We have a small refrigerator; a little bit larger than the hotel tiny fridges; but no way to get it upstairs AND if it was noisy, he would not be able to rest. Only used it once on the patio during our 50th anniversary after- party. I will be in one of the guest rooms for sleep. I pretty much do now as it is as he is a monumental snorer and gets up three to four times a night to use the bathroom and he sometimes can't get back to sleep so he wants to watch TV until he tires which can take some time.

    Going to put a bidet on the commode as he will not be permitted or able to cleanse the usual way . . . I feel so bad for him No twist, no turn, no bend, (not even a tiny very slight bend), no reach, or push, pull, lift or reach up overhead for at least about two months or longer depending on healing. Not going to be easy. Embarrassed to say I actually had an full on anxiety attack two days ago; it all piled up on me out of nowhere. I have not had that happen; not comfortable for sure; twas awful. And my tiny bit of new onset reddish rosaea is abruptly full blown bumps across both cheeks! Talk about psychological/physical relationships due to stress. Geeze.

    DH is older at 81; with diabetes so those are very real negatives for this surgery, but no other options. I so want to protect him but of course am helpless to do so. Prayer and try to put things into place to help and to be there.

    Ordered a double bed for the other guest room for our daughter to sleep in for the few weeks she will be here. It presently has a set of twin trundle beds that I am trying to give away; they are in excellent condition and I have mattress pads, sheets, blankets and bedspreads to go with them. Got to get them out before the new bed comes. SO much to think of that my lists now have lists and I am still making more. I wake up middle of the night with my brain spinning out more things to think about and needing addressing and adding to the lists of lists. EEEEK!

    Please pray for Bill; I would deeply appreciate it. Surgery on 7/3.

    Got some Prosacea for the red bumps with the new onset rosacea; no ease as of yet, but its only been a couple of days. Will call my doctor and see if he has something he prefers. No time to go to a dermatologist right now. Thankfully, I had a haircut pending on the 28th, just in time as I look like an explosion in a hair factory. Bless that beautician, she now kindly comes to the house. She is so busy in the salon, I am surprised that she is willing to do that. Her daughter and grandchildren live only a mile or so from us, so she visits them - it will be one of her days off.

    Ron; I am so sorry to hear about the power outage; how awful. Just what you needed was one more thing to happen! I too would rather throw away any questionable items from the frig/freezer. Never, ever worth the risk to make oneself sick - our poor GI tracts can get ugly. About two years ago, in a power outage, we lost everything in our refrigerator/freezer as well as everything in the big freezer in the garage - it was horribly expensive. Our freezer also burned out with the power surge when the power came back on. I should look into an entire house surge protector but know nothing about them.

    Sayra, you are doing really great! I am delighted for you. What a wonderful recovery and advancing of your health routine. Awesome; but we already know that about you!

    Aren't summer berries wonderful! When I was a child, we moved into a new house that had a very large back yard. My mother made a large garden growing veggies and the biggest, best strawberries ever. We were amazed. A neighbor then told us that where Mom had put her garden was where years ago, there were outhouses! My poor Mom's face when she heard . . . oh well; rich soil for sure.

    HB, I am sorry about what happened with your mother; that was such luck she was not hurt far worse. Your outing should have been a burger and TWO beers. So hope her wound heals well. Nothing like getting soaked and having to show up at the professionals office looking like drowned cats . . . bet it was hard not to tell her, "Told you so!"

    It is 8:00 am here, must go. I never found that lost Father's Day card; so I wrote a love letter instead and have it for him re being such a wonderful father and husband. More personal too. Just did not have the splashy pretty designs on it - but did put some little red hearts near his name.

    May it be a good Sunday for everyone,


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Jo C, Bill will be in my prayers! I remember when I had my surgery at L5 S1, the neurosurgeon told me it was like a explosion in there. I've also had disk replaced in my neck, but was a lot younger on both and dont know how I could tolerate either now.

    Lou's sitter lives about 20 miles north of us and was told her power probably want be restored until the 24th. I told her she could stay with us but she has gone to her daughter's. The last storm just moved through here and its suppose to be clear rest of day.

    I have VA appointments Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday! The only one I want to make sure I get to even if I take Lou is Thursday. The PET scan is Thursday and the waiting is driving me crazy. All the time since I had the prostate cancer my concern was speading to either bladder or kidneys. Never thought about gastroesophageal junction nodule and dont like what I've been reading. The wait game is the hardest!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
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    edited June 2023

    Lorita know what Sarah is going through is very stressful to you too. Wish she could be little more receptive to her medical team. Know that can be hard for someone when they don’t undeRstand really what’s happening or have other reasons they can’t.

    I dislike hearing fireworks or guns. Gunfire is so sad to me and something that is hard for me to understand how some so trust in them. Glad my trust isn’t in a gun. I have no issue with it if you are hunting meat for your family but anything beyond that hard for me to accept. I seem to be very much an oddball in my family and state. That’s ok, have been different all my life.

    JoC in this case you know too much. A guy I worked with him and his wife have been very kind to me during the past 6 weeks. They came and visited me a couple of weeks ago. We were talking and he said we know too much, told him Im realizing that as I get older. We know long term consequences, we know where the road can or does lead. We can’t be blessed with being naive. Being naive can be a bad thing but also can be a good thing, lot less worry. Think it was a huge blessing that I was unaware what was going on. I had a panic attack in late October when when I hadn’t been absorbing my Levothyroxine for a couple of months. So I know how this feels a little. It’s pretty scary because I felt there was no way I was going to be able to get the feelings controlled. JoC hope some things start falling in place for you and panic will ease a bit. Will say it has given me more empathy for people who deal with this a lot. As I get older just feel more vulnerable to life happening. See my mothers family dealing with this now as they are reaching their mid and late 80s, a couple are in their early 90s. Praying for Bill, you and those caring for him. Pray for all here, life has been a little rocky for several here lately.

    JoC I don’t have red checked rosacea, but I get red hard knots on various areas of face but most on tip of nose. What has done the best for me is Benzyl Peroxide. You would need to check in to it. Have found DrDray very helpful with my rosacea. Have had no flares since using benzyl peroxide just a stray one now and then.

    Good to see you on porch Iris, had been thinking about you.

    Guess Zetta off on another dog setting adventure

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Jo, Bill is and will be in my prayers for sure. How is he taking having to wait? Sometimes I think that's the hardest part. I don't know anyone who has had back surgery but I know it can be hard to get over. Never worked in Orthopedics except to relieve the secretary a time or two. We had one of those lift hairs for daddy when he was having trouble getting up and down. Really helped a lot. Hope you can find one closeby so you can get the room set up for Bill. I also know about stress - seems like everything's stressful these days. We get through one thing and two more show up to be dealt with - the to-do list never gets finished. I bet he appreciated the love letter more than he would have a card - much more personal.

    Father's Day is a hard day for me - I was a daddy's girl - always with him and asking questions. I opened a can of pop this morning and it reminded me of when he was in the NH - I took some pop to him and he opened the can or bottle and took a drink and commented about how strong it was - he said, "that's too strong for a little boy like me". He sort of lived in the time he was younger - he'd talk about playing horseshoes behind the barn. I always made a cake for Father's Day and his birthday - his favorite - a two or three, white layer cake with split layers topped with vanilla pudding and black walnuts. I think of him and that cake so often. Now, I've made myself cry.

    I haven't been off the porch today - did get the trash together and will take it down later this evening. Haven't felt too well since I've been taking the Acyclovir, especially in the mornings. I have five tablets left and don't think I'll take the rest. It says 5-7 days of medication. These are 400 mg. instead of 800.

    The one puddle of water I saw this morning has dried up. I do wish we could have gotten some rain - none in the forecast for this next week - only temps in the mid 90s with head indices of over 100. Climate change is really doing a job on our weather. Can't depend on how it used to be at all - more storms, higher temps, etc. and it will only get worse.

    I think Stormy has ear mites - he shakes his head and when I looked in his ear this afternoon it looked red and damp. I have some medicine I used for Barclee who had lots of ear wax so put some of it in his ears. We used to go to a vet in the 70s when we had lots of poodles and he told us to mix boric acid powder and, I think, peroxide to put in his ears - old fashioned remedy. Dr. Google says no to peroxide.

    No sign of the other snake. They say when you see one, there's always another nearby. Hope they're wrong. I've had enough of snakes. Carol told me she killed one on their patio last year so guess they're everywhere.

    Not sure what I'll watch tonight - ORU plays baseball about 6 p.m. and 1883 is on at 7 so the game won't be over by then. Probably 1883 will win out since it will be continued.

    I wonder what happened to Day - enjoyed visiting with her about QVC.

    Ron, did you have trees downed from the storm? Will you be able to make all three days of appointments?

    Haven't heard from Sarah today but doubt she went to the hospital. I'll try to call her later. I don't know how she can continue with so much pain.

    Sara. I hate hearing gunshots, too. When they were getting rid of the beavers on the next section I'd hear them and hated it. But, out here, you have to have guns for protection from whatever. Darwin always carried one in his tractor and I had thoughts of doing the same when I was out more in the Gator but never did. I do have a couple of pistols and a .22. I've watched Charles clean his guns many times but never really paid much attention - need to learn how to clean the .22.

    I'll stop for now and get the trash down before the game comes on.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    edited June 2023

    It is hard to think Lorita and I live less than 2 hours from each other and our weather is so different. Thursday we had statewide warnings for terrible weather. We were on alert way into the evening. Last night we had gale force winds. I lost 1/2 of a sentimental tree and branches from others. They lost a tree across the street.

    Is anyone messaging Day???

    Jo, hugs to your household and the same to Ron.

    I have been thinking of Sarah. They may be trying to have Hospice join her team but she just might not qualify. Has she seen the gastro???

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Jo C, what about a trial of gabapentin for pain relief for your DH?

    Lorita, my cats were scared by the bomb-like fireworks, as was I, so when they saw me run around, they got more scared. There is no point in calling the police because the perpetrators are gone by the time the police drive by. Iris

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Judith, she hasn't seen him yet. She hasn't mentioned when the appointment is or if it's been made.

    Our neighbor on the SW corner of the farm just called. He said a herd of cattle were in the meadow just north of his house. Asked him if they had ear tags - he called back in a few minutes to say he had driven down and all of them - 20-30 head had yellow ear tags. So, they're Mike's little heifers. They're out in a meadow with bales of hay on it. I've had all of the perimeter fences rebuilt except about a quarter mile next to the meadow where the heifers were. 'The trees are very close together so we didn't think they'd be able to get out - but they did. Guess one of them found a hole and all went through.

    I called Mike and he was on call so said he'd call Toad to get them back in - no idea how he'll do that. Judith, Denny (neighbor) said we had 45 mph winds last night. He lost a big limb out of a pecan and a dead tree blew down across his driveway. He's not well but was able to get enough limbs off of it so he could get out if he had to go to the hospital or get out for some reason. It blew a big limb off a mulberry tree in our yard - NW corner and ruffled up a little tree at the driveway.

    You know when I was working I was about 30 miles from my work and the weather could be drastically different. I could call in to tell them I couldn't get there because of ice, etc. and they wouldn't have had anything. I'm glad the wind didn't last long last night. I just took down the trash but forgot to look at the rain gauge - he said we had .5" of rain - there were puddles down the driveway. Rea;;u dread the heat next week but it's summertime in Oklahoma.

    Lots and lots of damage and downed power lines and poles in Tulsa - still thousands of people out of power north of here. Glad you didn't have any more damage. No idea how to get in touch with Day - maybe someone else knows.

    Iris, I think my cats would be scared to by the sound and probably Sheena and Stormy. Sheena's afraid of thunder. When it's stormy I have to be very careful to not let them know I'm afraid or they would be much worse.

    Just watched the ORU/Florida baseball game - ORU lost by one or two points - they play again on Tuesday. 1883 is just beginning so I'll stop for now. I typed most of this commentn two or three hours ago and didn't post it for some reason - thought I had. Anyway, goodnight, sleep tight.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Our energy provider put out a statement this morning! Almost a quarter of a million customers lost power in what was almost hurricane force winds.

    Just this morning our preacher put out a message that the church power had finally came back on. I've lived in the ARKLATEX all my life; with the exception of my time in service and have never seen this much destruction. It looked like a war zone in some areas!

    VA appointment tommorow, Wednesday and PET SCAN Thursday, the scan is what I need to get over. Worried about it; never had a pet scan scheduled so quickly and never seen radiologist recommend biopsy on any of my past scans, usually just recommend follow up.

    Heat advisory all week!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
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    Ron know you are carrying a very heavy burden right now. Strong winds can really cause a lot of destruction for sure. Glad I got those trees cut. When we had tornado warning the other night was glad those tall trees around my house were gone.

    My nephew came this evening and helped me maintain my back yard beds. We didn’t get to do it last week due to a lot of rain, I’m not complaining, very thankful for it. Had already got the front yard done myself. Didn’t take us long. Tomorrow he is coming back and help me finish up my garage. Got half of it done Saturday. I’m almost back to my old self this week.

    Been a nice breezy day. A little muggy but not too bad. Sitting on back porch and it is very comfortable.

    Thinking of each and everyone


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Hi, The news just now said there are at least 160,000 people in the Tulsa area still out of power. They're showing pictures of houses that had trees fall on them. Sara, like you, I'm glad I got some of the bigger limbs farther away from the house but having winds like they had - up to 100 mph would get them onto the house anyway.

    Back in 2007 we had a terrible ice storm and out of power for a couple of weeks. Workmen from the east coast were the ones who restored our power. We moved down to the farm house in 2000 just before another big ice storm. News said there are workmen from all over the US that have come to help. I feel so bad for the people who depend on power for oxygen, cooling and keeping their medications cool. It's 94 here now - don't know about the heat index.

    Sara, so good that your BIL will help you with things - makes a big difference in how you feel about things.

    Haven't felt too well today - decided to not take the last three pills of Acyclovir - not sure that's why I'm feling different or what. It was very late when I went to bed the last two nights - up to 2 a.m. so this morning I woke up at 6:30 and decided I could sleep another hour but it was 9 when I woke up. Took a nap at 3 and just got up a few minutes ago. I should be caught up.

    I knew our wind wasn't so awfully bad but it was very noisy and only lasted a few minutes - Denny said it was 45 mph - we have that pretty often. We did get .6" of rain which will help but we needed much more.

    Judith, were there high winds in OKC during the storm? Our news isn't mentioning that area of Okla. Everyone went into the bedroom when I went in to take a nap. Guess the cats got hungry because they kept waking me up and were ready to eat. Stormy got up when I did but Sheena's still sleeping. They'll have to stay in this week because of their heavy coats.

    I made a loaf of bread last night before I went to bed and it turned out to be the tallest loaf I've ever made - good this morning, toasted with apricot preserves and peanut butter. Weird combination, I know, but it's really good instead of straight jelly.

  • ButterflyWings
    ButterflyWings Member Posts: 1,752
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    Hello there, front porch friends! I have been away from this wonderful gathering for some time, and trying to catch up. Sayra! omg. Thanking heaven that you are alive and on the mend. I am so glad to skim through and see just a tad of this latest thread... though at first, I wasn't even sure I was in the right place since you all have remodeled since I was last on these boards lol.

    A quick thought, ronald - besides your being the best husband ever, I wonder if you are watching the news reports and all regarding the current war that is so much in people's faces right now? Seems like that could bring Vietnam memories back, front and center...? I just have had to turn it all off, as DH is also a vet and it is too much (for me as well, and I don't have dementia nor was I ever in combat). We keep the jazz radio station on and that is pretty much it.

    Thank you all for sharing the beautiful photos since I haven't much time to read everything, but I've decided I can scroll and look at least... and the adorable crochet menagerie and gorgeous wisteria were special highlights in my day. And Lorita, your energy and all that you get done every day is just what I needed to see again. Its just the ticket to put some pep in my step for all the Spring cleaning (and more!) that has been feeling too much to handle with 24/7 hands-on for my darling 6E-early 7'er here. Thanks for the inspiration.

    I didn't know I was going "on vacation" or that I'd be away so long, so please forgive the MIA period. I've been fighting a battle of my own, for DH's POAs and our lives not to be overturned. It was an ambush (total sneak attack) and I am determined to win. So, do know how much I miss you all when not able to read or post, and that we are A-OK, just handling some super-important and time-consuming "stuff" right now. Have a peaceful week!!!

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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