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Just need to talk to my friends (191)



  • SQBEAR50
    SQBEAR50 Member Posts: 104
    Seventh Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Likes

    Hi all,

    D@mn Ron, seems I'm not the only one that things one after the other keep happening to. Peeing blood is so scary. Thank goodness you're not having pain.

    Lorita pull out the directions for your airfryer and put those sweet rolls in it.....I guarantee you that you will love them! My 10yr grandson uses the airfyer......it's not hard, just gotta start doing it.

    Where's Day?


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    edited June 2023

    How disappointing about the sweet rolls. Sounds like you had a rough day.

    Ron hate to hear you have a kidney stone. Maybe Flomax is helping with the pain. My urologist said it does.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    My goodness, Ron, when it rains, it pours. So sorry about the stone. Hope there isn't any more hematuria and no pain. It seems like when we get over one hurdle, there's another one waiting. Prayers that it gets better soon. Glad you went to the ER and are already on antibiotics.

    It's been a busy day - cleared out and threw away things that were in the second half of the refrigerator freezer. Found several bags I'd made of cauliflower and broccoli. Roasted some of it along with potatoes and carrots. Also made some ranch dressing - really good together. Now to do the dishes. Opened and closed gates for FedEx a couple of times. Just now saw the mom out by the gate. - Didn't see the baby.

    We took a short nap this late afternoon - felt good to do that but had to get up to take my medicine so I could take it again before 1 a.m. Still have that half-itchy feeling just below my collar line in mid, upper back - no pain but I didn't have pain with either other bouts of shingles - just itching. I did call my eye doctor to see if it was okay to use the Bruder eye compress - wanted to know for sure if it might bother my narrow angles. She said it was fine to use. Haven't had too much trouble with dryness today - can't figure it out but glad some days are better. Yesterday I had a terrible time with sneezing and congestion - not so much today. Must have passed something along the road on my way home that aggravated my nose.

    Just heard today that Pat Sayjack (don't know how he spells it) is 76 and is going to retire from Wheel of Fortune. It won't be the same without him. Couldn't believe he's that age - 41 seasons with one more to go.

    Found out yesterday that our, one local car dealer doesn't lease cars. They have another dealer in the town where Carol leaves so I'll call and see if they do. Looks like, being the same company, they could/would provide services in our town, if needed. I don't want a little, bitty car - need room to haul some things and that includes Stormy and Sheena - also needs to be pretty close to the ground - I wouldn't drive it in the mud anyway. Enough of that - that's for another day or week.

    Will stop and watch our local news. Hope everyone else is all right this evening. Ron, hope you feel better and can sleep tonight. Where is everyone today?

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Ron, so sorry!

    Lorita, sorry about the loss of the baby. Hope Sarah is feeling better. She certainly has gone through a lot.

    Sara, I am glad you are getting better.

    We went to our granddaughter's softball game this morning. The weather was beautiful. After the game, we tried out a new restaurant and I had street tacos. They were good.

    My serviceberry tree is just covered with berries. They taste good. We don't do anything with them other than eat them right off the tree. The birds get a lot of them.

    Roses are still looking good. The red ones are very fragrant. The garden is doing well but would like another good drink! We did 0.6" overnight Sunday but could use more. Grateful for what we got. We have 4 rain barrels which catch rainwater off the roof. Each barrel holds 55 gallons. We love having them to water our garden.

    Take care and have a good night's rest. Beth

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Beth, what does a serviceberry look like? Is it big and what color? I noticed this evening when I was west of the house looking for the baby that our mulberry tree has berries on it that are falling off. It's the only mulberry we have that has berries. We had one at the MH, too. Mother used to eat them but to me there's not much taste.

    Glad you enjoyed the ballgame and the new restaurant. What's the difference between a regular taco adn a street taco?

    It's 82 and really sticky and calm right now. But, it was a nice day. We need rain, too. The drought last year did so much damage and now when it does rain a little bit it seems to dry out very quickly. I like rain - don't care for the mud - but I'll take any we can get.

    Mom had the baby laying down by the fence west of the house. For some reason they always put them in that area. Worries me (of course) because just over the fence is a deep pond with steep sides. A little calf got out in there years ago but we managed to get him back in without going into the water. When we had the fence built around that area I had Peter put several wires, a couple very close to the ground so they couldn't get through - but I still worry. Got him up and he started toward his mom and she toward him. He was ready for supper. I gave her come hay and fed her this morning and will do the same tomorrow. I want her to keep him with her instead of staking him out.

    Thank you, Beth, it's really hard to lose a baby, especially in that way. We've lost lots of them - once a set of twins - and it's never easy.

    Haven't talked with Sarah today. Yes, she has been through a lot - her whole life. She began life with cerebral palsy on her left side and has had surgeries for that and other things. She is very strong and much too young to be going through all of this. She was born four months before Charles and I got married.

    Glad your garden is doing well. I have one Knock-out rose blooming now (others have already had their first bloom) and some of the daylillies have tall buds - if the cow doesn't eat them, they'll bloom in a few days. They're the old fashioned, orange ones. Carol calls them cornflowers. Each of us got a start of them at the old school where both of us went when we were very young. I went there after our school burned for a year, then to another school for a few months until ours was rebuilt. Odd that we lived so close together and did the same things but never met until we worked at the VA Hospital.

    Watching Celebrity Jeopardy - earlier watched Wheel of Fortune - seems like it's game night on TV.

    Ron, hope you're better tonight. See you all tomorrow - sleep well.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
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    Ron thinking of you this morning

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Thank you Sayra, didnt sleep much with all the water I've been drinking. Urine has changed to a pinkish color and still no pain. The lack of pain is a blessing, but hard to understand. I've had 4 previous kidney stones and hurt like the dickens on each one.

    Going to relax in my designated rocker this morning.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Morning, Ron, be thankful for small favors - no pain. Maybe the stone isn't big enough to cause pain - maybe just gravel? Try to rest some today.

    Nicole, I have a NuWave oven and was debating about putting the rolls in it or in the oven on low - might try a couple in each and see which is better. I always get two packages and freeze one. I don't know where Day is - we haven't had a post from her in quite some time.

    When I got up this morning I heard a few sprinkles on the AC. North of here about 50-60 miles they've had lots of rain and hail. Seems like it's either north or south of us. WE have a little but not enough. Scary times - not enough rain and bermuda isn't growing to make hay for all the cattle. Talked with Mike a while ago and he has over 200 bales already with some more cut - but, he usually feeds thousands of bales each winter. If we don't get rain and enough hay, cattle will have to be sold. Hate that. When I got up, looked out the window because I heard the driveway alarm and saw the baby and his mom at the gate. I need to stop and go out and feed her and get them in the paddock. FedEx is supposed to deliver again and I want the gate open. Seems like everytime I order more than a couple of items, the delivery is broken into more than one delivery.

    Sara, hope you're still continuing to improve. Are you still making bread? Haven't heard you mention it lately. I tried to get some bread flour at the store the other day and they don't have it. I think I ordered a package a while back but can't find it - maybe that's what I'm using now. Have you ever made bread with AP flour? I think there's something you can add to the AP flour to turn it into bread flour. Did your little zinnias ever come up? Mine didn't but the weeds are doing well. Looks like there's some kind of vine coming up at the base of the magnolia that died and I had taken out. Also some new leaves on the base so maybe it'll come out. Guess I should water it if we don't have more rain soon.

    Back later.

  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 521
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    My goodness, I've missed so much. I just spent time going back and trying to catch up.

    It seems all of my energy and life have been directed at a non-profit organization that suddenly doesn't have funding. It's been run on grants and donations in the past. Being on the board this has taken up so much time - and energy. Its been around 5 years, but had numerous programs for those with dementia or homebound for the last 4 years. Don and I have participated in one program every day for 4 years - and on June 30th its gone. To say I'm sick about it doesn't even begin to describe my feelings.

    Since we're both on the board, we've been at every meeting. Read every financial report, etc. Things were going okay but May & June happened and outside funding we'd had has stopped. Grants that we still have, are taking up to six months to pay. The organization has 2 full time employees and 2 part-time employees. They've all cut their hours down to basically working for free, which is generous on their parts, but they have to support their families.

    The board is almost split into 3 different mindsets as to continuing. One group says we're done, that's it, its over. Another group says we're done, but let's start a new organization and make it better. Then the third group says let's legally pause on June 30 with the intention of renewing by July 30th. The problem is several on the board seem (pardon me) so darned oblivious as to what the programs even are. One board member was so surprised that "people" would be affected! I thought my head would explode. Seriously, we offer 7 different programs to the public and she didn't realize "people" would be affected. Much less the "people" whom we employee how they are affected. I just can't understand not knowing what programs a board you sit on offers. For her, as several others sadly, I think it looks good. We talk about the programs at the meetings. I guess they just don't pay attention. None-the-less this mess had literally taken up all of my time. We've come up with short term funding through Dec 31, but it was voted down. Ya, not a happy camper. Some big ego's for sure.

    That's my ramble. If anyone has a checkbook that needs to donate, I have the perfect cause. Anyway, I've loved looking at the pictures. Let's all give everyone a great big TX sized virtual hug. I think we all need it.


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    eagle, I am so sorry about the loss of the non-profit that you have given your heart to over the years. Very sad.

    Lorita, a serviceberry is a small tree or bush - mine is probably 15 -20 feet high and has multiple trunks. It has flowers in the spring and then develops little berries that are purple when ripe and about the size of a large blueberry. They taste good. Some people make jams or pies with them. I am content to just eat a few off the tree and let the robins and catbirds eat the rest. I also grow blueberries and they will ripen soon. I have 5 little baby raspberry bushes; they won't produce much this year but we will enjoy what they do produce.

    We are going to drive to KS tomorrow for a funeral service for one of hubby's cousins. The service is Friday and we will drive back right afterwards. I baked some brownies and some chocolate chip cookies to take along to share.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
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    Lorita I’ll still make bread. Just had quite a bit frozen ahead and I make flat bread a lot now too. Have always used bread flour for my yeast breads.

    Quite a few of my zinnias have came up. Some have not.

    Had chicken, rice and broccoli for supper. Got the broccoli at a farm stand. Didn’t have any flavor. Growing up my mom raised DeCicco broccoli I believe. It had such good flavor. Still eat it because supposedly good for you but so disappointing when you know what it can taste like. Can remember my middle sister drinking the broccoli broth that was left in bottom of bowl when we were kids.

    One of my sisters is on vacation this week. Her and my two other sisters went on a shopping trip Monday and going on another one Friday. I’m not ready for that yet. I had really been wanting strawberries. We had such dry weather for several weeks, now we had four inches of rain in 3 days. Wasn’t sure any had survived all that. She works at the post office and a customer told her about this Amish farm stand. So she took me there today. They had beautiful strawberries and they are good. They limited you to 4 quarts. If nothing happens me and another sister going back tomorrow and maybe I can get 4 more. I froze three quarts and made a yellow cake and bought some vanilla ice cream. Had a good dessert tonight. Also bought eggs 2.50 a dozen, bought noodles they had made. Enjoyed my version of a shopping trip.

    Eagle mom that all sounds very frustrating.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Eagle, it's a shame that others on the board dont even know what they are helping to sponsor.

    All of the gardening pictures that have been shared has made me deside on first home project for next year. I have a large deck on my back porch that would be perfect for a raised garden. That would be something for me to take care of and not be away from Lou.

    Still noticable blood in urine, pink instead of dark red but still have it. Radiology oncologist visit tommorow so if not clear will probably revisit ER. ER Dr. told me if it doesnt clear up in 24 hours to come back and tommorow is 48 hours. I already have a pre scheduled prostate cancer follow up with my Urologist on the 28th of this month, so probably want worry to much unless it starts hurting.

    Severe thunderstorms and tornadoes above us and severe thunderstorms below us but just hard rain here.


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Lorita, you asked about street tacos. I copied this off the internet: "Street tacos are a traditional Mexican dish that is usually smaller in size and served on a soft corn tortilla. They are often topped with diced onions, cilantro, and a squeeze of fresh lime juice. Street tacos are typically made with meats such as asada (steak), pastor (marinated pork), pollo (chicken), or al pastor (spicy marinated pork). Street tacos often lack the other traditional ingredients found in regular tacos such as lettuce, cheese, tomatoes, sour cream, and guacamole. As a result, the flavor profile of a street taco is more focused on the meat and other condiments. Street tacos are tacos that are traditionally small and are usually served on a soft corn or flour tortilla. The name comes from the fact that they are often sold from street food vendors in Mexico. Since the tortillas are small, it’s easier for people to eat them when walking about, making them the convenient choice for those on the go. Therefore, they are known as street tacos because they are often sold from street vendors and are a convenient food to grab while you are out and about."

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Hi, I cooked the rolls in the NuWave at 250 for 7-8 minutes and I think they'll be all right. Won't buy that brand again. I think I mentioned I called the store manager and told him about the quality. He's trying to get the brand that's really good.

    Thanks, Beth for the information about service berries. I've never seen them but they sound good. We always thought about getting blueberry ushes but never did - did have gooseberries though. I saw some blueberries in the store - about $5.00 for a small container - didn't get any - probably should have.

    Hot day here with no wind. FedEx delivered things from Chewy but UPS is supposed to deliver some car products later. I've already closed the gate and can't get the cow back in the other area so he'll probably leave it at the gate anyway.

    Ron, glad things aren't any worse today. Some raised beds would probably be good for you and you'd get some produce to boot.

    Sara, glad your sister found the fruitstand. I used to love strawberries. Daddy had two long rows of them through the garden - so good - red all the way through. There used to be a kind called Cardinal that were big and red. I bet you enjoyed your trip to the fruitstand. Thanks for the information about the flour. I can order bread flour but for some reason that little store doesn't seem to carry it. I've gotte used to homemade bread and will continue to make it. The other kind is just not as good.

    Ron, I heard about the bad weather - in fact, there was some that was pretty bad this morning in the North and NE part of our State. Tomorrow night they're predicting high winds and hail. They showed a picture of some hail they had this morning - it wasn't round - had sharp points on it and it was as big as the palm of your hand. That could really do damage to vehicles, roofs and people. We need rain so hope we get some.

    Eagle, sorry about what's happening. Seems like people just don't seem to care as much as they should. I know it's frustrating to you. Sara, your dessert sounds really good. When I was younger I used to make a lot of strawberry shortcakes and strawberry pies - kind of miss those.

    Enjoy the rest of your evening and hope everyone stays well.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Dag nap it..........I'm soooooo tired of it all! Was just reading my ER dr report and saw one item that wasnt mentioned to me. Besides the stone there was a persistent nodule at the gastroesophageal junction. Upper endoscopy needed for biopsy.

    I cant get over one thing and another pops up!

    I just want to relax with all my front porch rocker friends and tired of seemingly always crying on my friends shoulders lately.

    Love all of you!!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    We love you, too, Ron. Just take it easy, sit down and relax a bit. It seems like there's always something to upset us or keep us on edge. This morning with me - I can't find the baby - I know he's out there but can't locate him. I don't feel really well so can't look too much. I know with me it's always something new that pops us. Let's just sit here a while and relax and enjoy the somewhat cooler weather for a bit. Supposed to be heavy storms and winds tonight. I'm taking Acyclovir for shingles and I've taken it twice before so I know I can but I'm sort of shaky this morning - legs sort of feel wobbly. Guess I'll just sit still and be quiet a while. Join me and we'll relax a bit.

  • SQBEAR50
    SQBEAR50 Member Posts: 104
    Seventh Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Likes

    I think we all can relate Ron. It's one thing then another then another then another. Add in caregiver, its overwhelming.

    Lorita, my mistake for some reason I thought you had an airfyer 😁


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Oncologist has ordered a pet scan for next Thursday and still wants me to have the nodule biopsy done. I'm still waiting on gastrology to call with that appointment. Looks like the blood is about cleared up.

    Yes Lorita, let's just relax on the front porch and try to take it easy. Hopefully lou want mind.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Nicole, NuWave is an airfryer - probably one of, or the earliest kind. We've had a Jet Stream oven for years until they stopped making them, then switched to NuWave. It cooks things in a short time, from frozen. Just is an older, more original kind of air fryer. I use it almost every day - anything from grilled cheese sandwiches to steak or pork chops when Charles was hree. No oil needed except to make things a bit more crispy. It's hot here, already. Got the baby and mom back into the barn when I finally found him. Supposed to be really stormy tonight so I wanted everyone together. Not feeling on top of the world today so not doing anything. Guess we can all hang out together and take it easy. Glad you have an appointment, Ron.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Hi again, I've been lying on the divan, trying to watch TV, but falling asleep. The news and weather's on now and they're predicting 60-70-80 mph winds tonight. Glad I got the trees trimmed back some - at least it'll help. Kiddingly, they said DVD sized hail is expected for western Okla. This is really weird weather for this time of year - mostly it's April or May when we get this. Surely hope all the girls and babies get into the barn before it hails.

    Still have to go to the mailbox - don't think I've been down there this week. UPS was supposed to have delivered something yesterday - didn't get to the house so it may be down there.

    Ron, hope things are better this afternoon. Laptop is acting up some today - can't seem to get WM or my e-mails. I guess I'll have to change internet providers - seems like the one I've always used is getting worse and worse.

    Nicole, tried one of the rolls this morning and I'm not sure they're going to be good enough to eat - but someone will, maybe. The GPs are a little bit picky about their food. I crumble bread that's gotte too old or stale for the birds and they like that - and so does Rusty. Saw him this morning - so cute.

    Forgot to mention when I was out this morning looking for the baby I heard lots of flies buzzing around near the Gator. Looked and I think an opossum as crawled into a space close to it and died - or something happened to it. I can not stand to move it. Probably the big, fat one that always ate in the carport with Tom and Jerry.

    Enjoy the rest of your day. See you all tomorrow.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
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    Was a pretty day here. Went back to farmstand today but they had already sold all the strawberries. My sister and I are going early in the morning to see if we can get some. They had fresh bake goods today. I bought sugar cookies and maple cream cookies. I froze them for later.

    Ron you are definitely going through a rough patch. Glad you have the porch to come to and sit awhile.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    Lorita...please get your mail in every day. Mail left in a mailbox is an open invitation to have someone break ing. I never leave mail outside overnight.

    Looks like the storms are going to pass south of us.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,361
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    @Sayra I hope you get some strawberries. I bought some at the local farmers market last Saturday- $8/pint but so good. They were amazing; I'd forgotten how special an in-season local strawberry can be after years of eating the massive ones available year-round in the grocery stores.

    @ronald71111 I hope you're able to get your tests and procedures done quickly and get a clear path to feeling better soon.

    @Lorita jfkoc makes a good point about not leaving mail in the box. Aside from signaling that you aren't home, you could have mail stolen. It's a common trick for scammers to open credit cards using those "you've been pre-approved" letters from banks and credit card companies. People in my and especially my mom's 55+ neighborhood have had out-going mail stolen as well and become victims of "check-washing".

    I'm taking my mom into the city today to see her retina specialist. At her last appointment, he said he'd likely have a treatment option for her AMD to offer her this time. I do hope she's a candidate for the treatment. I also hope the injections can be done at one of the satellite offices to avoid the detours in place from that missing chunk of I-95 between me and so many of her docs. We'll take the train today.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Storm came through around 1 this morning and took power out. This is only about the 2nd or 3rd time we've been without power and hardest part is no coffee. Limbs all over the yard, but no major damage. I did pick limbs up from driveway where when Lou gets up, if power still isnt on we can go try to find a place to eat. Looking at outage map, its outage all over.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    edited June 2023

    A good local grown strawberry can’t be beat. My sister and I got there at 7:30 this morning and there were plenty of strawberries 🍓. We got 1.5 inches of rain last night so didn’t know how that would do the berries. We have had around They make a living doing this so they were wise and picked them the night before. They are true Amish so no electric lights in the store. It’s a cloudy day and that early was hard to see berries well but they are fine. See they have drip irrigation in their strawberry patch think they. Use gasoline generator. They had even more baked goods today. Bought a box of cream sticks, cut them in half and froze them. They freeze well I have frozen donuts before.

    Ron losing one’s electric sure makes you thankful for it when comes back on. Hope it is back on.

    I’m going to do grocery shopping for my mom next week. Going to just do hers. Have been doing my own for a couple of weeks now . When I need 4 or 5 items go pick them up. That is ok as long as gas not $5 a gallon, actually kind of like it, less tiring. My two sisters who have been doing it will continue and we will each do it every third week. Moms aggressive behaviors and certain other issues have increased since I was hospitalized. Think she feels more vulnerable possibly as she knows I could have died. She started making demands on me right after I got home that I can’t do which has been a little stressful but I’m doing ok, she gets loud and aggressive but I try to remain calm & kind but firm. Ask God to help me because want to trust him and not be stressed by it. My one sister is helping me with other things beside groceries. Someone egged moms front window this week. She cleaned it up and said it didn’t take her too long. Have warned that sister and need to warn my other sister also that it is possible she could become physically aggressive and we need to be aware of that and not taken by surprise. Told her about having charged cell phone, be aware where you are and what is available for you to lock yourself in. Told her to call 911 and we will say we felt threatened and we want her to go to ER and a psych evolution to be done. Hate that it is this way.

    Take care

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    edited June 2023

    Morning, Thanks, guys, guess I should make it down to the mailbox every day - just a hassel. I don't leave outgoing mail in the box overnight - always put it in a couple of hours before she runs. Never have had any trouble with something missing from the box but it's very possible.

    I just killed a snake! I had the front door open - storm door closed - and Stormy was at the door barking. He barks at anything unusual so thought it was probably another crane on the pond but got up to look. I saw a snake slithering across the porch floor toward a big box of cat litter I've never brought inside. A while back when I saw that snake on the front steps I brought another shovel to the porch (the one I had out front was in a place I couldn't get to it for the snake). The snake went behind the box - couldn't figure out how to get to it but turned the box over and there it was. Got the shovel on it and pushed as hard as I could. I needed to change shovel position but was almost afraid to do it - but I did - got it killed and then off the porch and over the fence. I imagine it's the same one I saw a week or so ago. Thank goodness Stormy saw it. I could have turned that box over and there it would have been. Hope that's the only one. I saw another snake a few days ago, too. I was walking around the side of the carport and it was up in some wire - I kept looking at it - thought it was a piece of vine because it was bright green. Dropped a stick on it and it moved. Guess it was a green snake or grass snake - didn't wait to figure it out. We have two ponds in front of the house and two in the back so no wonder there's snakes around. Saw one in the barn last year. At least the grass is short so it can't hide in it. I think it's funny that the cats still check under the dresser and chair for snakes when they go into the bathroom. They have memories like an elephant. I think I'll stop feeding the birds and Rusty on the front porch. It's very handy but may be inticing snakes.

    Sorry, Ron, for the power outage. After all the hype here about the storms - torrrential rains, 80 mph winds and hail as big as tennis balls, we only had a light shower - and another one early this morning. Glad we didn't get the bad weather but wish we had gotten rain. Now, they're saying the same thing about tomorrow night. There was a lot of damage in Lawton and also a small town near the Oklahoma/Texas Statelines - several people killed there. This kind of weather for this time of year is unusual - normally we have this in April and May. I did get a new weather radio and got it set up - our TV reception goes off when we get a shower so I ely on the weather radio when our weather is bad.

    Ron, I hate being out of power. I can remember several times when we've been out of power for two weeks or longer at a time. Gets rough out here sometimes. We were in the process of having the generator installed when I lost Charles and since then we've only been out of power a couple of times for just a few hours but it gives me a sense of security.

    Sara, glad you were able to get some strawberries. When I was in the store the other day I didn't see any strawberries but wasn't looking for them. They did have pints of blueberries - $4.95. Thought that was pretty expensive.

    HB, $8. a pint is awfully high for berries. I can remember when strawberries used to be three quarts for a dollar - but, that was probably 60 years ago. Don't know how much they are here now. Hope you have a safe trip today and that your mother can get the treatment she needs. So, you're close to the place where the interstate is ruined - that was an awful thing to happen.

    Sara, so sorry about the way your mother is now. I know it makes you feel almost helpless - and also your sisters. Does she do all right being by herself most of the time? I know you buy her groceries but can she cook and be safe doing it? I'm sure this is so hard on you - you've been so good to her but it sometimes comes to the point where you can no longer help with everything. Good that you're aware of that and are getting help from your sisters. Just be very careful - things could escalate. I remember when Sarah was dealing with my sister - she had an incident that could have been tragic. She was trying to get Lorita (my sister) to do something and she got angry and picked up a butcher knife and threatened Sarah. Sarah had to become very assertive - telling her to put the knife down in a very firm voice. She did but it worried me afterwards. You never know what they might do - not really realizing what they are doing.

    Got shaky after I killed that snake - and I felt bad about doing it. It was the snake's life and I took it - don't like to do things like that but it could have bitten one of the GPs or me so guess it had to be done. I think the older I get the more I value the life of any creature, great or small - each one has one life and to take it away is hard to do. If I see a grasshopper in the water tank I try to get it out so it can live.

    Judith, did you all have storms last night in OKC? Storms went north of us and south of us with nothing in between. We really need some rain so hopefully we'll get some tomorrow night.

    Mike's grass is up and it looks green over there instead of brown but it has to have rain to grow. I let the baby and mom into the barn yesterday (hard to let go) but guess it'll be okay - he's almost a week old and big enough to keep up with mom. It's cooler this morning and cloudy so don't think they've gone into the barn yet. I better stop and finish my hot tea. Good to see posts from everyone.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    edited June 2023

    Hello Front Porch folks; wish I could sit a spell on the rockers with easy chat, but SO much happening - DH has a very large surgery pending for his back - three laminectomies with fusions; not an easy recovery for that. Understatement from what I understand. He is miserably in pain and it hurts to see that. First opening for the surgery is July 03, so we are in the middle of a muddle as my knee issues suddenly became far, far worse really limiting me and nothing to be done for them. Evidently MD feelsl it is permanent. Much to do to prepare for DHs event with a LONG and difficult recovery of weeks into months for the hard stuff. What a pair we are!.

    Our daughter will fly in to assist which is a blessing; she is not a homemaker type, but she will be caring and be of much support Our nearer son is a love and will also be able to be here much of the time as needed. It is amazing the amount of equipment and changes in the house that must be made.. More than anything, it is scary. He is older and a diabetic. Also worry about the general anesthesia - Alz's in his family. When I did my research and also watched videos re post-op significant challenges , my hair was standing on end. He will not be able to bend, turn, twist, push, pull, reach up or lift for weeks. Can't even bend a tiny bit to even brush his teeth. Severely painful spasms are a challenge post-op, and toileting a huge issue. So . . . a bidet will be coming but he bought a manual one rather than an electric one. We shall see how that goes. I also need to rent a powered recliner/lift chair as rising from chair is a significantly painful issue for weeks. He is not permitted to use the handle to push/pull on his existing recliner. Really glad we have a chair lift on the stairs. Our master bedroom is very large, so a recliner will go up there and he had put in a large TV and it is en suite, so that will be his place for a few weeks.

    Surgeon is Director of the spine program at the med center and more; he is rated as excellent with great credentials and procedure will hopefully be minimally invasive, but it is still three places for the procedures; L2-3; L3-4; L4-5 which makes it more difficult recovering. So that is where I have been and where I will be for awhile. Sure wish I was in fine fettle with all the big time ongoing mobility needs.

    And the new platform issues continue. My Post from the 8th page is still there, but for the second time it repeated itself on page 9 an sat in a box waiting to be processed. Reported it once, so will have to report it again. Another problem issue I am having on this Forum, is I will be on Page 9 or whatever page I have been on, and suddenly, I find the platform has abruptly put me on a far earlier page without any typing or move from me. . . quite annoying. That has happened about half a dozen times with no input from me. Okay, I shall stop complaining.

    Real reason I came is to share something I saw this morning. Lately, some of the "old broads" have been posing in bathing suits with their makeup and hair professionals doing miracles on them as well as being air brushed to a fare-thee-well . . . you know the main one and others of the same ilk who have been making hay with this . .

    So; not to be overlooked, one off the "old broads" in England decided she would do those egotistical folks one better and pose in the nude - frankly; she nailed it! She was in the Harry Potter movies, so we must take care to not have the children see this. Link follows:

    You will see her photo with clothes on - immediately scroll down to the next photo - Merry Olde England for sure!


    Ron; that bleeding may well have been a bit more florid due to the anticoagulant effect of your meds. So glad you had the docs check it out. You know we are all with you in spirit and are hoping everything soon evens out for you. Your plans for a summer garden on the deck sounds like it will be a great idea. Your property is so pretty.

    P.S. (I can use the term, "old broad," because I am one, and it is not meant to be derogatory. Egotistical is another thing altogether. Grin.)


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Jo, so sorry to hear about the impending surgery for your husband. I know you said he was having terrible pain so guess it got to the point he couldn't handle it anymore and has opted for the surgery. Sincerely hope all goes well. Good that your daughter and son will be available to help some during his recovery. It will also be good for you to have help and to be with them more than you have been able to lately. Where will your husband have the surgery? Sounds like he has a good doctor.Nice that you have the funds to get the equipment he will need during his recovery.

    Seems like the years are taking a toll on some of us - me included, for sure. My downfall was the fall I took two years ago this October. No bruises, no breaks, just a hard fall on my left side. Guess when you get to be my age it doesn't take much. Also having problems, more so, with my Morton's Neuroma. I've been having achy calves and this morning I'm wondering if that could be attributed to the Neuromas. Will need to look that up and see what it says. Not feeling too well either - may be from the Acyclovir I'm taking for the possible shingles - not sure. Can't remember that it bothered me last year but, there again, I was a year younger

    . I'm giving up on those stinkin' rolls. I've baked the top, the bottom, cut them in half and baked that - they look good but the more you chew, the bigger it gets. Maybe I can put them out in the pasture so the wolves can eat them. Don't buy J.Skinner rolls if you want to eat them.

    Still cloudy here - 76 degrees. Stormy wants to go outside but FedEx is supposed to deliver today and I don't want him out when he comes. Going to have to talk to that fellow - he comes through the latched gate, sits the boxes on the porch, then back through the gate - not latching it. Where are people's manners anymore. In the country if you go through a gate that's closed, you closeo it behind you. If it's open, leave it open. There's a reason for everything. Sorry, just bugs me.

    Need to stop and watch the first game of the college baseball series. Oral Roberts University from Tulsa is playing Texas Christian College in Omaha - first time they've played in the series since 1978, I think. Looks like the weather is nice and clear in Omaha.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    JoC feel for you and your husband. Keep all people here in my prayers. Hope he has a smooth recovery.

    Lorita mom keeps the house clean. The stove is clean see no signs of issues with cooking. Appears to be some delusions and paranoia. She is making a lot of demands.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    Jo....I bought a small dorm frig that had a bit of a freezer when Dick was upstairs. I gave it to a grandson and am not thinking of buying another one. V8 for cramps, a couple of sodas, ice pack. Maybe a popsicle or two. They are, or used to be, very inexpensive.

    Mail...the word is to take your outgoing to the post office or put in postal service mail box. I never put a check in my mailbox.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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