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Just need to talk to my friends (192)



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    edited December 2023

    Beth with a soft voice and kindness I’m going to say to you, take care of yourself too. I know it’s all very overwhelming and you are used to getting a lot done. But, we’re older, our bodies can’t take as much even if our mind feels like we can do it. Just be careful and rest if you need to.

    I have been thinking about Zetta too.

    Think I mentioned before jerilynn that I have some family in Murfreesboro.

    Lorita i’ve seen you mention this a few times so I’m just going to tell you what I know and there is a lot i don’t know. Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis is not a new illness of any sort. It’s something that I worked with on my job. Didn’t see it a lot but remember someone I worked with got it. Interestingly enough I don’t know if you remember, but when this first happened JoC mentioned that they wanted her to see a dermatologist and she was running into skin issues of some sort. I found that comment interesting because later on when I remembered that coworker that had it, I remembered that coworker had a skin issue prior to their pulmonary fibrosis. It took quite a while to get their skin to looking better. The skin condition seem to involve almost all if not all of their skin, every place you could see was red. Their skin did get to looking better but after that they did get idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis if I remember correctly. So I’m not saying that the Covid vaccine didn’t cause it but I am saying that I wouldn’t be quick to blame it because it very well could be something else that may never be known for sure. What I used to tell my patients was this when they asked me if a certain medication they were on was causing a certain side effect. If it wasn’t something that I was familiar with, I would say to them I have learned to never say never in medicine. I say it’s not something we normally see but I’m not gonna tell you that it isn't. JoC says they’re running a lot of tests so maybe they will run into a cause, we can hope. Think that would help a little bit if she knew the cause. Sometimes it can take a while to find the cause of something. As I would tell my students medicines a puzzle and you have to put all the pieces together. That’s how I saw it.

    Remember one patient had a diagnosis I didn’t know what it was, so I just asked her. Told her I never heard of it . She said it took my doctor six months to figure out what was wrong with me. She said when he did figure out what was wrong with me he told me I had to go to Boston because it’s a rare disease and that’s where they take care of it at. She said I kinda didn’t have a lot of confidence in my doctor because it took him that long to figure out what was wrong with me. So she went to Boston and when she got there they were super impressed that her doctor had figured it out in six months because they said most of the time the patient goes two years before they get diagnosed. She said I have a lot of respect for him now.

    You’ve asked about mixing the vaccines several times and it seems you’re not comfortable with that. The virologist and immunologist i listen to say that it’s fine to mix them. It’s even possible that it’s actually possibly better. I had J and J as my first vaccine and since then I’ve had two Pfizer‘s. I am not aware if I’ve had any bad reaction from having two different types. I personally would be comfortable with getting any of them if I made the decision that I was going to take another one, but that is just me. Hope maybe this helps you with your questions a little.

    made another pumpkin roll today and it turned out really nice. I’ve got the technique down now. I made it for my friends who take me out to tea and coffee . I do so appreciate that I really enjoy it. It’s a guy I used to work with and his wife. I knew his wife because she always brought him in his lunch on the weekend and she sat there and ate with us. We are going to meet this Thursday. If it’s a good Lord‘s will. They were so very kind to me back in May and I really appreciated that also. Know he likes a pumpkin roll and I hope she does. I did not want to ask her because I want it to be a surprise and I was afraid that would send up a flag. Lol.

    everyone take care

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Sara, interesting that the co worker had the same history as Jo. Did they get over the fibrosis?

    I also have read they think mixing brands of covid vaccine could benefit by giving more protection. Even though I don't get our and around a lot I'm afraid not to take the booster. Might be that the one person you came in contact with could have covid and pass it on. But wish our town had the Pfizer vaccine.

    About taking it easier I know that I can't do the same things as easily as I could even a couple of years ago even though my mind tells me I can. Thanks for addressing the concerns I had. I do appreciate it. You all are the only people I can comfortably talk with about my concerns.

    It's been cold and cloudy all day but supposed to warm up tomorrow and next week. I hope so because there are things to be done. Got in touch with the electrician and even though he is covered up with work said he would try to get out and see about what has to be done. Hard to find people to do work. Need to get my booster and go to the car dealership.

    Stormy and Sheena are scratching so when Mike comes to get the cows he'll take care of that. Got a harness for Stormy so maybe that will make it easier. The man is coming Friday to do the outside work for the new internet service.

    Busy week ahead. Saw a post on Jo's thread from Zetta. She must have been in Arizona for a while.

    Rest well tonight see you all tomorrow.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    Lorita and Sara, Thank You for asking about me. No, I did not go to Arizona, I have been really busy and working a lot of hours at the care facility. They have been really busy and very short staffed. The facility was closed to visitors and all the meals were taken to the rooms and the residents had to stay in their rooms. The MC unit is locked so the unit only having 10 rooms the residents were not confined to their rooms and were allowed to wander in MC. The sick ones stayed in their rooms.

    The residents in AL were supposed to be confined to their rooms. It would have been nice if we were able to lock their doors. And so many times they would forget, and the aids were having to walk them back to their rooms.

    The other dishwasher come down with covid, so I was working 8 hours a day and when I got home, I was so tired I did not even look at my computer. I got caught up with the other threads, I finally got caught up with Lorita's thread. I only had 113 to read and it took me most of day to do that.

    Iam going to try to make it to Arizona, this summer. It is so hard traveling with a dog. Molly can ride on the plane with me, but I have to kennel her, and she has to be under the seat the whole way. I don't like the idea of hiding her especially during takeoff and landing, she would be so scared, So Iam trying to find a way I can hold her, it's only a 2.5-hour flight.

    It's getting late and I need To go to bed. Hugs to all Zetta

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    You're going to need to share your tablescape when you get a moment. Some of us might need some inspiration. I'm sorry to hear about little Hannah; it's a bittersweet time when a beloved companion is slipping away.

    I'm with you in solidarity on the oven. When I bought my parents' house it came with a 15 year old gas "builder's grade" gas stove which lasted 5 more years. It was ugly and cheap looking but did the job. The one I replaced it with lasted about 7 years and died days before Thanksgiving. It was never a good one for baking. I did my research and bought the Consumer Reports suggested model which gave up the ghost the week after it's 2-year warranty expired in early COVID times. TBH, I wasn't dazzled by that one either. I went a couple of years without a proper oven. Initially stores were closed and I didn't want the exposure to an install team, then supply chain issues hit and only a few models were available with inflated price tags. I did replace my dishwasher (second I've bought in this house) with a Bosch in that era-- it's been worth every penny. My bestie's range's oven also died and we had a running competition to see who blinked first. I got by with my microwave convection combo and a toaster oven while she does have a commercial French door oven in her basement. I did lose the bet. I found a highly recommended GE model slide-in for a very nice price and pulled the trigger. So far I'm happy with it.


    I mixed brands with my last booster and my 2023 Spikevax and feel like maybe the hype about mixing brands resulting in enhanced protection is real. My whole family had COVID last Christmas-- brought home by DS who works for a tourist railroad's Christmas Santa Trains which are just a nest of contagions-- think hundreds of preschoolers packed into vintage coach cars with no ventilation singing. It's terrifying. At this point, I was the only one with a mixed booster. DS, DH and mom tested positive for several days with mild symptoms; I had a faint positive on one test and felt fine. My doctor doesn't feel like I really "had" it. We all mixed boosters this year and, so far, no one has been positive. Not DS on the trains with all those little kids and not even me who spent 2 1/2 hours getting my hair done in a tiny shop by a man who thought he had a cold and tested positive less than a day later. It's early days, but I'm hopeful.


    My tree trimming neighbors did trim the ugly Bradford pear. They gave it a haircut which is not the proper approach for this kind of tree. It's a little better but I wish they'd plant something else. They probably think the same about me.

    I'm hoping to find some working strings of lights for mom's garden and do that today. Her little shrubs are finally big enough to support lights. I need to do something around here, too. Maybe I should start by tossing the corn I still have hanging on the door and finding a new home for the pumpkin. I hate to toss the latter-- it;s a weird mutant blue and I love it.

    I need to start thinking about Christmas shopping. DS is easy-- he only ever wants books so an Amazon gift card is his love language. I think DS was a new top for his Miata, so maybe we'll club together to make that happen. Mom is tough-- she has pretty much everything she wants. She'd be happiest with the gift of an experience which is hard. Plus, my dad's tone-deaf brother will make his twice-yearly call and brag about the 15-day tour of Italy his kids are taking him on. I hope he forgets this year. He did skip their mutual birthday call this year. I suspect he or his wife are having health issues they're not sharing but she's still hurt to have been dropped after dad's death-- they used to be very close.

    Gotta go. DS is due in work at 7:30 and I promised to pack him a lunch. He says it better tasting when I pack.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    The skin thing could be totally coincidental. It’s just interesting. I’ve never checked into if researchers are finding connection there or not. if that is showing up a lot I’m sure they’re looking into it. As JoC mentioned, there is no cure they do have treatments.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Morning, Jerilynn, I'm so sorry Hannah is so sick. You're taking such good care of her. We do that for our fur bsbies to keep them with us until it's not good for them. Is she very.old? It's really hard to see them sick. Maybe she will get better.

    Zetta, good to see your post. I get behind in reading if I miss a few hours. Good luck on catching up. Are you worried working around all that sickness? Wear your mask and be uber careful.

    Big 12 Conference Championship is coming on - Okla. State Cowboys vs. Texas Longhorns. I'll be back when it's over. Another dreary, cloudy day here so far.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    My sweet, spunky little girl crossed the rainbow 🌈 bridge late last night. She was 17 and had travelled the country with me on job assignments.. I miss her so, but yesterday I gave her medication to rest and held her in my arms as she peacefully went to sleep. I let the other dogs and Oliver tell her goodbye and wrapped her in a Delta Airline blanket/beautiful shawl to be buried by the pond. ❤️

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    I'm so sorry for the loss of your dear little Hannah. She sounds like a darling-- she certainly looks the part.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    I'm so sorry, Jerilynn. I know you'll miss Hannah every day. So hard to see them go. Hannah looks so sweet. I lost Barclee earlier this year and also Kitt. I buried them in the yard and speak to them when I go by. Barclee was close to 20,, a Shih Tzu. Lots of our little ones at the Rain bow Bridge.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Well,Texas Longhorns beat OSU by four touchdowns. Really a good team. They beat OU a while back so hope they can win the national Championship. Cloudy and cold here with a light mist. I think the sun is trying to come out and I hope it does. I'm tired of cloudy weather.

    HB,bad about your oven.Hope you can find one you like. Ours was my mothers and still works okay. I got new burner liners and they lacked a place for one side of the burner to fit so the burners aren't really flat. I only use one so that's okay. I use the NuWave oven most anyway. We have used electric cookstoves for most of my life - doubt I could cook on propane or gas.

    Good to know that about mixing vaccines. I've read that, too. You were really lucky to avoid the virus. I imagine that stuff will be with us from now on.

    Sort of thinking about making soup but it's going to be warmer next week, so guess I won't- just talked myself out of it. I can see the sun shining so that's good.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    @JeriLynn66 I am so sorry about your losing Hannah. She looked adorable in your photo.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    edited December 2023

    Jerilynn, aboutb ten years ago, not long before I lost Charles, we lost a Great Pyrenees - Prince. I've never gotten over it. He belonged to a neighbor along with two other dogs. They visited for a little while every morning. One day they left him but came back to get him the next day. A few days later they left him again and never came after him. He became ours- neighbors never asked about him. He looked like a little polar bear cub, white as snow.

    He had something wrong that developed as he grew. Lost hair on his front legs and had back problems. Out vet gave him some kind of treatments on his back that helped a few days. We did this for some time. Finally he got down and couldn't get up. Mike took him back to the clinic to go to sleep. He was such a wonderful dog so I had to have more Pyrenees.

    After Charles was gone I was able to get Sheena through Mike. She was a year old. A month later he told me about a neighbor who was giving away Pyrenees puppies. The one I selected was Stormy a Badger- faced puppy. Brought him home and Sheena took him as her own and raised him. That was almost nine years ago. I doubt we ever get over missing them but they're always in our heart and memories. Hannah will always be with you just as Prince is with me and also little Barclee who was so lively and sweet. Sorry, I just felt the need to write this. You're not alone in your feelings.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    JeriLynn, Hannah looked very spunky! I'm sorry she crossed over to the Rainbow Bridge. She was a good companion to you.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    JeriLynn, I'm so sorry for your loss of Hannah! I had a Shih Tzu for 18 years that left us this year. He was my support and I still miss him!

    Love you Littlebit!

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning,

    Hannah is so sweet looking and know it leaves a little hole in your heart.

    Ron know you miss dear Little Bit.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    (((((JeriLynn))))) what good and loving years you gave to each other.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Hi, Quiet day on our front porch. Quiet day for me, too. Fed the four girls early and saw heifers, watched news shows and some QVC.

    Mike and Sidney came about 2 p.m. to get the cows I had up. Only took two who were thin so he could feed them every day. One I had up was the little cow who had the premature baby a few weeks ago-she and the other one who wasn't too thin stayed. He checked the two I had marked. They were up with the others; one has a swollen ankle and he said the bull had ridden the other one and hurt her. They will recover.

    He'll come with Toad when they feed in the morning and give the GPs allergy shots. The hygroma on Sheena's right elbow is bigger so she'll get antibiotics. Do hope Stormy will be cooperative. I ordered three different harnesses for him and two are too small even though they were XL. The other is barely big enough. I decided I wouldn't stress him so they will go back. Sidney got another new card a Toyota 4Runner. Says she likes it except for the color- red. Only one they had.

    Watching the Chiefs and Packers so will sign off. Hope all of you are well, or better tonight.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Good morning everyone resting on the front porch today!

    Jo C, I hope you and your son are on the road to recovery. I'm still praying for you and all our front porch friends under the weather. I guess this time if the year is especially hard on us youngsters that might still be young at heart, but not body.

    I had to leave church yesterday during the sermon, started coughing and wheezing real bad. Been wheezing a lot more lately and need to remember to take my rescue inhaler with me when I'm out. I'm having my PET scan tommorow; even though it's scheduled for another reason it should show if my copd has worsened. I do have a appointment in January with pulmonologist and a complete pulmonary function test.

    Nice week expected with temperatures in the 60s. Believe I'll just sit in .y designated rocker and relax.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Ron, hope your PET scan comes out good tomorrow. Sorry about you having to miss part of the sermon. Hope you feel better today.

    It's a cool, sunny day, but a little windy . Weather is supposed to be good all week. Jerilynn, I believe it was you who said you were going to decorate cotton stalks for Christmas. That reminded me that one of our social workers went out to the four corners area on a trip and brought back tumbleweeds to use as her Christmas tree. We used to have cedar trees but we haven't had a tree in probably 35 years or more. Always thought the lights were so pretty.

    Something is going on with my laptop. When it comes on it asks if I want to get all new updates for Windows 11. I have Windows 10. Can't get that off the screen but am able to shut it down. How can I get that off the screen so I can use it. I'm hesitant to call tech club because of what th happened or I thought happened. Anyone have an idea?

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    I get the Windows 11 promotion all the time. There is an x you can click to make it go away but but it comes back. Someone may know a permanent solution.

    Why not give the dog a mild sedative? Ask Mike about one.

    Three empty drawers in my kitchen. Unbelievable. I would be through with the containers but a stomach bug slammed me over the weekend. It was short lived but deadly. No, I had not been around people.

    Wednesday I will do the covid shot. Will check with PCP re RVS (?) shot. Should I get it and when after Covid shot.

    Wreath is on the door...outside lights will go up Friday. I guess I will be last on the block to decorate. I will also trim my easel. It is a great tree substitute. I might make some Christmas cookies this year.....maybe. I do the cutout shapes and decorate. Maybe my daughter will make them with me.

    Making a big pot of "Ragu" today. It will really be tasty after tea and toast all weekend.

    This house cleansing is really slow going but still enjoyable.

    Cocoa on the porch???

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Hot chocolate on the porch sounds good. There is a big black X in the corner but nothing happens when I click on it.

    Sorry about the stomach bug - feel better soon. I had the dreaded "d," this weekend. May be it's just in the air.

    I tried the last harness I bought for Stormy and it fits! I think this will work. I think he sort of likes it. It's just that he's so protective when someone is around.

    Something went awry with feeding this morning. Toad didn't feed until after 9. Best laid plans but pulling a calf, etc comes first. Being on call 24 hrs. a day is hard. Our girls made the quarter mile trip to hay and feeders, then to barn three times. It's all quiet now.

    Thanks, Judith, I'll keep trying to get rid if it. It says"get it" or "schedule". Tried that and it didn't bet rid if it. Thought I would schedule it for 2028!

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Somethings have no solution. They are just always and forever annoying.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Judith, your idea for a mild sedative for Stormy is good. This will be the last allergy shot until spring so I will do that when we begin them again. We had to do that years ago for another dog when we took her to be trimmed. Worked great! Going to have to return two harnesses that were too small. Stormy needs a 1X-Sheena, also. Unordered XLs and was able to let one out enough to fit. Hate annoying things and they are everywhere or I'm just losing my patience in my old age.

    How is Winda? Tell her hello for me.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Got rid of it!!! Just had to scroll down a little bit so I could click on Keep Windows 10. Something so simple and yet so hard (for me). Didn't think of that but was determined something had to be done.

    Paid my PU insurance, made a list of charities and accounts so I can get my will made, talked to WM to get labels to return harnesses and watched Wagon Train. I got up at 6:30 this morning so may get in a short nap. Everyone else is sound asleep.

    Zetta, how many days do you get off each week? Did you decide to go ahead and work this winter?

    Eagle, been thinking about you and your husband. Hope you're both recovered from Covid - nasty stuff anyway.

    Question for everyone - are you all going to get the RSV vaccine? I don't think they're giving it in our little town but will check with my doctor. Seems there's quite a lot of flu and RSV around and all of that stuff going on in China. Everything's out there just waiting to jump on us if we're not careful. Need to go to the mailbox but will wait until I can check the heifers at the same time.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    I think you do very well living in the country where life seems to be difficult.

    No one to fix anything, no services, having to drive miles for anything.

    Add to that your ongoing car problem and the never ending gates that have to be closed and unclosed and the deliveries that are always problematic.

    I would not last one week!

    My home sits on about an acre as do most near me. That is enough land for me and 99.9% of what I need is within 1 square mile....lol

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Thanks, Judith. About Gates there are 14 in the corral and I can think of a couple of other places we could use them. There are nine that separate pastures and the two gates on the driveway. We have six gates for the yard. Gates,gates, everywhere but can't do without them. Judith, the farm is just about half a mile square. MH is at the SE corner., House is in the middle of the farm and barn is about 200 yds. NE of house, carport about 200 ft outside of yard NW. The main gate is a little over a quarter mile north of the house, a little downhill from house.

    The biggest pond shaped like an ice cream cone is east of the house about 1/8th mile, the pond in what used to be the hog pasture is north.of that pond. The other two ponds are west of the house not far away. I think I know where every rock or sandy place is. Did not know about the persimmon tree although I do remember we had a grove of them in that west pasture when I was growing up. There are so many cattle trails in all the pastures. Those are the very best for riding a bicycle about a foot or 14" wide and smooth. Used to do a lot of that.

    Many times I envy you living so close to everything but I'm not used to that. Except for appointments and your volunteer work you would never have to.leave your house. I would be scared to death living in town although when Charles and I lived there, I wasn't or with Cheryl either. Guess it's just what you get used to. Time to check heifers and go to mailbox. Thanks for the conversations today and for being my friend, and Sarah's.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    edited December 2023

    Ron hope things go well for you tomorrow.

    That sounds like a good idea sedating the dog.

    Have said many times that I would love to live in the country but that it’s not practical for me.

    Know I’ve mentioned to you guys about sweeping and how it really upsets my mom. I have never attempted to mop the kitchen floor because I knew that would be even worse. Brought it up once and she got quite agitated. But yesterday when I was there, I could actually feel my shoes in a certain place feeling sticky to the floor so I thought OK I have to deal with this. So this morning I brought my dust mop and a spray bottle of hot water. I said to her my feet are sounding sticky when I walk across the floor so I have to do something about that. Amazingly, she said well I’ve been noticing that too, and I was going to mop it. I know that’s not going to happen. So I tried spraying the floor and then using my dust mop and it worked fairly good but it wasn’t perfect. So I told her I said well mom this is not doing good enough of a job so on Thursday when I come back, I’m going to bring my mop and going to clean this floor because we can’t have a sticky floor. So then she starts telling me how she keeps the floor clean. So I said well mom tell your what I’m not gonna be back till Thursday, so you got today and two other days to get the floor clean and I said if you do great, I won’t have to mop, but if you don’t, I’m gonna have to mop . She said ok. I’m guessing I’ll have to mop. Hope she don’t get angry. She did thank me when I got done, which is the first time, it is a lot better than when I started even though not perfect. Sad

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    I would be terrified to live in the middle of nowhere. If you need help you are up a creek. Who will her you or if you fall see you.

    All those gates. I saw about none on Yellowstone.

    Speaking of which, did you watch last night?

    BTW...Why are your living room draperies closed? I do not even have window coverings...lol I would in my bedroom if it were ground level. Mine is upstairs and it is like being in a tree house. It is wonderful.

    My desk is in the kitchen where I see everyone coming to the house...postman, Fedex, UPS, friends...everyone waves. I do well by myself but I could not take more than about one day without human contact of some sort.

    Amazing how different we all are but still fast friends.

    BTW,,,how is Sarah? Any report?

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I always wanted to live in the country. When I was stationed in Alaske I devoured Mother Earth News magazine, which promotes country living. But I realize that country living is not realistic for me, because I don't know how to handle anything in the country.

    I live in a medium size condo complex (over 100 units). Good shopping is within 5 minutes. Even so, I can go days without seeing anyone that I know. But I feel comfortable here. When I feel stronger, I want to visit the senior center. There are several near me.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Iris...would you share some about your life in Alaska??? Especially living with the days of dark or lite.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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