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Just need to talk to my friends (192)



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Good Beth, thought maybe you were on an advantage plan. I just got the sheet for a 2024 from my supplement plan and I knew on there it said it covered that $200 which I was glad to see.

    JoC know you are still reading if you are able. Remain in my thoughts and prayers as many others do on here also.

    19°F this morning. We had flurries a lot yesterday but no accumulation whatsoever. It’s not supposed to get out of the 20s today so I hope I can just stay at home today.

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Back at work - it's not too bad - I have my hot water in a thermos at my desk and make my tea there. My desk allows me the room to extend my leg in the brace. I'm not working any overtime, so I'm off for the next 2 days. Getting around the house better and I feel less unstable and my upper body strength is much better than it was 2 weeks ago.

    Good wishes to everyone having any sort of challenge right now!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Morning, Sara, it's 29 here and the sun is just coming up. When I was out a little while ago the moon was big and bright. Tried to fix it so if would be easier for either Mike I'd Toad to put a round bale in the lit. All the girls saw me at the barn and came up. They're planning on giving hay to all their cattle beginning today. About 7O bales are put out every day.

    Day, glad you're able to be back to work. I think you work from home which is great but it's still work. Take it easy and don't overdo. I did so much with the girls yesterday I think I might rest today. Need to make bread. Next week is going to be above normal temps so not thinking about going anywhere today. Not that I often do. I can understand now why my parents were reluctant to leave the farm to go anywhere. Just too relaxing and pleasant, so why rock the boat.

    Enjoy the weather probably not easy in the NE because of the incoming storm.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    edited November 2023

    Sara, I think you said you use avocado oil. Do you use it like vegetable oil in cooking or baking or as a flavor adding oil? I just checked and there is even a cooking spray. Which brand do you use and does it taste like avocados! Sorry to be so stupid about this. I looked in our little grocery store and they didn't carry it. Store is closed now.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Iris, I live in Iowa and it was 12 degrees this a.m.! Brrrrrrrrr!

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Lorita to me avocado oil has absolutely no flavor and that’s why I like it. I use it just for cooking because supposedly it’s way more healthy oil just like olive oil is supposedly. I get the great value brand from Walmart or if it’s not available, I get Chosen.

    I had to smile, my cousin who lives in Tampa send a text today showing her cats that were wanting to go outside but she wouldn’t let him out because it’s 59 and that’s too cool. If it was 59 here people would be in their shorts. So funny how it’s all about what were use to.

    Do any of you guys drink Postum? I watch a YouTube channel called Celebrating Appalachia. The lady on there had cystitis and so she cannot use any caffeine product so she drinks that and seems to enjoy it. There’s three flavors in it I see original coffee like and Cocoa. It’s available on Amazon or you can get it from the postum website. No store in our area locally carries it but there is one I see that does in a little town close to where the Amish are that I’ve been going and getting stuff from. It’s still a little ways away though just to go to get one item, it is a little bit cheaper than on Amazon but not that much. It would cost that in gas probably. Just wondered if any of you drink it and had any thoughts on it I get tired of tea. It be nice to have another choice too. At some period in history. When coffee was scarce is when people started drinking this, she said.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    edited November 2023

    Thanks so much Sara, for the information about the oil. I normally use canola or vegetable oil but usually have olive oil.

    I've heard of Postum years ago but never tried it. I used to drink lots of coffee. When I started working I didn't but the ward coffee pot was in my office and I made it so thought I'd try uit. First with sugar and crean, then to just cream, then black. The caffeine began to make my chest hurt so switched to a kind they made that had half as much caffeine, then decaff. Then switched to tea. Haven't drunk coffee in many years.. Always thought it smelled better than it tasted. I do drink a cup of mocha cappaccino occasionally with whipped cream on top, mostly in the winter. Try decaff because it tastes just like coffee.

    Called our health dept. And they're out of focus vaccine and won't get mire.. WM has plenty of Moderna so unless I make a 60 mile roundtrip to get Pfizer, guess I'll get Moderna. Carol said her husband had heard of read that mixing them can or might cause blood clots. Anyone heard this? WM or health dept. Had not heard that.

  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 521
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    Thought I'd touch base & check on my porch friends. Tomorrow is the two week mark of our Covid onset. The only places I've been are the Walgreens pharmacy drive through & Sprouts pickup. I had groceries delivered. I feel okay, I've got a bit of congestion but that is all. DH hasn't faired as well. He has an awful cough & congestion. We had our 3rd virtual appointment with our PCP yesterday - 3 appointments in 2 weeks!!! Since DH has allergies and asthma that is the concerning factor. He is using a nebulizer and cough meds.

    Ron I know how disappointed you were in your son's Thanksgiving non-effort. I absolutely get it. It was disappointing to you. I'm sorry that happened. Our son is mad at us because he didn't respond to a text from me!!! Talk about ridiculous.

    Be safe everyone, I think we are going to play a game.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Ron,how are you and Lou. Hopefully Christmas visit will be better. No one came to Darwin's on Thanksgiving but two daughters and a granddaughter came two days later. I talked to him the next way and both he and his wife were exhausted. Both were staying in bed. He's 85 and she is about ten years younger and the visit was almost too much for them. Company is hard when we're older. Don't feel too upset about it. Let us hear from you.

    Went up and checked on the girls. They're enjoying the hay. There were a bout ten calves that didn't go up so opened the gate and all but one left. He kept hanging around the corral. Finally went south of the house and one cow kept watching him. Decided it was her baby so let her out and they went up to the hay. I marked the cow who was injured with pink paint so I can identify her when they change pastures. Waiting for FedEx to deliver so I can let the three out north of the house so I can feed them. I would like to take a nap, maybe later.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    and back to Lorita's car dilemma...Sheena will not get up on the couch or the bed. I think an SUV is the only possibility...https://www.petloader.com/

    My cold is almost gone...never felt bad but sure ran through a lot of Kleenex.

    Got a lot of gifts online yesterday and today will get some of the treasures from attic posted.

    Turkey soup in the porch for supper??? Any one have leftover pecan pie to bring?

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    You're probably right, Judith, if it isn't too high. Best for our roads anyway. Glad your cold is better. Where did you catch that? Better wear your mask. Checked the heifers and can't find two of them. Better two than one. Checked everywhere three times probably back in the trees and vines. Saw one cow nursing three babies one in each side and one at the back.

    Found a big persimmon tree way down in that pasture. Couldn't see them until it lost leaves. Ron, want me to send you a few? They're big, pretty and not soft. If a person tried to eat one they would be puckered for a month.

    Came back and used a bucket to get enough water out of the tank in the lot so I could turn it over to dispose of the dirty water and filled it up one third. Fed the three cows in separate containers. I'm finished for the night, I hope.

    Rest well tonught

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Good morning and a cold morning it is!

    Last week at the VA while I was sitting in the lobby waiting on a mental health appointment, the VA Chaplain was going around talking to us. I spoke briefly to him about my situation with Lou and he gave me his card. During my mental health consultation I was told that dementia was like losing a loved one as you watched them slowly slip away. I was told that if I was agreeable that they would switch me to a team that helps with grieving therapy. The one that they were sending the referral to happened to be the Chaplain that I had just met.

    The Chaplain called Monday and we had a nice conversation and I was very impressed with him. He told me that even though I had his card with a work number, he wanted me to have his personal number where I could call anytime and he would always respond quicker then the work number. He told me that he would like to have lunch with me after my PET scan next Tuesday. Don't really know that much about acronyms, but he has a lot DMin (ABD), MDiv, BCC. I looked them up and he is well qualified to help me! Hopefully it will help me since the past few months have quickly deteriorated and I fear the future.

    Jo.L and others, prayers still being sent for each of you.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Hi Ron, glad you are in contact with the Chaplain. Working with him and the group will help.

    Our Chaplains at our VA Hospital were great. My friend, Karen, was the Chaplains secretary. Every patient who was admitted had a visit with him the day after admission.

    When Karen passed away four years ago in KC he drove up and officiated at her funeral. He retired about that time but even now he visits each of the nursing hones in his town every week. Just to let you know how dedicatd they can be.

    When I lost Charles the Chaplain from his short time in hospice called me for several months. I think this may help you. You know they call this "the long goodbye"- seeing it happen and not being able to stop it. The best thing we can do and you do it every day is to be with our loved one all we can and let them know you love them and are there for them.

    Cold here this morning, too, but sunny. Supposed to be 65 today and rain tomorrow. Went.out a while ago and saw the heifers and babies and all seem to be okay. Maybe I can get the injured cow up today so he can take them where they'll get good feed every day and fill out and be better. They're up at the hay now but may drift down. Hate how this tablet changes the words and spelling . If a weird word pops up, I'm sorry.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Just took off my glasses and looked in the hand mirror. I look like a raccoon! First time I noticed this was a few years ago when I had my driver's license renewed and they took my picture without glasses and gave the license to me. Raccoon!! Do any of you all have dark circles under your eyes? I don't notice them with my glasses on. Guess that comes with age.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Ron...I just posted this on another thread. It helped me a lot.

    What to do with our losses? . . . We must mourn our losses. We cannot talk or act them away, but we can shed tears over them and allow ourselves to grieve deeply. To grieve is to allow our losses to tear apart feelings of security and safety and lead us to the painful truth of our brokenness. Our grief makes us experience the abyss of our own life in which nothing is settled, clear, or obvious, but everything is constantly shifting and changing. . . .

    We loose a little of out loved ones every day.

    Please let the chaplain help you through these days.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    edited November 2023

    So very true, Judith. First, there were two. Then there was one. Finally, there is half.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Judith, This quote below just showed up on my Facebook page today.


    GRIEF never ends...but it changes. It's a passage not a place to stay. Grief is not a sign of weakness, nor a lack of faith...it is the price of LOVE.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    so very true...

    it has a life of its' own which no one is able to control

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Whenever I need to take a photo for an application, (example passport photo) I put on makeup so my eyes stand out more.


  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,354
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    I am glad you have made that connection with the chaplain.


    I giggled a bit at "racoon eyes". I wear makeup almost daily. Yesterday was cold and windy causing my eyes to water and my mascara to run. I didn't notice but at dinner DH looked at me and asked me if I was planning to rob a bank later. Gah.


    I didn't have anything to do for mom yesterday, so DS stepped in to fill the void. Because of his ASD, he still needs assistance with what my friends would call adulting. I did a lot of this with my bright and neurotypical niece, too, when she was in her 20's-- how to buy a car, investing, how compound interest works, how to buy a house, etc. She's 10 years older than DS so she's a bit more familiar with old school banking and bill paying. DS is clueless. FTR, she has an undergraduate degree in accounting and he has the 30 credits beyond a BA to sit the CPA which is wildly ironic.

    DS got a letter from the local tax office because he didn't file his local earned-income tax for last year. They were withheld, but he needed to file. Fortunately, they waived any penalty. He was fine with the form to file but wasn't sure how to address an envelope or where the stamp goes. I bet he doesn't know how to write a check either if he even has any; my niece didn't order her first set of checks until she bought her first house.

    DS also got a letter from his insurance company denying his preauthorization for the removal of 2 of his four wisdom teeth. They approved the uppers but not the lowers. The oral surgeon's office claims they've never seen such an issue. The lower tooth is the one that fractured, and both are more impacted than the uppers. DS was freaking out about this, so I walked him through the steps to dispute the decision and we both made the call. I'm waiting on a call-back from the office today about the appeal. The worst-case scenario is paying out-of-pocket for the 2 so he doesn't have to potentially have to do this again in a few years. He's got the money, and it would be useful as a life lesson to understand the need for a rainy-day fund.

    Mom has PT today, but she's having my niece's friend drive her and then finish off the closet reconfiguration. It's a win-win. I get a day to catch up on laundry, mom gets to socialize with someone who isn't me (I'm boring) and the friend picks up a few bucks which she dearly needs as she's having issues with unemployment and disability right now in the midst of the treatment of her cancer.

    I'm meeting my niece for dinner to hand off some items she wanted from Costco. I have 3 pair of tech pants for her husband and some vanilla beans for her. She made vanilla ice cream for Thanksgiving and had trouble finding beans-- she ended up paying $25/bean at some gourmet store for a recipe that takes 2 beans. That's craziness. At Costco they were about $18 for any of you that bake.

    My rant for the the day. My neighbors are having a tree removed and I'm sad. It's a massive poplar I think. It looks healthy but I suspect it was planted too close to their deck and maybe shades the house too well or they're having foundation issues. I'll miss it as it blocks the view of the 55+ community built after my parents paid a premium for the lot because it looked over farmland. They built the house and we bought it in 1999 after our home was destroyed in the aftermath of Hurricane Floyd. There's an easement with trees, but it's been thinned out a lot at the insistence of the new people. Unfortunately, the new neighbors kept that hideous Bradford pear that fouls the neighborhood. It's too large for their tiny front lot and has broken so many times it's deformed now-- they property has changed owners four times since it was planted and I've seen it pruned badly and even cabled several times. I will admit it was pretty for a week each spring for about 10 years, but it's been downhill since I have lived here.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Good morning, 37 this morning. Still cold as very windy.Just saying Hi

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    The removal of a tree creates a new balance in our visual life. Not always easy to have our "space" changed.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Raining and cold! Suppose to be some warmer weather on the way, don't know which coat to keep out, the windbreaker or the heavy one.

    I can see Lou rapidly deterating; confused more, doesn't know which she has to do in the bathroom, sleeping more, and seems to be more argumentative. At least I was able to follow the advice on Lorita's front porch and get out more on my own and seeking help.

    Picked up the ingredients for the cookies I make every year, but just haven't been motivated enough to make them.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    edited November 2023

    Ron...I urge you to call Hospice for an evaluation. I do not think this can be done too early in this disease and they can provide so much help for both you and Lou.

    When dealing with dementia and other diseases there is not the 6 month rule and they will stay with you as long as the care is relevant.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    edited November 2023


    Ron, Judith's right - call Hospice and see how they can help you. You don't have to deal with all of this by yourself - we're here when you need/want to talk but you need hands on sometimes. It's so hard to see them go down and know there's nothing you can do to help them. So many of us have dealt with that - not an easy thing.

    It's rainy here today - not a pleasant day. Early, early I was able to drive down to the gate in the PU and saw all the heifers - Toad was late in feeding. Some of our girls were out front and I went out to see if I could locate the cow who was injured so I could get her up - couldn't but did see another very thin cow I'd been looking for. When I opened and closed gates to get her in she got suspicious and started walking away. As I've mentioned, I can't run now or I'd fall over on my face so walked as fast as I could to cut her off at the pass. Got her in, then decided I'd feed all four of them before the rain. Got that done. About that time he drove up to the MH and fed so everyone went up there.

    Used all my feed he'd left a couple of days ago but he came by and left more. This weekend Mike may need to take those four to what he calls the hospital so he can feed them every day. I can only locate that cow when she's walking but I did see her a day or so ago and sprayed a couple of spots of pink paint on her sides - the rain will probably wash it off. After that I've done nothing.

    I'm wondering if I want to separate the two parts of the barn so the girls can get in out of the weather but not sure that's a good thing to do.Everyone elses cows stay out.

    I hate to lose a tree - makes it seem so empty. Last year I had a big maple by the side gate taken down but luckily there was another tree growing less than a foot away and we kept it. Turned out it was much taller than I thought and is a beautiful tree. We had a huge Southern Magnolia to the right of that gate and last summer it lost all it's leaves, all at once, so had that removed plus a purple crepe myrtle and an althea close to it. Now, that whole corner of the front yard is empty. I had them leave several inches of the trunk of the magnolia because there were a few green leaves on it - didn't make it.

    I'm afraid some of our other trees may not make it. This summer every tree in the yard and around the yard lost every leaf - looked like wintertime. Then we had some rain and new leaves appeared - same with all the grass in the yard and the shrubs. Some of the grass came back and now the daylillies are about eight inches tall - crab grass has died but there's some green grass and even had a couple of blooms on the altheas and crepe myrtles. Thought I'd lost all of the wild violets but I found a few and transplanted them into big, tall pots. I re-transplanted them around the elm tree when we started getting rain but the ones in the other pot are blooming - need to move them, too, because they'll freeze in those pots. Strangest weather we've ever had this year.

    HB, I haven't put on make-up for four or five years - been wearing a mask and sunglasses so nothing much shows. I put on make-up for over 33 years every day and it's such a relief to not have to do it. So your husband thought you might be thinking about robbing a bank- that made me laugh. Things they come up with.

    Looks like bad weather is moving across the Country, again.

    Did I mention I found a big persimmon tree in the west pasture? I think I'll cut one of the seeds open and see what it says. I like persimmons but will have to wait until we have a really heavy front or freeze so they won't pucker. Ron, are you sure you don't want me to send some to you? Better stop and do something. It's 3:15 - don't think I'll go out again this evening - rainy and maybe the girls will stay at the MH with the hay - there's trees up there so they will provide some shelter for them - just hate to see them out in the rain - we've spoiled them.

    Hope all of you are continuing your recovery from surgery, falls and illnesses. Just be careful and don't fall.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    edited November 2023

    Judith, I'll check on hospice at some point, just hate to admit the decline.

    Lorita, be glad to have some persimmons RIPE! They are actually very tasty if you let them ripen.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    ZETTA, where are you? I haven't seen a post from you in several days. Hope you are allright. Let us hear from you!

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Front porch is quiet today! I imagine you all have been over to Jo's thread and read her update. She is having a rough time.

    Very cold and windy today. I was going to do some raking, but it will wait a few days when the weather looks to be better. Window washers came out today and did a fantastic job. Yes, I could have done it myself but I am overloaded and overwhelmed with my husband being out of commission and still in skilled nursing. It has left me with so many things to do, and so many worries to process.

    I went to granddaughter's 8th grade basketball game yesterday, and then to the twins' music concert. Made for a busy evening but I had a good time. I began working on Christmas cards this morning. We usually send out around 30 - I do them ALL; hubs not interested in the process. I need to start Christmas shopping pretty soon too. Anyone else started their Christmas shopping? I know Judith has.

    I hope you all have a good weekend. Stay healthy!

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 797
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    Cold, rainy and dreary weather here. DH is up to Murfreesboro for stall front’s for the barn so it’s me and the little dogs, cat and bird.

    Sorting thru the gifts to see what else I need and will get that done tomorrow. The table is reset for Christmas, now to place ornaments on the cotton stalk vase.

    Making the list of things to bake and deliver before we go up to Ohio for Christmas. And, my gas stove/oven is acting like it’s going out- only 4 years old but I think a new one with a double oven is going to be my present to myself.

    My sweet Hannah the Yorkie is wrapped in a blanket snoozing on the couch. I think we are at the end of her time with us. She isn’t eating and can’t stand, so I’m just giving her a little milk and meds with a syringe. And loving on her as she slips away. 😢

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Afternoon, Beth, you've been busy. Glad you could find someone to do your windows - mine need it in the worst way but I keep the drapes pretty much closed in the LR so don't notice it. Stormy looks out the dining room window and his nose prints are all over those two windows and Max, the cat, looks out one of the LR windows and leaves his nose prints. How is your husband doing now? Have you had snow yet?

    It's cloudy and 50 degrees here but no rain - everything's muddy. It's been a weird morning. Fed the four cows in the lot - lots of fun trying to get each one to eat out of their tub. One has horns and two are timid so it's hard to get them separated - but I did. Drove down far enough on the road to see the heifers - all seemed okay. Will go to the mailbox later today.

    I was sitting in my chair which faces the front door, which was open, this morning and saw something walking along the fence. Went out and it was a mother dog with her baby following behind. She had on a collar. Came back in to get some dogfood and couldn't locate them. Finally saw them in the edge of the pasture where the heifers are so took the feed out and called them. They came, smelled of the food and disappeared. Maybe they're on their way home. I called our neighbor, Denny, to see if it might be his dog but he said his little dog passed away a few years ago. I hear a dog barking sometimes and thought it was his. He said it might be the dog of the person who's staying with the neighbor a mile south of us. Haven't seen the little dog and her baby so maybe they're going home.

    While I was talking to Denny the line (cellphone) went dead. Said there was no mobile service. Tried calling the company on the landline but was put on hold (of course). Tried calling him on the landline and line was busy. Finally my cellphone came back on and got to finish my conversation.

    I'm changing internet providers - they'll be out next Friday to do the outside work, then later to do the inside. Denny has that service and really likes it.

    Later I was watching the local news at noon and they had a story on about the carcass of a long-horned steer found on the lawn of one of the OSU fraternities. They were going into detail so turned off the TV and it wouldn't come back on. You know OSU is playing Texas tomorrow for the Big 12 Championship - probably has something to do that that game. Tried everything and finally remembered I was once told to pull out the plug, wait a little while and plug it back in. I did and it worked! Glad it did - I'd be up a creek without a paddle if I didn't have a working TV. It did lose some of the channel numbers of the ones I use but the picture is still there.

    Trying to get my Chewy autoship changed a little bit so I can get that next week. I don't like mornings like this - had much rather things go smoothly - maybe they will this afternoon.

    This morning when I was feeding the cows I have up, I saw one cow coming down from the hay - it was Gray Lady - so gave her some feed (couldn't not do that). She'll be down every morning but that's okay. Mike will come and get them tonight or tomorrow. It's muddy to back the trailer in so told him it might be well to let it settle a day or so. Maybe by that time the cow who was injured will get close enough that I can get her up with the others. I told him I'd sprayed some pink paint on her side to identify her. He said he and Toad saw that - probably thinking "silly woman" but it works. I'll stop for now and watch some of Match Game (old game show but it's entertaining).

    Hope all of you are well this morning. Ron, hope things are well with you and Lou this morning. Darwin's having the same problem with his wife. Some days she seems okay and other days not so much. Hang in there - we're here when you need to talk or vent.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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