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Just need to talk to my friends (192)



  • littleme
    littleme Member Posts: 70
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    Hi everyone

    Life is hot and sticky here (90 degrees all this week). wish I could stay home in the airconditioning. But my choir is performing in a local NH this afternoon, so I have to go. Not looking forward to the drive, even tho' the car is airconditioned. It will have to sit in the sun for 90 minutes or more, and will be HOT when I get back to it. Oh Well! It's Christmas, and the residents do love our carols, and our silly songs as well.

    Lorita, the book 'Digger the Wonder Dog" is published; you can find it here https://books2read.com/u/m06EQA. Suitable for anyone over the age of about 10. Hope you enjoy it.

    Wishing everyone good health


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    edited December 2023

    Thanks, Barbara, I'll check it out sounds good. Try to stay cool while we try to stay warm neither is good. During the Christmas season groups of employees would walk the halls singing carols. Not all the tins, just a day or so. Veterans enjoyed the songs as did the employees.

    Judith I watched the Chiefs play last. night. Is there going to be another season of Yellowstone? I'm sure there were gates around the corrals but too much land and open spaces for gates.

    Got a text from Sarah. She has an appt. With a GI doctor tomorrow. Not doing well at all. Just think it's been almost a year when we didn't think she'd make it very long. Strong lady, she.

    Iris, I would love to hear about your time in Alaska, too. Can't imagine seeing polar bears in the wild. They're having a hard time now adjusting to the warmer weather and not as much ice. Try to stay cool.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I'll post tomorrow.


  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    Good luck with your tests today.


    When my friend's mom believed she was doing all the cleaning because that had been her custom, friend would "accidently" spill something on the floor. This allowed her to say "I'm sorry mom. I made the mess, let me clean it up for you". It worked for her.


    Your story of folks singing in the VA hospital reminded me of something that happened to my dad ages ago. He needed a lung biopsy and scheduled it for 2 days before Christmas as he had just graduated from college and would be starting his first real teaching job Jan 2nd. This was 1972 when the surgery involved a 12" incision and rib spreaders along with a several days-long stay inpatient. His surgeon worked out of an old school Roman Catholic hospital staffed by actual nuns. He was on some pretty strong pain medication and still loopy from the anesthesia when a group of novitiates with candles same through singing hymns. It was after visiting hours so mom wasn't there, so he assumed he was dead.


    I finally saw the endodontist last night. He wasn't able to be absolutely certain the root was not fractured based on the history of the symptoms. He suggested extraction and an implant asap. It's #7 so that should be interesting before I can get a temporary done. I may just wear a mask until that's done. We still haven't heard back on DS's insurance denial but we have 10 days to sort that out.

    Mom had the friend take her to PT yesterday so I managed to get one of my trees up. Yesterday I set up a small one in the dining room that has the pretty crystal ornaments I collected before DS was born. It's the prettiest one of the three. My goal today is to clean my office and then set up my Barbie tree. This one always makes me smile even though I have to spend some time with a hot glue gun reattaching limbs and ponytails each year.

    Mother wants to go to the Christmas Market in town. We did have a blast last time when we happened to be downtown for one of her many appointments. Maybe next week.


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    @harshedbuzz I would love to see pics of your trees, especially the Barbie tree!

    Today I will rake leaves and vacuum the floors. Someone came out and cleaned out my gutters yesterday; glad that is done. Also working on Christmas shopping for the grands. The adults (son, daughter and in-laws) all get $ so that is easy; have 6 grands to shop for. The two oldest want $. Fine with me. Much easier.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Beth, dollars work for me! I send each family x amount of money where they can buy themself, grandchildren and Great grandchildren what they want.

    At the VA waiting on the meds to circulate for my pet scan. They are doing a complete resurface of 7 miles of interstate 20 in bossier city. Down to 1 lane east and west snd snail traffic this early.

    Hope everyone has a great day!


  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    Barbie is everyone's favorite. This is from a few years ago when I only did 2 trees and put her in the dining room rather than have her hang out in my office.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    HB, your Barbie tree is beautiful. One of my favorite things about Christmas was the lights on the tree. What a job that must be to take down the tree- that was my least favorite things. No tree here for decades but I do enjoy seeing them.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    Thanks for the tip HB.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Hi, Doesn't Zetta live near Medford, Oregon? Just saw on the weathr there's an atmospheric river there with flooding. Wonder if she can make it to work? Zetta, maybe you're reading it you're home. Let us know how you are.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    Sunset in Alabama tonight

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Evening front porch friends,

    Tonight I'm posting to request prayers and good wishes for Sarah. She saw the doctor today and she said they're trying to decide which doctor will do the surgery on her stomach. She still can't talk so all I get are texts- sometimes hard to understand. She can't eat so is living on the supplement through the feeding tube which keeps coming out and geting infected. I don't know how she goes on with all that is wrong. She doesn't get much sleep and is in constant pain. Hard for me to believe that she has made it these last eleven months. She has to be very strong - preservation of life is a big part of it. Just think how hard it must be to know you're going to pass away and there's not much that can be done. Most of us have gone through that with our loved ones.

    Thank you so much. We all need help at times.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    JeriLynn, how beautiful! I never saw a red sunset before. We have pink sunsets here. I wonder what causes this color?

    Lorita, Sarah is on my prayer list. I hope the surgeon will be able to give her some relief!

    HB, your tree was lovely.

    Lorita, you asked about my time in Alaska. I'll have to tell you in segments. Here us the back story. You might know, since you worked for the VA, that along with the draft of young men, there used to be a doctor draft. The doctor draft continued after the national draft was discontinued. The Armed Forces came to medical schools to seek recruits to cut down on the need for draftees doctors. Another woman and I asked if women were accepted, snd were told yes, so we signed up and enlisted into the U S Air Force. The deal was that the AF would pay our medical school expenses, and in return, we would commit to service on active duty. My commitment was almost three years.

    After I completed my pediatric training, I went on active duty as a Captain. I was asked where I wanted to serve, so I said, "anywhere". My assignment was Eilson AFB, AK. I thought that meant Arkansas! I was disappointed. But then I learned that AK meant the great state of Alaska! More tomorrow.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    Beautiful sunset Jerilynn

    yes Lorita we do all need help at times. 🙏for Sarah.

    JoC you are still in thought and prayer also along with your family.

    iris looking forward to hearing about Alaska. My dad was stationed in Alaska also at end of Korean war. He seemed to enjoy his time there.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Thanks for the update on Sarah. I am anxious to know who her surgeon will be and what will be done.

    Iris...looking forward to the next installment.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    @Lorita prayers for dear Sarah. I know you worry mightily about her.

    @ronald71111 I hope you were able to have your PET scan and get some information that can be used to make you feel better. You probably should have the rescue inhaler with you. My mom's terrible about bringing hers, so I keep a spare in my bag.

    @JeriLynn66 that is a stunning picture. Thanks for sharing it.


    I took mom with me to Costco. She claimed to only be along for the ride, but I made her get a cart anyway. She tends to see things and then stuff my cart which things she didn't know she needed. As if her custom, she spent over $150 on "stuff". Some of it was food, but also picked up some pants she absolutely didn't need and lingered over the jewelry for an awfully long time.

    I know everyone complains about prices, but dear Lord I spent almost $50 on Kleenex which is just crazy. DS brings home a cold every December and this year is no exception. He's tested for COVID multiple times and so far it's just a cold.

    I was planning to do a second tree today, but I need to run around to coordinate my dental appointment for next Wednesday. I need to get a CD with imaging from the endodontist; the oral surgeon wants to see that before we decide on whether I can do extraction and implant same day or if they'll be 2 appointments. I also have to see if the general dentist can squeeze me in for a provisional replacement on Wednesday or Thursday. And I have to touch base with my orthopedic surgeon about pre-medicating; normally I don't unless there's an active infection. The oral surgeon wants me to deliver the CD in person. Do these people not have email or a professional portal? Sheesh.

    We still haven't heard back on whether DS's insurance will be paying for 2 or 4 teeth. Ugh. It's going to be a $$$ month.


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    @harshedbuzz Your tree is beautiful! Thanks for sharing it! There was a time that I collected Barbies but I have since gotten rid of my collection, sharing it with others. I'm so sorry about your dental issues, and your son's. Hopefully it will be taken care of very soon, and insurance will pay.

    @JeriLynn66 The sunset is gorgeous!!!! God has an amazing paintbrush!

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
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    Prayers for Sarah that the doctors can find a solution for her to relieve the pain and get her on something other than supplements.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Sending prayers up for Sarah, Jo C and her son and everyone dealing with health issues.

    Had my pet scan yesterday and spent about a hour with the Chaplain. Really liked him and had a wonderful conversation with him. Now just waiting on results of pet scan. I have a primary care appointment next week.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Hi, I just wrote a long post and for some reason my internet went off - again - and lost it. I'm changing internet service but it won't be for a week or more. I'll try to summarize.

    First- thanks to all of you for the prayers for Sarah - she needs all the help she can get. Her quality of life isn't very good - isn't able to do much of anything, can't eat, talk or even swallow more than a spoonful of liquid at a time. Prayers and good wishes help - so, thanks again.

    Iris, dust causes red sunsets or so I'm told. We have beautiful sunsets here but I hardly ever see them because of trees - unless I'm out in the pastures. I see gorgeous sunrises though and moon rises - reflected in the pond.

    What a shock that must have been when they sent you to Alaska instead of warm Arkansas. I hope you enjoyed your time there - certainly different than you'd have had in Arkansas. I'm looking forward to hearing about your time there.

    Judith, I'll let you know about the doctor when Sarah finds out. I often wonder if she'd had a different surgeon in the beginning if things would be different now.

    Ron, glad you got your PET scan done yesterday and had a nice visit with the Chaplain - being able to talk about things really help.

    Sara, hope your time at your mother's works out good tomorrow. I think that was a good tip, too.

    HB, I imagine your mother enjoyed just taking her time and looking at things. We don't have a Costco near us but I imagine it's something like Sam's Club. There's a couple of those about 75 miles from here and Charles and I enjoyed shopping there.

    Called our Health Dept. this morning about covid vaccines - they don't have any and probably won't get more. Called WM and surprise, surprise, they have both Pfizer and Moderna. I wanted to make one trip work - picking up groceries and getting my vaccine but the only time open for pickup at WM is late this afternoon so guess I'll go early in the morning. They told me they had plenty of vaccine.

    I guess I'd better stop before I lose this one. Know I left out something but I'll think of it later. Enjoy the rest of your day. Thanks again for your prayers and Sarah thanks you all, too.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    I know that her surgeon was highly respected but it would have likely been good for to be under the care of a specialist befor any surgery was done. Gastroperisis is nasty and difficult to live with.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    He did seem, from reviews, that he would be good. You just never know. I had never heard of gastroparesis before that.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    It is a common non-motor symptym of Parkinson's. That I how I know about it. There is a med for that but not available in the U.S. or at least not when Dick had it.

    Reviews and I did ask my medical friends re Dunn. BTW...he died recently.

    Can I help?

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Did not know that, Judith. I'll tell Sarah. Right now I don't know of anything any of us can do. Thanks for asking. You've been a good family friend and so appreciated.

    Rechecked with WM- they just got the Pfizer today so guess tomorrow morning is a go. Will be able to check one thing off my to-do list. can't leave farm Friday because of internet stuff but will try to get a couple more things off that list next week -- car and will and PU checked. Can't do anything about barn lights with out electrician and they are covered up with work.

    Just checked heifers all seems to be well. Babies are growing and are so cute grazing and eatiing at hayrings just like the big girls.

    It's been a beautiful day. Trees that still have leaves are pretty. Checked persimmons - still not ready. Will need a heavy frost and freeze.

    Judith, I'm wearing my medical guardian pendant all the time and it has a fall detector and can tell where I might be, on and off farm. Also keep my.phone with me so I'm as safe as possible.

    See you all tomorrow. Sleep well.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Another Alaska installment

    I did my two weeks of medical basic training in San Antonio. Part of the training included how to treat nerve gas poisoning. I freaked out because I had never heard of such. Fortunately, I never ran into that.

    I flew from San Antonio to Fairbanks. My sponsor and some others took me out to dinner. I was tired after my long flight but no one seemed in a hurry to go home. I said to myself, "when the sun begins to go down, I'll say it's late, and it's time to go home." But the sun never went down! Finally the restaurant closed, and we left. I asked the time. It was midnight! The sun, although technically not up, still shown enough light to be considered daylight.

    I finally made it to my room and to bed. I woke up at 2 o'clock. I was frantic, because I thought I had overslept and missed my morning appointment with my new commander. The hallway was quiet, I thought everyone else had left for work and I was alone. I looked out the window but saw no one walking around or driving. I turned on the radio while I was dressing and the announcer said it was 2 o'clock...in the morning! I had only been asleep for about an hour. The midnight sun fooled me again! I went back to bed and made my first day at work appointment on time.

    In those days, I had no trouble falling asleep in daylight. But all bedrooms are equipped with heavy blackout curtains or shades to keep out the light so people can fall asleep.

    Where I lived was below the Arctic Circle, so the sun went below the horizon for about an hour. It looks like early dusk.

    The weather in the summer is just beautiful! The temperature runs between 50-70 degrees, occasionally up to 80 degrees. 50 degrees sounds chilly, but it is shirtsleeve weather in Alaska.

    In Alaska, it is mandatory to pick up hitchhikers. Coming from NYC, I was very leery of this practice. But it was not a problem, because it was the custom to help the next person out. It is the law, because people stranded can die in a few moments from exposure when the weather is cold, and because most of Alaska is just wilderness. If you become stranded, you stay stranded.

    In fact, I don't remember any crime where I was, outside of Fairbanks. The population of the entire borough was only 40,000 people in the late 1970s. People knew each other. I lived on the basis and of course, that was very safe. I never even locked my house door or car doors.

    There were only two TV stations. Cable TV was just becoming popular, so most people signed up to get more stations. One day, after I had been on duty the previous night, I heard some young airmen talking about a woman whose husband had brought her to the clinic to be admitted to the hospital for alcoholism. I was upset because I knew nothing about it, how had that gotten past me? I was ready to launch an inquiry! The airmen looked at me funny. As it turned out, they were talking about the TV show, "Dallas"! JR had brought his wife SueEllen in for alcoholism. The laugh was on me! But after that I signed up for cable and became hooked on watching Dallas.

    The military worked hard to keep the members satisfied, so to speak, especially in remote areas like Alaska. There were all sorts of sports activities, movies, and weekend events. It was not boring, if you liked the outdoors, which I did. Some people did get cabin fever in the winter, but I never did.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Thank you, Iris😊

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Praying for all my front porch friends!

    I just wish I could get the desire and excitement to bake my holiday cookies, peanut butter cake and pecan pie. Yes, you pee in a can and eat pAcans.

    Just saw the results of my PET scan, but haven't heard from anyone so not sure about what I'm reading since I've already had a scope of esophagus.

    Results were: still showing nodule at ge junction. Prior scan was 2.1 x 2.2 x 2.7 now 1.6 x 3.1 x 2.34.

    Also: limited non contrast show vascular calcification in cornary arteries, aorta and iliofemoral vessels..

    Guess I'll find out what's next at my primary care appointment next week.

    Possible severe storms Friday night and Saturday, but beautiful weather except for the storms.


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Iris, I loved your story about your life in Alaska! Thank you for sharing.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Iris...thank you for continued sharing...so interesting.

    Dick flew with Air America (CIA) in Laos. Many of his AA friends then flew in Alaska. It truly must have been something to experience.

    Ron...hopefully someone medical here will chime in soon. Re Christmas. No one here is doing what they used to. Frankly I would rather sit on the porch than bake. If I did bake I would end up eating product. Oh wait, I can bring to the porch.

    Hopeing for a work from Jo and a Sarah update.

    Lorita...I think it is Jo's son who is in Medford.

    All of the attic containers contents have not been gone through. I now have a stack of empty containers to go back into the attic. One empty bathroom drawer!.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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