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Just need to talk to my friends (192)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Iris, your time in Alaska sounds wonderful- so different. Did you ever get used to the darkness, then the daytime! Looking forward to more stories of your time there. You kniw, my parents and everyone had to move from an area around Braggs, Okla. because the Government was making a military base there. They had the choice of moving where they did(where I grew up and live now) or to Alaska. How different our lives would have been if they had chosen Alaska.

    Good for you, Judith, you've really been making headway. Keep up the good work.

    Left home this morning about 8:30 and got home at 10:10. Had to drive east into the bright sun. Really bothered me because of increased light going into my eyes(cataracts and laser surgery). Got parked and went in. The bright fluorescent lights shining on the shiny floors really bothered me. Anyway got my Pfizer covid shot. I asked if I needed to wait a little while to leave and she said I didn't. Also said it didn't go into effect for two weeks. I had never heard that before. Bought another pair of fit over sunglasses and left.

    Picked up my grocery order and hit the road. Drive home(going west) was easier. Brought things to house and wiped them down. Yes, still doing that.

    I got four cans of corn I didn't order and no ice cream bars. That's okay because I did get my gelato! I thought I ordered four avocados but got six nice ones. I still have one I ordered last month. They really keep well in the refrigerator. Glad that trip is Over.

    Saw the prettiest car in the parking lot - a Chevy Equinox. Will check the test drive on the internet. I left Stormy and Sheena in the house and they were so happy when I got home. It's fairly warm but sooo windy and will get worse later today.

    Ron, glad your test is done. As Judith said maybe someone will know the results mean. How is Lou? Isn't this D-Day? It was December 7, 1941, I think. Will watch the noon news and see.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Wow, Judith, you are doing a good job sorting and going through the attic and drawers. You inspired me to start. I have 9 kitchen drawers and I have done 6. The cupboards will be more of a challenge than the drawers - I have too much stuff!!! I do not have storage in the attic but have bookcases and china cabinets to go through. Bathroom vanities, and also the basement - don't even want to think about that!

    It's a warm, sunny day here - 60 degrees. Very nice for December in Iowa.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    Ron I understand what you’re saying. I feel that way a bit too, life changes.

    Sorry, I cannot help you with your test results Ron as that was not my area. That’s why I don’t even like to read that stuff ahead of time.

    my dad talked a lot about Alaska and seem to really have enjoyed his time there. That’s one of the reasons I love hearing you talk about it Iris.

    Thinking of each and every one of you .

    Hope all is OK Lorita. Thank you were going to town today if I remember correctly

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    edited December 2023

    Please remember that I am 82 3/4. Getting rid of excess makes more sense than when one is younger. I know for a fact what things I am never going to use again...lol.

    Lorita... how do you test drive a car from your living room?

    Best SUVs for Seniors | 2023 Ratings | CarBuzz

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
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    Did you see the latest post from M1? Not good news for health issues.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Judith, I don't actually do the test drive but the guy shows you everything about the car, then he test drives it. Guess there's a test drive for all of them. I have watched a lot. Just type "test drive for whatever car"in the search bar. The one for the equinox looks good.

    I've talked to two different salesmen and the one I talked with first keeps calling and texting . I like the other one better. The one I talked with when I had my PU in has gone back East. Just read that December is a good month to buy a new one even better than used.

    Wish I could get motivated to clear out I still have all of Charles' clothes he had in the closet in the sunroom, mostly on the divan. I salute you for the good job. Carol has been doing that for four years and still has more to go.

    Stormy and I just got back from checking heifers. The wind is awful!! Sheena wanted to go for a walk when we got back, so we went for a short one. My arm is a bit sore but not bad. It's my right arm so it's sort of achy a lot of the time anyway.

    It's 65 right now but the wind is chilly. The pickup did good today but I was on dirt roads until I got to the edge of town so wasn't accelerating. Our garage is doing a land office business in town but our little store is still empty. WM was going fullblast. Guess that is another notch in their belt or gun.

    Sarah texted me that two of the doctors had cancelled on her but she had an appt. Today at ,3:30.

    Wish Zetta would post. Joan, how are things going with you. Hope you have daily improvement. Have you had snow yet?

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Lorita...I could not have done this cleansing without the help of my grandson. Just start with 1 box or 1 drawer. Dick's clotes are still in his closet. No need to change that. Why are Charles' clothes on the divan???

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Judith, I took Charles' clothes out of the closet to have more room for mine and at that time I thought I'd take them to the mission or Church in town. They're too good to throw away. I've given some of his leather jackets and jeans to Bryon and I will eventually get the other things donated. It still feels like I'd be disposing of or forgetting him. There are a couple of things I could not give away. Also gave some shirts to Jack. You know mother saved her dad's overcoat after he passed away in 1941 ( seven months before I was born) until she passed away in 1996. Some things you just can't let go. Right now I just don't have the initiative to start anything.

    About Sarah - she did see the doctor today and it wasn't good news at all. He said there was nothing that could be done - she'd never make it off the operating table. He has operated on her before (don't know his name) and he told her the same thing then. They say she has Chrone's disease so that's a part of the problem. The lining of her abdomen is so thin it won't hold sutures. He is going to try to find a doctor to put in a permanent IV so she can get pain meds since she can't swallow and keep it down.

    I texted her back trying to help her feelings telling her that she's strong - made it a year and there's always hope. Never give up faith and hope. I can't really remember how long ago she started with this problem - six or seven years at least - and has gotten worse - seems like it's just one thing after another. I think it started just after they were able to get my sister in the MMC.

    When she goes the only blood kin I'll have will be two cousins (J.W.'s sister and Patsy's brother) - not close to either of them. The older we get, the fewer people we have to rely on.

    I just read MI's thread and posted on it. I know how scared he must be - I'd be the same. Living away from town and conveniences like a grocery store or someone to come in to help is so much harder. People just won't come out this far. Years ago I was talking to Karen and was wondering what Charles and I would do when we weren't able to get into town. She told me she's bring our groceries. Karen has been gone four years. You never know what will happen in your later years.

    Are you going to keep Dick's clothes? Maybe if you wanted to, your grandson could wear some of them - not like giving them to someone you don't know. Hard decisions to make. Life is hard and there's so many decisions to make and problems to solve. I can so understand why Jerry (Charles' brother) felt he had to sell his home and move into the living center in Amarillo. He has his own apartment and if he gets worse, they have assisted living and even a nursing home. He says there's one like that in Enid. I didn't mean to go into all of this - just felt like talking to my friends like I always have. So thankful you all are out there and will listen. With that I'll say goodnight. May tomorrow be better for all of us.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, I'm so sorry to hear about Sarah. I hope she can get an intravenous line for her pain meds. Does she sound discouraged when you talk with her? She must appreciate you a lot.

    Judith, I'm dealing with old newspapers, some going back to last December.

    Today is the day that will live in infamy; there was a nice write-up in today's newspaper about the Pearl Harbor attack. D-Day was June 6, 1944. I took a tour to Normandy and saw all the wartime sites and visited several cemeteries. It was very moving.

    Ron, to me it appears that your nodule is about the same size as before. But don't rely on me, I know you are waiting to consult with your specialist.

    Judith I had to Google Air America. Your DH might have been at my base. Apparently they stopped their flights before I arrived in Alaska.

    Lorita, I'm sure your folks would have been shocked to move from Braggs OK to Alaska. Fairbanks was quite primitive, from my city viewpoint, in the late 1970s. The town had only four stop lights. There was a J C Penney store for shopping in town, although on the base we had our own BX to shop from. At time, residents would fly from Fairbsnks to Anchorage for the day, just to shop for things they could not find in Fairbanks. The cost was quite low, I think around $25 rt.

    Some expenses were quite high, but at the same time, salaries were high to compensate. On the base, we military received a cost of living allowance and a housing allowance if we didn't live in base housing, in addition to our regular military salary. My own expenses were low, so I was able to bank my salary and live on my COLA. In town for example, teachers were paid $45,000 - 60,000 whereas they might have received $15,000 in the lower 48. That's what down here was called. Or it was referred to as "outside". "Are you going outside?" meant are you going to the lower 48?

    There was a population of Native Alaskans living in and around Fairbanks. Occasionally I would see the ladies wearing their native dress. But I never did meet anyone in person. When someone planned to travel to the bush ( the wilderness), they would call the radio station and have their travel announced over the radio. Then their relatives in the bush would know to expect him. This was called "tundra topics". People in the bush had no phones. Also no electricity.


  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 797
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    My husband and I left home at 3:30 am traveling to Murphreesboro. He has a PET Scan this morning to further evaluate 2 nodules in his right lung…

    so if you could please say a prayer for him, I’d surely appreciate it..

    Hope everyone has a good day ❤️

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    I am so sorry for all that is going on with dear Sarah. I do hope they will be able to manage her pain effectively soon.

    @Iris L.

    I am enjoying your posts about Alaska. That must've been like stepping into another world. My late BIL was also drafted right after his first year of residency-- he was supposed to move into a surgery residency, but the Navy had other ideas. He picked Navy, in part, because their uncle had been a ship's doctor in WWII. BIL ended up attached to the Marines in Viet Nam for a year. When he came home, he set up a family practice in his hometown but hated it. He ended up working in emergency which really suited him.


    With all this talk of cleaning and organizing I was inspired to take on my desk and office. It's in a space off my living room so when it's a mess the whole house feels chaotic. I set up my second tree and need DS to bring the boxes back down to the basement.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Iris, I agree that the nodule not growing is good, but still confused about the uptake and different diagnosis from pet scan and scope. After the first pet scan a scope with ultrasound was done and nodule was not found, only a hernia at the gastroesophageal junction. Now the second pet scan still classified it as a nodule with mild uptake. ??? Of course, even though calcification comes with age I have concerns about that also, especially at the aorta.

    Lorita, I am so sorry for all that Sarah is going through and pray daily for her.

    JeriLynn, prayering your husband's nodules are without uptake.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    Jerilynn will be praying for you and your husband and those caring for him. So many here going through trials right now.

    Sorry, Sarah is having such a battle. Know this makes your heart heavy Lorita.Iris enjoyed your thoughts on Alaska again this morning.

    This morning I saw something I had not seen in a long time. I was outside early, and I looked up and there was the moon and the sky was full of stars. I had not seen that many stars in a long time. On the way home from church when I was a child I used to lay my head back on the seat and look out the back window, and I can remember the sky being full of stars.

    Thinking of each of you

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    JeriLynn, I added your DH to my prayer list. Does he have to see the doctor later to get the result of the PET scan?

    Ron, do you have a hiatal hernia? I have a hiatal hernia, diagnosed in the early 1970s. I just consulted a gastroenterology to give me some guidance about that and acid reflux that has been giving me problems lately. I'm waiting on a call from the radiology department for an upper GI x-ray and swallow test.

    HBn there was a good-natured rivalry between our AF pilots and Navy pilots. I'm surprised that your BIL was not allowed to complete his surgical residency. But apparently they thought he had enough knowledge to be a Navy doctor. As a pediatrician, I saw mostly pediatric patients, but I had to see all adults when I had night and weekend duty. Actually, the medics were well trained and did quite a lot of the medical care.

    Sayra, you were so fortunate to see the moon and the stars! I too remember seeing the sky full of stars when I was a child, even in the city. Now, I can see only one or two unless I am in the desert.

    When I first went on active duty I had to ship my car to Alaska. It came by she to Anchorage, and I flew down from Fairbsnks to retrieve it. I drove the road from Anchorage to Fairbanks. Alaska has two highways, the road between Anchorage and Fairbanks is one, but I don't recall the name. The other road is the Alaska Highway, which goes from British Columbia through the Yukon Territory to Alaska. Once in Alaska, after a few miles, it is called the Richardson Highway. Addresses are called by one's location on the Richardon Highway. For example, I might say, "I live at Mile 321 on the Richardson Highway". Then a visitor would know where to look for me.

    On the way to Fairbanks I had to stop for gas and to use the restroom. The restroom was an outhouse! I asked if there were snakes for me to beware of, because I know snakes like to hang around outhouses. To my surprise and delight, there are no snakes in Alaska. Gas was cheap in Alaska. The pipeline had just been built, or maybe it was still being built. I did get to see it. Many men made good money working on the pipeline, because it was rough work in the Arctic and on the tundra. They had to live in barracks far away from civilization. They could save lots of money because there nothing to spend it on. In those days I don't think women worked on the pipeline.

    The food in Alaska was good or great. The good food was shipped in or flown in. The great food was native Alaskan seafood. Alaska has a short growing season, but the crops get almost constant daylight. Alaska is known for giant cabbages, the biggest weighing 138 lbs! I had a small garden, just for fun, and for the experience of seeing fast growing vegetables. I had kale, lettuce and tomatoes. There are only a few small vegetable farms, but there are dairy farms in the Matanuska Valley, north of Anchorage.

    Foraging was popular with some people. There was a list of wild plants that could be picked and cooked. I never picked plants, but I did pick raspberries. We had to wear "bear bells" around our necks to warn the bears that humans were nearby. Because the bears liked the raspberries, too!

    The best food was the seafood, of course salmon and halibut, also lobster and Alaskan king crab. On the base, lobster and king crab legs were served every weekend. I ate my fill!

    For those so inclined, hunting snd fishing were popular activities. Moose was taken, especially by those who lived in the bush, for their winter meat. I never ate moose, it was not served on the base. I saw plenty of moose, they could be seen at time along the side of the road or on base. Once I saw a bear! I had taken my two cats to an area where they could run around, because pets were not allowed to be unleashed. I saw what I thought was a man bent over, so I waved and called to him. "He" never stood up, but seemed to crawl on his hands and knees. It then dawned on me that it wasn't a man, but a bear! I yelled at my cats to run, and I jumped back into my car and drove off! I knew my cats could run faster than I could run. I drove back a few moments later and retrieved my cats. I never went back to that isolated location alone again.

    There are also musk oxen. Their fur is used to make a type of wool called "qiviut". It is softer than cashmere and protects from the frigid cold. The wool is not shorn, like from sheep, but collected after they molt. Qiviut is very expensive.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Morning, JeriLynn, hope things go well with your trip and your husband's PET scan. Seems like everyone's having problems - guess it's the time of year. I know that three years straight Charles was in the hospital. The only good thing was that his room was on the west side of the VA Hospital that overlooked Honor Heights Park. The park is beautiful around Christmas with all the lights so that was something I could look at.

    Sara, hope things went well at your mother's yesterday. Did you get to mop the floor for her?

    Iris, I haven't verbally talked to Sarah for quite a while - she can't talk, I guess because of whatever's wrong with her throat. I call and leave a message and she will text me back when she gets the message. I asked her how she and Todd were communicating and she said most of it's by text. The last time I heard her voice he called me when they were at a doctor's appointment so I could listen in. I only heard her say a few words, very quietly. I hope they find a doctor that can help in some way. I can tell by the way she writes that she's depressed. She told me she was quite a while ago - who wouldn't be? Yesterday she said she'd been crying since she got home from the doctor. I just keep telling her to keep the faith and not give up hope - without that we have nothing.

    Got up about 7 this morning thinking Mike might feed with Toad and could give the GPs their medication. He called a little after 9 while Sidney was prepping a dog or cat for surgery. He's been completely covered up this week - everyone wanting everything done so he hasn't even been able to help feed. He said he hadn't been over in this area all week. He will try to give the meds this weekend. I have a harness for Stormy so hope that works. He doesn't seem to mind wearing it - I put it on for an hour or so every day so he can get used to it. It's me that has trouble figuring out how to put it on.

    About 8 I looked out and saw a big, white truck coming up the driveway with a trailer - it was the guy from the electric company coming to do the outside work for the internet. Took him about two hours - he said the inside guy will come in a week or two to do the rest of it. Interesting - to me that he had this thing that dug the ditch for the cable. He didn't have to touch it - all remote control - like a little robot. It dug a little ditch and laid the cable, then covered the ditch. He did have to climb the pole to connect everything. A summer or two ago they ran all the line to all the houses for the internet - then all that was left was to run the line to the house.

    That's been my morning except I did have a call from the car salesman - I answered this time. They have one Equinox RS and an Equinox LT in transit. I told him to call me when it came in. I don't want to be inside a vehicle with anyone right now so if I like it enough just may buy it without a test drive. I did that with the Mustang and Cougar and it worked just fine. My arm is a bit sore this morning but I'm so thankful I was able to get the Pfizer vaccine. Guess I called at the opportune time - they just got that vaccine in the day before.

    It was partly cloudy this morning and very warm but now it's completely cloudy with wind and warm temps - it's 62 on the laptop now. It got up the low 80s in SW Okla. yesterday and 70 here. Going to be in the 50s with some rain and in the 50s all next week.

    I still have to open the Chewy boxes and get the cases of cat and dog food inside. They are so heavy but I have a couple of metal tray-like things with wheels that I can put them on at the front door and drag them through the house to the utility room. I'm glad I'm able to order that stuff so I don't have to get it town and get it home.

    Day, I read your post on MI's thread yesterday. I'm so sorry you're having such a hard time. How do you get your groceries? I think you live in town so maybe they can be delivered. Just be uber careful and not fall. That's the last thing Carol says to me when we talk - "don't fall".

    Guess I've written way too much so I'll stop for now. Hope all of you are well this morning. Sara, you mentioned seeing the moon and many stars early in the morning. I'm not outside much at night but the stars and moon are beautiful out here in the country without lights - except for security lights. The prettiest thing is the reflection of the full moon in the pond - wish you could see it. I've tried to take pictures of it but they just don't come out good. I'll be back later.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 797
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    Thanking God for good test results and you, my friends, for your prayers ❤️

    We’re finally back home and are going to nosh on shrimp, chicken and cheesecake then go to bed early to rest and refresh…

    I thank you again, Jeri Lynn

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    Lorita you asked how mopping went yesterday, not so well. Maybe I can work on it a little bit every other week, which is next week, so I’ll get to do it all again.

    sounds like a good supper JerriLynn, thankful to hear the good news.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    JeriLynn, so glad the test result wss go od.. Noe both of you can get a good night's sleep.

    My arm is still sore, but not red. I haven't had much stamina today. Went to the mailbox, came back and checked heifers, emptied some feed out of a tub Into a bucket and carried it into yard, then walked down and opened the gate to the NE pasture. Got back in the house and was bushed. Earlier had opened three big shipped boxes and brought things inside. Guess I did too much. Still have three heavy cases of dog food on porch and the big box they brought todsy. Fixing some Ramen soup for supper along with toadt. Hope I'm finished doing for the night. Getting gtoo old to do much.of anything.

    Rest well tonight.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello all,

    Lorita. I do miss posting a lot like I used too. It seems like with me working and occasioning pet sitting I never have time. Molly and I just got home today from pet sitting job we were gone for 4 days. My friend who passed away last year I still watch her dogs when her husband travels to visit their kids. The dogs are getting to be a little too much for me they are young Boston Bulldogs. About 4 years old and very fisty, Molly don't like them very much.

    I live 150 miles for Medford. It is Jo's, son who lives in Medford. Iam still not sure I want to work in the winter, we have snow on the ground right now so when I go to work tomorrow, I will see how the drive goes, I work Tuesdays. 2pm to 8pm and Saturday and Sunday from 12:30 to 8pm. I enjoy the work and the people but it's starting to be too much for me. I miss being home.

    You're all in my prayers. And I think of you all often,

    Iris. Iam enjoying your stay in Alaska. Thanks for sharing.

    Hugs to all, Zetta

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Morning, quite a bit cooler this morning but not much wind and it's not windy,yet.

    Zetta, glad you posted. IWe were beginning to worry. Be careful driving. I know it's dark when you're driving home. Might be good to not work so many hours this winter.

    We slept until almost 7:30 this mirning. Sheena isn't up yet. Mr. Stormy has been out and is back in asleep on the divan. I heard geese when I went out on the oirvh. Guess they're going south

    I got my covid shot Thursday morning and it stung a bit. That evening and yesterday it was sore so put ice on it a while three or four times. Last night and this morning an area about the size of a quarter is raised or swollen a little. It's not red but is still a bit sore. Never had this happen before and I've had five shots before this. Anyone else ever had this happen after a shot?

    I think I overdid yesterday lifting and carrying things so won't do much today. Also have been having the feeling that I was about to have a charley horse in my calves. I haven't, thank goodness. I must need some vitamin I'm not getting. Will look that up. I've complained enough so will stop and have my juice.

    I see the heifers in the corner of the pasture waiting for feed but this isn't feed day. They need to leave two bales every other day. Can't see what's going on with "our" cows - too far away. They feed them by the MH. Enjoy your Saturday.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Lorita...a car thought. Loading/unloading boxes is very difficult with a trunk. I push a wheel barrel up to the back of my SUV and slide stuff into it.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Right there with you, Judith. I have a sort of wheelbarrow, plastic with two wheels, that I bought at K Mart years ago. Could not make it without that thing. Does make it much easier and saves trips. Thanks for the suggestion.

    So, you all know me after all these years, I don't let things alone. Called WM Pharmacy where I got the injection, and talked with the Pharmacist. She said Pfizer is notorious for the injection site, or whole arm in some people, to get somewhat swollen so nothing to worry about. Told her all of my shots had been Pfizer with no problems.Some people even have a rash. I think Freaky thing maybe or maybe this vaccine is a little different. Can use ice on it (I use frozen English peas). I have heard that this vaccine might be a little stronger? Still think I lifted too much and overdue yesterday. This arm us the one that hurts some because of the ligament injury.

    While I had her I asked about the feeling of impending charley horses in my calves. She said usually it's caused by dehydration(nor so in my case I don't think) or could be Vit. D or magnesium deficiency. I am low on vit. D so will take that and do have magnesium. She said also could be an electrolyte imbalance and to drink pedialyte ooccasionally.

    Sandy, enjoyed our visit. Tried to see the pictures on my tablet last night and it says I need more storage. Don't know to do that. Haven't tried the laptop yet. Hope you have a good weekend.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Potassium....I always have V-8 in the frig. Pickle juice also good.

    One in four who had Pfizer Covid jabs experienced unintended immune response (yahoo.com)

    Re storaage onn your tablet....delete some thiings. I routinely clear out my storage.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Judith, what kind of reactions? Did it say and was this just for the last vaccine? I've been told that about pickle juice - think I have some.Delete what kind of things - on your e-mail? I am computer illiterate and couldn't make it at all without all of you and luck.

    Sandy, I can't see the pictures you sent on the laptop, either. You have such pretty scenery out there - would you post them so all of us can enjoy them?

    Out of power so gotta stop. Darwin just came by with frozen leftovers - he is such a sweet person and good neighbor. I was worn out by the time I got back inside. He didn't come into the yard - afraid he'd let the GPs out so we stood at the yard gate.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Judith, just read that link and it really didn't say what kind of reactions would e felt or noticed. Is that what you got from it?

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    edited December 2023

    I would start with deleting old e-mails, old contacts. Then I would clean out photos.

    Reaction??? Just those mentioned online....head rache, muscle ache, fatigue.

    Are you running your laptop on battery???

    Bad news...found a closet that I forgot to purge...UGH

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    IYes, I have to charge it,- don't keep it plugged in all the time. I switch between the tablet and laptop. I keep most e nails deleted but will do more.

    I have a headache and have fatigue. Wonder how long the reactions last? Don't like this. Laid down on divan and went to sleep but phone awakened me. I get so many calls from numbers I don't know so don't answer.

    Oh no not another closet. It's neverending. I don't have the nerve to begin.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    I have two places where I plug my computer in. I do not think I have ever used battery. Ipad I only use at night so plug is behind my bed. My phone plugs into my laptop...hearing aids plugged into the island.

    It is a routine that somedays has a user glitch...lol

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    I plug the laptop into an outlet in the bathroom and the bigger tablet I p!ug in the kitchen,,- same with phone. Sounds like we are creatures of habit.

    Bryon called and will come in the morning to get limbs out of the yard. Will leave the Holly til spring to see if it revives. Wish I could find a nice Hack berry to plant where the magno!ia was. I know there's one somewhere. Going to have to check heifers this afternoon,- didn't do it this morning.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    Photos can take up a lot of space. I don’t have a computer. I only have an iPad and an iPhone so maybe somebody else knows how you can do this on your computer. But on my iPad and iPhone I can go into settings and I can find out what things are taking up a lot of space. I just recently had to go through and get rid of a lot of things.

    has been a very dark quiet day. I did go out and buy myself a poinsettia at the greenhouse. I so enjoyed the one the neighbor gave me last year. The one I had last year lasted until I got sick, my hospital trip put it under. But it really brightened the winter, can’t count on being given one this year so thought I’m gonna buy one and if she gives we one then I’ll have two. Always have a hard time deciding do I want one of those dark pink ones or a bright red one. I also like the white ones. But the pink ones were sort of faded looking this year so that made the decision very easy I got a red one. Even though I like the white ones I’ve never bought a white one. I’m always afraid that I’ll be disappointed.

    Zetta you be careful out on the roads.

    thinking of each and everyone of you. 🙏🏻

    take care

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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