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Just need to talk to my friends (192)



  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, you were in your gown and robe until noon. Some days I spend all day in my pj's. I get up late, and by the time I finish what should be my morning routine, it is already late, and time to get ready for bed.

    Ron, I wish you had more clarification about your esophagus. It's terrible not knowing what is happening or what to do. But your aide really made you a great meal. My mouth is watering thinking about it!

    Eagle, you are not alone. Warren Buffett has said he will not leave his children or grandchildren an inheritance, not because there is dissention in the family, but because he believes they need to make their own way and not rely on inherited money.

    Doctors where I live in SoCal say Covid is on the rise.

    Ron, I wonder where your friends lived when they were stationed in Alaska for two years. Several military members decided to retire in AK. They had all the benefits of America, while living in an exotic environment, away from the usual hustle and bustle. Actually, I think anyone who is used to Buffalo or Minneapolis could easily adjust to Anchorage, because it is a real city. Fairbanks and the other amsll towns would take some getting used to.

    The University of Alaska is based in Fairbanks, so there is that intellectual and cultural stimulation. Nowadays, with the development of the internet and modern shopping, all goods can be had just about snywhere in Alaska. But be aware, there are many people who want to keep Alaska quiet and somewhat isolated from the rest of the world. They crave the peace and quiet and the culture of self-sufficiency.

    Alaska is so beautiful! Especially in the winter! The snow on the ground sparkles like diamonds. The light comes from the moon and the stars shining on the snow. The moonlight is so bright that you can see where you are walking. You don't really need the sun. In Fairbanks, the sun comes just above the horizon for about an hour around noon. The rest of the time, it is night. In the winter we can see the aurora borealis, or northern lights. They fill the sky, and are all colors, but mostly greenish. They wave back and forth across the sky.

    I was used to going to work in the dark, then coming home in the dark, because I was used to working long hours in the hospital, so I wasn't affected by not seeing the sun. But some people did develop what they called cabin fever--they missed the daylight. The base focused a lot of attention on keeping the airmen occupied and socialized. There were many indoor activities, and even outdoor activities. Our base even had its own ski slope.

    The main danger of Alaska is exposure. Regular winter clothing is not enough. The base had a mandatory lecture on Alaskan weather and terrain, Arctic survival, snd what to wear. To get dressed was an activity. In addition to regular underwear, we wore longjohns. Then our regular uniform. The women's uniform was skirts only, but the women in Alaska got a special dispensation to wear trousers on duty where the weather reached a certain temperature. Over the trousers we were issued a pair of heavily insulated snow pant overalls, sort of like skiers wear. On top we wore a sweater. Over all was a thick parka, with a hood that zipped up to form a tunnel to cover the head and nose and mouth, leaving only the eyes exposed.

    On the feet we wore two pairs of wool socks. Then our shoes, then mukluks, which are thick, insulated boots. On our hands we had regular gloves, then big insulated mittens. It took me about 20 minutes to dress. By the time I was fully dressed, I was fully protected from -60 degree F weather. I could not copy a picture of our parks, because all the parkas I saw are made of fur and are more decorative than protective. If you want to see, search for "military parka".

    Here is a link to see some northern lights.



  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    edited December 2023

    Here it is: The 2023 visit To Rogers Gardens Christmas Center - SO much fun and so many unique things to see and sometimes to buy . . . . it is the large Christmas boutique store on the grounds of Rogers Gardens - a very large and upscale garden center located in Corona Del Mar, Newport Beach that is lovely to roam . . . . take a look at their garden center after the Christmas Boutique visit . . they have also opened a farmhouse restaurant on the grounds. Wandering the huge garden center is a delight and wooden benches to sit on and enjoy all the beauty of the plants, etc. They fix it and do it to amazing quality levels. Went every year, but this year not able to due to sudden health issues . . . drats!



  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Iris, if you decide to take a trek with a friend or two to Rogers Gardens Christmas Setting, do be there when they open; it fills up fast and even sometimes buses arrive with visitors from various places including I think some senior centers.

    We would go when they opened and delightfully lollygagged our way around things; just fun to look at the creativity - then later we would sometime have lunch down the way at South Coast Plaza at Maggiano's; oh my, just look at their full menu . . . now I am hungry.


    If you have a small group of women or a few friends to do this, it is really enjoyable and Maggiano's lets you sit there and nibble away for as long as you want; lovely place with really delicious food and not all Italian. I especially like their chopped salad. And guess what is next door . . . it is the famous Container Store! Oh my stars and garters and sore feet not to mention a sore wallet! Christmas . . . . but this year no tree no getting out, but counting blessings for what there is and grateful for that.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Hi, Iris, I bet by the time you got all of those clothes on you could hardly waddle - but, at least you were warm. It gets really cold in Oklahoma - wide variance of temps - up to 115 in the summer and I've seen in 10-15 below in wintertime. Charles and I used to feed the girls in all kinds of weather and I remember once I had so many clothes on I couldn't get in the PU by myself - he had to pull me in.

    The aurora borealis is beautiful - does it show up in the daytime when it's winter or just at night? I think it has gotten down this far south a couple of times. I remember seeing it from the front porch - just a little bit of green in the north. I would imagine that would be pretty frightening to someone who wasn't used to it. I watch a show on TV about a vet who lives in Alaska - a woman - and it shows the scenery and animals, very good show. It gets cold enough here for me and much too warm sometimes.

    Love your stories about Alaska - I bet you have hundreds of them tucked away in your memory. Keep them coming.

    Jo, how are you feeling? So good to see you posting again. And, how is David by now? Hope both of you continue to improve on a daily basis.

    We have a new baby this morning. Saw him when I drove down the driveway to see the heifers. He was laying down close to his mother and when he got up she checked him out. He looks so little - that makes 18 in that pasture so there's about six to go. The others are growing like weeds and moms are letting them go down in the north pasture to graze by themselves.

    About mid morning the girls started bawling like crazy, then the driveway alarm went off and Stormy started barking. Looked out and it was a new, white pickup - looked like the trucks Toad and Mike drive and probably sounded like it - making the girls think it was feed day. Went out on the porch and it was a guy wanting to paint the roof of the barn. Said he had done some work for a neighbor and asked if I knew him. They drop names - but maybe it's true. Told him my husband said we should wait until Spring. It doesn't need to be painted - hasn't been too awfully long since we had it painted.

    Driveway alarm just went off and it was a pretty red SUV. Phone rang but I didn't answer. Went out and it was Sidney and her sister. She brought me a Christmas present and wanted to show me her new Toyota 4Runner. It's gorgeous and she absolutely loves it. She didn't want a red car but guess she's gotten accustomed to it. This is her half day work so they get to run around some. Back to the grind tomorrow, she said. She's really a sweet girl - 22 I think and her sister is a bit younger. Mike is lucky he found her to work with him.

    That's about all I know. Stormy has eaten two cans of dog food, a boiled egg and now he's eating dry food - he's ravenous. Still licking his feet so this afternoon I need to trim his toenails.

    Got my Christmas shopping done last night - only two things - for Sarah and Todd and have the gift for our mailcarrier. I usually get her Muk Luk socks - like cabin socks. I like to wear them in the wintertime and hope she does.

    Don't know anything else so I'll stop for now. Hope everyone's okay today. Haven't heard from Sarah. She was hoping she'd hear something today about the TPN.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Iris, they were TSA security screeners and worked at Dead Horse. Don't really know where that is, but was told very few flights in and out and they received the bonus fir transferring because it was hard to feel positions at the airport.

    Lorita, my Christmas shopping was over a couple of weeks ago, checks in the mail. Easiest way to shop fir kids, grandkids and great grandkids!

    Speaking of a red car reminded me of my teenage years. Dad had a what I called; vomet green 1954 Ford that I drove. I was 16 and hated the color! .y parents went on a trip and I asked if I could paint it while they were gone. Dad asked what color and I didn't know at the time but thought maybe black. A friend of mine that painted cars and I drove it in his garage when I got off work at 10pm. A case of beer and whiskey in the drunk and the color was decided after a few drinks. I drove out the next morning with a 🔥 fire engine red vehicle. Don't remember seeing any other red cars on the road in early 60s, so they knew it was me when people saw it.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    Nice to hear from everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    edited December 2023

    Sara, are you oksy? You're been very quiet today. Hope everything's okay with you.

    Got Storm's toenails trimmed. Hope it helps. Now, for mine. Why do toenails grow do fast? Both of them are outside for a while. We drove down to see the heifers but they were too scattered. Everyone has been out trying to find a blade of grass today. Iris, I like to watch Jeopardy and on one question they showed a picture of the aurora borealis and asked what it was. Guess this the day for the northern lights. Supposed to be a big meteor shower tonight, up to 120 an hour.

    I have a headache on the right top of my head. Wrote a lot of donation checks this p.m.- guess it was too much. Ron, Carol does the same thing for Christmas and birthdays. Don't blame either of you. Money is always good. Sleep well tonight, everyone.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    I know money is good but I do like the shopping. Always make cetain what I give can be at least exchanged.

    Cars...the color does effect safety. I always get a deduction for driving a white car.

    We watch Jeopardy here too. Today I scored well answering even the final question. Some days I only get a few right.

    Museum tour was frightening. It brings to mind that perhaps not everyone should vote. Last weeks 8th graders were interresting, interested and participated.

    Today's 8th graders acted like they were on drugs. I googled the test scores for each school and they were about the same. Go figure.

    After the tour I went to ace for somemore outside lights. I was looking for additional old white small white lights. Most of the boxes were marked LED with some LED soft lights. Then therre were boxes not marked. The "young" employee questioned explaine that all lights were LED whether the box was marked as such or not. Then an "elderly" employee arrived and set him straight. The young man was just too young to know about the old lights....lol.

    Then got to the meat market and stocked up for the next week. I got an andouille sausage to make somered beans and rice. They make their own and it is delicious. Then some Genoa, some pastrami and tuna salad. I always add a can of tuna to their mix and it is great.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    Im good Lorita. Has been a busy day.

    It was time to clean mom’s house again today. It went OK, she’s really strung tight right now.

    My sister tries to reason with her every once in a while and that really gets my mom agitated. My sister tried to reason with her yesterday.

    Then I also went to the grocery store and got my shopping done for the week. Froze my meat once I got home but I’m going to leave the lemon juice thing until tomorrow. I wanted to get it done tonight too but I’m just too tired.

    Hope your headache goes away and you get a good nights rest.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Judith,I laughed when you said perhaps not everyone should vote. I agree. I had never heard of a deduction in insurance for a white car. My first new car was white- didn't show dirt or mud any more than other colors. Sounds like you're pretty well stocked for the holidays.

    Ron, only had one red one, a Jeep we really liked. Guess we've had almost every color. I imagine with the shortage of new ones color choice is not an option.

    Sara, glad you're okay. I know it can be hard to deal with your mother sometimes. Good you don't have to be there all the time.

    Mike came and set out mineral/supplement tubs for the cattle a while ago. He's been working since 5:30 a.m.- good that he has a lot of energy. When he's coming, especially early or after dark he always calls me to let me know. It would be sort of scary to see lights coming up the drive or be out in the pastures. Stormy always lets me know, too.

    Lots of game shows on tonight. Alarm just went off again and Stormy sounds like he could tear someone up. One of the heifers sometimes gets across from the alarm which is on a wooden gate post. He's still upset.

    Sara, headache is almost gone, thank you. Had some Chobani yogurt and blueberres, then tomato soup with toast. I always doctor up the soup with oregano, garlic salt and seasoned salt and pepper, then add a scoop of cottage cheese in the bottom of the bowl, also half water and half milk. Really good but wish I had a good, easy recipe for tomato soup. If I wait too long to eat I sometimes get a bit hypoglycemic. Enjoy the rest of the evening and sleep well.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    Good morning porch patrol.

    @Jo C.

    Maggiano's is a favorite of mine, too. My niece was a server at the one in Philadelphia when she was in grad school. I don't typically frequent chains, but I will make an exception for them. I have a mild fried zucchini addiction. The last time I had my mom in the city for an eye appointment, she bought me dinner there. They were running a weekday special where you got a second ready take-home heat entree to go with your meal. LOL, mom still talks about it like she won the lottery.


    You're like my mom. Shopping is her favorite thing in the world and loves to carefully select something for each of us. Last year, she replaced most of my interior lighting-- I got a new kitchen light, chandeliers for the foyer and dining and a hall light for upstairs. We had a blast looking for pieces.

    I hear you on middle school kids. They're a different breed. I was the advancement person for DS's scout troop and OMG they can be a tough crowd. I worked with a lot of them on merit badges and getting their Eagle paperwork completed. TBH, the really bright ones are no better behaved-- they sink to the lowest common denominator. I did enjoy my time with most of them.

    One of DH's friends who was a researcher in coatings and paint told me about 30 years ago another reason white is a good choice is that the paint molecules are "bigger". This means there's more paint applied which will oxidize slower than, say, silver. I'm not sure if that's still and thing. DS drives a deep green Miata and I do worry about other drivers seeing it. It's a good thing it's so loud.


    My cold is mostly gone-- just a nasty lingering cough now. My ears are still clogged but improving. I had my periodontist appointment yesterday. It did not go as well as I'd hoped. DH kept telling me this guy was magical and removed a massive molar for him with a "flick of the wrist". No flicks for me. This was a lateral incisor with a smallish root that I had broken. When he went to pull, the bottom third of the root broke off and he had to dig for it. No fun. He also felt my jaw needs a graft and 6 months healing before we even discuss and implant which means no permanent prosthetic for up to a year. Ugh. I have an Invisalign-like plate to fill the hold, but it's not something I can wear to eat or drink. The perio suggested ordering a second one as they're fragile and he anticipates I will need a back up. I am not a happy camper. That said, I have no pain and zero bruising.

    And tomorrow I take DS in to get his wisdom teeth out. Soft food all around!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    HB, glad your cold is better but sorry about the tooth problem. Hope it gets resolved soon. I remember taking Charles to the VA Dentist and the problems we had trying to have him either keep his mouth open or closed - but it worked out - the dentist was very patient.

    I'm going to check with my insurance company about the insurance on white cars being less.

    It's been a noisy morning but all's quiet now except the driveway alarm keeps going off - cows or calves getting close. They started bawling about 7:45 - guess they were hearing the trucks north of here. I try to watch the girls go up to the feed area so I can see if everyone's okay - and they check on them, too.

    Need to straighten up a bit today so the internet guy can do his thing tomorrow. Supposed to nice today - in the low 60s but some rain tomorrow afternoon. All he has to do is bring their wiring through the wall (maybe they can use the hole that's already there from the internet service I have now. Wish I hadn't had to change but my neighbor says it's a lot better.

    Joan, are you having snow? From our weather forecast it looks like you probably are. New Mexico is getting some for their ski resorts so that's good for them.

    Judith, when you were in Santa Fe, were you close to Angel Fire? If I remember correctly when we were there we came back down through the Kit Carson National Forest and I think we went by Angel Fire. Such pretty country, especially in the autumn - gorgeous yellow Aspen trees among the green pines.

    Nothing going on here - need to find something for breakfast so will stop for now. Enjoy the day.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Our house was on Upper Canyon Rd and our backyard was the Santa Fe National Forest. That is why we had so much wildlife...bears, deer, bobcats and smaller...lol. It was maybe 2 hours to Angel Fire. We never went because we were not skiing.

    It is beautiful country and the high road to Taos is a wonderful drive.

    Interesting fact about Aspen...they are the first trees to grow after a fire so I have been told.

  • RaislMR
    RaislMR Member Posts: 2
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    Hi, I am a new member. My name is Raisl (pronounced like Hazel).

    My husband of 40 years is just crossing over from mild cognitive decline into dementia. He is 76. This man was always the sweetest and gentlest, but now he is often angry and mean. But that isn't the worst. The worst is all the loss and grief I feel. I cry at night, after he's asleep, because I don't want him to know.

    I live with my daughter and her wife, but they work full time and aren't available much, but also, they don't help me out when my husband is abusing me.

    I feel so alone.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    I remember that drive from Santa Fe to Taos. We were above the clouds for part of the way. There was a wonderful Mexican restaurant with raised flower beds filled with petunias. Food was delicious. I liked Santa Fe more than Taos. My favorite place in NM was Old Town in Albuquerque . Scenery is beautiful north of I-40 and the architecture is very calming or serene. How long were you there and do you miss it?

    Welcome Raisi. Glad you posted. Sorry for what you're dealing with. You are not alone as long as you're on this forum. There's always someone available to talk with or answer questions. You know even if there are other people around the husband or wife is always the caregiver or at least has the most responsibility for the care. Alz patients seem to go through phases so maybe this one will also pass. My neighbor is caring for his wife and has had to deal with a tough phase but it's over. Good luck to you- just take it day by day or hour by hour.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Restaurant = Chimayo???

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    The only thing I remember is the raised flower beds on either side of the door and bouquets of petunias on the tables. They served something (don't remember whst) to help take away the heat of the peppers.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    edited December 2023

    Good evening

    Not much going on here either. Made a pumpkin pudding cake this morning. New for me and found it on a foreign channel. Its not bad.

    My nephew called and invited me out to lunch. That was a pleasant surprise. I enjoyed it.

    Beth, how was your husband’s week and yours?

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Jo C, thanks for the suggestion, but I don't travel far on my own now.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Iris, I was curious about Deadhorse, Alaska and googled it. It is near Prudhoe Bay Alaska and supports the largest oil field. Interesting read!

    Had my high school lunch meeting today and enjoyed the fellowship. Had bbq and brought Lou and her sitter plates of pulled pork, potato salad and Cole slaw.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Ron, did you recognize your old schoolmates or had you seen them d all buf six of them recently? Bet it was fun to be together again.. Potato salad and cole slaw sound good and bet the bbq was, too. Did Lou and her sitter enjoy it?

    Pretty warm day here but got really cloudy about 3. Supposed to rain by morning.

    Drove the PU down to the mailbox and the heifers and babies, except six who were eating hay, were grazing in the meadow. The little ones are so cute and really growing. Today Samson was laying in the garden by himself, then later today he was across the pond by himself. Guess he just had to be alone for a while. Sara, the pumpkin pudding cake sounds good. Never heard of that before. I may make the peach cobbler tomorrow - haven't had one in a long time.

    Everyone except me is asleep. Sounds good to me. See you all tomorrow.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Hello, I had a quieter week this week, not as busy. Hubby can now bear weight on his left ankle and is walking some with the walker. He isn't totally steady on his feet yet. He needs to be at less risk of falling than he is currently before he'll come home. I miss having him here. I do see him most days; where he is staying for rehab is only about 6 miles from my home. He has been gone from home since 9/27. A long time!

    I hope everyone enjoys their weekend.

    Sleep well tonight.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Ron, I looked up Deadhorse too. It's 400 miles north of Fairbanks, twelve hours (or more) driving on a gravel road. Only three gas stations on the way. Those tiny communities can be very cozy if the people get along, because the companies do everything to keep the workers happy. But I agree with the wife, two years in Deadhorse is enough!

    When I was in Alaska, I drove a Beetle Volkswagen. It was okay until the temperature dropped. Motorists attach heaters to the engine block to keep the oil and everything from freezing. There are stands everywhere that look like a parking meter, but it is actually where you plug in your car to keep the engine warm. When it got too cold, around zero F, I had to warm my VW engine the old-fashioned way. I filled an aluminum pan with charcoal briquettes, the same ones used for a barbecue. I covered with kerosene and lit the briquettes, and waited for the flames to die down and for the coals to give off heat. Then I slid the pan beneath my car's engine (in the back) and waited for the engine to warm enough for the spark plugs to work so the engine could turn over. Of course I removed the pan before I started the engine. Eventually, this method stopped working. Then I had to walk to work. The clinic was about a half mile from where I lived in the trailer park. After I completed my dressing ritual, I would take off down the road. Always someone would stop and give me a lift, so I rarely had to walk the entire distance. But I did walk a few times. Before the age of electric plug-ins, drivers in Alaska would keep their engines warm by simply running the motor continously!

    Driving in the winter in Alaska is not like driving in our northern states, becsusevthe roads in Alaska are clear of snow! The snowfall is so powdery that when it fall, the current caused by tires pushes the snow away from the roads. This is on the more traveled roads. In the northern states, cars drive on top of packed snow.

    A very dangerous time of driving in Alaska is when there is ice fog. The ice crystals are suspended in the air, and you cannot see more than a couple of feet ahead of you. You have to follow the lights of the car ahead of you as best you can, at a very slow pace. I got caught in ice fog once, and said, never again!

    The base had several housing options. The single airmen lived in barracks, similar to a college dormitory. They ate in a mess hall. The single officers lived in a two-room suite with a private bath, and with a shared kitchen. This was like a boarding house with kitchen privileges. Married enlisted and officers lived in base houses. People brought their own furniture and belongings. The military paid for all moving expenses. We shopped for groceries at the commissary and shopped for everyday items at the BX, which was like Target, selling goods and clothing. The selection was adequate. Anything not found readily could be ordered on base, or by mail-order. This was in the days before the internet and online shopping.

    I and a few others did not want base housing so we lived in the trailer park. I don't know why people complain about trailers because I loved my trailer. I had two bedrooms, a living room with a section that pulled out, a big kitchen and a bath. The washer and dryer was in the bathroom. I was very content.

    Everyone knows the movie and the TV show MASH. I got to see a real MASH unit. The Army sent up soldiers to learn Arctic survival skills. These soldiers lived in a huge tent, like the ones shown on TV, but bigger. It was heated by a propane stove. The soldiers slept on cots. This was in January, the coldest month.

    In the winter one of the attractions is dog-sledding. There were small races around Fairbanks. The big Iditarod race runs from near Anchorage to Nome, in the far west. I never saw that race.

    Another winter attraction is flying to visit Hawaii. Some people just say, "enough!" to the snow and cold, and plan to get away. Hawaii is due south of Alaska, and of course, always warm and sunny.

    Around mid-March, the temp begins to warm up. An unofficial holiday is "Break-up Day", the day the ice in the river begins to melt and break up. This lets people know that spring is on the way.

    Well, this comes to the end of what I can write about Alaska. Living in Alaska was a fascinating time in my life. I wish everyone could get to visit Alaska at least once. It is an experience you will enjoy thoroughly!


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Life with dementia!

    You never know what is next, it has never been unusual to get up and help Lou to the bathroom at night. Last night was different!! Starting around 8:30 she starts sitting up; this gies on even after I lay down about every 30 minutes to a hour. Finally I just stay up around 2:30 and rest in my recliner. Around 4 she is sitting up, I help her lay back down and not in my recliner 5 minutes and she's sitting up again. Wouldn't be so bad if she wanted up but she always wants to go back to bed. I finally get tired of it around 5 and get her dressed and bring her in here with me.

    Not a fun day starting out!!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    Hope your day improves Ron.

    Sounds like your husband is slowly improving Beth glad to hear that. It has been a long time for sure. Glad that you got a little more rest this week.

    Thanks again, Iris for all your installments on Alaska. I can relate to the powdery snow, we get both types here, but tend to get more the wet type than the dry powdery type. The dry powdery type is so much easier to deal with.

    Lorita nice to have all those baby calves to watch, they’re so sweet.

  • RaislMR
    RaislMR Member Posts: 2
    First Comment

    Thanks, Lorita. I don't mind taking care of Rob. I have an immune disorder and have been sick a lot, and he always took care of me, never complaining. It's my turn, and I want to do it. But when he hurts me or says horrible, mean things, I fall apart. Once I tried to call the help line, and he took my phone away. I don’t think it's unreasonable to expect some support from my daughter.

    In between these things, he can be sweet and loving again. The whiplash is killing me.

    I'm so glad I found this site.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    edited December 2023

    Iris, what a wonderful and pleasing presentation on your Alaskan experience; that should be written and sent in for publication. I have enjoyed reading it.

    Ron; am sorry about your Lou; sometimes there is just no winning. Your high school lunch sounded SO good - all the goodies that taste buds would cheer for!

    Sayra; sorry to hear your mother was feeling geared up; that is such an uncomfortable situation to be part of - like waiting for the shoe to drop and not knowing if it actually will or not. Walking on those proverbial eggshells. Had that happen so much with my mother. Eggshells my speciality; things pretty much always on the edge.

    Son David is having slow response to the stroke that Vasculitis caused. Left hand and left leg not doing well; very weak. He has also had some personality changes with the stroke and while subtle, it is not to the positive side of the ledger. So concerning.

    Boy, did I ever have a bad, lousy no goodnik day yesterday. Here I am complaining; whine, whine, whine. I had my first appt with a Rheumatologist for the Pulmonary Fibrosis which may have some autoimmune issues that I abruptly developed which is new. She is so hard to get into, it took forever to gain the appt.

    Me - short of breath when up and doing; constant O2 in use, (fine at rest), took over two hours to get showered, shampooed, blow dried, groomed and dressed and was exhausted. Wondered if I was going to be able to make it; had to stop and rest several times. Finally; was able to get it together, got downstairs and ready to get to car . . . . really needed to be on time for appt so I would not lose place.

    First thing; DH evidently did not keep my tiny portable Inagen O2 concentrator plugged in to charge - it was short - oh dear . . . . then with great effort got across house, room by room; through the laundry room into the garage . . . puff puff. Into the car. Key in ignition - NO power! Could not plug O2 concentrator into car power source; there wasn't any. DH had a special thingie to charge car battery - did not work despite trying and trying and trying . . . .by this time, he was beet red, angry as could be . . . and I was going to be appt late. Called office and said I would be there; called neighbor re jumper cables . . . . tried and tried and tried; battery would not take a charge from cables . . . dead as a door nail. By this time, DH cursing and looked ready to have the top of his head blow off red to purple complexion; so angry and spilling it onto others . . . .me sitting in passenger seat getting more and more tense; had to call and cancel appt. Made me not popular. Was a new very expensive car battery . . . BUT it had happened once before and electric system on car okay; it was new battery. Car had not been driven for three weeks; DH takes his little vanity car instead . . . so there it was. Had to slowly puff my way back into house reversin course and get me returned to original state of being. Well; at least my newly blow dried hair looked good! Got a new appt for two days before Christmas. Oh my stars and garters . . . talk about a huge taxing effort and actually, very upset after all the striving to put it together. Thanks for letting me whine.

    Son who lives near called; his wife is exposed to to COVID; two co-workers at her veterinarian office are positive and symptomatic as of yesterday and she works closely with them; she has sniffles, so testing is under way. Son had come to house yesterday to help with car too before he knew of exposure, so he was near my DH . . . .so hope that if COVID is positive, that DH did not get exposed . . . if I got it, well; that would be a disaster with the fibrosis. . . . Still though; counting blessings and being very, very grateful.

    I was going to put some special Christmas boxes together to send to a few folks; just a few things; but oh my goodness; ten days till Christmas; too late to do. I have lost track of time since I got out of the hospital. The cleaning lady we hired for every other week turns out to be unreliable; shows up at noon or later despite the 10:00 start time; and then doesn't show up or cancels. So; once again looking for someone which is not easy Not a fan of care.com.. We are easy to work for; kind to workers, and it is only basics, nothing extraordinary demanded. I really need to be sure to find ways to lessen burden upon my DH; he is not always easy of temper and he does not need pressure; yet he is doing o much now. Never, never would I have thought I would have something like this happen and not a wink of a warning anything was wrong, etc. Well; learning more about being humble and how to be accepting. I always thought I would be the one to care for DH and that is such a surprise; we never know what will happen and it can happen in an instant. Fuss and bother!!

    Still on Prednisone - now 30 mg per day instead of 40 for next month before lowering again. Omigosh the side effects . . . . tired, fatigued, hungry, NO sleep, slow, tummy unhappiness; sometimes mutton headed and more. Me who has not been on any prescriptions whatsoever for eons and eons. Well; tis what tis.

    Joan; how are you doing up there . . . been thinking of you and wondering how it is going especially now with the weather.

    Lorita; have you seen there are two new seasons of Doc Martin? I know you enjoyed that series, we have recorded them.

    Oh gosh; DH bought cinnamon buns from CostCo . . . WOW! Giant, filled with cinnamon and LOTS of frosting on top. So very yummy; but mortal sin all the way. Yes; I ate one. Fallen woman.

    Just had a nice cup of decaf tea . . . Stash's Earl Grey . . . love that stuff; it is like a warm hug around the tummy.

    Hello and welcome Raisl . . . I am sorry for what is happening. Do you have a dementia specialist for your husband? There are medications which can help even him out and return a better quality of life and peace. No way should you continue to be abused. It is great to have this place to come and talk. I would like to make a suggestion though . . . . this particular Thread is like talking on the front porch; I really would advise you to go onto the Spousal Forum and start a new topic with your problem issues . . . Post what is happening; this way, all the other Members will see you and you will get far more responses with more suggestions based on others experiential wisdom. It is really good to do that. It certainly helped me when going through the bad times. But do come here to this Thread for connections to discuss anything you wish; you can see we all do that here out of friendship. So glad to have you with us.

    Cookies. I am wanting and eating cookies . . . . PREDNISONE . . . .keeps you awake all night so you can think of food and give yourself excuses for eating it because it demands it . . . . big side effect besides insomnia, is hunger . . . as if I would ever fade away from being thin . . . .(hysterical laughter in background.)

    Best be wafting away for now; please know if I do not Post, I still follow everyone and truly do care.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    To tired to say much, but have to tell Jo C, how good it is to see her posting. Still in my prayers!

    RaisL, I'm concerned about your statement of "when he hurts me". You need to talk to someone; Dr's, local counsel on aging, local alzheimer group, preacher, someone....anyone. that should not be happening and you definitely need help! Medication can help, but you also need support.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


    Jo, so great to see your post and to know how things are going out there. You had one heck of a time trying to get to your appointment. I don't drive the PU much and am always elated when it does start. I have a battery charger but it's a hassle to have to use it so I've started driving it to the mailbox and to check the girls if I don't have to go out into the pastures. I've seen those Inogen advertised on TV - Sarah said she needed one of those - she's on O2 all the time - doesn't go anywhere except to doctor's appointments.

    Sorry about the mild personality change in your son. I guess illness can do that if it's prolonged and really bad.

    Thanks for telling me about the Doc Martin seasons. I've been watching it again lately. Usually it's a couple of years after a new season until we get it. Such a good show. There are several of those British sitcoms I liked but this is the only one on now.

    It seems so hard to find someone to do any kind of work and when they don't do a good job, makes it even worse. I've been trying to get someone to electrify our barn for a year. People don't seem to want to work and those who do want to work are so busy they can't get to you. Did without lights out there last winter so guess I can do it again but would like to have the extra light.

    Cinnamon rolls - sure would like to have one. Our little grocery store used to carry really good sweet rolls but that's over now. I need to make some - never have but doesn't seem too hard. Had no idea Prednisone would make you hungry. Stormy's on it so maybe the reason he's eating so much. Pease come back often and post - we all love to hear from you.

    Ron, you need to try to take a nap today. Maybe Lou will be sleepy enough to take one, too.

    Well, I have a new internet service. Such a nice young man changed it over for me - but, this service doesn't provide e-mail service either. I didn't know this but he says none of them do so just need to set up a google account to get it. He said he had never done that but when I call to cancel the old service they should be able to do it for me or at least tell me how. I am so computer illiterate. He said something about g-mail through google. I've said it before and I'll say it again - I DO NOT LIKE CHANGE!!

    It's been raining since mid morning and he said the roads were getting pretty muddy. It's much colder now than it was earlier, too. I went to the mailbox without a coat on. We're having a wonderful December weatherwise so not complaining. It could be much worse and is west of here - snow and weather warnings in Oklahoma and Texas panhandles.

    This is Carol's 87th birthday. I called her for the 62nd time to wish her a happy birthday and, Judith, guess what - her daughters have taken her to Tulsa to see the Van Gogh exhibit. I told her you have given tours at the museum to see it and she said to tell you she loved it.

    Day, how are you doing? It's great that you're able to work from home instead of trying to get out to work. Can you have your groceries and whatever else you need delivered so you don't have to try to get out? They're having a big jewelry sale on QVC now - pretty things but I don't need anything - today. I have a lot of rings I've collected over the years and can't wear a single one of them - they're either too large or too small. I have arthritis in my fingers so that's the reason. I lost my diamond and emerald ring I'd had for probably 45 years. Though it fit pretty well but guess it was getting too large. Looked down and it was gone - no idea when or where. I went through the trash a couple of times to no avail but guess it's gone.

    When the young man came in I offered him a mask and he willingly took it and kept it on. I keep a box by the front door for that reason and people are fine with wearing one. I wear one whenever anyone comes up or I go out. Allergens are still around. Stormy has finally stopped licking his feet - the allergens bother him, too, when he goes with me to check the heifers.

    I've wandered off into the weeds so I'll stop for now and try to paragraph this. Hope all of you have a good afternoon.

    Reisin, Jo and Ron have given you good advice - but, please do visit us often on the front porch.

    Back later.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    JoC so good to hear from you. You are surely facing a lot of different challenges. Hate to hear that your son has developed some personality changes from the stroke. That’s hard for them and others. You are not whining, you’re just telling us how it is and that’s what we’re here for. Thank that it is probably a blessing that we never dream about what all can happen to us.

    Lorita I have never had an Internet provider that provided me email. I’ve always had to have a separate one. I’ve had it so long I have no memory of how I said it up. I mention you just go to their website and it’s probably there for you to sign up for.

    When I went to lunch yesterday with my nephew, he asked me if I’ve ever played Minesweeper. I had not. Now he has me hooked, it’s fun, it’s challenging makes you think.

    JoC, don’t worry about posting here. We know you’re out there and watching if you’re able that’s why I say hi once in a while. But when you feel like it, we enjoy your posts.

    Take care everyone and hope each of you get a good nights rest, hope Lou does too.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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