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Just need to talk to my friends (192)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Sara, Neither the internet provider I had or the new one has e,mail. I've spent over an hour getting gmail set up. Still not completely done. Keeps wanting me to decide when I want things deleted but keeps going in circles. A tech is supposed to call me Monday to tell me how to forward older emails. I hate having to go through all this stuff. I don't send emails but do like to be able to get them especially to track orders.

    Thank you, Sara and others who bold your posts. My cataracts are getting worse and the bolding really helps in reading. I started bolding mine years ago when one of the posters was having trouble reading the lighter ones. My ophthalmologist retired a year or more ago. Always thought he would do my extractions. Guess not. Going to be hard because it's about 35 miles and doubt I could drive home. It will work out.

    Been a nasty weather day- cloudy and warm, then clouds, rain and colder weather. Guess we need the rain though. Iris, did you ever go whale watching when you were in Alaska? Our vets wife went to Alaska this summer and she really enjoyed that part of the trip.

    Hope all of you have a good night.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    Lorita you will not be able to drive home after your cataract surgery. At least that was my experience. They really stressed that that there had to be someone there to drive me home. I had no one and I used the cab and that worked well for me. I’m sure you don’t have a cab service out there but there well may be a medical transport or nonmedical system that would come and get you and take you and bring you back it will be a bit of a fee, but doable. I would just Google medical transport in whatever city you were going to have it done in. If it’s like here, there should be some things that pop up where they have cars or vans that they transport people in for all types of things. J uses these for a lot of her medical appointments. Some of them are by ambulance companies but some are not. They are just totally transporting people to the store to their medical appointments, etc.. .

    noticed one in our areas said they’d even take you to see your family or to get your hair done.

    JoC, that might be an option for you especially when you need to go to the bigger cities and it’s not comfortable for you anymore. That’s what I hope to be able to do if the need arises. I think you kind of have to be a patient soul though because I knew a girl whose son had used the system some. So often they’re taking more than one person so you may have to wait for the other people to get done or they may have to wait for you to get done. For me, That’s better than me having to drive in the big city. Also, have to make your appointment ahead of time I think maybe like a week.

    also, you could call the area agency on aging either in your county or in the county where you would have the surgery done they should be able to give you the names of transport companies.

    as you know cataracts will not improve or get better, they have to be taken care of. It is a blessing that we have a way to treat them.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Get your new car...drive over here...have the work done at Dean McGhee. You can stay here where Winda and I will take care of you and you can see Sarah.

    Or ask Sidney if she or a friend will transport you. Extra money this time of the year is always a good thing.

    Anyone making a Gingerbread house? We never made one but it looks like fun. Maybe a porch activity while we drink cocoa.

    Shopping done but I just remembered that I have to wrap and mail. Yikes! Better get that done Monday.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Thank you, Judith, thank you for the invitation - you're a true friend. I wouldn't want to drive that far by myself anymore. Have done it but I was much younger. Hadn't thought about Sidney - that's an idea.

    Don't know what's wrong with me today - all I can do is cry. I always worry when that happens thinking something might be going on with Sarah. Texted her and she isn't doing well - didn't sleep and is in pain. I do not know how she keeps going on.

    I just changed out of my gown and robe - Iris, are you in your pjs still? I did my little bit of shopping from QVC and had things delivered. I can't remember when I was last in a store to shop. Was in WM when I got my vaccine but didn't shop. Not sure, Judith, when the cut-off day for shipping is but will be soon. Where has this year gone?

    Darwin called this morning to get the phone number of urgent care - said he couldn't find it. No problem - just wanting to get some test results from the last visit - probably his wife. He said he has begun walking again. Used to walk at least three miles a day but is walking about a mile now. He's getting wobbly and thinks that will help. I need to do that, too, to get my leg muscles back in shape. The calves of my legs ache - don't know if that's related to the Morton's Neuroma or what. Did talk with the pharmacist when I called about the vaccine and she said maybe a magnesium or electrolyte deficiency. I used to take magnesium so have started it again. Ordered some Pedialyte so will try that. Almost feels like a charley horse is about to happen - not a good feeling. I think walking would help. It's cold and cloudy here today - so probably not today.

    Does anyone have gmail? I'm having to change from email to that - set up the account but now can't get into it. Do any of you know how? I type in gmail.com and it takes me to setup again. The man from our phone company is supposed to call Monday about transferring e-mails to g-mail so I'll find out. Don't think I'll transfer anything.

    I need to try to trim Sheena's toenails - they're clicking again and it's only been about 2 1/2 months since they were trimmed. Thought I'd do a load or two of laundry - need to change bedlinens but maybe not today.

    Day, are you still watching QVC? Still not the same without Carolyn but I do like Jayne and Gary together on Tuesdays. He's not on much anymore - just Jackie. Phasing him out? Hope you're improving daily - just be careful and don't fall.

    Not really in the mood to do anything today. Toad fed early and saw our cows pass in front of the yard to their feed place. Everyone that went by looked okay except one little calf. He stays by himself a lot of the time so need to mention that to Mike.

    Hope everyone's doing all right today.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, it's afternoon and I'm still in my pjs! But I need to get up and get dressed, because I have to return to the supermarket, I forgot to buy distilled water for my CPAP machine.

    I never saw whales when I was in Akaska, because I was never near the coast. Here in SoCal, I have seen many whales. In fact, orcas (killer whales) were spotted just off the coast this week. There is a place on the peninsula where you can see whales with binoculars. They are only about a mile off the coast.

    I'm going back to bolding my posts here.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Someone tell me how to bold here.

    Lorita....there is not a doubt in my mind that you have some depression. Your Dr thinks so too and prescribed something to take. Please give it a try.

    The older I get the harder it seems to keep connected but I know it is vital to get "out of myself". Everyone here really helps with that as does my work at the museum. When I am busy the aches and pains are not noticeable...lol

    Shipping ready for Monday morning. Donations still on the list. St. Jude's page says try again later.

    All outside non-LED light up and working by remote no less.

    Anyone finish The Crown except me? I went to bed 12/13 and was still wide awake watching Netflix at 3a when it dawned on me that it was actuall12/14 and I could start the end of The Crown. Not much sleep that night...lol. A lot of the story is probably only remotely based o fact but I really identified with the final episode and cried through much of it.

    Iris...continued thanks for the "travelog". Virtual trips are wonderful.

    The Kringles are now at Traders...all the way from a bakery in Wisconsin. They are beyond wonderful!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Thanks. Iris. It helps a lot. I'd like to see a whale in the open ocean. . They are so impressive. Years ago we went to Dallas to some big water place where they had shows. They had an orca and it jumped up out of the water and I took a picture. Looked like it was balanced on it's tail on the water.

    I just put my jeans on, went to the mailbox and was able to see all the heifers but saw one laying down by the hay so came back, got the gator and checked on her. The newest baby is beyond cute, tiny with long black hair. I drove close to her and she got up and went to mom. Sheena and Stormy wanted to go so leashed Stormy and we went up to the other girls to find Gray Lady. There were some grazing in the south pasture so we checked there and lo and behold the first one we stopped by was Gray Lady. Stopped and talked to her, held out my hand and she put her nose in it. Came back and got Sheena and we went for a walk. Then I went out and checked the barn no one there. It's cold out there but sunny.

    Judith, my doctor has prescribed two different antidepressants, last one was Celexa, I think. Many years ago a doctor prescribed one and I took it. It made my hands shake uncontrollably. Told her and she said to increase it. I discontinued it so I'm reluctant to try another one, but should I know.

    Glad you have your packages ready to mail- always a relief. Did you put up a tree?

    To bold type; at the left bottom corner of the comment section there are four icons. Click on the left one and H2 will pop up, click on that, then it will show H2, 3, 4 and 5. I click on H4. That enlarges the type and bolds it. Then the H4'icon will show. I think the others makes the type larger. At least that's what I do. May be an easier way.

    Doing laundry and it's time to take clothes out of the dryer. Enjoy the rest of your day.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Lorita sorry you are having a blue day. I think Judith is probably right. She has encouraged you before to try and go on your antidepressant. life surely gets tougher as we get older I’m finding out. I have the same experience as Judith when I do things to keep myself busy and around others it really helps me to feel better emotionally and physically. I’ve mentioned I feed my nephew breakfast three or four mornings a week. I started out doing it to help him and to encourage him. my nephew, coming and eating breakfast with me three or four mornings a week has been really good for me. I started doing it to help him. He is doing really well and I’m thankful. I enjoy watching him mature. Hope you get to feeling better. I know that all the worry about Sarah is very hard on you, knowing all the pain she’s in, not being able to eat nothing you can do. I went through this with my sister that I lost. My dad hated to eat because she couldn’t eat. Me I thought I have to eat because I have my sister and two children to help take care of , plus I still worked full-time.

    Judith, I have an iPad so I’m not sure what you’re using and if it’ll work the same. When I go to put in my message a thing comes up I think it’s a paragraph symbol, it’s like a backward P. Sometimes It will be right by where I’m going to start the paragraph but sometimes it’s down at the bottom where you would go like if you were going to add an attachment. Either way I just click on that and you get options, It’ll say H1, H2 etc. I use H4. on my iPad. Usually I have to do that every new paragraph. Once in a while every time I hit the return button and it goes down the H4 will be there and I’ve never figured out what I did different. I’ve also learned just to go ahead and type the first word of the next paragraph. Then I move my cursor back in front of that word and hit return to create the next paragraph and it continues then to bold everything I type in that paragraph. Ever since we went to this new set up here you may notice a lot of times words don’t capitalize I get tired of correcting it all, so I just leave it. I do know better.

    lorita i have Yahoo. I I don’t do it this way, but I can. I would just go to yahoo.com in there’ll be like an envelope there you know symbolizing the email and then just click on that and I can look at my mail. I’ve not done it that way in a long time might possibly have to have a password but I’m not sure, anyways, I really can’t help you because I don’t know anything about Gmail. I know a lot of people use it so maybe someone will come along that can help you.

    Hope each of you have a good nights rest

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    My bottom left says emoji!

    Lorita...take the meds. If you start to shake stop taking.

    Please do try to come over and see Sarah. Mapquest shows it is about 2 hours to my house. Sidney could drive you over and back easily in one day.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Judith, if you're using your laptop the icon is on the right. Looks like a backward capital P with the top colored in and it has s vertical line by it. I couldn't ask her to do that. She works most of the time and he calls her in when he has surgeries. I doubt I could sit in a car for two hours. Just the !little I did this afternoon has given me a terrible backache. Todd has told me he would come and get me, then bring me home.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Judith, I highlight the paragraph and a pop-up shows B for bold and I for italic. I click on B. This is on my android smartphone.

    Lorita, I notice that I feel more energized and more motivated when I have people to interact with in person. That's why I try to get involved with some senior center activities. On Monday there will be a showing of White Christmas with Bing Crosby. There will be a screenwriter to talk about the making of the movie and the actors.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    edited December 2023

    For me; I simply type my message and when done use my computer keyboard - I highlight my Post and then press the control key and letter B at the same time and it bolds.

    Lorita, it is really difficult as we age; as our bodies change; as we become a bit more isolated. Some folks are able to take antidepressants and do well; others not so much. Some folks have deep unrelenting depression really needing medication; others have temporary depression which changes - some waxes and wanes; others come and disappear for a long while. We do what is best for ourselves and our bodies; some MDs are quick to medicate, I am a wait a bit and see where this is going sort of person. (I do not take antidepressants.)

    Some days though, the anxious heebie jeebies can pop up out of nowhere. Since my new diagnosis, I have had that happen a couple of times. I get busy as action absorbs anxiety as Judith and Sayra mention . . . sometimes, I pick up a crossword puzzle book or word finder book - discovered this by accident - if my brain is operating deeply on something else; the heebie jeebies lose ground and waft away. For BAD heebie jeebies that are causing an actual sincere bad situation which is rare, I will permit myself to have a 0.5 mg of Ativan. Within an hour - shoulders are back down in their correct anatomical position and I am SO much back on a calm and easy course with the heebie jeebies vanquished. Am allowed to take 1.0 mg Ativan by prescription, but I am not a person who likes to use much meds. We each find a way that our bodies respond to what it needs. HATE outright anxiety that sticks and makes hair stand on end - that is a nasty one but not a frequent occurrence at all, but if it appears, I will not permit it room in my head if I can help it. I use all lesser measures to relax first and if not successful and it sticks; no need to suffer, a script is there as needed. Passed all this with my MDs input and all is well.

    Dear Lorita,, the idea of the longer journey to see Sarah; I understand how and why not such a positive event. Also, it is perfectly fine to know and realize that such an in person visit may be highly upsetting for oneself and is too much to ask at this point - then what to do to make a connection that is less emotionally severe?

    How about a short Zoom Meeting on the Computer? She and you can be looped on computer screen as a visit one on one or even with Todd there too. Makes it face to face; like she is in room AND it is able to be closed when someone is too tired or not feeling well. Kind of like a telephone call with a screen and a very intimate visit. If you do not know how to do Zoom; someone can help you.

    Some things are not easy; even the idea of belng so far away from home with someone friendly looking out for us can be threatening and cause anxiety. Keep loyal to yourself and know that you will find the right approach with good medical support but let YOUR wishes be known; you do not have to do what someone else tells us to do when we know it is not a positive even if that person is a well meaning MD.

    Coming off antidepressants not always that easy and they also do not work right away; it takes weeks for them to kick in where they need to be, so if you choose this ask for one that is later easy to taper off of and start low and go slow.

    You will know and feel what is best along with your trusted physician. As for a tranquiliizer; the one you use is SO old - very old brand. Newer ones been around for awhile; wonder if they would be useful to have on hand for a '"just in case sort of need. I have a prescption but use it very,very seldom; usually they age out and get tossed. Yet; nice to know they are there on a just in case sort of dynamic.

    One size does not fit all. You will find your best approach for yourself. Take good care; you are a smart and very dear lady and deserve all the support one can have.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    edited December 2023

    Lorita, I'm not sure about the antidepressant medicine myself, but others tell me they can see a difference. My doctor put me on Sertraline and I still have times if depression. This weekend has been extremely difficult. Lou has been at her worse and yesterday I even thought about calling 911 to come and get her because I was running away from home (just like a kid mad at parents LOL). Of course my mind switched gears and I knew I would never do that and she needed me. The Chaplain from VA called me Friday and invited me to a group meeting on Mondays and Wednesdays and I'm going to ask Lou's sitter if she can come a little later tommorow where I can go.

    Holiyday is also making me more depressed since no family will be around and just be Lou and I. Sitter will be gone for a few days and phone calls from family members will be it. Everything on TV is Holiday shows and even the commercials are about the holidays. I'm even considering skipping church this morning because of the holiday talk from church family (what will Lou and you be doing for Christmas........is your family coming, etc).

    Sorry for the ranting this morning........just want to go dig a hole and crawl in it till the holidays are over.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning Ron.

    Lorita JoC right about degree of depression people have varying. My dad died from depression 22 years ago this month. Guess this is why I want to encourage anyone who needs help for depression to seek it. Crying can sort of be like a relief valve, at least it is for me. But usually I cry and then I’m over it. It passes for quite a while . If sadness, crying , not being motivated etc are affecting your life most days or every day then relief from that would be nice.

    Would encourage anyone who needs help with depression and or anxiety to consider seeking help through a psychiatrist. They should be more advanced in dealing with the meds and their side effects as that is their focus. There’s no way any one man or woman can keep up with all the medication’s, and all the medical advances in all the fields, it’s impossible. I feel like if my dad would have been treated for anxiety as well as depression, he could’ve had a better outcome maybe. My sister was a psychiatric nurse, and she said if he had saw a psychiatrist they would’ve treated both. I’m in no way putting down the PCP because I really liked him. He was my PCP and he felt terrible about what happened. He talked with me many times about it. But my dad only wanted to see the PCP because of the unfortunate negativity our society puts on psychiatrist and mental illness. Our mental health is as important as physical health and each of them affect the other one.

    very rainy day, think they are giving snow tonight, not a lot

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    testing the backwards p which is in upper left for me...this is H5
  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Testing for bolding. I see NO backwards P. I highlighted my text and then a place to click for bold, underline and italicize.

    I will try to remember to do this in the future.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, how are you eating and sleeping? When I sleep poorly and binge on carbs, I don't feel well.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Wow...I see that option too now.

    Ron...The difficulty of taking care of a loved one cannot be overstated. Frustration, sadness and the rest are all made much worse when we are flat worn. Take all of the help that you can get. Help benefits both you and your loved one.

    Agreed. We do need to remember to work within our personal frameworks but still I think we, or at least I, need to fight complacency. It would be all too easy to "vegetate" so I do push to remain active physically and mentally.

    Sayra...I read long ago that tears are different depending on the cause. Maybe that is why a "good cry" can make us feel better.

    OK....new lights on west side not working. Maybe they are not entirely synced with the east side. We will check it out.

    Jo...are you up to doing any writing? Have you looked at a battery backup for your Inogen? Having one might come in handy as well as allowing you to use the main system only at night.

    Christmas...it can lead you right down the rabbit hole. We forget what is it. Our memories are glorified and it is all too easy to feel short changed. Most unique item found while chopping on line? 4" colored paper clips. How wonderful!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    edited December 2023

    Afternoon, Ron,make that hole big enough for two. I need it sometimes. Christmas was never a big holiday for Charles and I - least favorite holiday of the year. I like the ones in summer.

    I know what's wrong with me - it's being inside too much - not having to care for the girls or being out in nature. I have to work on doing more of that. I went out this morning and saw all the girls and sweet babies. Looks like we'll have a couple more babies in a day or two. I've never been a person to stay inside a lot but with some of what I call physical problems I've been doing that too much. Have to stop that.

    Jo - I've had Librium on hand since I was in my early or mid twenties. I don't take it on a regular basis, just when I'm really anxious about something and it does the job for me. I don't want to take an antidepressant on a regular basis and I think you have to for them to be effective. I just need something to take - if I need it - on a one or two time basis. I'll talk to my doctor about it when I see him again.

    I don't like to take medicine, very leary of it since I had that reaction last year to Clyndomycin - really scary. (can't spell that medication). I take supplements and that's it - never have taken medicine on a regular basis. For that I feel really lucky.

    I know part of it, too, is how serious Sarah's condition is. I can't do one thing in the world to change that - I can, and do, talk with her, when she can talk - other times we text. Also the loss of so many of my relatives. I don't care for holidays, don't watch Christmas shows (I am going to watch The Sound of Music tonight) maybe. Is that a Christmas show?

    Iris, no problem with sleeping. Diet is probably not as good as it should be.

    I'm giving into my back problem - maybe part of it is the way I sit in my chair so going to use more cushions behind my back.

    Seems like things just pile up sometimes - like the electricity to the barn - and car - and a couple of other things. I do procrastinate, I know, and need to get out of that. Used to not do it but now I can just think I'll do it tomorrow. Maybe that comes with aging.

    Sara, so sorry about your dad - I know that was hard for you. Thanks for sharing with us. Thank you all so much for caring and taking the time to offer help and suggestions. I will take them to heart. I'll be okay

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    That’s what’s nice about the porch together we get it figured out

    Like how you put that about Christmas Judith. I think it’s kind of easy to go down that rabbit hole anytime but especially around the holidays.

    Thank you Lorita, for your kindness.

    I do understand not liking to take medicine. But sometimes they do give us better quality of life even with their side effects. Course there’s always exceptions to everything so that makes the decision kind a hard sometimes.

    I don’t know if this would help you any at all or not Lorita. I can easily feel overwhelmed by all the things I need to get done in a day. For one thing if I’m just trying to remember them all and think of them all I’m not real organized I’m sort of scattered. But I found if I write everything down that I want to do that day That I get much more done and I feel really good marking things off the list. If I don’t get something done, it’s still there I’m not gonna forget about it and the next day I put on the things I want to accomplish that day along with what is still there and eventually everything gets done and for me that really helps me a lot, but it may not help other people. Also, if I really dread doing something that’s on the list, I try to get it out-of-the-way early because that feels like a really big relief and feels like the rest of it’ll be easy..just my way of dealing with it.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    I have colored paper clips! Took down the things to mail and some of the trash. They didn't get it last week. Checked all of the cattle the best I could from the PU. Got back and took the GPs for a walk. They so enjoy that. My back didn't hurt as much today as yesterday. I' ll try to do that every day and see if it works.

    Sara, I make to-do lists but not by the day. Glad it works for you. I agree about getting the big or hard things done early. Haven't heard from Sarah today at all and she has taken her message off her phone. It is the most beautiful day. It was foggy early but now it's sunny with no wind. Alexa says it's 62.

    I agree, Judith, a good cry can make you feel better- it's a cathartic. Do all of the people in your neighborhood put up a lot of lights? I think they are so pretty. I imagine Honor Heights Park is beautiful this year. Heard they have added 80,000 more lights.. There's a pond in it and at Christmas they have some kind of lighted bird flying over it somehow, and all the trees and azaleas have lights on them.

    Thanks again, everyone. Sara is right, our front porch friends can figure out everything.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    There is a difference between anxiety and depression. There are meds that help with both. Librium is an ancient anti-anxiety drug and Celexa is a booster of serotonim (sp)...a natural substance in our bodies.

    I am not medical but I think if I am low on magnesium I need to take some magnesium glytenate (sp). Same goes for vitamin D or seratonim.

    I do not think procrastination has anything to do with age. I think it comes from a general feeling of being overwhelmed. Sayra, your suggestion is good for that. Thank you. I will go and find something else to clean out...lol.

    Sound of Music is not a Christmas show. It is delightful and a true story.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Dear folks on the front porch, I am not a good writer but do read every day.

    Iris, I have loved your memories of Alaska...was good to get a real perspective on how it is to live there.

    For all you folks with medical issues, my Christmas prayer is for you to find relief and better health for the new year.

    This year we are doing the big family get together at Mother's the Sat. after Christmas. Since we had a big feast at Thanksgiving we will be doing cold sides and appetizers and desserts. The day is jolly because of the little ones...we have 5 so they are the spirit of the day. I usually give relatively small gifts to each person, but make a game out of it.

    Even though I have family relatively close by, I tend to be a hermit...lol. I guess thru the years I just got used to being alone...since the kids moved out on their own. Yet I do understand the depression which seems magnified by the holidays...it strikes here too.

    As for procrastination...seems to be a habit I can get into very easily..."there is always tomorrow"! I find that if I do things on the "to do list" early in the morning I am more likely to get them done. Of course the list is never ending...lol.

    Lorita, have you considered having someone like Sidney go with you to the car dealer? She might have a good eye for what would work for you and the GP's as well as road conditions. Never hurts to have a second set of eyes.

    I will try to be a more frequent writer, but with my habits don't often have much to share.

    Love and prayers to you all thru this holiday season and the new year. Hugs.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    edited December 2023

    Lorita, I think you're doing great! The fact that you get out and drive around looking at the girls every day is amazing to me. I don't get dressed every day. I'm not depressed, I just don't have much energy. I eat okay but I sleep poorly, my back hurts and I get short of breath. Feeding these cats and cleaning the litter boxes several times a day wears me out. When I feel slow I think of you, and I feel a bit motivated.


    I had to edit because I forgot to bold.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Lorita; you are actually an awesome blossom! You do so much with your knowledge, caring and talents; it puts the rest of us to shame. It comes to my mind that a good number of us here are VERY much in our VERY "mature" ages over the number 8! Things evolve and change in us as we move along the aging spectrum. Not only physically, but internally in our brains/minds/feelings too. Some of it for the good and some of it; well, shucks. And pain in various important parts involved in movement; not a party at all when that happens.

    As for me not liking to take meds; I am very sensitive to meds and have a list that I am unable to take due to side effects; multiple abx amongst them. As for once in a great while use of 0.5 Ativan for unrelenting discomfort of being very "unsettled," that dose is so low, my RN friend grins and says I might as well be taking a cough drop . . . but it is sufficient and that for my body is enough.

    What I have also learned is NOT to take vitamins and supplements willy-nilly, but to have medical evidence such a substance is needed for my body. Most folks do not bother to look up the various vitamins and supplements to see what side effects are and even toxicity. Best to have MD order labs to see where one's needs are. There is a pseudo effect for many who indulge in self prescribing per med literature. Best to really need the supplement and especially not to cause any unintended harm.

    I have a really very full amount of labs done with my annual physical. My Vitamin D levels were dreadfully low. If one looks up effects of extremely low Vitamin D, there is a host of unwanted effects. Yikes. Look at symptoms: https://health.unl.edu/9-vitamin-d-deficiency-symptoms-and-10-high-vitamin-d-foods

    My levels were so low, that my MD has me taking supplemental VItamin D much more than the 600 mg. mentioned in articles. One must be careful because this vitamin is fat soluble and stays in the body and one does not want to overload. I have labs annually and have that checked out to ensure I am still okay. I did find that with the supplement, I have less fatigue and no more feeliings of being down which is not usual for me but had begun happening. My D levels were below the basement. NOTE: One can get out in the sun each day to get sunlight vitamin D; BUT most people do not realize they must uncover parts of their body to get the beneift of sun rays for Vitamin D to reach and affect their bodies. Full coverage of clothing covering torso, arms/legs, especially in cold weather does not much help our bodies to absorb the sunlight for the Vitamin D. Shucks. (Nothing like a gravity affected big old broad running commando in her back yard! EEEEK!!! But Officer! I'm just taking my vitamins!")

    Lorita being a vegetarian would have a harder time getting Vitamin D in her diet and this too can cause hair loss which had been a problem as she has shared with us. Next labs, you may want to have your doctor check your levels and see what's up.

    Getting far older is going to have an effect on most of us; tis part of life and I am learning to adapt for that which cannot be adjusted for, but not always easy despite striving to stay connected; etc. Life happens when we least expect it. As mentioned times before; Christmas for my Loved Ones (and myself) had been a hobby of deep love and I so enoyed it to my hearts content every year. House decorated to a T - Big old fashioned tree in family room - no plastic allowed on tree; old fashioned beautiful and unique ornaments; small tree in dining room/living room; all tiny white lights with all crystal ornaments and crystal angel on top. Every cabinet and table decorated . . . windows decorated; lights around eaves of house; wrought iron rails decorated with lights; wreaths on doors; mailbox and light fixtures/lanterns decorated . . . SO much fun. House lit up inside and outside welcoming everyone.

    One pre-Christmas family party for DHs family; one for mine - they would not mix and too many folks. Christmas Eve and Chistmas Day big famly dinners at our house . . my baking and wrapping and cooking went on for weeks . . . Oh how I loved doing it and seeing the joy and light in my LOs faces. Truly a delightful hobby of the heart.

    Now? Cannot do any of it. Yes; all the commercials, etc. BUT - with thankfulness, somehow I find that instead of being bummed out by not having anything, I am filled with gratitude that we had those days and created such wonderful memories for others and ourselves. Some folks never ever have any holiday time nor families that gather, so gratitude is a gift and no dark days because it is now part of the past. Do I miss it ? of course; but I do look back and smile at so much. Memories for us and for our LOs. No regrets and so many of the LOs no longer with us.

    Interesting in that while I do love people; I now find a larger bit of solitude welcoming. (And cookies. ) Lists. I am a believer in Lists because otherwise I can have free floating forgetfulness for some items and end up making more work for myself. So; a list it is whether stuff for the house, or things I need to purchase or things needing attention - then I tick them off one by one as complete and I have not missed anything that would cause possible issues. Feels like I accomplished something.

    Having been diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis out of the blue has been a BIG one for me. Losing some independence and lots of stuff that will need ongoing doing that I do not want and do not enjoy - but one must find a way to bob, weave and hopefully adapt. (More cookies please)

    If someone has ongoing depression and not just a short temporary bout of the "downs," it is important to get to professional medical help; it is a quality of life medical issue. Best to get a big cafeteria menu of labs done, a thorough physical, with depression assessment and go from there. I like to have physical issues ruled out before running for a prescription unless a patient is in a danger zone. Anxietiy and depression are indeed two different dynamics; but some people have both and there are meds formulated to deal with that situation; but one needs a good professional to assist with the proper diagnostics and prescription.

    Lorita; the PBS station has been re-running the series; "All Creatures Great and Small," it is absolutely a wonderful mini series program; I think you would love it. If you can find it on your TV, it may be there in all its epsiodes for you to bring up. Worth even buying it on disc if one has to. On January 07, out here, the second season of it will begin. Just so well done, great stories; great cast, great set decoration set some years ago. Just a good feeliing watching it. And all the animals!

    Heavens; that high dose Prednisone sure does cause being hungry but also NO sleep at night. Today; I sat down on the bed to do some computiing and fell asleep for hours . . . I woke up and it was 4:30 - I was not oriented and thought it was 4:30 a.m. on Monday rather than late afternoon Sunday. Had to get my head untangled. Sure did need the sleep and dreamed big heavy dreams. Thank goodness for that long nap.

    Well; almost 11:00 p.m. time to get me going; sweet dreams wished for everyone,


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    @Jo C. It is good to hear from you. Enjoyed reading your long, newsy post. I too have many happy memories of Christmas past. I will be making new memories this year, although my husband will not be home for Christmas. He is in skilled rehab following spinal cord injury (not paralyzed, thank God!), Pilon fracture of left ankle and humerus fracture. What is keeping him there now is that he is unsteady on his feet. Jo, I am so, so sorry about your pulmonary fibrosis. I hope that you will be sustained by faith, family and friends (including us on the front porch who care deeply for you.) We truly care about you, Bill and David.

    @Iris L. I have really enjoyed reading about your time in Alaska. You have had an interesting life. As a side note, I follow Cecelia Blomdahl on YouTube. She lives on Svalbard, which is an island close to the arctic (north of Norway and officially part of Norway). It is so far north that they have no sun for 3 or 4 months (Polar night) and also long periods of sun all day long. She has so much joy for the life she leads and shows beautiful sights including the northern lights in her videos. Reindeer are commonly seen; there are polar bears on the island; nothing grows there due to climate and all food is imported.

    Speaking of YouTube, I found a sibling group (college age) who sing in beautiful harmony. Many Christmas songs on their channel right now. Here is one, there harmony is gorgeous! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uKDEC7vKIdU

    @loveskitties Hello Marie. Always good to hear from you. Wishing you a wonderful Christmas with your family. Hopefully health issues have settled down for your mom. I know you have been very busy at times helping her. Does she still drive? It gets tough when our elderly parents need lots of help. I know about that, having been sole caregiver for my mom with dementia. She passed away in 2017. Do I miss her? Do I miss my dad who passed away in 1977? No - but I hold much gratefulness in my heart for how they raised me and all they did for me. Like all parents, they sacrificed for me but I didn't realize the sacrifice at the time. Are you still crocheting? I recently pulled out my vintage quilts. One has 4 names on it, my great-great grandmother (who signed in embroidery and dated in 1904 when she was 87 yrs old), my great grandmother and my grandmother and an aunt. I never knew any of these ladies. But I do study genealogy.

    I am going to post this "Part 1" before I lose it - then will work on "Part 2."

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Part 2

    @jfkoc Judith, I admire your wisdom and your zest for life. You are so right about getting out and doing things rather than hibernating (of course, it can be hard not to hibernate if you live in a cold climate like Iowa!!!) I always enjoy reading your posts.

    @Lorita Hello Lorita, you are one of the busiest "retired" ranchers out there. I know Mike appreciate you keeping an eye on the herd and it seems to give you great joy. I hope you can get your new car soon. You will truly benefit from having a reliable vehicle. Please ask Mike, Byron, Sidney or someone else to go with you. It'll be less intimidating that way. You know they care about you and will be glad to help! Accept the need to sometimes ask for help. It's something I am struggling with now that I am alone (husband in rehab center now), but sometimes it is necessary.

    @Sayra I fully agree with list-making. Otherwise I would forget to do things - OR, I'd wake up in the middle of the night, remember it, and "stew" about it. Are you still using the Marodyne? How do you like it? I don't have one. I do "impact" exercises which I think, in my opinion, do as much good - however, they can be hard on the knees, ankles and feet. My impact exercises for lower body include heel drops, one legged hopping, and jumping. Glad you are enjoying time with your nephew. I am SO sorry about your dad passing away from depression. What a horrific experience for the family. I wonder if that experience has contributed to the great compassion and empathy you feel for others. No doubt faith plays a part in that too.

    @ronald71111 I'm so sorry your weekend with Lou was difficult. Please try to get some respite for yourself; I know you do meetings with classmates and attend church. Perhaps more respite activities would help you feel better mentally. Caregiving is hard - but you are doing a wonderful job. I feel badly for those for whom Christmas isn't a happy time. Maybe hang on to memories from previous happy times.

    @harshedbuzz I am so sorry you are dealing with the dental issues. Sounds very serious. I hope you can get the implant sooner rather than later. I did enjoy seeing your Barbie tree, and by the way, you can now stream the Barbie movie on HBO Max if you have it. Not sure if I will watch it or not - seems I am "always" busy and right now what I'm watching is The Crown. Also enjoying The Voice - finals tonight! I have two faves: Huntley and Ruby. #1 in my book is Ruby.

    Joan, hope you are doing well after your spine surgery. My husband had a burst fracture of L1 when he fell from a ladder onto the concrete garage floor, and he had fusion of T12-L2. He is wearing a clamshell brace - it has heavy metal in the back and he must wear it when he is up (not in bed). His spinal cord was bruised and he has weakness in his legs but no paralysis. Hoping for a full recovery for you, and for him too.

    @eaglemom I hope you and your DH are feeling better. Sounds like the virus hit him very hard. Keep posting, I enjoy hearing from you.

    Blessings, Beth

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    edited December 2023

    Have enjoyed reading all the posts from my porch friends.

    Beth hope your husband is dealing ok with all of this. Know it could be a little rough on him.

    have used the marodyne every day since I got it except for when I was in the hospital. I’m pretty sure I got some pretty high doses of steroids when I was so sick so I don’t know what that has done or not done to me. Then I don’t know if you remember, but in July I got 10 yellow jacket stings and got like a systemic reaction and had to go on six days worth of steroids. But all I can do is keep trying and trusting. I do the Sarah meek exercises five days a week. They involve lengthening, strengthening, flexibility and agility. I’ve been having a little trouble doing the resistance bands because of some upper arm or shoulder issues. I did get out on Bob and Brad and find some exercises for that and I’m doing them and they do seem to be helping.

    Then five days a week also, I try to do something cardio for 30 minutes a day. I get that done majority of days, but not every day the day only has so many hours in it . After 12 to 14 hours I start getting tired. I try to do my cardio through silver sneakers or with Jordan on Bob and Brad because I feel like a lot of things I do on there are also beneficial to my bones as well as the heart. If I don’t do them, I try to just walk in the house at a pace that beneficial for cardio laugh out loud while I’m brushing my teeth or something. You avoid high impact things because I’ve had trouble with my knee since I was probably in my early to mid 20s. I went on glucosamine and I’ve done really really well all these years on that but I don’t do anything like that because I don’t want to take a chance because I can get them flared up if I do something I shouldn’t, but as long as you can tolerate it, that’s good.

    Take care, everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Morning, Lots of posts to read this morning.

    It's really cold and windy but the sun is shining. Such a change from yesterday afternoon. It's 47 degrees right now. It's been busy around here this morning - Toad and Mike fed both sets of girls - fun to watch how they work together - seems like they know what the other one is going to do. Since it's muddy they come up to the house, turn around and go through the gate near the house to the pasture where the heifers are instead of going through the south end of the meadow. I was able to tell Mike, when he was turning around, that he might want to check the red white-faced cow. She's the one who lost her baby a couple of months ago. There's something going on with her - almost every time I see her she has her tail up. Told him once and he said she was probably bred the night before. Hope he did look at her. He told me Samson, the big bull, has gotten hurt - still walking but hurt somehow. I have noticed him laying around quite a lot the last couple of days.

    Had a call from Toad's nephew - he's going to level and gravel the driveway. He was in town so came by on his way home. Said he may be able to do it the end of this week or first of next. He said he was going to NM the first of the year - mule-deer season. He's going to the southern part of the State, around Roswell. Told him what I wanted done and he'll figure the cost and call me - won't be cheap but it has to be done.

    Talk about white trucks - seems like every rancher drives a white flatbed, some with feeders on the back and spikes, others just with spikes for hauling hay.

    I can't ask Sidney, Bryon or Mike to go with me to car shop - all of them work. Sidney's only 22 and just bought her first (well, second) car. I'll do all right once I get there. Had a call early this morning from the manager wondering when I was coming in. Thought about Wednesday but sounds like it may be cold.

    About Vitamin D - I've always been low on it even though I'm out in the sun a lot. My doctor says he's low, too, and is out a lot. Also sort of low on B-12 so I try to remember to take those on a regular basis. Also taking Glucosamine to help my hip/back pain. Can't seem to remember it every day. Years ago I took Magnesium when I lost 85 lbs. - it seemed to help so think I'll start taking it again.

    So good to see the posts from everyone - even though we don't always post, we read, and keep up with everyone.

    Beth, what a fall your husband had - probably lucky he didn't have more injuries. An electrician who was working on putting up lights in our barn several years ago told me he had fallen from a ladder onto a concrete floor. He was pretty elderly and said he didn't like to climb ladders anymore (he told me this from the top of a ladder).

    I hope everyone is doing well this morning. Jo, enjoyed reading yours and everyone else's posts - we're a newsy bunch for sure.

    Need to call the guy back about getting gmail set up. I was doing it on my tablet, then didn't seem to work on the laptop - or vice versa. Maybe if I just delete everything on my e-mail account it will give more space on the tablets. Wish I knew something about anything. The man who installed the new internet mentioned that all the younger grandkids seem to know everything about computers. Carol and I have talked about when we were younger we seemed to know things but no more. I think there's just more to know now than in the past. Is that a good excuse?

    I do enjoy being out with the girls. If I feel down and I go outside for a while with them I feel much better.

    Ron, checked the persimmons yesterday - some are falling off - not ripe, just rotting and the ones still on the trees are hard. Something is eating on the ones on the ground that aren't rotted.

    Didn't talk with Sarah this weekend - just a brief text or two. Do you all know that on the 22nd she and Todd will have been married a year? Surely doesn't seem like it's been that long - how fast this year has gone. Need to see if I have an anniversary card to send them. I'll stop and finish my hot (now cold) tea. Enjoy your Monday.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    And the annual discussion has started. Why go to church on Christmas Day??? Anybody else's family have this duscussion?

    It is then followed by why December 25? Historically that is the date Constantine assigned in the year 336.

    One year we just celebrated Saturnalia. It accomodated all the religions in our family. Then another year it was Festivas for the Rest of Us.

    Lorita...do you email a lot??? Was you email working on your computer???? What browset are you using on your computer?? On your tablet ???

    Now the "P" runs up and down the side of the leave a comment box

    Yes...having a grandchild really helps with keeping up. I have iPhone and iPad synced. Next ccomputer will be a Mac. My phone is only for phoning (mostly outging) and my pad for movies. Hmmm...they really do not need to sync.

    Lorita...order a weekly pill case!!! I have one for morning at my desk and one in the bathroom for night.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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