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Just need to talk to my friends (192)



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Ron you surely do push. Lou is a lucky Lady. How sweet her singing happy birthday to you.

    Lorita wouldn’t be able to make a pocket in my flat bread. Use it more like a wrap or tortilla.

    Jerilynn So sorry to hear that about your sister .

    The menu on the front porch was wonderful, Jerilynn knows how to cook. Peach cobbler and ice cream hit the spot too. The napkins came in handy too lol.

    Was a very cool, cloudy day here. Played pickleball with my sister, nephew and his fiancée this evening. I’m so thankful that we get to do this together. It’s not that often and winter is coming, but I so enjoy it. I’m thankful for the break. Gives my life some normalcy. It’s such a miracle that I’m able to play. Back in late May I planted 2 petunias and then I had to go lay down and was done for the day.

    Glad you got some rain Lorita.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    @ronald71111 - I don't know if this is your issue or not, but I have never been able to upload photos taken with my phone since they have heic. extension. I think you need a jpg extension. Why? I have no idea. Just something in the software program, I imagine. If I want to upload a picture here I have to take it with my Nikon camera, not my iPhone.

    @JeriLynn66 I am so, so sorry about your sister. Perhaps the knowledge, wisdom and common sense on this site will be beneficial to you, to her and to the rest of her family.

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Happy Birthday Ron. I’ll check in tomorrow. Joan

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Happy Birthday, Ron! It was a nice birthday surprise for Lou to sing to you!

    Jerilynn, I'm so sorry to learn of your sister's diagnosis.

    I got called this morning to go to my 91 yo neighbor who had fallen in the bathtub. The life alert already had the EMTs on the way and they managed to get her up. She refused further treatment. As soon as they had left she fell again, onto the loveseat, so I was able to get her up. After that, she was okay but I've been rattled all day.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Iris, did your neighbor injure herself? Lucky that you're near for her to call if the need arises. You're a good neighbor.

    It's very foggy here this morning - haven't been able to get out to check all the girls - and it feels really humid out there - guess that's no surprise.

    Ron, Lou singing happy birthday to you must have been the topping on a good birthday. Wish it would have posted for us to see.

    I'm so tired of hearing about the government shutdown. I worked for the government for years and we went through this every year - at the last minute there was always a continuing resolution. I do remember one year the nonessential employees were home for a couple of days. Why don't they work on the budget way ahead of time?

    Feel like I could have slept another hour or so - may this afternoon. Need to see all the girls this morning. The little calves banding together is so sweet.

    Rusty is a smart, little squirrel. Yesterday I saw him on the front porch (through the window) sitting on the back of a chair. I opened the door and he was on the floor looking at me (asking for food?). I got some of his sunflower seeds and opened the door - he had gone to the south end of the porch so I put the seeds on the bannister and came back inside. I watched out the door and saw him running along the bannister and jumping the gate area. He had watched me and knew where I put the seed. After that I was sitting in my chair with two cats on my lap. They jumped off and ran to the door - they had seen Rusty (guess he looked in the storm door). They watched each other for a good five minutes. Lots of fun to watch his antics.

    I've seen a few leaves on a couple of rose bushes and the flowering almond so maybe they'll come back. Grasshoppers are still here and I'm seeing some of them down in the meadow, too.

    Better stop and see if the fog has lifted so I can get my morning work done. Enjoy your day.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    Good morning everyone!! Mondays are our “get ready for work “ days. The Repair Shop is open and they call if they need anything..

    Husband is puttering outside: he got all the pastures mowed this weekend so has moved on to other projects.. never still as there is always much to do.

    My housework is done so I’m cooking for the Shop lunches for the week..

    Chicken pot pie, pork tenderloin with bacon jam, green beans with baby red potatoes, peach cobbler and brownies.. maybe a cold corn salad.. almost done and hopefully I’ll get to the farm stand for pumpkins and mums today. Finishing my up my fall dining room table scape.

    My father in law is doing ok at the moment and I will see him tomorrow.

    AnnaBelle is resting at night with Tramadol… Jake the big dog needs to go get “fixed” .. so I’ll get that scheduled.

    We’re having a barn built soon and today they are trenching for underground power to be ready.. gotta get ready to close the pool soon.: lots to do! Hope everyone has a good week..

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Iris hope things have settled down for you.

    Jerilynn you are one busy lady.

    Got a little more fall cleanup done today. I had planted some carrot seeds in a couple of grow bags Around a tomato. Never got around to thinning them. Figured I would just have strings. Instead I have a medium mixing bowl full. I was really surprised. Haven’t gotten to second bag yet. Have got about half of them frozen.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Yum, homegrown carrots! I'll bet they're tasty!


  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    Good morning porch people. It's still chilly, damp and gloomy here. We're on day 5 of wet & gray.

    @ronald71111 Happy Belated Birthday. I am sorry you weren't able to share the video clip. I have that same issue with some videos having a HEIC extension (as @BethL described), too. They can be converted to JPEG.

    How to Open HEIC Files on Windows (or Convert Them to JPEG) (howtogeek.com)

    @JeriLynn66 I am sorry for your sister's recent diagnosis. I am humbled by anyone here who actively caregiving and has such a thing as a fall tablescape. I think I have a half empty fruit bowl and a bag from DS's Indian take-out from 2 nights ago. Do I get points for a tastefully fall inspired tablecloth?

    It's been a rough couple of weeks here for some of my people. My bestie is slowly adjusting to widowhood. The pair of them wed at 50 and 58, so while they did own property and had joint accounts together he generally took care of all things financial and she actively avoided letting herself be looped in on that aspect of their lives. She's been sorting through all and it's been an eye-opener. We talked about car insurance yesterday; hers is really high. I'm paying about $1300 a year for one car with 3 drivers in the house; she was covering 2 late model cars (nothing fancy) and 2 (now 1) drivers and is paying almost $6000. I know her cars are a bit newer than mine and that she lives in a zip code with higher rates and that they've both had an accident or two but yikes.

    I found out yesterday that my cousin is coming to visit my mom on her way down to Florida in October. This is great, but mom is vague on the dates but is planning all manner of outings for them completely ignoring the 4 midday appointments she has on her calendar. Since it's almost a month out, I was able to move her PT appointments to the morning so most of the day will be free. I need to reschedule her hair appointment, too. We'll keep the ocular injection appointment and will send cousin keys and gate pass since she won't be back yet when they're due to arrive. Mom's PT does seem to be working but I am wondering if she's really doing all the exercises at home that she's been assigned as her hips are really weak. The PT even asked about this specifically so I don't think I'm the only one on to her game.

    Mom elected to get both her flu shot and COVID vaccine at once yesterday. I suggested splitting them up-- we're at Rite Aid all the time so it's no real hardship either way. A friend took her 96-year-old mom for the shots Saturday and mom spent all of Sunday in bed which is quite a response given her age.

    I was expecting a quiet day today, but the universe had other plans for me. My niece's friend has a follow-up appointment with her oncology surgeon today and it's not going to be great news. Niece has a big presentation and can't go. The friend's mom is a terrible person, a real monster, so I have been deputized to go with her. I know this seems really weird, but I helped raise my niece when my sister was sick and after she died and she and this woman were kind of a 2-fer. LOL, she's always the one at holiday dinners who would stay up with niece have one last drink and then completely clean the kitchen and dining room-- china and crystal hand washed, dried and stowed back in the breakfront. She's a bit of a compulsive cleaner. I think she knows her way around my kitchen better than either my husband or son do. They both suffer from male refrigerator blindness.


  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    @harshedbuzz you get points!! Doing this actually is calming for me in a world that is constantly spinning out of my control..

    the small stack of china far right is for my 4 year old Great Granddaughter.. I keep her place set with pieces just for her.. her Mother tried to serve her on a paper plate and was quickly informed by the little one: “that isn’t my plate!”. Lol

    I pray for a bit of “peace and calm” to descend upon you as well.. it seems the world is spinning around you as you deal with all the responsibilities the universe has put on YOUR “plate..Peace, be still..❤️❤️

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Has been gray here to HP so far this week. A little wet this morning also. I’m not going to complain because I planted grass seed a week or so ago so it’ll be good for it.

    Jerilynn Are you artistic? Your table is beautiful. Your great granddaughter will never forget eating off of those plates. It’ll always be a good memory. I have no artistic talent. My house is very plain. Have a sister who keeps her house beautiful.

    Meeting up with a couple of friends today for coffee/tea. hopefully this afternoon it’ll not be raining and I can clean up a little more of the garden. I just work about a hour to hour and a half each day and that keeps my muscles from screaming at me.

    The Cantelope is starting to Ripen. Still partially green though. Hopefully it’ll have time to finish ripening.

    Thanking of all of you and hope each one has a peaceful day.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    @JeriLynn66 Your table is beautiful! My own table has a small vase of zinnias that I grew in the center, along with regular salt, Himalayan pink salt and a pepper mill. lol I used to write two blogs. One was a gardening blog and the other was called "Food as Art," where I did a lot of tablescapes. I was always buying china on eBay and at thrift stores for my tablescapes. I still have 12 sets (partial sets, not all pieces) - one set I have never eaten a meal on (but have had a scone or muffin on). It's called Old Country Roses. My husband says, "It's just for looking at." lol I found and posted some tables below. My pics: #1 is Old Country Roses. #2 is a Pfaltgraff white plate, with Old Britain Castles. While I currently have 12 different kinds of china/stoneware/dinnerware - I have donated many that I bought for tablescaping back to the thrift store.

    @Sayra Your carrots look amazing! You will enjoy them for sure. I hope your melon ripens for you before frost. I used to have a fig tree; it actually did have figs on it one year but they didn't ripen. Heard from others you should pot up your fig tree and bring it in over the winter. Well, I don't do houseplants, other than a few poinsettias at Christmas. The last time I wintered over my elephant ears in a pot, I ended up with fungus gnats. I got rid of them, finally, by using Diatomaceous earth on the soil of the pot and some yellow sticky items that attracted the mature gnats and they stuck to them. I do still save my elephant ears, but just the tubers.

    @harshedbuzz thanks for the link for converting HEIC to JPG. I'm bookmarking it to try later. I am sorry for all the sad, frustrating busyness in your life right now. I can tell you are a person who cares greatly for others and give lots of time showing it.

    Free Covid tests, 4 per household, are now available. Go to covid.gov/tests


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Had some much needed rain yesterday. Storm after midnight yesterday had some trees down and one school lost power. Lou slept through it all!

    Preacher came by yesterday and brought lunch for a belated birthday celebration. Had a nice visit and I thought was extremely thoughtful of him to take time out of a busy schedule for us. A group from church is going to a new Mexican restaurant for lunch today, hope I can get Lou out.

    Beautiful day today!


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    JeriLynn and Beth, both of your tables are beautiful! I can see how table decorating can bring a sense of order. I was gifted a Rose of Sharon cup and saucer, but the handle broke and the cup cracked.

    HB, thanks for the photo extensions site.

    Again, I can relate to your mom. When I was younger, I was gung-ho about completing all of the tasks and activities on my to-do list, including exercise. But now, a lot of tasks don't get done, even though I think about doing them. I figure that's just life in the 70's.

    Ron, how nice of the pastor to remember your birthday and bring lunch.


  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Checking in - I went back to work a little later than I originally planned - started back last Thursday. I took the extra time because I was just so wiped out after something small like going to the store so figured that was a signal that working 8 hours wasn't going to be a good idea.

    I'm sorry to all the folks having health issues with pets and loved ones (and themselves). I hope things improve or at least remain stable.

    The guests seem unusually mean upon my return to work. It could be me not really caring to have that energy in my life, but it's a job where I have to be nice no matter how entitled or unreasonable they are, so I grit my teeth.

    I did decide that when I turn 62 in 1 year I am going part-time and taking my Social Security early. If they won't let me go part-time then I'll find a different part-time job. This cancer episode and my family history where nobody lives past 70 for one reason or another tells me working until full retirement at 67 really isn't going to be worth it in my situation, so I am going to live on a little less and have a better quality of life.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Welcome back, Day. That sounds like a plan!


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    @dayn2nite2 You probably already know this, but just in case you aren't aware. If you are working and receiving SS, there is a limit on how much you can earn. This is if you are at less than your "normal retirement age."

    You do need to enjoy life and part of that, for some of us, means working less or not at all. Best wishes!

  • Sasue
    Sasue Member Posts: 69
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    Just a quick note, Lorita is having internet problems, she’s fine and will post when she’s able.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    Oh thank you for posting.. I was getting worried about @Lorita !!

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    @BethL I love Old Country Rose!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Thank you, Sandy for posting that. Hope you feel much better tomorrow. Internet still not working too well. There were heavy storms in the area and they're still working on it. Also I couldn't get my password to work on my tablets - said it needed to be changed. Just now used the original one and it worked!

    Sara, the carrots look great. I like to dice and cook them with diced onions and celery and serve them over rice with a little soy sauce. Carrots don't do good here ground is too hard so they're crooked unless we plant Danvers half long.

    Gosh, it's good to be able to post again - missed you all. I'm using a tablet to post because I think my computer was hacked yesterday. Had a call that updates were needed (it appeared it was tech club but guess it wasn't). Tech club was working on getting the infection out today but couldn't because of internet. So, watch your computers. Been freezing credit cards, etc. today along with everything else. I'm frazzled!! I'll try to.post more tomorrow.

    The pictures were all beautiful!

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Beth, I don’t care for indoor plants either. Last year my neighbor gave me a poinsettia and I did enjoy that.

    Day hope the retirement thing works out for you. I retired at 61 and it’s been OK.

    Sorry, Lorita that you’re having to deal with people messing with your computer. That is so very frustrating.

    It misted most of the day yesterday. But in the afternoon it stopped, so I got out got a little more of the garden cleaned up. Hopefully I’ll be able to do a little bit more today.

    take care, everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    looks like it will be a beautiful day but very warm.I just had to sign in again. Do you all have to do that? I haven't had to before today.

    Haven't been out yet to check girls and babies but need to go. Mike came at daylight and drove out to check grass. They're cutting and baling again. Good that It's dry this week. Hope they can get enough hay for winter. He said the persimmon seeds have spoons in them this year. That means snow! Don't need that. Better go and see everyone Storm's ready to go.

    Jerilynn, thanks for your concern - much appreciated. Sara, I'm anxious to see how that melon does. Sandy, hope you're feeling better this morning. Hope to be back later today.

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    edited September 2023

    I knew that. I can work part-time and still be under the threshold. Prior to Covid, we could have days where you'd have at least 1 or 2 people who you were genuinely able to help with issues and they would express some sort of appreciation, but since it's been just the most entitled people who immediately jump to profanity and threats when things don't go their way. If I decide to go work at one of the hotels, the aggression level is much less in person plus I'd have the police to back me up if needed.

    One of the houses near me has had a glorious little pumpkin patch growing for the past few months and I'm watching them get bigger every day.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    Those are lovely. The story about your great-granddaughter reminds me of my niece as a little one. She was always very proper and enjoyed the nicer things. This was the niece to whom I gifted a single piece of sterling flatware for birthdays and Christmas so she has a nice basic set. Some day, she'll have mine, too. As an adult, she has scouted out extra pieces for the small sets of china my mom has given her and has several gorgeous vintage MCM sets that fit her current vibe. She does a quirky table-- both she and my goddaughter registered for wedding flatware made up of random patterns. It kind of makes my eye twitch but it is fun I suppose.

    I hear you on the paper plates. About 8 years ago, my niece was living with me and paying down her student loans. During this time her serious boyfriend died in an accident in his home. My niece's friends came and put a kind of potluck together at the house for her. I asked them what they needed and the leader said "it's fine, we'll bring everything and clean up after". The leader arrived as I was headed out to give them privacy. Again I asked if she needed me to get anything for her and she looked at me and said "Where do you keep your paper plates?". She could not believe I didn't have a single disposable plate or cup in the house. She also could not believe that I had 50 dinner and salad plates in my basement with flatware and a basic bar service for 75. Plus, napkins. I bought my parents' house when they retired and mine was destroyed in a flood and mom left the stuff for entertaining behind. It came in handy that night as there were about 40 of them.


    Very pretty. One of my family friends chose "Old Country Roses" when she got married. It was amazing how many different pieces where available in that pattern. It's rather like Pfaltzgraff back in the day. I used to shop their factory outlet just to see what random pieces they could come up with-- I had "Heritage" which had all sorts of bits and bobs. My mom once bought me a tape dispenser in the pattern as a joke. Another year it was switch plate covers. I still have most of the serving pieces.


    Customer interactions are hard when a person isn't feeling 100% or has real difficulty in their own life. I recall managing the C/S of a huge grocery store while going through my divorce. I don't know how I didn't get charged with assault.

    I think you plan to retire and pick up something parttime is a brilliant idea.


    I am sorry you have tech issues. Yuck. The scammers have gotten so good that even a tech-savvy person has to be on their toes when online.


    I do hope you got out for Mexican food.

    The trip into the city to see the oncological surgeon went really well. My niece and her friend were confused by the path report. The doctor took her time and explained it in depth. The plan had been to do chemo to halt the progression of the invasive cancer and potentially shrink tumors so the surgery could be less extensive and that's exactly how it worked out. The friend was much relieved and while she'll need to make a decision about her ovaries and be followed at 6-month intervals, things look pretty good right now. I took her out for a celebratory cocktail before dropping her off at her apartment.

    My mom did OK with her vaccines. She was a little tired the day after, but mostly OK. I am vegging out today. The sun is finally out after 6 days of gloom. I may go buy some mums for my front step. The ones I bought last year were fully budded out but never bloomed. I transplanted them and they're heavily budded but still not blooming. I still don't know what color they are. The white ones from 2 years ago are massive and gorgeous. I think I'll try a different nursery. I should also start cleaning up my summer perennials.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Lorita from the beginning, it is never kept me signed in. I had wondered if other people have that problem, but didn’t want to ask once in a great while I get on and I’m still signed in, but it is very rare.

    Here is the melon. It is less green today than yesterday quite a bit. I smell it at times. The end gives just ever so slightly. So I’m just gonna check that each day because I don’t want it to get too ripe. I don’t like them very well when they get too ripe.

    At work years ago mentioned to a girl I worked with that I didn’t want a set of dishes that I wanted a mixture. My thought was that a set was boring I guess. She says to me that is what I do, I have a mixture. So that is what I did.

    hope I can finish up with backyard today, we’ll see

    take care

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Hacking.....it is rampant and the hackers look real. Really real. I had one and it had just a ghost of not looking real. When checking the address I found it was a PO Box in a small town in Kansas. It looked so real.

    My theory is that if someone really wants to get in contact they can mail me!

    Lorita...I do not know what tech club is but I would not let anyone take control of my computer. That said I do have a computer repair store where I know exactly who will be working on my computer. I feel comfortable using them.

    The ophthalmologist who checked my eyes yesterday said she did not think my fall caused any harm but that I had a veil of old cells on my right eye causing me to loose some sight. She said that she could fix it with laser surgery. I said OK. She asked "now?" I said OK. 30 minutes later it was finished. Amazing, yes?

    I have an occasional floater which she predicted. I keep thinking it is a bug flying and try to swat it away...lol.

    Splendid weather today.

    Love the photos.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    All the table settings are so pretty. Love the pretty tea cups. I seldom use a plate - mostly small dishes and sometimes paper pklates. I use them mostly for feeding the cats.

    Sara, when did you pull the melon? Were you afraid it wouldn't ripen on the vine? Still looks pretty green but not knowing the kind it is, it's hard to tell. Hope it's good. Your tomatoes look really good.

    Judith, I wish there was a good computer repair shop around here. I worked with one man when I got the new computer and he was really good. He was off yesterday. The one yesterday had a heavy accent and talked fast - made me nervous. I hate that things are the way they are where you can't even trust a phone number because they can make it look like another. My tablets are working all right just takes longer to write a post. Maybe that's good might make mine shorter.

    Just had a nice visit with Carol and we talked about how things are now not really knowing who or what to believe. I'm afraid it will get worse with AI.

    Got a good count on the heifers the first time this morning and saw all our girls. I'm being sure to see Gray Lady every day. It's so peaceful in the West pasture but weedy and lots of vines. Will really be.nice when they clear it all out this fall and winter. I need to get gravel on the driveway before winter and power to the barn. I need to call the electrician..

    Driveway alarm just went off it was the guys checking on the internet. All four lights were green so guess it's okay. I don't feel like dealing with tech club today so maybe tomorrow. Whatever happened to peace and quiet with no cares?

    Day, early retirement with a part-time job sounds good. I retired when I was 52 and it has been great. Life is too short to be in a really stressful job. I loved my work but this is better. I commuted 30 miles each way in all kinds of weather so that wasn't good.

    Scott, how are things with you? Maybe you can post and let us know.

    Ron, glad you got some good rain. It was much needed here. I had to order a new rain gauge. Got another jumbo and this one is larger- 26" long so have to put it up before we get more rain.

    Enjoy the rest of your day

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    I have paper nothing except paper towels for spills.

    My silver is Craftsman by Towle and my china is Wedgewood White. It was introduced in 1962. I do have my mother's cream on cream Wedgewood Queen'sware. I have "pine" chargers which I use instead of placements and always use cloth napkins. I have pine pepper mills and pine salt cellers.

    My table was made for Dick when he was with Air America in Laos. It only seats 6 so when I h ave more guests I put a piece of "nice" plywood on top. The children have started the tradition of guests leaving a written memo on the table top. I love it.

    Big trash pickup is next week to we will be doing a lot of yard clean up, I will mark what stays with some white spray paint and hope for the best.

    Happy news. I think the new volunteer tree is a Hackberry.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Hack berry trees are my favorite trees - you will love it. I need to call Bryon to see when he can clean up our yard. There's lots of branches and very little grass except crab grass which I will leave to go to seed for next year. Always more to do.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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