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Just need to talk to my friends (192)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Jerilyn, seems like it was someone maybe familiar with what you all had and where it was. Sad to think that though. Got up at sunrise and checked everyone. They heard the Gator or a truck and were ready to eat. I was able to see all the heifers and babies and now everyone is back to grazing trying to get that last blade of green grass.

    Bryon came about 9:45 and closed the barn door. Had a lot of shoveling but didn't even get him out of breath. Makes me feel so deficient, I guess you would say, that I can't do that anymore. The whole barn is snugged up.now just the big south double doors that stay open. Did close one years ago during a snowstorm.

    I found Bryon probably ten or eleven years ago and he has done all sorts of things for us to cleaning out a creepfeeder, killing wasps in a feeder,mowing and so on. Always tells me to call if I need anything. He even put in the new gasket in the PU window. Darwin always ways the sane thing - call if I need anything. Makes an old lady feel good to know there is someone I could call.

    Have to stop for now. Hope everyone is well today. No rain yet but it's coming.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 798
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    @Sayra we get brown eggs, they’re on the small side but the yolks are a deep orange and so flavorful..

    Been meaning to tell you my Mother was Sarah and pronounced “SayRa”.. and my youngest daughter lives in Washington Court House, Ohio!

    And, while shopping for frozen fruit I found frozen Minute Maid lemon juice made from concentrate.. maybe that would eliminate squeezing, if it would work for you..

    Lorita, I’m glad you have a helper… I’m 67 and can’t do so many things I used to.. it’s frustrating! My husband just came in from building stables and found me on the ladder trying to get the cover off the ceiling vent return and had a fit😂 He got it down for me and put it back after I washed it, lol

    It’s sunny and dry today but with storms coming in Tuesday.. hope everyone has a good day. Time for me to get in the kitchen and finish my house chores.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    HB, forgot to comment on what you said about your mother. You were staying away because of your exposure and the woman who took her turned out to have it. Glad your mom was negative. She sounds like a very young 85. Hope she stays negative.

    I haven't been anywhere for a while but didn't see anyone wearing a mask. I'm even wearing them outside here at home. The pollen or something really makes me sneeze and I think it's bothering Stormy because he scratches.

    Sara, the MH where Charles and I lived is about a quarter mile trim the farm house and people have gone in and ransacked it several times and stole things we were storing there. The house across from it has been vacant for a few years and Toad found someone in there making dope, also in the garage . I've been told that has happened a lot in vacant dwellings around the area. Guess they drive around and look for empty houses. Such a shame.

    Really feeling and looking like rain and feels cooler. I watched The Great Escape last night until 12:30 so didn't get a lot of sleep. Really a good movie. Watched The Magnificent Seven last week-"another good one. A couple of weeks ago Creature from the Black Lagoon was on. Took me back to my early teens when we went on a class trip to see it. Back later.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    There are so many things that I can no longer do. Physical things. Big and little things. Some II can work around...others are just annoying. Thankfully I do have people who come to my aid and life goes on. I am very busy with what I am still able to do like my work at the museum and the flip house which by the way is on hold due to tax issues. I am learning a lot about investments etc. I also am still involved with my history study and ancestry. Additionally there is Netflix etc to fill in the blanks.

    Wierd. Yesterday i could not see the letters on my keyboard . Really frustrating. Today it is like twilight outside and the keys are all lite up. I guess the "back-lite" works. Jokes on me.

    Yesterday I did not even get one box of stuff emptied. Several things left me searching for answers. One was a sketch of Anne Hathaway's cottage, Turns out the artist was a lifelong friend of my father's. He was an architect thus the lovely rendering. I searched and found a grandchild of his. I emailed. She replied and the piece is off to Chicago tomorrow morning.

    Hopefully that container will be emptied today and another one as well.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Judith, isn't it frustrating and annoying that we can't do things we want to do and used to? Glad you have help when you need it. Sounds like you keep pretty well busy.

    . Just got the barn door closed in time. It began to rain about half an hour ago and the girls are going into the barn. Wish the heifers and their babies could get inside.

    Watching QVC and ordered crumb cakes for me and Darwin and Donna. They are so good. I've sent them to Darwin before and they like them, too. Had pizza and pork and beans for lunch. Sara, you mentioned the beans and got me hungry for them. I need to get the vegetarian kind. I think they make them.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Lorita Glad you were able to get your odd jobs done. Always feels good to get that off your plate.

    Washington courthouse is south and west of me a little bit I believe. I’m about an hour north of Columbus. I’m using the Minute Maid lemon juice this week. It works it’s just like pure lemon juice the best I can tell and that’s what it looks like. But only one grocery store carries it and we have three grocery stores plus target that carries quite a bit of groceries. So anyway, I bought all three and I hope to stop by there tomorrow evening And pick up some more if they have them because it’ll take about four bottles for the week. They are 7 1/2 ounces each and I have to drink 28 ounces a week. Any little bit I get is Les lemons I have to juice myself. It’s more expensive if I only have to buy two bags of lemons, but it’s not that much more so if I have to buy the third bag of lemons, which I do once in a while, it’ll be cheaper buying the Minute Maid. Thank you for mentioning that to me.

    we are about the same age Jerilynn, I’ll be 66 in December. I feel like I do pretty good for my age, but can I do what I did when I was 40 , no, I get tired. I probably used to push myself too hard though. I realize that now. I was a pusher guessing you are too.

    That is interesting that your mother pronounced her name SayRah. I seen someone’s name one spelled Sayra so guessed that that’s how they pronounced theirs also.

    Lorita they probably do make a vegetarian version of the beans.

    To my surprise mom accepted the pumpkin roll and she told me she liked it. So I told her I’d bring her a piece every three or four days until it runs out.

    Ron, Joan,Beth and others thinking of you.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Lou is giving me the devil tonight, worse than ever before. I'll make it somehow with the help of our Lord.

    I mentioned that my high school class had started a monthly luncheon once a month and I was able to attend for the first time last Thursday. The biggest thrill was seeing a classmate that was essential in me being saved. In the mid 50s they had a youth revival at my church and he came to sit and pray with me. That was the night I excepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and savior. I found out he does a Facebook Bible study at 8am and enjoyed listening today before church.

    Hope and pray everyone that is fighting illneses are getting better.

    Ron's gotta go.......Lou needs settling down again.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Just heard Roslyn Carter passed away today. She was 96 and they had been married 77 years.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Ron....I remember times when I could not "settle" Dick. Thankfully he had an excellent Dr and we were able to make him more comfortable with drugs. They never "sedated" him...just made him more comfortable. Has Lou's Dr made any changes in her meds recently? It may wellbe time for a review.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Thinking of you, Ron, and hoping Lou has settled down. You are a very loving husband and a fantastic caregiver. Glad you are getting to see the friend who was helpful to you in finding the Lord.

    Judith, you live an interesting life. I admire you/am inspired by you. I enjoy your posts.

    Lorita, you certainly keep busy. Although you cannot do all the things you did a few years ago, I think all that you accomplish is remarkable. I think you being busy does help keep you young.

    I went to a wedding yesterday. The individuals were both widowed, and he is in his 70's; not sure about her age but probably late 60's or 70's. It was great to see my friend smile and be happy again after he had lost his wife to cancer 2 or 3 years ago. It also was nice to see several from my former church at the wedding. Always good to catch up.

    Hubby is getting better and stronger. He has a ways to go in rehab before coming home. I am missing him in more ways than one. While I do see him most days, there have been house and yard "things" (problems) that I have had to deal with totally on my own. I will say I do have helpers, some that I pay and some like my son who is very, very helpful.

    Eagle, I am praying for you and your DH, that you will soon feel much better. Also, that HB and her family do not come down with the virus.

    I cut back my potted mums and brought them into the garage. I hope they survive the winter. Although the flowers had turned brown, there is lots of fresh green on the plants. I have also been doing LOTS of raking (getting tired of it!). Almost every day for 3 weeks I've spent an hour or two at it. The backyard is done. The front yard, well, my next door neighbor has a huge oak tree that loses some, which I rake up, and then loses some more with the wind...still a lot to come down and I can see that my gutter on the front of the house is now full. I want to wait to hire someone to clean out the gutters until the tree has lost all or most of its' leaves. It's probably lost about 1/2 of its' leaves now.

    I hope everyone has a good week and a Happy Thanksgiving.

    Hugs, Beth

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Beth, glad your husband is continuing to improve. Hope his spirits are doing OK too. No it’s easy to get down on ourselves in a situation like that.

    Hope Lou got settled down for you Ron yes never know how you’ll find them.

    Hope each one as a peaceful day.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Life with dementia! Lou was the perfect angel getting ready fir bed; knew who I am, told me how much she loved me and kissed me goodnight. LOVE THESE TIMES!

    I have a VA appointment this morning, suppose to be storms later, but hope I get there and back before it gets to bad.

    Oldest son and his family is suppose to come fir Thanksgiving. I told him the cooking would be left up to them. Probably want be the traditional Thanksgiving dinner!

    Still praying for all the sick front porch rockers!


  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,359
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    Good morning porch-people.

    It's quiet this morning ahead of a busy day. I'm meeting my bestie tomorrow at the feed store. I have several bags of clothing (2 of shoes from mother) for a thrift shop that funds her work with those who are unhoused. I want to make a couple loaves of cheese bread to give her. She makes me cookies (and a batch for mom as well) every time I see her, so I like to surprise her with the bread when I can. I treated myself to a new bigger Cuisinart food processor which should make this easier. Costco had them on sale-- I took it as a sign from the universe. My current Cuisinarts are both over 35 years old and aren't long for this world. I broke a work bowl last week which was frustrating.

    I have to drop my laptop off for a tuning and to have a new security suite installed. Normally I'd do this myself but I am having an issue connecting to my printer-- I can still print from my phone but sometimes I need to scan things. Then I have to re-swab my mom and take her to PT assuming she's still negative. (@Lorita what you described is exactly what happened with mom) Then I see the dentist at 6pm for who-knows-what. I'm hoping root canal (words I never thought I'd say). Otherwise, I'm guessing extraction and an implant which takes some time and plenty o' money.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Sara, instead of drinking the lemon juice straight, can you make lemonade with it or does that defeat the purpose? I can't imagine that I could drink it without diluting it somehow.

    Ron, watch out today - just saw the weather and you're on the edge of the bull's eye for severe weather. Hopefully, you'll just get rain. So happy you got to reconnect with your dear friend.

    We had rain overnight - total of 1" for yesterday and last night. Woke up sometime during the night and it was thundering. I went out after it stopped raining here - my boots had been on the porch and had to dry them out and the seat of the Gator was set. I keep a heavy rug on the seat for Stormy to sit on so he won't damage the leather seat so pulled it over and it was okay. Checked the barn - no one was in there - seems so much better to have it all closed up - except the south door, Drove down to see the heifers - all of them and the calves were down by the main gate which had blown closed from the strong east wind we had yesterday. So, saw all of them and ours were across the driveway so they looked okay.

    Toad just came and fed the heifers and pulled our cows out in front of the house to take them up to the MH to feed. All of them won't make it so won't get grain but he'll give them hay - not sure about that though. Talked with Mike last night and mentioned the cow who was injured this summer. There's no way she can ever make it up to get feed so he's going to bring feed and when I can I'll get her up and feed her until he can take her down by the clinic to feed her each day. She can walk all right - but it's slow. Toad just came back through so didn't give them hay. There's still some grass in those pastures but they plan to start feeding hay to all of their cattle this weekend.

    Ron, Darwin has the same problem with his wife. She's very, very forgetful and sometimes accuses him of things so he has to be very careful - and I have to be careful about calling. He usually calls me when he's away from the house. He's so thrilled when she's in a good mood and, like Lou, tells him she loves him. They're such a cute couple - just like you and Lou.

    I'm trying to figure out what kind of harness to order for Stormy. He's as gentle as can be but when the vet comes around he really acts up - doesn't want him around him. He's had to treat his foot he hurt and maybe that's what's wrong. When he gives them the allergy shots I have to open the gate and let both of them start through and stop them so he can give them the shot. Sheena's fine but Stormy is so strong, hard to hold him

    .Can't remember all I wanted to say so will have to reread the previous posts. I've been thinking about President Carter - he's 99 and he's lost his love of 77 years - I doubt he'll last much longer. Usually when someone loses their husband or wife of many years the grief is so strong, they leave this world, too. Daddy passed away in 1995 and I lost mother 13 months later. They had been married 66 years.

    Need to stop and finish my hot tea - while it's hot. Sandy, so enjoyed our visit last evening. Still can't figure out those pictures and texts - gremlins at work for sure. Hope you're well this morning and had a good night's sleep. I'm going to take a nap this afternoon - slept well but this is napping weather.

    I need to get my WM order placed - I wanted to make a pumpkin pie or the filling at least so need to get some carnation milk. I had two cans but they were outdated - guess I was saving them for a rainy day and never used them.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Ron glad blue perked up a little bit for you. My mom is a little like that too. You never quite know how she will be.

    HB Cheese bread sounds good.

    Lorita. I do dilute lemon juice in 16 ounces of plain water. Would probably be hard on my stomach if I didn’t.

    Thinking of all that do not feel well

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Sandy, I looked at those pictures again and this time noticed the date on them was Sept. 30, 2021. Didn't see the date yesterday. Problem solved!

    Sara, don't think I ever mentioned it but ny grandmother's name was Sarah Bertie. My niece , Sarah, was named after her. Pretty name.

    You know you and Jerilynn are youngsters. I can barely remember when I was your age but do know we were knee deep in doing everything. Time flies so enjoy your age.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Hi, heard on the nightly news tonight that we can order our more covid tests even if we ordered them earlier this i fall at Covidtests.gov

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Had a good rain and storm stayed mostly to the southeast of us.

    VA appointment went well, I was asked to start a grieving therapy with one of the mental health counselors who is the VA chaplain. I do understand that as this disease progresses it is like losing a loved one, so I'll see how it goes.

    Just helped Lou in bed so a little uninterrupted tv time for me.


  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    edited November 2023

    Welp, here I am with another cautionary tale. Last Tuesday I was changing a light bulb and on a stepstool, I lost my balance, fell, had to call 911 and I have a fractured tibial plateau and some injury to the fibula. I am now on a walker, stuck on the 2nd floor. I have taken off work until this Friday, when I will go back (thank goodness it's from home), because I need time to acclimate to doing everything on a walker. My leg is in a full-leg immobilizer and I am non-weightbearing. They aren't planning to do surgery, but I haven't had my first orthopedics appointment yet. This will be for at least a few months. I am watching Bob and Brad videos to get ideas for using my walker and for exercises I can do to keep mobility while this is healing.

    I have spent the time trying to find a person to walk Chucky in the evenings (got that done and she showed up last night), but I had 2 people totally disappear on me prior. First orthopedics appointment is tomorrow morning, probably just an x-ray to compare to last week and I know I have at least 5 more weeks of total non-weightbearing. Tomorrow my plan is to have my brother take my walker downstairs (he's driving) and scoot down the stairs, then scoot up when we come back. At least my upper body strength is improving. I had to get a toilet riser so I could go to the bathroom and get back up by myself!

    I will never live on the 2nd floor again. At least if I lived on the ground floor I'd be able to get him outside myself but navigating those stairs is a big NO.

    Chucky's good, he's been a great buddy through this. I am just disgusted with myself for not having better balance. So that's my tale. Sheesh!

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
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    Dear d2n, so sorry to hear of your accident. Hope your recovery is swift. Is there anyway to change your living arrangements to be on the first floor while you mend?

    Living alone I also worry when having to get up on a stepstool to change light bulbs. Good thing you were able to get to phone to call 911. One of the things I did for emergency sake was to get a combination locking deadbolt put on the front door, I leave the door knob one unlocked. Now if family or rescue needs to come I can just tell them the code so they don't have to go to extreme measures to get to me.

    Another thing I do is when I go to shower I take the phone with me and place it on a towel which hangs over the sink cabinet. That way if I end up on the floor I can just pull on the towel to get the phone down to my level.

    So many things to consider when living alone...unfortunately some we don't think of until after an accident.

    Wishing you well, soonest.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
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    edited November 2023

    Do any of you eat hominy? For those of you who don't know what that is...it is a type of corn that has been soaked in an alkali solution to remove the hull and germ...it is white. It is a good protein source. The canned product is fully cooked and just requires heating up.

    I make a sausage gravy, but for those of you who don't eat meat a plain gray made with butter, flour and milk works good too. Once the gravy is done just dump in the hominy, break it up (as it comes pretty solidly packed) and heat it up. I like it with apple sauce. It is very filling. I even take the left overs and freeze them in individual servings, then just heat up in the microwave. A quick meal for sure.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Dayn2nite, I'm praying you have a quick recovery. I wonder some times when I'm changing light bulbs, what would happen if I fall. Lou would be no help, I tried to get her to help me with a bandaid the other day and it didn't work.

    Loveskitties, I have two cans of homey in my shelf now! Never tried it in a gravy, but will have to sometime.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    edited November 2023

    Day....that is a dreadful update....so sorry. Please do not stay away so long!!!!

    Suggestion... Get a rollator. You can cart stuff around on the seat and it has brakes. A walker can slip out from under you.

    Little Giant makes a great step ladder...2 steps with an extended bar to hold on to. I have been looking at it for months. Now the incentive to order. They have had them on QVC. Will check their price.

    Phone on towel next to shower...great idea.

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    I called 911 from my Apple watch, so that was covered. They had to use a transport chair to get me down the stairs, since the gurney couldn't be maneuvered due to the configuration of the stairs. I actually fell from the Little Giant step ladder, so I don't think I'll be using any stepladders again.

    I don't have the option of moving to the 1st floor - my lease doesn't end until July anyway and my entire apartment is on the 2nd floor. My next apartment will not be on floor 2, I can assure you.

    The dog walker has a key so she comes in and Chucky goes down by himself to her and she takes him out and back in. I yell hi and bye to her - she comes every night. My brother handles daytime, I just need her because he has to go out at least once while my brother is at work. He lives here now, so I'm not alone. He was at work when all this happened, though, so I was by myself for about 4 hours and I was so exhausted from the pain I just told him I would call 911 the next morning, I just wanted to sleep.

    I'm hoping I have good bone healing like I did when I broke my foot years ago - I healed faster than normal and I was smoking at the time. I haven't smoked for 10 years, but I'm older now so we'll see.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Was it the Little Giant with the top extension? I think it is only two steps.

    Hominy a good source of protein? Now that is surprising since it is an incomplete protein. It does make wonderful Posole. Hmmm, that will be cooking in my crockpot next week.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Marie, I love hominy cooked low with pepper. I ordered some thinking it was the small cans and it was one of those big cans. Opened it the other day, drained it and put it in freezer bags, two cups each. That's how they said to freeze it. Took a couple of the bags to Darwin a few days ago. Now all I have to do is add a little water and pepper and cook it down until it's thickened. Like it with brown beans - never tried it with gravy.

    Day, I've been wondering about you and what had happened to you. So sorry about the fall and injuries - hope they heal soon. It's very dangerous to get up off the floor on anything, especially when you're alone. I used to replace a light bulb in mother's bedroom - high ceilings - I'd stand on a chair and if she just touched my leg it helped with my balance. I won't replace that light when it goes out. If I have to replace one I have a three-step stool that I use that has a handle I can hold onto. Had to do that in the pantry a few days ago. But, it's scary and not safe. Anything that gets our feet off the floor is a bad thing to have to do.

    It's cold and cloudy here today. Wore a winter coat, trapper's hat and gloves when I checked the girls. Still couldn't find that white cow plus one of the two remaining white calves was gone. Finally dawned on me that they might have gotten through the west fence into the neighbor's meadow. The two white calves were by that fence late yesterday. Called our neighbor and he said they were there, grazing. Called Mike and he'll have Toad get them back in and fix the fence. I've had all the fences replaced except a little over a quarter mile of the west fence. There's a line of trees, close together, so thought it would be okay - evidently not.

    Had a text from Sarah - she's really sick and her throat is so sore she can't talk. Supposed to see another doctor tomorrow for test results and appointments with other doctors to see if they can help. Hope it works out.

    Quiet day here after I got back inside. Did talk with the car salesman and he said they're getting a lot of new cars in and have several good, used ones. Maybe I can get in to see them next week. I don't think I'll like to do car shopping by myself.

    Sheena and Stormy are outside so I'll stop and let them back in. Take care and be careful - everyone.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 798
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    Day, I’m so sorry!!

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    edited November 2023

    Marie, I have only had hominy one time that I can remember and it was in first or second grade in the school cafeteria. No I did not like it. Sounds like quite a few of you guys here do though.

    L O L a few years ago I broke my heel Day. I got up and down the steps a lot by scooting. It worked pretty good.

    I like that phone on the towel idea too.

    dark and rainy here all day not complaining just how it is. Very thankful for rain.

    went grocery shopping at 6 AM this morning and was home at 7:30 AM. I hope I do not have to go out til after the weekend. I took J the things that she wanted and visited her a little bit today. I’ve had a very busy day but I'm not too tired. I am caring for mom the next two days so I tried to get as much done as possible.

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Yes, the 2-step one. I was on the higher step. Ahhh well, I have been beating myself up for a week now over this.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Day, I am so sorry about your accident. I hope and pray that you heal quickly.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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