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Just need to talk to my friends (191)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Good for you, Ron. Nice of the lady to tell you this. Transportation to and from is always a problem when you have things done.

    I'm getting exasperated now with the VA. Since Charles was 100% SC we were able to get a reduced fee for our vehicle tags. I haven't had to use that for years because the PU is old enough the tag price is the lowest it can be, however, I wanted to get a card or letter to use when I do get another vehicle. Last week I tried to call the ODVA (Okla. Dept. of Veterans Affairs) at the VA Regional Office. Could not get through but was given a number to call (somewhere). I finally got through and gave all the information and was told it was be 4-6 weeks before I got the letter. No problem. This morning I received a call from OKC and another toll free call giving me another number to call. So, after waiting 25 minutes got through and had to go through the same thing I told them last week. I got a call center - where I don't know. Muskogee has one that's huge and they get calls from all over the USA. Why they have to make things so difficult I don't know. I don't even know if the VARO has an ODVA office now or not. Anyway, she said I should get the letter in 7-10 days. It's not a letter, it's a summation of his military service, etc. We'll see what happens. Change is not always for the better.

    Jo and Joan, I've seen those shoes advertised on TV and they look easy to get into. Sketchers has lots of pretty ones. I can't wear anything that has a back that lands on my Achille's tendon - can't wear sandals with a strap on the back, just slides or mules.

    Just cooked some mac and cheese - haven't had that in a long time and it tasted good. There's a container (of something) in the freezer that I need to get out and see what it is. May be a container of brown beans - hope so. Getting a bit tired of butter beans.

    Those advertisements I see on TV about animals being out in the heat and cold are so pitiful - I can't watch them. This morning Sarah called and said Todd had put their cats (three, I think) outside. She can't clean the litter boxes and he doesn't want to so put them outside. I told her to make him bring them back inside. They aren't used to being outside and one of them is a kitten. Can't understand people. Stormy and Sheena go out for five minutes and want back inside - hope he brings them inside.

    Ron, we'll all be thinking of you in the morning - hope all goes well. Just think - Wednesday this will all be over - after all the waiting.

  • scott
    scott Member Posts: 10

    My wife is 64 and has been struggling with memory and personality changes for about 6 years. She has been diagnosed with mild Alz and I am trying to be as supportive as I can but every day is tough. I try to be positive and fight my own anxiety but it is time to reach out to others going through this with their spouse. Just looking to chat with others in the same situation. Thanks, Scott

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Scott, welcome to Lorita's front porch. The front porch is a beautiful place to be with wonderful friends. We listen, share our experiences and also talk and share parts if our lives that has nothing to do with our caregiver duties. Vent......its a great release!

    My wife started with mild dementia over 8 years ago and it has slowly progressed. All of us has to deside for ourselves the way to care for our spouse. I care for my wife at home and because of great advice I've gotten on the front porch, I now have someone come in a couple of hours each day where I can have time for myself.

    The porch has a great bunch of ladies; some have lost their loved one and others have not. They all are a true caring bunch that looks out for each other.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Welcome to our front porch, Scott. Glad you decided to join us. Like Ron said, this is a safe place to come and discuss anything. Ask any questions you might have, however, small. We're all here to help. Like Ron said, many of us have lost our husbands - I lost Charles 8 1/2 yr. ago. I was the sole caregiver for him for seven years. I was fortunate in that I was able to keep him at home and care for him. We lived in the country so it was quiet for him. You'll get to know all of us as time goes on. Again, nice that you found us. There's always someone around to visit with and to answer any questions you might have and make suggestions if you like.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, what sort of critter is Rusty?

  • scott
    scott Member Posts: 10

    Thank you Lorita. I look forward to conversing with you all. Sometimes a simple post can help a lot. God bless

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Iris, Rusty is the cutest little squirrel you ever saw. He loves sunflower seeds and peanuts. He'll get one in his little paws and put both of them up to his mouth and eat them. We don't usually have squirrels but for the past few months Rusty has been here and sometimes two others. Fun to watch them play on the tree trunks. He's getting pretty tame - he'll sit on the bannisters when I come out the front door but still runs away if I get close. I got ten pounds more of bird seed today - mostly sunflowers - now if I can keep the grasshoppers away from it so he can eat the seeds.

    Scott, you're so right - sometimes just to talk to someone or ask a question you've been thinking about helps so much - just to know you're not alone. When I started this thread 15 years ago Charles had just been diagnosed with vascular dementia. I had no idea how to deal with it even though my mother has alzheimers - it's different when it's your husband or wife. I found answers to all my questions and much more - made a lot of good friends, many of whom are still on the thread - all ready to help in any way they can. I also lost my sister to alzheimers two or three years ago. It's an awful disease for both the person who has it and for the caregiver. You've found a good place so join us on the front porch - we're a friendly group.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Welcome, Scott.

    Lorita, I had a scare from a squirrel once. One was in the olive tree that is right next to my balcony. I was afraid it might jump onto my balcony and INTO my home. Also it might have fought with my cats. I kept my doors and windows closed for a week, until I was sure it had gone. Whew! What a close call!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Iris, I remember when you told us about that. I don't have any experience with squirrels - we never had them at the MH. I guess because trees can be so far apart they're not something that's usual.

    It's already hot here this morning. Supposed to be about 102 today with a higher heat index. Didn't feel too well when I woke up - I think I had been sleeping on my left side so my costo was hurting. When I went out on the porch some of the girls were going up toward the MH - they walked through the south part of the pond where it's more shallow. Didn't go out into the pasture this morning. Fed the birds and Rusty.

    I do hear the tree-eater this morning but I won't go over to look at it this morning. Weather just said this is the Sturgeon Moon - supposed to be brighter tonight. I can remember how our loved ones reacted to the full moon - going to be a rough month for Ron. Isn't this the morning when he has his appt.? Hope all goes well. I'll stop and drink my hot tea - sort of hungry, too.

  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 524
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    Lorita your right - its gonna be hot hot hot today. I am so thankful for air conditioning, seriously. Since our power grid tends to go down I try to keep the car with a full tank of gas, or almost full. I figure if we loose power I can put Don and the dogs in the car & we'll go for a ride - with air conditioning.

    This morning I'm to go and get multiple cases of water - fill the trunk up. Then drop off half at the police station and half at the fire station. These first responders are in desperate need of water and that's something we can do. They put their lives on the line and dealing with the heat, it's too much.

    Scot welcome. You'll find just chatting will very often make you feel better. We've been on this journey 12 years, and you will find each day will be different. Celebrate the good ones and try your best to block out the bad ones.

    The clock just chimed 9:00am and its 99 already. I best get ready and on our errand.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
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    Eagle they will appreciate the water. I’m very thankful for the first responders. Know that heat is though.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    EUS with aspiration scheduled for 1:15 Friday afternoon! Funny all the trouble I went through to get to the right people and after today's appointment its scheduled for in 3 days.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Hi again,

    Ron, so glad your appointment is scheduled. I know this will put your mind at ease. It'll be here and over with before you know it. I saw on the weather this morning that you're under a heat alert - all of your State is and Texas, Oklahoma and others.

    Eagle, it's 11:30 here and my laptop says it's 93. It was fairly comfortable very early this morning. We had some breeze then - not sure about now but if you haved air blowing it does help some. Okay, I do see some leaves blowing - not sure which direction the wind is from - south, I imagine.

    I went out and filled the water tank in the garden since the girls are spending afternoons under the trees there and it's awful how some of our trees look. We have a huge, black walnut tree out there and there are no leaves on it - just walnuts. In all my life I've never seen that before. If you all ever watched The Munsters on TV, the way our yard looks reminded me of that show. The shrubs are bare - no leaves on most of them. what looks so bad (well, all of it does) are the hollies in front of the porch - just big bushes with no leaves. Most of the althea are leafless and so are the crepe myrtles. Normally in our back yard there would be shrubs with pretty blooms, like big bouquets of flowers - we had one bloom on a crepe myrtle earlier. We have one althea - a white one - that's still blooming and has leaves. No grass in the yard except for a couple of places. It's really scary.

    I'm watching QVC and they have Beckman's goat milk products on. The today's special value is a big tub of body cream and two big bars of soap. I've never tried it but it sounds really good for dry skin. Have any of you tried any of these products? They have three little goats on with them and they are so cute. Okay, gotta stop and charge this laptop. I need to bring the charger cord in here. Back later.

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Hi all. Welcome Scott. I hope you will enjoy our front porch gang. I imagine Ron will appreciate having another male joining the group. My dh passed 4 years ago from Alz. He was diagnosed in 2004. Come often and chat.

    Jo. Thanks for answering my questions. You’re a woman of many answers for me lately. I ordered a pair of Kizies. They look like they have a wider toe box which I like, and I think they’re good looking shoes. I have mostly over the head shirts, so sounds like I’ll be okay.

    Eagle, what a thoughtful thing to deliver bottled water. I’m sure it will be very appreciated.

    Ron, so happy you are getting in quickly to have your test. It will be nice to have that over. One step at a time, right? I’m keeping you in my prayers.

    You all need to be on my front porch today. The monsoon rains are here. It’s 71 degrees and raining off and on. We had quite the lightening and thunder storm around noon. I’m loving it.

    im off to get my hair cut. Have a quiet and cool afternoon. Joan

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All.

    Welcome Scott. I'm Zetta my DH passed away 6 years ago. I felt very welcome here on the porch. I had so many questions answered, may not have been the same answers, but all good. The front porch has many friends from all over, I live in Oregon. Lorita started this tread about15 years ago and we are all members of her front porch, and we know all about her cows alks the girls. I love hearing about her girls, I never realized that they had personalities. I look at cows different now.

    Joan. You have to be so ready after all the suggestions you received from Jo. You can do this you're a strong lady and you will have so many prayers and well wishes from all you front porch friends.

    Eagle. That is very thoughtful of you taking water to the first responders. Iam sure they enjoy that along with your kindness.

    Iam enjoying my 3 day a week job at the AL/MC facility. I was told I was the best dishwasher they have had in a long time. I tell them to just stay out of my way so I can do my job I don't need any input on how to wash dishes. :) Iam glad Iam in the kitchen some of them old people in AL are so needy. But so sweet at the same time. So, I work hard 3, 8-hour days and rest for 4 days. So far Iam enjoying it. It makes me feel good getting out and doing something.

    The weather here has been really nice. Right now, it is 92 but I have AC, so Molly Sammy Emmy and I are staying inside be really cool. (Scott. Molly Sammy and Emmy are my dog and 2 cats) Iam cooking a big batch of bacon we decided bacon and waffles sounded good so that's what we will be having here soon.

    Take Care All, Hugs Zetta

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Joan, stand outside in the cool air and rain for me a while. It's 102 here right now with heat index of 112. The highways are beginning to buckle. When they buckled in 1980 , I think, you had to be careful driving because of the buckling.

    Just saw the girls had come down to the pond - at least they can stand in the water and cool off a bit. I took a nap this afternoon but Stormy thought he heard something outside so it was shortlived. In my last post, I said The Munsters. I think I meant the Adams Family. Remember she'd have roses blooming, would cut them and then cut off the roses and put the stems in the vase. I don't have anything blooming and won't have until the grasshoppers are gone and we have rain. I'm so afraid this may be killing trees.

    Zetta, so glad you're enjoying your job but I know your fur babies are missing you while you're gone.

    Scott, I have two Great Pyrenees, Stormy, 8 1/2 yr. old and Sheena, 9 1/2 yr. old; three cats; Max, Lilly and Sammy. Did have over 50 head of cattle but the end of 2021 I sold them to our veteranian. They're still here so I still feel like they're mine and keep check on them. I think this 50+ head is up to about 70 now with all the new babies. He also had about 35 head of heifers in the other pastures. I dread the day he has to sell any of my girls - in my heart they're still mine. I had gotten to the point it was going to be really hard for me to feed them during the winter - he had already been feeding hay for me for a few years.

    Cooked some squash and onions today - tasted good and also some farfalle. At supper I ate two butterbeans and they tasted funny so didn't eat any more - they looked all right. Now, I have to do dishes again.

    Watching the World News - nothing good so don't know why I even bother. Everyone, have a good evening and those of you who have cool weather, please enjoy for those of us who are sweltering.

  • scott
    scott Member Posts: 10

    Lorita its hot here too. Seems like a 100 plus everyday. Love that TX heat, not. I am really glad l found this connection with everyone here. I know I am new here but ask whatever you like of me. Lorita I have a shelter dog and inherit my son’s s cats a couple weeks a month.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Welcome, Scott! I'm Beth from Iowa. My mom was my loved one with dementia. I was a caregiver for her, initially while she was still able to live at home and later as she was in AL and nursing care facility. She passed away in 2017. I'm still here. I enjoy the camaraderie on the "front porch."

    I have a dog and a cat. I'm a retired nurse. I love to garden and to travel.

    Welcome again!


    p.s. It is HOT here too! (I have a daughter in Houston).

  • scott
    scott Member Posts: 10

    I am 65 and semi-retired. I have been taking a few months off when I need to care for my parents. Mom can hardly walk and has white matter disease and my stepdad got his leg amputated this time last year. My DW is in stage 4 and is still able to manage all her living skills. Her change is more in her memory, personality, and emotions. I am a clinical therapist in a brain injury rehab dealing with stroke and TBIs but nothing prepared me for my DW’s struggle.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Welcome Scott

    I live in North Central Ohio. My mom is who I try to help. She is not diagnosed as she is very noncompliant medically. Am a retired respiratory therapist and volunteer 2 days a week at a hospital. Have no pets but like to cook and raise flowers and a few veggies.

    Joan got my Altras. The ones I got are softer than my New Balances with pronation control. Love the toe box. Read you should gradually get use to no drop shoe. So just wearing a few hours each day but so far so good. We will see.

    take care everyone, especially those living where it is so hot

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Good morning.

    Sarah, glad you like your Altras so far. I’ve been wearing mine more, and they’re feeling better. The toe box is nice and roomy. I still love the Topos brand. I put those on today. I’ll see how the Kizik step in shoes feel when I get them. I’ll need them after surgery so I don’t have to bend to tie them. I’ll let you know how they feel.

    My painter is working hard in sanding and cleaning up siding before he paints. He’s sanding deck and going to stain it so I don’t have peeling paint in a year. I’m going to love that.

    Lorita, I’m going to try and attach a couple of videos of the storm yesterday. It was awesome. I enjoyed it for you. I’m sorry those grasshoppers are destroying everything in your area. I hope they’re gone soon. Makes me wonder if the plants will die or come back in the spring. Colorado’s sweet Olathe corn is having trouble with worms this year. They had to dispose over 40 percent of the crop.

    Scott, I don’t have any pets now. My old kitty passed a couple of years ago. You have an interesting career.

    HB, I hope you’re enjoying your break.

    Beth, my yard and flowers are not pretty this year. My yard guy can’t seem to get the lawn in the front yard to green up. In July the heat struck and it is burning up the grass. Hopefully this week he can get the sprinklers adjusted and the grass looking better.

    Jo, I’m hoping all is fine with Bill’s recovery and that your back and knees are feeling better.

    Have a good day everyone. Joan

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Not sure what I’m doing wrong, but I can’t get videos to post. I’ll keep trying.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Hello everyone and welcome Scott. I live in SoCal and am a retired RN who was Administrator of Patient Care Management in acute med centers. I also headed up the Social Services, Case Management, Discharge Planning and Utilization Departments, so I have a very strong background in not only clinical care, but also in the myriad different needs and issues for care after discharge . . . BUT despite all of that. . . nothing prepared me for having dementia come to stay with my own Loved Ones. All the degrees, book knowledge and professional experience did not make one whit of difference. I had to start at step one and climb the learning ladder from the bottom, one rung at a time and sometimes sliding backwards before I could move forward again.

    My mother had a behavioral variant of FrontoTemporal Dementia or as one Member here put it; "Alzheimer's on steroids." At the same time, my step-dad, her husband, was diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease and my MIL and GMIL both had Alzheimer's Disease. It was very long learning curve experience.

    Joan, I am interested to find out how the Kitzik shoes work for you. I would like to try a pair but have wide feet and I most often end up with having to send shoes back for not fitting well. I too look for the wider, deeper toe box. Sometimes I am startled by how shallow and thin shoe toe boxes are and wonder how people can wear them. Remember the old day corn plasters? Hardly see them any more but bet that some folks could use them with the way some of the shoes are now being made. Hope they work out for you. Your deck will be lovely when it is finished; so nice to have things freshened up; will be a nice place to sit and enjoy after you return home from rehab. I would have loved to have sat and enjoyed the storm with you. Snug as a bug in the house while watching and listening to the sounds and how nice and cool that must have been.

    DH doing okay with recovery and standing/sitting no longer a problem issue, SO much easier and walking much easier by far. He now goes for short walks outside and goes about four houses down and back. Sometimes he overdoes himself and then he is extremely tired and even a bit weak seeming. He is still recovering from a multiple hours surgery which he forgets.

    He really wants to be his "old" self complete with no issues; a bit impatient and a bit stubborn. He did say he needs to pace himself more. Thank goodness over and over again for our daughter being out here; but she leaves on the 15th. May have to find someone to come in for a few weeks to assist with laundry, and a few main meals to augment. I am truly hampered by arthritis and he is still recovering. Not yet ready to resume our usual way of being. Sure wish I knew someone who could come in for a bit of time, really would rather not have to hire a stranger. Ah well.

    This is the weekend our away son is supposed to come to visit if he is feeling well enough. He has serious cardiac disease; has had cardiac bypass; the outcome was not as good as would have been wished. Will be good to see him, even if it is only for a day or so give or take.

    Been very humid here; some rain next county over and it really pushed the moist air. For me, humidity is the big awful more so than the heat alone. If I had to be outside I would wilt in a second or two.

    Ron; I will be thinking of you on Friday and hoping for the very best news. So glad you are finally able to get the fine needle biopsy addressed so you will know which way you will need to go or not need to go. For all the fuss and dreadful length of time it took to get someone to listen to get it going, they sure got it scheduled fast when you got to the right people. Hope Lou is settling and doing a bit better behavior wise.

    Lorita, I can just picture the cattle standing in the pond to stay cool. Do any of them take their babies with them when they go for a nice soak? Those Great Pyrenees, those coats must feel awfully hot these days considering; are they staying mostly in the house? Such lovely dogs and so loving and protective. Hope your deliveries will be better next time around. It has been an ongoing tribulation, that is for sure. Still can't believe the last fellow left the deliveries in the trash can; perhaps he thought that is what it was there for, so can't fault him, he was doing his best. I do wish they made it to your front porch thought considering your costo and that you are now in the no longer a spring chicken category. Not too many of us here that are not in the same, ahem; "mature" category of life.

    Sayra; how is your mother doing these hot summer days? Hopefully, she is at least being on an even keel for awhile. She is so blessed to have such good daughters. Wonder what you have been cooking up lately; your kitchen is always busy and I bet your house smells wonderful from all the good stuff on the stove and in the oven.

    Zetta; bet that facility counts its blessings in having found you. Had to smile about your telling them to keep out of your way. It is nice to be productive and still have those four off duty days to recoup, relax and do what you wish to do.

    Time to exit stage left and get some things done. Have to get some returns ready for clothes I bought from an online catalog and have to go back. Sigh. May this be a good Wednesday for everyone and that we all can stay nice and cool.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Hi everyone,

    My laptop says it's 101 - I do see a few leaves moving. Early, early when I went out there was not one leaf moving - it was dreadful but not as hot as it is now.

    Jo, everyone goes in the pond to cool off. Scares me when the little ones follow all the others across the pond - sometimes they swim over, then back again. I think they're all in the shade south of the house. If the grasshoppers keep eating there won't be any shades. A few days ago I had ordered a sack of potato chips and, they were crushed so I left them on the front porch. This morning there were grasshoppers in the sack. Poor things - desperate for something to eat.

    There's a big spider in the house. I started into the front bedroom yesterday and there was one in a web on the doorfacing. Looked sort of like the big black and yellow ones you see in the fall but it wasn't as heavy-looking. Guess I should have killed it but got the flyswatter and tried to get it on it to take outside. It got away and I'm afraid it's in the recliner somewhere. I have some Zevo so will spray underneath it. I haven't felt well today so maybe I can do it tomorrow. I don't know what happened last night - must have had one heck of a dream because when I got up my shoulder hurt, my ribs and stomach hurt and my legs hurt. It's some better now - also had a headache - must have really slept hard. I do remember Stormy wanted out about 4 so got up and let him out and then back in.

    Jo, Stormy and Sheena are staying inside all the time except to go out two or three times a day to take care of business. It's way too hot for them to be out more than a few minutes. I feel sorry for anyone or anything that has to be outside.

    Scott, I live in Oklahoma so most of the time your weather is our weather but you all have been hotter for a longer time than us.

    Did you all see the super moon last night? It was so bright and big - looked almost like daylight outside. Joan, thanks for enjoying the coolness and rain for us. When it does rain here I am going to go out and stand in it. It's supposed to get some cooler this weekend and only be about 89 on Monday with a 30% chance of rain - that dratted heat dome is going to move back west - hope it stays.

    I think I'll stop and lay back down for a while. Don't like to not feel good. Yesterday I cooked squash and onions together and farfalle. Had some of that for supper plus I had a few butterbeans left over. Tasted one of them and it tasted sort of odd but I ate another one and it tasted the same. Didn't eat more but I doubt two butterbeans, even though they're big, would make me feel bad. Maybe the heat's getting to me even though I'm not out in it very much. Bothers me to not be able to see the girls except through binoculars.

    You all stay in and stay cool. I'm going to have to look into those shoes - I need something that will help Morton's Neuroma. Back later.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,364
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    I may be enjoying mom's trip more than she is. DH and I snuck out to see the Barbie Movie yesterday. Barbie was probably my favorite toy as a kid; I even do a Christmas tree decorated entirely in Barbie ornaments. We had a blast and ate an entire tub of XL popcorn in lieu of dinner with Dark Chocolate Raisinets for dessert.

    My niece and mom are updating me on their adventure individually. One would hardly know they're on the same trip. Mom makes things sound very normal but she's wickedly ADHD and her sister is crazy so my niece has been texting a very different version of each day- including mom making a wrong turn out of the hotel to get to Auntie's condo, Auntie and mom breaking into niece's room after a tipsy lunch and video-bombed a meeting with niece's team at work, and Auntie offering niece half a BLT and some crackers from her lunch doggie bag as dinner since she and mom weren't hungry (when niece said she'd grab dinner at the hotel restaurant, they insisted on coming over to watch her eat).

    We're celebrating DS's birthday tomorrow. He does some sort of quasi-Keto diet with 2 days off a week. His real birthday is Friday, and tomorrow is what he calls his "cheat day" (not a fan of his language around this, but he is eating healthier) so I'll make pizza and we'll have a cake. On the actual day we'll go out for Indian food which is OK on his eating plan.

    My BIL had another heart attack. He was discharged this afternoon but needs to see a specialist in another city about a newer procedure for a blocked artery. He's no longer a candidate for bypass or stents because of scar tissue from previous procedures. DH has asked me to cancel our trip to visit him later this month. The last time we went to visit him he ended up in the hospital for part of our stay.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    edited August 2023

    Joan I hope to try the Topos. They do have a style with pronation control. Was thinking about ordering a pair this month but that may not happen. We will see.

    I am going on a weekend trip this month if it is the Good Lords will. My Aunt in Kentucky will turn 93 I believe in the later part of August. My uncle and Aunt in Tennessee wanted to come for her birthday, so their daughter there is bringing them. My cousin in Alabama is picking up their 82 yo sister in Atlanta and bringing her. My uncle in Tennessee just found out he has cancer. These are my moms siblings. My mom just turned 87 Monday. Mom will not be able to go as that just would not work. I’m going with one of my sisters and BIL. My one sister has to work but my other sister is staying here to deal with mom and her and her husband plan on going to Tennessee in October. They are going to Florida also and will be gone two weeks so that will be my lone stretch.

    JoC glad to hear your husband is slowly improving. Know it is hard not being able to do things and not really knowing what to do to get someone.

    JoC my mom has been very challenging this summer. When I was still in hospital she began suggesting that I was to come live with her. I told her that if she didn’t want to live alone anymore that we would work on finding her different living arrangements, she of course didn’t go along with that. When I got home she became very aggressive and demanding about it. Told her I am not able to live with her. She thinks I mean physically but that isn’t what I mean. I can’t deal with her mentally and I guess physically as I get palpitations from dealing with her at times and had them terrible along with stomach issues when I lived with her before. Now the last few weeks have become aware that she is 4 days ahead of the rest of the world and of course she is right and the world is wrong. She calls you just to debate it which I will not do but my sister can’t help herself. But she does help take some of the load off by dealing with her even if they both try to convince each other who is right and who is wrong. What happened is she circles the calendar each day and she has circled a few extra days forgetting that she had already done it. She said her phone agrees with me but her calendar doesn’t lie. Oh well there is more but you are probably sorry by now that you asked.

    Missed the super moon, wish I had seen it.

    Don’t think I told you guys I got bit by a bunch of yellow jackets a week ago this past Monday. Then this past Monday they started flaring up again. Looked into it and that can be a bad thing. Called PCP office and was his off day but someone else in office saw me and started me on a tapering steroid pack. Took about a day but itching much better now and think redness is starting to decrease. I was picking blueberries, earned them.

    Hope you are starting to feel a little better Lorita.

    HB take it easy.

    Oh JoC you asked what I’ve been cooking. A lot of corn on the cob, fried zucchini and cabbage dishes. Baked chocolate chip cookies for those that cared for me. The only thing I have fixed for myself since home is Rice Krispie squares, froze them. Have bought a few desert at farmers stand and bread. Gives me more time foe preserving things. Hope to do some corn next. Have been keeping buns baked, never see them at farm stand.

    Think I saw Judith on another thread so maybe she is back.

    Take care everyone

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    102 right now at 4:20pm with heat index of 113. Ouch

    Even the roaches cant stand this heat! I've used orkin for years and haven't seen a roach since starting their service. Since the hot weather I've seen 3 or 4 dead roaches.....at least they are dead so orkin must be working. Walked out to the mailbox and saw one of those red wasp I had problems with last year just laying on the concrete. August is always our hottest month and I cant believe school is about to start. Best I remember when our boys were growing up it was always in September after labor day.

    One of the church ladies came by today to find out what she needed to do for Lou Friday. I also added the sitter I use to my list of names on the wall where she could call her if needed.


  • scott
    scott Member Posts: 10

    Hi everyone, I wanted to say hi to everyone. It was a good day. My DW and 7 of our friends went to Astros game and then out to eat at a Korean restaurant. It went really well and our son joined us after work. My wife told all her friends about her diagnosis this week so I think that made this day even more special.

    Lorita: i hope you feel better. Be safe walking around at night. I am the world’s worst at banging my legs late night on furniture. Ron i hope all is well. Have a good night everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Hi, I'm all right - don't know what was going on but it's better tonight except for a headache. You know, it's funny, but when it's really hot and dry my eyes aren't as dry - you'd think it would be worse. Anyway, thankful for that. I just came in from filling the water tank in the garden - girls aren't drinking much of that so guess they're drinking mostly from the pond and the tank in the corral.

    Sara, the super moon is gorgeous tonight - it came up a full hour later tonight than last night - it was after 10 tonight. It's farther north tonight, too, and it's reflecting in the pond and it is so bright and huge. I love to see the moon rise - I'd always call Charles to come and look at it when it was full. Miss doing that.

    Ron, it was 105 her today, or at least in Tulsa. I didn't look at the thermometer on the porch - laptop says it 89 right now. Heat index was 116. Called Darwin late this evening to see how they were making it and he said the heat today has gotten to him. I hope he's staying inside - nothing to go out for except across the road to his mailbox (I haven't been to ours for three days - maybe in the morning).

    HB, sounds like your mother is having quite a time on her holiday - at least you're able to relax a bit. Nice that you and your husband enjoyed the movie.

    Sara, hope you have a good trip - maybe it'll be a little bit cooler when you go. When you fry your zucchini, do you dip it in an egg/milk mixture, than in flour or meal? Yellowjackets are awful - really hurt when they sting. You know when I was in high school our basketball team was called The Yellowjackets. Glad you got some medicine to help get over the sting.

    Ron, red wasps are also terrible. A couple of years ago I was closing a pipe gate and I guess they had a nest inside the pipe and one came out and stung me - hurt like the dickens. I had some Benadryl ointment and capsules so that helped. Also if you moisten an aspirin and put it on the sting, it will also help. Glad the one you saw was already dead - guess the heat got to him, too.

    Scott, I've always walked around the house in the dark at night - have to be careful because one of our cats, Sammy, lays down in front of me so I almost trip. Glad you had a good day, too. Do you live somewhere around Houston? If so, I bet you all are really hot. Never been that far into Texas - did go to Dallas once and Charles' folks live in the Texas Panhandle. Glad you posted.

    I heard the tree-killer this morning but it was too hot to even think about driving over there - it's on the next section's south end so not too far. He said it's about 30 acres of trees and when I talked to Mike last he said they were about a third finished. It really will look different. There used to be some sand plums along the road - made the best jelly ever but I'm sure they're gone. Also used to pick dew and black berries along the roads and wild onions. I don't see any of those things now - even the blackberries on our place are gone - from spraying. I haven't picked berries in years.

    I don't know when Judith was supposed to come home - hope her trip was well. Probably as hot as blazes in St. Louis.

    Joan, and those west of us - maybe you all can see the Sturgeon/Super moon tonight. It is most beautiful. See you all tomorrow.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Ron, how long before your EUS do you have to be NPO?


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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