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Just need to talk to my friends (191)



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
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    Lorita I just slice my zucchini. Then I just put a real light coating of white cornmeal mix on each side. Watch a YT channel Celebrating Appalachia . That is how she showed fixing hers and I like that real light coating better.

    Giving it a little warmer today, mid 80s. I’m not complaining.

    Thought I had a volunteer cucumber plant. Now that it has bloomed , it is not cucumbers that are setting on. Guessing it is some type of melon. My guess now is maybe cantaloupe. Have no idea if they have time to make it. I raised a small type of cantaloupe last year so possibly that.

    Take Care

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Lorita, I believe I mentioned this when it happened, but last summer red wasp were getting in the house. I would kill one and next day or two another was flying around. This went on for weeks until Orkin discovered that the stove outside vent was damaged from hail and several hives were in the vent. Once that was fixed the problem was solved. 3:30 this morning was 90 degrees!

    Iris. Procedure is Friday at 1:15; no food after midnight, I can have clear liquid but nothing red or orange up until 4 hours before procedure. Was glad to know I could have my black coffee!

    Scott, do you live in the Houston area? I'm just east of the Shreveport/Bossier city, Louisiana area. I have a cousin right outside if Houston and son in Dallas, brother in Plano and several nieces and nephews in Texas. They all love Texas!

    Lou had a bad night Wednesday morning, was up and down with her since a little before 2am and was not a happy camper with home health nurse yesterday. Last night has been good and she is still resting good this morning. Church lady that will be staying with her Friday came over yesterday to visit and see what might be needed. I hope it goes ok but she has the sitter's phone number if needed. Country music starts on RFD TV at 1:30 and Lou loves the music so that should help.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Laptop says it's 82 - not really too bad, yet, but it's supposed to be 105 with heat index around 112-115. Finished filling the Gator and went to the mailbox to pick up three days worth of mail and mail some things. Decided I'd go over and see if I could see that tree-eater working this morning. You wouldn't believe how different it looks down there - almost lost where I was. It was just an area of dense trees - now it looks like about half of it has been de-treed (is that a word?) There's loads of mulch on the ground so he'll have to level it up and then overseed. The machine was too far away for me to see how it was working and the sun was behind it so I'll let it go. Really looks different.

    Saw the girls in the "hog" pasture and they look okay. Also saw all the heifers - they're due to begin calving next month.

    What is EUS? Guess that's something I missed when I was working at the VA Hospital.

    I feel okay this morning - have no idea what was going on yesterday. I'm going to check on all those brands of shoes you all have been talking about so I'll stop for now and be back later. Hope everyone's okay today. Stay cool.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    edited August 2023

    Lorita, EUS is a endoscopy ultrasound. My understanding is with the ultrasound they can tell how far the tumor is into the layers.

  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 524
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    Happy Hot Thursday everyone. Well, I did something I've never done before in my life. When I got up I knew I needed to go to the produce market. I decided it would be fine if I washed my face, brushed my hair & teeth and ran my errand. I tossed on clothes and was out the door. No makeup, no lipstick, no shower, hair sortof wild and I didn't care!!! Don was quite happy looking at the computer, the dogs had been fed so I felt I had a window of opportunity. It was just before 8:00 and 98 degrees already. When I told Don what I was doing he just looked at me and said "but you always put on perfume before you leave the house." So I put on perfume and he was happy!! I was home in less than 30 minutes dripping wet. Then I cleaned up. Every woman at the produce stand looked like I did!!

    Time to wash and cut up everything that I purchased. Be careful everyone.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    I am back. The shower was very nice. The bed was so high I could barely get a bit of purchase with a knee and then grab and claw my way up. Sheets were wonderful ...Bamboo. They put my daughter up on the third floor on an air mattress with no A/C. Stairs were terrifying....9 inch riser with a 6 inch tred. I will never go back!!!

    I had long appointments Monday/Tuesday. Took the car in to be serviced this morning and will pick up tomorrow. Friday a tour of 25. Saturday taking a tour to learn lost wax casting and on Sunday I am not getting dressed.

    Hi to Scott.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Eagle, it wouldn't have done any good to put on make up - it would have melted right off. My silly laptop says is 82 - that's what it was this morning, I think. Did you get some good things at the market? Nothing like fresh vegetables. I wish they had one in the town where I go. Reminds me, I better eat some more of that watermelon before it goes bad - not very sweet but it'll do for now.

    Thanks, Ron, for the explanation. Your appointment is tomorrow - took a while but it'll be over before you know it.

    Carol called this morning and I asked her if her husband was playing golf. He was and has been all week - he's 81 and the eight or nine guys he plays with are from upper 70s to 93. I would say that's craziness. You can go out and the air burns your skin - too hot for anything.

    Judith, glad you're home safe and sound. Who's shower was it? Guess I missed the post where you told us about it.

    I tried to take a nap - all three cats decided they would, too, but I couldn't go to sleep so got up to check on the bills I got yesterday. Not in the mood to write checks so I'll do that tomorrow. I did notice a while ago that they're baling hay just east of us. Wonderful that the tractors and other machinery now have cabs with air conditioning - not like it was when daddy was farming. I haven't looked at the thermometer on the porch and I'm trying not to even watch the weather reports - just makes me hotter. Stay in and stay cool, if possible.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    edited August 2023

    So tomorrow is Ron's EUS. They often do a fine needle aspiration with that to get cells to examine. We will be thinking of you, Ron and also hope Lou does well and is calm and happy for her new lady friend who is coming to stay with her. Lovely of her to do that.

    Omigosh Judith; you made me smile. I too had one of those surprising mountain beds. I was in a hotel, got there after dark. The bed was SO high - it came over my bosom. I am short. I am not skinny svelte. I could not get a knee up at all as it was way, way too high to the edge of the mattress. I tried looking for a phone book to stand on - not one. Tried pillows on top of one another; did not work. Called the desk - they had no step stool or step ladder nor any other item of use to step up on. No sofa in the room to half lie on for the night and only one very uncomfortable small chair.

    I huffed, I puffed, and tried and tried; I sat on the chair in despair. I then huffed and puffed and tried some more and like you; grabbed, pulled, clawed and pulled and clawed some more on the sheets, (took forever), and FINALLY; at last, got on to the edge of the mattress where I could roll up on the bed. Red faced and sweating. Then it dawned on me; I so hoped I did not have to get up during the night to use the bathroom! Oh my. But luck was with me and I did not have to get up. Never, never would have stayed there again. Like an idiot, I should have asked for a roll-a-way bed. Thought of that far too late. Glad the shower party was fun, Judith - what a pleasure; but I do feel sorry for your poor daughter on the air mattress with no AC on the third floor. What was with those stairs? I cannot imagine. I would not return either. Whew!

    Myra; no use to try to put on makeup and fuss with hair in heat and humidity. At least you looked like the rest of the women. Really ugh weather. But you did complete your mission - a medal for that!

    Just had a devil of a time with Dillard's Dept. Store trying to make an exchange for size or return. If any of you shop with them online or even in their store - watch their return policies like a hawk. They start the meter ticking for exchanges/returns in 30 days beginning on the day they actually fill the online order at their center; NOT when you receive the package. No exceptions - if the item does not fit and one wishes to exchange for size - NOPE. One of the harshest in the business from what I have read. Not customer friendly. Talking to their Consumer Help Line was like talking to the Stepford Wives who could only say "no" in sibilant tones. Since no exchange for size, what was I to do with $200 plus merchandise which was too large . . . they could have cared less. No exchange, period. Learned my lesson and as a very first time customer, will not return. Live and learn.

    I had made the purchase right before DHs surgery. Things got very complex readying for and with his surgery and all that transpired coming home; big time complex issues. Had not tried items on as I was up to my eyeballs in alligators. When I did try on, I found the items too large and wanted to exchange for size. I was only a few days over the allotted time since they count from day of order, and no matter the reason, no exception. That will teach me to watch my orders more carefully to check return policies prior to purchase. Most of the other online order places have a 60 day policy.

    Only in the high 80's to mid 90's today and humidity not as bad as yesterday so that is a plus. Now if we can just get through September without too much worse heat, that would be great. However, that is the month when we often see us in the three digit temps. I remember going back to school in Sept. with no AC in classrooms and sweltering. Poor teachers must have been miserable.

    Doing some simple chicken and rice for dinner tonight with some green beans. Easy on the stomach. Been having an irritable GI tract lately; I think it may be cumulative stress. Felt really queasy and ill-ish yesterday; not as bad today.

    Saw that the lottery is now 1.25 billion dollars. EEEK! Almost makes me want to buy tickets, but we know how that always works out. Odds are dreadful, but someone has to win and they have the same odds as the rest of us. We should buy a ticket just for the fun of it; but we usually do not bother to do so. Frankly, I would be delighted to win one of the smaller amounts; I would not have a clue as to how to manage so much money as in "billion." Certainly could do some very good things with such an amount. i think my charities would mainly focus on the elderly and children. No one seems to put the efforts and work forth for the elderly and there really is a significant need.

    Sayra; do you press the zucchini slices into the cornmeal, or do you dip the zucchini into something else first or brush it with something? Then how do you cook it - I do love zucchini. We need to visit Sayra's kitchen - it is a busy place of wonderful things.

    Time to get a move on, not that I feel like it, but best I do so anyway. Hugs to all and see you again soon.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Jo, I order clothing from QVC - never a problem with returns - no questions asked and exchanges are free as far as shipping goes. I ordered a pair of lt. spruce green pants a while back but couldn't think of a blouse I had to wear them. Ordered one and didn't like the neckline (I've gotten to the point I like collars or higher necklines). No problem. Yesterday I saw a pretty water-colored print blouse with, I think, the right green. We'll see how this works out.

    I don't understand why they're making beds so high either. I'm 5'6" and I can't even sit back on the bed - barely get my bottom on it so I'm using a stool, too. I can only imagine how someone not as tall would have problems.

    They're still baling hay - guess they've been at it all day. It takes a while - really interesting to see how they roll up the hay in those balers, stop and it rolls out after it's wrapped with net wrap. Our meadow was 35 acres and it sometimes would take a whole day to cut it, then it has to dry some, then they windrow it before it's baled. Last time I talked with Mike he said they had cut and baled 160 acres and it made three bales to the acre. His place across from us is about 610 acres so imagine how much hay that will be - of course, all of it won't make that much to the acre. I'm wondering where he's going to store that hay - maybe across the road somewhere from us so it'll be handy to feed the cows on our farm.

    Charles and I used to haul in our hay. I pulled the trailer with the PU and he loaded - then when it got to the point it wasn't safe for him to use the tractor I hauled it up - we enjoyed it, I would bring 3-4 on the trailer and he'd bring two with the tractor so it took a while. Enough of that - reminescing again.

    It seemed warm in the LR/DR so I checked the temp and it was 70, 68 in the bedroom. I turned on the ceiling fan and put the floor fan in the door to the kitchen so it would bring the cooler air from the utility room. It's feeling better. I've had a headache all afternoon - don't know why. I didn't feel hot when I was out this morning and haven't been out again. Guess, like Darwin, the heat's getting to me. It was 105 today - didn't see the heat index

    . Ron, good luck tomorrow - we'll be there with you in spirit. Hope things work out all right with Lou and the new sitter. Does she know the woman who'll stay with her?

    We have two more days of really hot weather before the heat dome moves away some - then it'll be in the high 80s and low 90s (sounds good to me). Then, probably the dome moves back. When we get in this type of summer about the only thing that helps us permanently is when a hurricane makes landfull and comes up over Oklahoma. Hate to wish that on any part of the Country though.

    Was going to have a sweet potato for supper but guess I waited too long to use them. I used to grow sweet potatoes - made such a pretty vine but with the cats that will be impossible now. All three of them are in the bedroom laying on the bed - may leave the door open tonight. I'm rambling so I'll stop for now. Rest well everyone. Anxious to see if it's going to be 11 p.m. before moonrise tonight and where it'll be.

  • scott
    scott Member Posts: 10

    Hi back Judith and everyone on the front porch. I look forward to seeing the conversations. I am trying to get my house ready to sell. Its to big and not handicap friendly. Ron best of luck tomorrow and thoughts will be with you.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Ron, best wishes for your procedure tomorrow!

    Judith, that doesn't sound like a relaxing trip. At least it's over.

    Eagle, suppose all of us women went around without makeup and with wild hair and wearing clothes from the back of the closet? We'd all be FREE! Let's dream!


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Scheduled for 1:15, prayers requested for no malignancy.

    I love my front porch friends!


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    edited August 2023

    Good morning Ron; checking in to say that I am indeed saying prayer on your behalf. We will be with you in spirit and with deep care.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    We love you, too, Ron. Fingers crossed and prayers said for a good outcome on the test this morning. Wonder how long it'll be before you get results - immediately would be nice.

    It's pretty nice on the front porch this morning. Girls are coming out of the NE pasture going to the MH to be in the shade. There's a nice southern breeze this morning so it's pretty comfortable - 83. When we lived in the MH if there was any breeze at all, we'd get it - it's a little higher than the farmhouse. Stormy and I did drive over to make sure everyone still in the NE pasture was okay - they were. A couple of cows and a baby or two were standing in the pond.

    Do wish you all could see all the hay east of us. They baled until late last evening so I'm sure they got it all baled. There's even a hint of green on the meadow already. Lots of great, big bales - looks so pretty. Charles and I always liked to go down and look at the hay after it was baled - it smelled so good. I've posted pictures of that. The grasshoppers even out in the pasture are horrible - can't even explain how bad they are. Bet there will be a lot of them baled in the hay this year.

    Stormy is scratching so guess it's getting close to allergy shots again. My hands are itchy but the Benadryl helps . I can't remember how long they itched last year but it drove me to distraction I remember.

    I hear the tree-eater going strong this morning. I really have mixed feelings about that - I love trees and hate to see them destroyed but the land wasn't productive and because the trees were so thick, they probably weren't doing too well. They are going to leave some of the bigger trees on the east side.

    Iris, I'm for no make-up and wild hair. You know I haven't worn make-up for about three years now - no need with sunglasses and masks which I'm still wearing. I put on make-up every day for over 33 years so I'm tired of it. The hair has a mind of it's own. Every time I look at it I think of what Jo said about the white fluff on those little weeds.

    Nothing going on today, I hope. We'll all be waiting to hear when Ron is back home. It's taken a long time to get this scheduled and finally the day is here.

    Scott, good to hear from you. Good luck on selling your house. If you're down around Houston I bet you are sweltering. I have a nice who lives in Sugarland and she says it's really humid. Weather just said the wind will decrease this afternoon - not good news in the summertime.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,364
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    Best of luck for your today dear @ronald71111.

    My niece and mom have checked into the beachfront hotel portion away from my aunt and are now having the times of their lives. Auntie is something of a nutjob and something best enjoyed in smaller doses. Three days is a lot. This is the first-time niece has spent any real time in Auntie's company and it's been a real eye-opener for her. Niece has been texting me snippets of their ridiculous conversations and crazy behaviors.

    The weather is gray and cool where they are, so they're adding an extra day to the visit so they can have a nice beach-day tomorrow. I'll have to go deal with the cat, but I still feel like I hit the lottery. J/K. It'll be nice to hear mom talk about something other than what she had for dinner. OMG last week she described heating up a meal I had prepared myself and given to her for 10 minutes. I thought my head would explode.

    Mom's cat. She's pretty but kind of a jerk.

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Good luck Ron. I’m praying, especially for a good result.

    Scott, I’m looking for a smaller house with no stairs too. In my area, the selection is very small, and most need to be gutted and totally redone. I’m not wanting to take that on either.

    We have had cooler weather and some wonderful storms. I’m hoping for good weather for a couple of weeks so my painter can finish sanding and painting the house and deck.

    HB, I’m so happy you’re enjoying your much needed break, even though you have to take care of the cat. Enjoy your freedom.

    Stay cool everyone. Wish I could send the cooler weather your way. Joan

  • scott
    scott Member Posts: 10

    Today has not been a good day for DW. She has a hard time remembering and gets really upset with me when she is getting information incorrect. I have learned not to correct her for things that don't matter or to take anything personal when she gets mad and takes off in the neighborhood or slams the door and disappears to the bedroom. Modern country and western music is my saving grace, so i put it on and before i know it she is dancing around. I have question about what you have seen or experienced about touching. I try and comfort her and hold and hug her but she is not receptive and prefers no contact with me. She is fine with friends and certain family member but doesn't act like she wants no affection from me. Is this common with this disease? Thanks

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Hi, Sorry, Scott, I didn't experience this so can't help except to say every alz patient seems to be different. My neighbor's wife has alz and she is uber jealous of him - imagines all sort of things. Also, as time goes by the things they are experiencing changes so this may be a short-lived thing. You're very smart to not correct her - one of the hardest things I had to deal with. As my mother used to say - this, too, will pass. Hope it does.

    How I envy you, Joan, for the cooler, wet weather. It's so hot when I open the front door the heat is so bad you can feel it through the storm door. I guess it's the same cow who was standing in the pond is back again - all you can see is her head and the ridge of her back. I'll be so glad when we get cooler. I'm going to say this and hope I can do it - I will not complain about the cold weather this winter. I've probably said it before but this summer is just beyond easy to take.

    I've had a maintenance agreement on my refrigerator for 23 years. We took out the agreement when we bought it, when we moved down to the farmhouse. Also have one on the washer I bought seven years ago. The agreement expires the 23rd of this month. I just called to renew it and was told they no longer renew contracts on any appliance over eight years old. So, this year I can't renew the refrigerator and next year it'll be the same for the washer. I paid $224 for these two appliances for one year and for the new contract they have that will cover any kitchen and laundry appliance, no matter the age, is over $500. I only have a dryer and a stove that will be covered plus the refrigerator and washer. The stove is probably older than the refrigerator because it was mothers. I've had lots of repairs done on the refrigerator over the years and I'll have the ice maker checked again before the contract is up. If they can't repair something, they replace it. Went through that last summer with an air conditioner (they don't cover them now). It's just to have newer appliances covered so they don't have to do repairs or replacements.

    Sears is changing - many years ago they had some type of coverage that if you lost food due to a power outage, they paid you for it - they stopped doing that several years ago. I know this refrigerator is probably going to have to be replaced before long so maybe the new contract will be something I should do - same with the stove and the dryer. Never have liked the washer and it'll be eight years old next year. Okay, rant is over and I've cooled off some - wish the weather would do the same.

    I think they're hauling hay off the meadow east of here. I'm sure he wants it off the meadow so if we get rain in the next few days they can fertilize and maybe get another cutting. I think of the olden days when everyone had small bales and it had to be hauled in to the barn in the hottest days of the summer. Laptop says it's 104. Say's it's 105 in Muskogee. I laid down on the divan and I think I took a nap - at least missed some of the show I was watching.

    I'll stop for now - about time to find something for supper. Looking forward to hearing something from Ron - hope all went well.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    FYI........I know several of my front porch friends have medical backgrounds, so listen closely.

    I had a ct scan in June that showed a 2.3cm nodule at the gastroesophageal junction. It was followed up with a pet scan that showed the same nodule with mild fdg uptake. Today I went in for a endoscopy ultrasound with fine needle biopsy and there was no nodule to biopsy. Now anyone that doesn't believe in our Lord and saviour just tell them of this. The only explanation is he knew that Lou still needed me a little longer.


  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Wonderful news Ron! Not only does Lou still need you but so do the ladies of Lorita's porch.

    So sorry you had that long time to worry over this, but today's results are outstanding.

    Celebrate! Hugs.

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Congratulations Ron. Hallelujah! Celebrate in thanksgiving tonight. I am so happy for you. Joan.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Ron thankful you got good news.

    Lorita I enjoy seeing fresh mown or baled hay. Thankful you guys have hay. If I remember correctly it was quite scarce last year.

    Froze 3 &1/2 dozen of corn today. That’s enough for this year, pushed to get it done so hopefully can get other things done tomorrow.

    Wish both of you well looking for smaller homes. They are not easy to find here either.

    Hope each one sleeps well tonight.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Good for you, Ron! Prayer works!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Ron, what wonderful news! Prayers really work. God does indeed know you need to be around to help Lou. I know you'll have the best night's sleep tonight than you've had in weeks. I bet all of us sleep well, too.

    Sara, we were short on hay last year - thankfully, Mike's sister had hay he could buy to get him through. I don't know how good hay is this year - I know our meadow isn't what it used to be but there's been 30 or more head or heifers grazing on it. I wish there was a way we could see all of those bales of hay on that section from the air - bet it's a pretty sight.

    Sara, glad you got your corn taken care of. It does take time. I remember one year Charles' mother was visiting us when corn was ripe. When we'd get home from work she'd have a bushel of corn ready for us to take care of that night. She almost worked us to death but it really tasted good during the winter months. Y Also years ago when we had a lot of corn and not much time to freeze it, mother decided she'd try to put it in the freezer in the shucks. She pulled them back a bit to make sure there wasn't a worn, then put it in the freezer in paper sacks. When we used it, it was just like fresh corn. You know you can put an ear of corn in waxed paper with a little butter, twist the ends really tightly and microwave it and it's like fresh corn. The corn I've had this year I cut off the cob and froze it to put in soups this winter (if it ever gets here).

    So, tonight all of us can rest easy and enjoy what the Lord has done for our Ron - and for Lou. Prayers do help. See you all tomorrow.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Ron, what a blessing! I am happy for you and praise be to God for your miracle!

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Still waking up a lot, but hopefully when the sleep study is scheduled we can figure that out. My mind is at ease now since I'm home and know Lou is ok, throat a little sore but that's all. I still dont fully understand what happened and hard to believe I'm one of God's miracle healing, but I know if no other explanation. The dr did take a biopsy of my stomach; dont know if that was because he couldn't find a nodule to biopsy and just wanted to biopsy something. I wish I wouldn't have been so groggy when he talked to me and I would have asked questions.

    The church lady did fine with Lou yesterday and all day turned out good. I didnt even notice the heat! Was considering making a pot of gumbo today but with the sore throat I will probably wait a day or two.

    Hope all of the front porch ladies and Scott have a wonderful uneventful day.


  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,364
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    I'm so happy for the great results @ronald71111

    For those of you cutting corn off the cob, what is the best way to accomplish this? We're surrounded by sweet corn, and I'd like to freeze some but don't want to dedicate my entire freezer to the project.

    I haven't had a stellar tomato yet, but I have had some wonderful melons.

    We're meeting friends tonight at the dive drive-in fried chicken place. This may be the first dry Saturday night this summer. The place is byob, so I'll need to run out later to buy a bottle of wine to go with my chicken and sweet potato fries. My friend has been knocking it out of the park with Cali Chardonnays lately, while I've been lucking out in Bordeaux. We're always on the hunt for little-known and high value stuff at reasonable prices and can be a little competitive. The last 2 whites I bought ended up down the drain they were so awful.

    I got an extra day reprieve. My niece and mother have added a day to their trip to go to the beach. I convinced niece to take Amtrak's NE Regional home instead of Acela. When they went to Boston, they took an Uber to Philadelphia's 30th Street (45 minutes south of mom's house) because Acela doesn't stop in Trenton anymore. She even made the rookie mistake of booking mom on the quiet car. The train ride will be a bit slower, but I can get to mom's from Trenton in under 10 minutes. Niece spent over $1K on train tickets-- gulp-- she got a big enough refund to cover the cost of the extra night and a nice dinner.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    edited August 2023

    Morning, Glad you have another day to relax, HB. Make the most of it.

    Ron, so glad yesterday is over for you and you can relax and enjoy being with Lou without thinking of what's coming up.

    There has been rain north of us but didn't get down this far - well, maybe our turn will come sometime.

    I found my tablet! Sandy, it was where you first suggested I look - inside the recliner. I turned it over yesterday to spray Zevo underneath it to get rid of the spider and it was lodged in the mechanism. You couldn't see it unless the chair was turned over. Didn't think I'd ever see it again. Now to find the other things.

    Hope everyone's well this morning. Back later.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Ron; that is a wonderful bit of news - amazing outcome and I am delightedly grateful on your behalf and so happy for you. I am also delighted to hear that all worked well with the church lady and Lou; that is really great. We will all come on over and share your Gumbo; being a Northerner, I have never had Gumbo, but it sounds SO good.

    Scott, the situation with your wife not accepting physical touching from you is something I have seen discussed on the Spousal Forum before. As you cam see, we here on the Front Porch are pretty much discussing small bits of our daily lives for the most part. If you also Post your concern and experience on the Spousal Forum and not just on this Thread, you will get much feedback from others who have shared such an experience. Just do not want for your concerns to get lost by being only here. In the meantime, enjoy your Front Porch rocker with us where the weather is always perfect no matter what it is like off the Front Porch and friendly folks to talk to about this and that and things in between.

    Sayra; that is a lot of corn in the freezer. How did you prepare it for that? And also need to ask again about your zucchini in cornmeal . . . do you brush or dip the zucchini in anything or do you simply press it into the cornmeal - and do you do it in cut coins or in strips? Many times I read your Posts I get hungry; you have so much good going on in that kitchen.

    Joan; we love our home, but I too wish we had a different smaller house. Big two story is not needed and it has become a tribulation considering getting so much more "mature," and no longer being spring chickens. We love our home and have do so much to it. However; if we had a one story it would be so much easier on both of us and the ability to meander around the house not to mention caring for it. The big two story was great when we were younger and had four children to accommodate, but now it is just the two of us and it is becoming a negative. Not easy to find that one story; they are in demand. Builders could make a good deal with one story homes, but out here in SoCal, land is so in demand they tend to build "up" and larger for larger prices instead of smaller.

    Just saw that Orthofeet Shoes is now also selling those clever "slip-in" shoes. Becoming very popular. I will really have to get around to trying a pair if they will accommodate my feet.

    Lorita, those extended warranties for appliances can be confusing to buy. Twenty-three years you have had your refrigerator - wow! that is a whopping amount of time. Probably a good idea to get a new one; it will probably be more energy efficient saving you money on your electric bill. How are your hands doing by the way - did that itching go away? Sure hope so, must be so annoying.

    Holy horsefeathers; night before last, woke at 11:30 and never went back to sleep. Highly unusual for me; last night I was in bed early fast asleep; DH woke me up to ask a question . . . geeze . . . finally went back to sleep . . . . but around 11:30 - a loud party from a neighbor's house woke me up again. They went on and on until about 1:30; did not get sleep except a few short dozes, but once again not a good night. Figure I should fall asleep like a ton of bricks tonight. Since I have become more "mature," I usually sleep about four to five hours and count that as a full night and do well. No longer getting those eight to ten hour sleeps as I used to. Strange how the body changes and evolves through each of life's decades. DH usually gets a good amount of sleep but he snores like somebody is paying him to do it. Has sleep apnea, but cannot tolerate the different appliances to assist, so he snores away which is concerning for his health.

    Got a new TV coming for the upstairs as well as a new smart cell phone, (my old one is not smart and suited me well, but it is ancient and literally falling apart), and a new computer as my dear older one is only working by ethernet cable.. I am sincerely intimidated by all of this; I am a very, very substandard tech person. It is a challenge. To top it off, we got a new phone system yesterday, but it is enough like our old one it should be no problem. The computer and cell will be my challenges . . . . and learning the new TV controller. I do well at so much, but am blithering substandard at most tech things; do not even ask me to program the TV; no matter how many times shown how to do it, I manage to mess it up.

    Got some good salmon and am looking forward to having it. Also got some nice pickled beets. Need to get some pork chops and perhaps a small pot roast to do in the crockpot with a good simple recipe I have. We eat a lot of poultry and some fish, and too many frozen prepared dishes; but once in awhile, something a little more does sound good. Omigosh; a specialty bakery not far from us had the best ever small peach tarts; our son brought some to us - nice short crust, then a cream based filling with heaven knows what also in it, and topped with an abundance of very, very thinly sliced peaches and a bit of sauce. They were actually lightly heavenly. That bakery is so popular that seven days a week there are long lines to buy. I can see why; good thing we do not go there, I could get lost!

    Update on Dillard's return issue. I decided to call corporate; of course they do not let customers contact their corporate office. Got a return call from a pleasant person who explained that they were going to send me a gift card as they do not do the exchanges or refunds as per my prior Post; that is appreciated. The regular Customer Service line was just - "no, no, no." The card is over $200 and has no end date. I will give it to my daughter as she lives in Houston not far from a DIllard's and we do not have a store out here. No more buying from them online though; plenty of other places that are far more customer friendly.

    Daughter returns home in about a week; do not know what we will do without her. DH insists we need no assistance, but I know that is not how it is going to go. We will need someone for about a month or so. When he finally finds we do need some assist, it will be a mad search for someone if that can be found. He is healing, but tends to do too much and flouts the energy issues and then gets wiped out and cranky. His progress has been excellent thus far, yet he is a bit of a self-enemy. So hope he does not cause any backslide due to being stubborn and willful. Shrinking violet he is not. Can understand his wanting to be his "old self" again and also understand he has never had a surgery and this was a big one and very intimidating for him not to be in control as control has always been important to him. Will be good when he can have free reign - only 11 more months to go! I am smiling as I type that. Eleven months. Oh my.

    Do you think it may be time to start a new Thread? Maybe not, but I am having hiccups getting to the right page and staying there and more slip-ups even when not my fault. I think that this platform is not happy with too many pages. Just thinking and I may be wrong; if so, we forge ahead as is.

    Going to go and get some breakfast. It is already 9:00 am out here, the day is underway!


  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    HB, I use my biggest aluminum bowl with a small bowl turned upside down in it.

    Placing the end of the corn on the small bowl, when you cut all the kernels end up in the big bowl and not the counter or floor.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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