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Just need to talk to my friends (191)



  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    Ron....wonderful news!!!

    OK...it is hot. This past week I had to be out in the heat every day. Yesterday was the worst. No need for details. Today I am going to watch movies and lie in bed. All family is out of town so no one will "pop in".

    Scott...you may think that by now you are on a food chanel. Rest assured not everyone has grown or is still growing their own food and not everyone "cooks". All of us do, however, have great crockpot recipies to share.

    Jo...I am so sick of my newish PC that I think I am going to spring for a 13.3 Mac. What does "program" TV mean? Mine goes on/off and I change the channels with my Cable remote. I am NOT cutting cord!!!!

    It does become a thought whether or not to downsize ones home. However my home is paid for and I only go up and down the stairs to sleep so what would be the point. I do have a guest bed w/ full bath downstairs if need be.

    Going to the museum tomorrow to learn lost wax casting. Maybe I can finally understand it.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    edited August 2023

    Hey Judith; a day in bed watching movies on TV and no one to bother you - that sounds like such a sweet pleasure. Ahhhh! Would make me feel that I was really getting away with something and a snack or two would add to the fun of it. One of the other RNs I worked with had family "pajama" days where they all stayed in their jammies and watched movies on TV and ate whatever they wanted; she said her family loved it almost like a vacation. I would imagine so.

    As long as I can change channels and get to the PBS programming, I am doing okay most of the time; however, being able to program for time would be nice - DH does that. Why I cannot perform that function eludes me. I met a female attorney who is well noted for her professional work; she is one smart person. She mentioned she is a failure with technology and cannot program her TV and her smart phone gives her fits from time to time. Then I didn't feel so bad.

    If we had a bedroom with full bath downstairs it would be no problem; but all of our bedrooms are upstairs and only a half bath downstairs. I sometimes think of adding a room and bath, but we are getting long in the tooth and probably not far away from selling one day, so I am unsure of the wisdom of that. No crystal ball to consult - drats!

    When we chose this house in our tract, we were young. There was a house model with a downstairs guest bedroom and bath and a smaller Master Bedroom upstairs - we chose our model with a formal dining room downstairs and a large Master Bedroom with a fireplace upstairs . . . as said; we were young. (Count that as foolish.) That bedroom fireplace has not been lit in long while. Pretty? Yes, but at this point; practical has far more value. One more example of live and learn from one's mistakes.

    That lost wax method is to me, so complex. Do you know if they will they be doing the method with jewelry or with figures or other item, Judith? Takes a mighty amount of know how and talent to get it right. I always thought it was just a simple wax covered form and then whoosh! When I learned a very small bit about it, I realized how complex and careful a process it really is. I have never seen it done. You will have to share the experience with us.

    I dread the new computer . . . as per Shakespeare, "Something wicked this way comes . . . " Guess I will learn and get used to it, but I do not want this one disconnected from the ethernet until I become at least competent on the new model.

    Sure do get a lot of mileage from my Kindle. Still love the feel of a real book in my hand, but have to say that the Kindle has been a gift that keeps on giving. Our son gave it to me for one of my birthdays as I am a big time reader. Only thing is, I spend an awful lot of money on books . . . Used to buy them paperback and spent a lot then too, but this has so many more choices and is so easy. Should have been a librarian; love the smell of a library; books do have their own scent when gathered together.

    Lorita! You found your tablet! Sure must have been a surprise when you found it - but a very good surprise. So glad it turned up for you - it was such a mystery as to where it had disappeared to.

    Off to the rest of the day - may the rest of the weekend be good to all,


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Marie, we've cut off our corn like that, too. We used to have a flat thing with a blade that fit over the edges of the bowl and you'd slide the ear of corn across it and it would take off the kernals. Really easy but haven't seen that in years.

    Darwin just came and brought some vegetables. He has a daughter over in Arkansas that works for the VA Hospital two days a week and she keeps him supplied. She brings so much he can't use it all so shares with me, Ronny, another one of our neighbors and the neighbor to his east. Also brought a small watermelon and cantelope he raised, squash and more okra. He is the sweetest man - getting more frail but still going - I think age, heat and caregiving are getting to him. He always tells me to call him if I need him and he'll be here. I've done that several times in the past and he was here in ten minutes.

    Jo, I've had that service contract with the refrigerator for 23 years and it has had a replacement clause so I guess I'll continue with it, the washer, dryer and stove. If I gave up the agreement now, it would quit working next week. They've replaced the ice maker a couple of times and some other work on it.

    Judith, I'm having problems with my tablets - I can read but can't post. It says it looks like I'm new and I need to sign in. Then it says I need a new password - afraid to do that because it might mess up the laptop. Have no idea how to contact them - maybe Jo knows. This morning I wanted to enlarge the font on the laptop - got that done but it enlarged everything - guess that's all right for now - just don't want to fool with it today. I'll try again when I'm more in the mood. Did find out how to start a new part of our thread so may do that soon. I think we're on page 26 - believe that's the highest number we've ever gotten to.

    It's been cooler today - 96 right now and the wind seems to be out of the south again. Earlier it was from the north and was quite a bit cooler. They had rain north of here. We had some wind and just now saw a limb that had been blown down south of the house. The leaves are dead so it must have broken before and the wind blew it down today.

    Darwin just said someone, maybe Toad, said the meadow across from him wasn't doing well - only 2 1/2 bales per acres he estimates it might make so they're not sure they'll bale it. I know the gas and netwrap are expensive but we may need all the hay we can get this winter. If we don't get rain soon, they'll have to start feeding hay. The saving grace is that we have plenty of water - now at least.

    Judith, when did you get a new computer? You had said you might get a chrome something - is that what you got? Hope you enjoyed your day in bed - I've been thinking about doing the same so may get to bed early tonight.

    Wish I had something sweet - should make some of the muffins I like so well but hate to heat up the kitchen but may do that in the morning.

    Ron, hope you've relaxed today - you've been stressed out for a while so it's good to know that things are all right.

    I looked at the moon again last night - it came up about 11 p.m. almost directly across from the house - looked so pretty reflecting in the pond. I'll stop for now and watch a little more TV - or take a short nap. Just fed the GPs - they've been napping all afternoon. Hope everyone's okay today.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
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    JoC I put a little cornmeal mix, salt and pepper, in container with lid. Add zucchini slices and shake it all up.

    In past I cut corn off cob and scraped cob. Place corn in heavy pan. Add For each dozen of ears used 4T butter, 1T water, 1t salt. Start on medium heat and stir every minute or two. Once starts simmering decrease heat a little and cook 3 minutes. Remove from heat, transfer corn to unheated bowl or pan and place in ice water. Ready to freeze when cool. This is excellent.

    My sister told me she just cuts hers off and scrapes cob. Then puts in container and freezes. Adds butter when she cooks it. Have eaten my sisters and liked it so trying it this way this year as much simpler.

    Got a lot done today so hope I can rest a lot tomorrow. My Aunt who turns 93 soon, fell last night and is now in hospital with an UTI and quite confused. Heart rate low on arrival also with pauses. Now they have approached her daughter about a pacemaker. Don’t know what she will end up deciding. Know she would rather her mom made decision. Told her wouldn’t hurt her to ask if she is stable enough to wait a few days to see if her mind clears with UTI treatment so she can make her own decision.

    nice you found one of your missing things Lorita

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
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    I have a question for you folks...

    My mother wants to donate a quilt she has. Her grandmother started a family quilt and had each of the children and close family make a "square". They were all done on velvet and they embordered their individual familys name on it. Then grandmother pieced it, did more embroidery on edges of each piece, and put on the backing. It was actually used for some years before finding its way into various cedar chests. It is probably 85-90 years old and in good condition.

    It is a beautiful work of art and I plan to take pictures of each "square" with a chart so that we have the memories if not the quilt itself.

    Problem we are having is where can it be donated...most museums do not take textiles. Mother wants it to go somewhere where it will be displayed from time to time. Any suggestions? Living in Virginia you would think I could find some place.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    Lorita....you do not need to start a new thread now if ever with the new program and please do not worry about your pad not knowing you. What exactly does the message say???

    Here is how my family has always fixed corn. Get in car...go to store...buy frozen Birdseye...return home and put in freezer....take out of freezer...cook in water...drain...add butter and serve, Frozen vegetables are "fresher" than what you bring home from the farmers market.

    Jo...the class is by a sculptor.

    I had mentioned that at one time I considered buying a Chromebook. I bought a PC and installed Chrome as the operating system since I use google drive exclusively. Now Apple comes with google drive so everything will be and look the same.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Had to drop in again - I saw on TV a woman took corn off the cob by sticking the ear of corn into the tube of a bundt pan - when she scraped, the corn fell right into the bundt pan making it easy to collect. Never have tried it, but it looked impressive for her.

    Had something new today and OH MY it is delicious: Have any of you been eating Golden Kiwi? Heavens, it is absolutely delicious. The fruit is golden inside and each Golden Kiwi has three times more Vitamin C than an orange - a full days supply. Like eating juicy, refreshing candy it is so good. Also found that green Kiwi has as much fiber as two full bananas. Oh the things one learns on the internet. If you have not had a Golden Kiwi, it will be quite a treat.

    A sculptor Judith, in lost wax method . . . . that should be one very interesting class. Can't wait to hear what he does and how it all turns out.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Jo C, Yes, I like the Golden Kiwi. They are sweet, the green kiwi can be somewhat tart at times.

    Does anyone have an Aldi's nearby? It's a German grocery store that also sells goodies, such as clothing and pet items. I just picked up some shorts and cat treats. It's easier than having to go to a department store!

    I tried to look at the giant full moon but apparently I did not check for it early enough. There will be another full moon at the end of this month.

    My little girl cat Seven had been very sick, and it turns out that she has a UTI. I had to return her to the vet for an antibiotic injection. The vet wanted $300 to do a urine culture, I passed on that. The antibiotic was $80. The exam, blood tests, subcutaneous fluids and antinausea meds cost me $750 the prior day. I can afford this, but I don't know how other people can afford such expense for a cat. She is doing better today. She is about 25 years, so she is already a geriatric cat.

    Fans are enjoying Taylor Swift's concerts. She made the front page today. I only know two of her songs.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Judith, it's just that I can't post on the tablets. Guess it doesn't matter because it's easier on the laptop. It says "looks like you're new here. Sign in or register to join the conversation". If I type in my e-mail address and password, it says it's an invalid entry. Both of the tablets are the same. If I use the tablet when I try to get to the last post, I have to go through all of the first posts to read the last ones. No problem, just takes a while.

    Sara, you're, in fact, fixing the corn to be ready to eat when it's thawed and warmed whereas your sister does the basic things, then adds the rest of the ingredients when she's ready to use it. I have corn in the freezer now that I just cut off the cob and froze - I'll use it in soup. We used to blanch the corn on the cob before we froze it but it was a lot of trouble and wasn't any better than just freezing it, unblanced. About the zucchini slices - I guess you can also use yellow squash and do it the same way. I did zucchini the other day, dipped it in flour, then into a beaten egg, then breadcrumbs and fried it - really good but your way sounds easier.

    Iris, going to the vet is as expensive or more so than going to a doctor. I know a trip to pull a calf was from $120-150. Every time I take Lilly and Max for their allergy shots and medicine it's almost $100. I know they offer insurance for dogs but not sure about cats and have no idea how much it is. I think Lilly is going to have to have another allergy shot - she's getting those bumps around her neck. So far, Max isn't having any trouble. Stormy is scratching some but Sheena isn't. It's only been about a month since their last shot.

    I don't think I've ever had a cat with a UTI. Do you have trouble giving her medicine? Hope she gets along all right.

    Jo, you asked about the allergy that's causing itching on my hands - it comes and goes but Benadryl does help some. Also have sort of a drippy nose off and on so I'm wearing a mask when I go outside. I've never heard of golden kiwi - I like the green ones but they are sort of tart sometimes. I like the center - tastes like bananas. I'll look for them if I go to WM - our little store didn't have kiwis. I wonder what they did with all the groceries they had in that store when they closed? Guess I'll never know. Really hate they went out of business. WM has driven both of our grocery stores out of business - wonder if that's happening everywhere.

    Iris, Muskogee has an Aldis - I've never been there and I remember my sister in OKC used to go to Aldis and really liked it. I think it was close to her house.

    I don't think there a fool-proof way to cut corn off the cob and not get it everywhere - the best way we found was the flat thing with the blade you slid the corn cob over.

    Iris, the night the moon was full it came up here at 9 p.m., next night it was 10 p.m. and last night it was 11 p.m. - each night it came up farther toward the north. Guess it'll be MN tonight. It was so beautiful - great big and so bright - just so pretty reflecting in the pond.

    I tried something new today. You all know I make my own bread in the bread machine. I've always used 2 C. of bread flour - today I used 1 cup of bread flour and l cup of AP flour - just to see how it was. It's delicious but because the texture is softer it's pretty hard to slice. It has a lighter texture where the all bread flour is finer - like it both ways. Sara, when you make your bread do you use all bread flour?

    I was wondering if I start 192 is there a way to get back to the previous posts like we could do on the old format? We've posted so many good recipes on 191 - hate to lose them. I have written down lots of them though.

    It's time for the news so I'll stop for tonight. We're supposed to possibly have storms after MN tonight with winds up to 80 mph and heavy rain. Hope we get the rain but can really do without the wind. I still worry about that big elm on the north side of the house. I did take down the flag so it wouldn't blow away.

    Sara, sorry about your aunt - hope she improves and doesn't have to have the pacemaker. Thanks, I'm glad I found the tablet - now only three things left to find.

    Marie, what a wonderful piece of family history to have. Will be so nice to have pictures of each square and a little history of the person who made it. I think quilts are almost a thing of the past. My mother and grandma used to make quilts - I can remember the quilting thing would hang from the ceiling in our living room when they quilted. Mother made a Little Dutch Girl pattern I think, maybe also Dutch Boy, not sure. She made the little girl's dresses out of scraps from dresses she made for my sister and I. I have no idea where those quilts might be unless they are stored in a couple of old trunks and deep freeze in our storage building. When my sister got married she took some of them. I was only five so don't know which ones. I have no idea where they could be donated so they could be on display for others to enjoy. I'm sure someone will know though.

    I better stop before I write a book. I think I've missed the weather so will hope for rain and no wind. See you all tomorrow.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
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    edited August 2023

    Marie the quilt sounds beautiful. I am not aware of anyone y ou can donate them to. I have several quilts I’ve made, never use them. I don’t even know what to do with them. Have wondered if I will just have to throw them away. Have thought about taking them to Goodwill or volunteers but not sure if anyone buys them. Guess I could take them to the donation center and ask. T hen I think well maybe someday I’ll run into someone that needs them so I’ve never done that. Just find blankets so much warmer than the quilts and easier to take care of.

    JoC thanks for mentioning Golden Kiwi. Have gotten really good Kiwi but don’t buy often because majority of time not good. Will try the golden ones later on. Got a personal sized yellow watermelon at farm stand this week that is good.

    We do have an Aldi’s here, Iris. Before the pandemic I went fairly often. But since the pandemic, I’ve just never gotten back to going there. It was a place I went just for a few certain items that I could get cheaper there. It wasn’t someplace that I could do all my grocery shopping. Go to the grocery store fairly often since I shop for mom myself and Jean. Guess I just don’t want to go to another grocery store anymore. My sisters do continue to help me shop for mom. Sometimes though I have to go in between and get something for her. Or sometimes one of my other sisters does too. This week though my sister that helps me the most is going to be tied up, my other sister that helps me works during the day. So I might have to deal with mom more this week.

    Mom found the the start of a tomato plant. She asked me to transplant it and I told her it’s too late in the season. So she got the lawnmower guy to transplant it. Went over there yesterday to pick blueberries again and she is wanting me to bring water to it so she can water it later in the evening. She wanted me to carry the water clear from the back of the property instead of just getting it out of the spigot that was much closer, thank goodness there was no water in the bucket that she has underneath the eve of the shed. I’m trying to be very patient with all of this. The poor plant was totally wilted because it’s on the south side of a brick house which gets very hot in the evening and it’s dry and it’s just very late in the season , it will never be successful.

    Lorita, I put my corn in soup a lot too. Your way of fixing zucchini is probably tastier. Mine is simpler to do and less calories. Since I went to eating my meals around 7,11,4 and no bedtime snack have lost a bit of weight and it has stayed off. Some thing that I am very happy about.

    Easiest way I have found to cut corn off without making a huge mess is to cut it off in a deep stock pan.

    Lorita I have just always made my bread with bread flour. Since you’ve told me this, though, I am going to experiment. Have been buying bread at the farmstand. Noticed that it is much softer but also it has no whole grain in it. Anyway, I’m going to try using some all purpose flour as well as bread flour and see if I get a little softer texture, thank you.

    take care

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    We got some rain - 1.5, almost 1.6 and it's cloudy and much cooler this morning - looks like the sun's about to come out. Laptop says it's 76 but not sure that's right. Mike called earlier to see how much we got. He said they got 1.9 and Toad got 1.9 - he lives probably 5-6 miles east of us. I hope it gets rid of the grasshoppers. He said there was a meadow behind Darwin's house that had grass two feet tall and the grasshoppers got into it and it was too short to cut and bale. I've never seen them this bad. Funny - he and Sidney had to go to Muskogee on a farm call and he said there was a big grasshopper latched onto the window on her side. It stayed on there for at least ten miles with him driving 70 mph so they have a good grip - reason I don't like for them to get on me.

    He made over 1100 bales of hay on the section east of us. Even mowed down grass knowing we were going to get rain to keep the grasshoppers from getting it. There's geese behind his clinic that are always there and they're having a smorgasbord eating grasshoppers - so many they can pick and choose.

    Sara, when I was growing up I don't really remember us having blankets - always quilts. Don't throw them away - too much work for you and someone can use them for sure. I've never made a quilt but I know they're lots of work. I did make a quilted pillow cover once and that was enough for me. Sounds sort of like your mother doesn't always consider things she wants you to do - like carrying water from farther away to water the plant. You are so patient with her but I know it must be hard sometimes.

    I cut the cantalope Darwin brought and it's delicious - small but so good. Haven't cut the watermelon yet - it's so cute - I don't remember seeing any this small before. They may be smaller because of the dry weather but I bet it's good. I ate some of the melon I bought when I was in town last and it's still good. I cut it and put the inside in a lock 'n lock container in the refrigerator and it's really lasted well.

    I'm thinking about taking Lilly to the vet for her allergy shot, maybe Tuesday, then driving on down to town to pick up things from WM (will try to see if I can order them online to pick up). I can't leave her in the PU even if it is cooler. I'm so sad that our little store closed - I could get in and out in 15 minutes. It will be sorely missed by everyone.

    We didn't get the high winds last night and I'm glad of that - wish we could have gotten more rain but there's chances the next two nights and it's going to be in the mid 90s all week. I'll be so glad when August is over.

    Sara - just a thought - if you all have a shopper you might advertise the quilts for sale if you decide to not donate them. Handmade quilts sell for lots of money.

    I'll stop and watch some more of In The Kitchen with David. They're advertising a pan, cast iron, sort of like a braiser. I've been looking for a pan like that so will stop and see about it. Did make the pumpkin spice muffins this morning while it was cooler. Back later.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    Decided not to go to the lecture today. One more day of nothingness sounds better. Maybe St Louis and a very busy week left me needing R&R.

    Lorita...every electronic divice has its own identity complete with a number so while they look alike they are totally different entities. Jud go ahead and reregister.

    Quilts....no one in my family quilted. My dearfriend quilted. ..she pieced and quilted by hand. She did one for each grandchild I think. I will make certain the youngest did get his quilt. She may have died before it was finished but maybe there will be enough for a pillow. I did make an Amish quilt for my grandaughter that was "spectacular". Machine pieced and stitch in the ditch so you could use it and throw it in the washer. I think I still have the big safety pins.

    What, you say. She can sew? Yes. i even made the dress for my grandaughter who was the flower girl in my daughters wedding. If I can ever get pictures transfered to this PC and learn how to post I will do so. I love all the snaps shared and would like to do the same.

    There is evidence of rain from last night. It may be cooler. It will be the same temperature in from of my tv...lol

    Iris...I remember spending almost 3K on a dog with a heart condition in the month before she died. The alternative was to put her down and it just wasn't time.

    I really miss having a dog but it is simply unreasonable to get one. I have thought of telling our vet that if one of his clients can no longer take care of their dog that I would consider adopting. It would have to weigh under 20 lbs.

    Fitness....I got up to 100 steps. Honestly, it must not be working right.

    Had what might be my last appt with the neurologist. There is nothing left to do for the neuropathy that he thinks my PCP can not handle. I am fortunate. It affects my balance and can be uncomfortable at times but some with this are inwheel chairs...I am still leading tours.

    Still watching The Ranch or maybe the namd is Rancher of Netflix. With Lorita's introdiction to cows I am able to follow the story line. It is a great binge. My life would take a serious downturn without streaming.

    Jo...I am actually reading a book!!!

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 500 Likes 250 Care Reactions

    Lorita what is done with the bales of hay? Are they kept for the winter? How to keep them from getting rained on?


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Lorita, rain........what is that! They do say we have a slight chance later this week!

    Sara, someone will always want a quilt. I've seen them going for ip to and over two hundred dollars. I remember when Lou's mom lived with us she had her quilting frame set up in our living room. At the time I was working swing shift and sometimes coming home around 1am she would be sitting in front of it, needle in hand sound asleep. I would wake her up and she would always say she wasnt asleep, just resting her eyes. She was always either quilting or crocheting.

    I made it to church this morning, lou was still asleep when I left. She has started sleeping more and more. If I didnt wake her up I think she would sleep all day.


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Hello Front Porch Friends, Here's how I cook corn to freeze it. 8 cups corn kernels, 1/3 cup sugar, 1 1/2 tsp salt, 2 cups water. Bring to boil. Turn down and continue to cook for 10 minutes. Cool and bag.

    I have done 2 1/2 dozen ears so far. I might try to do a little more. It is so delicious, especially when corn is no longer in season. The sweet corn has been really nice this year (we buy it at a roadside stand). We eat it often. My tomatoes are going gangbusters. I have 5 plants. I believe I have picked 35-40 tomatoes this week. Most of those are from my Jet Star tomatoes. I also have Cherokee Purple. They are not producing heavily, but they are producing. You may wonder what I do with so many tomatoes. Well, I freeze some, eat some and give the rest away! My cucumbers may be coming close to the end of production. There are still quite a few coming on - I have often picked 8 or so per day - but the vines look dry now. Then again that could be the weather. Hot and dry....however, we got rain Wednesday, Saturday and today so maybe our weather pattern is changing.

    Have a great week! Beth

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    Beth...I will be right over with a large bag.....lol

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    We are having a rainy morning. That’s good, we needed it.

    Have done some cleaning. Maybe I can finish this afternoon. Fixed breakfast for myself and nephew. I enjoy that. Got moms grocery shopping done. All my tomatoes still green. Hope they ripen. Looks like one of my squash will start blooming soon.

    Ran into a friend at store. Was so nice to see her.

    My cousin and Aunt made the decision for no pacemaker. Think they made a good decision. She is telling the nurses all her family is coming for her birthday. I hope we get to do that. But if not that is ok too. Said she is still a little confused but smiling and happy. She was already on hospice. She told me several months ago “Im at peace in my mind.” That is how I was in May.

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Morning, Ron, glad you made it to Church so maybe your week will go better. Darwin says his wife either sleeps or is just in bed 20 hours of the day. I don't remember that Charles slept more. Some mornings he'd get up when I did (early) and other times he'd sleep a little longer and that's when I would talk with you all. Rain - something wet that falls from the sky. I just typed that and thought of once when I was walking across the patio at the hospital from my office to the canteen and a bird dropped something wet on me - really surprised me.

    We had another .8" of rain last night so that makes 2.3". The places east of here that had more than we did night before last didn't have as much last night so we ended up having about the same amount. I slept in this morning - so good to hear the rain. About the time I got up the drive-way alarm went off and it was Toad taking off in the Gator. A couple of minutes later Mike called to see how much rain we had gotten. He said they were changes pastures for some of their cattle. Grasshoppers have eaten all the grass in the pastures. I need to get out and check ours today.

    Iris, we bale hay in the summer to feed the cows, along with grain, in the wintertime. They feed hay about every other day - four bales to our 50-60 head. They need more when the weather's really bad - cold or wet. Years ago they used twine to tie the big round bales together so they wouldn't come apart and they did get wet. Now, everyone, almost, uses netwrap. It's' a net that's wrapped around the bales compressing it and it lets the rain roll off and not soak in. I remember a couple of winters when we had sleet or freezing rain that covered the bales of hay. Charles and I had to beat the ice off so we could get the netwrap off so we could feed the hay. Interesting - you can get the wrap off and find the seam and roll the hay out on the ground - it's rolled up as they bale it. We did that a few times but it's wasteful but good when the weather is wet so the babies and cows can lay on the hay. I'm sure that won't be done this winter if the hay's short.

    Laptop says it's 76 right now - that may be a bit low but it's stil partly cloudy and so nice after last week. In fact, there's a chance of rain tonight and tomorrow night. Such a nice break in the middle of August.

    Judith, why don't you talk to your vet about adopting a little dog that someone can't keep. It would be so much company for you. I know you miss Luke - I still miss Barclee. They're so much company and everything you need is closeby so the little guy wouldn't have to be alone too much while you're gone. I couldn't do without ours. I still miss Barclee and Kitt - they do become part of the family.

    All the writing about corn has made me hungry for corn. I can remember how good it was to pick and shuck it and put it in boiling water and then slather it with butter. One of our poodles would eat the corn off the cob just like a person.

    Haven't seen the girls this morning or heard them - always worries me when I don't see them. I think I'll drive out this afteroom to see them and also to check the pastures. It's sort of odd - there's a little bit of grass in the yard and the hoppers aren't bothering or eating it. I understand they prefer bermuda grass instead of prairie grass - maybe that's better because that's what we have on the farm - very little bermuda. Seems like there's always something to contend with - dry weather, wet weather, storms, tornados and now grasshoppers. It would be interesting to see how widespread they are - I know they're a mile east and about three miles north - seem to be more concentrated on hills where's it's a little drier.

    I was looking for eyedrops late yesterday and found a baggie in the bathroom with seven foil packets with five single-use vials in each hera Teams - dry eye treatment. I don't remember when I got them but the expiration date was March 2023. I called the company and they can't recommend using them so guess they'll go into the trash. I can't remember using Thera Tears for quite a while. Got something in my eye yesterday and kept using drops and finally got it out but it's kind of sore this morning - guess it must have scratched my eye a little bit. I better stop and listen to the weather - I still have my gown on so better change before I go out in the pastures. Sandy, enjoyed our visit last night - the weather says the weather's bad in your area so hope Rob makes the trip all right. Back later.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Still hot this morning but suppose to get better for a day or two. Still no rain but 40% chance tonight.

    Feeling a little hungry today; red beans and rice with cornbread and a few salad. Been a while since we had anything besides sandwiches and takeout.


  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
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    Here in Virginia we have been in tornado and severe weather alert for several hours and it will continue until about 9 pm.

    Today was eye doctor day for mother so I was on the road from about 9 am this morning until 5 pm. No problems getting home until I came down off the "mountain" and then the sky opened up...very hard to see but since I know the road very well was not as bad as it might have been. Haven't heard of any tornados here locally, thank goodness.

    As Ron knows, God does answer prayers. I had asked Him to watch over me on the drive home and He did.

    Hope all of you folks on the porch are doing well.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Oh my; our son made a chili pork verde with white beans and tomatlllos last night and brought it over to us for dinner. It was beyond delicious the sauce was amazing; I wanted to lick the bowl - it really would be a prize winner in a contest. Layers of flavor, he sure can cook. It was a nice surprise so we put off our salmon dinner until tonight.

    Weather a bit cooler today; 88 degrees. Got my hair cut today; had it cut shorter than I like so it lasts longer while DH continues to heal from his surgery; less fuss and bother.

    Joan: Speaking of surgery - you may find this bit in some of the papers your surgeon gives you, but just in case he does not, you are going to rehab so you will have someone to be on hand to help for a little while. However, when going home, it is strongly recommended that you have clothing including underwear, outerwear, etc. and towels and washcloths, etc., placed on a counter or furniture top that is low - about waist high or so making it easy to use without bending or twisting or reaching way up. Also do this in the kitchen with dishes, glasses, flatware, pans or pots, toaster, coffee maker, etc., all on the counter top or stove top so you do not have to bend or reach far from your body. We also put out extra paper towels and toilet tissue on counter tops so that did not have to be messed with by reaching up or bending down which is of course verboten. Anything routinely used, keep it at the appropriate level so you do not make accidental mistakes. Also found that the pill bottles and TV controller and a few other things for his recliner chair side - I put into a small plastic basin so nothing would go rolling on the floor making it hard to pick up even with a grabber.

    If you have a shower chair with arm rests, you can get a basket to put on one of the arms that will hold your soap, shampoo, etc. without having to reach for it. Also, a chair at a height easy to get out of for your grooming mirror area. We have also found it good to have a chair at the entry of each room much used. Such as bedroom, family room, office, etc. He finds himself getting very tired and sometimes a bit weak or very sore feeling, so he will sit down on the chair near the door and recoup before getting up and going again. They need not be upholstered; a kitchen type or dining room type chair would do. He is doing well walking outside, so that is good.

    I am sure you will already have addressed much of this and also as you begin your own recovery, you will have good suggestions for us. It is DH's fifth post-op week today. Takes longer to get farther along when one is older, so patience is something I wish could be prescribed so he would get some. He will overdo and sometimes forget the brace for a short period, BUT if he overdoes, the next day his back is pretty sore and he is pooped, so he is finally beginning to learn cause and effect. Sigh!!!

    City mice; country mice - Judith and I seem to be more city mice; BUT we can enjoy! We each have a whoopee bag to collect anything y'all wish to throw our way . . .

    Our DIL's father, Frank, died unexpectedly a couple of months ago. He was getting ready for work, sat down on the sofa for a moment, and suddenly died. Horrible. He was quite a vegetable gardener each year. And each year, he planted exactly 21 Roma Tomato Plants. Not one more, not one less; 21 exactly and he was very proud of how good the tomatoes were.

    Poor DIL has been so steeped in loss; she was very close to her father. Well . . . she was very worried about him and so wished she could somehow know that all was well for him.

    Well . . . she and our son have a small back yard; mostly trees, green shrubs kept nice. Never, ever have they planted anything vegetable like. Well . . . our DIL was in the back yard and saw what looked like a tomato plant coming up between some shrubs . . .???? They had never planted any tomato plant and they have lived there for about six years. The tomato plant grew and has flourished and has put out the most perfect, absolutely delicious Roma Tomatoes! DIL sees this as a message from her father. That one plant keeps cranking out so many tomatoes they could not use them all, so we got a nice batch of them. We now call the tomato plant, "Frank." Eerie but sweet.

    Lorita, what a lovely thing for Darwin to do in bringing some of his melons; really neighborly. It is too bad about his wife; is he still caring for her all by himself? The melon sounded delicious; now we have to see how the little watermelon tastes; hope it is enjoyable for you. Good call not to use eye drops. Far better safe than sorry. Remember those glass eye cups to rinse one's eyes? Have not seen those in a long time, but I remember using one way back in the day when I got something in my eye . I think they can still be bought, but they are no longer advertised anywhere I have seen.

    WHOOOPS!!! Stop the presses!!! Alert the media!!! Judith (jfkoc) is reading a book! So; is it fiction for pleasure or art/design or learning something . . . ? I am a fiction reader; tis my much enjoyed escape (absolutely NO romance novels.) Don't know what I would do without a book, I read pretty much each night and sometimes a bit in some afternoons. Spend far too much on them, but the local library though it will loan to electronic readers, does not do Paperwhite or some of the other electronic reader books for loans, and I hit the lottery on that one - will not work with my particular Kindle.

    Sorry you missed the lost wax class Judith; that may have been interesting, but it was also probably more comfortable being home and treating yourself to some needed"me" time. My family does corn the same as yours does! Imagine that! No roadside stands where we are, except springtime strawberry stands which are gone pretty fast. Must be nice being able to get to such wonderful venues to buy the veggies and fruits.

    Special hello to Mr. Ron - still so delighted about your appointment outcome - what a wonderful surprise - the angels must have been singing!

    Well; time to get me off of here before I bore you so bad you all fall asleep and fall off your chairs -


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Hi again,

    Decided I'd drive around in the pastures and check out the grass. Both GPs wanted to go so didn't let either go. If I take Stormy it hurts Sheena's feelings. I'll take him in the morning when I go to the mailbox. Saw all the girls - Samson is staying away from them for now - guess he's done his work for a while. Grass looks pretty good in places but there's grasshoppers every where. Some got on the windshield and they're wicked-looking. There's one place south of the house where it's shaded from the afternoon sun and the grass looks good there but it's not a very big place. Wish you all could see the pretty bales of hay across from us but I've posted pictures of the bales of hay before so you know how it looks. Told Mike I bet they baled a lot of grasshoppers in the hay and he said that'll give the cows some good protein. He's funny.

    Jo, I have one of those eyecups. My grandma always had one to bathe her eyes. She had some kind of eye disease when she was much younger - probably cataracts but she said it was on the backs of her eyes but they're not so don't know. She kept a jar of boric acid water in the refrigerator to bathe her eyes and also used Argyrol which made her sclera brown so she always had an eyecup. I imagine it's in her trunk in the storage building. I needed one a few years ago and found one at WM. They do come in handy. My eye isn't sore this afternoon - just need to remember to keep my fingers away from them. I find it strange that in the hot weather they're not so dry or don't feel like they are.

    Ron, how are things going today? I hope you get some rain and some of this cooler weather. I get aggravated at the news and weather people - they just won't let you enjoy the cool weather - always telling us when the hot, steamy weather will be back - muggy report for tomorrow - it's 87 right now and the sun is hot. Our time for cooler weather will come.

    Did you all see that house in Juneau, Alaska falling into the river that's so high because of a glacier melting? Looked like there was another one next to it that was about ready to fall in. Mother Nature is not happy with us.

    Jo, Darwin is caring for Donna by himself. He's still able to go to town for a little while each week - she's in bed about 20 hours a day. I've told him that I'd be happy to stay with her when he needs to go somewhere. He'd have to leave and then I could go over and act like I was just dropping by for a visit. I like her and am so sorry this has happened to her. He's frail and the hot weather is almost too much for him. Glad he decided to sell his girls and lease his land to Mike - glad both of us did that.

    Haven't cut the little melon yet so will finish what I have first. Probably will eat some of the cantalope tonight. I like it with ice cream or cottage cheese - used to take that for lunch many times when we raised the melons.

    Jo, you'v'e given Joan so many good hints on what has helped your husband in his recovery. I know she's so thankful for that. Glad he's getting along as well as he is. This time next month Joan will be well on her way to recovery. Time does go fast.

    So sorry about your DIL's dad - hurts to lose your parents. Hope Frank continues to do well.

    Marie, glad you made it home safely. I don't like to drive in the rain but have done it so much - I'd rather drive in fog.

    See you all tomorrow - rest well.

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    edited August 2023

    Good morning.

    Lorita, you’re so right. Jo has been so helpful.

    Jo, you are giving me all the tools to be successful. My oldest daughter will come stay with me when I get home from rehab, so I’ll have her get me all organized with everything placed within reach. I got my Kizik shows and am wearing them today. They are very comfortable. If you slide your foot in and press on the heel, they slip right on. No other adjustment needed. I did loosen the laces last night, and that helped with getting them on. They fit well and feel very supportive. As Bill recovers, keep sending your tips. I am so very thankful you are willing to share with me. You are a wonderful resource. I’m happy he’s making progress.

    Your story about your DIL and the tomato plant is touching. I would take it as a sign from above too. I’m sorry for her and her family.

    if you get an iPad, you can load kindle on it. Amazon prime has free books for kindle, and also great prices on other books

    Lorita, I’m hoping the grasshoppers get out of your area soon. Let’s hope they don’t come back. I can’t imagine how creepy that feels to have them everywhere. I hope you stay cooler today. We have had temps up to 90, but with the dry air, the heat index doesn’t go up much.

    Marie, I don’t know where you can donate quilts you might get online and google quilt collectors. I’ve heard people have donated or sold quilts that way.

    Judith, I hope you enjoy your book. I love to read and almost always have a book around.

    I am envious of you all freezing corn and tomatoes. Maybe by next summer I can do that again. I think it’s a great hobby.

    Hi to everyone. I need to get clothes in the dryer. Have a wonderful day and stay cool. Joan

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    It's wonderful here this morning! We had rain again last night. I woke up at 2 and it was raining and thundering, went back to sleep, woke up at 4:30 and still there was rain. I finally got up about 8 a.m. - what's going on with me? We had a little over 1.5" of rain, again, so the total for this week is almost 4". Had to hurry out, in my gown, to check the rain gauge because I knew Mike would call to see how much we got. He did - said Toad and his dad got over 2" last night. It's 74 right now - so wish it would stay this way for a lot longer. There is a chance of rain again tonight but will be a little farther north.

    He said he had clients from all directions yesterday and every one of them said the grasshoppers were awful so they're everywhere. I don't see any this morning but i bet they're there. They seem to like the fertilized bermuda grass that's really tender - but, again, they've been eating holly leaves which are not tender. Wish I could remember when they left last year.

    Sara, I think I like the bread with half bread flour and half AP flour a little better than all bread flour - they're different but both are so good. I had a couple of slices toasted this morning with peach preserves and peanut butter. I don't know how I came up with that concoction but it's really good on toast.

    I watched Denim & Co. this morning and ordered a light blue fleece pullover - I love fleece when the weather's cold. They had lots of pretty clothes but I wear the same things over and over so don't need more but sometimes it's hard to resist.

    Joan, I bet you'll be back to making your jams and jellies for Christmas gifts again this year. It's so nice to have someone who has gone through similar surgery to give suggestions as Jo has done. Kind of gives you (or would me) a sense of security knowing what's to come. So nice that your daughter will be able to be with you for a while after the surgery. Tell me again what you said a while back about the grasshoppers or was it crickets?

    Nothing planned for today - had thought I'd mop the LR/DR - it's big so I'll have to do it in sections. I even did that when Charles was here. It upset him when I moved furniture around to mop so had to be careful. I am not a housekeeper - never have been except when we lived in the MH and travel trailer - had to be then.

    Stormy's scratching some but Sheena isn't so I want to wait to get his allergy shot. Maybe I can spray a little bit of Adams on him and that might help. He's not scratching all the time and is sound asleep right now. Lilly is beginning to get those bumps around her neck but not scratching much. It's way too hot to get her out in the PU to go to the vets. When it's cooler I'll take her by there and then on to WM to pick up groceries. So aggravated that our store was driven out of business. It used to be Sheltons, then sold to Top Value, then to Sonnys. They were only in business as Sonnys for a couple of months. Wish someone else would buy it and reopen. Our town will be a food desert except for WM.

    Sandy, I did contact Schwans - they don't deliver in this area but they do have UPS deliver around here for them. Did UPS go on strike? I don't remember hearing.

    The sun has come out so it'll warm up some - laptop says it's 79 right now with some east wind - feels so nice.

    Hope everyone's okay this norning. Ron, did you get any rain and is it still hot down there? Hope you can get some cooler weather. I don't like to do anything when it's hot.

    Had some cantalope last night and it was delicious - reminded me of the ones we used to raise. Those were the good old days. Back later.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, if I saw grasshoppers on my windshield, I'd be so freaked out that I might crash my car! Bugs, Ugh!

    Jo C gave excellent advice for accommodating the home, even if there has not been a surgery, but for arthritics.

    My cat Seven, who had the UTI that cost me over $800, is doing much better. She is eating again and her activity is back to normal. I'm so glad!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
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    Marie did you get through the rough weather ok? We got 1.5 inches of rain yesterday but no rough weather. Thankful for the rain.

    Lorita my sister said UPS did not strike, that is all I know.

    Got my pneumonia vaccine last Friday. Have had no reaction to it.

    Lorita seems we have had way less grasshoppers here than past couple of years. More Japenese beetles though than we’ve had in a long time. Got a rip paste tomato today and see a larger tomato is starting to turn. As you know they are all volunteers. Hope at least a few have good flavor.

    Going to attach a photo of my mystery plant. Hoping somebody might know what it is. I’m leaning toward a melon. This one has been growing rather quickly and about size of soft ball right now. Found a couple of small ones too.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    A garden mystery = how fun! Will be exciting to see what this turns out to be; don't forget to let us know.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    edited August 2023

    Iris, so glad Seven is doing better. When they hurt, we hurt. How old is she? I hate bugs, too. I have a Dynatrap on the front porch and every couple of weeks I have to take the bottom off to get all the bugs out. I don't have to touch them or I'd freak out, too.

    Sara, would you maybe have had some seeds from honey dew melons you might have thrown out in that area? We never grew them but this doesn't look like a cantalope because the skin is too smooth. It's pretty and the vine looks really healthy. I'm anxious to see what it is, too. The yellow blooms looks really different than a melon bloom. What are the little white flowers?

    I haven't been out in the yard yet today since this morning so don't know if the grasshoppers are still as bad or not. Carol says they have a few in her yard but she can hear and see them in yards around them.

    It's been much cooler today but sunny. Those weather people can't let well enough alone - they keep talking about it getting hot again. I'll be glad when August and half of September is gone.

    I had a call this afternoon a little after two, from Todd, telling me he thinks Sarah has had a stroke. He thinks it was sometime during the night - she can't talk so he can understand her and can't use her legs. He was able to help her to the bathroom and helped her change the ileostomy bag. Their friend came by and she told him she thinks she had a stroke. I told him to get her to the hospital ASAP and to let me know. Haven't heard from him and he doesn't answer his phone. I called Mercy Hospital and she isn't there - in a room or in the ER. So, I have no idea what happened. If this happened during the night and at 2 p.m. she was still alive I guess it won't be fatal. Aggravates me that he hasn't called me to let me know what's happening. All I can do is wait.

    I've been laying down on the divan and I think I drifted off to sleep because my left lower rib cage is hurting. It hurts on both sides a lot of the time - the cartilage has something wrong with it - not attached right?

    We're supposed to have some more rain tonight and possible storms tomorrow but it sounds like most of it will be north of us this time. Guess we could do without more rain right now to let the cut grass dry some to bale and for the meadows to green up and grow for a second cutting - may be possible now if the grasshoppers will move on and not eat everything in sight.

    Iris, those grasshoppers are huge and have feet that stick to things - like the windshield, windows and people - hate that. A while ago there was one stuck to the outside of the kitchen window. When they were smaller I saw lots of them caught in spider webs - too big for that now.

    Enjoy the evening - see you tomorrow.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    edited August 2023

    Lorita I hope he will call you soon.

    Have not had a honeydew in a long time. That doesn’t mean anything. A bird or the wind can deposit one from anywhere.

  • littleme
    littleme Member Posts: 70
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    Hi Lorita

    the pain in the cartilage on the lowest ribs [both sides] is costochondritis. That is where I have most of my pain with it. Mine is worst on the right.

    I'm a bit miserable at the moment. Have a pinched nerve on the right side of my lower spine, that is affecting the right leg, knee calf and foot. Quite painful. As well as that, having a flare-up of Fibromyalgia, which gives me pain in almost every muscle everywhere, shoulders, arms, hands, you name it. Hope it eases soon. I have booked another weeks holiday in September. Fingers crossed I feel better by then.


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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