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Just need to talk to my friends (191)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Hi Barbara, good to see your post but am so sorry you're in such pain. What can you do for the pinched nerve? Hope it gets better soon so you can enjoy your vacation next month.

    I have costochondritis on the left side of the middle of my chest. I remember when that first started about 52 years ago. So have to be careful with that. Twice I've done something to the cartilage in my left lower rib cage - felt like a rib had gotten over the top of another one but guess that was the cartilage. I have to be careful to not sleep on either side now so it's sleeping on the back.

    Where are you going on your vacation and are you going in your RV? How is your weather - very cold this year - wish we could share some of our hot weather with you - but, today was nice. Haven't heard anything, Sara. I've tried calling him but it goes to voice mail. Can't understand what's going on with them - maybe he took her to another hospital. Sara, I really don't know if honey dew melons are green skinned when they're growing and turn yellowish when ripe. It'll be interesting to see what it really is. Sometimes volunteer vegetables and melons do better than ones we've planted.

    The girls just came by changing pastures. Some lagged behind and one mom stopped and called her baby and had to wait and wait until she caught up with mom. I know they've really enjoyed the rain and cooler weather. When it rained Charles always said the girls and babies were getting a bath. I know they enjoyed the change.

    Tonight must be game night on TV - I've watched Jeopardy, Wheel of Fortune and on the second hour of Masters Jeopardy. I don't know how those people know the answers to those questions - I can occasionally get an answer but can't think fast enough - if I knew it.

    Enjoy the rest of the evening and hope you all sleep well. See you tomorrow

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Lorita, the bug infestation in the north west corner of our state was Morman crickets. The were a yellowish brown color and destroyed all green plants in their path. The county sprayed them and as far as I know, they killed that group of them. So far, they haven’t been seen in any other part of Colorado.

    I agree with all of you. Our great friend Jo is so sweet to pass along information about Bill’s surgery and recovery, plus all the tips to make my recovery easier. I wouldn’t have thought about the chair in every room. That is a great suggestion, and one I will be using. I am feeling more at ease about the process. I have enough grabbers to put in all the important places. Also have a bed rail, shoe horn, sock sleeve, my new slide in shoes. I think I have a couple other things in the box but can’t remember. Thanks again Jo.

    Sarah, could your plant be a spaghetti squash or a lemon cucumber? Just guessing. I have no idea what it is. It’s a beautiful plant.

    Barbara, I hope you get feeling better soon.

    Iris, good news Seven is feeling good again. Have a good night all. Joan

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Lorita, I will be praying for Sarah and hope you have heard from Todd by now.

    Had a short shower yesterday that cooled things down for a little while, but 100 degrees is returning.

    Dementia is a ever changing disease, isnt it! I had mentioned Lou was sleeping more, but the last couple of days after supper, up till bed time, she has been confused and talkative. Same questions over and over as I'm trying to relax after the days a activites. I should be glad she's talking to me but its during my winding down stage. At least I'm able to relax on the front porch early morning. So quiet and peaceful!

    Received a call to schedule my sleep study for September 7th. That's better than the December schedule the VA had.


  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,364
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    Good morning porch people.

    I hope the day finds people and pets feeling better. We're enjoying a spell of warm but pleasant summer weather here in the mid-Atlantic. We dodged the ugly storms the other evening but areas north and south of us weren't as lucky. It's beautiful today.

    I need to defrost bread for French Bread pizzas for DS and DH tonight. I'll fix myself a salad as I snagged some beautiful tomatoes at a farm just north of me. My previous tomato farmer seems to have retired. His were extraordinary. He grows a tomato that had been a proprietary variety developed for Campbell's soup years ago that is sweet and meatier than most. He was a real character, too, so I miss going there. The new lady is nice, but she generally has boxes in her shed and an honor box.

    Mom had a very good time with my niece and my niece is willing to repeat the exercise at some point which would be great. I'd much rather mom spend her money on experiences than self-soothing at Talbots creating an aspirational wardrobe she has no occasion to wear.

    I took mom to meet dad's cousin for lunch together which was nice. I was saddened than the cousin doesn't seem to be doing well. She's 86 and lives in independent senior housing; she normally bright, funny and great company. She had trouble negotiating a curb because she said her hip hurt and then seemed vague and off-topic during lunch. She's celebrated her birthday 2 days before, and her daughter (another only) was shocked at the change. Cousin was planning to take a bus trip to Atlantic City to gamble today, but I can't imagine that happening.

    I also took mom to PT. This PT isn't one of the vestibular-PTs, but she's about my age and connected really well with mom. It's been really interesting that the PTs, so far, are seeing exactly the same concerns I have and are able to explain why they are contributing to her unsteadiness and falls. A lot of this comes down to muscle weakness. I know a lot of folks became deconditioned in COVID-times, but I think moving her here has contributed somewhat as she was way more active when she lived in FL during the winter and able to drive to the pool for fitness classes and water-walking with friends. She has little strength in her hips, glutes and thighs which limit her ability to steady herself in the context of worsening scoliosis. She seems excited about her "homework"; I hope she sticks with it. I've already seen a small improvement in her ability to stand still without listing to port.

    I am home today and tomorrow. Friday, she has PT, and then an excision procedure for a squamous-cell carcinoma on her leg, and then a haircut. I like to multitask.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Ron, you're so right - changes are always happening with alz. Things go along smoothly, then change. Sorry Lou's so talkative when you're trying to wind down. Thankful, though that she is talking.

    HB, sounds like you have your hands full, as usual. I think people were pretty inactive during covid and staying at home much more - I know I did. I wasn't out and around on the farm as much as I was and I can tell my legs aren't nearly as strong as before. This hot summer hasn't helped any either - much too hot to get out and walk.

    Joan, sounds like you have things pretty much taken care of before your surgery. I'll be happy when it's over for you and you're back to gardening and taking those walks you like so much. I'm sure you'll do just fine.

    Finally located Sarah last night - Mercy Hospital was full and couldn't take her so they took her to Integris. I think Todd had called there and didn't locate her but both of us did about the same time. He tried everything he could think of to locate her - he was frantic.

    I just talked with the RN. Sarah is in ICU and is on a ventilator - pretty much nonresponsive. They think she did have a stroke. Doesn't sound good at all. They didn't have names or numbers of anyone to call. I called last night and gave them my number and again this morning when they were in shiftchange. The nurse called and I gave her Todd's number. I tried to get in touch with him and he isn't answering. I'm sure he's asleep - sleeps very soundly so the phone doesn't awaken him.

    I'm afraid this may be near the end. She hasn't had much quality of life for a long time and has been in such pain but to go this way is so sad. I think of Scarlet, Sarah's aunt, who had MS and passed away in her sleep. Much better to go that way. But, miracles do happen and hopefully this will happen with Sarah. I just wish Todd had known what had happened much sooner and had gotten her to the hospital. I know there's a medication they can take to lessen the effects of a stroke but it has to be given within a short time after it happened. In this case it might or might not have helped. I'll keep you all informed as I learn more.

    It's cloudy and sort of misty this morning - I hope the grasshoppers are gone but doubt it. I'll be back later.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
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    Here in northern Virginia we did not get the bad weather the rest of the state did...just lots of rain.

    My son had power outage for about 6 hrs....he lives "over the mountain". Mother had outage for about 10 hours. She lives in a more populated area where the power lines are above ground in the neighborhoods, which means more trees cause issues with power.

    Has been some cooler...in the 80's which is fine by me.

    Lorita, hope Todd calls you soon to let you know status with Sarah. The waiting and not knowing is very stressful.

    Hope all you gents and gals have a good day and good weather.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Hi again,

    Glad you didn't have a power outage, Marie. Bad to have that in the summertime. It's been raining here this morning and it's been so nice - humid but cooler. I think the rain's over for today but may have some severe weather this afternoon.

    I've talked with Todd a couple of times and just now talked with Sarah's nurse again. She said they did an MRI last night and Sarah didn't have a stroke but is in severe kidney failure and is on continuous dialysis. Maybe this is better than a stroke - not sure. She's still on the ventilator and unconscious. Jo and you other medical people - what causes kidney failure? This worries me because the same thing happened to Jack. He was doing all right, then went into kidney failure but I don't think he was drinking liquids or eating because he wanted to go join Patsy. Sarah hasn't been able to drink much - just a swallow every once in a while. The nurse said they'd talk more about it to Todd when he gets there.

    His PU wouldn't start - battery was down so he was charging it but said he was ready to leave. He's so upset so told him to drive carefully. Will let you all know more when I do.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    edited August 2023

    Lorita, I am so very sorry to hear about Sarah. I can imagine how difficult this is for you and to be waiting for update information. If Todd is in the waiting room either awake or dozing at the hospital ICU waiting area, he may have his cell phone turned off as that is often a hospital rule. Please let us know how she is doing when you find out; it has been so difficult for her and I know how much you wish you could help and make a difference in her condition. You have been a wonderful loving aunt and support for her.

    I hope you can take it easy to let that costochondritis heal - you do so much; I am always in awe of you. If we could be there with you, we would wait on you and bring you lunch and dinner and goodies and cool drinks and probably also talk your socks off - but we would laugh and we love you! Our very own "Dixie Chick" - (Inside humor.)

    Sayra; that vine is so very perky and the mystery "thingie" does look perhaps like it wants to be a melon; we shall have to wait and see what it makes up its mind to be. It will be like waiting for Christmas!

    Ron; lovely that you can sit on the porch and catch some relaxation; good for you. I can relate. I remember getting up on the weekends far before the crack of dawn - the entire house of four children and spouse would be quiet; that was my soft and peaceful quiet time before all the day came roaring at me. Sometimes, after work at the hospital, I would get home before the children and husband - I would put on something comfortable and go outside and sit in a comfy chair on the back yard patio amidst the greenery and soft breezes and let myself feel the peace. Those stolen moments are golden. Confession: I did upon rare occasion have a "cheat" day from work. I was Administrator of multiple hospital departments - lots of responsibility. So . . . sometimes when it was a cold and rainy day I would be certain the office was in good stead, and would take a day off - the kids would be in school, DH at work . . . I would light the living room fireplace, tuck myself in on the sofa with a good book and a soft afghan and listen to the sound of the rain and the fireplace crackling - AND if I had a bag of M & M chocolate covered peanuts at my side it was even better! That was heavenly.

    I am fascinated by "Mormon" grasshoppers - do they also come in Lutheran and Baptist style? Must have something to do with early day disaster of grasshoppers eating crops in Utah, I would imagine.

    Joan; another handy hint: Of course you must use a walker post-op for some time; sometimes the walker would not want to go into a small bathroom or certain doors - BUT - P.T. pulled the wheel pieces off the outside of he walker and put them back on the inside of the walker frame and voila! No problem getting into smaller spaces. Also; remember to have the hospital RNs to be sure you have daily stool softeners and an order for a laxative if needed due to the pain pill effect that can happen. I have no doubt that you are going to to SO well after your surgery; be patient that first week; things begin to really feel different after that time period; Progress is on-going bit by bit and happily so. DHs progress may vary from yours as you are probably in better pre-op condition than he has been:

    DHs experience after his July 03, laminectomies and fusion was: He had a three day length of stay in the hospital and then spent the rest of the first post-op week totally upstairs with his recliner, TV and care items and needed to take his pain meds in a timely manner. By the second week post-op he was able to use the stairs with a bit of effort to go downstairs sideways as taught by his in-home P.T., and could slowly climb back up normally but he would be tired; but he also used the electric stair chair - by the third week he was able to go up and down the staircase normally with no problem and no longer used the stair chair. By the second week after surgery, he would sit downstairs for a couple of hours, but he tired easily. Third week post-op, he could stay downstairs full day.

    He said getting off the commode the first week took a bit of concentration with the walker; but by the second week, no problem and is now like normal pre-surgery . He was able to be off his pain meds by the ninth day from the first operative day. He still finds sleeping in the recliner more comfortable than the bed, but his issue is he has sore hips and has trouble turning over - he just found out there is a mattress "ladder" one can get for that turning issue and is deciding whether that would be useful or not.

    Mr. Independence did his own laundry by the third to fourth week using his grabber so he does not over-reach or bend over and it seems to work. He also goes into the kitchen and makes his lunch and he now, at fourth and fifth week, also even cooks dinner as he used to do. His choice to do that. Easy things - such as chicken with rice and a veggie, or oven baked salmon with instant couscous and veggie, or a frozen prepared family entree with veggies. Dinner is what he always has preferred to do. He has been walking outside since the second week a bit; but more by the third week post-op and can now go around the entire cul-de-sac with walker and wearing his brace and even going up and down the curbs.

    He now showers completely and shaves and grooms afterward without getting fatigued - that took him to the fifth week to not feeling a bit worn out doing all of that at once. Energy levels are now much, much better. He has been motivated but knows if he has way overdone it if his back begins to ache; with resting more, by the next day he is back to normal in energy; stubborn man but he seems to have learned best limits. It is amazing how much he has improved each day each week, little by little. Next week is the sixth week and it is time to think about his starting to drive - we shall see. He still will use one of those straight chairs inside the doorway if he climbs the stairs or has walked down the entire hall and just needs to put his back down for a couple of minutes. Most important is to always, always wear the back brace as ordered and also faithfully using the walker. Really makes a difference, protects, and aids healing - Mr. Stubborn has not always been good about that. I notice if he walks a bit without the walker even if he is wearing his back brace, he tends to lean forward just a little bit. That too will adjust as he continues to gain back to full strength. It will be good when this is all behind you and you are on your way to recovery - it feels faster than one would think.

    HB; I am glad your mother had such a good time with cousin; what a lovely time for her. I still admire your patience and want to know where to go to find some more! She is certainly blessed that you are her loving daughter.

    Probably have gone over the limit, best to log off,


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    edited August 2023

    Lorita, this is indeed a very difficult situation. As far as information regarding the cause of acute kidney failure, there are many different possible causes. Some individuals may have one cause, others may have multiple different risks. Here is a good link from Cleveland Clinic that presents the topic in very good detail:



  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Lorita, I’m praying for Sara. You have been a great support for both Sara and Todd. I’m sure it’s hard to be the one waiting for news. I hope you hear something soon.

    Jo, I’m loving the updates on Bill ‘s recovery. It gives me a good timeline of what to expect. He’s doing a lot in five weeks. I’m hoping I’ll be doing the same. I’m making a list of all your wonderful suggestions so I won’t forget to ask for what I might need. I’m happy for him that he’s doing so well. It’s reassuring to know that he’s making progress every week. I’m sorry Bill had to go through surgery and recovery, but I’m so thankful to have this wealth of information from your experience. Thanks. I read somewhere Mormon crickets were first noticed in Utah, and were given the name Mormon crickets. They can’t fly, just jump and crawl.

    Ron, you’re getting appointments checked off your list. That’s got to be a good feeling.

    HB, I am a multitasker too when it makes a job faster. I hope the appointment day goes smoothly. Therapy isn’t always very fun, but it sure helps me gain my strength back when I need it.

    it’s warm here, but not hot. It’s been very comfortable and of course I’m not outside working in it either.

    Nothing much going on here so I’ll sign off for now. Stay cool.

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Barbara, I don’t know how I missed your post, but I just read it. I had a bulging disk 10 years ago with the same symptoms. That is the worst pain I have ever been in, and nothing seems to get on top of it. With long term therapy, my bulging disk healed and I haven’t had that problem since. I hope you find relief before you start traveling so you can enjoy yourself.

    I’m missing granddaughter’s fair this week. Thankful for videos and new age media, so I can still see her showing her pigs. Hopefully I’ll be good to travel next year and be there in person.

    I’m picking out a couple of good books to read while I’m in rehab to keep me settled during down time.

    Good luck with your back issues. I know it’s not fun.

    It’s nice here today. It’s 77 but breezy, and feels cool. The air conditioner has turned on a couple of times this afternoon which is unusual.

    Have a good afternoon. Joan

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
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    Joan it could be about anything. It’s something I’ve never had before.

    Lorita hope they can help Sara and that she won’t need dialysis chronically. Seems she has enough to deal with.

    everyone take care

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Jo, where are you.......I picked up a share size bag of m&m peanuts! I believe I mentioned already that the nodule that disappeared was the size of a peanut.

    I am reminded of my long time back pain. When I originally hurt my back I drove home from work. When I got out of the car I went on the ground and ended up crawling up the 5 steps to the house. I went through therapy and took medication for years when I finally decided to have surgery. It was at L5 - S1 and the Dr. told me he was worked hard that it was like a explosion in there. Years later I had problems at L4, but this time just a injection. Still have some flair ups but nothing like the pain I went through with the L5 - S1.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Barbara, I had pain on my thigh that seemed like sporadic electric shocks, it was very painful. Is this what you have? The pain I had lasted for weeks, gradually resolved spontaneously.


  • littleme
    littleme Member Posts: 70
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    Hi again. Had a laminectomy at L4-L5 20 years ago, which solved very severe sciatica in the L leg. Physio thinks this one was just a pinched nerve on the lowest S vertebra, had dry-needling (Acupuncture) there last week, and that seems to have settled.

    The leg pain is apparently from a pinched nerve behind the R knee where there is a tender lump, the nerve branches then run through calf muscles, and get iritated whenever they move. I am not allowed to massage my calf myself, for fear of doing more damage, but am encourged to do stretches, and to rub up and down the calf with - a rolling pin! First time I have heard that suggestion. (it works!)

    Do think the nerve pain is improving. Now to get the fibro under control.

    Lorita, I am booked for a week's bus tour north of Perth, Western Australia. The area is famous for an amazing display of native wildflowers in Spring. I've always wanted to see it.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Thanks to all of you for the prayers for Sarah. She can use every one of them and I know she'd thank you if she could. Todd saw her today. He said they're keeping her sedated while she's intubated. He asked her to open her eyes and she tried and even smiled a little bit - then they sedated her again. He said they were talking about closing up the feeding tube place, but of course that will be in the future. Her legs are discolored and have been for quite sometime so he said they said she might lose a leg - loss of blood flow. He stayed a while, then came home. He said he was so depressed and tired that he laid down and went to sleep. He was going back this evening for a while.

    Thank you, Jo, for the link. I read it and learned a lot. You're always so good to post links about questions we have..

    Barbara, your trip sounds wonderful. So hard for me to get my head around the fact that you're in winter now and we're in this awful,hot summer. However, today has been nice - mid 80s with a good breeze. I think there's storms north of us. Grass (where the hay has been baled east of us) is greening up - really makes the tan bales stand out. I was hoping the rain would make the grasshoppers go away but they're still here in full force. Every day I see more damage t they've done to our trees. I hope it doesn't kill them.

    Sara, you know I like my bread and make it often. Every time I slice it I think of you and your bread slicer. I was watching QVC - In The Kitchen with David - tonight and lo and behold they had a slicer on it. It looks like a big claw - you all have seen them - they're on the front of a tractor and open up like a claw to pick up limbs, etc. She demonstrated it and I think it'll work. You get two for about $20. I'll see if it works.Do you slice the whole loaf or just a slice or two at a time?

    I have an idea - we're all wondering what the "thing" that's growing on Sara's vine is so why don't we all tell what we think it is and see who wins when it's ripe. Don't have to bet anything - just different ideas about what it can be.

    For some reason tonight I'm having trouble with spacing so if a couple of words run together, I'm sorry.

    Went to the mailbox this afternoon after FedEx came and the flea and tick medicine I had ordered from the vet's clinic came - three vials of Vectra for the cats and a Bravecto chew for Sheena. It was in the mailbox for about four hours so hope it's okay. I'll ask Mike when I talk to him again. There's a lot of grass on the sides of the road that quarter mile so closed the main gate and opened the one behind the barn and in front of the barn so the girls can go down and clean that grass up before the hoppers get it. I tried it once before and no one went down. If I'd left the gate open by mistake, everyone of them would have gone down there.

    Lilly has been scratching so I wet a paper towel with Adams Flea spray and rubbed it on her neck and she stopped scratching. Maybe it was a coincidence but it worked for a while. I'd rather do that, than put Vectra on them. Putting medication on or in pets scares me.

    Back to something Todd told me - he said they didn't have any information on Sarah - no names or numbers to call, no insurance information so they had her down as being homeless. He gave all the information to the firemen who came and I guess they didn't relay it. I guess the EMTs were in such a hurry is why he gave it to the fireman. I know when I called this morning, the nurse was glad to get information about relatives.

    Barbara, sometimes the calves of my legs ache and I can massage them and they feel better. My mother always told me when you rub your legs to rub down instead of up - in case there might be a clot and rubbing it upward might make it go toward your heart. Maybe that's an old wive's tale, but I make sure to always rub downward. Never thought of using a rolling pin. Good idea.

    I better stop for now. You all are the greatest - I could not ask for better, more caring friends. I'm a lucky person. I'll call Todd before I go to bed and see if there's been a change or if he learned something else when he visited. I'll talk to you all tomorrow. Sleep well tonight. Thanks again for good thoughts and prayers for Sarah.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
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    I'll play "What has Sara got?".

    Looks like a type of squash called Gem. Is the yellow flower attached to that plant? Most squash have a trumpet shaped flower, while this one looks more like a daisy.

    What other food can it be? Chime in folks!

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I'll say squash also, because I really don't have any idea.

    Barbara, what helped me a lot with back pain and fibromyalgia-like generalized pain was to float on my back in a warm water pool. Floating, not swimming, takes weight off of the muscles and other body parts.


  • littleme
    littleme Member Posts: 70
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    Unfortunately, I float like a stone lol.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
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    Let me know how your slicer works if you get it. Usually I slice the whole loaf since I freeze it.

    the blooms were yellow and trumpet shaped. Sent a picture to a friend that gardens a little. He didn’t know but he showed picture to another gardener and their guess is an ornamental gourd.

    work day, take care everyone

  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 524
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    This has to be true. When the weatherman come on and is apologizing for telling us the forecast, you know its downright miserable. Its day 29 over 100, but more like 108+. I really hate to drone on about the weather but its really quite unbelievable the heat, heat index and fire warnings. They go on for the next 14 days, at least, probably longer. There are lots of pasture fires, etc. I'm very thankful for our air conditioning and having the means to afford to pay for it. So many others aren't that fortunate.

    The news of HI is so devastating. Some of the pictures, frankly I couldn't look at, they were just painful to see. So much beauty simply gone. And I'm complaining about heat - shame on me.

    I will catch up in a bit.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Eagle, I feel like you - it's been a terrible summer - heat, drought, grasshoppers and so on. Fortunately we've ha d a pretty good break this week - with almost 4" of rain here - more elsewhere, and cooler weather. I do get so aggravated at the weatherpeople - they just won't let us enjoy it because they keep talking about the heat coming back

    . Those pictures of what's happening in Maui is awful - looks like the whole island is involved. I'll have to ask Carol if they've been to that island - they've gone to Hawaii at least 20 times but not in the last three or four years.

    It's pretty nice this morning. I went out on the porch, then eased back inside because Rusty was busy having his breakfast. I put some birdfeed - mostly sunflower seeds and a few peanuts in a paper plate for him. Also put some in the birdfeeder. He's so cute eating from that. He climbs up and sits on some of the limbs of the holly and reaches over and gets a sunflower seed, eats it and repeats. I know you all who see squirrels all the time think I'm silly but it's a pretty new thing for us - we hadn't had squirrels until three or four years ago.

    Barbara, so sorry about the fibromyalgia. Carol had a terrible case of that when she was working but after she retired it went away completely. It was absolutely stress for her. She was a supervisor and her Chief was on her constantly. I can't float either and can't swim. Daddy tried to teach me when I was little but water scares me - good thing I don't live that close to water, however, a huge lake isn't far away but I stay away from it.

    I talked with Sarah's nurse last night - the one who took care of her when she came in. She says she's improved some - they're keeping her sedated because of the ventilator. I don't know what happened but when Sarah got there, they had no information at all on her - no one to contact - nothing. Good thing we were able to find her. Surely was a breakdown on communication on someone's part - but it worked out all right.

    I'm watching the local news and they're showing an iguana someone in Florida found in their toilet - then a snake found in another one, somewhere. Patsy told me once she went into their bathroom and saw something draped over the shower rod. She thought it was a belt Jack had put there but it moved - it was a snake! And, of course, you all know about the snakes I found (or rather the cats found) in our bathroom. It's so funny, all three cats remember that and when they go into the bathroom, they still look under the chair and dresser. Talk about good memories and elephants - I'd say good memory for cats.

    I had a green and yellow striped water hose hooked up to the water tank in the lot but the float valve quit working so I took it off. Couldn't get the valve unscrewed so I left it by the side gate of the yard. Every time I go out that way I look at it and think "is that a snake?" It looks like one. I hate that hose.

    My vote for what Sara has - is still a honey dew melon. We've never raised honey dews but it surely looks like one to me. Sara, I'll be anxious to get the slicer and see how it works. I only slice what I need at one time - then keep the rest in a Lock n Lock bread container for a couple of days, then into the refrigerator. Have you tried the half AP flour and half Bread flour yet? It's about time for me to make another loaf and I think I'll do that again - it makes a softer bread. I like both kinds so guess I'll go back and forth. I'll be back later.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Hi again, Just thought of something. The nurse told me Sarah's potassium level was very low and they're trying to build it up. Do any of you take a potassium supplement? I checked and my multivitamin only has 81 mg. in it. Daily requirement is something like 4700.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    I do not take a Potassium Supplement and would not do so without a physician's direction after labs and having medical oversight. One can overdo and cause dreadful preventable effects from heart to GI tract issues, etc. Diet most often provides a sufficient amount of potassium.



    The long Post re DHs post-op progress was just there for Joan; every person is different, but it is amazing how fast an elderly person can bounce back, even when they were not in the best fitness state and our Joan is younger.

    Lorita, it sounds as though Sarah may be having a bit of improvement. I so hope all will go well for her and that she will not need an amputation. It is good that you were able to make connection with Todd and even better, that you were able to speak to the nurses. What a very remiss thing that the fire department did not leave the information they were given re Sarah as well as contact numbers. Thank goodness you reached the med center ICU.

    As for Sayra's mystery plant; no more guessing for me - I am excited to just waiting to see what it turns out to be as a surprise. Then . . . when it is ripened, when it gets cut open, we will need another picture! Had some more of "Frank's"miracle Roma tomatoes; delicious. Some bird must have dropped some seed in the shrubs for that plant to appear out of nowhere, but DIL is convinced that her father sent the plant to let her know he was well and that is good enough for me.

    So; one person won that entire $1.55 billion dollar lottery ticket. Holy bejeebers; I cannot even imagine! Ticket was bought at a supermarket - Publix. Could have happened to anybody. Except we would have to have purchased a ticket.

    That Maui fire is dreadful - those poor people and so many perished. And in such a beautiful place. Evidently even though the island did not get hit by the hurricane and had no hurricane damage, it is the hurricane winds that have been driving the fires. Every year, deeply sad summertime fire tragedies.

    If I found a snake or iguana in my house, I would be undone to the max. Talk about scream and run! I would have to call Lorita; our only experienced snake wrangler. I hear of people finding them in their toilets - cannot begin to imagine.

    Good heavens, Eagle; enough already with the heat; I am so sorry. I would not want to step outside unless there was no other option. What city are you in? You are right. It is one thing to have the AC; and another to be able to run it. Our rates are so high where we are, that we can expect $700+ monthly bills during the heat of summer. We are getting a few days respite from the 90's and are in the 70's today. Lovely. Daughter returns to Houston next week; she is not looking forward to it and I do not want her to go. I will miss her beyond counting. Some of the people who perished from the heat in Arizona were elderly who had AC, but did not turn it on as they did not have the funds for the bills. Truly tragic and something wrong with our society and government when that happens in the summer and back east, elderly deaths in the cold winters due to no heat.

    One poor lady they interviewed in 100 degrees here a couple of weeks ago was elderly and said she could not run her AC, so she was sitting outside in the heat as it was cooler out there than it was inside the oven of a house. Really need something to help people in such predicaments when elderly and very low income.

    Ron! Peanut M & M's! Yum! Bring them to the Front Porch; I understand that on the magic Front Porch, candy has no end - the bag will continue to provide the goodies ad infinitum. I like to eat 'em slow. Let the shell melt in my mouth followed by the chocolate melting and then CRUNCH! Simple things. I never buy them anymore; but perhaps just once in the winter when it is raining and I have a good book. An apple would be healthier, but not as much fun.

    Barbara; your trip to Perth for the wildflowers sounds wonderful; you must so be looking forward to that. Always hard to remember that when we are sweltering in summer, you are in the cold of winter and then vice versa. Hope all is going well.

    The homemade bread sounds delicious. Do not have a bread machine and boy; they are now so expensive; hang on to yours. The "best" one I saw about a year ago was $400. Yikes! That's a lot of dough!

    Time for lunch, guess tuna it is and some cherries.


  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,364
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  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    My guess for Sarah is spaghetti squash or lemon cucumber.

    I’m spending my 75 th birthday inside with plastic on all the windows. The painter is applying paint today. My expensive gift to myself. I’ve spent the past four days going out with friends and family celebrating. Last night I was at my good friends house for a delicious steak dinner. The husband cooked the meal and made a fresh peach cobbler for dessert. I rarely eat red meat, so it tasted like a real treat. I’m thankful they all understand that I’m struggling to walk, so they were all helpful getting me from my car to their homes or in and out of restaurants. It’s nice to have a quiet day at home today.

    Lorita, news about Sara sounds like she might be getting a bit better. I’m keeping her in my thoughts and prayers.

    Jo, I am hoping I do as well as Bill in recovering from surgery. I think maybe the first three months will be the hardest to get through. Especially learning to live without twisting or bending. Surgeon said my goal will be to walk three miles at three months. I hope I can meet that, considering I can hardly walk a quarter of a mile currently. I’m sure rehab will get me started on that task. I’m practicing the log roll getting in and out of bed. It’s awkward. Lol. Again, thank you so much for your amazing information and tips for me. I’m forever thankful.

    I hope everyone is cool and enjoying your day. Joan

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    Just checking in for a Sarah update

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Hi, I was hopeful that Sarah was improving but when I talked with Todd - who was at the hospital when I called - said they had to restart the sedative and keep her intubated because she had blood coming from her ileostomy. They were thinking they might have to operate for that and would have to intubate her again if they did so thought it was better to leave it in. I was disappointed because I was hopeful she could get rid of it. At least her heart rate is better and she was taken off one BP medication. I guess time will tell what happens - it's in God's hands and the hands of the doctors now.

    I cooked the okra and zucchini today so had a good old southern dinner except for the beans. After I had eaten I thought about the cantalope - should have had it with dinner. I always liked to eat it with my meal. The fried okra and zucchina were good. I just sliced it and tossed it in cornmeal mix and fried it. I have an electric skillet I've had for probably 40 years. I think it was a Christmas gift from Charles' mother - a brand she always used and it has been a good one.

    Jo, if you're looking for a bread machine, check out QVC - they have them all the time for around and just over $100. I'll keep using mine until it gives out. Really anxious to get that bread slicer and see how it works.

    The girls are scattered everywhere. They've found the open gates and have been grazing north of the house setting off the driveway alarm and making Stormy nervous. I looked a while ago and they were north of the house, in the NE pasture, the east pasture and some were going into the south one. The little girls (they're going to be mothers next month so not little girls but still heifers) are enjoying the other cows being closeby.

    Tried to take a nap but couldn't get to sleep. When I go into the bedroom for a nap the GPs go and so do the three cats - cats are still napping.

    I did get a repair trip scheduled for the refrigerator before my master agreement expires. The repairman is coming next Thursday but the guy I talked to today said the truck won't have an ice maker or valve on board unless they can get one before they come. I did check to be sure this contract would still cover what they do even though it expires on the 25th. If someone had all the appliances covered in this new one it would be worth it but I don't - so it'll only cover the washer, dryer, refrigerator, stove and sink faucet. The refrigerator will play out eventually but it's been a really good one. If they can't repair it, they will replace it.

    It's in the mid 90s today but it's humid - may have some more rain tonight, tomorrow night and maybe Saturday. No 100 degree days in the 10 day forecast.

    I'll try to get in touch with Todd after while to see if he's learned anything new.

    Weather just said it's going to be muggy the next two days with heat indices 110-112, then a bit cooler Monday. I hope to get into town early Monday morning - going to see how that pickup at WM works. I called WM to see if they were going to have Instacart and they said it may begin on the 28th but will only deliver eight miles and I'm 11 but I will check the mileage when I go again. I think I already posted that - sorry.

    You know I have a package of M&Ms in the refrigerator - guess I'm keeping it for hard times. Something else - I heard it's going to cost $900 (heard $1500 a while ago) to get a kid back into school. When I went to school I may have gotten a new pair of shoes and a new dress or two, a Big Chief tablet, pencil and a box of crayons and we did just fine. Mother probably made the dresses, too. I'll stop and get some water to drink.

    Sandy, thanks for the call - made me feel better and I hope it did the same for you. Always enjoy hearing from you. Be careful.

    Boy, that was weird, I typed this post, went back to the one I thought was just before it and it took me back to page 24. Maybe it is time for 192.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
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    Hopefully one day we will know. Then again I may never know as I know very little about squash. If it is an ornamental squash as a non forum person guessed, will not be edible. I hope it is a honeydew. Like a good honeydew.

    JoC my first bread machine was given to me. The second one I got for $5 at a thrift store. They are both still working.

    Take care

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    Please do not start a new thread...this one seems trouble free and I think it can go up to 100 pages

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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