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Just need to talk to my friends (191)



  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 523
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    I love that cake, and probably need it. The heat just makes you cranky. I'm not a cranky person by nature, but right now I'm borderline!! Its 7:15 and 108 with index 117. Now how flippin crazy is that?

    I have several friends whom keep pot holders in their cars. The steering wheel is too hot to handle so they use pot holders!!! My solution to that is to stay home. It doesn't take too long for the car to heat up. Ugh. The weatherman said its going to get worse, and at that I walked out of the room!

    I'll check back in later - Mr has something to show me.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    The front porch is soooooo relaxing!

    I was just rocking away in my designated front porch rocker and all of a sudden my mind drifted to childhood candy you cant find. Candy cigarettes, slow pokes, those little wax bottles with the colored sweet liquid and many more. What do you remember? Also, do you remember how big the candy bars of today were; baby ruth, butter finger, pay day and you could get a 5 cent one or dime one.

    Still hot with no relief in site! Weather man said 100 + every day the next 10 days and heat index has been over 110.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    I too have been having recurring problem issues since we have gone to so many pages - sometimes I suddenly get flipped to other pages, or when I log on, despite clicking on current page, it takes me to a much earlier page. I think when we go beyond a certain point, things get a little off. Happened last Thread too.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,364
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    @Jo C. I find this 28 page post difficult to follow on my phone, so a new thread would be a positive for me.

    @ronald71111 These are a little more than a dime, but you can still get a lot of the candy of your youth.

    Amazon.com : RETRO CANDY YUM ~ 1953 70th Birthday Gift Box Nostalgic Retro Candy Mix from Childhood for 70 Year Old Man or Woman Born 1953 Jr : Gourmet Candy Gifts : Grocery & Gourmet Food

    I've given this as a birthday gift a few times. There used to be a deli on the way home from a school DS attended for a time that carried many of these old favorites. My son and his carpool buddies loved the candy cigarettes and bubblegum cigars-- none of the parents in the group smoked but the boys still thought they were very cool.

    @Lorita I hope you get some good news today regarding your niece.

    Busy day with Mother today. She was feeling a little down yesterday after talking to her friend Lois. Lois lives a very sad life but is also a very negative person- the glass isn't just half-full with her, it's chipped and dirty as well. She's lost both her sons, one to dementia and the other to diabetes, her one daughter is an active alcoholic and the other is the one who helps out. Unfortunately, helper-daughter works full time in a demanding position because her husband has MS and hasn't been able to work for years. Lois is envious of the attention Mother gets from me but my situation is different. Her daughter has her over for a big family dinner every Sunday and Lois complains if "the kids" (her grands and great-grands) are there because they get the doggie bags instead of her. What is wrong with that woman. She spend an hour whinging at my mom because her SIL died and none of the nieces (the dead woman's daughters) called her to offer their condolences and didn't update the funeral arrangements posted on Facebook. (for the record, I am not a fan of using FB to announce deaths to close family/friends but the youngs seem OK with it)

    I've got to grab a shower, mom has PT at 10am, derm at 2pm and a haircut at 4pm. I might try to squeeze in a pedicure between the first two if there's time. Mother refuses to have her nails done at the hair salon because it $10 more and not as pleasant an experience.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    HB, thanks for the link! So many I had forgotten about! Straw with kool aid, bubble gum cigar, wax lips, etc.

    Busted a vessel in my eye yesterday, guess being on bloid thinner makes me more prone to this happening.

    Dont know if they have the results of my stomach biopsy yet, I believe a week to two weeks is how long it takes. Haven't even heard about follow up appointment! I wish that Drs would change their protocol, where they talk or a nurse talks to you about the procedure the day after instead of when your groggy from it upon waking up. Guess I just want results to quickly!


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    edited August 2023

    Thought some of you would enjoy this - it is really delicious


    Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Generously butter a two quart casserole dish





    - 2 EGGS



    - 1/2 CUP CORNMEAL

    - ONE 4 OUNCE CAN ORTEGA CHILES, DRAINED (These are mild; no heat)













  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
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    edited August 2023

    Hope you find out soon Ron.

    Have had a busy day. Got a small dark green seedless watermelon at farm stand and it is tasty. Also bought another Dolls Eye. It is personal size and yellow. Don’t know if I have ever bought two watermelons at one time before. Didn’t pay any attention to sign, just got corn. It is white it turns out. That’s ok, can be any color just like it to be sweet.

    Trying to decide whether to water tomatoes or not. They are giving a chance of rain but not that great. Think I’ll just go ahead and do it.

    Saw a field of big round hay bales while I was out in the country. Thought of you Lorita.

    take care

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Hi, This took me to #27 instead of #28 so guess it is time to begin #192 - sorry, Judith, seems to be the consensus.

    Sara, we used to raise a white sweet corn - it was called Silver Queen - very good. Also there was one called Candy Corn and it had white and yellow kernals. Never heard of Doll's Eye watermelons - all new varieties since we stopped gardening. Hope it's a good one. I still haven't cut the one Darwin brought. If I go to town Monday, maybe there'll be another watermelon truck so I can get another one. How much are watermelons up there. The one I bought was $12 - almost fell over but I'd rather pay the farmer rather than the store. The bales of hay are beautiful, aren't they?

    Sarah had an endoscopy this morning - nurse just told me there was no active bleeding but the throat and esophagus were really angry and inflamed. They did remove the ventilator but she now has an NP tube for feeding. Todd texted me and told me some of this - said the nurse would call later. I called last night and because of HIPPA the night nurse wouldn't tell me anything. Katy, Sarah's nurse just called and said while Sarah was so out of it she told them she didn't want anyone to know anything about her so that's why I didn't get information last night.

    I answered the phone just before Katy called and it was Sarah! She sounded hoarse and tired but it was so good to hear her voice. She's getting IVs and the mottling on her legs has improved until they look almost normal. So things sound so much better - prayers do help. Thank you all again and Sarah thanks you. I didn't let her talk very long but it was such a surprise that she called. I was afraid that would happen again two days ago.

    The weather just said our heat index is about 122. Stormy went out just now - for a couple of minutes. I see two cows grazing on the other side of the pond - guess the others are in shades. We didn't get any rain last night - heard the weather radio when it went off last night - at that time there was lots of rain west of us but somehow it split and missed us. There was a little bit east of us. There was 2" hail just west of us so glad it missed us.

    Mike called this morning to find out if we got rain and told me the tree-eater would finish today so I drove over to see it work. Scary thing - it knocks over the trees and grinds them. Hate to see that but they are leaving beautiful, big trees and they'll do much better. I stopped and watched a while and when I started to leave I waved at the driver. He turned off the motor and came over to the fence and we talked a while - he thought I was motioning for him to come over. Seems like a nice, young man. He has done a great job - I think Mike said he had been working for three weeks. That 30 acres really looks different - now the land can be used.

    He had told me they saw a buck and four does who were living in the trees but he said there are other forested areas on the section where they can stay. I guess the beavers are gone - haven't heard anything about them lately.

    I've been in the house since I got home - staying out of the heat. Supposed to be really hot this weekend with very high heat indices so I'll be staying inside if I can.

    Sara, glad you're close to a farmer's market where you can get fresh vegetables. How's the vine doing? Hope your tomatoes make good this year. Next time I post, I'll begin #192.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,767
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    It took me right to the first post I had not read which brought me to page 28. Both 28 and 29 have posts from, yesterday. When you open it will simply start where you personally left off. You can then go all the way back to Page one if you wish.

    Do what you want but I do not know what will happen to the old posts. They may get buried.

    Glad for the positive report on Sarah.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Ron, I remember those old candies. HB, thanks for posting. At Christmas time there used to be special hard candies. A worker at a candy store called these "grandma candies". I can never find them, even at dedicated old fashioned candy stores. Perhaps on the internet.

    Ron, be careful of your eye. How is it now?


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Jo, I make a very similar corn casserole at Thanksgiving. It is delightful! Always appreciated by those at the dinner table. I am happy to hear your Bill is improving. I hope your knees are feeling better.

    Ron, I remember the old candies. Those wax lips were not tasty! I didn't care for the texture either. Amazing we could buy a good sized candy bar for a nickel or a dime. Now they are smaller and cost a dollar or more.

    Lorita, so glad to hear that Sarah is improving! That's very good news!

    Sara, so glad you are improving and doing gardening and cooking like you seem to enjoy doing. We have been enjoying fresh tomatoes and cucumbers from the garden quite a lot recently. Also watermelon (Lorita, we also paid $12 for a melon: "Black Diamond.") And corn. We bought the latter two from a roadside stand. Your mystery plant? I am curious. Hope it's something you can enjoy.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Hi, I remember penny candy, especially Kitts - I think there were five or six wrapped pieces of candy in each packet. They came in all flavors. Also remember Charms. When I was in school in the candy machine there were two, big, bars of candy - Hollywood (dark chocolate) and Big Time (I think) milk chocolate - five cents each and they were plenty big to share. Also a bottle of pop was five cents. We thought it was horrible when it went to six cents a bottle. TG&Y used to have those old kinds of candy but I don't even know if there is such a store any more.

    Beth, Black Diamonds are good and so are Mountain Hoosiers. I think those are the kinds daddy used to raise. One or both of them have thick rinds that's good for shipping. Also there was one he called Rattlesnake - not sure that was the name but it was sort of oblong and striped. We used to go out into the watermelon patch and he's thump them to see if they were ripe, another way was to plug one - you made a triangle shaped cut in the melon with a knife and you could pull out that piece to see if it was ripe - if not you could replace it and it would be good for another couple of days. Best way to eat a watermelon was to find a good one in the patch, bust it and eat the heart of it with your hands. There's a town south of here called Hanna that has been called the watermelon capital of the world - there's sandy soil there that's good for watermelons.

    Ron, do you remember when we were growing up we didn't have air conditioners so after supper when the sun went down, we'd go out and sit on the front porch where it was much cooler than in the house. I did that a couple of nights ago - tonight is still way too hot for that. Many nights when it was so hot we'd sleep on the porch on pallets. Take care of your eye - put some drops in if you have them.

    Judith, I don't want to lose any of our posts either - maybe someone who is a techie can find out if they're lost when another segment of the thread is started. We used to be able to do that - I wasn't good at it though. Two or three times when I'd want to post it took me back a page or two and I think Jo and some of the others have had a problem with that.

    Laptop says it's still 87 degrees - very hot outside. There's storms along the Kansas/Okla. stateline - not sure they'll get this far south. There was 2" hail east of us last night (think I posted that before) so glad we didn't get that.

    I feel much better about Sarah tonight since I talked with her and with the nurse. I was really worried. Just think eight months ago we didn't know if she was going to live another week or not. She's one strong lady - gets that from my mother and grandmother.

    Need to stop and get ready for bed - sort of tired and sleepy. Everyone else in the house has found their sleeping places and are already asleep. Not going to stay up and watch Barney Miller - I think I've seen all of them a couple of times.

    Rest well, everyone.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
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    I’m going to go ahead and post not sure what will happen if/when new thread is started. I did try searching for 190 and it did not bring it up. Said it could not be found. Personally I’ve had very little trouble. A time or two when I have, it’s been easily corrected. Do whatever you think is best Lorita.

    I paid $5.50 for melon. It’s a smaller melon, no name was given just watermelon lol. Don’t know what I paid for Dolls Eye.

    Beth you don’t recognize plant either. It seems so strange that no one recognizes the plant. Wonder if we ever will. The smaller ones seem to be drying up. The larger one seems to have stopped growing. Seems like maybe it is turning a lighter green. We will see.

    My tomatoes are starting to turn. A couple are some type of paste tomato, one is large red tomato, several are medium sized and so far one of them appears to be yellow. Two or three not showing color yet. Starting to get blooms on my lemon squash. Like zucchini just lemon shaped and yellow. I have lots of pollinators this year, the bees have found me. My flowers are covered and I’ve seen some pretty butterflies too. My cardinal vine is starting to bloom so maybe will see some hummingbirds too. Haven’t seen gold finches yet but I know they are around as seeds are starting to disappear from sunflower heads. Soon the coneflowers will supply seeds too that the finches love.

    Glad your mind haas been eased a little bit about Sarah.

    Remember the penny candies too that you guys have mentioned.

    My aunt is back at nursing home. Her and her daughter decided against the pacemaker. She was telling the nurses that all her family is coming for her birthday. We will see what happens, it will be on 26th if the Good Lords will.

    Ok everyone take care

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Sara, you mentioned cardinal vines. Reminded me that many years ago we planted cardinal vines on the garden fence along with luffa squash. They were so pretty when they bloomed their bright red flowers and the luffa blooms were bright yellow. Have you ever planted luffa? Very interesting - when they're pretty small (squash) they taste like zucchini but very soon they start to form the luffa part - sort of like a sponge but rougher. We cooked some and they were a little too far along to be able to be eaten - very, very chewy. We also used to raise turbin gourds. They were gorgeous - reddish orange and a dark color - not sure they're edible - we never tried - just thought they were pretty.

    Your tomatoes sound great - are all of those volunteers? I remember another time we made sort of a raised bed in the garden and we had lots of volunteer lettuce - purple and green. I transplanted it all around the edges of the raised bed. Our favorite lettuce to raise was buttercrunch - so good and tender. All of this gardening talk has brought back so many memories of the time we gardened. When I was growing up we always had a big garden - my job was to set out the onion plants - then, later to go to the garden and pull up onions for supper. We also had some lemon cucumbers - ours were shaped like a lemon and to me, inedible. We didn't do anything with them.

    Mike called this morning before 7. I thought he might so had already gotten up. He said he'd be here in about 20 minutes to give Stormy his allergy shot. Asked him if he had enough medicine to give Sheena and he did. Funny - when he got here and started looking for the medicine, he found that Sydney had rearranged his medicine in his truck so he had to really hunt for it. I told him I used to work for a doctor who told me to never move things around on his desk - he knew where everything was - I don't know how because it was piled up a foot high. He also brought a box that FedEx had left at the gate - I think it's vitamins and glucosamine for the GPs. I finally realized the reason he left it at the gate was because I had the gate closed so the girls could go down that way and graze.

    Both of the GPs are sound asleep now - it's almost like a switch has been pulled - no more scratching. Wish I could take allergy medicine - ankles and hands are itchy this morning.

    He said the tree-eater guys are gone back to Texas. Glad I got to see tht machine - scary thing it is. He said they saw two bucks in all those trees - one smaller and the other with a huge rack, also a doe with four little fawns with her - bet she was babysitting. I haven't seen deer in quite a long time. They found four deer stands - someone had come in and made them and were feeding the deer so they could harvest them (fancy word for you know what). That won't be happening again. Amazing that people just come onto land that isn't theirs and act like it is.

    Our girls have their hay for the winter - they stacked enough for them across the road from where they'll feed so glad of that. They'll have fresh, crab grass hay which they like better than bermuda.

    I haven't talked to anyone at the hospital this morning - want to let them get their morning work done and observe patients before I call. I'm so relieved that she's better. I imagine Todd had a good night's sleep, too.

    Sara, how is J. doing? Haven't seen you mention her lately. Hope your aunt has a good birthday - maybe it's better to not have the pacemaker if she is all right without it.

    I don't want to lose 191 especially because there's so much good information and recipes on it. Maybe it's just the previous ones that are gone when we had the other format. Hopefully, someone will know how to contact someone who will know. We'll see what happens. I'm in no hurry to start 192 if everything is going all right.

    Just put the ingredients in for another loaf of bread - finished the last of the what I had this morning. It's sort of misty here this morning - cloudy and so humid. We're supposed to have a really hot weekend with showers off and on, then a "cold" front is coming through Sunday night so the next few days will be cooler. Hope to be able to get Lilly over for her allergy shot. We couldn't figure out how to give it at home - afraid she'd get away. I guess I'll go ahead and make a WM order to pick up Monday along with a prescription and a trip to the Credit Union - it's right by WM and so is the pharmacy (not WM pharmacy). I don't want to have Lilly in the PU very long because the AC doesn't work - the blower works but I can't feel any air. They've tried and tried to fix it but it works for a while, then quits. I can take her over early Tuesday morning and be back home within an hour. I've been spraying Adams flea and tick spray on a paper towel and rubbing it on her and it works for a while but I know she has allergies. So far Max is doing all right. Keeps me hopping to keep up with theirs and my allergies.

    Sara, how big is that "mystery" fruit? I still think it looks like a honey dew - I've never seen one of their vines but I would imagine it looks like a melon plant. We shall see. Back later.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    edited August 2023

    Lorita, miracles do indeed happen; it is good to hear that Sarah is off the ventilator, improving, and will not need an amputation; that is really a blessing. I can imagine you must feel quite a bit relieved to say the least. May she continue to improve well and grow stronger soon.

    Good news everyone! You CAN indeed get the old Threads that are available AFTER the new Platform took effect. (The old platform stuff was not retained.) I just did it. All you need to do is to go up to the top of the page where the magnifying glass is; click on that and then when the space becomes visible, put in the EXACT title of what you want. I copied Lorita's title from this Thread, but instead inserted: (190), the number of the prior Thread, and up it popped quick as could be. Here is the link: https://alzconnected.org/discussion/64448/just-need-to-talk-to-my-friends-190

    So; as we go forward with new Threads, the old ones are still there for us, no problem.

    Daughter is going back to Texas on Tuesday; I am already feeling a bit morose. I shall miss her so much. She is going to sell her house in Texas next spring and is as yet undecided specifically where she will settle; she just knows it will be on the west coast. If she decides on California;( the more expensive state to live in), she can stay with us until she is settled for her own place. She would love to move into a 50 year old plus community not far from where we live which she will soon fit the age for, that has all sorts of activities and services, but the prices have gone hog wild sky high. Even with the equity from her Texas home and some savings, it still would not be enough. It is something she really feels would be right for her as she begins to age - she is not married and has no children. I used to tease her that she needed not to be so picky about the men she was dating - "Who will keep your feet warm when you are old?" I asked. "Mom;" she replied, "It is the 2000's; I'll just buy another pair of socks!" She was engaged but broke it off when she found out he was not an ethical person; (he had hid it well.) I can recall he was very, ugly mean regarding his sweet grandparents. I thought he was joking, but he was serious. She gave him back his ring and never looked back.

    I think I have gained weight since she has been here. She is an awesome cook and enjoys it, so she has fixed some delicious meals. Some time ago she had gone to the Cordon Bleu culinary school for awhile out of love of cooking and it has really taken. Everything looks so lovely on the plate; we have been spoiled. Professionally, she has been a senior sales rep for a large area for a very large national company and has been highly successful, even winning awards. When COVID hit and stayed, her entire unit got permanently laid off in her state. She still does her type of work in a smaller company, but she is extremely motivated and likes greater challenges so she will be looking for a new place to land professionally. Wish I were as smart and clever as she is; she can do anything and shines at it all. Sigh; maybe I got the wrong baby from the hospital and somewhere there is a vague, disorganized, cuckoo who resembles me.

    Joan; since you are soon entering the same arena: DH had his six week surgeon's visit yesterday and had an x-ray of his spine. Doing very well, surgeon is pleased. He no longer has to wear the back brace for SHORT ambulation as in getting to the bathroom, or going from the family room to the kitchen to fill his water bottle; but must still wear it when cooking, or doing laundry, walking distances and climbing stairs, standing for awhile. He was also cleared for driving. He is now going to go to outpt P.T. twice a week instead of in-home and was encouraged to continue walking outside. He won't be doing the distance your surgeon mentioned; but he wasn't doing that even before his back went wonky . They will work on increasing strength and endurance, getting his back stronger. His legs which were badly affected by the spinal stenosis were already 100% recovered immediately after surgery. He said that this week he feels far more like himself. He goes back in six weeks for another surgeon's appt. That is the second big time frame - first six weeks, then three months are kind of milestone points in recovery. You too will soon be on the recovery road and feeling more like your usual self. You know we will all be with you in thought and spirit and in prayer on your behalf.

    Oh yes indeed Ron; those penny candies from childhood! I remember going to the Saturday afternoon movies - usually Roy Rogers or Gene Autry, I would use my five or ten cents and buy a roll of Necco Wafers; not because I really liked them, but because they lasted longer; or I would get a box of those little Chocolate Babies; or Good and Plenty's; sometimes it would be a Tootsie Roll. My favorite was to go to the small neighborhood store and buy a box of Cracker Jacks or a Dixie Cup of ice cream. Five cents! Ron; I remember those little wax bottles you mentioned that had colored sugar water in them, I loved to try them: I was usually disappointed, but for some reason I kept trying. Candy cigarettes - geeze! They did not taste that good, but we would "pretend" we were smoking; thank heavens it did not take; dodged a very bad bullet on that one. And root beer flavored lollipops!! Loved those but had them rarely, so they were a treat. AND a big excitement . . . being treated to a Cherry Phosphate soda at the Walgreens soda counter!

    Still getting and eating the delicious "Frank" Roma Tomatoes growing accidentally amidst the shrubs in our son and DILs back yard. She really does feel it was sent there so her father could let her know he is alright. It gives her comfort. He planted 21 Roma Tomato Plants in his garden every year.

    Weather still miserably miserable in most places around the country. We are in a lull here and not so bad, but it is coming - the September hellish heat will undoubtedly hit hard as it usually does. I am not looking forward to it and pretending it won't happen. Ha!

    Sayra's yard sounds like a little treasure chest of delights . . . it must feel really happy, happy to see all of the different things growing and the sunflowers giving their seeds to the goldfinches; luring them in to the garden where they too will be happy and where they will be pleasing for you. Really a good time of the year.

    Time to hit the breakfast trail . . . have a good weekend wishes being sent to all,


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Regarding candy: Our grocery store now carries

    gummy "luncheables"

    gummy "hot dogs"

    gummy "mac and cheese"

    I haven't and will not plan to try them. If I'm going to eat gummies, I'd take gummy worms in a cup of "dirt" (oreo dessert that looks like dirt), or Haribo gummy bears.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,767
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    Lorita...I know you always like to send flowers to Sarah. Here is the gift shop where she is;

    INTEGRIS Health Baptist Medical Center Portland Avenue Gift Shop | INTEGRIS Health (integrisok.com)

    A little rain. just enough to bring roots up to the surface for a drink. I think I will water to get them going back down.

    Well maybe I need a Bocee (sp) in the back yard. Several years ago I filled in a 40x25 pool. Now it is dirt. I guess I should get an estimate on adding to the sprinkler system and laying sod. Petanque would be easier as would Croquet. We could have a tournament...everyone would have to wear white. Could be fun.

    I do want some lights in the backyard. I hate looking into dark. I don't want up lighting on trees I want general lighting like Lorita's barn light.

    Yesterday I went to the car and the Bengal cat came out from under it. Startled me...it is truly a wild looking beast.

    Grandson is finishing painting the floor in the hall/guest room and library. It is fabulous. Now I will have three rooms and a hall with painted floors. I started doint this when I saw Bunny Melon's floors

    Back later.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Lorita I have never seen a luffa I don’t think. Every tomato I have is a volunteer, have at least 8 of them. The vine, today I discovered another ?fruit, it is about half the size of bigger one. The biggest one is around the size of a softball, it sort of has a slight oval shape, not round. Will not taste them unless I figure out what they are. Need no more drama, kidney stone and 10 yellow jacket stings are enough.

    Made 3 quarts of kraut today. Thought I wouldn’t make any more but I’m trying again. We shall see?

    Jean is doing fair. Don’t remember if I told you she had a stroke not too long ago. It has left her with some trouble with her speech. Worse sometimes than others. I’m take her a few groceries most weeks.

    My aunt will be 93, she has deteriorated a lot this past year. Not sure the benefits she gains from pacer are that great. WouLd be different if she was younger and less health issues. Told my cousin, she has no health background, that there was no right or wrong answer and what ever decision they made would be ok.

    JoC I typed it in with number (190) instead of 191. That seems to be an issue with the new way, different people have different problems with it. I’ll try again after I post this and see what happens. It is really not an issue for me personally as I have rarely looked back at an old post. I tend to just take a screen shot of anything I want to keep but seems a lot of people on here do like looking back.

    Take care, will try again to find 190

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    edited August 2023

    Did not link it, just typed it in again and it popped right up. Tried twice this morning without luck. Maybe I put I in front of just need to talk to my friends. Guess linking would eliminate that issue if that is what I did.

    Judith the room is beautiful. Bocce game will be nice. I’ll have to wait to join you when it is a little cooler.

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
    Legacy Membership 100 Comments 5 Care Reactions 5 Likes

    Good afternoon. Sara, I think there is a phone app that identifies plants. This mystery plant is keeping us guessing.

    Lorita, Sarah doing better is great news. It’s amazing what the body can endure and recover from with the help of good medical staff. Prayers for continued progress.

    Ron, I went to the dr. with a broken blood vessel in my eye. She told me that we all get them, but mostly behind our eyeball so we don’t see them. She said they are not dangerous, and to give it a couple of weeks to absorb. No treatment and no worry

    Jo, I hope I do as well as Bill with recovery. He is doing awesome. I don’t think I could walk quarter of a mile right now. My legs get so weak. Having you report time lines and giving progress reports gives me immeasurable peace knowing what my expectations might look like. I think I’m prepared with home equipment and am getting clothing ready to pack for rehab. I’m taking five changes of clothing and my daughter said she will take them home and wash for me. One of my grandson’s friends is a nurse and covers care at the rehab. I told my daughter she has to make sure they don’t send him in to help me in the shower. That would be way too awkward. Lol.

    You are going to miss your daughter. I hope she finds a way to move in the over 50 community near you. That would be so nice to have her nearby. im going to make the corn pudding for Thanksgiving. It sounds awesome.

    We had an ice cream shop that carried all the old fashioned candies. It’s no longer in business but was sure fun to browse around in it.

    Judith, that floor looks like an expensive rug. It’s beautiful.

    Beth, I don’t think I could handle the gummy Mac and cheese or hotdog either. Not sure kids would eat that either. Maybe they would.

    House painting is going well. He’s started on the trim today and has the deck to stain, so maybe one or two more days and he will be finished.

    I need to get moving around a bit so I don’t get stiff as a board. Have a nice Saturday afternoon. Joan

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Thanks, Judith, I'll wait until Monday to order them. Doubt they can have flowers in ICU. Talked with the nurse just before noon and she said Sarah's is doing a little better. She was to see the dietitian? don't think that's right - but someone to see if she'll be able to drink a little bit of liquid - also the stoma nurse is coming by. Hopefully, she can help with getting the bag to stay put.

    Judith, that floor is gorgeous. Do did the design? I painted our sunroom floor - it was hardwood and not in good shape so I painted it a medium or light tan and then painted an oriental design in several places (can't remember what it means) that was on my jewelry box - in a light turquoise. Looked pretty when I did it - 20+ years ago - wearing off now.

    Sara, luffa is the bath scrubber - the ones we had turned to that inside - we had to soak them in water and then the dried peeling came off and we had to get the seeds out. Ours were sort of oblong. I imagine you can buy them in any shape but they're an organic thing, not manmade.

    Jo, glad Frank's tomatoes are still going strong. I bet she's right - I have feelings about things like that, too.

    Joan, I know I couldn't walk a quarter mile - it's that far to our mailbox (little bit farther) but then I'd have to walk that far to get back home. That's the trouble Charles and I had with bicycles. Years ago we thought we'd buy a couple and ride a lot. We lived in the MH - so it was half a mile sort of downhill both directions, then another half mile back to the house. We did it a few times. I saw something on TV yesterday. The goal or thing to do used to be to get 10,000 steps - now they're saying 4,000 or even less is better. I'm for that.

    Jo and others, I just now tried typing in our thread name and 189 afterwards and it showed up. So, maybe all of those past ones are still there somewhere. You know this segment, 191, is the first one for this format so 190 was in the old one.

    I (we) just got up from a nap. I laid down on the divan and was sleepy so decided I'd just go into the bedroom and take a short nap. Two cats were already on the bed asleep, Sheena was in the doorway asleep so I went in and Stormy followed and when I woke up the third cat was with us. It was just about two hours that we slept. We should do that everyday. Head feels sort of silly right now so must have slept some on my left side - when I do it always feels funny on that side for a while - has for years. Dreamed of Charles so it was a good nap.

    Judith, check with your electric company - they night put in ai security light. All of or three were ours but when one went out I had the electric company install one - they'll take care of it and replace if necessary. I've never played croquet. That would be a good size for a little garden for you - if it's in the sun.

    Sara, I didn't know Jean had a stroke. Glad she's getting along all right. So nice of you to continue to take groceries to her.

    Joan, glad your painting work is almost finished. Didn't seem to take too long - probably did to you. Hard to find someone around here to do any kind of work. I'm lucky that Darwin told me about Jerry - he's close, does good work, is fast and not expensive so I'll use him when I need things done.

    My yard looks horrible. There's a strip of green grass on the north side the length of the house (nothing on either side of it) and little bit in the back. Mike says it's crab grass (what he planted on his new section). Grasshoppers aren't eating it or native grasses - they like bermuda. All the shrubs are flower and leaf free or dead and most of the trees have leaves that now look lacy. I can see one at the house across from the MH where Carol was born and it's a huge tree and looks like lace. He says they're like that everywhere.

    Didn't think I'd write anything except about 189 but you know how it is.

    Beth, no way would I eat gummies. I don't eat anything with gelatin in it. You all can imagine what it's made from and I can't handle that - used to but not anymore. I know some capsules are made from it and that's unavoidable. Finally found some yogurt at WM that is gelatin free (they use pectin).

    Do you all remember those suckers that were on long sticks and wound around it for about 8" - and the ones that were round and about the size of a saucer? They lasted a long time - guess they're also gone. I remember bags of Sugar Babies. Also remember those wax lips and the little bottles with sugary water inside.

    Again, I'd better quit - I'm trying to eat supper about 3:30 or 4, then not much afterward - that's hard to do. Need to finish my WM pickup order - hope that works out all right. Enjoy the rest of your day.

    A miracle, in my book, did happen with Sarah. Glad they took her to Integris. She had been to Mercy ER several times and they'd look at her and send her home. This time they would probably have admitted her - but, going to the wrong hospital happened for some reason.

    See you all tomorrow. Ron, hope you're okay today. Stay inside and try to stay cool - fall is just over a month away - but we'll be hot until October.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,767
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    Lorita....Integris seems to be the "best" hospital at the moment. All my Drs are with Mercy...ugh. Perhaps Sarah will be able to meet with one of their gastroenderologists(sp).

    I love a painted floor that shows wear! I has a client lightly sand the traffic pattern in her painted floor. It was wonderful.

    Drizzle/sun...repeat all day.

    Sugar Babies. I always pick some up when I go to Ace Hardware.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Judith, sugar babies at Ace Hardware?

    I hope she can see a good gastroenterologist while she's there. There must be a reason for the mix-up getting her to Integris.

    So - the grasshoppers have eaten my last shrub. Everything else was gone except for one white althea - it had pretty leaves and flowers. I just now came in from the barn - have to check it every night to make sure no one is in there - came by the althea and it is defoliated - hardly any leaves and no flowers. There's nothing else for them to eat - they've even been eating weeds. So if everything's gone, maybe they've move on. The little bit of crabgrass in the yard is almost knee high - at least it's green. It's still hot outside - 91 it says and HUMID.

    Hope all of you have a good evening and a better Sunday. Ron, how are things with you - haven't seen your post today.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,767
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    Yes. There is a small area at check out that has candy!

    Change of hospitals...EMSA calls ahead to get permission to "land". If a hospital is full they go to another one. EMSA once took Dick to St Anthony instead of the Heart Hospital (no, he was not having a heart problem). I always rode with him or right behind. This time I was in my car and lost sight of the ambulence and I went to the Heart hospital. They called EMSA and found where he was.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Thanks, Judith, I guess that's what happened with Sarah - Mercy was full so they took her to Integris - wish someone would have known - but it turned out all right. I just had a call from the nurse and they're transferring Sarah to a regular room so I'll be able to send her flowers (again, thanks for the link). They may not be open today but I'll check. She said the doctor said she wasn't far from death when she came in - everything was shutting down. Amazing that she's improved to the point she can leave ICU.

    Another hot day on tap for Oklahoma with cooler temps for the next two or three days. I decided I'd take down the trash early this morning while it was cool - way too early Monday mornings. There was another big Chewy box leaning up against the gate. They don't open and go through a gate that's closed so I understand that. It was heavy - two cases of 40 cans of cat food and a case of dog food. So, of course, hurt my shoulder putting that in the back of the PU - lifted one catfood case with my right arm - wish I could think before doing. I've put ice on it and took Ibuprofen so it's better. It's still on the back steps to bring in. I called and I have more things coming tomorrow and Tuesday - autoships. I haven't been checking e-mails to know they were shipping and I had forgotten. I called but decided to keep the things - cat and dog food so I'll be well stocked for a good while. I called FedEx in McAlester to tell them to be sure to bring the boxes to the house and had to leave a message. I'll try again early in the morning.

    The vet called while I was down there to tell me he had left the Prednisone in the mailbox for Stormy and Sheena. He was out walking in pastures to check the grass. He said he and Sidney worked yesterday until 10:30 last might - did nine ear croppings, five emergencies and one c-section from Okemah - all of this after four hours in the clinic. She had just left the clinic this morning from walking and feeding dogs and cats that are boarded. Got home and wrapped the pill in cheese and gave them that, Glucosamine and vitamin.

    Can't believe it's already 1:30. I was going to lay down on the divan but Stormy beat me to it - he's off now. I was going to leave the gate open this morning but, of course, one cow had come down to graze so I'll close gates to the pastures and open the driveway gate in the morning. What in the world would people do without gates - I know we have way over 20 on the farm and I can think of a couple more places where they're needed.

    I think there was a sucker called Sugar Daddy, too. Wonder if they're still made.

    Ron, did you make it to Church this morning? Hope things went well with Lou and lady who is staying with her.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Still praying for all the sick mentioned on our front porch! All these hospitals are getting full because of all of us old fogies! They just don't realize the generation we came from refuses to die without a fight.

    Jo. , I remember the different flavored suckers, but I liked the root beer barrel better. Also, I just remembered those little candy dots that was on paper that you pushed out.

    Lorita, I started out to church after Lou's sitter hot here but my head started hurting bad and turned around. Sitter said my eye looked a lot worse and I needed to go check it out. I've had eye hemorrhage before and no big deal, but since I'm on blood thinner, desided to take her advice. I found a pair of those glasses the eye dr gives you and went to the VA ER. They gave me some prescription eye drops that should help and instructed me to take it easy on lifting and keep my head elevated. While i was there i questioned the dr in ct/pet scan both seeing a nodule but endoscopy not finding one. They seemed baffled and said possible scan picked it up in the layers but couldn't be seen by endoscopy. They really had no answer! Did say that pet scan uses radioactive in the scan, so something was there and I needed a repeat pet scan in six months.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Ron, sorry about your eye but probably good that you went to the VA to see about it. The drops will help. Also be sure to wear sunglasses when you're outside - even after it gets better. I can't/shouldn't go outside without sunglasses - if I do when I come inside things look dark for a while. I've had bilateral laser surgery to help drainage so it lets in more light along with the cataracts. My shoulder is still hurting some and my head hurts - decided I probably won't go into town tomorrow - not out of anything except cottage cheese and yogurt - if I decide to later in the week I can go early and be home before it gets too hot.

    Everyone in the house except me is sleeping soundly. Lilly seems to be doing pretty well with her allergies. I got some peanut butter crackers to eat and the paper rattling awakened Stormy so he had to have one. It is HOT - just brought in the cat and dog food that came yesterday and it was too hot to be outside. I'll have to find places for all that's coming the next two days but won't have to worry about it for a long time.

    Haven't heard from Sarah and I haven't called - wanted her to settle in for a while. I did call Todd and told him she was being moved. You're just lucky if you're able to get him on the phone - that isn't good for his business.

    Today on some channel I found 1883 being repeated - didn't watch it because I had seen that one. I usually watch the repeat of the previous one before I watch the current one so I'll remember what's going on.

    Gift shops are closed today so I'll order some flowers tomorrow - much easier and faster than ordering from a florist. She likes the color orange so hope they have some that color.

    I remember root beer barrels - they were so good. Also there was some candy called banana something - they were square and wrapped in yellow paper and were so good. Sounds like most of us are pretty close in age because we remember the same candies.

    I think I'll take a short nap - if I can move one of the cats to make room. Shoot - a reminder just came on TV that Mad Max Fury Road is coming on in a minute or two. It's on HBO so probably will be on later. Had a call from DirecTV that I can get HBO free of charge for a month so maybe there'll be something new to watch. Enjoy the rest of your day.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    edited August 2023

    Lorita, I remember those little banana squares and your right, they were good. I believe they were called chewy banana! Didnt they also have the chewy's in different flavors?


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Wish I had a couple right now. I laid down to take a nap but thought I had a hard time going to sleep - woke up 1 1/2 hr. later - guess I was dreaming I couldn't go to sleep. Sarah called a while ago - she's in her room but said they're going to do some kind of procedure/operation tomorrow to see why she can't keep anything down. She says when she swallows anything it hurts really badly - they think whatever happened when all of this strted they might be able to fix. She says she hurts all over - can hardly lift her arms or legs because they feel so heavy. She's not out of the woods yet. She and I are requesting more prayers that they find what's wrong and can fix it. Thanks so much.

    Still hot here - 97 - no idea what the heat index is but it's way above that. Hope tomorrow really is cooler. Time for 1883 so I'll stop and talk to you all tomorrow. Sleep well tonight.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
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    Good evening,

    Joan there are apps that will ID plants. I’ve just never downloaded one. Maybe I’ll get around to that.

    Ron you have had one of everything.

    All three jars of my kraut are working off as the old timers in Appalachia would say. That is a good thing and gives me hope.

    Do you remember the candy necklaces?

    Played my first game of pickle ball this evening. It was fun.

    We had some tornadoes in Ohio yesterday. No loss of life but a bit of property damage. One was in the southern part of my county.

    good night everyone

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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