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Just need to talk to my friends (191)



  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Hi everyone. We have temps in the 70-80 range now. Probably won’t see the 90’s again for the rest of summer.

    Sara, it would be fun to see if you can identify the picture. This little guessing game has been a fun and unexpected surprise.

    I remember the candy necklaces. I loved those. I’ve always wondered about pickle ball. I’ve never played it, but it’s very popular here.

    Good news Lorita for Sarah. I will pray for her. It sounds like this hospital might be able to help her get back on her feet. I sure hope so.

    Ron, take care of your eye.

    Jo, I’m so thankful for you and for your sweet willingness to help me prepare for surgery. I feel more confident knowing how you and Bill have been dealing with all the changes, and will have chairs placed for resting, and I already have the equipment here and ready to use when I get home. I hope I haven’t worn you out asking questions, or worn everyone on here out listening to me this past month. I am amazed at the progress Bill is making. I’ll be glad when surgery is over and I can start the healing process. Thanks again Jo. I’m not too far from Bill in age. I just turned 75 on Thursday. Not a spring chicken anymore. Lol

    I hope everyone has a great evening and a great week ahead. Joan

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Yes, Ron, I remember strawberry ones. I really loved the banana ones. Why did they quit making such good candies?

    Sara, so glad the tornado wasn't too close to you - even within the State is too close in my opinion. Glad your kraut is working all right. Is it still in a crock or in jars? We always put ours in a big crock, then canned it after it fermented.

    Pickle ball - I've never tried it and never will - not enough energy for that. Glad you enjoyed it. It seems to be the big thing right now.

    Just came in from the barn - checking - when I went out it was almost dark but there was the prettiest, brightest, pink cloud you ever saw in the NE. Completely dark now.

    I watched 1883 - what a tearjerker - my goodness. If you didn't see it, it's on again right now. I can't watch it again - just too much right now. I wonder if this is the last episode of the season - they made it to the valley where the Yellowstone Ranch is. I still don't know the connection between the people on 1883 and the Yellowstone series. Guess I'll need to watch 1923 before I figure it out.

    That darn catfood - I don't think I'll ever learn. I reached down and picked up the 40 can pack with my right arm and swung it up into the PU bed- hurt my shoulder and strained the left side of my neck. If I would only think before I do. Guess mother was right - when Charles and I were doing something where we could get hurt - she'd say she needed to put us on a powder puff and cover us with a mosquito net.

    When the girl had died and was riding off with her Indian husband on their horses, it reminded me of what I imagined when Buck died - I saw him running in the pasture with his mane flying in the wind. He was free and was with his girls again. You all have to watch this episode - so good and so tear jerking. See you all tomorrow - sleep well.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Yes, I remember candy necklaces. Also Sugar Daddies and Sugar Babies. I have cravings, now.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, I tried to pick up a twenty pound box of cat litter at the supermarket. I couldn't budge it. I know I could never pick up 40 pounds.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Joan, we never get tired of hearing about how you're planning for your upcoming surgery - we're also happy Jo is able to help you prepare. Always good to hear from someone who has gone through the same thing. Happy belated birthday to you - sorry I didn't know about it. You are a spring chicken - compared to those of us (me) who are 81.

    Iris, I doubt I could lift a 50 lb. sack of feed right now - even the 40 lb. sacks of catfood. I know there's one coming either today or tomorrow so I'm going to call FedEx and have them be sure the guy brings all of those heavy things to the front porch - I think I'll leave it there until I need it - unless Rusty decides to get into it.

    I'm up early because the grasshoppers? are keeping me awake. The other day Carol mentioned she could hear them in neighbor's yards. I didn't know they made a noise. But, beginning yesterday night I kept hearing something chirping?, not sure, in the bedroom. At first I thought it was the AC but I'd hear it even when the AC went off (it's on power saver). So, wasn't too bad - but this morning I woke up about 4 and it was awful. It would begin - not constant but with a few seconds in between the awful noise. I couldn't sleep so turned on the light and tried to determine where the noise was coming from. I have problems with telling noise direction because of the hearing deficit in my right ear. It was from around the AC. So, I went outside with the flashlight and there were some grasshoppers on and around the AC - not too many so swept them away. I just checked on google and they do make noises. I don't hear it in the LR or even in the utility room where there is another AC - just the bedroom. If it's not one thing, it's two or three others - always something. The awful things have eaten almost everything in sight so I hope they'll move on. I may have mentioned we have a big, black walnut tree in the yard and all the leaves are gone - just walnuts still on the branches. All the shrubs are defoliated and a lot of the trees. What are not defoliated, the leaves are lacy-looking.

    Thank you all, again, for the prayers and good thoughts for Sarah. I hope they'll be able to find what the problem in her abdomen is and will be able to fix it with lasers. I think this is what they were going to try to do today instead of open surgery.

    There were awful storms across the northern part of our State, just north of Tulsa. They had winds up to 90 mph bringing down trees and power poles. Lots of people are still out of power. It's still dark here so can't really tell how much damage there is. Some places also had up to 7" of rain so there were flash flood warnings. We didn't get any rain or wind but it's supposed to be much cooler today - it's 74 right now.

    I still don't feel like going into town today but maybe by tomorrow I'll feel up to taking Lilly to the vet for her allergy shot. I'd only be about a mile from town so if it's cool enough and I do go I may go on into town while I'm that close.

    Saw another big spider in the bathroom this morning - saw one yesterday and killed it. This one I just missed - no idea what kind but it's pretty big with long legs. I'm seeing lots of those big yellow and black spiders outside that you see in the fall.

    I'll stop for now and finish my juice and watch some more of the news - not many good things. I did hear that there is an uptick in covid cases because of another variant. Has anyone heard if there's going to be another covid shot to be taken this fall? Guess we'll probably be getting flu and covid shots every fall from now on. I'm still wearing a mask when I go somewhere - which isn't often.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    The Covid shots are available now. I don't plan to take another, at least at this point. I had side effects after one and I have heard of potential for serious side effects from the MRNA vaccines. I have had 5 shots already.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
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    Today not starting off well. Had made an appointment for 10 am to have car oil change done at the dealer...big place. Arrive to find all bays full and 4 cars waiting. Told it would be about 2 hrs wait. According to the service person, an "appointment" only means that is when they expect you to arrive not when they expect to start performing service. Waiting 2 hrs was not on my schedule today so left and will have to go back.

    Then went to craft store to pick up an order my daughter had placed. The on line ordering process indicated all the yarn she had ordered was available at the store. Arrived to find they had canceled all but one skein. While it was technically at the store (still in warehouse in boxes) it was not available to the customer.

    Both instances seem to be a disconnect with the English language and the definitions of "appointment" and "Available".

    Oh well, just my rant for the day. Hope everyone else's day is a good one, and prayers for Sarah.

  • scott
    scott Member Posts: 10

    Hi everyone. I just wanted to say hi and let you know I am still following the post. I will give you my updates this evening. Have a great day

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Let's all bring just one of our favorite candies to the movies tommorow. In bringing a 10 cent payday where I can eat the peanuts off and safe the caramel for last. That is if I have a dime left after paying a whopping quarter for the movies. Double feature today! One of them is just out featuring Audie Murphy; "To Hell and Back", all about his life.

    Well when it rains it pours! This morning I noticed my heart rate at rest was 118. I kept monitoring it and finally went down to 96. Went to the grocery store, been resting and checked and it was 108. Just now checked and 102, so it's trying to go down. Dont know if it's because of the busted blood vessel or the prescription drops. I'm tired of Drs will just keep a check on it and try to take it easy.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Beth, are those covid shots for the new variant? I've had five also and I'm not around any people but we'll see.

    Marie, that would have really started my day off in a bad way. That's not what I think appointment means. Hope the rest of your day is better.

    Glad to see you post, Scott. I was wondering about you this morning.

    Ron, Charles has told me about going to the movies with ten or twenty cents - getting into the show and still having money for popcorn. When we lived in McAlester I was about five and daddy and I went to the movies really often - mostly all westerns. Someone mentioned Roy Rogers and Gene Autry - saw lots of those shows. When I turned on the TV a while ago there was an old western on with Gene Autry. We get the Lone Ranger often.

    About the candy - when I was little our little town had a couple of grocery stores - one sold feed - a drug store, post office and a couple of gas stations. I'd go with daddy when he went to the store to get feed or flour or something we needed and the owner would usually give me a bar of candy - mostly Mounds or Almond Joy. I couldn't chew the almonds so I'd eat the candy and give the almonds to daddy. His favorite candy was PayDay, too. My costo has been hurting and has now gone through to my back so I'm leaning against a heating pad. When I went down to open the gate there was one cow in the driveway - cows on both sides so she wanted to stay with them. I'd push her up the drive a bit and she'd stop so I'd get out and make her move on, then walk back to the PU. Finally decided I'd get the Gator - this worked much better. When she got closer to the house she realized she could go through the gate and get back down with the other girls. All of that didn't help my front or back.

    Ron, just took my pulse and it was 90. Mine fluctuates - if it's ever in the 70s it's a good day - usually higher and it always has been.

    Hands are still itchy from time to time to time but Benadryl helps. Toad said he walked out in the 30 acres they just cleared and got into chiggers. He said there were millions of them so he's having lots of itching. I hate chiggers.

    I'm going to post this and see where it settles. Strange.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Lorita, I dont want either one; but if I had to have one over the other, give me ticks no chiggers.


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Lorita, it is the bivalent vaccine and it is available. I have friends who have gotten it.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
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    Has been a cool rainy day here in my part of Ohio.

    Joan I downloaded an app.. Had a little trouble using it but it came up with muskmelon. It has grown some more. Getting lighter in color. Also has become round.I watched a video on the growth of muskmelons and honeydews. They definitely start out looking like mine did. So think it is a melon of some type. We’ll see what happens as it continues to mature.

    Did my kraut in jars Lorita.

    Sorry about your frustration Marie. Usually have pretty good luck here with the websites being accurate. Got quite a bit done today but still have a bit left to do. Hope I find the energy to complete it. If not, there will be another day.

    Going to try and attach an updated picture of ?melon. Ok guess it went to top for some reason.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Sara, we uesd to raise muskmelons but I don't remember if their rind is webbed. This one isn't, is it? - looks smooth to me. Does it look like it's going to be round?

    You know, Ron, I got several ticks off of me earlier this year but haven't gotten one lately (knock on wood). I hate both of them. Now, I'm hating grasshoppers - they're interrupting my sleep. They've eaten everything - I even find them in the birdfeeder. When I went out the gate yesterday morning the arch over the gate had 23 of them. They're breeding, I guess, so hopefully that doesn't mean there will be more next year.

    Sara, you did good finding that it was either a muskmelon or honey dew - I'm still voting for honey dew. Anxious to see what it really is. Is that picture one of your fruit or one on the app. you're using?

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,767
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    Saturdays on TCM they have a lot of those old westerns....Roy, Gene and Audy. It makes me smile/ I just had popcorn and the rule was you could not eat any until the feature started.

    OK, I must be missing a lot. I have a thermometer for temp but how are you guys checking blood pressure, pulse and heart rate???How do you keep track???

  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 523
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    Lorita do you have a lot of cicada's? Or have the grasshoppers eaten them? We have so many cicada's this year - more than ever before. Our silly puppy is fascinated by them. She also thinks they are a delish treat. 🤢. The vet says some dogs are like that, and no they don't hurt the dog. I try to get more of it away from her, but she does get a nibble or two.

    The weatherman promised a cold front!! Its in the low 100's instead of 110+. Personally I didn't think his humor was funny. I feel so sorry for those whom work outside, brutal conditions and no end in sight. Our kids started school today - no playground time until the temp drops. Those poor teachers!!

    When Ron mentioned the banana candy I immediately had a flashback. It was in the fall, probably 72 or 73. My mother and I (and others, but I can't remember whom) were watching college football. There was a wild crazy play and my mom had one of those candies in her mouth. Except she choked and couldn't breath. She immediately was panicked and everyone else - I froze for a second then thought I'd better solve the problem!! I was able to Helmick the candy out thankfully and she was fine. We looked at each other - hugged and continued watching the game. To this day I won't eat that candy. Silly memory.

    Need to get busy here. Everyone just hang and I'll meet you on the porch later. I'm thinking of making an angel food cake - I've good fresh blueberries and strawberries. I'll share.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Judith, I have a wrist monitor for my blood pressure and heart rate and it has a memory where you can gi back and look at previous readings. I also have a finger monitor for my oxygen level which also gives heart rate readings. They both are very accurate.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
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    Looking forward to a piece of that cake Eaglemom.

    Judith you will need to get a blood pressure cuff. Will give you your BP and heart rate. Think mine keeps track of last twenty. Can write them down in a little notebook too if you want too. There is no webbing yet Lorita. Th e video I watched of a cantaloupe growing didn’t appear to have webbing til a little later.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,767
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    Do I need to keep track of those things?

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    edited August 2023

    Sara, it is looking like a melon now. It’s getting bigger fast.

    What is a cicada?

    It’s warm but not hot here today.

    Marie, I don’t blame you, it shouldn’t be so hard to get an appointment time without waiting in line for two hours. Sorry the store couldn’t get your yarn to you while you were there. I hope tomorrow is an easier day.

    Have a nice evening. Joan

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Hi, Judith, I don't think there's a reason to keep track of those things unless you're not feeling well. I have white coat syndrome so every time I had my BP taken at the doctor's office it was a little bit high. So, I took it at home for about six times on different days and gave it to him - everything was okay. I have a BP cuff and one of those automatic things that pump it up. Feels like my arm's going to be squeezed off every time. I sometimes take my pulse - finger on pulse in my wrist to see what it is if I'm feeling nervous or anxious.

    Ron, I have one of those oxygen level things for my finger but had forgotten about it. Guess I've put it up somewhere or it's fallen off on the floor. I heard it was 104 in Shreveport today so hope you were able to stay in and stay cool. It was in the low 80s here with a much lower dew point but it still felt pretty warm to me.

    Eagle, I love angel food cake - that surely will be good with the berries on the front porch. I'm seeing something that may be a cicada - it's about the size of a grasshopper but a little more slender with longer legs and it's light green. In fact, there was one in the bird feeder this morning. Maybe that's what's making the noise along with the grasshoppers. I was just in the bedroom and heard the noise, looked and there were three or four hoppers on the AC.

    It's supposed to be cool tomorrow and pretty cool Wednesday, then the 100+ degree weather resumes but, at least it's the middle of August so it shouldn't last much longer - six weeks? You know I bet cats would like cicadas but I'm not going to let them outside or let the cicadas inside to see.

    Fedex brought the cat and dog food - a big, heavy box that I can barely move with my foot. More to come tomorrow - now if Rusty won't get into it on the porch. Haven't seen him today but I fed him this morning. I think the grasshoppers are eating birdfeed, too. Judith, on fetv where Barney Miller is on, they've changed it to The Lone Ranger and a couple of other old westerns. We get Wagon Train and Rawhide, too.

    Joan, hope you're doing well today - is it pretty cool at your house? See you all tomorrow - sleep well. Hope I can if it's not too noisy.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,767
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    Cicada's are fat! Maybe you saw a young praying mantis.

    Anxiety affects blood pressure/your pulse?

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Hm-m-m; looking like a melon - will continue on waiting for the mystery to be solved. Isn't it fun to go out and check on that plant and wonder about it Sayra?

    Lorita; Sarah's sore throat and difficulty swallowing is in all probability due to being intubated; throat highly irritated and a bit swollen pretty much happens when coming off a ventilator; nice to have ice chips for some comfort.

    As for the COVID vaccinations; new vaccine being sent to FDA for approval and probably out end of September. The bivalent we got last cycle is not effective against the newly morphed variant. It will be like we do flu shots each year - a Covid booster annually, but not too early and is adapted to whatever the new variant is at that time.

    Just like flu vaccines; Covid vaccinations do not last strongly; they wane in strength after a few months, so we will vaccinate probably in October to have protection more robust in the months that it is more of a problem. Will keep from getting as seriously ill and out of the hospital if Covid is contracted.. Hopefully we won't "get it," but one never knows. Went to the eye doctor today and all staff is now wearing masks again; but patients are not yet being asked to. I would imagine it will not be long before that is once again asked/required by some businesses. The Home Health Agency that sent out a licensed RN and the PT after my DHs recent surgery all masked; it is their agency policy. By the way, here is a link regarding the new vaccine for the COVID ERIS Variant:


    Gosh Marie; that was not the best day for getting things done. Always seem to have to wait for car to be worked on; DH just had that done. Sorry about the yarn, we used to have a lovely specialized shop near us just for knitting, crochet, counted cross stitch, needle point, crewel work, etc., with all sorts of yarns; it was lovely to visit. Sadly, they closed some time ago and nothing to replace them.

    Joan; it is wonderful how much you have done to prepare the house and yourself for post-surgery. That will be a huge benefit for you and you will thank yourself for having done so. DH now going out and about driving his car at six weeks, and went to Home Depot and another store; was tired when he got home, but wore his brace and his back did fine, no pain. He has his next appointment in six weeks; his three month mark. Daughter flies home to Houston tomorrow and that will be "big" for us. She did SO much for us, we are deeply appreciative and I will certainly miss seeing her each day. She is not looking forward to hot and humid Houston; she has a three story house, so she will have to crank up that air conditioner for sure. It will be hotter than the dickens as she did not set the AC on low when she left to come here six weeks ago.

    Cicadas; omigosh; infernal despicable things. I have only experienced them once when I went to St. Louis to do consulting at a large hospital . . . the are SO NOISY - it is an awful sound that never, ever stops. I truly think I would have a meltdown if I had to listen to that 24/7; especially in humid heat with all senses suffering. Yuck and Ick!

    Ron; yep, let doctor know about your heart rate and how it "feels: does it bound, is it regular or irregular, does it skip beats, do you feel lightheaded, pain, etc. Of course here comes another link from me:


    Had to return the SAS shoes I bought; they are not really a decent fit for a person with really wide feet and the toe boxes are not sufficient; just not deep enough. Seems I spend a lot of time returning things. So many stores have closed over the last five years that more and more seems to be done online which means one does not know how things will fit or their quality until the package is opened. I sent for some really nice looking and nicely described summer dresses for the hotter September . . .short sleeve, button down the front, fits under bust and then falls nicely from there. Have one and love it. Well; got the dresses and good grief; they were completely lined top to hem with a flannel like fabric! For the summer! Suboptimal fabric I guess and the poor lining to help keep its shape? Don't know, but back they went too. If they had mentioned that in the description, I never would have bought them. Ah well.

    Six o'clock, time to get dinner; sweet dream wishes for everyone later tonight,


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Tied a record yesterday at 106 but they say we will have two days of relief in the mid 90s and after that back to the 100s.

    Heart rate back to normal this morning. Dont know what caused the spike; maybe busted blood vessel, prescription eye drops are being out of my blood thinner medicine for 3 days. I started having tachycardia when I was in my 40s and that was the reason I was put on ateneoll (Tenorman at the time since genetic ateneoll wasnt out yet). I remember the reason they were concerned back then was a resting heart rate of 180.

    Since being so hot even the roaches are trying to get out if the heat. I haven't had bug problems for years since I've used orkin monthly. Past couple of weeks I've found a few dead ones and killed a couple that was barely moving. I mentioned it to the orkin guy last week and asked him to spray good around the house good.

    Staying in and staying cool! Electric company bill not going to be good!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Morning, It's a beautiful morning - temps in the low 60s - supposed to be in mid 80s today and even cooler in the morning but then it warms back up to the 100s.

    Ron, glad your heart rate is back to normal this morning. I went out om the porch to see the girls - scattered all over the east pasture - I know they're enjoying the break in the weather. Yesterday I noticed a couple of birds flying around on the porch and this morning I looked out the door - didn't open it - and saw a barn swallow sitting on the dynatrap. Watched it a while until it flew and went out and found it has made a nest on the porch light. They're round globes and I had noticed there were little rows of mud on a couple of them. She has made a nest on the south side of the middle light and I see grass or feathers sticking out of it. It's been a long time since they've nested on the porch - not since the snake crawled up and got the eggs or little birds.

    I woke up really early this morning and reached over and got my little bottle of water, took a drink and didn't put the top back on (usually do) so I went back to sleep with it resting on my chest and it fell over and I got water all over me - good way to wake up.When I sat up I saw the lid to the bottle on the floor and reached down to get it and since the bed is high it was a long way down and it has made my left hip just below my waist really hurt. Didn't hear the noise in the bedroom last night but I did hear it in the utility room. Got a good night's sleep. What I'm hearing must be the grasshoppers - not cicadas. I always told Charles it was spiders making noises.

    Jo, it's amazing that your husband is already driving after his surgery. That is beyond wonderfu. I imagine his pain level is waaay down. Joan will have the same outcome, I'm sure. I can only imagine how much you both will miss your daughter. How great it's been that she could come and stay with you all through the first part of Bill's recovery. You'll be lonesome for a while for sure.

    Weather says it will be 60 in the morning so guess I'll go in and get my prescription, cash a couple of checks I got from the electric company (we get a small check or two every year) and pick up my groceries. May get some diesel - I think I have at least half a tank but with the gas gauge not working I'm not sure and I don't want to run out again. Need to finish my online order today. If this works out well, it will really be nice to not have to go inside WM - it's just too big. I am going to check to see exactly how many miles it is from here to the store - I'm sure it's well over 8 miles (that's as far as Instacart will deliver according to the WM operator).

    Enjoy the day and hope everyone's well and up and at 'em. Judith, I ordered flowers for Sarah yesterday from the gift shop - orange gerbera daisies with other little fillers. So much easier than trying to find a florist to deliver and paying for delivery. Jo, her throat is sore which is to be expected. They did some sort of test yesterday and they'll get the results today - she couldn't really explain what it was - some sort of x-ray I think. She said they want her to go to rehab for a couple of weeks after she's discharged. Really is a miracle that they brought her back from what they said was the brink. Back later

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,364
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    Do you need to know those numbers?

    It's not a bad idea to keep an eye on BP as you age. You could have elevated BP without symptoms. If you're someone who sees the doctor on a relatively frequent basis and always normal, that may be enough. If your doc wanted you to test at home-- they'd tell you to. That said, for folks of a certain age in this time of COVID and telehealth, having the tools to do basic vitals in your home makes sense. I recall one telehealth visit mom had with cardiology where I was instructed to use the microphone on my iPhone as a stethoscope which was just weird. The one thing I had to buy was a new thermometer; my normal temp is fairly low and I rarely get fevers so I haven't much use for one.

    I have a traditional BP cuff at home. DH's cardiologist doesn't feel a wrist model is accurate enough for him. I'm not personally wild about DH's cardiologist but he's kept DH alive so I'll indulge him on this. My mom uses a wrist one as she has trouble managing the cuff; I've compared readings using both and they seem pretty close. My Apple Watch tracks my heart rate, O2 and can do an EKG. I can set it for high/low heart rate alarms. I specifically didn't get the O2 monitor on mom's watch because her breathing is ghastly and the alarms would be disturbing her constantly. She does have a clip-on pulse ox for at home testing.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,767
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    I only have the number from Dr,s visits.

    I think I will get an Apple watch. They seem to do everything. Maybe some day they will cook dinner!

    Floor is coming along nicely in the flip. It is a long process of tapeing.

    I stayed up to watch the Fulton county report. Slept late. Then when I woke up I continued to watch. I have to say that I have become facinated with our legal system. We are certainly living in historic times. Covid, heat Maui and all the legal stuff.

    Cooked a new recipe. Changed the recipe on the paper now will freeze individual portions. I use the portion control bags to squeeze out the air them put the portions in a freezer bag.

    Step report. I did get 539 steps one day. Yesterday it was136. Hmmm. Not working or I am truly a mushroom.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    My thought for the day: Oooo eeee oooo aaaa-aaaa ting tang walla walla bing bang.  If you understand this -- you lived in the best times ever!


  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    "I told the witch doctor I was in love with you"...back when songs were fun! Alvin and the Chipmunks.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,767
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 500 Likes 100 Insightfuls Reactions

    We were lucky!!!!!

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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