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Just need to talk to my friends (191)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    We did live through the best of times. Loved those songs - you could actually understand the words! I know nothing about any of the singing groups now or any of the songs - and that's all right.

    Judith, what recipe did you cook? I cooked butter beans and farfalle so don't have to cook today.

    It's a beautiful day here - upper 70s right now and it'll be cool tomorrow, then Katy, bar the door - back to August. I'm still sleepy - been sitting in my chair and my head would fall over, I'd straighten up and again it would fall. I think I'm awake now.

    HB, my normal temperature is always below 70 - I have one of those thermometers you put close to your head, push a button and it tells you the temp. Also have a couple of the mercury ones - but, a couple of months ago when Sheena wasn't well I used one of them to take her temp. Now, I don't know which one is was so probably won't use either - guess I could put it in alcohol and that would work.

    Now, our front porch is a busy place - there's Rusty who eats the sunflower seeds, a new little family of barn swallows (to come) and a great, big spider who's web is just below the bird feeder so I have to be careful to not disturb her - maybe I'll call her Matilda in honor of one on our deck at the MH. Girls are really enjoying the cooler weather - they're in the garden under the trees - I just filled their water tank so they could have water without going to the pond.

    Judith, is it in the flip house where you're having the floors painted? Is it about finished and ready to sell? Was the picture you posted of the pretty floor in the flip house or your house?

    Time to find something for lunch. Enjoy our beautiful weather - sorry Ron and Eagle - fall will be here soon.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
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    I’ve dumped my water on me in bed a few times too Lorita. Hope the grocery thing works out well for you.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Ah, those old songs! They are the best!


  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,364
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    Good morning fellow porchies.

    It's not a happy day around these parts. My bestie's husband was re-admitted to the hospital Monday 2 weeks after a month-long stay related to a pleural infection. Last week he had 2 visiting nurse visits and follow-ups with cardiology and pulmonology which both seemed nonplussed with his condition. He also has CHF and started retaining fluid and ended up with an ulcer on his calf which became infected. She thought he seemed way sicker than one would be from a skin infection and had him admitted Monday. He's not doing well at all and she's a mess. She's lost all 3 of her siblings in the last 3 years and his family just buried his brother-in-law on Friday. They'd gone over his living will just after the BIL passed so she has a clear understanding of it, but it's a heavy burden to act on it.

    Mother's excision is healing well. I caught her cleaning her garage yesterday-- she's supposed to be "taking it easy". Ugh. Her second biopsy came back as squamous cell carcinoma as expected. FTR, she had a full body-check on 7/21. I was there. Her doctor is very thorough given mom's propensity for sprouting skin cancer and it was not there. Somehow this lesion, the size of a dime, popped up and grew in the 3 weeks. It would be great if she could have this removed when she goes back for her stitches, but I don't know if that'll be possible. The downside is that removal will take her out of PT for another 2 weeks. I'm playing wack-a-mole here.


  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,076
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    HB, so sorry to hear about your BF's hubby. She is a great caregiver to push for aid when those in medical profession seem to not notice.

    While living wills are a good thing to have (has us asking the hard questions) it is often difficult for LO to execute. I know it was for my family when it came to my father. However, knowing his desires helped us in the end.

    You certainly have your hands full, but you are great daughter to take such good care and oversight of your Mom's health. Hope that all goes well for her.

    Wishing all friends here on the porch and their loved ones a wonderful day.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
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    HB very sorry for what you and your friends family are going through.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Morning, At least it will be for five more minutes.

    HB, so sorry to hear about your friend's BIL and husband. She really has her hands full. It's hard sometimes to keep a person down - case in point - your mother. They're going to do what they want to no matter what. You have your hands full, too.

    I just talked with Sarah - they have her sitting up right now. She fell just before she went into the hospital and hurt her shoulder and can hardly use that arm. She said they took x-rays this morning to see what's wrong. She was going over all that had happened to her and started to cry so I stopped her and told her to find something to watch on TV and to try to get it off her mind. I know she can't but when she talks about it, it gets her so upset. They've started her on tube feedings again and so far it's not working out too well - but she needs the nourishment instead of just broth. She says if she takes a drink of anything it makes her stomach hurt so much it's hard to take. Just can't imagine why so much has happened to her. On top of all of this she has pneumonia. Todd's just getting over it - I didn't think it was contagious.

    Well, everything went well this morning. I left home about 7:40 - got to town, got some diesel, went to the CU which was open (didn't think it opened until 8:30). Went back to WM. They have a lot of spaces so I parked in one that was in the shade #20. Called them and all they asked was my name and what spot I was in. I took my own bags. She came out with everything on a cart, packed it in my bags and that was it - all done within ten minutes. Went on to the pharmacy and had to wait until they opened at 8:30. All of these things are close together so going from one place to another didn't take much time. Got my medicine and was home by 8:50. As usual, Stormy was elated - he thought I'd been gone three weeks.

    The girl really loaded things in the bags (next time I'll have her use more- I had plenty of them) so lifting them out of the PU and getting into the house has made my back and shoulder hurt some . I got everything except spray whipped cream - it may have gotten off the list and I can't find a way to check - but it's okay. No substitutions except a different brand of rainbow sherbet. This turned out to be the kind I buy anyway. So, I'm hooked! So much easier than going in and walking around, etc. They told me they think our WM will start Instacart the end of this month. They only deliver eight miles. I checked it this morning and I'm ten miles from WM if you go through the country - dirt roads. Guess I could meet them wo miles from here.

    It was a really pretty morning - about 60 with hardly any wind. Weather just now said the humidity is coming up but won't be too bad today. Saw all the girls as I was leaving and coming home so guess everything's okay.

    The repairman is coming tomorrow to fix the ice maker in the refrigerator. It works but it also dumps water in the container which freezes so I have to break it up. Want to get it fixed before this master agreement expires on the 25th.

    Eagle, I saw on the weather this morning that Austin has had 20 or 40 days (forget which) of over 100 degrees - that's just way too long. The relief we've gotten a couple of times didn't get down that far - or even to Dallas I don't think. It's only 38 days until fall so maybe we can make it.

    All the cats and dogs are fast asleep. I was sitting in the chair and got up to do something and Stormy raised his head and watched until I came back and sat down - then he put his head back down. He's funny - keeps close watch on where I am.

    I feel so sorry for Sarah and there's not one thing I can do to help except send her flowers and talk to her. She said this morning she hadn't been to a grocery store for a year and now doesn't have the strength to do anything except lay in bed and get up to go to the bathroom. Not a good quality of life for anyone.

    Darwin called yesterday - they had gotten a flea infestation so he "bombed" his house. They had to be gone two hours, come home and open windows and be gone another two hours. He did one room first a day or so ago and left the cats in that room. But when they got home one of their cat was missing. He said Donna was very upset and worried so he was calling neighbors to have us watch for the cat. He told me he had to let his dog go to sleep ten days ago. Said Mike was going to come by and do it but he couldn't stand to see him suffer so he did it himself. Very hard to do. I know how he feels. I do hope the cat comes back. I worry when I can't locate all three of ours. They have three - two who stay inside all the time and one that goes in and out. Always something to worry about. Life is hard sometimes - a lot of the time.

    It was sad this morning to see the store where I always shopped all closed up. It wasn't a small store - it's in a building with the pharmacy and urgent care. I hope someone else opens it. And, the garage I've always used that closed a while back has reopened and was busy, busy. Don't know yet who reopened it - the old sign is down. I heard the men who had it previously were going to but I don't know for sure. All of this is on the far west side of town so I didn't get close to the rest of the town. We have two traffic lights in that town - my hometown doesn't have any.

    Just took a pain pill so I'll lay down and let it work and watch the news.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,767
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    Alert.....as we age we can not do everything the way we always did. One needs to develope work arounds.

    My grocery bags have to be light. I let them know every time.

    Lorita....you could open and unpack your critter food delivery into some of those grocery bags or order less more frequently.

    Wallmart has destroyed many small communities. I will not shop there!

    Stopped at the local shipping store after workout Then treated myself to a fresh boule and a blueberry scone which really needs some clotted cream

    Hot again. I totallt missed yesterdays fresh air,,,ugh,

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Lorita; wonderful having grocery pick-up, isn't it? We have a Ralph's (Kroger) market, a WalMart, a Target all close to us; it is truly a blessing to have a pick-up service. As we mature, all sorts of work around's become those blessings for sure. Even having a very good hair stylist willing to come to the house if in a pinch is one of those blessings. CostCo delivers at no charge if one orders $35 or so and that always happens. InstaCart delivers for them.

    As for InstaCart and their policy of going only eight miles - IF you call their number or WalMarts number and explain your situation of age and difficulty, I am willing to bet they will go those extra two miles - it is not like going twenty miles and they sometimes will accommodate. We always tip nicely for the kindnesses of driver deliverers. In the winter, when your roads are so muddy; it may be difficult to get delivery but I hope that would be accommodated for you.

    I can well understand how Sarah is feeling; it is beyond the beyond what she is living with. BUT . . . why not contact the supervising RN of her unit and ask her/him if they would ask the primary physician to order a bedside counseler for her. It may be helpful for her to be able to vent her feelings and feel the support from someone who will not judge and who can give kind input. Very lonely to feel helpless and hopeless.

    Have to smile at Judith's input regarding ordering less a bit more often to unburden oneself; very wise. Trying to do this with my DH who so often over-orders large amounts of grocery items and cannot always stifle that dynamic.

    Dear Daughter flew home to Houston yesterday - we certainly do miss her . . . anyway; it is 101 and very humid in Houston today; will be about 103 tomorrow; don't know what that is with the heat index. She did not have her AC running in her house the six weeks she was here. When she got inside her house, it was a tidge over 100 degrees; had to open up everything, crank up the AC and run a host of fans. She has a three story house - cannot imagine. Funny thing is; the third floor, where the bedrooms are, was the cooler (still hot thought) area in the house. As she said, never, ever a three story house again. We are so grateful for her being with us after DHs surgery; she really made everything possible for us as there was so much need and so much running around hither and thither; we would have been in a big pickle in this big two story house with DH down and out and me with the arthritis limitations.

    Got some really big thunder boomers and lightning storm about 3:00 am this morning. Really loud and of course woke me up; DH didn't hear a thing. Hardly a drop of rain; thankful no fires up in the hill areas, that is always a concern. Supposedly some rain possibility next week - if it is still hot it will be dreadfully humid for awhile. Then September malevolently grins as it sneaks in out area with its higher temps right before autumn begins to peek at us with its promises of cooler days to come. We shall see. All bets off with this year and climate changes.

    Hope your pain abates and you feel more comfortable Lorita, take good care.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Was at the VA this morning for a mental health appointment. I was asked what I did to help with my stressful situations, I told her about the great front porch friends I have that listen and give advice. She seemed impressed with the great friends I've met on line that have gone through similar experiences.

    While I was at the VA I desided to go by the radiology oncologist clinic and was talking to the nurse when the Dr. walked up. She told me she had seen my results and wanted a repeat of egd and wants it done at the VA. I hadn't even thought of that being a option, the only thing I had been hearing was repeating the scans. She said something about different layers of the esophugus.


  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Hey y'all, I thought I would pop in here (the revamp has kept me away along what I'm explaining today) but I wanted to let you know that over these months I have been diagnosed with uterine cancer and have been busy pursuing the diagnosis/treatment. I've been GYN, ultrasound, oncology GYN, CT scan, the whole shebang.

    I'm scheduled for a hysterectomy and lymph node biopsy on August 29th and they will be able to definitively stage it after pathology receives the specimens - further treatment would depend on the stage. My CT of the chest, abdomen and pelvis was encouraging in that no surprising things were found other than gallstones and kidney stones, and the lymph nodes didn't look enlarged.

    So that's where I've been. I would like to encourage anyone (especially current and former caregivers) to be very mindful of your own health and make sure you aren't putting off appointments you may need to have, as that is what I had been doing. I have things covered here as far as my responsibilities and care for myself now.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Thanks, Judith and Jo for the suggestions. I have enough of everything for the cats and GPs now for a while. If it's brought to the porch I can get it to the utility room pretty easily with a dolly or emptying the one sack into two. Next time I pick up groceries I will tell them to not put as much into my bags - I couldn't see what she was doing so didn't know how much she was putting into each one. When I buy them myself I usually use four of the insulated ones along with some plastic bags - sounds like they're going to quit using them. We'll see what happens with Instacart - can't imagine them being in our WM. I used to order groceries for my sister, years ago, to be delivered. At that time it wasn't called Instacart.

    I can't believe all that's happening with Sarah. She had a swallowing (can't remember what it's called) test today and didn't pass it. I just talked with the RN and she said everything they let her try to swallow went into her lungs so she has aspiration pneumonia. She took my number for the doctor to call. How in the world can so many things be wrong with one person.

    I'll make that suggestion, Jo, - she needs someone to talk with. She hasn't been able to get in touch with Todd today - his voice mail is full so can't even leave a message for him. He needs to be with her through all of this.

    I haven't done anything this afternoon - think I took a short nap. Just hate to have a repairman come but I want this done before my contract expires.

    Heard a cow bawl just now and went out on our porch and it was a mom calling her baby to hurry up - they're changing pastures for the night. I saw a couple of them still in the pond cooling off. It's been a pretty nice day - it's 85 now. Carol called this afternoon and said one of her daughters came over to help her weed her flowerbed (they don't have grasshoppers like we do). They worked for a while and all of a sudden Carol said she was drenched in sweat and felt odd so stopped and laid down for a while. Says she's okay now. She said she hadn't even been that hot when she was picking cotton.

    I was thinking about that light green critter I've been seeing and all at once I thought "katydid". Looked up a picture of it and that's what I've been seeing. Maybe they make noise, too. I didn't hear the noise too much last night and this morning when I went out there was a dew and no grasshoppers but as soon as it dried off, they were back.

    Ron, it is so nice to have a group of friends who care and that we can talk to about anything and they understand and are not judgmental. We've just about come to the point of being family.

    Jo, I know you and Bill will miss your daughter - was so nice that she could come and be with you all for a while. I bet her house was hot when she got home. I have a couple of rooms closed off that I don't

    heat or use the AC and when I go in there it's really hot. I'll stop for now and talk with you all tomorrow. Have a good evening and a good night's rest.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Hi Day, I'm so sorry I missed your post - you must have posted while I was writing. Sandy called to let me know about your post. I'm so glad to hear from you - all of us had been wondering what happened and were worried. Sorry to hear of your health problems and your upcoming surgery. Sure do hope things come out all right for you. Good that you got tested when you did and it was found before it got too far along. I've missed talking with you about QVC and my fussing about the new hosts I don't care for. I'm about out of power so I'll stop for now. Best wishes to you and keep posting and keep us informed. Prayers for you.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    HB, I'm sorry about your friend's DH. He is so fortunate to have her as an advocate. Readmission after a hospitalization is very suspicious.

    Your mom has a new squamous cell cancer? It's good it was caught so early.

    Jo C, I have not used Insta Cart. I suppose I should give it a try.

    Dayn2nite2, welcome back! I'm so very sorry to learn of your diagnosis. I will add you to my prayer list! Have you taken a leave from your work? Do you have a dog sitter?


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Morning, It's already warm with a slight south breeze - gonna be another scorcher today and for the next week. Ron, I know it'll be hot for you and Lou, too, so take it easy and stay inside.

    Again, Day, so good to hear from you. We've missed our front porch friend.Good news that there's no metastases.

    Sears repairman, Jason, just called. He'll be here between 10 and 11. I made ice last might so he could see what it's doing. If it needs to be replaced, I hope he has one with him.

    I was just watching a repeat of In The Kitchen with David that was on last night. They had some kind of coffee cake - couldn't resist so order a set (you get two) for me and a set for Darwin and Donna. They're such good friends so I like to send them something from time to time. The last time it was the special kind of oranges early this year. Everything from QVC comes UPS and most of theirs were frozen - mine, too. Maybe these will be okay.

    I didn't notice the "noise" last might but when I woke up this morning, there it was. Did you all know grasshoppers can swim? I have a little pool outside where I keep water for the GPs when they're outside. With the rain, there's water in it. As I walked by yesterday I saw one fly into the water. I was going to get it out but I saw it swim to the edge and get out. I didn't know that. I've rescued several but guess I didn't need to - if the sides of the container weren't too high. Girls are up in the pasture grazing this morning while it's cool - they'll go to the shade soon.

    Just got my hot tea so i'll stop and drink it before it gets cold. Hope all of you are well this morning.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Sleep study called and had a cancelation tonight and wanted to know if I want to move my date up to tonight. I checked with Lou's sitter and everything is good for tonight.

    Littlebit would have been 28 today and i miss him soooooo much. At least he's in dog heaven with his older brothers, Cottnseed and Jake.


  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
    Legacy Membership 100 Comments 5 Care Reactions 5 Likes

    Good morning.

    Day, you’re in my prayers. Know that you have been missed on here.

    Lorita, I’ve been doing pickup at our grocery store and Walmart for the past two months. It’s so convenient since I’m having a struggle walking. I saw where Walmart delivers here, but they aren’t a super Walmart, so no fresh produce. Our Kroger doesn’t have pickup in my town because it’s now our only grocery store serving over 10,000. We have a Vitamin Cottage that is small and limited as far as groceries. Our Safeway closed last year. I order from a town 15 minutes away, and pick up there. I need to order a few things to get me through another week before I go to surgery and rehab.

    Sending prayers for Sarah. Poor girl has so many challenges.

    The heat is back on here. We had a nice shower last night, and clear skies today. We’re getting in the high 80’s, but doubt we get too many in the 90’s now. Our hottest month is usually July and part of August. We have beautiful fall weather, and not too hot.

    Ron, nice you got to see your dr. and that she explained the X-ray. That was great you just walked in and she saw you.

    I'm liking the Kizik step in shoes. They are comfortable and easy to step into. No bending required. I’m having to wear thin socks because they fit a bit shorter than other shoes. If I order again, I’ll order a half size longer. My DIL ordered me a pair for my birthday. She ordered a half size longer, so I’ll see how they feel.

    I passed all the required pre op tests, and have a nurse training next week. I think that’s the last appointment before surgery.

    Sara, how’s the mystery plant looking this week?

    I guess I better get going and get a few things done around here. The painter is sealing the deck today, and will be officially finished. It looks beautiful.

    Take care everyone and have a safe and enjoyable day. Joan

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Hi again,

    Sears repairman just left. He will have to replace the icemaker - it's leaking. He's not sure a new one will fit because since it's been replaced a couple of times the screw holes are bigger and it's hard to hold the ice maker up. If it doesn't work, he'll try to get a new refrigerator for me. UPS will deliver the ice maker to me next Thursday and either he or his boss will come out on the 25th to replace it. Glad that's done. Stormy met him at the back door and was very watchful.

    Ron, glad the sleep study is going to be tonight so you won't have to wait longer. I've always wondered how a person can fall asleep with all those whatever they're called, on them. Hope you can. So sorry about Littlebit - I know how you feel. I still miss all of ours that are gone. He had a good long life - 28 years is amazing. I love the name Cottonseed - bet he was white. You can tell you're from the South.

    Joan, I'm glad your weather is getting cooler - wish ours was. Supposed to be over 100 the next week. We have hot weather until the middle or end of September. Nice that you like your shoes. I've seen those advertised on TV where you can just slip your foot in without bending. That will be a big help for you as you recover. I wear mules or slides or whatever they call them except in the winter when I wear boots. Can't have anything against my Achille's tendon on the right - from that injury I had two or three years ago with the string in my boot.

    Thanks for the prayers for Sarah - I don't see how she can carry on - seems like it's one thing and then two others. She really gets down sometimes but bounces back. I hope the doctors can figure out what's going on with her esophagus and get it fixed. She hasn't had any liquid for about two days now - says her tongue is even sore and swollen. Can't imagine.

    Wonder what it is with grocery stores closing. We only have WM in that town I go to - none in our little town except a convenience store with not much in the grocery line. That pickup is great - I don't like to go to grocery stores anyway - except I do sort of like to select which fruits or vegetables I buy - but the ones I got yesterday were just fine. Charles liked to go to the stores - he was a label reader - I'm not except for yogurt - won't eat gelatin.

    If our WM starts delivery that would be nice - maybe I could meet them two miles from my house. When I buy groceries I stock up so I won't have to go back. Usually get at least two of a lot of things and I order a lot from WM.com but can't get vegetables, fruits, dairy or frozen food.

    Aren't we glad to have Day back with us. Now I'm wondering about Zetta. Didn't she say she was going to be pet setting? I'm not sure about that - so maybe she doesn't have internet.

    I asked the repairman if he had grasshoppers. He lives in a town probably 45-50 miles from here. He said he does but not as many as we have. He said his tomatoes were completely defoliated so they won't make it. This morning when I put birdfeed in the feeder there were two katydids in it. Strange to me that they're not eating the crabgrass in the yard but they're eating fertilized bermuda grass. I haven't had the grass (what's left) in the yard mowed - I want to have at least something that's green. I hope the shrubs and winter jasmin wil come back but not sure. Also worry about the trees. Lots of ours are looking lacy.

    Cooked butterbeans a couple of days ago so guess I'll have some of them for lunch. Need to make another loaf of bread today or tomorrow. I think later on I'll try to make brioche. Had meant to order some to pickup but forgot it. Lately I have to write everything down or I'll forget it - still do sometimes or can't find where I've written it.

    Joan, two weeks from now you'll have your surgery behind you and will be starting your recovery for which you're well prepared thanks to Jo. Also Day will have hers behind her and beginning recovery.

    Day, I just saw another new host on QVC - Melissa - I think I'll like her. Another petite woman who wears an XS. I liked Carolyn because you could get a better idea of how things would look on a larger woman - like me.

    I think I'll have something for lunch and lay down a little while. Hope you all are having a good day. Back later. I need to call Sarah first.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions
    edited August 2023

    Hit the wrong key on littlebit, he would have been 18. Cottonseed was named by our oldest son. When we picked him up on the way home he said, mom you've talked about cottonseed so much lately why dont we name him that. Cottonseed was a racehorse that Lou bet on and won! He was a 22 to 1 long shot that won the race wire to wire and Lou talked about the race for days. I believe she won several hundred, cant remember the exact amount but it was enough for her to talk about it a lot.

    Here's a picture of littlebit.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Day! it is really wonderful to hear from you,. I have been thinking of you and have been looking on multiple Forums to see if you had Posted at all. I am delighted you stopped in for a chat. Looks like you and Joan will have surgeries a day apart, but of course for different reasons.

    I had a radical hysterectomy quite a few years ago for cancer which was early stage. I had gone for PAP smears routinely, was told that since mine were always negative, I did not need to return for three years. WELL . . . when I did, it was shockingly, a positive. If it had been caught at Stage 1a, it would have been a simple hysterectomy; but it was a Stage 1b, which required a radical hyst. and removal of lymph nodes "Cure" rate, pretty much 100% the specialist surgeon said. Grateful to the nth degree. A bit weak and wobbly for awhile post-op, but in tincture of healing time, it went well; just had to be patient for awhile which was not always easy to do. Will you have some help when going home post-op? Sending all best wishes to you as we also do for our Joan and Ron. We have been a bit needing some mending of the Front Porch group of late. When you are home recovering; pop in on a Front Porch rocker and set a spell; we are always here and we care.

    Big storm heading our way in SoCal. Part of the Hurricane from Mexico. They expect we will have a lot of storm; hitting hard on Sunday and especially Monday. Supposedly a lot of rain and possibly very high winds. One weatherman suggested possible power failures for the harder hit areas due to the wind. We do not know with certainty which areas will be hit hardest in SoCal; so I will certainly be powering up my Kindle and cell phone before the storm hits and making sure our small powerful lanterns are easily accessible. Only thing is; if it is going to be a hot/humid storm and the power goes out, it will be awfully uncomfortable with no AC or fans. Guess I should find out where the cooling centers are that are a bit out of our area. If Iris has not seen the information re the storm, (she is very near where we live), here is a link re the storm; and of course, Dallas Raines on Channel 7 news in our area is always the best at sharing up to date accurate information; he is a Certified Meteorologist :


    I have developed an eye condition; looks like a stubborn chalazion. Never had one before. Eye drops with antibiotic and cortisone, four times a day; warm compresses three times a day, but it still sits there. If it isn't one thing . . .

    Poor Sarah; what a dreadful state she is in; I am so sorry. I really hope they send her a kindly counselor to visit with her; she could use the support with all that is going on. So much uncertainty on top of everything else. When the time comes about, it appears her discharge planning may be a bit more complex than it has been in the past. May she have excellent healthcare staff assisting her with that amongst so much else and that she will be accepting of the help that is extended when that time arises. Still amazed at her recovery from those first days on the ventilator; so hope the new medical consultants can do more than had been being done and make a difference for her.

    Mr. Ron; glad the sleep study will be done sooner rather than later; the more you get off your plate, the better. Good that the sitter is available; that is wonderful support at a time when greatly needed. You take good care and don't forget to be kind to yourself. Let us know what is going on. Actually, it sounds a positive that you may be having some counseling support in Mental Health at the VA. With all that you have had on your plate for so long; that certainly would be warranted and hopefully be of help. Things have not been easy for such a long time. You are our kind Front Porch gentleman.

    Joan; glad the Kiziks are working well. Our adult son got a pair of Sketcher slip-ins and they did not hold up; the backs broke down easily. Quality may cost a little more, but it is worth it. The upcoming pre-op nurse meeting will give much inside information which is helpful; we appreciated it when they did that for DH's surgery; she answered a lot of questions.

    Lorita is right; in about 11 days, your procedure will be complete and then behind you, and you will begin your recovery. First few days give yourself a pep talk and take your pills before pain starts; they are more effective when used that way rather than waiting until one is miserable. Recovery seems to move at a decent rate week by week. By the second week in September, things should be starting to look up and be starting to feel more positive. It is really amazing to see how much recovery there was week by week; the 6th week has been the big change for feeling more "normal" for DH. He starts his outpt. P.T. coming Monday; it is ordered twice a week for six weeks. The at home P.T. was wonderful and the therapist was SO good at looking at things around the house and teaching us much AND reminding Mr. Stubborn the why's and how's of things. Her moving the walker wheels to the inside of the walker rather than having them on the outside was tremendously helpful for small spaces; that really was a biggie. So positive and showing him the "how's" that made matters easier and him more compliant. He no longer uses a walker but does use the brace when up and about for any length of time or walking about more than just going to the bathroom or to the frig to get water, etc. So glad he does that.

    Gosh Lorita; hope those grasshoppers decide to get out of Dodge so to speak; what a bloomin' nightmare gobbling up all the plants and leaves. Hopefully things will begin to come back once the infestation is all gone. Also hope all works out well with the refrigerator issue. Let us know.

    Sounds good to have some soup for lunch today, will get to that soon. Just finished re-upping a CD at our Credit Union; they had been having a good special interest rate for new money coming in; but then decided to also permit the special rate for CDs being renewed, that is good news. Every little bit counts these days.

    Soup's on; take good care one and all; see you again soon.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,767
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    18...that makes more sense.

    Day...we have been so concerned and have had no way to get hold of you. Now we can at least send you a message and you will get an email notification. No wonder you have been MIA. Can we help in anyway with anything on your plate?

    Ron...Good tto get that test over with right away. I have sleep apnea and only have little things that go in my nose and a piece of elastic that goes around the back of my head to hold the things in. I do not even notice the apperatus.

    Alert...the day that Walmart actually shuts down everything will be the day that all of their prices go up. It will happen. BTW...afte the local food/hardware/ect stores are gone the newspapers follow.....Ads are what keep papers alive and WM does not advertise.

    Sarah is truly living a nightmare. Thanks Lorita for the updates...please keep them coming. It looks like she will not be released to her home but to someplace that can give her 23/7 care. It is heart breaking.

    Joan...it sounds like you are well prepared. Wish we could do more for you and Day and Sarah and Ron.


  • Sasue
    Sasue Member Posts: 69
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    Hi everyone,

    As usual, I read daily but don’t post often. I’m happy to see Day posting, sorry about the diagnosis. Hoping all will go well. Joan it sounds like you are well prepared for your surgery. When I had my fusion, going for walks helped me get stronger and helped pass time, I would walk a mile twice a day.

    Jo, if you think you may lose power, make sure your husband isn’t in the power recliner. If he’s reclining, he could hurt himself trying to get out. I’m speaking from experience. The little battery in mine never seems to be working when I needed it. Found out it was only a 9 volt battery.

    Ron, I hope your sleep study goes well. Littlebit is so cute. I miss Lucy (my avatar ).

    When I was home (Illinois),I used InstaCart. During Covid I didn’t go to the grocery store. The InstaCart shoppers were great, if they weren’t able to get an item, they would call me and ask about a substitute. Never had a problem.

    Sara, my plant app indicates your mystery plant is a honeydew, musk melon or something called summer melon. So I guess it’s still a mystery.

    We’ve added two mules to our family, the three horses were not friendly and chased them around the paddock. The next day we had to have the vet out to check Zeus, the oldest draft horse because he could hardly walk. He has arthritis from plowing most of his life. They were all saved from slaughter so they have nothing to do but enjoy retirement and graze in a beautiful home.

    All the grandchildren have been here for visits, all five granddaughters but somehow never overlapping. It’s a revolving door, never knowing who’s coming. My granddaughter from Illinois came with four great-grandchildren. It was the first time I was able to see the youngest. She’s almost two. It was wonderful seeing them, they enjoyed the pool and then went to Virginia Beach to play in the ocean.

    HB you have so much patience, caregiving is one of the hardest things. Bless us all.

    Take care in this heat, stay hydrated. It’s so important. Prayers for all the rockers.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    We have had weekly WalMart and Target circular ads in the Sunday newspaper . . . perhaps this is different in different parts of the country. WalMart has tremendous buying power being the largest store chain with nearly 5,000 WalMart Stores plus their Sams Clubs which enables them to bring pricing way down in their stores for the consumer; their wages and benefits for their employees are an issue. I think the biggest negative impact they have had has been on the smaller towns/areas that cannot compete and do not have the population density to support multiple stores other than the price saving WalMart. Many people in many walks of life appreciate the lower pricing and save by shopping where they can get the lower prices. For people with very little money/income, on a very, very strict budget, living on Social Security or other very small incomes; the prices are what are a necessity in many lives; especially with families in such situations for groceries and other basic needs. Reality.

    Out here where we are, it is a highly, densely populated area and the grocery stores near us; pretty much each of the grocery store names have multiples of their stores all near us and easy to get to: the Targets, WalMarts, Sprouts, Krogers, Stater Brothers, Albertson's, Safeway, Vons, Trader Joes, CostCo, Whole Foods, Aldie, Smart and Final, and a whole host of smaller market groups and even independent markets as well as multiple ethnically based markets appear to be doing okay with customers; nothing closing in our particular area. Each seems to have its place and certainly, service has been really good at most all of them which is appreciated and helpful. The larger stores such as Target and WalMart are also places for low priced clothing and household goods for many; much back to school shopping done in those stores for clothing, school supplies and food for a myriad of families.

    No simple answers; it is all fraught with complexity and no crystal ball.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,767
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    edited August 2023

    Jo...I think you are right ...we still have a selection of stores here in OKC but our newspaper, owned by Gaylord, is not what it used to be. Granted TV news plays a role in this also, but you take a town of 30-40K. It is another story as Lorita has found out.

    Walmart story: we we headed out of Santa Fe for a 10 day trip. I asked Dick if he wanted me to pack for him. He said no. I had already separately packed his clothes for the wedding weekend part. We drove to Farmington and spent the night. The next morning Dick showered and came into the bed area asking where all of his underwear was. Seems all he packed were bookc.

    When I asked the front desk where we could buy some underwear he replied that the only place was Walmart a little bit out from the west side of town.

    Well, it was Dick's first venture into a Walmart and it was a big one. We must have been in that store almost 2 hours. Dick had to look at everything. Thankfully we were in no rush and fortunately all he really wanted was underwear. How I miss him.

    Just saw about the storm heading for CA. Be careful Jo.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Ron; Liittlebit was such sweetie; looks like a little cuddlebug! I can well understand the heartfelt feelings of missing her so much; I am sorry for that loss. By the way; I also like the delightful, happy looking afghan. Lovely colors; did Lou make that?

    Sandy; thank you very much for the helpful information regarding the power lift chair; I never would have thought of that. Really appreciate it. That the horses, mules and others can retire on your breathtaking beautiful property is sincerely heart warming; it is truly a huge blessing and many would cast off those loving creatures rather than giving them the best days of their lives; truly a blessing beyond counting. What state are you in that has such beauty?

    Grandchildren - aren't they the best, best, ever? Oh the many marvelous times we have had and oh the cuddling and loving! Children; no matter whose, appear to be my specialty. I loved having ours each year and oh; the special memories filed away to think of now and then; what a wonderful life! I miss having small grandchildren and of course now even older, they all live out of state and do not travel out here due to costs and time restrictions. However; I did not give away the story books and some of the special smaller unique toy items they loved so much. Perhaps some day there will be other little ones who will enjoy them.

    Great photo of the rainbow over your lovely property . . . I keep looking at it. Perhaps God telling you thank you and well done for the animals you have been such a good steward and carer for. At least, I would like to think that. Your property really is breathtaking and so comforting looking; I always love looking at your photos. You are a woman of very good spirit methinks.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    I can only imagine Dick wandering around the store - no wonder it must have taken forever. Reminds me of how I first had to come to reality re my bad knees, etc.

    Used to be that I would wobble into the store, find the item and out I would go. Then I discovered the electric carts . . . first time used I was SO embarrassed and hoped I did not see anyone I knew. Well; gosh and golly, WHOOPEE! All over the whole store hither and thither careening around corners; how happy was that! Next time, only a teensy bit embarressed and after that, never thought of it again; has me spending a bit more though.

    The place I found has the best electric carts is Home Depot - those things can MOVE! So much fun if store is not crowded and can race up and down some of the aisles. Couple of mature female clerks saw me and they shared that after the store closes, they each take a cart and speed up and down the aisles full tilt. Had to chuckle with them; I could just picture it.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Goodness gracious, all of us laid down to take a nap and everyone posted - that's great. The storm that's supposed to hit California sounds really bad - hope it turns out better.

    Sandy, the picture you posted is beautiful - double rainbow - I think that's means good luck. Where you're living is beautiful and so green - no grasshoppers there. Quite a change for a lady from big town Chicago but so restful. Don't know if you wanted me to mention it - but - Sandy is having a birthday tomorrow. Won't say how old she will be but she's a few months younger than I am. Where in the world does the time go?

    I was just thinking - you know I'm 25 or more miles from any conventional grocery store - WM is the closest food store to me. WM has made our two grocery stories to close but the County Seat, 25 miles from me has a couple - no WM there.

    It's been a hot afternoon - it was windy this morning but calm this afternoon. After our nap, the GPs went out for about five minutes and their hair was hot when Stormy barked to let me know they were ready to come in.

    I'm watching Wheel of Fortune and there's a guy on there from OKC - he won more money than any of them and is going to try for more.

    Sarah is having a hard time. We've learned, or she has, that the problem with her esophagus was from inserting or removing the ventilator. They had to do it to save her life so can't complain too much about that. She still can't have any kind of liquid or a piece of hard candy to suck on, nothing and today they told her they wanted to try it another 72 hours to see if it's better. She'll have another swallow test. I asked about repairing it and she said they wanted to let it heal on it's own. Hope it does. I can't imagine going for five or six days without anything liquid in my mouth. I asked her about taking a drink, swishing it around in her mouth and spitting it out and she said they didn't trust her enough to do that. Still no glycerine swabs.

    The guy from OKC won $64,000 - good for him. His brother was there with him and of all the jumping and screaming. Guess I'd do the same.

    Better look for something to nibble on and check the barn a little bit later. Enjoy the rest of your day.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
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    Thank you Sandy for telling me what your plant ID said and sharing the rainbow.

    Day so sorry to hear about what you are dealing with.

    Lorita swallowing issues are not real uncommon after being on a vent. A lot of times speech therapy can help them.

    The urologist freed me today. He gave me suggestions for things to do to lower my risk of developing another stone.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Good for you, Sayra, I hope you stay kidney-stone-free! Judith, you're right about the newspapers.

    My local paper is hanging on by a thread. I never see ads from WM or Target, only the big local supermarkets and a few fast food places.

    Jo C, I heard about this hurricane. I guess our west coast got jealous of the east coast getting all the hurricane attention, so now we have our own big hurricane. We will have flooding and landslides, even perhaps sinkholes to deal with--oh, my!


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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