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Just need to talk to my friends (191)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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    Good news for you, Sara. So happy you're doing so well. Let us know what he says will help prevent stones - would be glad to know.

    The speech therapist is who gave Sarah her dysphagia test a day or so ago. It's not just difficulty in swallowing - part of everything she swallowed went into her lungs bo there's some sort of injury to the esophagus that they hope will heal itself. Have you ever heard of that happening when a ventilator was put in or taken out? She is talking better today - it's just not being able to have any kind of liquid to help mouth dryness.

    When I checked the barn this evening decided I'd open the gates to let the girls into the driveway so went to the mailbox and closed the main gate. I didn't know I was going when I left the house so didn't take Stormy with me and he's pouted all evening. I'll have to make amends in the morning by taking him for a ride to see the girls. It's going to be hotter tomorrow so it will have to be early.

    Wasn't that a pretty picture of the rainbow Sandy posted? I've seen double rainbows but don't think they happen very often. Everything was so green and fresh looking. Around here when it's a hot summer like we're having and hay's baled the meadows are brown until they begin to green up - nothing much green around here except the crab grass and what's left of the leaves on the trees.The pastures are green but the weeds that were sprayed and died sort of mask the greeness but if you're out in the pastures you see pretty good green grass. I'm soooo ready for fall and cooler weather. Oklahoma's having a hot summer but not as bad as Texas and Louisiana. Supposed to be uber hot through next week at least.

    Going to watch some of Barney Miller and go to bed. Just fed the cats a little bit and everyone else is asleep. Hope all of our front porch friends sleep well tonight.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Sayra, I can feel your pain with kidney stones. I have a history of them and they are not fun. Sometimes you cant win with trying to do better to keep from having them. I know after my prostate cancer I was put on calcium tablets twice a day.

    Just got back home from my sleep study and worn out. How in the world do they have the nerves to call it a sleep study when they have you wired up so tight you cant sleep.

    Need a hot shower now to try and get all that gunk out of my hair and on me.

    Suppose to be 106 today and 107 Saturday and Sunday! Beat still has the bugs trying to get in the house. At least since I use orkins monthly service , most are dead.



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SANDY! Hope you have a wonderful day. Hopefully your weather won't be too hot. These birthdays really seem to roll around quickly. Remember when we were young it seemed like it took forever for them to come.

    Ron, glad that sleep study is over for you. I had wondered how a person could even sleep with all of those electrodes fastened to you. Did you sleep any? Maybe you can take a long nap today after you have your shower and something to eat.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,075
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    Happy Birthday to Sandy! May today be the best day ever and there be many more for you.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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    Hi, Judith, I think it was you who mentioned thinking about buying a VitaMix but decided against it. Today on QVC they have the VitaMix with the wet container and the dry container plus tamper and recipes for $289 instead of $500. The dry container is one where you can make your own flour from seeds, add ingredients to make bread - it kneads it - then you put it in the pan, let it rise and bake. I'm tempted but I have a Ninja that does a lot of those things and I hardly ever use it. Just wanted to let you know. Where is everyone today. I forget that our far western porchers are two hours behind us so it's ony 10 a.m. out there. Saw the weather this morning and that hurricane that's going to hit Southern California is a Category 4 and may go to #5. Not good news. Our heat is not good news either. Earlier there was wind, not so much now. Staying in today.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Happy Birthday Sandy! We can all gather on the front porch this afternoon and sing happy birthday to you. I hope your having a great day!


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,766
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    Happy Birthday Sandy!

    Ron ...how was the sleep study?

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
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    Happy Birthday Sandy💐🎂. Lol you probably would not want me to sing though but I sure can help eat the cake.

    Lorita when speech therapy evaluates someone after being removed from ventilator, aspiration is the concern they are watching for. Where I worked treatment was speech therapy working with them. Unfortunately the more things someone has wrong seems the more likely things are to go wrong.

    You asked what urologist suggestions were for decreasing risk of another kidney stone. Drink at least 64 oz water every day, low salt diet, eat the recommended amount of calcium and drink 2 oz lemon or lime juice in 12-20 oz water every morning and evening. I looked up dental sites on how to prevent enamel deterioration and have been following their suggestions. Will also talk with my dentist when I go to him next.

    Ron it sort of amazed me that a lot of people are able to sleep with their sleep study. Don’t think I ever would get relaxed enough. Pretty cool ( low 70’s) and windy here. Sort of felt like fall. Giving hot and humid this weekend.

    Enjoyed visiting with everyone on the porch Take care

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Happy Birthday Sandy!

    I slept during my sleep study. I even dreamed. But I have not been motivated to resume using my CPAP machine again.

    The weather is just about PERFECT right now! It's hard to think that in about 24 hours we will be in the midst of a hurricane. I wanted to get some gas but I was too tired. Perhaps tomorrow morning.
  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Happy Birthday Sandy. The rainbow picture is beautiful. It looks so peaceful there. I bet the donkeys are fun to have around. Draft horses are so pretty and seem so gentle.

    I hear I will be walking a lot. It will help keep me busy in rehab. I hope it’s successful and I can get moving again. I won’t take walking for granted after this experience.

    Lorita, it sounds like Sarah is improving in small ways. I hope it continues for her.

    Ron, even I’d I had sleep apnea, I don’t know if I could listen to the machine all night. I don’t sleep well with noise. I hope you don’t have to use one.

    Sara, glad you’re being released from your doctors. Looks like your recovery is almost complete for you. I’m happy you are doing so well. enjoy the cooler weather.

    Iris and Jo, I hope the storm lessens its strength before it hits shore. Stay safe.

    Hoping you all have a good night. Joan

  • Sasue
    Sasue Member Posts: 69
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    Thank you all for the birthday wishes. So sweet to hear from friends. After living here for almost 2 years, we finally met a neighbor ( a mile away). The couple and her mother. So my son and daughter-in-law finally have friends who have common interests. They board horses and she competes in dressage. Her mother is very nice and we went to the library together. Today they stopped by and brought a dozen cupcakes, so I’m sure we will have enough for everyone. Out to dinner in Roanoke tonight, many phone calls and texts from grandkids, friends and family. It was a wonderful day.

    Thank you again!


    P.S. Jo, I’m living in Virginia.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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    Sandy, those cupcakes are gorgeous - almost to pretty to eat/Our front porch friends will enjoy them for sure. Hope you had a good time when you went out to dinner tonight. You've had a big day so hope you rest well tonight. So glad you've found a friend to be with when you want to. Enjoyed our visit - always do.

    I finally got to talk with Sarah - couldn't through on her cell phone - she called a while ago. She hasn't had a good day. Seems like they fix one thing and another goes wrong. Her voice is better so that's encouraging for me - but she's discouraged and who wouldn't be.

    I haven't been out of the house except onto the porch this morning and late this evening when I heard the girls. Some were coming out of the NE pasture going south and some coming out of the south pasture - I think they were waiting or coming to get their babies because I saw several getting supper. It was hot today - I'd open the door to let the GPs in or out and that was enough for me.

    I've had a terrible headache this afternoon and still have it so I've had my peas on top of my head a lot of the time. I went in to take a nap and after I was in there a little while I heard Stormy bark. When he wants something he'll bark one time, stop and wait a while and do it again. I called him and told him I was in the bedroom. He didn't know where I was and I think he thought I'd Igone outside without him - I'd promised him a ride in the Gator today. He came in the bedroom, touched my hand and laid down and slept as long as I did. He really keeps an eye on me - guess he's my guardian.

    Not going to stay up too late tonight - had one of my favorite meals tonight - french fries and cottage cheese - sounds pretty bad, doesn't it - but it's good. Mother used to make her own cottage cheese. Maybe I should get a cow up and have a milk cow so I could make it - don't think so. I haven't milked in a long time.

    Sandy, several times today I thought of what you said about your granddaughter and the cream on top of the whole milk - thought that was funny. She really ended up with skimmed milk, didn't she?

    I'll stop, finish my Pepsi and get ready for bed - might watch a bit of the news. The hurricane sounds like it'll be bad so Jo and Iris - batton down the hatches. See you all tomorrow. Ron, I bet you sleep like a baby tonight - hope so.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Good morning front porch rockers! Slept till almost 4 this morning; guess the trick is get only 2 or 3 hours sleep the previous night. The technician that did the study said the sleep apnea was mild but my dr will go over the full report with me.

    Saw the brief summary of my community care dr from the endoscopy report. (their full report is posted somewhere that is not available to veterans) He mentioned not finding the nodule but there was a gastric hernia at the ge junction. Now I'm wondering if that was what the ct and pet scan thought was a nodule and if so, would a hernia have a fdg uptake like a malignancy would. My oncologist wanting a repeat of the endoscopy done at the VA fir a second opinion hopefully will answer some questions. I do remember the surgeon that did my last achalasia surgery said he also repaired a hernia.


  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,364
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    Good morning Porchies.

    @Lorita I am so sorry for poor Sarah's situation. It is all so difficult and sad.

    @ronald71111 it sounds like you are getting some traction around your own healthcare. I wonder if you'll be prescribed a c-pap. I have 2 friends who have gotten bi-paps in the last 6 weeks-- one for moderate sleep apnea (she's sleeping so much better now) and the other for CO2 issues.

    My friend's husband isn't doing great, but he's better than he was. The skin infection is healing but his internist feels he's sicker than he should be with just a skin infection that is responding really well to antibiotics. But they aren't sure what's going on. He spent 4 weeks in the hospital in June and was re-admitted Monday. The hospital-induced delirium is off-the-charts in the overnight hours-- he's pulling out IVs, yanking off his telemetry leads and catheter. One nurse summoned her to the hospital in the middle of the night after one of his episodes because he was in respiratory failure when it was just a poorly attached pulse ox. The nurses are encouraging her to stay around the clock, but she's more of a trigger which they don't understand. A recently retired judge, the other night he called 911 on her for stealing from the hospital.

    My mom's excision is healing beautifully. The derm says she can resume PT the week after next which is a relief. When I picked her up for dinner last night, we swung by the PT office to drop off her clearance and schedule some sessions. Next week we have a follow up from the fall with her PCP (a formality) and the ortho. I put off the second excision until the last Friday in September; this'll give her the chance to use the outdoor pool before it closes in mid-September. She's able to do some of the PT stuff in the pool which is great.

    The weather is lovely here. I may head out and pull some weeds. My Preen mulch experiment was a big fat failure.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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    Morning, We're having a pretty morning, too, so have to try to enjoy it before it heats up. I hadn't been out with the girls for a while and had promised Stormy a ride so we drove around the pastures and saw all the girls. A bunch of the babies were practicing standing at the feeders and hay rings, acting like they're eating - so cute. We saw Samson and Billy the Bull. Looked until we found Gray Lady - she looks far or so she's going to calve in a few months - need to look up when she had her last baby. Several of them were already standing the pond. The south end is not too deep and the babies can get in there and cool off. The grass looks pretty good. The girls change grazing in the three pastures so they always leave grass to grow back. Pretty smart. Checked the barn when we got back. I was going to take Sheena for a walk but she ws ready to come back in the house. Good to get out in the pastures for a while.

    Opened the Chewy boxes on the porch and got the cases of canned food inside. Still need to feed Rusty. Grasshoppers are everywhere but not as bad in the pastures as they are around the house. There's a bumper crop of - I call them sticker weeds. They're at least knee high with yellow blooms and stickers galore. I did notice a few them have been eaten - wish they'd eat all of them.

    Talked with Sarah last night - she didn't have a good day - seems to be having problems wirh the nurse who was on duty yesterday. She was really slow in giving her pain meds and fussed/yelled at her that she was giving her trouble. I told Sarah she should contact the nursing supervisor and report her. Some people are not cut out to be nurses but they're few and far between. The others I've talked with are very nice and helpful.

    Sandy, how many cupcakes did you eat last night. They were almost too prety to eat - had never seen sunflower cupcakes before. So now, you begin your 82nd year - I'm already two months into it - doesn't seem much different.

    HB, sounds like things are going all right with you right now. Don't stay out too long pulling weeds if it's hot. My friend did that and almost got too hot. It slips up on I'll stop and charge this laptop. BAck later.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Suppose to get hot here too starting tomorrow.

    Freezing peaches today.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Peaches, yum! You will enjoy those, @Sayra . Pies, cobblers, etc! There is good news and bad news about my peach tree. It's one I grew from a pit of a "Colorado" peach. First year to bloom, first year to fruit. The good news is that is has LOTS of fruit. The bad news is that it had so much fruit that the tree broke! I picked quite a few and they are on my counter ripening. I am also inviting others to come pick. There is way more than I could use. I don't want them to go to waste. They taste good.

    @Sayra , glad you are doing well and enjoying life: gardening and cooking etc. So happy for you. The Lord is good.

    @Lorita , Sarah is in my prayers. I'm sorry for all she is going through.

    @harshedbuzz I am sorry about your friend's husband. They both have been through a lot. I want to second (third? fourth?) what others have said: You are a wonderful, loving advocate for your mother. She is lucky to have you.

    @ronald71111 I don't know the answer to your questions regarding your EGD, but I am glad you are beginning to get some answers. It's been a long, frustrating haul for you.

    @Sasue Happy birthday! The cupcakes are darling and that was so sweet of the neighbors. I love seeing your photos and it is so admirable how your family is rescuing horses. You live in a beautiful place.

    @telinde I hope and pray your surgery and recovery go well. It will be nice when you can get around more easily. When is your surgery? I was thinking pretty soon.

    @Jo C. and @Iris L. Stay safe! Sounds like the storm forecast may have been downgraded and I hope that's true. Praying for you.

    @jfkoc Judith I hope you are doing well and staying cool in this awful heat. Hot here in Iowa too, but we had a reprieve of a few days.

    @loveskitties Marie, are you keeping busy? Any afghans in progress?

    @dayn2nite2 Day, I am so sorry to hear of your diagnosis. You're in my prayers.

    My garden continues to produce, just tomatoes and cucumbers now. In other news, my sister is visiting from out of state and we went to the Cheesecake Factory yesterday. Mmmm! (I didn't even get dessert, just a nice salad). I bought a new iPhone yesterday. Glad to have it. Stay cool everyone! Lemonade and iced tea and cupcakes on the porch for everyone!


  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,075
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    Beth, thanks for asking about how I am keeping busy these days.

    Orders for afghans has slowed...did 2 matching ones for little boys who are into baseball.

    Have been doing charity items...one for dog rescue group (paw print coasters) and the other is for door prizes for casino night at a local rehab...doing walker/wheelchair bags to hold their smaller items when they are on the move.

    Will soon get back to making more stuffed animals for craft fair my daughter will attend in October. Last time the dinos did well, but will concentrate on more holiday theme this time.

    Jo and Iris, prayers for your safety as the weather gets bad. I was living in Florida the year we had 3 hurricanes in my area within 6 weeks...power outages were the worst as could not even get gas for almost a week.

    Hope all of you with medical issues have easier days...as my grandfather told me...don't get old cause everything starts to hurt...lol.

    Hugs to all!

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    In preparation for this massive hurricane I filled my car with gas and went to the supermarket to pick up some more cat litter. I think my area will be okay, because I live on a bit of an elevation, but I'm sure supply deliveries will be disrupted. The market was packed. People living by the shore are making sandbags. I have to rest a bit.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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    Iris, I hope the storm isn't as bad as they're thinking it might be. Do you know if you live very far from Jo? On the weather I did see it's already raining. Before we have storms here they talk about them for days - which is good - because it gives us time to prepare. I'm glad you got to the store to get what you needed. Probably a good idea to fill your gas tank - how much is gas out there? I put between eight and nine gallons of diesel in the PU and it was something over $4. a gallon. Sounds like me - the first thing is dog and cat food and litter. They eat before I do every day. Same with the cattle and the ranchers - the cattle are taken care of before anything else. I see ours have gone to the NE pasture.

    I just opened the door and brought in the sack of dog food - 28 lb. I "walk" it to the utility room at the back of the house - this time I stopped in the kitchen - will finish later. I still have another box on the porch with a 40 lb. sack of catfood and a box of moist and meaty. The GPs love Moist and Meaty - sort of like a treat for them - but the little bags of it are so hard to open.

    Sara, I tried that thing that is used to make slicing things easier. You can use it for roasts - anything I guess. It's awkward and won't fit completely over the loaf of bread so I would have room to use the knife but I raised it a little bit and made one slice. For some reason they were sold in packs of two. They are scary looking and heavy - but it worked.

    Talked with Sarah - she's had a tough day. She saw the doctor today but when I ask her what they said, she says they don't know - will have to talk with other to see.

    Looks like there's a football game on - Bears and Colts - don't think I'll watch that.

    Hope everyone's doing all right today. Zetta, where you - we're missing your posts. Hope everything is okay with you.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    edited August 2023

    Just dropped in to share startling news we got . . . . our DILs "flu" is in error: she is positive for COVID . . . and today our son tested positive for COVID. Do not know which variant. Both with temps ,productive coughs, sore throats . . . . AND a person sheds the COVID virus for two to three days before they develop the first symptoms; we may be exposed. Looks like DIL is being started on Paxlovid. Sometimes that is hard to get as pharmacies run out.

    On Wednesday, my husband was in the car side by side with our son for several hours. Here it is, Saturday. I was also with our son while he visited, but he and I were about six to eight feet away from one another. DH and I will self isolate at home for two weeks due to having been exposed.

    Of all things; that on top of the BIG Tropical Storm worst since 1930's, and first time in history a formal Storm Warning has been put out for our area from the federal storm folks. Storm will descend on us in a few hours and last for two days through Monday. It is supposed to be a doozy. DH went out to buy some test kits; ours are out of date; surprisingly, several stores were out of them. He got the last ones they had at the last store he went to. He was able to get four of them. Sometimes one needs to test twice on different days. Sure hope neither of us gets it; DH is still fairly not long post-op at seven weeks and is a Type 2 Diabetic; we're both older and are not skinny. The hell-bent-on-leather storm will do its overwhelming worst Sunday and Monday; no ability to travel out to get to pharmacies, etc. So here's hoping all will go well.

    Incubation period depending on which variant is caught is anywhere from two days to two weeks, so we will be in a waiting pattern.

    Media has been sharing the significant increase in COVID cases and hospitalizations across the U.S.; if we do not get COVID, guess we will be masking again when out and about. Figure DIL probably caught hers at work; she is a Vet Tech and comes in contact with many people during the course of a day.

    By the way; initially, DIL tested negative - it wasn't until today that they noticed their test kits were expired. Got new ones and that is when they tested positive. SO . . . do check the expiration dates on any kits you may have had for awhile.

    Off I go to charge my Kindle and get our LED lanterns in the important areas before the storm appears tonight. I pray no power outages; but the news programs say to expect them.

    So Iris; batten the hatches, hunker down and be well. We will both be getting about the same amount of rainfall and the big winds should be a heck of an experience. Just so we do not get any of the tornadoes that were mentioned as a possibility. Supposedly it is expected to be extremely heavy "rounds" of rain rather than being consistent. The 40 plus mph winds will be "sustained." Good to have meals that can be made with food from cupboard so frig/freezer does not have to be opened if an outage. The 311 number is to be used for non-emergency issues.

    If we have to evacuate, (do not think that will happen to either of us); supposed to do it without delay, but bring needed meds, water and some foods; bring phone charger, sanitary supplies for women; and good to bring some toilet paper just in case . . . and some cash; clothing and blankets. I'd bring a can opener and a few eating utensils too. Also first aid supplies if one has them as well as garbage bags. This I saw in an article in the LA Times. Stay snug and safe, Iris and hope the animals stay calm for you.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Iris and Jo C, I am praying that you are being kept safe and the storm will not be that bad. Living in Louisiana I have always kept extra cash on hand, water and food that doesnt need electricity. If you want to warm up some items you can always make sure you have plenty of charcoal on hand and have a good ice chest for items you want to grill.

    Last night wasn't a goid sleep night; Lou was up for bathroom at 10 and again at 2 and I was up and stayed up at 2;30.

    Will try and make it to church this morning!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Beth remember dad would pick a lot of small peaches off and think sometimes he propped the limbs to prevent the problem you had. Peach trees seem to be a little fragile.

    JoC and Iris my prayer is that you’ll be safe through the storm. JoC hope things work out well for you with the Covid exposure.

  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 523
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  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 523
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    Jo and Iris your both on my mind. Be safe. Jo I wish I'd known you needed Covid test kits - the last time I counted we had 28 boxes!!! Yes 28 boxes. They just kept coming in the mail. I know several people who had the same thing happen to them.

    Our TX heat is ridiculous. The TX grid isn't able to handle all of the power need, so of course people are loosing power. We've had a few glitches, but nothing too long. I'm just thrilled to have air conditioning.

    More later. Be safe everyone.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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    Morning, It sounds like the weather in California and other States will be pretty bad - hope things will be all right for you, Jo and Iris and others. Good idea to get things ready - just in case. We do that here when tornados are predicted. Like you, Ron, we've always lived in the country, not too close to town, so have always had extra things on hand in case we can't get into town - and that has happened many times.

    It's already pretty warm (hot) here. Stormy and I took down the trash so we wouldn't have to do it late this evening when it's so hot or early, early in the morning. Closed gates and opened the main gate. I checked the barn to make sure the cow and her baby weren't in there - they weren't and she found her feed so that was good. They were scattered over 45 acres so we had to drive around to find them. Finally did - baby was laying down and mom was close by grazing. He got up when we got close so that's good. Many of the little ones were together - like little kids they gravitate to other little ones. Moms are always watchful. A few were already in the pond cooling off. Grasshoppers are full blown this morning - everywhere and hopping on you - hate that.

    Eagle I can fully understand the warning about the hot door knob - happens here, too. I can remember coming out from work at 4:30 and how hot the steering wheel and seats would be. Summers in the south can be hard sometimes - we're far enough north that we can also get bad winters. Wouldn't want to be any farther north or farther south.

    I've been watching the morning news shows - so sad what's happened in Maui and what's going to happe on our west coast.

    Fed the cats when I got up, just fed the GPs and gave them their medicine. Then, fed myself and took my vitamins. Hate swallowing those big, old pills.

    Day, not sure you're up to watching QVC but Denim & Co. will be on for two hours beginning at 11, our time. Surely hoping the best for your surgery on the 29th and for Joan's on the 28th. You both will be up and at 'em when the weather gets cooler.

    Nothing to write about so I'll stop. Oh, I did hear that covid tests are $90+ dollars each. I just looked at the three I have but didn't see an expiration date - guess it's inside. They have a doctor on one of the news shows now talking about the new covid variants - not sure how bad it will be or how transmissible. Our news said there was a pretty high rate of infections. This doctor said the new vaccine from Pfizer will protect from the new variants - EG5. So, guess we'll get boosters again this fall. We'll never be rid of this stuff - guess we'll have to take boosters every fall like the flu shots.

    Jo, so hope your son and DIL have a light case of covid. Time to break out the masks, again - I've never put mine away and have been wearing them when I'm around anyone. I'll be back later.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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    Haven't seen the weather lately so not sure what's going on. I hope things won't be as bad as they fear.

    I just talked with Sarah. Things are getting worse - no idea how she can continue. It's just one thing that goes wrong, then another; first the fact that anything she swallows goes into her lungs - aspiration pneumonia. Hasn't had any liquid in her mouth for about four days except a swab dipped in water.

    She has a colostomy and feeding tube. They put in another tube to feed her but it won't stay in because they can't sew it in because of the infection of the skin around it. Yesterday she went to the bathroom and she defecated the normal way - today she said it was bright, red blood. They've done the probes and can't find anything.

    Ready for something else - years ago she broke her neck - no surgery, just a neck brace. You all know she has CP in her left side so it's weaker. Now she's unable to move her right arm. They did an MRI last night and this is a result of the broken neck and the fall she had a couple of days before she went into the hospital. She fell in the bathroom, hit the wall, then the bathtub and fell on the floor. The neurologist told her the results of the MRI showed the muscles around the spine have tightened and that's causing the impaired movement and pain.

    She's crying all the time because she's in such pain. I don't think she can continue like this - I know I couldn't. When I talked to her about 1:30 she was waiting until 2 to get her Dilaudid which helps a little bit with the pain. She's not sleeping and she says she feels like she's going to have a nervous breakdown or seizure from the stress. I hate to lay all of this on you all but I have to talk to someone and there's no one else. It's to the point I'm afraid to answer the phone - afraid of what I'll hear.

    Laptop says it's 99 - heat index yesterday was about 117. Went out a while ago and opened another gate so the little calves that were in a shade by the yard fence could come inside and get more shade. I so hope the new baby is in the shade.

    \ I wish there was something someone could do to help Sarah but there's nothing to do except pray for some relief for Sarah - whatever it might be. She can't continue in such pain and can't sleep because of it. I told her to ask the doctors to increase her pain meds so she could be out of some of the pain - she said she would and maybe they will.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,075
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    I wonder if they could give Sarah a pain pump instead of her having to ask for injections.

    I had one when I had my big surgery and it worked well. They set the machine to minimum time intervals and maximum dosages. The patient can press the button for getting the meds. The patient can't over medicate, but it does record the number of requests for meds. Allows doc to review and reconsider intervals and dosages.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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    Marie, she's had that before. I haven't asked her about it this time - I will next time I talk with her. I just feel so sorry for her and there's nothing I can do. It's now 100 - feels like you can't breathe out there. I don't have an AC in the LR but the other two keep the temp about 60 - right now it's 66. I'm really worried about the little baby but I'm afraid to go out and check. I hope the mom has him in a shade. I keep hearing a cow bawl - there's a cow and two or three calves out by the yard - don't know where the others went. Todd needs to be with her now.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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    I had a nice visit with Sarah's nurse. Asked her about the pain pump and she said they couldn't do that because they're having to monitor her BP - it gets really low and they're afraid she might go into respiratory distress. The highest her systolic has been is 102. She said the neurologist is coming back to talk with her again this afternoon. They x-rayed her shoulder and there were no fractures so don't know what they'll do. Also not sure where the blood is from. Seems like they just don't know much of anything now. I did ask her about something for seizures and she's getting that - also getting something for her nerves. So, sounds like they're doing as much as they can until they learn something more.

    The girls are leaving the shade and going to the pond to stand in the water. Maybe the hottest part of the day is about over. Still haven't seen the new baby.

    I've been watching the weather and it sounds pretty bad in California. They said even if it doesn't rain to much and it rains more in the mountains, they can still get flooding. Streets in downtown LA are flooding.

    Jo and Iris, I know you all are hunkered down as they say - just stay in and be safe.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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