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Just need to talk to my friends (191)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Judith, QVC - In The Kitchen with David, has a Vitamix on today that's smaller than the other one - $179.

    About the softball - haven't noticed that it's smaller but it's yellow! Ours were white. The OSU game is on this evening at 6 so I need to get ready for that. I've gotten the trash together - tomorrow is our trash day. I'll take it down late this afternoon and put it in the barrel I took down there. Also have several boxes - some broken down, some not. So glad I got that barrel down there. It was full of old feed sacks and wire and that's in the crib in mineral tubs. Need to get rid of that.

    Thanks, Beth, I needed help when I started this and it's turned out to be something I look forward to reading every day. I'll write more later - as usual my laptop is about out of power.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,361
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    @loveskitties said:

     I have back trouble when I have to bend over very long so not much happening with flower beds except weeds growing...lol. Son-in-law coming over with hedge clippers to cut them down to the ground then will get mulch with weed killer in it to hopefully keep it looking good for a while. Dang weeds will grow when nothing else will!

    Does that work? I used Preen Mulch with added weed preventer this year. Not my choice. DS did most of my edging, weeding and mulching so I let him select the mulch. I was told the Preen will discourage new weeds from seed for up to 6 months but I don't think it'll kill what's already growing. I do seem to have some weeds coming up but not as many as most years.

    When I wanted to get a weedy bed ready for planting, I covered it with damp carboard and covered that with mulch the early fall before the spring when I planned to re-plant the bed. That worked pretty well for me.

    I'm sorry about your back hurting. I typically weed sitting down either on a small step or right on the ground. I have one TKR and another that'll need it soon-- getting up isn't pretty but I can do it.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Ron, it is possible to format an assisted living lifestyle in one's own home. I have been thinking about this for a long time, and I am working on this for myself. The main thing to do is to change one's mindset. No longer will I be living in my long lived home with all of my memories, but I will be living in a more truncated style, more like living in a hotel room. I think of it as like being on vacation. I have my living area, my sleeping area, my eating area and the bathroom. The kitchen is not for cooking.

    What I would suggest for you is that you consider hiring a housekeeper to do your housework, laundry and cooking. I think in the past you have looked for someone to take care of Lou. A housekeeper will be easier to find. You could find someone to grocery shop and to cook meals in your kitchen. You could also hire someone to drive you to the VA and to other appointments. If Lou sleeps late, the housekeeper can come and keep house before she wakes up. If a housekeeper is not feasible, there are alternatives.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Hi again, HB, a new range - how great! Mine is very old, in fact, Charles and I bought this one for my mother and she's been gone 28 years. I only use one burner and the oven so it's fine for me. I use my NuWave oven mostly except for baking. Guess I could use it for that but never have.

    Judith, my friend, Carol, is still going through things to get rid of what she doesn't need. She's like you, she finds letters, pictures and things from her workdays so that slows her down because she stops to look at them and read. Seems like we took a lot of pictures back in those days. She often sends some of them to me - of friends we had then. All of us had dark hair in those days.

    It's only 84 here today but it's humid. I took the boxes out of the yard and the trash outside the yard. I'll put it in the PU in a while and take it down. Kind of nice to be able to get it down there the night before and not be stressed about getting it down in the morning before he runs. Because of trees I can't see the road so don't know what time he runs - I've been told by the company it's somewhere about 6 a.m. While I was out I watered the transplanted violets and purple basil. It makes a pretty plant and I don't want to lose it - a good friend in our Service at work gave me a start of it. I've never used it for anything except to look at - don't know if you can. I don't care for the taste of basil anyway.

    I trimmed some of the hair off of Sheena's stomach and back end this afternoon. She's getting more used to me handling her to do things like that. I thought maybe that was why she was scratching.

    Had a call from Bryon. His son's dog is very sick and he's afraid he won't make it. He took him to the vet yesterday and he treated him for Lyme disease and something else but he said he's about the same as he was. I told him how to get in touch with him when the clinic isn't open. Really hope he recovers because it'll be hard on his son to lose his dog.

    I'm watching a Zoo show and they just took some eggs out of an Indigo Snake. One was misshapen and she couldn't pass them. Amazing how well they take care of their animals. Haven't seen any more of the snake I saw last week - hope I don't. I've had enough of snakes for my lifetime.

    Marie, I think I've turned into my mother - she didn't want to go anywhere, nor did daddy. I'd talk her into going to town with me and when I came to pick her up, she'd have changed her mind. I can truly see their side of it now. When I was feeding cattle I had to go into town every few days to get feed so that kept me going - now I don't feed them and I order the cat and dog food so don't have to go very often.

    Sandy, I was so tempted again today to try to order David's frozen cookie pucks - but didn't. I'll try again this winter when the temperature is zero - maybe they'll stay frozen then.

    Still have to take down the trash before the softball game begins at 6 p.m. Very interesting to see how the game has changed since we played, isn't it Judith? Carol was a pitcher and center fielder. Back then it was slow-pitch, underhanded. She said the only thing she worried about was getting it over the base. I never pitched so have no idea. I was a catcher and first baseman. With the speed they throw now I'd be afraid to catch. We didn't have any kind of protective equipment - guess we didn't need it. What position did you play?

    Better stop and get the trash down and check on the girls. It's about time for them to come out of the barn.

    All this talk of weeding makes my back hurt. You should have heard my knee groaning when I was trimming on Sheena. I did pull one big weed beside the path in the yard. I watched it grow for a few days, then took it out.

    See you all later. Rest well tonight. Sara, I'll be sending good thoughts and prayers your way early in the morning.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,074
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    HB, the only thing I have found that kills weeds (and everything else) is rock salt. I put it around the outside heat/air unit and it seems to work well. CAUTION: because it changes the soil ph content, nothing will grow.

    I have been reviewing mulch with preen and think I might go for plain mulch and add my own doses of preen...will then know the coverage of the weed preventer. I think that will work if I get down about 3 or 4 inches of mulch...should suppress the weed roots.

    Iris, I like your suggestion. Most of my areas that I don't actively "live in" are turning into storage...as mother wants to get rid of things many are ending up at my house...lol. You are surely right about housekeeper being easier to get and keep than caregiver.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Beth thank you, appreciated.

    Don’t you love the surprises you get out of compost?

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    edited June 2023

    Sara, I'm hoping for a pumpkin! I know for sure one is a potato.

    Marie, Preen is a pre-emergent. That means it stops seeds from germinating. So it will prevent further weeds from growing, but it will not do anything to established weeds. For that, if you want a chemical solution, I recommend Roundup. Don't get the Roundup on anything you wish to keep; it kills other things it touches too. From Preen's website, how Preen works: https://www.preen.com/learn/how-preen-gardens-works/

    Zetta, glad you are back on the front porch. We missed you!


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    APOLOGIES: i was a day late and a dollar short! I am sorry Sayra, I got the day of your procedure wrong. It is tomorrow that is the 5th, NOT Tuesday. No matter the day, I will be there in spirit and thinking of you and as said, you are in my prayers. It will be good to have it done and that stone can never bother you again.

    As for the brain fog; antibiotics can do that. There was one newer antibiotic that was a good abx for multiple organisms, BUT it indeed has a risk for more than simple brain fog, it can cause some people some of the time to really have a cognitive downswing until the drug was discontinued. I had it prescribed and it was indeed beyond just being foggy. It was very hard to think. Like my head was stuffed with wool and processing was deeply hampered. As soon as the MD was informed, he stopped that particular antibiotic and the negatives cleared. Johnson and Johnson stopped making the drug due to the issues, but it is still available as a generic. My Internist told me about a patient in the hospital on the IV version of that particular drug. He went from completely fine to completely out of the universe so to speak; it was abrupt and initially it was wondered if it was a mental health issue, but my MD when he came onto the case realized what it was. Drug was stopped and the man cleared and was back to normal.

    Most abx do not do that, but they can indeed cause some brain fog for some people. Sayra is wise to be cautious and not drive. Many people do not realize this can be an antibiotic effect for many meds, good to know especially if such a happening occurs when a LO has dementia and needs an antibiotic and their cognition takes a temporary slide.

    Zetta, I am glad to see you again. I rather thought you may be pet sitting, but it feels good to know you are alright. Your clients are blessed to have such a dependable and caring pet sitter, and so are their beloved pets.

    Ron; hope all went well with Lou this morning. How was your dinner out with the fellows? Hope it was an enjoyable time. We are going to get a bit of rain here Monday and Tuesday per the weather folks, will keep the ground nice and moist. So hope this summer will not be a bad one for fires. Lots of growth with the heavy winter rains, but the ground is wet at a higher level and all the lakes and dams are full, so that is good. One bad result from the heavy winter rain is that the mosquitoes are already busy and breeding like mad. Dangerous as the newer ones over the last few years carry dangerous diseases. So; here we go again; our screens are okay, but when a door is opened, in they can come. I am actually allergic to mosquito bites and get quite a reaction, so I will not be sitting out at night. Shucks. Those zappers, etc. do not catch all, so best to err on the side of caution. Got to buy some repellent.

    Judith, I understand about it being difficult to get rid of some things; the emotional attachment from memories is very real and it touches our connections.

    Nice that you like your new range, HB. See? If you start with one thing, it causes wanting to do more. Our kitchen started out with a bit of appliance change . . . well; pretty soon we had the whole kitchen involved including the ceiling and new lighting, counter tops, back splash, etc. . . if that wasn't enough; well . . . pretty soon it creeped of its own volition throughout the house and we redid fireplaces, got rid of acoustical ceilings throughout, new bannisters and wood flooring and carpeting, and painting, and on and on and on. Never, ever all at once ever again; it was really horribly taxing for far too long. We are updated for as long as that lasts and it stays as is; no more re-do. Well; except a new set of shower doors in the master bath - that we will do this summer.

    I am hearing music! There is an ice cream truck that last week started coming around each afternoon which is something we never have - his music is quite loud and is electronic Christmas music. He is coming down our cul-de-sac street right now, playing, "Silent Night." Have not had an ice cream truck in the city for absolute decades. He is trying to make a living; it must be difficult to sell enough to make a profit after his costs for the truck and product. As it is, I think the city has an ordinance against such trucks. It is hard for so many to make a living for their families.

    It is wonderful that many of you have big parcels of land making it possible to do all that you do with gardening and growing and tending the earth. It must be a wonderful feeling to do that at the level you folks do. Pretty soon Sayra can start playing in the dirt again. (Smile.) I bet you really miss it dear Sayra.

    It is a nice day today; high 70's and clear. Had to do grocery pickup today and remembering to be thankful for that wonderful service. Will not be doing much; DHs back is so dreadfully painful. We need to call and get results of his MRI and make another appointment for him so he can get started on finding relief. It is too bad he is highly allergic to steroids; an injection may be helpful depending on what the MRI shows, but he cannot chance it. He made a statement that getting so "mature" is for the birds and we can get to an age where one is royally screwed when one's body begins to rebel system by system. Too bad we cannot turn back the clock and calendar, but as I have realized, do all you can and then the best approach is to adapt if one can.

    Supper time is almost here; so I must get moving along. Take good care everyone, and Ms. Sayra, enjoy that spaghetti - it will make up for being NPO after midnight! At least your procedure will be early a.m. which is a very good thing. We will wait to hear from you and we send you our warmest thoughts and our love,


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Hi, Jo I bought a Dynatrap years ago from QVC. It has a little light in it and a motor that draws the bugs in after they're attracted to the light. It really did work - no mosquitos and not many of other kinds. It quit working so I bought another one last year. I turn it on in early spring and it goes until late fall when it gets cold. They have one that takes care of half an acre and another that covers an acre. Mine takes care of the porch, front yard and out toward the barn. I think this one was something under $100. I didn't clean it out last fall when I turned it off but did when I hooked it up a couple of weeks ago. It was FULL of bugs. The place where they go is about 4" deep and about the same across so there were lots of them. They get in, fall through and can't get out. It makes a low noise that doesn't bother me at all.

    Iris, how do you plan to do that? Will you have someone to stay with you when the time comes to do it? I also have a couple of rooms I don't use and they've become storage rooms, too. One is the bedroom where I was born and the other a sunroom where I still have so many of Charles' clothes I have ready to donate - and some of mine. I think if someone did something like you're talking about you'd have to have someone fix meals, etc. Way out here it would be uber hard to find someone to do that. I had a neighbor who lived a couple of miles from us and and she did find a lady to stay with her and her son did jobs for Hazel. Have no idea who it was but we were coming home one day and he was walking and we picked him up and took him to her house. Hazel had alz and so did her sister who lived about a mile from us. So many people in this area have had it so there must be something around here that contributes to it - spraying pastures and orchards probably.

    Beth, do be careful with that Roundup - it's a health hazard. We've used it a lot, too, but no more. Your compost bin looks so nice - your husband did a nice job. Looks sort of like some of the plants in the last picture may be melons of some kind? Not sure.

    Drove out late this afternoon and saw the girls - a couple of babies were having supper - they're so cute when they're little. I saw the cow who has the injured hip - seems to be doing all right but still limping. Mike says she always will.

    Gator is just about out of gas so I have to go get some tomorrow - will do that in the morning before it gets hot. It was pretty warm and humid today. Hate hot weather. Wish we had a house way up north for the summer and here for the winter although we have terrible winters, too. Guess it's just part of life.

    Sara - hope you get a good night's sleep. When you feel like it, let us know how you are. We'll be thinking of you early tomorrow.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, what are David's frozen cookie pucks? As for making my home like an assisted living home, it's easy in design but hard in practice. The hard part is getting rid of the excess STUFF that is engulfing me. The easy part is that I already live a truncated life in my condo. I could really just live in a studio apartment, that's all the space I am using. Letting go is hard, but I have to do it!


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    edited June 2023

    Sara, prayers being sent up for you this morning!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Morning, Iris, I watch QVC a lot. The frozen cookies are David's cookies. They come in a couple of boxes and are supposed to arrive frozen. I've tried three times to get them but each time the dry ice is gone and the pucks are thawed or partially thawed. Not supposed to use them unless they're frozen solid. When you get them, they go in the freezer and then you take out what you want and bake them. They look so good and come in several varieties. I guess just like the cookie dough you buy but they're already formed so it's easier.

    This morning I'm trying to decide what kind of flea and tick medicine to use on Stormy and Sheena. I used to use Bravecto and for some reason stopped - can't remember why. Then used Vectra 3d for a couple of years but the last time I used it, two days later, is when Sheena had a high temperature and was very lethargic so I'm afraid of it now. I've been reading about natural remedies. One is to use half and half vinegar and water and spray it on them. I'll talk with Mike and see what he says. We used to use flea collars when we had poodles and they seemed to work - except for Jacques. The minute we put one on him, he didn't think he could walk - just stood there so it didn't work for him. I've clipped all the matted and loose hair from her stomach where she's scratching and don't see any fleas and it's not time for their allergy shots. Sort of like having kids with problems, I guess.

    Sara is probably finished with her surgery by now - it's after 7:30 here so after 8 am. in Ohio. Anxious to hear how things went with her.

    Talked with my Sarah a few minutes ago to make sure they were up and getting ready to go to her new PCP appointment. I hope he will see her and has something that might help. Hospice is coming later today for their assessment to see if she can get on Hospice. I hope she can. I'll be back later.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    edited June 2023

    Prayers for Sara - soon it will be over and the journey to full recovery begins.

    Lorita, in one side of the compost bin it's potatoes growing - I have placed potato peels in the compost and they grow from that. In the other side, it would be something vining; not sure what but could be a cucumber, melon or pumpkin. I doubt melon because most watermelons we buy these days are seedless. Time will tell. I'm going to let it grow.

    Iris, you do a good job coping with and overcoming limitations life has placed on you. I'm inspired by you!

    Jo, I am very sorry your DH is dealing with severe back pain. I hope he can get some relief soon.

    Marie, the Preen website says to pull or dig (get the roots) of the existing weeds and then place Preen to prevent future weeds from germinating. I know you are trying to get away from the physical difficulty of pulling weeds. That's why I suggested Roundup. Some say it is unhealthy. When I spray it, I keep it away from my body and don't breathe it in so I feel safe. I don't use it a lot, but I found some poison ivy last week and sprayed that. Also, we tend to get a lot of chickweed and Pennsylvania Pellitory coming over from the pasture so I spray the fence line.

    Judith, you are so right that we owe our Veterans so much. Here's a little I found about my grandfather and great-great grandfather:

    My grandfather, Carl -----, was a Corporal in the 504th Unit, stationed at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. Son of Mr. and Mrs. H--- . There is a photo of him in his military uniform on findagrave.com.

    During World War I, Carl sat with famed Iowa artist, Grant Wood. Grant Wood did two pencil sketches of Carl, which were passed on to his two granddaughters.

    Eli --- was born April 15, 1843, in Henry County, Iowa. Eli moved to another county in Iowa about 1860, after the death of his parents. He was a veteran of the Civil War, serving as a private in the Iowa Infantry, Company I, 10th Regiment. His company was attached to Sherman's army in its march from Atlanta to Savannah and Washington D.C. where he mustered out on May 29, 1865. Eli was a farmer, teamster, and carpenter and at one time served as mayor of a small town in Iowa. (Eli was my great-great grandfather, and the grandfather of Carl mentioned above.)

    Genealogy is fascinating. I get lots of information from findagrave.com and familysearch.com I never knew either of the above; Grandpa Carl died when I was 3 so I don't remember him. His wife was a precious grandma and probably contributed to my love of gardening. I have happy memories of "working" with her in her flower beds, and picking cherries from her cherry tree.

    Speaking of gardening - need to get out before it gets too hot.

    The roses have been beautiful!


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    One more....

  • Sasue
    Sasue Member Posts: 69
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    Beautiful roses Beth! I miss my garden in Illinois. Right now Virginia is very green, just a couple knockout roses and several raised flower beds on the other side of the house. Your roses are lovely. Sayra I hope your procedure was successful. Thinking of you.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    The roses are beautiful and proud in appearance - in fact, they look as though they are about to start singing! If that were a Disney set, they would certainly do so. Gorgeous color and so happy. All of that due to the loving care of the gardener.

    Sayra had to be at the hospital at 7:00 am. Check in time in Admissions Department can be a bit lengthy, and then to the Pre-op area to be clinically admitted and get undressed and gowned, etc. and history taken by her RN. She will have general anesthesia for the procedure, so after she is prepped and set on a guerney, she will be taken to the OR area where she will be interviewed by an OR nurse, her urologist will come and speak with her and she will also have a thorough interview and screening by her anesthesiologist and a bit of a wait after that before being wheeled into the actual OR; it all takes time from the front door to the OR itself. In most hospitals this would mean her procedure would start somewhere around 9:00 am, give or take if there are no delays. I have mentally been following her with the time difference in mind. Hope her experience with the ureteroscopy with laser goes as well and easily as did my experience. It is almost always a bit nervous prior to the getting underway; I think it is mostly about the idea that one is absolutely out of control of every little thing and must depend upon a host of strangers one does not know. (Not to mention years of hands-on acute hospital experience where one has seen everything.) Will wait to hear from her; I am sure it will be a great relief to have it done.

    Lorita, had a DynaTrap; still had skeeters find me. I am a smorgasbord for them and they invite their families to come and dine too. Always have been that way, now I have an allergy to bites so I must avoid. Often, even repellent is not wholly efficient; they find spaces. May be a different type of Mosquito causing the reaction I now have. The dangerous ones that are now prolific came in on foods from other countries and are now established in large numbers across our country carrying really nasty diseases with them; sure do need to avoid that.

    Loriita, you have been planning to get those clothes to donation for a long time; it would be quite a job getting it all to the truck. Wonder if an agency would come and pick them up? So many people who are very needy could greatly benefit from them. Sorting is one thing, and getting them out of the house is another; neither process is easy. My walk-in closet really needs to be done, but it will need a bit of help getting things out and sorted; my knees would not stand up to it. I usually try to tell myself to do one foot of space at a time and applaud myself for going nicely farther than that, but my knees are going through a bad period where carrying and lifting off high rods with hangers is not a good thing. I cannot stand clutter and it feels really good when all is clear. My DH - if there is a clear surface, he will put things on top. Why he has always done this, I cannot fathom. It is amazing how much he can find to put on top of things with me going behind and clearing the surfaces. Now that we have lady coming to clean every other week, he cannot do that, so hurray! My "sin" is paper. I have files and files I must go through and tons of paper must go. So much needs to be confidential, and far too much to use a shredder; it would take hours and burn the shredder out. Cannot burn anything in the city, so that is out. At least the paperwork is contained in files and not sitting on top of everything, but still . . . .

    Iris; simply getting down to one room and bath in an apartment and having it be like an assisted living model may sound good, but actually, it is not much better; the area would never stay clear as one would imagine. Getting all that stuff out of the extra bedrooms as they are now would bring much peace. Perhaps the local senior center would have people who would be helpful that you could hire to organize and haul things away in boxes.

    In Leisure World, the nearby over 55 community in Seal Beach where most residents are far older, there are some small one bedroom with tiny living room apartments and it is no better than a five bedroom house as far as clutter for many residents. Hoarding is also an issue for some and often, LW staff must step in for safety concern regarding fire risk as well as rodent or insect issue risks and other resident safety issues, often from falls. There is still so much that is needed even in a one room setting that it is amazing when one thinks of it in detail. In such a small space, much more attention to even a very small amount of clutter and cleaning is even more important as so little can make a space seem over run. As it is; in an ALF, there is staff that does weekly cleaning such as vacuuming and other light housekeeping,, etc. and meals are provided but only in the main dining room at set times that one must manage to get to. Clutter and mess still happens. (Getting old is definitely not for sissies as the saying goes; youth really does seem to be wasted on the young. Harrumph!!)

    Hiring help is a really a workable idea, but one has to have the funds to be able to afford doing so on an ongoing basis and that is not always possible; not everyone can afford that. If Ron is beginning to think about being at home with Lou is not sustainable for the long haul; then he is wise in his thinking about all options before spending large amounts of assets on re-doing areas if continuing on is not considered sustainable. That would be money lost that could pay for special living arrangement fees. Ron has an existing plan of what would be done for Lou if he became ill and not able to continue on as is, so that is really good he has thought in advance for such a possible issue should that arise.

    We all soldier on as best as can when challenges arise that stick with us. What a wonderful group of people from so many varied backgrounds here on the Front Porch; many good ideas come from so many and it helps all of us. Always good to have knowledge to tuck away for the, "just in case" sort of need. I have learned a lot from all of you and am grateful for it.

    Hope Sayra is in recovery now and doing well. Off I go to make some calls and get myself going; but first, another look at the photo of those beautiful roses!


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Jo, some banks or organizations have shred days where you can take your materials to be shredded. Also, Staples is an option. They have a locked container that you put your materials in. It is taken by a company that shreds it. There are even some that will come to your home. We go through our files at the end of every year and shred all the bank statements, credit card statements, etc. We had a stack probably 6" high. I did a little at a time with our personal shredder.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Enjoyed Friday night breakfast with men from church and the fellowship. Next month they are planning rattlesnake, brisket and ribs, which I'm not sure about the snake but heard it was good.

    Had a good day with Lou at church but she changed Sunday evening and started looking for my last nerve. I didnt feel well Sunday, but weathered through it. Had heart rate problems all day, but ok today.

    Hope all is well with Sayra and she is resting!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good afternoon

    Beth your roses are beautiful. Thank you for sharing all your beautiful flowers. Hope you get your pumpkin.

    iris inspires me too.

    Thank each and everyone of you for your prayers and thoughts. Got home at 1:30, we stopped by 5 guys on way home for lunch.

    JoC your time line was pretty accurate.

    The stone had passed sometime since las CT. It was no longer there. So no laser needed to be done. They were able to leave the stent out. I am off antibiotics😀🙏🏻 It was a good day. Having a little bit of cramping which they said I would. Go back in a couple of months for some X-rays just to make sure everything doing ok.

    The anesthesiologist walked in and said I don’t know if you remember me but I took care of you your original surgery. I had so wanted to meet him and let him know I was ok. I got the desire of my heart. Guess as a RT feel a kinship to anesthesia. Know the responsibility they bear. My sister mentioned that he seemed to feel responsible. He said this was his first day back from a nine day vacation to see his family in Maine. He said you did your very best to die on me. I got to thank him and told him I was so glad I got to meet him. Feel I have so many friends there and God is just amazing.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    Yea Sayra!!!!

    We have a 501 c3 organization that shreds. It serves as a training center for developmentally disabled people.

    The roses are spectacular.

    Jo....hope your husband will find some relief soon.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Sara, so glad you're back home and didn't have to have anything done. You must not have known when the stone passed - glad it didn't give you pain. Nice that you got to see the doctor and let him know what you wanted to say.

    Beth, the roses are gorgeous - my cows would have a field day in them. Do they have a fragrance?

    Just watched a really good softball game - OU against Stanford - went nine innings which is very unusual for softball. The weather was good but toward the end of the game there was rain west of town so it was over just in time.

    Talked with Sarah - she made her appointment and seemed to like the new doctor who will be her PCP. He's going to make an appointment with a gastro doctor so that will be good. Hospice is supposed to be there this afternoon.

    I decided I'd go to our little store early this morning - only gone about 45 minutes but you'd think I had been gone all day by the way Stormy acted when I got home. He looked so sad and happy at the same time. Tried to find a notary but to no avail - post master is not one and the two girls at the water dept. weren't either. I did call the claims adjuster and he said there was no deadline to get the release form returned so I'll get into town later this week and get it notarized and returned to him.

    This morning I got up pretty early and saw the girls coming into the barn. When I went outside I heard a sort of strange noise, then realized it was the float valve letting water back into the water tank. Good I don't have to fill it twice a day - and, my water bill has really gone down. The little calves all came in together, or at least most of them, running and playing, getting a drink and getting into the barn to find their spot.

    I've decided I'm going to try a natural remedy for the fleas on the GPs. I've never seen a flea on them and only a couple of ticks but they must be there because it's only been 2-3 weeks since they had their allergy shots. I'm going to try a solution of half vinegar and half water to spray on them. Google says it won't hurt them but I'll check with Mike first. My sister used to drink a little bit of vinegar each day and lots of people do but don't think I could. I just had a few salt and vinegar potato chips with my lunch and that was enough for me.

    Jo, there's no way someone would drive 15 miles, half of it on dirtroads, to pick up my donations. It's much harder to get things done when you don't live in town. I wish they would but it's not organizations like Salvation Army or Goodwill - it's a mission and Church and some sort of organization affiliated with The Odd Fellows. I'll eventually get them in to the drop boxes.

    I feel like I could take a nap so I'll stop and see what happens. They had some bananas at the store but they were 75 cents each - didn't get one - everything up there is much higher, I think. I'm not out of anything so no big hurry.

    Ron, glad you had a nice time Friday night with your friends - maybe you can make it a regular thing. Remember, it's a full moon or thereabouts. Maybe today will be better.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Sayra! You have me chuckling . . . leave it to the R.T.; to get rid of the stone all by herself! And then went out to eat . . . am delighted for you and no more stent or antibiotics either. It certainly is a very good day. Next? Playing in the dirt once again! Isn't it just great. What a year this has been and it's only June! So glad you got to meet the anesthesiologist; and I'll bet he was very pleased too. Thank you for Posting; you know we were all thinking of you.

    Ron; send me some brisket and ribs, but as for the snake . . . . um-m; that "rattled" me; think I will pass. Sounds like fun though and it is great you are able to get out and join in.

    Iris always impresses me; very interesting person and such a great traveler with both local jaunts and abroad. Also a very caring neighbor and always trying to be helpful when someone is in need. Don't know how she does it, but she does. Also, the cats are very fortunate to have a loving home where they are safe and secure. She will have to share her energy secrets with the rest of us.

    Beth, we should have been shredding on an annual basis too, but we are really behind; so much going on the past year. Guess I will have to begin to sit and shred ad infinitum, but our fault for letting that slide without thinking about it. Live and learn. Not comfortable putting financial documents, etc. even in a locked box at a store. Too many crooked, greedy people thereby a bit of a risk in my mind's eye. Will have to look into the banks. Once a year our city has a large shredder truck come to city hall for the citizens to use; we did not hear about it in time, but it is a lovely service and things are ground up on sight which is good for feeling confident.

    Deanne Niedziella, made it back from Costa Rica in an ICU air ambulance and is now at Mission Hospital's NeuroScience Unit where she used to be Nurse Director. It was the GoFundMe donations that made it possible. It was over $100,000 for the plane. I am so glad she is back and is in the hospital where she is well loved and where there are medical skills that she needs. She has feeling back above the waist, but I do not know if she has function at that level. No feeling at this time below waist level.

    She and her husband were on vacation in Costa Rica where they had been many times before. They were to meet friends on a Delta Airline plane in Costa Rica to fly on further to a vacation house where they would all stay, but they evidently missed their flight by minutes. They had gone to a forested area near waterfalls and other people were present. Her husband was next to her, but the five foot branch fell from the tree top and struck her . . . . what are the odds for something like that to happen; but for a few seconds difference or a few feet difference . . .when she got to Mission Hospital, over 100 physicians, nurses and other hospital staff were all lined up in the hall to welcome her back with love. I so hope and pray that she does very well and is able to recoup much if not all that has been hurt. I am sure they are all grateful she no longer needs a ventilator and that she has all her cognition and memory intact. Now to heal the body; may it happen for her.

    Always, when traveling, get an insurance policy that covers air ambulance evacuation if out of the U.S. be sure to get one that will air flight back to the U.S. should something untoward happen with illness or accident; it is important. Most air ambulances through insurance will fly the patient back to the nearest state in the U.S; not to one's home state if different from that. Deanne was blessed in that people donated so she could fly into the airport nearest her home and med center in Orange County, Ca. In the course of my career I had several patients injured or taken ill in a foreign country; it was a nightmare for them to get to the U.S. with tremendous cost both financially and physically. AND . . . many foreign hospitals want payment in full for the cost of care before the patient leaves. One patient we had, the hospital in another country demanded payment in full or they would not discharge the patient - they even posted a guard on the door to her hospital room so she could not leave. AND . . . most health insurance policies we carry only cover in the U.S. or while traveling TO Alaska through Canada and must be able to prove it. Worth every penny to have that policy if one needs it. Even the cost of flying a special needs plane within the U.S. is horrendously expensive in the many thousands. Our friend's sister needed flying from the midwest to SoCal, she was not an ICU patient, as she was stable. It cost them over $10,000.

    If Beth comes up with a pumpkin in her compost, we are all going to be yelling. That would be something. Of course with Beth, anything is possible when it comes to growing. The compost containers your husband made for you are very nicely made, Beth. It appears he is a good carpenter on top of everything else. What a pair! We need to get a TV show with both of you. The heck with Ms. Stewart; she has a contingent of professional gardeners; you folks do it yourselves and really are amazing.

    Well . . . best get my un-amazing self going, not getting anything done this way and some stuff needs doing.


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Thanks, Jo. You had me giggling. But yes, he is a good carpenter for projects of that nature. Also a painter. And recently he's done 2 plumbing projects. He is handy. But by trade he was in the insurance business.

    Sara, so happy for your news!


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Sayra, I'm glad your kidney stone passed without further complications. It's great that you got to see the doctor who took care of you earlier!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Hi, Sometime back there was discussion about some kind of mask or something you could heat or wet and put over your eyes to help with dry eyes. I can't remember what it was called. Do any of you remember? I'm really having a hard time with it - odd though, some days it doesn't bother me and I don't have to use drops. Other days it's awful - is today.

    Sara, so glad you're home and well tonight. I know you are, too. I'll talk to you all tomorrow. Watching another softball game tonight - second one today.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    Sara. Thank you for the good news that's the best news I have had all day. Just get some rest and pretty soon you will be back to doing the things that you like to do. Enjoy that spaghetti. I have never had stones, but I have been told they are no fun. You were in a lot of prayers.

    Iris. Iam glad you had no damage with that earthquake. Do you have any warning when they come? Did it scare your kitties? We had a thunderstorm here a few days ago and it scared my youngest cat Emmy, and it just made Molly bark.

    Thank You all for thinking about me when I was Missing in Action. I usually get internet when I am at that house, so I am not sure why I did not have it this last time. I go back again for another 2 week stay I go there Saturday so before they leave, I will have them make sure I have access. I missed not being able to see what you all were doing. I still have not got caught up and I may never be able too.

    Lorita. Have you tried putting a warm cloth over your eyes when you lay down? When my eyes bother me, I like the warm cloth over my eyes. Iam glad you're getting out more with the girls. Iam sure you will be out a lot. I have not been out as much as I would like. I like sitting on my porch and watching Molly, but there are so many mosquitos out there Iam suffering right now with about 6 bites on my arms. The more I scratch the more they itch.

    A good night to all Hugs Zetta

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Zetta, mosquito bites are awful. When I walk out to the barn I have to walk through tall grass and I get something, not sure what, maybe fleas on my socks and then the bites on my feet. Drives me crazy.

    I'm glad you told us you'd be petsetting again soon so if you don't have internet we won't worry so much. When someone's missing for a while, we worry.

    Well, I talked with Mike about the vinegar and water - he said it wouldn't work. He said we should use Bravecto, either one month or three month doses. I think some of them are pills and some you put on behind their neck. I've used Bravecto before and quit - I remember it worked well but for some reason I stopped using it. He says they sell ten times more of the Bravecto than anything else.

    Sheena goes outside and digs up the loose dirt under the holly and lays in it and I think she gets fleas from that. She scratches, literally pounds the floor with her leg, then after a bit, it's over and she sleeps peacefully. She and Stormy are in the bedroom now sleeping. I've been keeping them in the house almost all the time because of the heat and humidity - and fleas.

    Zetta, I'm enjoying being out with the girls more. I didn't go this evening but did go out and check the barn. I told Stormy we'd go out tomorrow evening and see them. I want the little babies to get used to me being out with them.

    I've been watching another softball game but Florida was winning over Tennessee so switched over to Shark Tank.

    Guess it's good I went up to the store and got some milk today. Started to have some cereal a while ago and the milk I had left had gone over the top. I'll make pancakes or waffles with it in the morning and freeze them. I have a big waffle maker - makes four big ones and a small one that only makes one. I'll have to find the big one - standing making waffles gets tiresome.

    Sara, I bet you're glad you're home tonight and sleeping peacefully in your own bed not having to think about getting up and going to the hospital in the morning. Wonder how that big old stone passed without you knowing it? Glad it did. I'll go for now - rest well tonight.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
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    Lorita ordered this off Amazon, recommended by my optometrist.

    Bruder moist Heat Eye Compress

    going to be a busy day, hope to talk with all later and so good to hear from each one

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,361
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    @Sayra I'm glad you came through your procedure with flying colors and a chance to meet the anesthesiologist.

    @BethL those roses are spectacular-- so healthy looking. I've not had luck with roses. Even the Knockouts died on me after a couple years and the deer eat the rest. I have given last rites to a Drift rose in my front bed that I am this close to pulling the plug on. It, along with the dead lavender around it need to go.

    The neighbor who took the daylilies I pulled out of mom's garden replanted them across the street where they are thriving. They are doing so much better in the full sun side of the street. It's great because now mom gets to enjoy them without the work. Mom has finally agreed with me that her choice of vinca for her bed was not the best choice. She didn't want to pay for the fancy New Guinea impatiens, so she saved $10 and regrets it.

    @Lorita my mom's eye doctor sold her a Bruder Moist Heat eye mask at her last visit; she says moist warm compresses don't hold heat well enough for treating dry eye. It goes in the microwave and mom says it's like a spa day. Often a local bank will have a few notaries on staff; I'd call first.

    We're under a fire and poor air quality warning here today. When I woke just before 6am, the sun and sky looked like something out of a post-apocalyptic sci-fi movie. Between mom's age, COPD and heart, she's going to be a shut-in until things improve.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    edited June 2023

    Love the New Guineas...maybe there are some left somewhere close.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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