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Just need to talk to my friends (192)



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Sara, I'I'm glad you got the poinsetta. It will

    Be so pretty for you. I used to go to a greenhouse and get one for us and one for my parents. The decision of Which to get was hard. Used to have one called Jingle Bells Pink with spots on it. I can't have plants now with the cats.

    Just checked the heifers. Thought I could do it from the pickup when I went to the mail box but came up short so had to use the gator. Didn't take Stormy so feel bad about that. He's poutng so will take him tomorrow.

    Darwin told me he that he's getting wobbly can hardly lift 70 lbs. Now. He was a big farmer with lots of land before he moved here. He said seeds came in 125 lb. Sacks and he could carry two of them to put in the planter. He is not a big man but has been really strong. Reminds me of how strong daddy was. Guess that comes from.being a farmer. It's cold out there but sunny.

    Sara, glad to see your post. Do you have Christmas ttee?

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I have hundreds of photos on my phone. I see a device for sale on the internet that uploads your photos to make space. What does everyone think about this?

    Alaska has long been different from the other states. Many people are aware that Alaska has no state income tax. There is also no state sales tax, although some jurisdictions may have their own sales tax. Alaska is the only state to pay their residents an allowance! Residents receive money from oil revenues. Isn't that nice? I didn't become an Alaska resident, so I didn't qualify.

    In the late 1970's, Alaska was the first state to decriminalize the possession of marijuana. I don't know how much quantity was allowed. This did not include sale. Nor was this allowed on base, which followed federal laws.

    Sarah Palin was mocked by ignorant people who falsely accused her of saying she could see Russia from her house. What she said was that Russia was only a few short miles from Alaskan territory. In fact, our base's mission was to ensure the integrity of the far northern American border. Rusian military pilots frequently flew close to and over our Alaskan border. We took our mission seriously, and I'm very proud of my fellow airmen.

    Santa and Mrs Claus live in Alaska! They live at the Santa Claus House in North Pole AK, which is a year-round gift shop. I visited it once, there were all sorts of decorations. Letters to children can be stamped "North Pole".


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    edited December 2023

    I do not put up a tree Lorita

    Hope each one of us has a peaceful day

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Prayers requested for some of Lou's family in and around Clarksville, Tennessee.

    Hopefully I'll be able to get some answers to my health concerns tommorow at my primary care visit. Haven't heard from my radiology oncologist that ordered the pet scan, Hopefully no news is good news, but around the holidays you never know.

    Yesterday I started having a stabing pain to the inside of my left shoulder blade when I took a deep breath. Normally I would have gone to the VA to check it, but having a primary care appointment tommorow, u desided to wait. I still am wheezing mire with my cough so pretty sure it's lung related.

    Sayra, hope your Sunday is quiet and pieceful alone with all our front porch rockers. I know I plan on resting today! Probably not make church this morning, don't want to get up and leave again due to heavy wheezing and coughing.


  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    Ron, prayers for Lou’s family and for your health.. we were under storm and tornado watches but it mostly stayed north of us..

    Iris, loving the Alaska stories!

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Just heard from Lou's relatives in Clarksville, they are all safe but lots of damage all around them.

    JeriLynn, glad the storm stayed north of you!


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    edited December 2023

    Reading about our bodies talking to us makes me realize that we must all have a backup plan in place before we might need help.

    I have Long Term Care Insurance but know that I need to review will and trust...some changes need to be made re agent on DPOA. I also know where I want to be placed long term.

    I refuse to be an ostrich thinking nothing will be needed and that I will simply die in my sleep.

    On a more pleasant note, it is beautiful outside. Half the lights are twinkling outside and I have peanut butter and Ramen so I will not go hungry...lol

    Iris...I have been looking at a photostick too and do not think I will use one.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    Judith, you are right. I do not want to be someone who sticks their head in the sand. I have seen too much of that and I don’t want to be someone else’s problem if I can help it. I do not expect my family to take care of me and I’ve told them that. We are all getting older we are not getting younger. So I hope I’m blessed to know when it’s time to sell my house and move to independent or assisted-living whatever level of care I need. When I told my sisters this, my youngest one who is 14 years younger than me and and I think she had the hardest time with what happened to me in May did not like me saying that. I told her I said you know if I’m pleasant, easy to get along with, dont keep you from being able to do things and you can sleep at night and want to do that, it’s OK. I said if I am contrary, or I have to have my diaper changed during the night etc. put me somewhere and just come visit me.

    it’s great that you’ve been working on cleaning up your house I know it’s difficult and tiring. That is some thing that I have really tried to work on is not becoming a hoarder of any sort and keeping things pretty simple so that if something does happen like in May and then it will be a little easier for whoever has to take care of it.

    my 88 and 90-year-old aunt and uncle are going through this right now. They live in a big multi level house. My aunt years ago wanted to sell and clean it up so that their children did not have to deal with it. My uncle would not agree to it. They are both now in a situation where they’re having lots of pain, need to move, my uncle knows they need to move but they’re unable to. I did give them a suggestion. I don’t know if they took it very serious or not. But my sister tells me she knows people that did this, they sold their house as is with everything in it, except for whatever they wanted to take. I think it’s just all overwhelming right now. Feel really bad for them. They’ve always been so kind to me.

    I’m not familiar with photo stick, so can’t help you guys out there. Maybe someone else is.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    @Sayra selling a home turn-key is not unusual in certain communities-- especially if the home is going to be a second or weekend residence. I sold my mom's place in Florida after removing only clothes, paperwork and a few things she wanted. They originally bought it that way as well. Because mom rented it out for the winter season while it was listed for sale, the rental agent hired a crew to clear out the drawers, cabinets and pantry before renting. I filled a medium-sized PODS and was done.

    I woke up at 1am with an earache; I've had a miserable cold for a week. Thanks DS. No COVID; I tested 3 times. I swung by CVS Minute Clinic and saw a NP who says it's an external rather than inner ear infection. I have prescription drops and need to use heat along with OTC meds for pain and decongestion. I was in and out with the prescription filled in under 45 minutes. It's chilly and wet today. I want to nap but DH is napping and I don't want to disturb him with my cough.

    My deputy will drive Mother Monday since I feel awful and Wednesday since I'm doing the extraction/implant Wednesday and DS's wisdom teeth extraction Friday. Living the dream.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Hi. Ron, so glad Lou's folks are safe.. I had no idea the storms were going to be so bad. Did you all have bad weather?

    Iris, so enjoy hearing about your time in Alaska. Like a different world. Anxious to hear about the northern lights.

    Judith, I also have LTCU. Got that when I was in late 60s, I think.Still need to deal with a will. We never know what tomorrow will bring. After Patsy, my cousin, passed away her husband stayed in the house a few months, then sold it and everything in it including two cars. You all probably remember I suggested a place I knew of, got a room and got him moved in with a few things from his house. That's what I will have to do, too.

    Sarah called yesterday. She had a hard time talking. I thought her throat was sore but she has a module on each side of her neck that are getting bigger and pressing on her vocal cords. Has an appt. Tomorrow for another scan of them. Her appt. Last week was not good. The doctor didn't even replace the feeding tube- said it wasn't working. The only thing that can help her is the permanent IV so she can get nourishment and meds including pain med. Right now she can only take a spoonful of broth or water but vomits it immediately. She's in so much pain that she has a hard time resting or sleeping. Not a good visit to be told there's nothing else that can be done.

    Todd is falling apart. He is her caregiver so can't leave to work. He is learning to cook a little bit so he can feed himself. She told me she didn't want to go and leave me alone. We had made a pact that we'd hang in until we both could go. How awful for someone so young or for anyone. Carol's nephew went through something similar recently and passed away after a long time. He was in his early 59s, like Sarah. If they can't do the IV she will, in effect, starve without nourishment.

    Bryon and his friend just left. They cleaned up the yard for me. There were so many limbs so it really looks better. So thankful for him to help when I need it. Also for sweet Darwin and Mike.

    Again, and still, asking for good thoughts and prayers for Sarah and Todd. I pray for the caregivers every night because we all know how hard it is. I told her you all were praying for her and she wanted you all to know she appreciates it so much. It scares me every time the phone rings. Hopefully, and she wants it this way, she'll go while she is sleeping. Both my mother and Scarlet went like that. Went out and checked all the girls and took Stormy with ne. Didn't swear my mask and just shifted nine times in a row. When will I learn!

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    At this point it souns like IV would be a good thing. I am not medicalbut it sounds like she would be getting some nutrition and could, overall, feel better.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, I'm so sorry about Sarah. Some patients might benefit from parenteral nutrition via the intravenous route.

    Ron, do you have medication for your cough and wheezing? If you use an inhaler, you might ask the doctor about a nebulizer to enhance the delivery of the med into the lungs.

    Do you use a pulse oximeter?

    Judith and Sayra, I don't have a backup plan, not because I'm an ostrich, but because I have no one to back me up. This predicament is something that is constantly on my mind.

    Judith, why won't you use a photo stick?

    I'm thinking of purchasing an independent credit card from the supermarket that is not attached to my bank for online purchases from unknown companies.

    HB, you gave me a good idea. I might hire one of my young neighbors to help me clear out my 40 years of household stuff. In my mind I think I can do it myself, but my progress has been very slow.

    Best wishes on you and your son's tooth extractions. Be sure you get pain meds. When I lived in Alaska I had two wisdom teeth extracted. I felt so good immediately afterward that I took the bus from the base into town, about a 30 mile trip, and went shopping. After about an hour, the injected analgesia began to wear off, and I was in excruciating PAIN! But I was far away, and had to wait for the bus to arrive to return to the base, then endure the long trip back, then drive from the bus stop to my home. I never made that mistake again, and I always warn others to be prepared when their own analgesia wears off. So be forewarned, HB!

    Another fascinating aspect of living in Alaska is that panning for gold is a viable activity. There are places one could go and pan, and actually find some gold flakes. I never did that, but I knew people who told me they had panned successfully. Nevertheless, gold panning is more of a hobby than a money-making venture.

    I took a bus trip to Denali National Park. The air in Alaska is so clean and clear, Denali is visible even though it is 160 miles from Fairbanks. It is the highest mountain in North America, over 20,000 feet. Cars were not allowed too far into the park, so we rode on the park's shuttle bus; which goes inland to Wonder Lake. As we rode, the first person to see an animal gets a cheer. On my bus, a little girl saw a rabbit--so we cheered her. Later, I saw moose, some with a calf, and Dall sheep. There were also caribou, aka reindeer, bear and wolves, but I did not see any on that trip. The water at the lake was so clean and clear, we could see to the bottom. It was so wonderful to see such a majestic mountain, and to be in the wilderness with no civilization around!

    Northern Alaska has nice summers. Autumn is brief, lasting the month of September. There are trees that do change color and lose their leaves. In mid-October there will be a snowfall that doesn't stick. But before Halloween, the entire ground will be covered with snow.

    The odd thing about Alaskan winters is that there is not a lot of snow. Not like upstate NY and other northern states that have blizzards and snowfalls several feet deep. This is because the tundra has very low humidity. After a certain temperature, about -10 degrees F or so, it becomes too cold to snow. So, the snow that is on the ground in late December is all the snow there will be. This is about 10 inches of snow.

    At first, I was not impressed. The old timers tried to scare the newcomers about the harsh winters. Probably they did scare those coming from warm weather areas that got little to no snow. But I went to school in upstate NY, where the temp got down to -20 degrees F and the state highways had to be closed due to heavy snowfall of several feet depth and heavy wind. However, come January, there was a huge change. The temperature became frigid, down to 60 degrees below zero F. Then I became impressed with Alaskan winters.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Thanks for the link, Judith. Iris, it seems that is the only thing that can be done for Sarah. So sad for her so hope they will do that..

    Sounds like you had z good tour of duty in Alaska. How wonderful to see all those animals in their habitat. You know it has gotten too cold to snow here.. When I was little we had lots of snow but not so much anymore. OK with me.

    Iris, like you, I have no one to leave anything to when Sarah is gone. Charities I contribute to will be my heirs. Never in my life did I think it would be like this.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Iris, yes I use a inhaler, also have a rescue inhaler and do have a pulse oxymeter. I was using Trelegy once a day but the VA switched me to one that is two puffs twice a day fir cost savings. Since switching I forget the evening treatment about a third of the time. I'm talking to my Dr tomorrow about it.

    When I was at Fort Campbell I had a infected wisdom tooth. Went to the base dentist and guess what; he pulled it even with the infection. I had to pull CQ that night with my jaw swollen big as a tennis ball. Never will forget that night!

    Hopefully I'll get some answers to the health concerns tommorow.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    edited December 2023

    Ron, have you thought to use your phone alarm to remind you of your medication? If you have trouble coordinating the inhaler with inhaling, a nebulizer can help. You might ask the doctor if that could help.

    Lorita, actually I do have a lot of family members, they just are not in my life. My two closest friends abandoned me when my memory problems became significant. My brother lives in NY and he is busy with his life. I determined to not put myself in the position of being under the thumb of people who are not that interested in me. Thus I made investments to have the finances to hire the care that I might need. I don't want anyone sniffing around after I'm gone looking for an inheritance, since they are not around now when I do need help. Most of whatever is left will go to a homw for cats and other animal rescues, and a donation to the Alz Assoc for this message board.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    edited December 2023

    Ron I use my phone alarm and one of those little pill boxes. I do set alarms as Iris suggested, and do find that helpful. But sometimes if I’m busy, I will turn it off and then forget about it. So I also set reminders on my phone. A reminder stays there until you mark it as completed. That works pretty good for me. I might be a little late but I still get it done.

    Iris, even though I don’t want to be caught with my head in the sand, I might be. Even though we do the best we can and sometimes it isn’t good enough. If I had no family, or did not want to use my family, I probably would use an attorney. My aunt after she retired, worked as a companion for this lady in a nursing home. The lady hired her for that she did not do any aid work for her. She was just simply her companion. She only had one nephew, and he lived a long ways off, so all of her business was taken care of by an attorney. That seemed to work very well for that lady.

    Enjoyed the feature on Alaska today again. It was very interesting how their winter works. Definitely much different than where I’m from too.

    Lorita it would be hard to imagine when you’re younger that you would be the only one left possibly, especially when there were people in your family younger than you. I thought about that even though I’m the oldest, I could be the last one standing you just never know. I read obituaries a lot. That’s a habit I got into when I worked because I knew a lot of the people in the obituaries. They’re kind of interesting a lot of times. It’s not unusual to see someone pass who has lost most or all of their children. I just have to do the best I can and then I trust God for the rest .

    Take care, everyone —— thinking of all of you

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Had my covid shot today, so at least that's done. Still no answers on my esophagus problem. She told me the oncologist hadn't responded yet and she was also confused like I am. Pet scan last summer shows nodule, EGD with ultrasound doesn't see one, pet scan shows last week shows nodule and radiologists recommended EGD. Don't see why another EGD would be needed when they didn't see it previously. She is also prescribing medicine to help with my cough ND wheezing. Had a chest xray also and they did something different. In the past a chest xray was always just front and side view. This time they also took xrays; at least a dozen more, up and down my upper spine, front and side.

    Getting old is not fun, but still being able to get up every morning and go to bed every night is good.

    Speaking of Alaska, I remember when I worked for Department of Home Land Security they offered a bonus to relocate for 2 years in Alaska. One husband and wife took it and was back after the 2 years. He loved it and wanted to stay, but she said no way. Now who says the woman of the house doesn't rule! LOL


  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 521
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    I love the meanderings of of our conversations. We hop all over the place and its wonderful.

    Ron I'm sorry you still aren't getting test results. Or feeling better. That is so frustrating. Do you notice that air temperature change causes more breathing / wheezing issues? It certainly does with my DH. Frankly with him, its all a balancing act. Which inhaler, or does he need the nebulizer? When we both had Covid we had a cough. Except his cough was with every breath - for days. Finally his pulmonary physician put him on a nasal spray for those with COPD. Within the 2nd dosage his coughing stopped. They'll figure it out.

    Iris I'm loving the Alaska stories. But what I really loved was how you described family sniffing around after you've passed. What a perfect description. We are in that same predicament, no family. Well, that's not entirely true - we have a son whom has no contact with us. Right after DH's diagnosis 12 yrs ago he decided he wanted nothing to do with us. In all honesty, our relationship wasn't perfect - he always had a huge chip on his shoulder for some reason. Then after the diagnosis it was easier to blame me and have zero contact. All of that to say when something happens to the both of us I believe he'll be surprised because just because he's our son doesn't mean we reward despicable behavior with an inheritance. We haven't cut him totally out, but in his mind he'll see it that way. I will say I've struggled with this, until I realized the rewarding bad behavior aspect and my mind was immediately changed. That is assuming there is anything left when we go!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Eagle, are you and your husband completely over covid? Seems like the number of cases is increasing each day. Glad all, or most, of us have had our shots. I did have a - what I'll call a reaction - fatigue (but maybe I overdid the day after I had it) and a sore arm with a little bit of swelling. Today the soreness is almost gone. Nothing bad to avoid getting covid. Still wearing my mask.

    They say relatives do tend to come out of the woodwork when someone passes away that they think has some money. I do have Sarah's brother but haven't heard from him in a year or so. Last I heard he was in Kentucky and was a long-haul trucker. Not a person I'd leave anything to in a will. There is a lawyer in our town that I've used for a couple of things. I have a list of accounts and charities so maybe he can do a will where everything will be split among them - I think there's a dozen I donate to on a regular basis.

    When I was working and a patient was admitted he had to leave the name of a next of kin to notify, if needed. Occasionally we'd have one who didn't have a NOK and I always felt sorry for them - never once thinking I'd be the same. But, it's okay,I've dealt with being alone since Charles was taken. You just never think it would happen.

    Ron, glad you had several views on your chest x-ray. Hopefully, they'll find out why you have the wheezing. I always watched for that with Charles - usually meant aspiration pneumonia for him. He used some kind of inhalers that helped.

    I actually stayed in my gown and robe today until almost noon. I did put on my jeans, under my gown, and went to the mailbox. Darn trash I took down yesterday was still there (today was pick-up day) so called them when I got home. I usually pay for three months at one time and they said they had quit paper notifications so I missed a payment. That stuff will be there for another week. Hate to be the one to open the barrel but it's in tightly closed bags so maybe it'll be okay. I should put that payment on auto-pay. Almost everything is but this was only a payment every three months. I think that's the first time anything like that has happened.

    Trying to figure out order numbers for harnesses I ordered for Stormy. I ordered three altogether, two at one time and another on another order. I ordered XL on all of them but only one of the three was large enough when I let it out as much as I could. Never have returned anything to WM so it's not easy. My printer isn't working so they have to send labels in the mail - haven't gotten them yet and the scheduled PU is on the 13th. Have to call and get that straightened out. Seems like there's always something to have to attend to.

    It's sunny and chilly here and will be all week. Haven't heard anything from Sarah today. Hopefully she'll text me after her appointment. Praying they'll find a doctor who can get a permanent IV put in so she can get some nourishment. She never mentions being hungry - maybe because her stomach doesn't work. She says they tell her that her body is working against her organs and will eventually shut down. I can't imagine living and knowing that's going to happen.

    Haven't read the thread for Jo so I'll stop and do that and see if she's posted. Miss having her post on our thread. Enjoy the rest of your day.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Received a call from oncologist telling me only what I already knew from the pet scan. Nodule is still there but but thankfully it hasn't grown any. She has put in another consult to see Gastrologist again. Now, another waiting game!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Ron, hurry up and wait! That's what Charles always said of the Army. I saw on the evening news that the tornado that hit Clarksville had winds of 150 mph. Three people lost their lives. It's a wonder there wasn't more. How big is Clarksville? Good news that the nodule hasn't grown.

    Had a long visit with Todd this evening. He's doing his best at caregiving and learning to cook a bit. We talked about hospice for Sarah. He said she isn't getting pain meds except six days worth every month or so and it isn't working. Hospice could help with that but...if she had a TPN would hospice take her?

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Hello Lorita, the TPN issue for Hospice is something to pay attention to. Some Hospces accept patients on TPN, others do not. Overall, it is the larger Hospice organizations that most often will accept TPN patients; smaller Hospices are not always willing to do so.

    It is also best and probably necessary to have the TPN initiated PRIOR to applying for Hospice; that would be best approach as it is already started prior to service and not done under the Hospice dynamics.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Hi Jo, so good to see your post. Thanks very much for the information about hospice and TPN. I checked on line last night and it said the same thing. Still not sure Sarah will be able to be put on TPN - she's awaiting an appointment or answer from her doctor. I hope she can - seems like it's something that has to be done to be sure she gets some nutrition.

    I think of you and your son and husband often and hope things are going as well as can be. Are you feeling better and are you able to be up and around? I surely hope so. You all are in my prayers each night - I wish the best for you.

    I had weird dreams last night. I was worried about Stormy - he's scratching and limping. I checked his front feet and didn't feel anything but he's licking them. I put on Neosporin to see if that will help. So, guess that was incorporated into my dreams. I went somewhere for crumb cakes just before worktime but had to wait and wait to get them. It was 9:40 before I got back to the hospital (way after worktime began). Got into the hospital and got lost - guess I went into the wrong building - and I was pushing some type of thing right on the ground with a little dog in it. Kept trying and trying to find the office - but I woke up and never did. That's the second time I had dreamed I got lost in the hospital - wonder what that means. If my sister was still here she could tell me - she was pretty deep into that sort of thing.

    I woke up, still worried about Stormy and not sure what I'd do - try to get him into the PU and to the vet for his allergy shot or go there and get the medicine and give it. Got up and dressed to try to decide. This was feed day for the girls and at 8:30 they still hadn't fed. Shortly after that the phone rang and it was Mike telling me he'd be here in five minutes and to catch the GPs. I did and by the time I got out there he was here. Sheena hadn't been scratching much so she didn't get one but Stormy did - not much trouble really. I knew he'd come and give the medicine if he had time. He said he and Toad began feeding at 5:30 and was just finishing - this was the last place to feed. So by the time he got back to the clinic it would be after 9 a.m. So thankful he does this for me and is such a good person. We talked a minute or two and he was gone.

    Stormy scratched a little bit after the shot but usually it's like a switch has been turned - no scratching. Odd to me that there's still allergens out there. If I don't wear my mask when I check the girls I sneeze and sneeze when I get home and the same allergens get on Stormy when he goes with me.

    Hope everyone is well this morning. Supposed to be a pretty day until later when there will be clouds - sunny now and 54 degrees. Hope all of you who are recovering from surgery or injury are doing well this morning and those who have been ill are well on the road to recovery. I'll be back later. Need to think of something to cook today.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Had a big surprise today! As you know Lou eats a good breakfast, but it has gotten hard for me to cook her and i a good home-cooked meal since she would rather have a hamburger or corn dog. Today the sitter that helps came with turkey and cornbread dressing, gravy blackeyed peas, sweet potatoes, rolls, cranberry sauce and fruit salad. Can't tell everyone how grateful I was to have a home-cooked meal. Now I'm to pooped to pop!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Boy, you and Lou hit the jackpot. Really sounds good. Mother used to make the best corn read dressing miss that. Rings back memories to hear someone say "too pooped to pop". Heard that a lot.Happened to find a message from a cal! I had .issed.it was from Toad's SIL. He does dozed a d gravel work and was calling to see if I needed gravel. I do for sure. The man who did our gravel sold his truck and I hadn't found someone else. The road needs to be levelled and gravel added to half of it. The road used to get so bad we could hardly get over it. We found someone to level it and had 35 loads of some stuff put on it to make a good road. The day they brought all those loads the liquid feed guy and propane man came to deliver but couldn't. Do not want to lose that road.

    Just a couple of hours after I talked to the first man someone drove up with the old scam?. Said he had two loads of blacktop left over from a job and wondered if we needed it. Heard that before.

    Eco link is coming Friday to install the new internet service. Will be glad to get that done. The driveway alarm is a good thing but really upsets Stormy when it goes off. I wonder how he connected the sound of it with a car coming. He's a smart boy. If I'm on the divan I can tell him to get in the chair and he does. Watching Andy Griffith. The sign on the grocery store window advertised 10 pounds of potatoes for 29 cents. Those were the good old days!

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    How kind of your sitter Ron.

    Hi JoC💐

    Hope you get your gravels Lorita. I can remember having those gravel driveways.

    Pretty sunny day, windy and chilly though.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Jo C , hope and pray you and family are better!

    Oh boy, is my arm sore from the boster shot yesterday! None of the shots last year bothered me, but this one is letting me know its there.

    Lorita, the to pooped to pop phrase was used often by the older generation when I was growing up. Now I'm the older generation, so guess I'll start using it when I'm tired and just want to relax.

    Noticed on blood sample they took when I had the pet scan was 126. My primary care said something last summer when it was 127. That's all I need is more pills, hopefully that want happen. I'm not eating much ice cream anymore and really don't feel much like eating anyway. I'm still miserable from lunch today, which I ate to much of. I have dropped 6 lbs, so that's a good sign. Any of you find the 6lbs?


  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
    500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes 25 Insightfuls Reactions

    Ron your 6 pounds landed right here in Alabama!🥴😤😂

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Ron,same here about the soreness. It began. To get a little sore the evening I took it. By the third day it was really sore and slightly swollen. Today is the first day there is no soreness. This was my ,6th shot of Pfizer- none of the others were this sore. Carol says it was the same with her and her husband. Put ice on it for about 15 min..several times a day and it will help. I found some of those pounds here in Oklahoma too. See you all tomorrow. Sleep tight.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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