Changing an Alzheimer patient's home base
:s Hi community! I'm new to the discussions and am so glad this exists. My husband and I are becoming caregivers to my mother-in-law who was diagnosed with Alzheimer's-Dementia a few years ago. She's at the point where her short-term memory is mostly non-existent, but her long-term is still mostly sharp, give or take a few…
Caregiving Burnout
Hello everyone. I’m new here. I could really use some advice. Can anyone recommend someone to talk to about how to handle severe dementia and sundowners? I’m single and live with my parents…only one is suffering from dementia. But it just feels like everything is in my shoulders. Clean the house. Do the laundry. Take care…
Feeling lost
I’m new here. My wife is at the early stages, she is 67 and I am 60. I still have to work so our lives have a lot of moving pieces. Slowly I have been watching my wife deteriorate. The past 6 months it seems like even the easier tasks are getting harder for her & take her a lot more time. It’s like her problem solving…
Father has AD and I am looking for support
Hello all. Noob here, but I have been taking care of my dad for 5 days per week for the past 10 weeks and am getting some burnout(I am running two households in winter and it's suddenly become nearly overwhelming) I was doing quite well until this past weekend when everything hit me. He's at home as yet, and doesn't need a…
I’m. Just. So. Damn. Tired.
I have been caring for my mother who has been declining with grace for years. Now, at 92, she is very frail, and often doesn’t remember how to stand or sit. She can communicate sometimes. She can feed herself but eats little. Lately, she has been getting up without assistance and has fallen. Now I sleep with her to keep…
Newbie here.....how to cope with my dad
My dad, unoffically, has alzheimers. He does not want to be tested. I am 52. He is 88. My mom passed 6 years so just him and I. He lives with me. I have my own business and work lots of hours. He has a part time care giver just so she can take him to doctor appts and get him out of the house for a meal. My entire life…
Angry forever?
My moms delusions and anger have become so taxing that our family feels like it may be time for full time care but she’s voiced she doesn’t want to go to a nursing home and “nothings wrong” with her. I KNOW she’s going to be irate with everyone. My question is, do you have experience with this and was your loved one angry…
Troubles sleeping
My mom hasn't been sleeping properly ever since her surgery near the end of December. The first few days of the first week of her recovery I understood. She was taking meds that made her drowsy at times so naturally her sleep patterns are going to get screwy. However, she stopped those meds 3 days in. She leveled out the…
Need help but don't know what to do
My grandfather is 84 years old and has had dementia for years now but has recently been declining rapidly so I moved him into my house where my mother takes care of him. He has hospice care so nurses show up twice a week to asess him but thats the only care they provide .She quit her job because he needs fulltime support…
Primary Care (PC) Doctor is Undermining the Neurologist
Because Alzheimers runs significantly in my mother's family (killed my grandmother and three of her sisters), I knew as soon as I started seeing tale tell signs in my mother I knew what was happening. After many, many months I finally convinced her to see a neurologist. So I asked her doctor for recommendations for a…
New Here & Need to vent - Mom has Alzheimer's and Dad is stubborn...
Hi Everyone - I am so happy to find this community as I am definitely struggling with many things! I mostly just need to share and vent and I appreciate the space to do so. Here goes. My parents (married 60 years) live together in a 55+ community (independent - no outside help except family) about 30 minutes from me. My…
Concern About a Caregiver
A dear friend who lives many miles away from me is caring for her husband with dementia at home. Both are in their early 80s. I believe she's experiencing serious burnout. I want to help but am not sure what to do. She's not eating well and is losing quite a bit of weight, has been avoiding talking by phone for a month or…
Caregiver Burnout Direct Link to Injuries
I've posted about burnout, needing a break, etc. but never thought this would happen. On 11/6 while clearing leaves, mulching I tried to clear leaves from the mower's shoot and partially amputated 2 fingers on my dominant hand. Surgery on 11/10...left me in pain, unable to use one hand, completely care for myself never…
Unsure of facility
What do you do when you're not sure of the facility your loved one is in? It gets decent online reviews, but she is entering late stage dementia and is constantly being sent off to the hospital? For various reasons. Touched another resident, non-med compliant, tripped....every other day it's something. She has moments of…
Setting Boundaries on Home Maintenance
Mom was diagnosed with dementia several months ago, and is in the moderate stages. Her siblings, her doctor and I have all talked with her about AL, but she is digging her heels in and refusing to move. She lives in a big house by herself that requires significant maintenance. Several weeks ago, her TV broke and she was in…
Care Taker Under 30
Hello to all! I'm making my first post here to try and gain some insight from people who are in a similar position as I. My mom is not even 60 yet, but she was diagnosed with Alzheimer's (early stage thankfully) back in 2022, so this is all still fairly new as we both adjust to our new realities. It's been quite difficult…
Just exhausted
I need to vent a little and this is a good place to do so. I am mentally, and physically exhausted. It seems like I have rarely had a moment to myself in years. I just want time to focus on my own health because my back is killing me and might need surgery. I'm overweight and want to start exercise and diet to lose weight…
Struggling with my stress
Hi. I’m new to this group. My father passed away a few years ago. He had Alzheimer’s. We had full time live in care for him. Last year my mother was diagnosed with vascular dementia. She is getting worse rapidly. She has a flat that is part of an independent living community. However she is now struggling to live…
I'm going slowly crazy
Hi all, I'm new here and the only other real support I have is another online group. My mom is 89 and has never been officially diagnosed, but she definitely has Alzheimers. From the reading that I've done on the subject I'd guess she's a stage 6. My sister handles all of her finances and takes her to the doctor when she…
Caregiver Burden and Lack of Support with Loved One with Dementia (Behavioral)
Hi All, My grandma was diagnosed with bipolar in her 40s, and since her 70s has further been diagnosed with dementia. She is an Italian immigrant with little education, but has lived in the US since the 1960s. Her spouse passed years ago, so her support system includes my mom, and only a few of her siblings (my mom is my…
I am struggling with my mom. She has had mental health issues since her 20’s- diagnosed with schizophrenia in the 60’s. Who knows if that’s accurate, she refused to get any updated diagnosing since. Now she has AD mild stage diagnosed in 2019. She is taking Seroquel for the paranoid delusions and I thought they were…
My frustrations are getting the best of me
My mom has lived with me for 13 years . In 2014 she had several hospital stays with everything you can imagine . She was finally diagnosed in 2019 with LBD. She was on hospice for 8 months & somehow , again bounced back . Her health honestly has improved but her memory & cognitive senses have worsened. I never thought that…
I used to pity my DW, but anymore I envy her.
Honestly, as my beloved enters the near end of her AD, I sometimes envy her her mental loss. Mentation is that of a 2 year old, but as those of us here know, that is never a crisp analogy. She seems happy most of the time-laughs, talks to her dolls and anamatronic cats. I don't even remember what "happy" felt like. She has…
Trying to support an aggressive grandfather
I’ve been taking care of my great grandfather for almost two years, the rest of the household is too harsh to him and it causes problems. I cannot convince them to get him help. I am 20, cannot drive and have put everything aside to take care of a three person household. How can I help my grandfather who has gotten worse,…
How to Cope with Guilt
Background - I am a remote caregiver. I live short plane ride away but on a different island than my parents. My mom was diagnosed with vascular dementia in 2016 (7 years) ago and she is in stage 6. She lives with my dad and they're both in their 80's. I am married with two kids. I have my onw business and volunteer on two…
First Post (Mom's Caregiver) - It's a long one but please read if you can
This is my first post so it's going to be lengthy and I apologize in advance. I don't know why tonight I got to the point that I felt the need to reach out but here we are. I am my mom's caregiver and it's just hard. I'm a 45 year old female, married to my husband of 21 years and we do no have children. I'm one of those…
Elderly Mother having episodes
Hi everyone I am here with a sad and heavy heart. My 74 yr old mother who lives quite a distance from me is having episodes with what I believe is Dementia. My younger sister is with her and she has health issues of her own. in the past three months my mom has been getting worse. This morning I spoke with her and she told…
fixated and constant chatter
Good morning everyone! I want to make a separate discussion post about my Dad's most challenging behavioral symptom that's happening at the moment and I'm hoping y'all have some insight! My Dad (83) lives with my Mom (60) and my nephew. I've been coming over almost every day since we brought him home from subacute rehab.…
Resources for scheduling respite
Hello! I am new to this group but look forward to getting to know you all! I personally feel that one of the hardest parts of caregiving is making/finding time for respite. Does anyone have any suggestions for resources they like to use to schedule respite?
Helpless & Angry about husband's loss
Hi folks, Im just in the beginning of this challenging journey, so please indulge me as i come to you for help. Im vey overwhelmed, so hope this makes sense to you. My 86 yo mom, the most important person in the world to me, has mild - mod dementia and is currently in a rehab place following a hospitalization. That's is…