Getting mom with dementia to a doctor; what other options might we have?
My 69-year old mom has been increasingly showing signs of dementia for the last decade. She never saw a doctor for this (did not even discuss it with her PCP), until the situation exploded: about 18 months ago, she was basically having psychotic episodes in the middle of the night. It got so bad, she ended up in the…
Looking for Oregon (Bend/Redmond) Resources
Hi there! First time poster, although I have lurked and found this community very helpful. I live in Arizona but am trying to help my FIL with resource help (more personal experiences then a list) and thought I'd see if there happened to be anyone local to him on here. My MIL is still at home but we have started the…
Is Dad ready to transition to an Assisted Living Facility?
Hello everyone. I'm new here. My father was diagnosed with dementia 3+ years ago and has been living with me since then. I consider myself to be fairly patient and laid-back, but my dad has certainly tested these qualities more often recently. Financially, he doesn't qualify for MediCal but we also can't afford a facility…
Am I Crazy?
My sister's day care is closing in a few weeks. The owner of her day care has another location we can send her to. It's only a few miles further than the current location, but traffic is worse, making transporting her more difficult. I've arranged transportation through an organization that provides rides to the disabled…
Looking for advice on my situation with my mother who has dementia
Hi everyone. I am very new here, but I am desperate for any advice that can be given regarding my mother with middle stage dementia and my father who is in denial.this is a very long story. My mom has suffered a number of illnesses dating back to her teenage years. She has had myasthenia gravis, then lymphoma, and now…
Need volunteers and Adult Day Care in Seymour area
I am caring for a spouse and have no relief at all. I cannot seem to find any volunteers to come and stay with him for a few hours or an adult day care in the area to give me some time that is not costly. Does anyone know of any services in my area that might help, we don't qualify for Medicaid or Veteran aid unless we…
Caring for Two
My 92-year-old father has Alzheimer’s. My 89-year-old, visually-impaired mother has been his primary caregiver until this month. My sister and I live together a mile from their home and have seen them daily for the last couple of years. Last month while my sister was out of state, I came to their home after school and…
Mom wandered for the first time. Ready to give up on doing it myself (NYC)
I've been doing this for about 3 years now, It's exhausting, frustrating, but it was all I knew. She's EO (66 now) I love my mother but at the risk of sounding selfish I want to start the process ASAP of getting her proper care that doesn't involve me staying by her side 24/7. Because now I don't know when she'll just up…
Role of natural supplements in support of cure for Alzheimer's
I have closely seen many patients with Alzheimer's . And this really breaks my heart. Just last week I came across an article which talks about natural supplements and their potential benefit to support the cure for many decisions. How you guys feel about natural supplements do share your views. Also if anyone using them…
American House
Just wondering if anyone has experience, good or bad, with American House assisted living. I'm looking at one of their facilities as an option for my mom. They contract out to a third party for personal care services, so I'd also be interested in anyone's experience with that set up, even if not with American House. Thanks.
Need advice: How do I vet Memory Care facilities when I am home all day with DH
I think I am close to having to place DH in MC. He has become aggressive to the point where it is more than 50% if the time. He screams at me, grabs me by the arms and pushes me up against the wall. A few times he has thrown me to the floor. His anger flares up without warning over nothing. Like when he said he was hot and…
AL/Memory Care or In Home Care
As I posted previously, my sister's adult day care is closing. She can go to another one of their locations and we are going to try that. If that doesn't work, we'll need to try something else and I'm torn: In Home Care or just move into a facility? My sister is only 57 years old and has enough money to pay for about two…
Feeling guilt and questioning my decision
I’m feeling immense guilt about how to take care of my 77 yo mom. She lives alone in an apartment and I live about 30 min away. I am a 39 yo stay at home mom to 3 young children (ages 3, 9, 11). My mom just got diagnosed with Alzheimer’s after 3 years of my sister and I noticing serious memory changes. She is intelligent…
How do you know when it's time to move parent into Assisted Living?
My mother lives in another state with her partner of over 30 years and has early to mid-stage dementia. Her partner has expressed that he can't take caring for anymore (and is often angry with her and also has severe anxiety and depression) but when I suggest that I can move her down to assisted living in FL to be near me…
How do I make the decision to move my Mom?
We just moved my 82yr. old Mother in with my husband and I knowing that she has stage 4-5 dementia. I should have done my research prior to the move because I am just beside myself and have started having small emotional breakdowns myself. She has been here for only 2.5 months but I may have taken on more than I can…
I'm not a caregiver, I'm a friend. My dear, suffering friend is neglected by her husband. He leaves her alone all day. He helps out with pills, etc., when she asks him, but she's too passive to ask for what she really needs. He's helpful, but minimally. He isn't capable of nurturing. N. needs care and attention, maybe…