New Here.
My story is very complicated. we are not sure of the stage my mother is in. She is 69. The doctor says this is too young but she was diagnosed in 2021 with the dementia. Summary is I hired an attorney to get guardianship and conservatorship of my mother, who has dementia, due to my brother's neglect. I got final in April.…
Online Counseling sessions on dealing with caregiving situations
I am looking for online counseling sessions that might help me deal with the changes that caregiving brings to my life. I have a 72-year-old husband with early Alzheimer's and a 35-year-old son that is on the autism spectrum. I get overwhelmed and angry that this has happened. I lost my son's father to leukemia. I have…
Bible Verse to Lift You Up 6/6/23
CALLED TO A GODLY LIFE BIBLE REFLECTION 2 Peter 1:2-3 (NIV) “Grace and peace be yours in abundance through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord. “His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.” What are a few ways Christians…
Father Refusing In-home Care
Hello, I’m new here, but have already learned a lot from reading posts. This is my first, asking for advice. My father needs 24/7 care but refuses to accept a caregiver. He might for a day, but he’s fired that 8 we’ve found for him in the past 6 weeks, telling them to leave and not letting them come back. He’s independent…
Managing care long-distance
I could use some advice. My mom, who is 81 years old, is in stage 4, borderline stage 5. She still lives at home in MA with my dad, also 81. I live in VA and manage all of their finances, medical, house related items, etc. I fly home every 4-6 weeks for doctor appointments, house cleaning, hair cuts, laundry, etc. since my…
Caring for my mother on at home hospice
Hello. I’m new to the group but need an outlet to hopefully connect to someone whom better understands than those I know that are trying around me. My mother has been battling Lewy Body Dementia for about 7 years. She has rapidly declined in the past months, has been in the hospital and rehab. She last was admitted for…
My Dad
My dad of 90 has dementia and is getting worse very quickly, he’s aggressive and short temperedTwo days ago he went into hospital for edema and now his care home won’t take him back so he has to stay in hospital until we find him a place. how do you all cope with the verbal abuse and threatening to punch your face when all…
This time is different
Hello everyone this is my first time on any type of support forum. My dad passed in November due to Amyloidosis in his heart. I hated seeing my dad deteriorate with his mind intact until he closed his eyes. And now my mom. She is physically capable, but her mind is going quickly. She knows her condition because she cared…
Resources for nursing home patient
My mother has Altheimer's and was admitted to a Nursing Home facility just few weeks ago. I have researched in my area and couldn't find a place with bilingual staff and/or bilingual patients. I wonder if there is a local resource that provides visitation for patients like my mom who don't speak English. My mom's native…
Daughters caregiver rights Hawaii ,Pay has been cut off .
I am the youngest daughter careing for my 83 yr old mom with middle stage dementia ( not formally diagnosed).She has been living in my cottage for 1 year now with her 15 year old dog ,the love of her life.After a Small bowel obstuction surgery and 10 days in the hospital ,my mom had quite a big decline in her memory and…
false teeth
My DW has a difficult time with her false upper plate. She continually takes them out to clean them with a paper napkin. It could be at dinner or walking at a shopping mall. For the last couple of years, she has complained that her teeth were not "sharp enough". We have been to the dentist twice and they "sharpened " them.…
New Gal Caring for DH
Hello all, Recently my DH was diagnosed with MCI along with hydrocephelus. He will have to have an operation for the hydro. It seems to me that he is progressing rather rapidly on the MCI. We see the neurologist on May 11th for the first time after all the testing. Last evening was the first time I think DH was aware he is…
I am the middle child, and the only girl. My mom has appointed me POA for both health and financial. Of course there has to one sibling that will not play by the rules, my oldest brother. He has recently purchased a vehicle in my mothers name. She didn't know what the heck was going on when I asked her about it and neither…
How do I make the decision to move my Mom?
We just moved my 82yr. old Mother in with my husband and I knowing that she has stage 4-5 dementia. I should have done my research prior to the move because I am just beside myself and have started having small emotional breakdowns myself. She has been here for only 2.5 months but I may have taken on more than I can…