Grandpa’s phone calls
Hi everyone, I’m new here and seeking some advice. I have just recently learned that my grandpa has dementia. He still lives independently and I was unaware of his condition until now because my uncle didn’t tell me — all of my conversations with him had seemed normal until this weekend. For the past few days, he has been…
Planning a Family Forum
Hi, everyone. I am in charge of planning a support group for resident's families, but I have been working in memory care for only about 5 months now. Yes, I have learned a lot about dementia and Alzheimer's and have a range of topics I would like to talk about at this family forum, but I would love to hear what other…
Mom thinks she still works - she doesn't.
First- THANK YOU for any response. I am the eldest daughter, and my father is the primary caregiver of my Mom who has been officially diagnosed with Amnestic MCI (doc suspects we are heading into early stage AD.) Mom is starting a new trend of getting ready for work each morning and telling my Dad that she is going into…
Wanting to go home
Hello, My mom was diagnosed with ALZ a year ago. Due to her diagnosis, we relocated her to a memory care center. The center is very nice and has many amenities and I visit weekly. She is high functioning and able to take care of many ADLs herself. She constantly talks about moving home which is unfortunately not an option…
Taking this all in
:( My mom, 71 years old, got the diagnosis not too long ago. My dad, same age, told me yesterday. My parents live in Ohio, I live in Massachusetts. Her mother died at 75 from the disease, well, from a heart attack. But she had Alzheimer's for about 10 years. I don't have many memories of my grandmother, as I was very…
Early Onset Symptoms... What was your story? How did you tell your loved one that you were worried?
Hello everyone! I'm new here. My aunt reached out to me to let me know she was starting to become concerned about my great-uncle (who is in his early 50's.) He's been having some memory lapses and increased anxiety/frustration. His father had early-onset dementia, and this has us especially worried. We're trying to work…
I am realizing that my friends,
while trying to support me, do not truly understand my situation of having a sibling with dementia/Alzheimer's living in a far-off state, commenting "things will get worse before they get better," or "hope things look up for you soon," when there is no "getting better" or "looking up." I think that perhaps my situation is…
Are there things that helped you cope?
Hi I'm new here, my mom had been showing signs for over 2 years now. This summer they finally diagnosed her with dementia, I forget the exact type but they believe it was caused by her sleep apnea and not controlling her diabetes which decreased blood flow to her brain. Regardless it has definitely progressed quicker than…
Surgery and possible progression
I already suspected that my mom was progressing from mild to moderate, but after a surgery, things have become even more noticeable, but it's also unknown whether the surgery was a factor. But now I'm also worried she might be going even further than moderate. Her sleeping got a little screwed up due to meds making her…
More Men Are Taking Care of Aging Parents. They Feel Unprepared.
Good WSJ article here: https://www.wsj.com/health/wellness/men-caregivers-aging-parents-sons-ba7a6d71?st=2mo7qktf0ucw7yt&reflink=desktopwebshare_permalink
DW with EO
Forgive me for starting a new discussion. I am so thankful that there is a community of supporters helping us all through these life challenges. In short my DW was genetically tested for EOAD because her sweet mother carried the gene, and passed away in June of 2008 at age 52. We are currently going through the same thing…
Guilt of supporting from afar while other family members moved in
Hello, Grateful to find this community! Like me, I'm sorry we need to be here, but I'm relieved we can all lean on each other a bit. I live hours away from my Mom. We received results today from her neurologist about her brain health and he is of the opinion she has the early signs of Alzheimer's. We aren't surprised, but…
How to handle difficult father who is caregiver to my mom with end stage dementia
Hey all, My mom with advanced alzheimers is still living at home with my father who is a psychiatrist, very conservative Christian, and strongly wanting to keep my mother at home as long as possible. My brother died last year so it is just my sister and I trying to support while being states away. We offered for years…
Caregiving & College?
Hi everyone! I’m a new poster but long time lurker. I haven’t seen any threads on this topic so I thought I’d ask. I’ve been caregiving for more than a year for my grandma with dementia (taking shifts almost with another relative). I started caregiving when I was around 18 or 19 and I had to drop out of college, there was…
87 father is caretaker for 81 mom with severe Alzheimer's
Hi all, Have a situation where our mother is losing her ability to speak, extremely confused, has difficulty walking, is not showering or brushing her teeth and is incontinent at times. Our father is being difficult in that we had an aide for the summer who had to go back to her school job and now he is refusing another…
My Dad thinks he needs to go to work
My father gets up in the middle of the night and thinks he needs to go to work at the business he previously owned. This started at 3:30 this morning and my mom even took him a drive to show him the store was closed. I suggested she bring him on to our house so she could lay down and get some rest. What are some ideas to…
dementia engagement services
As a caregiver of a parent with vascular dementia, I'm looking to offer engaging outings for families of people with dementia. This could be morning coffee or lunch with some kind of light physical activity or stimulating interaction. My hope is to provide individuals with dementia a routine that inspires, promotes…
How to help my friend navigate dementia.
My 77 yo friend has signs of dementia. Her family is ignoring it. She drives her car to and from destinations > 30 miles. I am so worried. How can I help?
Figuring out double rent
Hi there! Has anyone experienced this and how did you handle it? My In-laws currently rent. My Mother in Law is considering downsizing to an independent living apartment at a community that also has assisted and memory care available. My Father in Law has dementia and we suspect in less than a year he'll need memory care.…
Supporting my mum who is caring for my grandad with dementia.
My grandad (94) has dementia and recently has been aggressive and showing a lot of anger towards my mum. He is in a dementia nursing home and a few weeks ago was moved from one room in the home to another room right next to the nurses desk as he was falling over regularly (this was recommended by the doctor for his…
My grandpa has dementia and has recently moved to the stage where he is really forgetting names and associations with people. He has told me he has been drinking a lot of alcohol and I am concerned about his care. He got remarried years ago and his wife really doesn’t seem compassionate enough to handle his dementia. I…