DH is at a point where technology is meaningless. He uses neither phone nor tv remote. The computer and ipad have been ignored for a year. I have solved the problem of his phone and email messages, but what do I do with his Facebook account? He recently had a birthday and people were posting birthday wishes to him. I…
Suggestions please
My DH was diagnosed a few months ago with younger onset and we're both struggling with how to process it and move forward. Even though we've been pushing for the diagnosis for several years it's still turned our world upside down. We're in our 40's with kids and I'm just not sure how to navigate or handle everything or…
Working through the issues (and emotions) - giving and requesting ideas for help
Hi. I just joined this group and have reviewed a number of strings. I find it crazy that with as rampant as this disease is, each case is still somewhat unique and there is not one methodology to deal with all cases. I look forward to learning from you all! I want to ask for direction as well as share some things that our…
How to Get Legal Affairs in Order When You're Broke
Hi everyone! As the title says, I'm broke lol (it's not actually funny but I have to laugh or I'll fall apart.) My mom (60) is definitely progressing, and I don't have any of her legal affairs in order. Currently my mom is being taken care of by 2 people in their mid 20's, so not a lot of stability here as neither of us…
I am very sick with covid DW also infected. Help with ER visit
my DW has rapid Demetia, she is in late stage. Which is challenging enough, trying desperately to get some respite relief which I have been granted 12 hours a mont( which are now cancelled due to the Fact, we both now have Covid… DW doesn’t have the severity of symptoms as I do. I am trying to get to the hospital ASAP for…
New person, first post - Trying to be the rock
To say I'm frustrated would be an understatement - my dad was finally diagnosed with dementia/alzheimers along with anxiety, depression, and OCD/fixation. We could sort of see signs of something not being quite right with him a year or so ago and I had to push my mom to get testing done. The first specialist they were…
Fair Hearing
Hello everybody! I have a fair hearing coming up on November 7th for myself to be enrolled in the CDPAP program, and I am quite anxious about it. I applied for the CDPAP program last year as I can't work due to being a full time care giver for my mother, and while the state declared that we were eligible for it, my…
Memory Care - Last Option
My 89 year old mother absolutely refuses to accept anything is wrong with her. I live on the West Coast she lives on the East Coast. I have spent the last 4 months taking care of her. Her doctor agrees she can no longer be left alone without some outside support. She refused a home health aid or live in because she says…
Dad is convinced my mom is leaving him
Hello, I am new to the forum. My stepdad has had early-stage Alzheimer’s for several years but now he has suddenly taken a dramatic decline. One of his fixations is that my mom is leaving him, divorcing him, taking the car and kicking him out of the house for another man. We have tried to reassure him many times, but of…
Respite care services Denver, CO?
Hi- new to this space. My mother was recently diagnosed with beginning stage Alzheimer's and capgras. My father is the primary care partner at the moment and he needs respite. Does anyone know of an assisted living facility in the area that will do short term respite care? Thanks!
It Begins
After my fathers inital diagnosis little while ago without a tear; today it hit me hard. A distant friend that my parents visited (with prior warning of the situation), spoke of how different my dad was generally and how in ~5yrs since last seeing both my parents the changes in my dad. Denial - for the longest time we've…
desperately seeking advice for unique situation
Hello everyone, I’m new to this board and am hoping some of you can offer me some advice because I have no idea where to turn. This is all really a lot so I appreciate all of you who take the time to read it. My aunt and uncle both started showing signs of memory decline approximately 10 years ago. No matter how hard my…
Early On-set sadness
My DH seems to be advancing rapidly in his disease; he is only 61. I feel guilty that it's because I can't provide the level of care he needs. We've made too many trips to the ER lately. Most recently, he fell out of bed, tripped on a metal step stool, broke it, and then snapped the stabilizing bar, and it stabbed him in…
Caregiving for Parent when you have a full time job and a teenager
Good morning. I am new to this forum and located in Wichita, KS. My mother has some memory issues resulting from an unknown stroke about a year go but discovered after she had a fender bender last March. I am 55, work a full time job, have a 16yo at home and two dog :smile: . She has always lived independently (my dad…
Special needs trust
We’re meeting with a lawyer to go over our wills. There’s going to be a discussion about “self settled special needs trust” vs “third party trust”. My wife is turning 65 on October 12. She was just diagnosed this year. I’m thinking a third party trust would be fine. Does that make sense?
Need help for my mom
My step father is caring for my mom who is quite advanced, she doesn’t really get any interaction with anyone, they live in a small town in Nevada so not many resources there. My step dad is slowly losing it with my mom, short fuse and all, he wants to put her in a State home but mom still recognizes everyone , just has a…
Feeling defeated
I am new to this forum and after reading through other's posts, I finally feel validated and not alone. I am the caregiver for my Mom who was diagnosed with dementia 2 years ago. She has been living with me for approximately a year after needing more care than could be provided at the ALF she was living in. She has become…
Meal Ideas
Hi everyone! My mom previously was an adventurous eater. Lately, she has trouble with finding foods she likes to eat. Her tastes have changed and she tends to just eat "junk" (chocolate, pretzels, peanut butter crackers, ice cream). Even things she liked a week ago, she says she does not like them anymore. We're trying to…
Power of Attorney
My wife has early-mid stage Alzheimer’s and anosognosia. I’ve been told I need power of attorney, but I have questions about that. Do I really need this, given that all our assets are held jointly? Is there a way to set up power of attorney without confronting her with her condition? She gets upset when that happens and…
Help With Care for My Mom & Myself
My mother was recently diagnosed with Dementia. Currently, I have in-home help which I plan to continue as much as we can. I am wondering if anyone knows of support groups (the ones I've found in my area are already full). This is completely new to me and I want to ensure I am doing the best I can for my mother. Any help…
Challenges over Loss of Control
Good afternoon! I'm a brand-new poster and am an only child to my 79-year-old mom with VD. She's in memory care and has been in decline for years, with bigger deficits after stroke-type symptoms and multiple falls. Over the past year, she's become more paranoid and accusatory about my not visiting enough, the management of…
Support for the spouses or partners of dementia caregivers!
:/ Is there any information on support groups for the spouses or partners or the caregivers or info on what it can do to a relationship or marriage? Any information is greatly appreciated!
post placement
Over the past 7 years I've been caring for my DH I've benefited so much from the advice and knowledge of these discussions. We celebrated our 60th wedding anniversary this year and next week I will be placing him in memory care. I am devastated and and would really appreciate hearing from those who have been through it…
First-Time Poster Requesting Support
Hello to you all. This is my first time to post in the forum. I have been reading a few posts that may help me with my father. At his most-recent visit with his neurologist, we were told he was at stage 6B of Alzheimer's. We have been living with what we were told was dementia for several years, and the Alzheimer's…
Emotional Abuse
Hi there, This is my first post and, I'm really desperate for help or advice. I am moving cross country to care for and support my mother who was just diagnosed with Alzheimer's (though, I think this has been progressing over the last several years). I am doing everything I can to help her and it never seems like enough or…
Help Needed: POA Grey Area Pre-Hospice
Looking for any help out there I can get. My dad has ALZ/VD stage 5, 80yo, is in AL/Enhanced Care. I am the activated POA and my dad has requested no ER, no hospital, no ambulance. He is still being seen by PCP and cardiologist. Dad has many medical issues in addition to moderately severe dementia; heart failure, diabetes,…
My DH was just diagnosed with Alz
My Dh was just diagnosed with early stages of Alzheimer’s. He’s doing well now but we are both overwhelmed with making decision s for the future. Do we stay in our home of 45 years or downsize to an adult community? If we stay put, how to prepare to make home safe? How and where do I get help when I need it? What legal…
resources for re-homing a rescue dog in Middle Tennessee
Hi folks, Thanks for all your support and wisdom. I've been lurking for months, reading and gaining support, but this is my first post. My sis and I are remotely supporting a father with ES dementia and a mother who is highly functional but recovering from a serious TBI herself, requiring massive caregiver support for…
Repetition is "expressing concern, ask for help or coping"
An Alz.org page states "People with dementia who ask questions repeatedly may be trying to express a specific concern, ask for help, or cope with frustration, anxiety or insecurity" Does that apply to your PWD? I'm not sure what "help" one is asking for, unless it is a question about something specific, like a CD account…