Feeling defeated
I am new to this forum and after reading through other's posts, I finally feel validated and not alone. I am the caregiver for my Mom who was diagnosed with dementia 2 years ago. She has been living with me for approximately a year after needing more care than could be provided at the ALF she was living in. She has become…
Meal Ideas
Hi everyone! My mom previously was an adventurous eater. Lately, she has trouble with finding foods she likes to eat. Her tastes have changed and she tends to just eat "junk" (chocolate, pretzels, peanut butter crackers, ice cream). Even things she liked a week ago, she says she does not like them anymore. We're trying to…
Power of Attorney
My wife has early-mid stage Alzheimer’s and anosognosia. I’ve been told I need power of attorney, but I have questions about that. Do I really need this, given that all our assets are held jointly? Is there a way to set up power of attorney without confronting her with her condition? She gets upset when that happens and…
Help With Care for My Mom & Myself
My mother was recently diagnosed with Dementia. Currently, I have in-home help which I plan to continue as much as we can. I am wondering if anyone knows of support groups (the ones I've found in my area are already full). This is completely new to me and I want to ensure I am doing the best I can for my mother. Any help…
Challenges over Loss of Control
Good afternoon! I'm a brand-new poster and am an only child to my 79-year-old mom with VD. She's in memory care and has been in decline for years, with bigger deficits after stroke-type symptoms and multiple falls. Over the past year, she's become more paranoid and accusatory about my not visiting enough, the management of…
Support for the spouses or partners of dementia caregivers!
:/ Is there any information on support groups for the spouses or partners or the caregivers or info on what it can do to a relationship or marriage? Any information is greatly appreciated!
post placement
Over the past 7 years I've been caring for my DH I've benefited so much from the advice and knowledge of these discussions. We celebrated our 60th wedding anniversary this year and next week I will be placing him in memory care. I am devastated and and would really appreciate hearing from those who have been through it…
First-Time Poster Requesting Support
Hello to you all. This is my first time to post in the forum. I have been reading a few posts that may help me with my father. At his most-recent visit with his neurologist, we were told he was at stage 6B of Alzheimer's. We have been living with what we were told was dementia for several years, and the Alzheimer's…
Emotional Abuse
Hi there, This is my first post and, I'm really desperate for help or advice. I am moving cross country to care for and support my mother who was just diagnosed with Alzheimer's (though, I think this has been progressing over the last several years). I am doing everything I can to help her and it never seems like enough or…
Help Needed: POA Grey Area Pre-Hospice
Looking for any help out there I can get. My dad has ALZ/VD stage 5, 80yo, is in AL/Enhanced Care. I am the activated POA and my dad has requested no ER, no hospital, no ambulance. He is still being seen by PCP and cardiologist. Dad has many medical issues in addition to moderately severe dementia; heart failure, diabetes,…
My DH was just diagnosed with Alz
My Dh was just diagnosed with early stages of Alzheimer’s. He’s doing well now but we are both overwhelmed with making decision s for the future. Do we stay in our home of 45 years or downsize to an adult community? If we stay put, how to prepare to make home safe? How and where do I get help when I need it? What legal…
resources for re-homing a rescue dog in Middle Tennessee
Hi folks, Thanks for all your support and wisdom. I've been lurking for months, reading and gaining support, but this is my first post. My sis and I are remotely supporting a father with ES dementia and a mother who is highly functional but recovering from a serious TBI herself, requiring massive caregiver support for…
Repetition is "expressing concern, ask for help or coping"
An Alz.org page states "People with dementia who ask questions repeatedly may be trying to express a specific concern, ask for help, or cope with frustration, anxiety or insecurity" Does that apply to your PWD? I'm not sure what "help" one is asking for, unless it is a question about something specific, like a CD account…
New to this forum. Diagnosed over 4 years ago
Not sure if this is the place to introduce myself; but I had Encephalitis twice - from West Nile Virus and Powassan Virus AND Lyme Disease 7 times. Dr. told me the viruses started this ball rolling. I was doing well, dealing with changes in my life, except not driving. I haven't accepted that well. I've been going between…
I'm on the autism spectrum and Mom has dementia
So, hello, I'm new here. I've been feeling very isolated, alone, confused, frustrated. My mom is a drinker. She got a dwi in January. She's almost 75. She's almost died. She was almost 3 times the legal limit after being found in a field face down next to a church near her home in 2023. She laid there all night in the…
Advice Needed, Please
Hello. Does anyone have advice on what to do when the staff and administration of a nursing home are unhelpful? My mother has Alzheimer's, and yesterday, I called to ask if the doctor could please call me after he saw my mom. ( The Dr.s office is independent of the nursing home, and because the nursing home would not…
New behaviors from mom
Hi all I am new here. I live 5 hours away from my mom. She recently threw away her wedding rings including her beautiful 50 year wedding anniversary diamond rings my dad gave her. He passed away 12 years ago. She said since he won't come home and doesn't care about her she doesn't care either....the entire family is…
Dad's anger and my mental well-being
Hello, I am beginning to wonder if my visits with dad do more harm than good. He really wants to go home. The demands increase and intensify. I end up just having to figure out ways to excuse myself so he doesn't escalate more. Agitation and pacing have already been concerns for the nurse practitioner at his memory care…
Doctor appointments
Hi all, My mom (69) was recently diagnosed with Alzheimer's and I (28) am her caregiver. It's difficult being so young and trying to figure some things out on my own. I don't have any experience and no one in my family does either. I am learning as I go. Since my mom has started her diagnosis journey, she finds every…
How to become a provider for my Dad
This is a long story short. New to this. Dad has Dementia pretty bad and wife kicked him out 2 weeks ago. Us kids have been trying to care but super hard with this new lifestyle for him. The other day he fell at my sister's and we were in the ER for 2 days. He was transferred to a rehabilitation facility. He hates it. I…
How to Parent a Parent: When They Need Help But Think They Are Fine
Hi, all, My mother has always been a huge extravert. But as her Alzheimer's progresses, she's starting to become more socially isolated and doesn't like meeting new people. She's also kind of "moody" at times and sometimes doesn't even want to talk with her friends. We're no longer comfortable with her being home by…
Baby Doll or Fidget Blanket
My Sweet mom is in a nursing home and is beginning to fidget with her hands. She likes to try to fold her clothing protector, and my one sister wants to get her a baby doll. My other sister suggests a lap blanket with things on it for her to play with. Does anyone have any thoughts on which is better? Thank you!
Father in law early stages , and visiting him soon
Hi everyone! So glad I found this website right now. What a relief wow. Story goes , my husband went to visit his parents in a different state last week. When he arrived, his brother pulled him aside and told him there father is starting to forget things, ask where he is, fighting with his wife and more. Side note : My…
Researching FACILITIES: Care Managers? Who to trust? What questions to ask? Where to begin?
My husband is only 56 and probably in stage 4. I understand that it's important that I research options for memory care now (or soon), because things can decline abruptly with early-onset AD. I got a list of "care managers" from the Alzheimer's Association hotline folks but they were careful to tell me that they "don't…
Anosognosia - Mom refuses help
I am the only living child and live on the other side of the country. Mom (89) has lived on her own for about 5 years since my dad passed away. During that time i have been paying her bills and doing as much as i can from across the country. I first noticed my mom starting to experience memory lapses about 20 months ago.…
Losing my mom...
Hello. I'm 100% new around these parts, but I was encouraged by the counselor I spoke with at the Alzheimer's Association to post my story here in search of those with shared experiences. I (53) live in Texas with my wife, and my mom (83) lives in Miami, FL. Since moving to Texas in late 2012, I've traveled back to Miami…
Traveling with AD, asking for help, lonely journey, how to cope?
Hi, I am new to this group. I am actively looking for help now. For the past 6 months, I have been struggling to care for my partner who is in moderate stage AD. Prior to that I was caring for her, but I was not so stressed about it. We are on a vacation now out of state after staying home for about one year, since the…
Searching for Millennial Elder Care Support Group in the DMV
Hi, looking for a point in the right direction for a support group either in-person or virtual in the DMV that is based on the experiences of other millennial care givers and their parents with Dementia/Alzheimers.
How do I handle the pets?
Hi, I’m new here. My husband and our 3 small kids moved in to help take care of his mother 3 years ago. She has dementia, suspected to be Alzheimer’s, and she had a stroke last year. Recently we have see a big decline in her ability to take care of herself and her pets. She maintained a lot of autonomy at first. With cues…