I just returned from a four day bus tour to Death Valley and Las Vegas, about 260 miles from my home. I had absolutely no problems on the trip--I slept well and had enough energy and was engaged. Now, back home, I don't feel well at all. I sleep poorly, I am very fatigued and don't even get dressed some days, and I can't…
You may find this interesting
22 Clues™ to the Dementias https://www.dementiasociety.org/post/22-clues-to-the-dementias The Big Umbrella https://www.paperturn-view.com/?pid=MjA201566
Teepa Interview
https://www.blogtalkradio.com/alzheimersspeaks https://www.blogtalkradio.com/alzheimersspeaks/2022/01/18/an-enlightening-conversation-with-two-leaders-in-dementia-care
Merry Christmas(1)
Peace on earth and joy to all! Iris
Free Brain Donation
I have been trying to add another version of this on the AA site but the file is too large. So for now this will have to do. I reached out to AA and so far not much help. This is very important for all? If AA is successful, you will see the better one. One of the best ways to advance research toward finding answers about…
Planning for Incapacity Without Family Friends to Help
Hello, I am new here. I am in my 60's and experiencing some cognitive changes. I will be tested in February 2022 with a neurologist. I am at elevated risk for Alz as my mother's side immediate family all had Alz and passed away in their 70's. I am actively trying to be proactive in planning for what may be coming my way.…
I recommend the following
I don’t like to recommend things that I can not prove. But after taking these for every long time they have been safe. I also believe they are helping along with the other drugs I take. No one will ever know if this combination works but I did a lot of studding and many do agree that there is some possibility. The ways I…
Tony Bennett and Lady Gaga
Will be on TV this coming Sunday CBS.
Reducing the Impact of Dementia in America: A Decadal Survey of the Behavioral and Social Sciences
Hot of the press form the Milken Institute - Scaling Comprehensive Dementia-Care Models.
Just like a shut down my web sites I am shutting down the information I share here
I can not continue to share 3rd party information that I feel would help you all. I have access to the best folks in and always hot off the press. When I thought it would be helpful I shared it with you . But I am really getting tired of being the one that has to defend things here. If someone wants to step up to receive…
This may help you with bills and financial issues
Hello Everyone, It was suggested that I share my question with you on this forum. My question is if I have been tested for early onset Alzheimer's am I immune from getting late onset Alzheimer's? I was tested for early onset a few years ago and I was told that I didn't have early onset. Both of my parents have died from…
What to do when you get a letter saying your Neurologist has left the practice
No notice he is gone, I called & asked they say they have no info on where. They have one young Dr in office accepting new patients, she concentrates on headaches, no mention of Alz. I am kind of in a panic. What to do?
Three NOTs and a WILL
I fell into a deep depression in 2009 when the head geriatrician at an ARDC said to me, "You have to accept that you have dementia!" I came through my deep depression by making these resolutions that guide me still today. **If I have dementia, I'm not going out like a victim. **I'm not going to sit on the sofa and wait to…
How long can a solo PWD live alone successfully?
It is important to note that approximately seventy percent of PWDs have anosognosia, and thus are not in a position to live alone successfully for long. This is because they are unaware of their limitations and safety concerns and their need to make adjustments in their lives. The PWDs who read and post here do not have…
Largescale brain epigenetics study provides new insights into dementia
Ground-hog Day
A caregiver complained about feeling stifled because every day was the same. I responded that PWDs require Ground-hog days in order to function. I notice this about myself. I also call it living in a bubble. I feel most comfortable in my bubble, where every day is mostly the same. I used to resist this because sameness is…
Stages of ALZ
I was diagnosed with ALZ 2 and a half years ago. I know it effects everyone differently. But will you mind sharing how long you have been in the early stage.
Tony Bennett has Alzheimer's
News reports tonight that Tony Bennett has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's.
Is the cognitive testing always worth
I have posted here before, I continue to have a steady decline in some capacities. For example lately it has gotten hard to conceptualize things I read or people tell me. But there is much more. So my question is aside from financial benefits like having an insurance and official recognition of an illness are there other…
Tips for Improving Mood for patient
Hello, My dad was diagnosed a few years ago, and lately things seem worse. He's having trouble using the computer and smart phone, also unmotivated to do anything else. He's even unmotivated to passively watch tv (reruns over and over again), which he did before. I want to ask about suggestions on things to do with him…
Therapy for PWDs? Not for me
Some people recommend therapy for PWDs but my experience suggests otherwise. I had two therapists, a psychologist and an LCSW. The LCSW tried to discourage me from seeking answers for my difficulties. The psychologist denied that I had cognitive problems. This went on for a year an a half, until I couldn't take it any more…
Shook me to the core
I am so upset. I watched the horrible video where three Loveland CO Police Officers badly hurt a frail PWD and then later callously laughed while reviewing the video from their cameras. This is the first time in my life where I'm now afraid of the police. I'm not yet 70, but I am somewhat frail. With my osteoporosis and a…
Working with MCI(1)
Does anyone have any thoughts regarding working/being able to work with a MCI diagnosis? Does anyone have relevant experience? Thank you.
pros & cons of being tested for Parkinsons when already have dementia
My mother is in her early 80s. She has been diagnosed with vascular dementia. She has an appointment in July with neurology to be tested for Parkinsons. What benefit is this? When I search online for treatments of Parkinsons, I find recommendations of exercise and good diet. But my mother refuses this "nonsense." My father…
The National Alliance for Caregiving Calls on White House to Prioritize Family Caregivers When Devel
Alzheimer’s Foundation of America unveils “The Apartment,” full-scale model dementia-friendly reside
Alzheimer’s Foundation of America unveils “The Apartment,” full-scale model dementia-friendly residence (Alzheimer's Foundation of America (custom credit) | Alzheimer's Foundation of America) By KOLD News 13 Staff Published: May. 22, 2021 at 12:50 AM EDT|Updated: 8 hours ago TUCSON, Ariz. (KOLD News 13) - The Alzheimer’s…
New Evaluation Guide for DFA Communities
Dementia Friendly America is pleased to share the newly released Dementia-Friendly Community Evaluation Guide. The Evaluation Guide, developed with funding from AARP, is geared toward local dementia-friendly community leaders and partners to help evaluate the impact of their DFA efforts. Measuring common outcomes of…
Early onset Alzheimer’s. I’m not 60 yet. Worse and worse short term memory issues effecting my marriage and work. Scared it’s getting worse so quickly that I need to find some quiet safe place to hunker down and not effect anyone. This isn’t going to get better or end well