A valuable resource guide via Michael Ellenbogen
We would like to share that one of the resources available through the Public Health Center of Excellence on Dementia Caregiving, A Guide on Advanced Care Planning Resources: For People Living with Dementia and Their Care Partners has been recently updated! To view the updated guide, you can…
I have just been diagnosed, a week ago, with the first stages of dementia. I am having an awful to E with night sweats. Any suggestions ?
I’m Still Me! A TED talk by Rebecca Chopp PhD on living well with Alzheimer’s.
I am posting this as I await a follow-up in a few weeks with my neurologist regarding my MRI. Watching this boosted my spirits. This is an inspiring talk by Rebecca Chopp, PhD, a retired college president and religion scholar, about how she crafts a vital life after being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. While Dr Chopp…
Thanksgiving Day
This is the time of year when tradition has us thinking of what we are thankful for. I am thankful for the emeritus and current members of this message board, who have supported me so much, and who have taught me so much. I would not be here today without them. I wish everyone a nice Thanksgiving Day commemoration. Iris
Neighbor with dementia both aggressive and sexually inappropriate
I rent an apartment. There is a gentleman on the floor where my apartment is located who has both been aggressive with me (trying to push his way into my apartment after offering to help me carry in groceries), physically grabbing me with both of his arms once in the laundry room and this evening, trying to kiss me. There…
My spouse has early dementia
:o :/
Scared of the Future changes.
Hi everyone I hope all had a blessed thanksgiving. I am starting to feel a little scared of the future with my mom. She mentioned today that she doesn’t remember our Christmas’s of when my brother and I were little. It seems her memory is slowly slipping more this year. I fear this may be one of our last holidays that she…
Options for living with Alzheimers
Hello, I am new and this is my first post. My wife, the love of my life, was diagnosed with early onset 2 days ago in Quito Ecuador. We are retired, me 62/she 56 bilingual hispanic, from Alaska to the coast of Ecuador. We lived the dream for almost 2 years on the beach which is really awesome. I plan on moving back to USA…
History of dementia in family
Both my parents have dementia and I have MCI. My psychiatrist put me on a low dose of lithium to help prevent possible dementia for myself. I am only 54.
Words ... trouble with words
I'm probably two years into having problems with words. I often describe things rather than use their noun name. A TV might be the "thing you watch stuff on." My Ipad is often "the flat thing that plays video." I wrote 1993 on a legal document a few days ago. How could I be decades off? This is My New Normal.
The Most Important Task
IMO, the most important task after receiving a diagnosis of cognitive impairment or dementia is to develop a philosophy. This is so I can go forward and keep going forward. I've been slipping into chaos lately, and only my philosophy keeps me going, because I have something to fall back on and to provide direction for my…
New to Group 😊
Hi All, Just finally received the news that I definitively have of Early Onset Alzheimer's about two weeks ago. After almost two years of a bunch of symptoms that were diagnosed one week and then told never mind it's not that, the next. I was starting to think I was a hypochondriac. 😆 Part of me is soooo happy to finally…
suicidal feelings
I was diagnosis with MCI in 2017 and ALZ in 2019. I am in the trial for the Eli Lilly drug and it did help slow the progression of the disease. if you get the drug first instead of a placebo you eventually have to switch go to the placebo. no one knows if I am on the drug or the placebo. I am pretty sure I started with the…
How Does One Deal with Moments of Anxiety and Frustration
Lately I have been experiencing moments when I am unable to complete a normal task, but anxiety level increases and I lose control with anger. Any suggestions?
Alzheimer's Diagnosis from a Traumatic Brain Injury
Hello my name is Millie and I am new to this website. Last year on March 31 I blacked out while standing on the sidewalk and hit my head on the left side top of my eyebrow and upper cheekbone. I immediately started experiencing memory loss and confusion, I couldn't even remember the year I was on. Moving forward my primary…
Head Fog
I was recently Dx with MCI at age 62. Had to stop working. Worked over 40 years as a professional in the health field. Familiar with dementia because my mom had this Dx and I was her care giver. Did not see myself getting this . I was a multi- tasker. Learning to adjust to my new life is not easy mentally and physically.…
New here
Hello group. I’m new to this forum and I’m looking for resources and help with my mother. My husband and I just moved in with her. Her sundown has her kicking us out every night. How can I divert this behavior or learn how to deal with it without it hurting me? Are there zoom support groups? Are there any 12 step programs?…
NEW PERSON HERE: I need help/advice
My mom and I do not know what to do about my dad. He has been acting irrational and loses his temper a lot. I have heard him tell my mom he wants a divorce and that she is no longer his wife and I am no longer his daughter. He has disconnected from us and watches tv all day long. On Father's Day this year, he wanted to…
Discussion with Authors on Dementia who Have Dementia
Michael Ellenbogen is one of the participants in this discussion. This is a reunion of five authors who came together on June 15, 2021 to talk about their diagnoses, how they cope with their conditions, manage to keep active and vital, maintain a positive attitude, and much more. We wanted to get together two years later…
Newly Diagnosed with Mild Cognitive Impairment
Hi everyone..I am 58 year old School Counselor newly diagnosed with MCI, based on Montreal Assesment. I have a variety of risk factors--family hx on paternal side (Grandmother, Uncle, Father) plus I have Type II Diabetes, Sleep Apnia, Peripheral arterial disease, etc. I am scheduled for a workup--blood test, MRI, and…
Patient thinks granddaughter who lives in household is stealing her posessions
Granddaughter who lives in household triggers paranoia. Wife thinks she stealing clothes and jewelry. Does it make sense to remove the granddaughter from the household?
Is my mother in law acting along with maybe have some dementia?
My MIL was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer’s. She is the most difficult person that I’ve ever seen and it’s causing so many problems. She lives with us too. When she first came about 1 year ago she saw dead puppy’s outside which was a stump, she saw people and kept asking for her Cadillac )which doesn’t even run) keys…
Family Pictures in her bedroom
Hello, I was wondering if this is good or not. I often show mom albums to distract her from her paranoia attacks ( I am spitting in her food etc) I guess this is a longer discussion for next time. However, my question is: Is it good to put family pictures ? new? old? all? or at all....
Information on Improving Emergency Care for People with Dementia from Michael Ellenbogen
Information from an organization seeking to improve medicare care for people with dementia. https://gearnetwork.org/about-gear-2/
Medicaid Assisted LivingWaivers (from Michael Ellenbogen via Lane)
Michael sent the following information on services Medicaid may cover: https://www.dementiacarecentral.com/medicaid/assisted-living-waivers
The Alzheimers Association site has become just to complicated for me and I am really thinking
The Alzheimers Association site has become just to complicated for me and I am really thinking of giving up. I have asked for help from moderators and they just ignore you. That don car one bit about those with dementia and the caregivers. This change was a disaster and they are maying changes by the seat of their paints.…
Recent diagnosis
I am a 57 year old divorced father of 2 (16 and 12) and have recentley been diagnosed with mild cognitive imparement. After having problems for some time, especially over the last several years, especially over the last calendar year I have been getting answers about my condition. The diagnosis process has been absolutley…
Medicare Change: Will Now Pay For Drugs Having FDA Approval
Medicare will now pay for drugs that have FDA approval including newly approved drugs for dementia. MDs will have to report patient response: https://www.aol.com/news/medicare-plans-pay-alzheimers-drugs-203839696.html J.