Live Green Hemp review
According to Southern Florida, live green hemp gummies review is dedicated to enhancing CBD's standard because of its own customers. The organization's whole procedure, from harvesting to testing, is completed in the USA in GMP-certified labs. They're known for their wide assortment of CBD-infused edibles and decorative…
Strategies for getting mom to accept daily care
Mom's got an unspecified dementia and also significant physical disabilities that make it impossible for her to leave her bed or wheelchair without assistance. After a frustrating experience with a nursing home, we have recently moved mom back to her home of more than 50 years, where she lives on the first floor and is…
I laugh or else I would cry update.
My mother was transferred from the ER to her placement last night around 10:30 PM. She seemed okay, been getting calls since 7:30 AM. They are going to transfer her back to the ER. The hospital laid out what she needed to be comfortable, and the administration agreed but unfortunately the staff and doctors were not playing…
When your heart breaks daily
Hi everyone, I'm pretty new to this forum and with long-distance helping my mom, recently diagnosed with dementia. I live in CA. She's in OH very close to 1 of my uncles and 2 of my cousins. How do you cope with feeling so helpless? Sometimes it's the little things that get me. She sent me a text this morning that said, 'I…
Behavior Neurologist?
In the last year I started taking care of a PWD that has been seeing a Behavior Neurologist. I guess they specialize in memory problems and changing behavior. I don't understand the benefits of this specialist. I am not able to change to a general neurologist because she is seeing a specialist. Has anyone worked with a…
How many people does it take
to change mom's diaper today? Four! Two to pull her up and hold her up with a gait belt. (Dad & me) Two CNA's to clean the poop from her butt, apply barrier cream and pull up the diaper properly. Mom actually asked to get out of bed today. So we(3 of us) used the gait belt to move her to the wheelchair and then to the…
What happens to Alzheimer's LO if the sole caregiver needs ambulance?
I am the sole caregiver for my moderate Alzheimer's LO. If I needed to call 911 for an ambulance for myself in a medical emergency, what would happen with her? She cannot be left alone. She no longer understands why the front door won't just open when we get back from a drive, she doesn't know what the smoke detector or…
No one cares
Need to vent. Truth be told, this caregiver position holds no joy for me. I'm not her hero nor do I want to be. My mother is a shell of herself and there is no end in sight. Help? What help. Her other children are living their lives saying how bad they feel for me. Really? I'm here by myself taking care of OUR mother. I'm…
New here and seeking support
Hello all My name is Charlotte and I am new to this board... I am hoping to make some connections with others out there who are caring for a parent or loved one with Alzheimer's. In my case it is for my mom. She will be 87 in February and was diagnosed with Alzheimer's in 2019. Prior to her diagnosis mom lived with me for…
Terminal Restlessness, anyone familiar?
Hi, This is my first time attempting any kind of forum, but I need help. My mother is in the beginning of Stage 7, or so the doctor says. We (my sister and I), are full time in my mothers home providing care around the clock. Until recently (because of our lack of finances and the PANDEMIC) have not reached out for help,…
Hi, My father has AD since a year and I heard testimonials about patients who take SIMUFILAM (cassava sciences) and are improving even after a year. Does anybody has an experience with a relative taking Simufilam? Thanks!
Exterior Specialists Tips On Exterior Painting
Painting the outdoors part of your home let you put together your property to be more presentable seeking out destiny buyers. Exterior part of your home is the face of your own home this is why portray it cautiously and with elegance will offer you self belief in achieving the look which you wanted for the house. Exterior…
Help? What to do about emergency placement if unable to live alone
Any experience with emergency placement? Or what I should do. Back story. My LO is a friend of the family. I have POA and all legal paperwork in place plus oversight of medical and financial. LO is so far very cooperative. LO has seen a neurologist and is getting MRI and Cognitive testing. A neurologist follow up will be…
Why is it that
a CNA from hospice can accomplish more in 30 minutes to an hour than a caretaker from Home Instead can accomplish is a 12 hour shift? The hospice tech can bathe and shampoo moms hair, dress her and get her settled in a wheel chair, and change the sheets and start a load of laundry in 30 minutes to an hour. Even clean moms…
Newly Wed with 4 yr old and Living with Mother with Alzheimer's
Hi Everyone, I am new here. My mom is 68 yrs old and was diagnosed with early onset dementia 2 yrs ago. 1 yr ago we had a test done that confirmed biomarkers for Alzheimer's. I am a newly wed (05/2021) and have a 4 yr old son. We currently live in the basement with my mom due to her not being able to be home alone. I am…
Anyone get headaches from the Yelling?
Most days I can deal with being home in the house while caregivers are in charge of my son with EO. But daily for several weeks now there comes a time later in the afternoon that the sundowning becomes intense and there is much yelling and nasty drama from my son. Unfortunately I have few chances to take a break and leave…
Advice for seasoned professional dealing with new issue
I have been a professional caregiver for 10 years. My last client was my sole client for 4 years. She passed away early in December. While I dealt with some of the common issues surrounding Alzheimer’s, aggression was never a problem. I started with a new client yesterday and I understand that he sundowns pretty badly and…
Just when I thought it can’t get worse
I posted a while back about my mom and sis. Mom is moderate to severe (favoring severe), sis has been diagnosed with pseudo dementia, then broke her hip. After surgery sis’s dementia symptoms worsened. We placed mom while sis was in hospital for surgery. Sis was sent to rehab, everyone she dealt with said she can’t live…
Eating issues(2)
Hello everyone, I have a question and could use some advice from other people who have been there. My mom has Alzheimer's and my dad is her full time care taker. I help when I can and see them several days a week, but I live a few towns over and work full time, so the majority of her care falls on him. The last few months…
Can only hear about my dad's dementia from 2300 miles away
Hello, I live in Atlanta, GA and my dad and mom are in Southern California. That's always gonna be home for me and my husband, but we relocated to the Southeast about 15 years ago to make a fresh start. My 89-year old dad has dementia. They call it "vascular dementia". I receive all information about my dad and his…
Cell Phone(1)
Our uncle has Alzheimers and still is able to drive. He keeps losing his phone and is now at the place where he can't use it. Does anyone have any suggestions about the best type of cell phone for someone with dementia? We're worried about him driving off and getting lost. We got him a flip phone with GPS and a medical…
Weight worries
I'm wondering about what other people experience with their loved ones who worry about their weight. I'm trying to organize my thoughts on this so they make sense in this message. I saw someone else's message regarding sugar and it made me want to ask this. My entire life, mom struggled with her weight. She tried every…
Is mumbling a part of Alz? I often strain to hear or understand what my wife says. And it’s not a dental problem…her teeth are in very good shape, and they’re all her own.
Hello friends, new around here!
Wanted to say hello and wish you well. My brother, sister, and I are looking for some help with Mom's Alzheimer's diagnosis. This is all new to us. So far, we have her at her home. She had some incidents with local police, fire department, and neighbors and we realized she wasn't safe at home any more. My brother's boy…
To Place or Not To Place
I'm 74 and my wife is 73. She's had Alzheimer's for a few years however, in the past four months, she's been on a downhill slide marked by heightened confusion and forgetfulness. We live in a two-story home but, recently, I had our bed and night tables brought into the dining room after removing the furniture. Now, we have…
SO and my mother, how do you deal.
Question, what do you do when your SO hates your parent with dementia with valid reason they have a tumultuous relationship to say the least, yet your parent keeps going out of their way to try and mend the fence so to speak? We are talking a level of hatred that goes as far that my mother was not allowed to come to our…
not wandering but sleeping constantly
Hi, my mother, recently diagnosed with dementia, is not in danger of wandering. In fact, she sleeps much of the time in a chair, the sofa, and at night in her bed. Sometimes she is more alert and can engage with things up to a point. I've read a lot about people wandering when dementia progresses, but is the constant…
I'm not sure how much longer I can persevere...new to boards and need help!
Thank you for listening, I'll try to abbreviate this: * I am the caregiver for my mother, I'm 60 - she is 86. Father died 10 years ago. * We moved to the south last April from the northeast, I am her only child, a female, divorced, no children. We live in absolute paradise - sunshine, nice house (not fancy or new, but…
considering moving mom with advanced stage in with me
I am wondering if anyone has done this: Moved their mom or dad with advanced dementia in with them? My mom needs help with everything. She is in a broda chair, and they use a hoyer lift to move her, and she is on hospice - mainly for showering and the weekly check ups. I am single and work full time, but would consider…
What was I thinking? He's back in dreamland - I'm wide awake.
The irony. I am not the one with the bladder issues but here I sit, unable to sleep while my LO snores peacefully, dreaming of who knows what. A short while ago I was awakened from a sound sleep, as always... although we got 4 hours in this time before DH started his nighttime bathroom excursions. That's great! Win #1.…