Writing poetry in my grief
I lost my mom two months ago to Alzheimers and started writing poetry for the first time ever about my grief last week. I've used my poems to explain my thoughts and feelings to friends and family and it helps with processing her loss. Writing poems has also helped me feel pride in something which is different from the…
To You.
To all of you who have lost your Loved One, I hope your heart is full with happy memories and you will have a truly Merry Christmas.
LO passed after difficult decision
My terrible Christmas: 77M, stage 5/6. Diagnosed in 2015 but had cognitive decline since 2012ish. On 12/18/21, went to ER with diverticulitis and a rupture in colon. The options presented were: major surgery with colostomy bag, "Hail Mary" option was to use antibiotic treatment along with a possible abcess drain, or enter…
first christmas in an empty house
my great aunt died this spring and now the house i live in is empty i walked home from christmas breakfast today, but had no one to wake up for our own special christmas breakfast when i got back i put my present and some candy on her chair and now ive just spent the day staring hard at my christmas tree trying not to…
Holidays better with husband gone
My 60 yr old husband and I were together 37 years. The last 12 were hell, since dementia chose to come visit. The final 2 years were spent in MC. NEVER EVER EVER would my dear kind loving man want to live….. as he did. My man had left long ago, leaving this shell. It was with great relief when he died 7/5/2021. A huge…
a room full of senior care supplies
her room is full of senior care stuff, there is no open floor space. what did you do with your stuff?
Seems like I was just with mom a few weeks ago!
My sweet, precious mom died 2 years ago but I swear it feels like I was just with her and she just left us a few weeks ago! I think of my mom that often, still with a lot of sadness and loss. I haven't asked my siblings how they feel now, but they didn't take care of her. They didn't experience the hardship, the horror,…
I don't quite qualify
I'm new to this particular discussion board. Normally I post on "Spouses & Caregivers" or "Musings". Let me start off by admitting my life partner and beloved better half hasn't "passed on". She has been in long term care for a little over a year. With Covid restrictions I've sometimes have had to go months without seeing…
Mom Passed On Tuesday Night.
This will be short, simply because I don't know what to say, but I've gotten a good deal of support from these forums even when I wasn't regularly posting, and it feels right to give notice. She passed late Tuesday afternoon/early evening. She was 62 years old. It was peaceful, with me and my step-dad at her side, holding…
I've lost so many to this disease...
My grandfather on my dad's side had Alzheimers as well as my dad's sister. Then my dad passed away from it in2016but it was never determined which kind he had, I believe it was Lewy body due to the way he acted. Shortly after my dad died, my mother started showing symptoms of Dementia which we later determined that to be…
12.5 years.... Letting her stuff go....
Mom has now been gone twelve and a half years. A couple days ago I went to her room and began bagging and boxing her things. I drove 9 large bags of clothes and multiple boxes to the salvation army. It was roughly a third of her clothes so I still have work to do. It was painless. But even now, all these years later as I…
Bittersweet Mother's Day
Mom was released from dementia three years ago on Mother's Day. She was surrounded by love; my husband and I, my sister and her daughter, my daughter and her husband, my niece, we were all there. Our church friends were out in the MC lobby, and came in to say their goodbyes. She had a peaceful, even beautiful, passing.…
FIL has passed
My father in law with dementia died this past weekend. Even though it was not entirely unexpected given his age and dementia, it was a surprise nonetheless. He was a wonderful father to my spouse and my spouse's brother. He served his country during wartime in the Navy. It wasn't easy caring for him, but I was glad I had…
Meant to be
My DH died on April 7th this year. As you can imagine I'm being swept up by waves of grief, although interspersed with days I feel OK. I talk out loud to him every day and, on good days, chuckle with him. Last week I suddenly thought about the circle of life and wouldn't it be nice if I could find a puppy born the week…
Mom passed away June 15, 2021
Hello, It's been years since I have posted here. I came here for questions and support, life got very busy, and I am back here now because my mom passed away last June. I miss her terribly and having to lose her during covid was horrible. I thank God we were allowed in her assisted living facility for her final days, but…
Dad has passed - how long does the numbness last?
Dad passed less than 2 weeks ago (4/28) - after less than 2 years with a dementia diagnosis. The swiftness of this disease for him shocks me. I've cried (lots) but at the same time feel still kind of numb most times - similar to the day when he passed. I feel like life is still not quite real, if that makes sense to…
Lovely story - knocked me for six
My DH died 2.5 weeks ago. He had EO dementia and had progressed quite quickly, and was 60 when he died. This morning I was walking our dog when a neighbor stopped her car to talk to me. In the 12 years we've lived here, I've only spoken to her once. She said she'd heard about DH and she was sorry and started saying "Last…
Nearly a year since my mother died.
I am remembering her final days, making the decision for comfort care at the hospital, the conflicting emotions. I am remembering the vigil and how nurses were telling my sister and I that it was obvious our mother was a wonderful mother, because our continuous presence declared it. My sister and I would exchange looks and…
Mom said she is done eating
Yesterday mom only drank about 1/4 of her chocolate ensure. This morning I asked if she was hungry. She just flat out told me no and she mumbled that she is done eating. She is sleeping almost around the clock, completely out of it when awake. She will drink water and does mumble that she wants her meds, but even the water…
Wedding Anniversary
On Tuesday March 2, 2021 it would of have been our 19th year wedding anniversary. My Lydia was the prettiest bride in the world. I was a very lucky man. My DW Lydia has been gone a little over 4 months - I miss her every second, of every minute, of every day. I still work, and beginning to do some household things that I…
A article I found
I am feeling low today. I am trying to make sense of my life instead of doing the work they pay me to do. So I was Internet surfing and came across this well written article on a person who lost his wife to the insidious disease of Alzheimer's. As he tries to say -.. "an attempt to capture grief in to words."…
Hospice accuracy
This is kind of a cross post from the caregivers forum. My LO was put on hospice last week and their evaluating nurse estimated a couple weeks to a month or so to passing. I am curious of other peoples experience with estimated times left for life. I was really taken back they have this time estimate. I know anything can…
Caregiver Guilt
Hello, I am new to the community. However not new to the disease. I buried three aunts before the age of 30 with alzheimer's and now my mother this year . My mother had cerebral palsy and was mentally handicap . My father passed when i was 21 at age of 72 and my mother was 20 years younger. I assumed guardianship and power…
2 months on
Hello everyone, My name is Alexis. I recently lost my grandmother to Alzheimer's in November 2020. Her death felt like one more tragedy to an already frustrating year. It was so heartbreaking and so difficult - there was no one in this world that I loved more than her and it was even more difficult to lose her around the…