Can delusions/hallucinations/paranoia stop
Hi all, I have read many posts and find comfort in them. I haven’t posted myself in quite some time. My mom has not been formally diagnosed, but we have noticed some cognitive decline. A little short term memory issues. Some trouble in making large meals with all the steps involved. But for the most part she is still able…
Looking for doctor resources
We are in the north DFW Plano/Allen/McKinney area and are trying to find a new primary care (after a great one retired) and neurologist to help us with treatments and medications. The ones we found so far do not have much experience with Alz/Dem or they don't take the secondary insurance we are using. One red flag was when…
In home hospice
Daddy passed out early Friday morning and I had to call an ambulance to take him to the hospital. Turned out he was very dehydrated again even though I had been pushing liquids toward him every hour he would be awake. The dehydration led to a UTI and his blood pressure dropped and they suspect he had another stroke, mild…
I don't know what to do.(1)
My mother has had a personality change and her short term memory is almost non existent anymore. My Dad, brother and I tried about 4 years ago to approach her about her memory possibly seeking help when we noticed it and she went off angrier on us than I can ever remember in my life. So, it just became something we all…
Antipsychotic meds (Seroquel)
My ADLO (Mom) takes multiple meds (Citalopram, Memantine, Donepezil), some for many years. She is in her middle stages and her confusion, aggitation, anger and aggressive verbal behavior with AL staff and family is growing. Her PCP wants to begin Mom on Seroquel 25mg @ night, with another 25mg available daily. As I read…
You CAN Still Smile
So on Monday I posted about my anxiety because my son was taking me to my first Ravens football game that night for my birthday and I felt so guilty about going. Thank you to all that responded and encouraged me to go. After having my breakdown and seeing that my husband was having a fairly decent I went to the game. It…
Bible Verse to Lift You Up 10/13/21
A GOOD NAME GOD THOUGHT: Proverbs 3:3-4 NIV “Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man.” * VICTORY GOAL: When I am faithful and loving to those in my life, I win God’s favor. * POWER…
Facilities - Lewy Body; Aggressive Behavior
My Father in Law was recently diagnosed with Lewy Body Dementia and has been exhibiting more aggressive behaviors. We are finding that most facilities are not willing to accept him and home care with hospice support is not enough. Welcome any/all recommendations on how to locate a facility in the Myrtle Beach/Little River,…
Alzheimer's Treatment Centers of America
Has anyone here had any experience with the Alzheimer's Treatment Centers of America ??? To date, there are only 2 .. one is in Atlanta, GA and the other is in Cumming, GA .. would be interested if others have been to either of these centers .. I am not feeling that my husband is getting a full comprehensive diagnosis…
financial advisor asking for proof of AD
My LO's financial advisor who works for a very large financial services firm says his compliance office is asking for a signed doctor's note that says my LO has AD. I have PoA (which they have been given a copy) so I find this extremely unnecessary, intrusive and uncaring towards the difficulties family members face in…
Re-post: member looking for advice on Korsakoff Symdrome
A member named Lemonwood asked a question over in the Young Onset board and hasn't gotten any responses. Perhaps there are members here who have had a LO with Korsakoff and may be interested in responding. See the comment here : alzconnected.org/discussion.aspx?g=posts&t=2147558235
A fib and dementia
I had to bring mom to the ER due to serious dehydration and profound weakness. The visiting nurse said this would be best for her and I agreed because she was in pretty bad shape. Now we are at the hospital where she will be admitted but waiting 5 hrs in the ER for a bed. The first thing they start up about is aFib. To…
Please pray for our mom
Hi everyone. I have posted on here a few times over the last year or so regarding my mom's situation with FTD. I am very sorry to share that she suffered a massive hemorrhagic stroke last week. She made her wishes clear in this kind of situation, so all we can do now is make our precious mom as comfortable as possible as…
On the wall of a temple in Kyoto, there is a poem carved in the stone on a wall entitled "Loss". It consists of only 3 words, but they are scratched out by the poet. One cannot read "Loss"-- One can only feel it.
Bible Verse to Lift You Up 10/12/21
THINK CONFIDENTLY * Philippians 4:8 New Living Translation “And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.” * Aim to think thoughts that are uplifting, full of…
ANNUAL certification of Alz for tax deduction of expenses??
As I understand, my mother with alz can claim tax deductions for some or all of her assisted living expenses related to alzheimers. Since she wouldn't be there were it not for her diagnosis, just about all of her AL expenses seem to be deductible. The IRS, however, also says that the condition must be certified within the…
Assisted Living versus Memory Care versus in-home care?
Hello, My mother was just diagnosed with Alzheimer's and I'm her primary long distance care giver. She has three children, aside from myself, my sister lives in New Zealand which is in major lock down from COVID and my brother lives in Boston. My brother's wife allegedly has a weak immune system and he is refusing to…
Memory Care Safety
This is my first time posting but I have some questions. My father is being placed in a MC facility in a couple of weeks. He's about late stage 6. He fell and broke his hip over the summer and has had 24hr care at home since then. He gets out of bed and is quite unsteady and says he wants to go to the bathroom (usually…
How to get my mom to the doctor for dementia diagnosis
At my mom's yearly health exam my mom's doctor had provided a referral for a neuropsychological test to see if she does in fact have dementia. My mom stated that she'll not go because she doesn't feel that she has any issues. I have the ability to make appointments for her and have done so for the test. I'm thinking that…
Asking To Come Home From Facility
Hello. I am new here. My wonderful mother is progressing in her Alzheimer's journey, and we recently admitted her to a very cozy, nice personal care home. She is agitated and asks to come home, and wants me to take her to her mother and her baby. I am struggling with how to comfort her, and let her know we haven't…
It has been left up to me
Here is the situation. There are a couple of people in this... 1. My mother 2. My sister (visits, takes mother to appointments) 3. Me (primary caregiver) Recently my mother has been acting erratically, see hallucinations, has delusions and is threatening to go to her "real home". She walked out of the house and started a…
Something good
Today is my cousin's 83rd birthday. In April 2020 she spent nine days hospitalized with Covid-19. Today she has no side effects or complications and is in good health for her age. I'm so happy for her! Just because someone is old, doesn't mean they will automatically succumb to Covid. Iris
Is in-home care/assistance possible for financially challenged?
TX., Hays county I look after my mother who has been diagnosed with ALZ and dementia. Trying to keep her at home for as long as possible due to only having enough savings for around 8 months in a memory care facility. Currently about 30 hours into a bad episode. Would be nice to have someone to call/assistance during times…
Extreme guilt and anxiety
My DH has declined in the last few days. My son is taking me to my first Ravens football game tonight for my birthday. This is something that has been on my bucket list but I had always thought we would go as a family, which of course cannot happen. I am so torn and feeling guilty about leaving him to go do something fun.…
New to this board(5)
Hello and an introduction. I'm Gary and my wife is Michele. I'm 72 and Michele is 66. She was diagnosed with ALZ 3 years ago after having an MRI . Before that was progressive dementia for about two years. It's now progressing noticeably from month to month. With our last visit, a few weeks ago with her Neurologist I was…
When is it time for a MC facility?
Hi everyone. I’ve posted a couple of times and have gotten some amazing advice and feedback so here I am again. For those who have a loved one in a MC facility, how did you know it was time? I’m 95% certain it’s time for my mom to be in one. The proverbial last strawberry happened earlier this week when my mom physically…
Someone asked me to give them information that would help caregivers for an article. So, I wrote the
I will give you a bunch of bullet points and if interested we can speak about the ones you would like to know about so you can write the article. You must be come a detective if you want to become a good caregiver. Need to learn to think outside the box Expect the worse of thinks and if you are surprised you did not…
Finding meaning
Taken from Daily Comforts for caregivers by Pat Samples and reading for October 10: “I wonder why I’ve ended up as a caregiver. It seems so strange. This is not what I had planned for my life. It has demanded far more of me than I ever imagined I could endure. Why is this happening? I know there are no easy answers to this…
Taking care of selfish older sibling
I wonder if my situation might be more rare in that it’s my older sister who has dementia and I’m the youngest. She never married or had children and our brother won’t take her in, so I’m it. Me and my husband, that is. I’ve read some people’s comments on here about how their loved one has fairly severe memory issues but…
attorneys and such
Hi. It has been awhile since I've posted. I've been working to file for guardianship for my father. I have a CELA attorney that I'm working with and looks like we should be able to file within the next week. My question is this: back in June I found out my stepmother was attempting to have my father sign another dpoa after…