Flummoxed - staff/resident crushes with a side question of sexual orientation thrown in
Well, this is tricky. My sister Peggy moved into memory care back in October, and has generally done well there. In spite of being about twenty years younger than the other residents, she's made friends, and seems to be well-liked by staff and residents (even with Alzheimer's she's pretty easy-going). Sooo, a few weeks ago…
What to Do if LO is suddenly angry and wants no help from you now, the POA?
HELP! My aunt has no children and asked me, a nurse, her niece to be her medical and general POA years ago. She fell in 2018 broke her spine and pelvis and me and my husband flew to her state to help her at her request. We helped her find a SNF/rehab after the hospital discharged her after three days, then an assisted…
First days in assisted living with MCI
TLDR - don’t move LO into a facility on a Friday. Be warned. I felt pressure to get on with it because I have to go home to my country in a couple of weeks, but the first availability for movers was Friday morn, which they annoyingly switched to afternoon as I said in the other thread. It’s not a disaster but is making mum…
Caregiver’s chronic grief
My 86 year old mom has moderate Alzheimer’s and is living in a nursing home. My siblings live out of state so I’m the primary caregiver. My mom is forgetting faces and names but she knows I’m her daughter. When I visit her, I try to focus on having a nice time with her by giving her a pedicure and taking her out for walks.…
Losing stamina
There's no question that my father needs to be in Assisted Living. He is still living alone by himself with a daily caregiver/aide coming for 5-6 hours during the day, but leaving him alone at night has become riskier. He can no longer work his phone except for calling a few simple preset contacts. He would not be able to…
Recent UCSF study on sleep and loss of neursons
I thought others might be interested in this article. UCSF research indicates that loss of neurons causes drowsiness in Alzheimer's patients. https://www.ucsf.edu/news/2022/03/422536/loss-neurons-not-lack-sleep-makes-alzheimers-patients-drowsy
Being Mortal
This is a really important book. I highly recommend it to anyone who is caregiving to a PWD. It's about what matters in the end of life. "Being Mortal" by Atul Gawande. Thank you Terrei for mentioning this book recently. I ordered it the same day I read your comment about it.
Bible Verse to Lift You Up 3/31/22
GAIN CHRIST * Philippians 3:8 Amplified Bible "..., I count everything as loss compared to the priceless privilege and supreme advantage of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord [and of growing more deeply and thoroughly acquainted with Him—a joy unequaled]. For His sake I have lost everything, and I consider it all garbage, so…
Update on My Heart (Dad)
Well after much back and forth with hospice, they agreed dad could go to the ER by ambulance and they would pick up if the hospital didn't keep him or discharge if the hospital admits. So he was taken by ambulance to the ER on yesterday. They admitted to the hospital stating he is dehydrated, low sodium, and blood sugar…
Stage 8(1)
The situation is too abrupt. It escalated from a fall, surgery, an ICU stay, to home on comfort care for 10 days. That was brutal. There was so little sleep for the 3 main caregivers.Then there was the funeral two days ago. Now I can’t power down. I’m looking at jobs and classes to brush up on my skills. My brain is…
Eating prevented by sedation - is this withholding food?
My mom is 85 and has had dementia progressing steadily since 2018. She was in memory care, generally agitation-prone and hyper ambulatory, capable of recognizing family but mostly speaking in word salads. She’d lost a lot of weight from just not showing interest in or keeping focus on food. A femur fracture from a fall…
Self-Care (Free patterns for mini-quilts!)
Free Patterns for Mini Quilts Free Patterns for Mini Quilts Use these free patterns for tiny quilts, all less than 26" square, for projects you can assemble in a flash.
Need guidance. Mother in law not accepting any help
Hello. This is my first post on this website and I’m hoping anyone going through this can offer some guidance. My mother-in-law has started showing signs of cognitive decline and dementia. Over the past few weeks we’ve received calls from several people who are concerned. We discovered that she is not paying her bills or…
Bible Verse to Lift You Up 4/7/22
MY RECENT ONLINE MUSINGS WITH VERSES (SCROLL PAST LG. SPACES) DO NOT FRET Psalm 37:1-2 New International Version Psalm 37 Of David. "1 Do not fret because of those who are evil or be envious of those who do wrong; 2 for like the grass they will soon wither, like green plants they will soon die away." BELIEVE, NOT DOUBT…
Can't hire caregiver because 'That's YOUR job.'
Hi everyone, so I posted not too long ago about being a young person dealing with caregiver stress. I am so grateful for all the replies I received and noticed a common suggestion is hiring a caretaker for our home. My grandma is 99 years old, bed-bound, and needs help with everything. My mom can't help much because she…
Finding someplace that accepts Medical
Hello, I am trying to help my step-father, who was diagnosed in December with Dementia of potential 3 different / co-morbid varieties (VD, FTD, or LewyBody). He was never one to plan for the future in any capacity. As such he doesn't have private insurance, or long term care insurance. The doctor has diagnosed his stage as…
King Boo Re: Deaf Metal
King Boo- Was it you who suggested Deaf Metal? If so, many thanks. I ordered my mom (not a PWD) a pair of simple CZ studs after she lost one of her hearing aids and she's really happy with them. I was quite impressed with the quality and the shipping time was phenomenal- under 48 hours. HB
Can't use the Connection feature
Can someone please instruct this knucklehead how to use the "Connections" feature? I can accept a connection from someone BUT after that I don't know what to do. I realize this is probably simple for most folks. Sincerely, abc "knuckehead" 123
Got the call
Hello everyone, it's been a while since I posted. Busy filling out paperwork for VA LTC for my mom. I got the call today, they have a bed for her. Will be taking her early next week. I wish I could have kept her here till she passed but it didn't work out that way. She is almost 88 years old and her physical health has…
What to do to save oneself
This is the 2 nd UTI in a year. My wife had me leave 3 days ago cause she didnt know who i was. One day later she wanted to know why i was gone. Married 50 years this Feb. my daughter was here so it was ok but first time we’ve ever been apart. Even now a week later she isnt always sure about me. We have been dealing wit…
Visit from the Hospice RN
My mom is comfortable, clean, eating when she's awake and well cared for here at my house. This long good bye is killing my dad, it's breaking him down more and more each day. He asked the nurse this morning if she is suffering. The nurse said no, actually she is very comfortable. He then asked the nurse how much longer…
Can you or can you not go to the emergency room when on hospice?
This is all so confusing reading online. Some readings state as long as the reason for the emergency room visit is not related to the reason you’re on hospice. Others readings just out right says no once on hospice. I king of understand that once you go on hospice you are saying no more treatment and no more er visits. But…
Expectations for MC activity/engagement
Hi. I'm new to alz.connected and to this world in general. My mom had a fairly sudden onset of Alzheimers (not sure of diagnosis) following a hospitalization in December. For safety and diabetic care, we moved her to AL. (Near her home in Florida). However after a few weeks, she was trying to leave ("elope"), among some…
Finally diagnosed
Mom officially diagnosed last Friday. Have strongly suspected for awhile. Would guess stage 4. I am an only child and live 1,500 miles away. Dad is doing everything atm. Currently visiting and trying to get some things set up. Unfortunately she has started to be abusive, which I know is common (watched her mom die from…
Move to single level home? Or stay in our 2 Story home?
My husband was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease in January 2022. We have legal guardianship of our 8year old and 3 year old grandchildren. My spouse has balance problems and has fallen down the stairs. Luckily minor injuries. There are no bedrooms or full bathrooms downstairs. Safety risks are high with upstairs,…
The National Imperative to Improve Nursing Home Quality: Honoring Our Commitment to Residents, Famil
https://nap.nationalacademies.org/read/26526/chapter/1 Chapter 10 is the recommendations
Update on my mom(3)
My momma is still with us. Eating only baby food, drinking water, milk and fruit juice. Sleeping most of the time. She knows me and my sister, sometimes I'm not sure if she knows who dad is. She seems so depressed and disgusted in general. I got to spend 5 hours with her today without a sitter and I really needed that time…
Mourning my loss, and wandering alarm available
My dear sweet 94 yr Mum died 10 days ago - at home, with all her children holding her hand as she left us. I had put her in home hospice care earlier in March due to her contracting a UTI, then pneumonia. The antibiotics she took for the pneumonia helped her to rebound, but then I think she was just plain tired. She ran…
New Here and Looking for Support
This is my first post, not only to this message board, but any message board. I realize there will be little left of me if I don't seek guidance about how to cope with the watching a LO become lost. My mother isn''t formally diagnosed, or at least I don't think she is--as the neurologist said, there's a high probability…
Mom’s done almost a complete reversal
My mom was diagnosed with Lewy Body Dementia in October. She had a very rapid decline and the neurologist said she was in the moderate to severe phase. She started having scary hallucinations in January and the neuro prescribed Aricept and Depakote. She was still having intermittent hallucinations so they increased her…