Visiting Mom with dementia
Hi, I am new here. my mom was diagnosed with dementia over four years ago and has since had to transition into a memory care facility. I visit her multiple times a week and every time I visit when she sees me she starts crying. This is really hard on me. I tried to distract her. I tried to bring activities, but at this…
Finding a caregiver
Hello, I am new to this discussion platform and I’m reaching out to see if anyone has any advice to my situation. I am a caregiver for my father who has had early onset for 8 years. He is reaching the point where he is unable to be by himself at all and has difficulty with some basic daily tasks. He was declined from home…
Hello, I am caring for my 84 year old mom. She has Alzheimer’s. I live with her. I work outside the home three days a week and have caregivers come in so she has never alone. Lately her agitation has escalated even when I am home with her. She will sit down and get right back up, pace the floors, ask for help or just…
CSF Biomarkers for Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis
So apparently there is something called CSF biomarkers that can be tested to help diagnose Alzheimer’s. You get these through a lumbar puncture, which, as in my LO’s case, is also used for NPH. The neurologist questioned in my LO’s chart why they didn’t test for this. Does anyone know about this test?
Hospice for my mother
I made the decision to call hospice, a nurse came out the next day (Thurs 3/14) and all the papers have been signed. The assigned nurse called last night and she will be here Monday (3/18). A wheelchair was delivered yesterday, just the transport style. This is not going over well, my mother is not accepting this in place…
Should a parent know they've been diagnosed with Alzheimer's?
Hello, My 84 yr old mother was diagnosed with pre-dementia in August 2023 and I'm trying to navigate how to best help her. My greatest challenge is that my 3 sisters have taken advantage of my mother's condition and changed her PoA and trust. Additionally, they have kept me away from my mother and any of her medical…
Visits and a delicate and beautiful lesson
So after a (fantastic) vacation I came back to kind of a mess. While I was gone my mom had Covid, which combined with my absence meant she struggled. I was still so glad I went because I came back refreshed. Our first few visits were rough. Not gonna lie, I dreaded it. Nothing others haven’t described: “I’m ready to go…
Stage 8
MIL has gone hone. No more suffering thank God! Pretty sure I could add some more sub stages to stage 7. I pray your LO never has to go that far. Thank you all for your time and guidance. I'll be back.
Norovirus outbreak at my mom's MC
My mother is 86 and lives in MC. I just got word that there is an outbreak there at her facility and that my mother is involved. I hope it passes soon but concerned how this could affect my elderly and frail mother.
Family meeting
Hello, I’m caring for my mother who was just diagnosed with dementia due to Alzheimer’s. I have a big family and I’m considering having a family support meeting with my mom’s sisters and my siblings. I want her to feel supported and I also want support in getting her to stop driving. I don’t want her to feel bombarded or…
Fear and Anxiety
Fear is real...Anxiety is what your mind imagines. With Alzheimer's the two combine and become one. Meet your loved one where they are; not where they were and not where you'd like them, because they aren't there.....they are where they are and they are scared NeverFearTheDream JoyInAlzheimer's
Needing More Care...sliding down the slope
Joy's journey is taking a definite slide down the slope and she simply needs more help NeverFearTheDream.....
Finding a Neuro psych for mom
I live in Staten Island, NY and it has been a struggle to find a Neuro psych out here. Mom is on a 12month wait list . Until then I watch her forget so much about her life, it's so heartbreaking.
Feeling Attacked by Well-Meaning Friends
My Mom was diagnosed with Alzheimer's almost a year ago now. She lived alone and was really not doing well and she lived 100+ miles away from me. I took some advice and found a really nice MC facility and (thank goodness) put a deposit down. I dreaded the thought of driving my Mom 100 miles to the MC I had reserved for…
Neuropsych assessment
My mom just had her neuro psych assessment. How helpful was this exam for you? What should I expect to learn about my mom?
Sibling predicting death of lo again
Every time my sibling say our lo is going and we need to prepare. I have to bite my tongue because I have told her repeatedly to put our lo on hospice. But she won't because I told her too. So again I am just venting to all the people here who understand. It is what it is, thanks for letting me vent. God bless you all.
Type of dementia
What test can tell me the type of dementia my mother has?
Trying to Capture my Grandma's Memories for Her and the Family
My grandmother has mild dementia that's getting worse and she's slowly losing her memories. I'm trying to use my engineering background to create a sort of Scrapbook/Memorybook for my grandmother and for my family to enjoy. My goal is to design something that can help my grandma capture her memories by uploading photos to…
Therapist for caregiver?
I am new to these discussions, and I’m seeking advice. Although my mom is in a senior living community, I am the primary caregiver. I am looking for a therapist to help me work through all things involving being the caregiver. How do I go about looking for someone who specializes in understanding Alzheimer’s? To say that…
Best brand of adult underwear?
What is the best brand of adult underwear? Especially as far as fit and comfort for LO...
My mom
My mom has LBD...my dad is her main caregiver. Lately she thinks that he is not her husband and where she is living is not her house. (which it is) She keeps asking me if I am going to be taking her back to the other place. I am not sure how to respond to her when she gets this way. Any suggestions?
Planning for the future
My dad has been doing better lately. He is walking more pushing his wheelchair in front of him. Staying awake and watching TV instead of sleeping all the time. His appetite is good. He is more oriented while I'm driving and actually giving me directions on where to go. At the doctor's office, he's speaking up for himself…
After the ER…
Mom is still having tests preformed to rule out any physical issues but the doctor is pretty sure she has dementia. This happened so quickly! We had noticed symptoms but never connected the dots. She has her own apartment but obviously she’s not able to live on her own anymore. My husband and I have room in our house but…
Better Late Than Never
Ok... NOW I completely understand why safety is the #1 concern. I can't make my LO happy. No place will ever be perfect for her or for me. She has a lousy disease that makes reasoning with her impossible, even on her good days. I get it now. (It only took me 6 months)
How to make the move to memory care
Hi - I'm new here. My father, 84, has Alzheimer's but is still living at home with my mother, who is now nearly blind and has health issues of her own. She has been looking after him, and trying to cope with his decline for quite some time. They've been together for over 60 years, and she has always relied on him and feels…
My mom was diagnosed with mild to moderate AD/VD two years ago. In July of 2022 she fell in the parking lot and fractured her pelvis prompting a move to assisted living. Her dementia progressed pretty quickly after her fall and move. She started thinking her stuffed dog was real and that it died. She cried for days over…
Hello can someone please explain to me, if the decision to put a LO on hospice is a major decision and should it be discussed with all family members before treatment?
Mom: "I'm Mary. Who are you" How the heck do you know when to put your Mom who has dementia in assisted living or memory care. I'm struggling here.