Figuring out double rent
Hi there! Has anyone experienced this and how did you handle it? My In-laws currently rent. My Mother in Law is considering downsizing to an independent living apartment at a community that also has assisted and memory care available. My Father in Law has dementia and we suspect in less than a year he'll need memory care.…
Living far away from my dad with dementia
I live in Washington state and my family lives in Pennsylvania. My dad is in memory care and my sister is nearby, about 5 minutes. Our mom passed away in January very suddenly so it's been extremely difficult. I'm just trying to learn how to cope with everything, especially being so far away.
I’m a newbie
Hi everyone, this will probably be a long one so buckle in. I live in Tennessee. My Mom and Stepfather live in Ohio which is where I grew up as her only child. She has a history of being a narcissist with me. Nothing was ever good enough if you get my drift. She has a history of balance issues and has had quite a few face…
Bible Verse to Lift You Up 6/29/23
First, thank all of you who have made comments. I appreciate them. God bless everyone who comes here. Peace always, Ronnie (Veronica Kelly Badowski, VKB) CIRCLE OF LOVE Galatians 5:13 New Living Translation For you have been called to live in freedom, my brothers and sisters. But don’t use your freedom to satisfy your…
Newbie w/mom in memory care in another country
Im a nurse living in usa and my moms in canada now in memory care. While she is being well cared for andis set up this is my 2md trip to visit her and i see a marked difference in her. Shes not thre like she was. I know i must prepare for the inevitable she is 92 after all but my heart is breaking as i lose her over n…
Please visit the General Caregiving board
I started a thread regarding Alzheimer's Disease and caregiving so that members can find pertinent books in one location, rather than scattered around in random threads. Please feel free to post your own recommendations.
My grandpa has dementia and has recently moved to the stage where he is really forgetting names and associations with people. He has told me he has been drinking a lot of alcohol and I am concerned about his care. He got remarried years ago and his wife really doesn’t seem compassionate enough to handle his dementia. I…
Bible Verse to Lift You Up 5/20/23
GOD IS HIGHER. WE CAN TRUST HIM. Isaiah 55:9 New Living Translation 9 For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts. me: Sometimes we kinda understand why some things in our lives have happened, and other times we scratch our heads and say,…
Sandwich generation--spouse caregiver (my parent) and denial
I've been reading many posts and want to thank everyone for your wisdom I've benefited from, even if I haven't posted before. I live about a day's drive from my mom and stepdad; stepdad has Alzheimer's, maybe early Stage 6. I have 2 kids, ages 12 and 8, both with autism, older is mild autism, younger has moderate autism…
Moving mom to a new facilty cross country
Should I move my mom with Alz and primary progressive aphasia out of memory care from SC to be by me (daughter) in CA? She is in late stages.I had to admit her into memory care facilty when my Dad died 4 months ago. He was caring for her at home. I knew the toll of this would kill him. I would have moved her earlier but my…
Bible Verse to Lift You Up 5/14/23
Dear Friends, Again, I thank you for your encouraging messages. If you need a prayer, please also include those as well. Peace Always, Ronnie (Veronica Kelly Badowski) * BE LIKE JESUS * Philippians 2:1-5 New Living Translation Have the Attitude of Christ 2 Is there any encouragement from belonging to Christ? Any comfort…
Caring for a husband in a facility hours away
I have a husband on Hospice in a HCF that is 2-1/2 hours away. He has recently started ignoring me. Turning his head away from me, if I try to hold his hand he will not hold my hand. He acts like he is in severe pain, but the staff say he is great for them. I'm having a hard time with this. I try many things like take him…
Bible Verse to Lift You Up 5/8/23
Dear Friends, I so appreciate your comments. Thank you for each one. Hugs, Veronica (Ronnie) Badowski * Isaiah 30:21 “Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, ‘This is the way; walk in it.’” * VICTORY THOUGHT: God communicates with me; He directs my life. * POWER…
Am I being selfish and callous?
I moved to the US with my wife over 20 years ago, the remainder of my family continue to live in Australia. My mother has been diagnosed with vascular dementia and Alzheimer's. I'm trying to be as supportive as I can to my sister and father who are the primary caregivers. My mother has aggressive reactions to my sister or…
Moving to Fl to be near mom's memory care facility?
My mom has been in a memory care facility in Florida for over 3 years. The dementia continues to take its toll on her mentally but aside from breaking her hip she's in good physical shape. I manage things from NYC and go down for 4 days at least once a month. In addition to the staff she has a private aide during her…
Moving back...
I've been living across the country from my family - including my EO LO. It's been 15 yrs since I lived near them. I just recently made the decision to move closer to all of them, including my EO LO (my sister). While it has been "easier" to manage my emotions from a distance, being closer will help with the little things…
Happy for this support
I am happy to see this 'group' or line of questions. My mom is in mid stage dementia. She lives in the home of her oldest grandson in Indiana. My husband and I were called away to Pittsburgh to assist the family of his father who is now in memory care. I am looking forward to hearing from others who live far away from…
Cutting Efge Care
by jfkochttps://dementiaallianceinternational.org/blog/balancing-risk-and-engagement-the-dutch-approach-to-dementia-design
My parents have dementia
I’m not a caregiver. Both of my parents have dementia. I’m looking for support or help to get through this with my parents. I am an emotional wreck and cry every time I talk to them
How much to tell someone with dementia
Over the last two years, my sister began to get confused and forgetful, and it became progressively worse to the point where she could no longer live by herself. She was resistant to being evaluated medically, and we didn’t press her. She went first to live with her son and daughter-in-law, where her behavior began to get…